Use of field steelweed for medicinal purposes. Harvesting and storage of steel steel

Field steel worker beneficial properties and contraindications tincture roots for hemorrhoids use pharmacognosy
photo pharmacopoeia

Latin name: Ononis arvensis L. (Ononis hircina Jacq., Ononis intermedia C. A. Mey. ex Becker).

Another name: arable steelweed.

Legume family - Leguminosae (Fabaceae).


A perennial herbaceous plant 40–80 cm high with a peculiar unpleasant odor.

Stems straight, less often, ascending, branched, pubescent with simple and glandular hairs, woody at the base, often violet-reddish, with spines (O. arvensis var. spinescens Ledeb.), less often without spines (O. arvensis var. inermis Ledeb.).

Root rod-shaped, branched, up to 100 cm long, woody, whitish at the break, weakly branched, turning at the top into a short, multi-headed rhizome, on which renewal buds are formed.

Leaves alternate, petiolate, lower and middle trifoliate, upper simple; leaflets are oval or oblong-elliptic, 1.5-3 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm wide, with sharp-toothed edges, glandular-pubescent on both sides, sticky, with a peculiar odor; the lateral leaves are almost sessile, the middle one is on a relatively long petiole. The stipules are large, broadly ovate, stalk-embracing, adherent to the winged petiole.

Flowers located 2 in the leaf axils on short pedicels; at the ends of the stems and lateral branches they form rather dense spike-shaped inflorescences. The calyx is about 10 mm long, bell-shaped, shaggy, deeply dissected into 5 linear-lanceolate lobes. Corolla 15 - 20 mm long, moth-type, pinkish-white, pale pink or almost white; the flag is broadly elliptical, narrowed into a short nail, the wings and boat are shorter than the flag. There are 10 stamens, their threads are fused into a tube. Pistil with an upper unilocular ovary, a long, thin, upward-curved style and a small capitate stigma.

Fetus- broadly ovoid, glandular, more or less swollen, two-to-four-seeded bean, about 7 mm long, 5-6 mm wide, shorter than the remaining calyx.

The seeds are spherical or slightly kidney-shaped, finely tuberculate, dark brown or light brown, sometimes with greenish tint. Weight of 1000 seeds is 3.5 - 4 g.

Blooms in June - August; The fruits ripen from August until frost.


Distributed in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Russia, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Western and Eastern Siberia.

Elf field has a disjunctive Western Eurasian range. It is widespread throughout the south of the European part of Russia, including Crimea and the Caucasus, but is absent in the desert regions of the Caspian lowland. It moves north only to the Baltic states, where it reaches the shores of the Gulf of Finland, in the rest northern regions and many areas of central European Russia is absent. Known in some areas of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Altai Territory. In these areas there are isolated locations of steelhead that have no commercial significance.

The northern border of the range starts from the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland and goes south, passing along the floodplain of the Velikaya River and the southwestern part of the Pskov region. The border then deviates to the west, bypassing most regions of Belarus, except for the most northern, western and southern ones. Heading east, the border passes through Gomel, Bryansk, Kaluga, and reaches the river. Oka, goes along its floodplain and then along the Volga, from the mouth of the Oka to the lower reaches of the Kama. In the Urals, the border of the range runs along the river. Belaya up to 60° E. d. and captures southern part southern Urals. From here it turns west and again reaches the Volga basin, deviates to the south and crosses it south of Volgograd, skirting the deserted Caspian regions. Further in the southwest, the border reaches the foothills of the Caucasus and goes around the mountains from the south. Grozny and goes out to the Caspian Sea near the mouth of the river. Sulak.
Separate fragments of the range are found in the south of Western Siberia (the upper reaches of the Ob, west of Biysk) and in northeastern Kazakhstan, where steelhead grows in the Irtysh basin from Semipalatinsk to the upper reaches of this river, including lakes Zaisan and Markakol.

The East-Kazakhstan-Kyrgyz fragment of the area of ​​the field steelweed in the north covers the Dzungarian Alatau ridge, the middle course of the river. Ili, the upper reaches of the Chu River, and in the south it reaches the middle reaches of the river. Naryn and Issyk-Kul lakes.

Isolated locations of steelhead are also found in Mugodzhary, in Northern Kazakhstan on the river. Ishim (in the vicinity of Petropavlovsk), in the northeast of the Kazakh small hills, in the vicinity of Baikonur and in the Aktau mountains (north of Karaganda). IN Central Asia individual locations have been identified in the southern foothills of the Karatau ridge, in the floodplain of the river. Syrdarya (in the vicinity of Leninabad) and in the Pyanj valley from the Darvaz to the Wakhan ridges.

It grows in floodplain and upland meadows, along the banks of reservoirs, among bushes, on forest edges and clearings, on mountain slopes, sometimes along the outskirts of swamps, on fallow lands and roadsides.

Teberdinsky Reserve . Mouth of the river Dzhemagat, in a meadow, 1300 m above sea level. Rarely.


Field steelweed is a light-loving plant. Prefers habitats with sufficient moisture, grows on limestone, chernozem and heavy alluvial soils. It is more common in the steppe and forest-steppe zones, as well as in the mountain-steppe and mountain forest belts. It has high frost resistance and winter hardiness. It is difficult to obtain raw materials under natural conditions, so the plant was introduced into cultivation.

Agricultural technology

Before sowing, the seeds are scarified by rubbing with emery sand and pickled. Sow to a depth of 3-4 cm with a row spacing of 45-60 cm. The plant prefers fertile, moist soils. The site is dug up to a depth of 25-30 cm and 2-3 kg of organic fertilizers are added per 1 m2, as well as mineral fertilizers - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.

Caring for crops consists of loosening the soil 3-4 times, weeding and bouquets of plants in the 6-leaf phase, which is carried out according to the scheme: 25 cm bouquet, 20 cm cut out or 10 cm bouquet, 8 cm cut out, etc. plot in early spring, add 15 g of superphosphate and 5 g potassium salt and ammonium nitrate per 1 m.


Propagated by seeds.


Close to the field steelhead is the spiny steelhead - Ononis spinosa L., which is distinguished by smaller leaves and single flowers that do not form dense spike-shaped inflorescences. The typical subspecies is found only in the Carpathians. Ancient steelweed - O. spinosa L. subsp. antiquorum (L.) Archang. common in Kazakhstan, some areas of Central Asia, less commonly in Transcaucasia and the Kerch Peninsula. Most previous researchers considered the ancient steelweed - Ononis antiquorum L. to be an independent species. Experimental studies indicate the prospects of using preparations from Ononis spinosa var. antiquorum along with Ononis arvensis preparations. However, they have not undergone clinical trials.

Chemical composition

Active ingredients

The roots contain carbohydrates (starch), essential oil, resins, organic acids, triterpenoids, tannins (0.4%), flavonoids, mucus, proteins, mineral salts (about 10%), including potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, silicon; isoflavone glycosides ononine and onone. Alkaloids, phenolic compounds, and flavonoids were found in the aerial parts.

Field steel steel Application

Food use

In Moldova, young steelweed leaves boiled in salt water are eaten.

Medicinal use

Most studied pharmacological activity alcoholic extracts from the roots of field steelhead. Plant has diuretic and laxative properties, and also has some hypotensive and cardiotonic effect. Steelwort preparations reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries, have an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect.

Elven grass reduces peristalsis and increases intestinal tone. Galenic preparations of steelweed are low-toxic.

Collection and processing of medicinal raw materials

Medicinal raw materials roots and rhizomes serve. The roots of steelweed are harvested in the fall, in September-October, by digging up the plants with shovels or picks, shaking them off the ground, cutting off the above-ground parts at the root collar, and washing the roots in cold water. After preliminary drying for 1-2 days on a rack or on a mat, they are dried in attics with good ventilation, under sheds or in dryers, at a temperature of 40 - 45 °, laid out in a thin layer of 20-25 cm. Dry roots are stored in a closed container 2 years. Seeds are collected when 60-80% of the fruits have browned.

To ensure reproduction natural resources Field steelweed small, non-fruit-bearing plants with small roots should not be dug up. In addition, at the harvesting sites, some steelweed plants with seeds should be left to ensure its seeding and renewal.

Application in official and folk medicine

Since the 16th century, steelhead has been included in the pharmacopoeia Russian state and a number European countries as a diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative. Steelwort preparations have been successfully used for many decades in the treatment of patients suffering from hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, and sphincter fissures. They are usually prescribed in the acute stage of the disease. Steelwort preparations are non-toxic.

When taking tincture or infusion of steelweed in patients, intestinal motility decreases, its tone increases, defecation becomes easier, diuresis increases and blood pressure decreases. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties of the plant, pain and swelling of hemorrhoids are reduced, and bleeding stops. Subjective improvement in well-being and positive dynamics clinical indicators observed in patients with hemorrhoids already 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment with steelweed preparations.

A decoction and tincture of the roots normalizes stool. The laxative properties of the plant are used for atonic and spastic constipation in patients who have been on bed rest for a long time, after operations, injuries, especially with an increased tendency to thrombus formation.

In the form of a tincture (1 teaspoon of roots or fruits in half a glass of water) is prescribed orally 3 times a day for hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, post-dysenteric and proctogenic constipation.
Steelwort tincture is recommended for thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and varicose veins. lower limbs. Used for inflammation of hemorrhoids, for trophic ulcers of the legs (1 teaspoon of tincture is dissolved in half a glass of boiled water, napkins are moistened and lotions are applied to the sore spot).

Steelwort root is also used as a diuretic for uric acid diathesis, gout, inflammatory kidney diseases and bladder.

IN folk medicine infusion and decoction of aerial parts are used to treat gout, pyelonephritis, ascites, prescribed as a diuretic and diaphoretic, for headaches, for rheumatism, as a choleretic, for urolithiasis, gastrointestinal dysfunction intestinal tract, as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Insignificant antitumor activity of the extract was revealed.

The aerial parts are used as follows: infusion - for ascites, kidney diseases, bladder diseases, rheumatism, headaches; externally - for eczema. The fruits are used for hemorrhoids, gout, epilepsy.

Stalnik field pharmacopoeia

Recipes for various diseases


Preparation of the decoction. 30 g of crushed roots are boiled in 1 liter of water to obtain 0.5 liters of decoction. Cool and filter. Take 50 ml 3 times a day for 2-4 weeks for hemorrhoids, to normalize stools (relax) and reduce pain.


An infusion of 30 g of roots per glass of boiling water is taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day as a diuretic for dropsy, kidney stones, gout and rheumatism.


No contraindications for use were found.

Field steelweed is a flowering perennial plant of the legume family. The base of the stem is often purple-reddish in color. Its height reaches a meter or more. The steelweed has leaves that are sticky with glandular pubescence, pink flowers and round-ovoid fruits with 2-4 seeds inside.

The smell of the plant is peculiar and unpleasant. It is frost-resistant, light-loving and prefers moist soil - chernozem or limestone. Elven grass blooms in the first two months of summer, and the fruits ripen from July to September.

The plant is medicinal and has numerous healing properties. Thanks to them, steelweed has been successfully used in folk medicine for many years.

Chemical composition of steel

The roots of the plant have medicinal properties. They are filled with many biologically active substances. In particular, field steelweed contains:

  • Glycosides are substances that help the normal functioning of the heart.
  • Flavonoids are plant polyphenols, antioxidants that have antibacterial effect.
  • Tannins that help remove carcinogenic compounds, help cope with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, and accelerate the healing of damage to the mucous membrane and skin.
  • Fatty oil required to the human body to ensure that all minerals and vitamins are fully absorbed.
  • Acids, including citric acid.
  • Essential oil with antibacterial and antiseptic effect. Helps lower AT, reduces headache.
  • Proteins and starch.
  • Macroelements and microelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, boron, copper, iodine and others.

After science became aware chemical composition plants, its healing properties no doubt.

Useful properties of field steelweed

The diverse medicinal qualities of the plant allow it to be used for the treatment of ailments and their prevention. The field omentum is most effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids, constipation that has become chronic, and cracks in the rectum. The process of defecation is greatly facilitated, since the plant tends to have a laxative effect on the intestines. The omentum is used both for chronic illness and for its exacerbation.

Positive dynamics are noted after 14 days of taking field steelhead.


  • Infusions prepared from field steelwort will help normalize blood pressure, organize heart rate.
  • As a hemostatic agent, the plant can be used internally to reduce heavy menstruation, externally – for cuts and injuries.
  • Taking steelweed helps relieve inflammatory processes affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Medicine, prepared from the plant, helps reduce stomach and intestinal pain, promotes faster healing of ulcers and erosions.

Field steelweed is also effective for:

  • diathesis with uric acid;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and bladder;
  • rheumatism, dropsy and gout.

Experts noted positive impact plants for general well-being.

Recipes for using field steelweed in folk medicine

Medicinal plant like remedy, is usually used as a tincture or decoction. It is also added to tea and prepared as compresses.

Decoction for hemorrhoids and constipation

30 g of the plant, previously crushed, is poured into a saucepan. Pour in a liter hot water, which had previously been boiled. Immerse the container in boiling water for half an hour. The lid must be closed.

Cool the broth for 10 minutes, then filter. Squeeze the roots thoroughly. Top up boiled water so that it turns out to be 1 liter. The decoction is taken before each meal, 50 ml. Treatment continues, depending on how complex the disease is, from two weeks to a month. The prepared broth should be stored in the refrigerator. But it can stand no more than two days.

If the broth has not been used during this time, it is poured out and freshly prepared.

Alcohol tincture for the treatment of advanced hemorrhoids

To prepare the tincture, 70% alcohol is used. Its ratio with steel is 1:5. For administration, 30-40 drops are measured, which should be diluted with water. Drink half an hour before meals. It will take at least half a month to get a positive result.

Tincture for colds

You need to prepare a tincture that is more concentrated than the decoction. Measure out 55-60 g of the plant, pour it into a thermos, pour half a liter of boiling water, and screw the lid on tightly. Stalnik is infused for at least 4 hours. The resulting tincture is added to tea one or two teaspoons at a time. The drink is drunk before each meal.

Compresses for neurodermatitis and eczema

A very cool decoction is prepared: 70-80 g of steelhead is boiled for at least half an hour in a water bath. Then the product is allowed to cool. Soak a piece of light in it cotton fabric(or gauze), apply to the sore spot. Compresses have a calming effect and significantly relieve pain.

Field steelweed powder for rheumatism, headaches and other pains

The powder is best prepared using a coffee grinder. Two grams of powdered steelweed are dissolved in warm water (0.5 l) and drunk in 2-3 doses. Long-term use The remedy improves the condition and reduces pain.

For the treatment of urolithiasis

You will need 5 grams. steelweed, 10 gr. shepherd's purse (herb) and anise fruits, 20 grams of regular parsley from the garden. You also need to prepare 15 grams. dandelion root, juniper fruits and the same amount of bearberry leaves.

10 grams of the mixture are poured with boiling water (a glass) and kept in a water bath for half an hour. The resulting broth is allowed to cool slightly. Then it is filtered.

Drink the decoction one-third of a glass (or 1/2 glass) three times a day. The drink should be warm.

Steelweed is useful on its own and in combination with other medicinal plants.

Contraindications for the use of steelweed

Tinctures and decoctions made from steelhead are low-toxic. However, if you take them constantly and long time, they can have a laxative effect: it will begin to bother loose stool. An allergic reaction is also possible.

Therefore, before you start using steelhead drugs, you need to consult a doctor.

How to prepare field steelhead

For medicinal purposes, steelwort roots are collected in September-October. After they have been removed from the soil, it is necessary to:

  1. Rinse in cold water.
  2. Dry for two days in the open air.
  3. Lay out to dry in a room with high temperature and excellent ventilation.

To prepare decoctions of tinctures and teas, the roots should be crushed.

Before starting treatment with field steelhead, you must carefully read the recipe and not overdo it with the dosage. To get best result, you should consult your doctor.

Syn.: arable steelweed, plow support root.

Perennial herbaceous medicinal plant, which has many healing properties. In folk medicine, steelhead roots are successfully used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, analgesic and homeostatic agent.

Ask the experts a question

Flower formula

The formula of the wild steelhead flower is: Ch(5)L1,2,2T(10)P1.

In medicine

Decoctions and tinctures of steelhead roots are approved for use in medicine. For medicinal purposes, tincture is used and water decoction roots of field steelweed. They are used for hemorrhoids as a hemostatic, analgesic and laxative. In addition, decoction and infusion of steelhead have an effective diuretic, disinfectant and diaphoretic effect. Therefore, they are often recommended to normalize metabolism in the body and enhance the functioning of the glands. internal secretion, dissolving stones and eliminating inflammatory diseases in the kidneys and urinary tract. Steelwort root is also used for gout, skin diseases, uterine bleeding of various etiologies, especially during menopause. It has been experimentally established that the roots of the field steelhead increase blood pressure and increase the amplitude of heart contractions, and also have a hemostatic effect. Due to its beneficial properties, field steelweed is included in preparations used to treat many diseases: rheumatism, chronic constipation, circulatory failure, glomerulonephritis, hemorrhoids, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, urolithiasis, dermatitis, eczema, etc.

In other areas

Yellow and green paint is obtained from the leaves and stems of field steelweed. The plant is a honey plant. It has good decorative qualities and is sometimes used in ornamental gardening.


Field steelweed, also called arable steelweed (Latin Ononis arvensis) is a species of the genus Steelweed (Latin Ononis), belonging to one of the most numerous (18,000 species, 650 genera) widespread throughout the globe among angiosperms (flowering) plants of the legume family. , or Moths (lat. Fabaceae, or Papilonaceae, Leguminosae). There are about 70-75 species in the genus, distributed mainly in Mediterranean areas, a few of them are found in northern and southern Europe. Popular name field steelweed - the root of the plow support.

Botanical description

A perennial herbaceous plant 30-50 (80) cm high. It has a well-defined long, woody, weakly branched main root, turning at the top into a short multi-headed rhizome of dark brown or black color on the surface, and whitish at the break. The stems are several, straight, rarely erect, branched, pubescent, often with spines and woody at the base. Often the stems are purple-reddish in color with short lateral branches, often ending in spines (var. spinescens Ledeb). Leaves with large stem-enveloping stipules adherent to the petiole are alternate, trifoliate (lower and middle) and simple (upper). The trifoliate leaflets are oblong-elliptical (1.5-3 cm long), with sharp-toothed edges, glandular-pubescent on both sides, slightly sticky. Flowers on short stalks, two at a time, located in the axils of the leaves, form dense spike-shaped inflorescences at the ends of the stems and branches. The perianth is double, five-membered. The corolla is bright pink or pinkish-white (15-22 mm long). The upper large petal is a flag, or a sail larger than the side ones (2 pieces), called wings, or oars, covering two lower petals fused at the tops - a boat. The calyx (10 mm in length) is campanulate, shaggy, deeply dissected into 5 linear-lanceolate lobes. There are 10 stamens, their filaments are fused into a tube, forming a monofraternal androecium. Pistil with an upper unilocular ovary, a long thin style and a small capitate stigma. Flower formula of the field steelhead - H (5) L 1,2,2 T (10) P 1 . Flowering period June-August. The fruit is a bean (about 7 mm in length), round-elliptical or ovoid in shape, glandular-pubescent. The seeds are spherical or slightly kidney-shaped, dark brown or slightly brown in color, and usually ripen in July-September.


It grows in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the European part of Russia. In most cases, in low- and mid-mountain regions of the North Caucasus and Crimea. Very rare in the south of Western Siberia, Altai, and Southern Urals. Quite common in Eastern Georgia and Azerbaijan. The plant is light-loving and prefers moist chernozem or limestone soils. It grows either singly or in thickets in meadows, among bushes, and sometimes along river banks. Due to the labor intensity of harvesting the root as a medicinal raw material in natural conditions, field steelweed was introduced into cultivation as a valuable medicinal plant, the roots of which are rich in many biologically active substances.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Dried roots are used as medicinal raw materials. wild plants, and cultural forms of steelhead (Radix Ononidis). Steelwort roots are usually harvested in the fall (September-October). Dig up the whole plant, clear the soil and cut off the above-ground parts, and wash the roots in cold water. Within 1-2 days, the washed roots are dried and dried in air dryers for 6-7 days or in fire dryers - at a temperature not exceeding 40-60 0 C. The raw materials are dried whole or cut lengthwise pieces of roots up to 40 cm long and 0.5-2.5 cm wide. The roots are very hard, woody, have a cylindrical, sometimes angular or slightly flattened shape; the surface is longitudinally grooved, the cork peels off in places, the fracture is fibrous. The color of the root is light brown, yellowish-white at the fracture. The smell is peculiar, the taste is sweetish-bitter, slightly astringent.

Chemical composition

Many biologically active substances were found in the roots of the field steelhead, in particular glycosides (ononide and ononin, astralgin), saponins (onoceral), flavonoids, tannins and resins, essential and fatty oils, organic acids, as well as proteins, starch, mucus and other 10% mineral salts. In addition, the roots of the field steelhead contain about 0.3% of dibasic tetracyclic triterpene alcohol - onocerin, as well as macro- and microelements (boron, iodine, lead, chromium, strontium, molybdenum, iron, zinc, nickel, magnesium, copper, selenium , calcium, manganese, vanadium, potassium, aluminum).

In other plants of this genus valuable c medical point flavonoid - makovin, belonging to the group of pterocarpans, which has fungicidal properties. A Central European species close to the field steelhead - spiny steelhead(lat. Ononis spinosa L.) also contains large quantities many biologically active substances: glucoside ononin, formononetin, onospin, ononetin, onocerin, as well as citric acid, saponins, tannins, essential and fatty oils.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacological action The presence of the flavonoid ononin in the roots of the field steelhead is mainly due to the presence of the flavonoid ononin. Steelwort root preparations cause a short-term decrease blood pressure, increase diuresis, reduce capillary fragility and help reduce bleeding time, without affecting blood clotting. In addition, steelwort roots have hemostatic, diuretic, choleretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and homeostatic effects.

Use in folk medicine

Historical background

Field plant is an ancient folk remedy; its healing properties have been known since the time of Dioscorides. Back in 1893 (H. Hager) in his medical treatises noted its diuretic and blood purifying effects. In the old days, steelwort was prescribed for headaches, difficulty urinating and for healing from many other diseases. In 1974 in Moscow clinical hospital named after Botkin (A.D. Turova), a test of the roots of field steelhead was carried out. According to the results of the research, patients with hemorrhoids stopped bleeding, decreased pain, bowel movements normalized - chronic constipation stopped, and their health became good. In 1954, field steelweed was approved for use in medicine by the pharmacological committee of the USSR Ministry of Health.


1. Atlas of medicinal plants of the USSR / Ch. ed. N.V. Tsitsin. - M.: Medgiz, 1962. 702 p.

2. Golovkin B. N. et al. // Biologically active substances plant origin(Responsible editor: V.F. Semikhov). Science. 2001. P. 398. 764 p.

3. Medicinal plants. Reference manual (edited by N.I. Grinkevich). M. "Higher School" 1991. 396 p.

4. Medicinal plants in obstetrics and gynecology. (Mikhailenko E.T. et al.). Kyiv. 1984. 128 p.

5. Muravyova E. A. Genus Stalnik - Ononis L. // Flora of the USSR T.30 (Chief editor. Academician V.L. Komarov). M.-L.: Publishing House of the USSR 1945. T. XI. pp. 94-102.

6. Encyclopedic Dictionary (Stalnik). In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional volumes). St. Petersburg, 1890 - 1907.

The medicinal properties of field steelweed have been known in Russia since the 16th century. From that time until today the plant is used in folk medicine, relieving people from various diseases. Field steelweed, which is also known as arable steelweed, can be prepared yourself, but to do this you need to know what it is.

Botanical description

Field steelweed is a perennial plant of the Legume family, which has a peculiar smell. The stem of the grass is straight, its height sometimes reaches 80 centimeters. The flowers form spike-shaped inflorescences, they are white or pink. The fruits reach 6 millimeters in length and have spherical seeds. The plant blooms from June to August, the fruits ripen in July or September.

Arable steelweed is found in Russia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Selects sunny places, limestone and chernozem soils.

Useful properties

The medicinal properties allow the plant to be used for many centuries. It contains a lot of tannins, citric acid, glycosides, essential oils, resins, starch and other useful components. Elven grass reduces blood pressure, speeds up the blood clotting process, and increases the amplitude of heart contractions. Preparations based on this herb have a hypotensive effect and help reduce capillary permeability. The plant relieves many ailments. For medicinal purposes, steelberry root is used, which is harvested in the autumn.

The plant has a diuretic, diaphoretic, and disinfectant effect. It normalizes material metabolism, enhances the functioning of the endocrine glands, and dissolves kidney stones.

Treatment of diseases

The healing properties of steelweed are used in folk medicine, helping to get rid of many diseases, including:

  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • constipation;
  • gout;
  • dropsy;
  • cystitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • migraines;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • eczema, dermatitis, etc.

Recipes for preparing medicines

Arable steelweed is used for the preparation of various medicines. The following recipes are used for this:

  • The rhizomes of the plant (1 tablespoon) are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and kept on low heat for 10 minutes. After this, the broth is filtered and taken three times a day, half a glass.
  • Steelwort tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. For preparation, the rhizomes of the plant are taken and infused in 70% alcohol. For one part of raw materials 5 parts are used alcohol solution. The product is taken 50 drops three times a day. The course of treatment is three weeks. The tincture helps with cystitis, gout and other diseases.
  • The rhizomes of the plant are ground into powder and taken 0.4 grams 3 times a day.

For treatment, the healing properties of steelweed are used in herbal preparations. The following recipes are known:

  • To get rid of prostatitis, it is recommended to prepare a decoction using steel grass, lemon balm, dill seed, horsetail, buckthorn bark, juniper in the ratio 3:1:1:1:1:3, respectively. The resulting collection is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and kept on fire for 1.5 hours. Then cool and take 100 g orally three times a day.
  • For inflammatory processes in the bladder, mix white willow bark (20 g), steelhead rhizome (10 g), hernia herb (10 g). The resulting mixture in the amount of 1 tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat for 20 minutes. Then the product is infused and filtered. The decoction is taken for pyelonephritis, a third of a glass three times a day.
  • A decoction made from flaxseed (40 g), steelhead rhizome (30 g), and birch leaves (30 g) will help with jade. The herbal mixture (1 tablespoon) is poured into a glass of water at room temperature, and then boiled for 5 minutes over low heat. When the decoction is ready. It is filtered, cooled and taken a third of a glass three times a day.


If you use steel for a long time, it has a laxative effect, so sometimes side effects manifested by diarrhea. In some cases there are allergic reactions if the body is sensitive to the components of the plant. In general, the herb has virtually no contraindications.

Field steelweed has healing properties, due to which it is used in folk medicine. There are many recipes for medicines that include this plant. But before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor to ensure safe use.

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Field steelweed: beneficial properties and contraindications

Field steelweed is a flowering perennial plant of the legume family. The base of the stem is often purple-reddish in color. Its height reaches a meter or more. Steelweed has sticky leaves with glandular pubescence, pink flowers and rounded-ovoid fruits with 2-4 seeds inside.

The smell of the plant is peculiar and unpleasant. It is frost-resistant, light-loving and prefers moist soil - chernozem or limestone. Elven grass blooms in the first two months of summer, and the fruits ripen from July to September.

The plant is medicinal and has numerous healing properties. Thanks to them, steelweed has been successfully used in folk medicine for many years.

Chemical composition of steel

The roots of the plant have medicinal properties. They are filled with many biologically active substances. In particular, field steelweed contains:

  • Glycosides are substances that help the normal functioning of the heart.
  • Flavonoids are plant polyphenols, antioxidants with antibacterial effects.
  • Tannins that help remove carcinogenic compounds, help cope with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, and accelerate the healing of damage to the mucous membrane and skin.
  • Fatty oil necessary for the human body to ensure that all minerals and vitamins are fully absorbed.
  • Acids, including citric acid.
  • Essential oil with antibacterial and antiseptic effects. Helps lower blood pressure and reduce headaches.
  • Proteins and starch.
  • Macroelements and microelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, boron, copper, iodine and others.

After the chemical composition of the plant became known to science, its healing properties are beyond doubt.

Useful properties of field steelweed

The diverse medicinal qualities of the plant allow it to be used for the treatment of ailments and their prevention. The field omentum is most effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids, constipation that has become chronic, and cracks in the rectum. The process of defecation is greatly facilitated, since the plant tends to have a laxative effect on the intestines. The omentum is used both for chronic illness and for its exacerbation.

Positive dynamics are noted after 14 days of taking field steelhead.


  • Infusions prepared from field steelwort will help normalize blood pressure and regulate heart rhythm.
  • As a hemostatic agent, the plant can be used internally to reduce heavy menstruation, and externally for cuts and injuries.
  • Taking steelweed helps relieve inflammatory processes affecting the gastrointestinal tract. A medicine prepared from the plant helps reduce stomach and intestinal pain and promotes faster healing of ulcers and erosions.

Field steelweed is also effective for:

  • diathesis with uric acid;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and bladder;
  • rheumatism, dropsy and gout.

Experts have noted the positive effect of the plant on overall well-being.

Recipes for using field steelweed in folk medicine

The medicinal plant, as a remedy, is usually used as a tincture or decoction. It is also added to tea and prepared as compresses.

Decoction for hemorrhoids and constipation

30 g of the plant, previously crushed, is poured into a saucepan. Pour in a liter of hot water, which was previously boiled. Immerse the container in boiling water for half an hour. The lid must be closed.

Cool the broth for 10 minutes, then filter. Squeeze the roots thoroughly. Add boiled water to make 1 liter. The decoction is taken before each meal, 50 ml. Treatment continues, depending on how complex the disease is, from two weeks to a month. The prepared broth should be stored in the refrigerator. But it can stand no more than two days.

If the broth has not been used during this time, it is poured out and freshly prepared.

Alcohol tincture for the treatment of advanced hemorrhoids

To prepare the tincture, 70% alcohol is used. Its ratio with steel is 1:5. For administration, 30-40 drops are measured, which should be diluted with water. Drink half an hour before meals. It will take at least half a month to get a positive result.

You need to prepare a tincture that is more concentrated than the decoction. Measure out 55-60 g of the plant, pour it into a thermos, pour half a liter of boiling water, and screw the lid on tightly. Stalnik is infused for at least 4 hours. The resulting tincture is added to tea one or two teaspoons at a time. The drink is drunk before each meal.

A very cool decoction is prepared: 70-80 g of steelhead is boiled for at least half an hour in a water bath. Then the product is allowed to cool. Dip a piece of light cotton cloth (or gauze) in it and apply it to the sore spot. Compresses have a calming effect and significantly relieve pain.

The powder is best prepared using a coffee grinder. Two grams of powdered steelweed are dissolved in warm water (0.5 l) and drunk in 2-3 doses. Long-term use of the drug improves the condition and reduces pain.

You will need 5 grams. steelweed, 10 gr. shepherd's purse (herb) and anise fruits, 20 grams of regular parsley from the garden. You also need to prepare 15 grams. dandelion root, juniper fruits and the same amount of bearberry leaves.

10 grams of the mixture are poured with boiling water (a glass) and kept in a water bath for half an hour. The resulting broth is allowed to cool slightly. Then it is filtered.

Drink the decoction one-third of a glass (or 1/2 glass) three times a day. The drink should be warm.

Steelweed is useful on its own and in combination with other medicinal plants.

Contraindications for the use of steelweed

Tinctures and decoctions made from steelhead are low-toxic. However, if you take them constantly and for a long time, they can have a laxative effect: loose stools will begin to bother you. An allergic reaction is also possible.

Therefore, before you start using steelhead drugs, you need to consult a doctor.

How to prepare field steelhead

For medicinal purposes, steelwort roots are collected in September-October. After they have been removed from the soil, it is necessary to:

  1. Rinse in cold water.
  2. Dry for two days in the open air.
  3. Place to dry in a room with high temperature and excellent ventilation.

To prepare decoctions of tinctures and teas, the roots should be crushed.

Before starting treatment with field steelhead, you must carefully read the recipe and not overdo it with the dosage. To get the best results, you should consult your doctor.

How does tincture of field steelhead help with hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can cause a lot of suffering to a person, and only those who have encountered this disease know how difficult it is to get rid of it. However, sometimes people don’t even realize that many medicines have already been created by nature itself, and, for example, a tincture of steelhead for hemorrhoids will help get rid of the disease. Let's consider what effect it has on the body and how to use this remedy correctly.

Field steelweed tincture for hemorrhoids - beneficial properties

To make it clearer what effect a tincture of steelhead can have, it is necessary to become more familiar with the characteristics of the plant itself.

People used to call this plant “plow holder”, because even a plow could not cope with its strong root. Since ancient times, our ancestors have used steelweed to relieve pain, as a diuretic and cholagogue, for the treatment of headaches, epilepsy, kidney and skin diseases, as well as for getting rid of prostatitis.

After the chemical composition of the plant was determined, it turned out that it contains many useful elements. These are tannins, resins, organic acids, flavonoids and essential oils, minerals and trace elements, as well as triterpene substances and tetracycline alcohol. This rich composition explains the properties of the plant, which allow it to be used to treat many diseases, in particular hemorrhoids.

  • Essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect, can significantly accelerate the healing process of cracks and wounds, reduce bleeding of hemorrhoids, and strengthen the immune system.
  • The tannins contained in steelweed have an astringent and hemostatic effect, can relieve inflammatory processes, and relieve pain. Moreover, the astringent effect is observed not only when used externally of products that contain steelhead, but also when used internally.
  • Tetracycline alcohol has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and their spread to other areas of the anus.

Steelwort also has a mild laxative effect, softens feces, which ensures their painless removal from the body. When taking products containing steelhead, there is a decrease in blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels in hemorrhoids, the walls of the blood vessels become more elastic and the capillaries less fragile. The diuretic properties of the plant will help remove toxins from the body, which will improve the gastrointestinal tract and the general condition of the patient.


Like many other medicinal herbs, steelweed has some contraindications for use:

  1. regular use of drugs with omentum has a persistent laxative effect, so consultation with a doctor is advisable;
  2. individual intolerance.


It should be noted that the best medicinal properties possess the rhizomes of the plant. Treatment of hemorrhoids with tincture of field steelhead is carried out using decoctions and compresses of tinctures, the use of which helps to stop hemorrhoidal bleeding. Tincture of field steelhead removes painful sensations, normalizes stool, reduces internal hemorrhoids.

The type of remedy is selected depending on what issue needs to be resolved first. For example, if the patient is most concerned about pain or swelling, then compresses are best suited. In order to relieve the inflammatory process, normalize stool, and stop bleeding, it is necessary to take tinctures and decoctions.

  1. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 30 grams of crushed steelweed root into a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink no more than 100 grams two or three times a day. The broth spoils very quickly, so it should only be stored in a cold place, no more than two days.
  2. To obtain a decoction for compresses, boil 60 grams of crushed plant root in 500 ml of water for 30 minutes, strain and cool. Moisten gauze pads or cotton pads with the resulting decoction and apply to the affected area for a few minutes. It should be noted that compresses are not recommended in the acute stage of the disease, accompanied by bleeding.
  3. The tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to grind the root of the steelhead and pour medical alcohol or high-quality vodka, take 5 parts of alcohol per part of the plant root, the vessel must be tightly closed. After the product has been infused in a warm, dark place for several days, it must be strained. Take one to two teaspoons of field steelweed tincture for hemorrhoids before meals, or dilute 30-50 drops in a glass of warm water and drink.

Field steelweed tincture has clear advantages:

  • it can be stored for a long time, unlike decoction;
  • it can be used both in the stage of exacerbation of the disease and in the stage of remission;
  • It can be purchased ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself.

It should be remembered that treatment of hemorrhoids with the help of medicinal plants does not provide a 100% guarantee of healing, so consultation with a doctor is required.

Reviews about the application

Review #1

I never thought that I would have to treat hemorrhoids. I am a driver, and drivers have this disease as an occupational disease. I plucked up courage and consulted with my wife. At first I made lotions from chamomile decoction, made candles from potatoes, and now I switched to tincture of steelhead, I like it better.

Nikolay, 34 years old - Novosibirsk

Review #2

Hemorrhoids appeared after childbirth. Over time, all the symptoms went away, but they appeared consistently a couple of times a year. At first I put pharmaceutical candles, but lately sometimes I take a decoction of steelhead, less often - tincture of field steelhead for hemorrhoids, for last year there were no more exacerbations.

Alina, 28 years old - Moscow

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Field steelweed: application and photo

The perennial grass field steelgrass has many alternative names - glinnik, volchug, bull grass, arable steelgrass, or prickly. This plant with delicate flowers reminiscent of the open wings of a butterfly belongs to a subfamily called the Mothaceae. As a representative of legumes, steelweed is related to beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and peanuts, but unlike them, its benefits are not nutritional value fruits, but in the healing power of the roots.

Getting to know the plant

Field steelweed reaches 50–80 cm in height, less often more than a meter. One plant consists of several straight branched stems, colored brown or red-violet below. The root - the main wealth of the species - is a rod with a small number of branches, going to a depth of 2 meters. The plant has oblong, alternately arranged leaves, in the axils of which there may be thorns. Its stem and foliage are covered with small fibers. The flowering period begins in June and can last until August. At this time, the field steelhead, a photo of which can be seen below, is crowned with a spike-shaped flower with numerous pink, occasionally white, inflorescences. By September, a fruit is formed - a small oval bean containing from two to four seeds. The plant has a specific, not very pleasant smell.

Where can I meet

Wild steelhead lives in southern Europe, Central Asia and North America. It can also be found in the Caucasus, the Southern Urals and Altai. Steel grass loves nutrient-rich soils (chernozem) with average moisture content, but it also grows on clayey podzolic soils. The plant prefers open spaces because it is very light-loving. Most often found in steppes and forest-steppes, in light forests, meadows, on the shores of water bodies, and also along roads. Field steelhead usually grows singly among other plants or in small groups.

Composition and healing properties

The roots of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. They contain tannins, resins, essential and fixed oils, mineral salts (potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, silicon, iodine, zinc, selenium and others) and organic acids, in particular citric acid. They contain biologically active substances - onocerin, saponins and isoflavone glycosides.

Stalnik has a versatile effect on the body: diuretic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and slight hypotensive. However, the most pronounced effect is laxative. The substances contained in the plant irritate the intestinal receptors, which increases peristalsis.


Steelwort roots are used in the form of a tincture or decoction. The most effective tincture of field steelhead is for hemorrhoids. Thanks to the action of the plant, defecation is facilitated, tissue swelling is reduced, bleeding is stopped, inflammation is relieved and pain goes away. This is confirmed by the results of a study conducted in the mid-70s of the 20th century in Moscow at the hospital named after. Botkin. If you take the drug during an exacerbation of the disease, then after 2-3 weeks you can notice a significant improvement. In addition, due to its laxative effect, the plant is successfully used to treat constipation and anal fissures.

The roots of the field steelhead also have a beneficial effect on health in cases of kidney pathologies and urinary system. Preparations made from them act as a mild diuretic, reduce inflammation and even promote the dissolution of stones.

Due to the fact that the plant is able to reduce capillary fragility, it is used in the treatment of diseases of the veins of the lower extremities - thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. In addition, steelweed is good for gout, rheumatism, skin diseases and for treating joint pain.

Recipe and use of tincture

Steelwort tincture has a very pronounced effect, since alcohol draws out the maximum of biologically active substances from the raw material. You can rarely find the finished product on sale, but dried raw materials are present on pharmacy shelves. This means that preparing a healing remedy yourself will not be difficult.

So, the recipe for making the tincture: field steelhead (roots) - 20 g, 70% alcohol - 100 g. The raw materials are crushed, poured with alcohol and infused. Take 45 drops three times a day before meals. Treatment should last from half a month to three weeks.

This tincture is definitely contraindicated only for children, pregnant and lactating women due to its alcohol content. In other cases - with individual intolerance. It should be taken into account that when long-term use the drug may cause diarrhea.

Preparing the decoction

Another way to consume field steelhead is to prepare a decoction from it. The crushed root is poured with boiling water at the rate of 30 grams of raw material per 1 liter of water, kept for 30–40 minutes in a water bath, then cooled, filtered and diluted with water to a liter. The finished broth can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. It should be taken before meals, 50 grams several times a day for no more than four weeks.

Steel can also be used externally. Cold lotions with decoction healing root contribute to the reduction of swelling of the nodes in hemorrhoids and the treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower leg. And for eczema and other skin diseases, baths with the addition of this remedy are indicated.

Use in collections

In addition to solo use, I found steelhead field application and in various herbal infusions. For pyelonephritis, use a decoction of its dried root, birch leaves and flaxseed. For more effective treatment For urolithiasis, anise, parsley, shepherd's purse, juniper, dandelion and bearberry should be added to the steelberry. When treating hemorrhoids, as part of complex therapy, baths are used with the addition of a decoction of rhizomes of steelweed and wheatgrass, linden flowers, alder fruits, hop cones, as well as leaves of oregano, podbel and sage. For prostatitis, rhizomes of the great serpentine, yellow water lily and wheatgrass, as well as herbs - verbena, fragrant rue and cinquefoil - are added to the steelweed.

When making these and other preparations, you need to take one part of each plant, chop it up and place it in a storage container. To prepare the decoction, the raw materials are poured with water in a ratio of 1 teaspoon per glass of liquid, simmered in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, and then infused for an hour. Another way to use it is to pour boiling water over the dry collection and let it brew for at least a couple of hours.

Growing and harvesting

Wild steelhead is unsuitable for use as a medicinal raw material, since it is found infrequently and grows scatteredly, mixed with other herbs. Therefore, it is grown for the purpose of harvesting. You can do this on your own site. In addition, steelhead has good decorative qualities, and its pink spikelets will delight the eye all summer.

It is better to choose an open, well-lit place for planting steelweed, ideally one where vegetables were previously cultivated. Since the plant loves nutritious soil, during autumn digging the area should be fertilized with manure or humus. Steelweed is sown in the spring, after loosening the soil. The planting material must be prepared in advance - scarification is carried out, that is, the surface skin of the seed is damaged, which becomes compacted during storage and reduces germination. This can be done using sandpaper, rubbing each seed with it. It is advisable to place the beds at a distance of 45–50 cm from each other, and sow plants at the rate of 4–6 units per 1 meter.

From the moment the field steelhead has flowered until frost, you can start harvesting the roots. They are dug up, the soil is removed, and they are washed. cold water, dried and cut into pieces approximately 10 cm long. To dry naturally, the roots are hung or placed on a horizontal surface in a layer no thicker than 7 cm and periodically turned over. In this case, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation in the room, and if drying is carried out on open space- build a protective canopy. You can also use dryers, keeping the steelberry roots there for a week at a temperature of 40–60 degrees. Ready raw materials for storage should be placed in cloth bags.

When prepared and consumed correctly healing power Steelwort roots can bring many health benefits. However, it is worth remembering that any medicinal plant can cause an allergic reaction. You should start using steelhead with caution, and if you have serious illnesses, consult a doctor.

Red currant beneficial properties and contraindications

Eyebright herb medicinal properties

Field or arable steelweed is a herbaceous plant of the Legume family. Its roots are harvested for medicinal purposes; industrially, they are used to prepare alcohol tincture, and at home - a water decoction. For hemorrhoids, these remedies help get rid of, improve the outflow of venous blood, eliminate inflammation and swelling of the nodes.

Many biologically active substances have been found in the rhizomes of the plant:

  • isoflavone glycosides – astralgin, ononin, ononide;
  • onoceral saponin;
  • tetracyclic triterpene alcohol onocerine;
  • tannins and resins;
  • essential oils;
  • fatty oil;
  • citric and other acids;
  • mucus;
  • proteins;
  • starch;
  • micro- and macroelements – make up up to 10% of the mass, including aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, sodium, nickel, lead, selenium, sulfur, strontium, phosphorus, chlorine , chrome, zinc.

Stalnik has the following actions:

  • increases the tone of the intestinal walls, relieves sphincter spasms;
  • acts as a laxative, eliminates constipation within the first week of regular use;
  • increases diuresis (urine volume), exhibits diaphoretic and choleretic activity;
  • accelerates blood clotting, stops bleeding;
  • has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, especially capillaries, reduces their permeability;
  • reduces the filling of the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus with blood and improves its outflow;
  • has a cardiotonic effect, stimulates the activity of the heart muscle;
  • is antihypertensive drug– reduces blood pressure.

Important! In addition to hemorrhoids, preparations of field steelweed are used for varicose veins and trophic ulcers against its background, lesions of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, gout, radiculitis), urolithiasis and inflammatory kidney diseases.


Crushed steelberry root or a tincture based on it can be purchased at a pharmacy. However, it is enough to simply collect the plant yourself and prepare it for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Harvesting is carried out in the fall - in September-October. The roots are dug up, separated from the aboveground part, washed thoroughly in cold water and dried for 1-2 days. fresh air. Then the raw materials are dried in dryers at a temperature of 40-45 degrees or hung in well-ventilated areas.

For exacerbations of hemorrhoids and the occurrence of anal fissures, the plant is used in the form of the following preparations:

Alcohol tincture

To prepare the product at home, you need to grind the roots of the steelhead so that the particle size does not exceed 3-5 millimeters (it is best to use the product in powder form). Place 1 part of the raw material in a glass container and pour 5 parts of 70% alcohol or vodka. Cover with a lid and put in a cool, dark place for 10-12 days. The product should be shaken or stirred every day.

When the infusion period comes to an end, the medicine must be carefully poured into another container, without getting any plant particles - for filtration, you can use gauze or a bandage folded in several layers. Take the tincture orally, 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, dissolving in ¼ of a glass of water.

Attention! The product improves the functioning of the digestive system, normalizes stool and eliminates constipation, has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, including the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus, and stops inflamed nodes.

Water decoction

Place 30 grams of crushed roots in a saucepan, add 1 liter of water and place in a water bath. Keep on low heat for about 1-1.5 hours until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. After straining, drink 50 milliliters (a quarter glass) 3-4 times a day before meals. Duration of therapy is 2-4 weeks.


Mix 1 teaspoon of steel grass roots and flowers, 2 tablespoons of sweet clover herb and knotweed, 3 tablespoons of herb. Raw materials must be crushed into pieces no larger than 5 millimeters.

Pour 1 tablespoon of mixture into 300 milliliters cold water, let it brew for 1 hour, and then bring to a boil and simmer over low heat, covered, for 15 minutes. Allow the broth to cool for 1 hour, then filter through a cloth and add boiled water to a volume of 300 milliliters. Take 100 milliliters orally 3 times a day, before meals, in small sips. Treatment is carried out for 1.5 months.

Applications and tampons

They help relieve swelling of hemorrhoids, reduce their size and stop bleeding, speed up the healing of wounds in the anus, including anal fissures.

It is prepared using a decoction of the plant, in which a cotton napkin is soaked and applied to the inflamed areas for 20 minutes, 2-3 times a day. At internal form pathology, the decoction is applied to a tampon and injected into the rectum for 10-15 minutes 1-2 times a day.


Used instead of lotions for external hemorrhoids. Pour 0.5-1 liter of warm (not hot) broth into a basin or large bowl and immerse the problem areas in it. Accept sitz bath 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a day.

Attention! To speed up therapeutic effect You can add 1 glass of decoctions or infusions of other herbs to the product - kidney stone, St. John's wort. Good effect give small quantity aloe or kalanchoe juice, a few drops essential oil tea tree, 1-2 tablets.


Preparations of field steelweed are not used externally for hypersensitivity to their composition. Intolerance is manifested by redness and irritation of the treated surfaces, rash, itching or burning, swelling.

There are more contraindications for oral use:

  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • childhood;
  • driving a vehicle or working with potentially unsafe mechanisms – to take the tincture (due to the alcohol it contains);
  • violation of recommended doses - treatment must begin with minimum quantity medications and do not exceed the dosage, otherwise the drugs may cause a decrease in blood pressure, allergic reactions, and diarrhea.

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