How to install a gasoline generator in a garage. Which electric generator is suitable for a garage? Select by additional options

You often visit the countryside or live in a private sector where the power supply is often cut off or you have a garage without electricity, then you cannot do without an autonomous source of electricity. This article will discuss the issues of choosing a generator or power plant. Be sure to read it carefully to the end so that you can buy a reliable power plant suitable for use in your specific conditions.

Basic parameters for choosing a power plant

  1. Type of fuel. The most common power plants today run on gasoline. They are produced with a power of up to 12 Kilowatts and are perfect for working in homes with frequent power outages, as well as for small amounts of work in the garage or at a construction site. They are compact and not as heavy as diesel power plants. Generators with diesel engines significantly more expensive than gasoline analogues, but this will result in significant fuel savings. Diesel engines allow you to install more powerful generators up to 20 Kilowatt on portable models. And stationary power plants can work around the clock without stopping. Recently they began to produce power plants running on natural or liquefied gas. But due to the fact that only specialists can connect them and the possibility of high danger in case of leakage, I do not recommend them for periodic use in the house, country house or garage.
  2. Output power. It's not that simple here. It is not enough to add up the total power of all electrical appliances, but it is also necessary to take into account that electric motors have a large power, so it is necessary to multiply the power they consume by a factor:
    • For electric drills, grinders and other power tools with a power of up to 750 watts - coefficient 1.3.
    • For vacuum cleaners or machines with power up to 2.5 kW - 1.4.
    • Water pump - 1.3.
    • Refrigerator or concrete mixer with a capacity of up to 1 kW - 3.2.

    As a rule, For domestic needs at home or in a garage, a generator power of 5 Kilowatt is sufficient. But if the house has an electric stove, then at least 10 Kilowatt. I recommend always using at least a 20 percent power reserve. Keep in mind that many manufacturers are cunning and indicate the maximum power at which the generator can operate for no more than a few seconds. Therefore, when purchasing, pay attention only to the rated power value.

  3. Operating voltage, the generator can produce both a single-phase voltage of 220 Volts and a three-phase voltage of 380 Volts. If your house or dacha has a single-phase input and there are no 380-volt electrical consumers in the garage, then buy only a 220-volt single-phase power plant!
  4. Manufacturer company. Manufacturers of power plants such as the French company SDMO, the American Cummins Engine or TALON / McCulloch, the German Endress, EISEMANN, GEKO, and the Japanese KUBOTA have proven themselves well. Of the domestic brands, the best choice would be Vepr.
  5. Power plant startup type. The cheapest option with manual start using a cord for low-power generators. When starting, you must pull the starter cord handle firmly and quickly.
    If you buy a more expensive model with an electric starter, then you just need to turn the key to start. If you plan to use the generator as an automatic backup source, then buy a model with auto-start, which, in the event of a power failure, will independently start the power plant and then turn it off after the power supply is restored. Consider that models with automatic start must be installed in a heated room or in a heated casing, because the automation operates at ambient temperatures above +5 degrees C°.
  6. Operating time without refueling. Depends on the size of the fuel tank and the consumption of the internal combustion engine. You should know that the minimum consumption will be at idle and it will increase simultaneously with increasing load.
  7. Generator type - synchronous or asynchronous. Read more about this in our.

Select by additional options

It's up to you to decide whether it's worth paying extra for them. The list will be in decreasing order of importance.

  1. Protection from overloads and short circuits in the electrical network.
  2. Time continuous operation.
  3. LCD screen, displaying the main parameters and quantities of work.
  4. Protection from atmospheric influences.
  5. Availability of casings- soundproofing and protective.
  6. Additional mufflers.
  7. Increased or remote fuel tank.
  8. Opportunity remote start.
  9. Additional accessories to switch to liquefied gas.
  10. Cooling system: air or forced liquid.

Separately, it should be noted more expensive new items - inverter power plants.
They provide high voltage stability and lower gasoline consumption due to changes in engine speed. Inverter power plants operate quietly. They are more compact and lighter than other types of generators.

In some cases, it is the only type of autonomous power supply. Electricity is necessary not only for repairing machines, but also for creating an acceptable atmosphere at the site. After all, sometimes car owners spend a significant part of their time in the garage and not always in the warm season. Connecting working tools, household appliances, and lights to equipment is a necessity in creating optimal indoor conditions.

In addition, an autonomous device will protect you from power outages, which can adversely affect the operation of expensive equipment.

The best choice for car owners

Petrol generators for garages of low and medium power will help eliminate vehicle breakdowns at any time of the day.

Popular models

For a garage, a medium-power generator with a small number of functions would be an excellent solution. It will last a long time and effectively, provided that it is used correctly and installed correctly. Example - HUTER DY3000L.

Proper installation of the device is the key to its long-term operation

It is not recommended to install newly purchased equipment yourself, or to resort to the services of so-called “homemade” equipment, which offer inexpensive and quick installation. Official companies whose main specialization is working with electrical equipment will provide truly professional services for installing a power supply.

What should you pay attention to?

When purchasing a gasoline generator for a garage, you should pay attention to the presence of an air cooling function, which is a necessary condition for the normal operation of the device in a closed and small room. For example, the GrOST 2.5GF-3 model is equipped with this function.

Expert advice

The differences between gasoline generators for garages and standard equipment are their portability, high performance, and most importantly, stable and uninterrupted operation in extreme conditions.

You often visit the countryside or live in a private sector where the power supply is often cut off or you have a garage without electricity, then you cannot do without an autonomous source of electricity. This article will discuss the issues of choosing a generator or power plant. Be sure to read it carefully to the end so that you can buy a reliable power plant suitable for use in your specific conditions.

Basic parameters for choosing a power plant

As a rule, For domestic needs at home or in a garage, a generator power of 5 Kilowatt is sufficient. But if the house has an electric stove, then at least 10 Kilowatt. I recommend always using at least a 20 percent power reserve. Keep in mind that many manufacturers are cunning and indicate the maximum power at which the generator can operate for no more than a few seconds. Therefore, when purchasing, pay attention only to the rated power value.
  • Operating voltage. the generator can produce both a single-phase voltage of 220 Volts and a three-phase voltage of 380 Volts. If your house or dacha has a single-phase input and there are no 380-volt electrical consumers in the garage, then buy only a 220-volt single-phase power plant!
  • Manufacturer company. Such manufacturers of power plants as the French company SDMO, the American Cummins Engine or TALON / McCulloch have proven themselves well. German - Endress, EISEMANN, GEKO, Japanese - KUBOTA. Of the domestic brands, the best choice would be Vepr.
  • Power plant startup type. The cheapest option with manual start using a cord for low-power generators. When starting, you must pull the starter cord handle firmly and quickly.
    If you buy a more expensive model with an electric starter, then you just need to turn the key to start. If you plan to use the generator as an automatic backup source, then buy a model with auto-start, which, in the event of a power failure, will independently start the power plant and then turn it off after the power supply is restored. Take into account. that models with automatic start must be installed in a heated room or in a heated casing, because the automation operates at ambient temperatures above +5 degrees C°.
  • Operating time without refueling. Depends on the size of the fuel tank and the consumption of the internal combustion engine. You should know that the minimum consumption will be at idle and it will increase simultaneously with increasing load.
  • Generator type - synchronous or asynchronous. Read more about this in our previous article.
  • Select by additional options

    It's up to you to decide whether it's worth paying extra for them. The list will be in decreasing order of importance.

    1. Protection against overloads and short circuits in the electrical network.
    2. Continuous operation time.
    3. LCD screen. displaying the main parameters and quantities of work.
    4. Weather protection.
    5. The presence of casings - soundproofing and protective.
    6. Additional mufflers.
    7. Enlarged or remote fuel tank.
    8. Opportunity remote start.
    9. Additional accessories to switch to liquefied gas.
    10. Cooling system. air or forced liquid.

    Separately, it should be noted more expensive new items - inverter power plants.
    They provide high voltage stability and lower gasoline consumption due to changes in engine speed. Inverter power plants operate quietly. They are more compact and lighter than other types of generators.

    More information

    When connecting an electric generator, you have to deal with three networks: a common centralized network, a network of energy consumers, and wiring from the generator. Their connection and interaction determines the specific connection scheme. There are three ways to power devices that consume energy from an electric generator.

    Energy consumers are plugged directly into the generator outlet. This scheme is very simple and does not need explanation. It does not require the creation of any additional circuits or connections to the network.

    The generator is connected to a consumer network that is in no way connected to the centralized network (it may be absent altogether). In this case, the wires coming from the generator are permanently connected to the wiring of energy consumers. This connection diagram for a gasoline generator (diesel generator) is called permanent. The main thing that should be taken care of in this case is that the cross-sections of the wiring wires correspond to the rated current of the generator.

    The generator, through manual or automatic switching devices, is connected into a single circuit with a centralized network and consumer wiring. This connection diagram for a gas generator allows, in the event of a power failure in the centralized network, to easily and quickly power all consumers from the generator. It's called backup.

    Unlike the first method, which does not require any preparation (the plug of the powered tool or device is plugged directly, or through an extension cord, into the socket located on the generator control panel), the last two methods require competent preparatory work. The third (backup) connection scheme is the most complex and in demand.

    Connection diagram for a generator as a backup power source

    This circuit has two modes: “power grid” and “generator”. Switching between them is carried out manually or automatically using switching devices. An important feature of the backup circuit is the location of the switch insertion point. It should be located after electricity meter before protection device.

    Circuit with manual mode switching. When the voltage in the central network disappears, by turning the switch key or the switch handle, they break the network of consumers from the central network and connect it to the wires from the generator. The switch must ensure that it is impossible to simultaneously connect electrical consumers to the centralized power grid and the generator (there must be an intermediate neutral position).

    Reversing switches or changeover switches are used as a manual switch. When choosing these devices, you should pay attention to their current ratings. They must correspond to the current consumption (not be lower). Their design and connection diagram may differ significantly, for example, below is a diagram for a three-pole switch (one pole is not used) OT40F3C (far from the cheapest option).

    In addition to the manual switch, you can install an indicator, the function of which is to indicate the presence or absence of voltage in the central network. It is connected between phase and neutral of the central network. These can be special modular 220V indicators, or cheaper (20 times) 220V LED indicators in a closed case and with already soldered wiring.

    The weak point of these indicators is that they are connected before the fuses.

    Circuit with automatic mode switching. The automatic circuit for connecting the electric generator allows, in the event of a power failure in the central network, to turn on the generator automatically without human intervention. This work is performed by an ATS (automatic transfer switch) unit, consisting of a whole set of devices - contactors, voltage control relays, circuit breakers, and indication elements.

    A generator that turns on automatically must have an electric starter. To put the backup source into operation, you need to turn off the centralized network, start and warm up the generator, and connect the wiring from it to the consumer network. When central stress appears, the reverse work is done. All this is performed by the AVR unit.

    There are various automatic reserve entry systems that differ in their functionality. They work as follows, using the example of the Champion ATS unit for the GG7000E gasoline generator. When the power supply from the central network is interrupted, the ATS unit startup program is launched. First, energy consumers are disconnected from the centralized network. After 2-3 seconds, the generator engine starts and its operation is checked. During normal operation of the unit, after 12 seconds. After starting the engine (warming up), the generator is connected to electricity consumers.

    When the supply of electricity from the general network is restored, the system monitors the stability of the supplied electricity. If stability is detected within 10 seconds, the ATS automatically switches consumers to power from the public network. The generator runs without load for another 5 seconds, then the ATS system stops it.

    Load switching procedure

    Before starting the generator, it is necessary to ensure that the total power of connected consumers does not exceed the rated power of the generator. How to connect different types of loads correctly without overloading the generator? A certain order must be followed. Consumers with the highest inrush currents need to be connected first. Then connect the devices in descending order of the last. Finally, energy consumers with a starting current coefficient equal to 1 are connected, for example, electric heaters.

    Connection errors

    There are two main ways that a gasoline or diesel generator can be connected incorrectly. Connecting the generator network directly to the central network (Fig. below) and plugging the wires coming from the generator into the consumer network socket.

    Both are unacceptable. Plugging the generator wires into a consumer network socket, in the case of a heavy load, can cause destruction of the socket and electrical wiring with the risk of fire, since the size of the socket contacts and the cross-section of its wires are not designed for large currents flowing in the generator network. And if you do not turn off the centralized network (for example, by forgetting), then when voltage appears in it, the generator will fail.

    Electric generator installation

    Before connecting the generator, it must be installed correctly. When choosing a location for installing an electric generator, it is necessary to take into account harmful emissions and noise from it. It is advisable to install the unit at a certain distance from residential premises so that exhaust gases do not reach the place of permanent residence of people, and the noise is not so audible. The best option is to place the generator in a separate locked room.

    The installation site of the gas generator or diesel generator must be dry and level. There should be no fire hazards nearby.

    Not every room is suitable for installing an electric generator. There are certain ventilation requirements. So, in a closed room it is necessary to organize supply and exhaust ventilation using a duct system or built-in fans. This will ensure the supply of cold air and the removal of heated air. If the generator is placed, for example, in a basement or pantry, it will overheat, even with an open window. As a result, the electric generator will break down.

    Noise protection

    The noise from the generator travels through the exhaust gases, the housing and the base on which it is installed. To reduce noise, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive measures.

    When installing a diesel generator or gasoline generator, you need to make sure that the base on which the unit is installed is not rigidly connected to the building. It is advisable to install the generator on shock absorbers, the simplest of which can be a regular rubber gasket.

    The noise emanating from the surface of the generator is reduced with the help of noise-proof enclosures. Factory-made casings work most effectively - special containers that use sound- and vibration-insulating materials and use supply and exhaust ventilation to ensure the temperature regime necessary for normal operation of the generator.

    You can make a container yourself, but this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Mainly due to the need to ensure effective ventilation.

    Container for gas generator. Air is forced through the lower air duct closer to the engine.

    The noise coming from the exhaust gases is reduced with the help of mufflers. But manufacturers prohibit the installation of additional mufflers, and any changes to the design will void the warranty on the electric generator. Installing a muffler may result in reduced power and difficulty starting. In addition, this is not the most effective method of combating noise, because sounds arise not only from engine operation, but also from vibration. Therefore, it would be wiser to pay more attention to the place where the electric generator is installed. It is recommended to cover the walls of the room or casing with a special soundproofing material - in one or two layers, depending on how noisy the generator is.


    When installing a gas generator (diesel generator), it must be grounded. The following components can be used as grounding elements:
    • a metal rod with a diameter of at least 15 mm and a length of at least 1.5 m;
    • a metal pipe with a diameter of at least 50 mm and a length of at least 1.5 m;
    • sheet of galvanized iron measuring at least 500x1000 mm.

    Any grounding conductor must be immersed in the ground until the soil layers are constantly wet. Grounding switches must be equipped with clamps or other devices that ensure reliable contact connection of the grounding wire with the grounding switch. The opposite end of the wire is connected to the generator ground terminal.

    Exhaust gas removal

    If the generator is operated indoors or in a container, exhaust gases must be vented to the outside. This is best done using a flexible corrugated stainless steel pipe designed for various needs, including for transporting gaseous media with high temperatures (up to 600°C and above). Since a corrugated stainless steel hose is not so inexpensive, it makes sense to use it in combination with a steel pipe to be more economical. By connecting a hose to the gas generator muffler and a steel pipe, you can create a pipeline to remove exhaust gases to any outdoor area.

    The problem is that extending the exhaust pipe, like an additional muffler, creates additional resistance to the exhaust gases escaping. This significantly affects engine power, durability and fuel consumption. Resistance to the release of exhaust gases from the cylinder causes incomplete combustion of fuel, an increase in the operating temperature of the exhaust gases and the formation of soot. Typically, gas generator manufacturers prohibit lengthening the exhaust pipe and installing an additional muffler. To minimize exhaust outlet resistance, the following principles should be followed:

    • The inner diameter of the pipe must be larger than the diameter of the generator exhaust pipe. The more (within reasonable limits) the better. And the longer the pipe, the larger the diameter should be.
    • The length of the work should be as short as possible.
    • There should be the least amount of bends.
    • The bends should be as smooth as possible.

    Parts of the exhaust system must not be located near wood or other flammable materials. To reduce the temperature in the room, it is necessary to use non-flammable thermal insulation materials. A layer of insulating material wrapped around the piping can significantly reduce the radiation of heat into the room from the exhaust system. Thermal insulation of the exhaust pipe is especially important when the electric generator operates in a wooden container.

    A corrugated stainless steel hose, installed between the exhaust pipe of the electric generator and the rest of the pipeline, reduces the transmission of vibration from the engine to the pipeline and the building, and compensates for the forces resulting from thermal expansion. The design of the flexible section must allow either end to move in any direction without damage. The pipeline must not rest on the exhaust pipe of the electric generator.

    The exhaust discharge system must be equipped with a condensate sump with a condensate drainage device, located in the lowest part of the pipe indoors. Or the corrugated stainless steel hose must have a bend below the level of the generator exhaust pipe to prevent street condensation from getting inside the electric generator.

    The outlet must be located under a canopy to prevent precipitation from entering the system. It is also recommended to provide restrictions for children's access to the outer pipe, since the temperature and composition of the exhaust gases may pose a threat to their health.

    The wall opening through which the pipe passes to the street must be insulated to withstand the heat of the pipe and to absorb vibration.

    Failure to properly remove exhaust gases can cause death. Here are some examples:

    “In a private residential building, 14-year-old girls were found dead from carbon monoxide poisoning. The cause of death was a portable diesel generator. One of the girls, in the absence of her parents, invited two friends and, since the power supply was turned off in the house, she turned on the diesel generator herself. As a result of violation of operating procedures, three children suffocated from carbon monoxide."

    “A family that died in the village of South Koryaki suffocated due to a working diesel generator, the exhaust gases of which entered the house. Long power outages forced the family to use an alternative source of electricity. As already reported, after the cyclone, for about a day, part of the Elizovsky district remained without electricity and people were fleeing the cold whoever can. And only today the whole family, consisting of two sons, one of whom was a minor, a mother, father and their close relative, was discovered by neighbors without signs of life.”

    "According to preliminary data, on the evening of February 12, the men decided to take a steam bath in a wood-burning bathhouse. A 65-year-old Kurchatov resident set it up in the basement of his garage. The bathhouse was lit using a gasoline generator. Steam room lovers started the generator and began to put firewood into the firebox. The door was closed and the exhaust gases from the gasoline generator quickly filled the closed garage space. The 50-year-old Kurchatov man fell ill in the dressing room - he suffocated with carbon monoxide. The owner of the garage, feeling a lack of oxygen, rushed to the garage door to open it, but did not have time to do this. , the man fell on the threshold and also suffocated. The next day, relatives of the Kurchatovites, concerned about their long absence, opened the garage and, finding two corpses there, called the police."

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    Roman Scelnik, March 05, 2014, 10:48

    Not all private garages have electricity. But often it is oh so necessary! Especially in winter. A flashlight is not always a complete solution to a problem. A good way out is an autonomous electric generator.

    This unit is, in fact, a miniature thermal power plant in which an internal combustion engine rotates the rotor of an electric generator.

    Self-contained generators come in different types and designs. These products are presented quite widely on the market, but we will focus on those that are suitable for a private garage.

    One option is an inexpensive gasoline generator with a two-stroke air-cooled engine with a power of up to 2 kW. However, it’s worth mentioning right away that such a generator is suitable for short-term use. It is designed for continuous operation for 2-3 hours. No more.

    The most optimal solution is an electric generator with a four-stroke gasoline engine. Such a unit produces power up to 15 kW and is capable of operating continuously for at least 6 hours, and many models can easily withstand half a day.

    Then you need to pay attention to the number of phases. In garages, as a rule, a single-phase current is needed, but if necessary, a three-phase electric generator can be purchased.

    As for manufacturers, there is a very wide choice: from inexpensive devices of Chinese and domestic production to ultra-reliable generators from Honda or Briggs & Stratton. Here the question of expediency becomes paramount. If you need to tinker with your car from time to time in the garage or have a couple of cups of tea with friends, then an inexpensive unit is quite suitable, but if the garage is a “second home”, then it’s most likely not worth saving here.