What is vitamin C with glucose for? Overdose and first aid methods

A substance such as ascorbic acid has been known for a long time; it is recommended to take it during periods of raging flu and colds, as well as during illnesses. But these days on the shelves of pharmacies you can find absolutely different drugs, including the one with glucose, and today we will talk about the benefits and harms of this remedy.

What are the benefits of ascorbic acid with glucose?

This remedy will not only help increase the body’s resistance to various infections, but also normalize metabolic processes. Vitamin C combined with glucose is easily absorbed, so even children over 5 years old can take this drug.

The benefit of ascorbic acid with glucose also lies in the fact that this substance promotes rapid tissue regeneration. The drug is recommended for people to take not only during illness, but also when situations related to increased loads on the body, both physical and mental. Scientists have proven that the use of ascorbic acid with glucose promotes rapid recovery body, while a lack of vitamin C will lead to chronic fatigue and to the fact that a person can get sick.

The daily dose of ascorbic acid with glucose for an adult is 90 mg, and for sick people and pregnant women it can be increased to 100 mg. For children, the recommended dose is 25-75 mg. It is impossible to exceed the norm, this can lead to an allergic reaction, as well as an upset stomach, since vitamin C affects its walls.

Contraindications to the use of ascorbic acid with glucose

This drug should not be taken by people who are allergic to. As a rule, the use of this remedy causes hives in them, but in some cases it can result in hospitalization due to swelling of the larynx. It should be used with caution by those who suffer from gastritis, stomach or intestinal ulcers, as well as colitis. In this case, the rate of use is determined only by the doctor.

There are no other contraindications to the use of the drug. But it should be understood that if a person has any chronic diseases or in stock inflammatory processes V acute form, even taking vitamins must be coordinated with a doctor, otherwise “incompatibility” may occur medicines, which will only lead to a worsening of the condition.

As you know, ascorbic acid belongs to the category organic compounds and is an essential substance in the human diet. It functions as a restorer of some metabolic processes, and is also an ideal antioxidant. However, not every person knows the full benefits and harms of ascorbic acid.

The main active element in this drug is vitamin C. Ascorbic acid It is a white powder and dissolves almost instantly in water and other liquids. Ascorbic acid cannot cause harm to human health unless consumed in large quantities. The basis of all problems lies in overdose. However, it is worth remembering that ascorbic acid may be contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis, ulcers and other diseases gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute period.

How is ascorbic acid useful?

About the benefits this drug judged by signs of its deficiency in the body. Vitamin C deficiency is expressed by the following symptoms:

  1. Weakened immunity and general malaise.
  2. Paleness of the skin.
  3. Increased wound healing time.
  4. Bleeding gums.
  5. Anxiety, bad dream and leg pain.

As you know, ascorbic acid contains vitamin C, which prevents the listed symptoms from developing.

  1. This drug improves immunity, normalizes cholesterol levels, increases hemoglobin, improves blood composition, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Ascorbic acid also has other beneficial properties: it promotes the production of the required amount of collagen, intended for the restoration of cells, tissues and blood vessels.
  3. Ascorbic acid vitamins strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  4. Prevents the development of bronchitis.
  5. Reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases. Ascorbic acid helps immune system fight dangerous microorganisms.
  6. Protects the body from toxic substances.

Based on all the listed factors It becomes clear whether ascorbic acid is useful or whether we are using it in vain.

Why do you need ascorbic acid in large quantities?

The main cases of taking ascorbic acid in large dosages:

  1. People who received severe poisoning carbon monoxide, as well as others harmful substances. In case of poisoning, vitamin C quickly restores all necessary processes in the body.
  2. This drug is taken in large quantities during the changing seasons, when the body is depleted and lacks all essential vitamins. Along with the medication, you should add fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C to your diet. All this will strengthen your immune system and help you get through the off-season period painlessly.
  3. Pregnancy. During this period, women also experience a lack of ascorbic acid. However, they can only take it as prescribed by a doctor. He usually prescribes pregnant women a third more of the drug than they took before pregnancy.
  4. Smoking. This addiction is equivalent to carbon monoxide poisoning, and therefore requires an increased dosage of vitamin C. The fact is that ascorbic acid quickly restores the acidic environment in the body.

To summarize, we can conclude that ascorbic acid is harmful only in the following cases:

  1. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. In case of overdose.
  3. For people suffering from kidney diseases.
Where to look for ascorbic acid?

Ascorbic acid - benefits and harm for the child’s body

Katsuzo Nishi argued that one of the main causes of tumors is a lack of vitamin C. Without this substance, the processes of regeneration of organs and tissues would be impossible. It was once considered the only cure for scurvy.

But is the benefit of ascorbic acid unique for modern people consuming vegetables and fruits daily? Let's try to figure this out.

Natural sources

The daily requirement for vitamin C is approximately 100 mg per day.

Champions in its content are citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit), green vegetables (peppers, broccoli, cabbage), berries (black currants, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries), melon, watermelon, kiwi, tomatoes and potatoes.

It quickly collapses upon contact with air, metal utensils, high-temperature processing, drying and pickling of fruits. The exception is pickled white cabbage, in which, when the integrity of the leaves is damaged, vitamin C is additionally formed. Freezing usually does not cause its loss if the products are not stored for long.

At risk

Severe vitamin C deficiency can occur:

  • Infants whose mothers took it in large quantities during pregnancy
  • Smokers
  • People suffering from arthritis and arthrosis
  • Patients who have undergone surgery
  • People taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Ascorbic acid is prescribed during pregnancy to women with high risk preeclampsia, which is characterized high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine.

The following diseases increase the need for vitamin C: AIDS, alcoholism, cancer, fever, intestinal diseases, hyperactivity thyroid gland, peptic ulcer stomach, stress, tuberculosis, etc.

Signs of vitamin deficiency

Vitamin deficiency causes considerable harm to our health and appearance.

Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, which is used by the body to repair and rebuild skin, bones, teeth and cartilage.

Signs of its deficiency:

  • dry hair and split ends
  • inflammation and bleeding gums
  • rough, flaky dry skin
  • nosebleeds
  • deterioration in the ability to remember and perceive information
  • muscle weakness
  • joint pain
  • fatigue
  • bleeding gums
  • weakened immune system

Ascorbic acid is vital for children in the winter-spring period for vigorous tone, good memory and a healthy nervous system.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid - water soluble vitamin, which is not capable of being synthesized independently in humans. It is necessary that it be taken with food, and if this amount is not enough, it is recommended to take supplements containing it. medical supplies. Vitamin C influences many processes occurring in the body.

Immunomodeling effect

People with a cold are usually advised to consume as much vitamin C as possible. Ascorbic acid supports human immunity. It stimulates the synthesis of interferon, thanks to which cells can resist the virus that has entered the body. However, even when a person is not sick, he should not forget to take this vitamin, because it is good not only as a medicine, but also as a means of prevention.

Benefits for metabolism

Ascorbic acid takes an important part in metabolism. Thanks to it, serotonin is formed from tryptophan, one of the main neurotransmitters. It is also involved in the synthesis of collagen and corticosteroids, and the formation of cotesolamines. Ascorbic acid regulates cholesterol levels in the body by stimulating its conversion into bile acids.

Hematopoietic function

Ascorbic acid is involved in the formation of hemoglobin. Thanks to it, ferric iron entering the body is oxidized to divalent. It is in this form that it can be used to transport oxygen.

Antioxidant action

Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant. It is able to neutralize the superoxide radical, damaging cells, turning it into hydrogen peroxide, which is harmless to the body, and then safely remove it. Vitamin C also regulates redox reactions.

How to use ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is found in many foods. If you make sure that they are present in your diet, you are unlikely to experience a deficiency of this substance. Vegetables, fruits and berries are rich in ascorbic acid. It is found in cabbage, bell peppers, black currants, parsley, dill, kiwi, rose hips, mint, citrus fruits and apples. It should be remembered that heat treatment destroys the vitamin. Do you want to receive maximum dose ascorbic acid – consume these products raw. Vitamin C is present in small doses in food of animal origin.

Ascorbic acid can also be purchased at the pharmacy. It is released in various forms, found in the form of dragees, ampoules, tablets, powder. It often occurs in combination with glucose, other vitamins, and various micro- and macroelements. Adults are recommended to consume 70-90 mg of ascorbic acid daily.

What are the benefits of ascorbic acid?

Vitamin C, or as you called it ascorbic acid, has positive impact to the central nervous system, endocrine system and iron absorption. Also promotes hematopoiesis. But the most powerful effect of ascorbic acid on the body is antioxidant. The use of ascorbic acid significantly reduces the formation of nitroelements.

Sergey Ovsyannikov

it is rich in vitamin C. The composition usually includes ascorbic acid, sugar, glucose, starch, (sometimes flavorings: mint, lemon, orange, etc.
Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, diabetes, individual intolerance to the components.

Vitamin preparation


Active substance: ascorbic acid, dextrose
ATX code: A11GB
KFG: Vitamin preparation
ICD-10 codes (indications): E54, Z54, Z73.0, Z73.3
Reg. number: LSR-001517/08
Registration date: 03/14/08
Owner reg. cert.: ROZPHARM (Russia)


10 pcs. - contour cellular packaging.
10 pcs. - contour cell packaging (10) - cardboard packs.
10 pcs. - contour cell packaging (3) - cardboard packs.
10 pcs. - contour cell packaging (5) - cardboard packs.
50 pcs. - polymer cans (1) - cardboard packs.
100 pcs. - polymer cans (1) - cardboard packs.

Given scientific information is general and cannot be used to make a decision about the possibility of using a specific drug.


Vitamin product, has a metabolic effect, is involved in the regulation of redox processes, carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, tissue regeneration, in the synthesis steroid hormones; increases the body's resistance to infections, reduces vascular permeability, reduces the need for vitamins B 1, B 2, A, E, folic acid, pantothenic acid.


Hypo- and vitamin deficiency C;

Increased need for ascorbic acid (period of intensive growth, pregnancy, lactation, increased physical activity, period of convalescence).


Inside. Doses are given in terms of ascorbic acid.

For adults With for preventive purposes- 50-100 mg/day, children- 25 mg/day.

For adults With therapeutic purpose - 50-100 3-5 times/day, children- 50-100 mg 2-3 times/day.

During pregnancy and lactation- 300 mg/day for 15 days, then 100 mg/day.


Allergic reactions, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal spasm); inhibition of the function of the insular apparatus of the pancreas (hyperglycemia, glycosuria); when used in high doses- hyperoxaluria and nephrocalcinosis (oxalate).

Change laboratory parameters: thrombocytosis, hyperprothrombinemia, erythropenia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, hypokalemia.



Children's age (up to 3 years).

C caution: diabetes mellitus, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency; for use in large doses - hemochromatosis, sideroblastic anemia, thalassemia, hyperoxaluria, nephrourolithiasis.


When prescribing the drug, you should carefully study the instructions for use.


Due to the stimulating effect of ascorbic acid on the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones, it is necessary to monitor renal function and blood pressure.

At long-term use Large doses may inhibit the function of the pancreatic insular apparatus, so it must be regularly monitored during treatment.

In patients with increased content iron in the body, ascorbic acid should be used in minimal doses.

Prescribing ascorbic acid to patients with rapidly proliferating and intensively metastasizing tumors can aggravate the process.

Ascorbic acid as a reducing agent can distort the results of various laboratory tests(blood glucose, bilirubin, liver transaminase and LDH activity).


Symptoms: when using more than 1 g - headache, increased excitability of the central nervous system, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperacid gastritis, ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa, inhibition of the function of the insular apparatus of the pancreas (hyperglycemia, glucosuria), hyperoxaluria, nephrolithiasis (from calcium oxalate), damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, moderate pollakiuria ( when taking a dose of more than 600 mg/day). Reduced capillary permeability (possible deterioration of tissue trophism, increased blood pressure, hypercoagulation, development of microangiopathies.


Ascorbic acid

Increases the concentration of benzylpenicillin and tetracyclines in the blood; at a dose of 1 g/day increases the bioavailability of ethinyl estradiol (including that included in oral contraceptives).

Improves the absorption of iron preparations in the intestine (converts ferric iron to divalent iron); may increase iron excretion when used concomitantly with deferoxamine.

Reduces the effectiveness of heparin and indirect anticoagulants.

Acetylsalicylic acid, oral contraceptives, fresh juices And alkaline drink reduce absorption and absorption. When used simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid, the urinary excretion of ascorbic acid increases and the excretion of acetylsalicylic acid decreases. Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the absorption of ascorbic acid by approximately 30%.

Increases the risk of developing crystalluria when treated with salicylates and sulfonamides short acting, slows down the excretion of acids by the kidneys, increases the excretion of drugs that have an alkaline reaction (including alkaloids), and reduces the concentration of oral contraceptives in the blood.

Increases the overall clearance of ethanol, which in turn reduces the concentration of ascorbic acid in the body.

Quinoline drugs, calcium chloride, salicylates, corticosteroids, when used for a long time, deplete ascorbic acid reserves.

When used simultaneously, it reduces chronotropic effect isoprenaline.

Long-term use or use in high doses may interfere with the disulfiram-ethanol interaction.

In high doses, it increases the excretion of mexiletine by the kidneys.

Barbiturates and primidone increase the excretion of ascorbic acid in the urine.

Reduces therapeutic effect antipsychotics(neuroleptics) - phenothiazine derivatives, tubular reabsorption of amphetamine and tricyclic antidepressants.


The drug is approved for use as an over-the-counter product.


Store in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

  • Every time colds and infectious diseases take hold of the body and it begins to sound the alarm, all sorts of supporting medications and vitamins are used. To restore the body’s normal functioning, prevent it and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, ascorbic acid with glucose is actively used.

    Many people are captivated by its sweet and sour taste, unusual texture and ease of use. It is not for nothing that many children perceive ascorbic acid as candy and consume it with pleasure. What are the benefits of ascorbic acid with glucose? How is it used? Is her demand and the trust placed in her justified? What secrets do ascorbic acids hide and why do they still not give up their positions? Let's look at the instructions for use, outline their benefits and possible harm, and also talk about the features and precautions for use.

    Ascorbic acid: definition

    A large amount contains vitamin C. Dissolving in the body, it affects all processes of human life. Vitamin C is auxiliary element for the absorption of substances important for life. An overdose is unlikely and occurs extremely rarely.

    The daily requirement of vitamin C for humans is 100 mg. This amount is used for preventive purposes and to maintain a healthy state. At colds It is advisable to double the dose.

    Ascorbic acid with glucose: composition and appearance

    It would seem that glucose is considered a light and harmless vitamin, but its instructions for use have some rules that must be followed. One tablet of ascorbic acid contains 100 mg of ascorbic acid, 877 mg of glucose, as well as other additional components, which, depending on the manufacturer, may differ slightly.

    Often, ascorbic acid with sugar is produced in ordinary cardboard packages, each of which contains two blisters of ascorbic acid and instructions for use. Vitamins white, quite large, have a flattened rounded shape. Another popular form of release is 10 vitamins in a paper wrapper, like candy.

    The effect of vitamin on the body

    Ascorbic acid with sugar improves and normalizes many processes occurring in the body. It promotes regenerative functions, improves metabolic processes, and promotes the breakdown of substances. The vitamin improves immunity, which allows you to quickly fight viruses and infections. Thanks to him, the body’s need for others beneficial acids is significantly reduced.

    Vitamin C is usually well absorbed by the intestines. After consuming it, it takes about half an hour for it to completely penetrate the tissue cells and distribute throughout the body.

    It's no secret that vitamin C is quite often found in the composition of many drugs. Don’t forget about the most famous and beloved drug - ascorbic acid with glucose. Everyone has known about it since childhood, when at the slightest sign of illness such ascorbic acid was used to restore and strengthen the immune system.

    With the help of ascorbic acid, metabolic processes are normalized and liver performance is significantly improved. Ascorbic acid with sugar is an excellent boost of energy for the whole body.

    • if unusual irritability, fatigue and weakness appear;
    • if the immune system is weakened (susceptibility to infections and viruses increases);
    • if the liver is bothering you;
    • after poisoning;
    • during the formation of teeth oral cavity and bleeding gums;
    • if you have suffered from vitamin deficiency;
    • during pregnancy;
    • during the formation and growth of the body;

    To optimize tissue metabolism in the body, use ascorbic acid with glucoseintravenously. This often happens in clinical cases, which are caused by the lack of this and its urgent introduction. This method is used for bleeding (hepatic, uterine and others), in case of infectious diseases, bone fractures, sometimes during pregnancy, etc. The amount of fluid administered is individual, this determines the severity of the disease.

    The benefits and harms of a vitamin preparation

    It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to overdo it with vitamin C, since the human body does not have its reserve. The body is able to digest everything that “enters” along with foods, and remove possible excess through the intestinal, renal channels and sweat glands. In pharmacies vitamin preparation sold without a doctor's prescription, which confirms its safety and reduces the likelihood of any complications.

    ? IN in rare cases Excessive intake of vitamins may result in the following complications:

    • Blood density increases.
    • Excessive consumption of foods with vitamin C can disrupt the processes of the pancreas.
    • If the body is intolerant to the substance, an allergy is possible.
    • Regular overdose can disrupt the functioning of the kidneys (formation of stones, problems with urination).
    • If you frequently take the vitamin with food, you may experience heartburn and a feeling of nausea.

    Ascorbic acid with glucose is present on the shelves of all pharmacies, but its benefits and harms may differ in some cases. Despite the fact that ascorbic acid is considered a completely harmless drug, it should not be used more than 100 mg per day.

    The vitamin must be used, especially carefully observing certain processes occurring in the body. The functioning of the kidneys and pancreas, periodic pressure measurements - this is what you should pay attention to when using the drug. There is no need to joke with the body and oversaturate it, because any vitamins are useful only when they are used in moderation.

    If a person’s iron content in the body is higher than normal, then the use of ascorbic acid must be reduced and the level of glucose in the blood must be periodically determined.

    To save everything beneficial properties ascorbic acid, it must be stored for no more than one year, preferably in a place where there is no moisture, light and access for children.

    Glucose, everyone has heard this word, something sweet and tasty and for good reason. Glucose is a sweetener. It is found in fruits and berries. The most large number contained in grape juice, which is why it received its second name - grape sugar. This compound was discovered by a London doctor in 1802. Besides certain types products, glucose can be produced in the body itself.

    Useful properties of glucose:

    The main property of glucose is to provide the body with energy. She has a certain norm - 185 gr. per day. But the figure may vary depending on individual needs and activities, since when increased fatigue and high mental stress, the dose of glucose should be increased. Intensified sports activities also require an increase in glucose levels, as well as physical work from builders or loaders. When absorbed, glucose breaks down into water. carbon dioxide and, accordingly, energy. It is glucose that restores strength after stress and after serious illnesses that deplete the body. Another positive factor is the removal of toxic substances; glucose neutralizes them. In cooking, glucose is used to make confectionery, such as marmalade, caramel products and gingerbread. Glucose reacts with vitamin A and C, oxygen and is perfectly soluble in water. Honey, dates and raisins boast fast-acting glucose, which is immediately absorbed; to maintain energy and strength for a long time, it is worth consuming cereals that contain slow-acting glucose. Its benefits are invaluable to the body, because the sweet component controls almost all processes in the body. If the body does not receive glucose, it begins to take away the glycogen accumulated in the liver, at first, this is not scary, in the future such an exchange can lead to malfunctions of the liver. Human brain It feeds exclusively on carbohydrates; only glucose can provide it with a sufficient level.

    Contraindications to the use of glucose:

    The harm glucose can cause to people suffering diabetes mellitus. But even they cannot rule it out completely. Glucose consumption should be in optimal quantities; excess can lead to increased weight and blood sugar, just as lack will lead to loss of strength, apathy, and nervousness. And this is an incomplete list of consequences; the most important thing is a weakening of muscle tone. Including the heart muscle, which will lose its functionality. There are no categorical contraindications to the use of glucose. The main thing is to observe the measure and quantity. The only drawback is a strong excess of glucose, which can lead to allergic reactions for previously familiar products. And of course, check your blood sugar levels regularly; your doctor will tell you the norm; if there are any excesses, and the day before you consumed a lot of sweet foods, you should temporarily reduce your glucose dosage.