Facial asymmetry: a fine line between normality and pathology. Strong facial asymmetry

Facial asymmetry is a very pressing problem. Many people are interested in the question - is this a disease or cosmetic defect? Let's try to take a closer look at this issue and understand it.

Reasons why facial asymmetry occurs

Look in the mirror and suddenly you discover that the right and left side The faces seem to be similar to each other, but on the other hand they are not. Either one eyebrow does not correspond to the other, or the eyes are somehow different: one is larger, the other is smaller. What are the causes of facial asymmetry?

  • The root cause is the mystery of birth. This is accompanied by incorrect construction of the skull bones.
  • The joint responsible for connecting the lower jaw and temple develops with disruption.
  • Muscle and connective tissue interact weakly with each other.
  • The lower jaw develops slowly.

Past injuries, illnesses, insufficient oral and dental care are already acquired problems. There are quite a lot of them.

  • One of them can lead to torticollis if the child lies on one side for a long time.
  • Vision problems that are accompanied by strabismus.
  • Infections and inflammations that cause pinching or damage to the facial nerve.
  • The bones of the face did not heal properly after a fracture of the bridge of the nose.
  • Lack of teeth or malocclusion, as well as the bad habit of squinting one eye, are not all the reasons for facial asymmetry.

Often severe facial asymmetry occurs after a stroke. Muscle paralysis occurs.


There are two types of facial asymmetry. The first of them is natural. At the same time, the difference between the right and left sides of the face, say, is almost invisible. And this is natural. If you look closely at your mirror image, you can find a slight difference in the location of, say, eyebrows or eyes.

The left half of the face contains feminine, soft features, while the right half contains sharper and more masculine features. The difference in proportion, as experts say, should be no more than two to three millimeters.
In the second, pathological form, the asymmetry of the round face is clearly visible. Due to the weakening of facial muscles, the cheek sags, the corner of the mouth and eyelid droop.

Since some muscles have lost the ability to move, the affected part looks like a mask:

  1. The size of the eye increases.
  2. Facial expressions are poor.
  3. Possible speech impairment.
  4. There are even painful sensations.

If problems appear with the neck muscles, the head tilts to the side.
Asymmetry can be either left-sided or right-sided. If it is not so noticeable, then it does not need additional treatment and medical intervention.

A meeting with a neurologist, dentist, ophthalmologist, or neurosurgeon is needed to resolve the issue: how to correct facial asymmetry. To continue serious treatment, doctors suggest undergoing an X-ray of the skull, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and possibly a neurological examination.

To improve muscle tone, people suffering from facial asymmetry are encouraged to do stimulating gymnastics. In such cases, massage helps a lot. A good hairstyle and makeup will help a woman hide it. And men can be decorated with a beard and mustache.

Correction of facial asymmetry

If flaws in the form of asymmetry suddenly appear in your face, this is not yet a reason to radically change your appearance. You can just use cosmetics and place the accents correctly. In this case, you need to use foundation and correctors. They can be oily or dry. In addition, she uses highlighter in her work. It is needed to visually hide wrinkles or highlight the necessary part.

The asymmetry of the eyes will not be so noticeable if they are not outlined with bright eyeliner. It is better to have tones close in color on hand, to make a soft transition from one color to another. Pencils with a contrasting color will also come in handy. On inner side eyes that we want to visually enlarge, it would be good to apply a lighter tone. On the eyelid of the second eye we apply an almost invisible line of dark color.

If the eyes, in your opinion, are still asymmetrical, then you need to place emphasis on the eyelashes and eyebrows. Eyebrows need to be given the perfect shape and arch. Eyelashes can be enlarged with Latisse. A brown pencil can always highlight light eyebrows. And if you pluck an eyebrow that is higher than the other and draw on the eyebrow line with a pencil, your face will take on a completely different expression.

You need to have foundation creams on hand to be able to visually change the shape of your nose. Golden rule: a dark tone is applied to those places that need to be hidden or visually reduced. A lighter tone is used to highlight certain parts of the nose. To make the nose look good, you need to draw a line along the nose in a tone that is darker than natural. And leave a light light highlight on the wings of the nose and its tip.

A contour pencil helps give the lips the desired shape. And then the lips visually lose their asymmetry. You can correct your cheekbones with regular blush. To do this, you need two half-tone blushes that are close in color. They are applied along the cheekbone line, and their heights are different.

Gymnastics for facial asymmetry

All people's faces are asymmetrical, it's no secret. With the help of exercises, you can partially smooth out facial asymmetry. Asymmetry is visible along the lines of the eyebrows, the level of the cheekbones and nostrils, as well as the position of the corners of the mouth. These signs show which side is higher and which is lower.
This is especially well captured in document photographs.

This is where you can see all the advantages and disadvantages of the face. One side is higher and the other is lower. If a person is right-handed, then, as a rule, the left side of the face will be higher. And if you are left-handed, then the right side of the face will be higher.

With the help of exercises, you can partially smooth out facial asymmetry. In order to remove wrinkles from the forehead, you need to close your hands in a “lock” and press them to your forehead, while covering your eyebrows with your hands. In this position, it is necessary to raise and lower the muscles of the forehead and eyebrows. Raise the lowered eyebrow upward, while holding the eyebrow that is located higher with your hand.

To align the cheekbones, you need to open your mouth as if pronouncing the sound “O” to such an extent that you feel the tension in the muscles. The cheekbone, which is higher, is held with the hand, and the muscle of the second cheekbone is tensed. You can also strain your cheekbone muscles alternately.

The asymmetry of the face is very visible at the corners of the lips, so it is necessary to pump up the mouth muscle in the corner that is located below. The weaker corner of the mouth must be raised. To increase the load on this muscle, you need to press down the same corner of the mouth with your fingers and continue the exercise. This exercise can then be performed alternately for both muscles of the mouth.

Open your eyes wide, tense your eyelids, and hold in this state for three seconds. Each exercise is performed 30 times. Constant training will get rid of it. Lead healthy image life, take care of yourself, love yourself and no facial asymmetry will be scary.

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Have you ever been surprised by how the same pair of shoes fits differently on your right and left feet? Asymmetry of the sides of the body is normal phenomenon for humans, due to genetics and the predominance of the right side human body above the left. However, this phenomenon is typical only for the body; facial asymmetry in people can result from the following problems:

Nervous disorders, etc.

There are many reasons for the changes, some of which can be eliminated.

Asymmetry of the human face - the difference between normality and pathology

With normal facial asymmetry, the difference between the left and right halves is practically not noticeable. As a rule, the left half of the face is distinguished by the smoothed, soft features of a woman. And the right half is male. Its lines are sharper, it is wider.

There are several symptoms that are characteristic of pathological disorders of facial symmetry.

Facial nerve disease:

On the side of the face that is affected by the disease, numbness and sagging skin are noticed. The corner of the mouth on this side is directed downward;
The diseased part of the face, deprived of mobility, becomes like a lifeless mask;
Mimic folds are smoothed out;
The eyes on the affected side become larger;
The sore side of the face bears the stamp of suffering and discontent;
Facial expressions are disrupted: it is difficult for a person to open and close an eye, smile, frown or laugh;
If measures are not taken, the following difficulties may follow: problems with speech and eating;
In most cases, the above symptoms occur against a background of pain and discomfort.

Damage to the facial nerve can spread to the neck. This is expressed by severe pain, curvature of the neck and unnatural tilt of the head.

Manifestation of facial asymmetry: congenital and acquired

How to eliminate it depends on what provoking factor causes facial asymmetry. Congenital asymmetry of a child's face may be a consequence genetic predisposition or developmental disorders of the fetus in the womb. The causes of congenital asymmetry include the following:

Disorders associated with the formation of bone tissue;
Pathologies of the formation of the joint that attaches the lower jaw to the upper jaw;
Disturbances in the processes of formation of cartilage and joint tissues;
Disruptions in the formation and growth of the lower jaw.

Acquired asymmetry can manifest itself in both children and adults. The reasons for this may be the following factors:

It is contraindicated to always place children in a crib on one side of the body. This can lead to a curvature of the neck and disruption of the symmetry of the facial bones;
Strabismus contributes to the development of asymmetry;
Furunculosis on the face causes pinched nerves, which, in turn, can contribute to the development of asymmetry;
On the one side oral cavity missing teeth, which leads to curvature of the bite and misalignment of the lower jaw;
Serious fractures that resulted in formation calluses and improperly fused bones;
Peculiarities . For example, constantly squinting one eye leads to the fact that over time this eye becomes narrower.

Treatment of facial asymmetry

To diagnose facial asymmetry, it is enough to examine the patient. At the same time, the doctor should have a patient’s card with medical histories in his hands. There are special tools that allow you to accurately measure the proportions of a person’s face.

In order to accurately determine the extent of the disease and its possible consequences, you must undergo the following examination:

Examination and recommendations of doctors: neurologist, ophthalmologist, dentist, neurosurgeon;
Diagnosis of the disease using neurological equipment;
X-ray of the skull;
If necessary, you will be prescribed an MRI.

Treatment for facial asymmetry resulting from serious pathology may vary. From regular massage to physiotherapy treatments and facial frames. However, it is worth remembering that self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

In order to correct minor changes in facial proportions, you can apply regular makeup. Women can easily do this with the help of cosmetics and hairstyles, and men can be advised to grow a beard or mustache.

In this case, help should be the last resort.

What psychology says about asymmetry

Are you interested in knowing whether your face is asymmetrical or not? It's very easy to check. Sit so that the light falls evenly on your face. Take a photo and look at the image. Draw a vertical stripe exactly down the center. Now, in a graphic editor, mirror each of the resulting halves. The people you see in the portraits will be very similar to you, but they are different, unfamiliar people.

Facial asymmetry, which psychologists immediately see, tells them a lot:

How much ;
His mental abilities;
Sensuality and harmony with the inner world;
To what extent does logical thinking prevail over the world of emotions, etc.

The left hemisphere of the brain, responsible for logical thinking, is reflected in the facial features of a person on the right side. A, responsible for sensuality and emotions right hemisphere- on the left.

Relatively recently, psychology professor Anuashvili developed a method for diagnosing and determining a psychological portrait using a projection division of a person’s face into the right and left halves. His method is that a computer independently describes a photo from a photograph within a few minutes. psychological portrait person, and gives recommendations for its adjustment. The luminary of world science believes that each of us should have these portraits hanging on our mirrors. We need to look at our own facial features every day to save ourselves from many unnecessary problems.

29 March 2014, 17:09

“There are faces like lush portals, where everywhere the great appears in the small...”, Zabolotsky talked about the beauty of human faces. Today they speak about faces more simply: symmetrical – beautiful, asymmetrical – “unlucky”.

The myth about the beauty of symmetrical faces has been repeatedly overthrown from the throne of misconceptions, which does not prevent many from continuing to experience the torments of hell when looking at their “imperfect” face in the mirror. Why facial asymmetry is normal, when the norm becomes a pathology, and what needs to be done in this case, we will look in detail.

Asymmetry in faces: “two-faced Januses”

Although the human body has mirror symmetry, there are no people with perfectly symmetrical halves.

The vast majority of people suffer from facial asymmetry, and this imperfection is primarily due to differences in the development and functioning of the brain hemispheres.

At the intersection of science, psychology and physiognomy, the following explanation arose for the visual difference between the two halves of the face:

  • the left side of the face reflects the state of the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for intuition, creativity and imagination;
  • the right side of the face is imprinted with the work of the left hemisphere, under whose tutelage are logic and analytics.

Take a closer look, which half of your face is “cuter”? Soft and smooth lines usually characterize the left side. She is called a “feminine” or “spiritual” person. The right half is “masculine”, “vital”.

Characterized by sharpness and rudeness (masculinity) of features. That is why the fair sex prefers to pose for photographers and artists with their left side, while the stronger half proudly poses with their right profile.

Hairstyles to help hide asymmetry

Facial asymmetry is normal. It can be said with good reason that persons with absolute symmetry of the right and left halves do not exist in nature.

The Venus de Milo herself (the standard of female beauty, by the way) had an asymmetrical face with a nose shifted to the right and different locations of the ears and eye sockets. However, fans of the cult of symmetry argue that Venus would be much prettier if her face were symmetrical.

Too "individual" face

Sometimes facial asymmetry goes beyond slight disproportion of features.

A significant “discrepancy” between the halves can be due to a number of reasons, including:

  • congenital factors - intrauterine anomalies in the development of the bone, muscle and nervous systems;
  • acquired external and internal factors - facial injuries, inflammation of the nerves, malocclusion or missing teeth, paralysis of the facial muscles as a result of a stroke, bad habits(sleeping on one side, chewing gum), age.

It is quite easy to distinguish physiological asymmetry from pathological one. Normal asymmetry is not obvious, and the difference is noted only when closely comparing the halves.

In pathology, differences in symmetry are pronounced: the difference in the size of parts of the face exceeds 3 mm or 5 degrees and is visible even at a quick glance.

In addition to external disproportion, a pathologically asymmetrical face may be characterized by weakness of facial muscles and distorted articulation.

With pronounced facial asymmetry, a person, as a creature tirelessly striving for harmony, wonders what to do about it. There are two ways to solve the problem:

  • hide facial asymmetry makeup and hairstyles;
  • undergo conservative or surgical treatment.

Optical illusions: how to hide facial asymmetry

If the individuality of the face goes beyond harmony, but does not reach a medical problem, you can correct facial features with makeup.

To correct asymmetry, the same products are used as when sculpting the face - a set of dry and cream corrective products in dark, natural and light shades.

Correctors are applied according to the following algorithm:

  • parts that need to be hidden or reduced are darkened;
  • areas that require volume and enlargement are highlighted;
  • the boundaries between zones are carefully shaded with a brush.

Contrast correction effectively hides the asymmetry of the nose, cheekbones, and facial contours. They also resort to the play of light and shadows with asymmetry of the eyes, lining the eyelid of the smaller eye with a light pencil, and the larger one with a dark one.

A contour pencil with tweezers will help with disproportionate eyebrow placement. You can redraw not only your eyebrows, but also the contour of your lips.

Correction of facial asymmetry It is appropriate to complement makeup with hairstyle and accessories. Long oblique bangs and careless styling are a must-have for all women with pronounced asymmetry of features.

Men grow mustaches and beards, increasing their brutality and sexuality scores. Both of them are shown glasses that will attract the eye, distracting from disproportionate features.

In the absence of vision problems, lenses without diopters (“zero”) can be adjusted into the frame, with the help of which today they not only correct facial imperfections, but also create a business image, demonstrate personal style, emphasize creativity, and attract attention, after all...

Is it possible to correct asymmetry not visually, but actually? What does modern medicine offer?


Medicine to protect health and symmetry

The decision about conservative or surgical treatment asymmetry is decided by a council of doctors represented by a neurologist, dentist, ophthalmologist and neurosurgeon. People don’t go to specialists of this profile with funny problems.

The ticket to entry is pronounced and aggravated asymmetry of the profiles, confirmed by the results of a dental and neurological examination, X-ray, and MRI of the face.

The approach to treating asymmetry is individual, based on eliminating the cause or correcting the consequences. In the complex conservative methods corrections can be prescribed: myostimulation, EMG, physiotherapy, massage, facial gymnastics.

They are used for neuritis of the facial nerves and low tone of the facial muscles. If asymmetry has become the cause of “disfigurement” of the face, “heavy artillery” is used - fillers, resources orthodontic practice, maxillofacial and plastic surgery.

Should we ignore a problem that is outside the norm? Muscle overstrain can lead to problems with hearing and vision, not to mention basic pain.

Do not forget about the influence of external factors on inner life person – in particular, about the influence of appearance on the psyche.

Facial asymmetry often becomes the culprit of neuroses, pathological isolation and chronic depression.

If you cannot look at your own imperfections with optimism and self-irony, the possibilities of conservative and radical therapy are at your service. Plastic surgery– the last resort, but its possibilities are truly limitless. Enjoy it for your health.

History of life: from asymmetry to symmetry


I found this information when I was planning to write a post about how to hide minor appearance flaws using asymmetry. I myself have always been more interested not in how asymmetry works, but in why it works. Trying to find the answer to this question on the Internet, I found a very interesting method of human psychodiagnostics based on the analysis of facial asymmetry, and a recent publication on Fashiony about a funny experiment by one artist became the impetus for writing it.
If we consider the bilateral symmetry of a person, then we all know that one foot, as a rule, is slightly larger than the other, the fingers of one hand are slightly thicker than the other, the right hand is better developed than the left, etc.
There are no absolutely symmetrical faces either.
This is due to the uneven development of the brain hemispheres or the functions performed by a person. The uneven development of the hemispheres is determined not only by the asymmetry in appearance itself, but also by its perception by other people.
The uneven development of the brain hemispheres and how this affects perception can be easily seen if you simply reflect the photo.
For example:

If we look closely, of course, we will see asymmetry in the face. But if you simply reflect the photo, the asymmetry will be perceived differently and become more noticeable.

Facial asymmetry can tell us how much difference there is between our actions, emotions and lifestyle, and can also indicate the degree to which inner harmony person.
For research, they take a portrait photograph of a face and, using a program, divide it into two parts - right and left. Next, the program completes each half to form a whole face and as a result, two images appear. One is based on the left half of the face, the other on the right. These simple manipulations can be done yourself in Photoshop or paint.
The right hemisphere is responsible for intuitive processes - for the spiritual component of human life. Therefore, a portrait created from the right half of the face is called “spiritual”. It depicts a person as he imagines himself. This portrait is used to judge a person’s inner world and the degree of his spiritual harmony. It is here that the hidden feelings of a person are best seen.

Logical processes related to external life occur in the left hemisphere. Therefore, a portrait from the left half of the face is called “life”. It is interesting because it shows how others see a person on their subconscious level.

I chose the photo of the star for the post according to 2 criteria: the absence of plastic surgery and quite noticeable asymmetry. I am not a specialist and did not predict the result. But the life portrait of Christina Asmus really reflected my subjective perception of this person as a meek, sweet girl. But the spiritual portrait surprised me; I personally saw in it the absolute opposite of the life portrait - a “cold” confident girl. Of course, I can’t judge this because I don’t know her well enough to draw such conclusions, but experiments with my own photos were also full of discoveries)))
For comparison, I did the same with a photograph of Ravshana Kurkova. She also has quite a noticeable asymmetry in her appearance, but despite this, her spiritual and life portraits are very similar in the atmosphere of her appearance.

If the portraits are similar, this means that the person is in a fairly harmonious state. If they differ significantly, it means that one part of the personality is in conflict with another.

This method is interesting because after psychoanalysis, independent psychocorrection begins (even if you carried out this analysis yourself, looking at your own secondary portraits). This property of psychological self-correction occurs on the basis of biofeedback. When a person looks at his two secondary portraits, he begins to realize his subconscious feelings (dissatisfaction, fears, joys). This contributes to the harmonization of personality, stabilization mental processes, the alignment of logical and intuitive abilities comes with a feeling of internal security. According to scientists who conducted research, as a result of such biofeedback, over time, the emotions in the two portraits become positive and level out. At the same time, changes in the symmetry of the face are noted, it becomes more symmetrical. And, according to scientists, a process of rejuvenation is taking place. A person returns to his life program, to himself.



Actually, the fact that the human “shell” is not so perfect from the point of view of geometry (one leg is longer than the other, the right half of the face does not coincide with the left, the eyes different sizes, ears of different “slope”, etc.
), anthropologists have known for a long time. But it was Evgeniy Chernosvitov who first spoke about the fact that facial asymmetry is synonymous with life. According to his deep conviction, a person is born with an asymmetrical face - left and right side completely different. And the greater the difference between them, the more perfect a person is mentally and spiritually, the more pronounced his creative abilities. Over the years, asymmetry, like shagreen skin, decreases and by the time of death it simply disappears.
It's very easy to check. You need to take photographic portraits of the same person different years and a square mirror. The mirror is placed perpendicular to first one half of the face, then to the other - in early photographs they will look at you completely different people. On later ones there are obvious relatives. On the deathbed - twin brothers... Using a simple method, you can even calculate how many years the stock of asymmetry will last for each of us. There is, however, a more cunning, but also more accurate method - mathematical. That very “formula of death”, which determines the date of transition to another world down to the day. Friends from the physics department helped to “verify geometry with algebra” and developed on its basis computer program: you substitute individual data into the formula, press “Enter”, and after a couple of minutes you are given the treasured year, month and day.
Death masks also show absolute symmetry - all the walls in Chernosvitov’s apartment are hung with them. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, psychiatrist and absolute materialist is sure that masks provide an opportunity to look beyond the threshold of death - they expose the essence of a person, speak about the movements of the soul in the last moments of life... And they speak almost out loud.
In a curtained room, lit only by a candle flame, there is a table covered with a dark tablecloth. On the table is a white plaster cast. The candle slowly moves around the “last face”, its fire, oscillating at the slightest movement, makes the shadows come to life - the impassive mask acquires facial expressions, frowns and smiles, is sad and seems to be trying to say something... The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, but similar procedures Chernosvitov, seasoned in dissections, subjects each purchased mask. He claims that if this is done according to a strictly defined method, the facial expressions of a dead face can tell a lot. Thus, Yesenin’s mask said that the poet cried before his death - most likely he was forced to commit suicide. This is probably indicated by the dent on the forehead, clearly visible on the mask. By the way, Chernosvitov dealt with Yesenin very seriously; he even went to the site of Duncan’s death to conduct an investigative experiment. I rented a Bugatti car for a while, waited for the necessary wind from the mountains, tied a Chinese silk scarf around the neck of my own wife (the brightest man - he did not risk the lives of strangers!), sat her in the car and... And after two dozen takes I came to the conclusion, that the story of the scarf stuck in the wheel is just a beautiful cover for an ugly murder.
Evgeniy Chernosvitov cannot yet explain the “talkativeness” of death masks.
“Perhaps,” he suggests, “in the interval between clinical and biological death of a person, when the muscles are still contracting, spiritual and mental life continues. Perhaps it is in this brief moment that a person sums up his life. And without regret he tears off the masks that, by virtue of various reasons he had to wear it until the very end.


Eye asymmetry: diagnosis and symptoms

Diagnostics consists of two parts: visual and hardware inspection.

First of all, the specialist visually examines the patient, determines the advanced state of the pathology, and interviews the patient about how and when the disease was acquired. Next is an examination for the presence of damage, injuries, or curvature of the jaw.

Then the deviations are measured using special devices. As mentioned earlier, every person has a predisposition to asymmetry. Based on this, the doctor takes the most permissible deviation limits as the norm and compares them with the patient’s data. A difference of more than 3 mm and 5 degrees is considered a serious deviation.

During diagnosis, you may need the help of an ophthalmologist. A very common type of deviation is eye asymmetry. It is expressed by obvious strabismus or disproportionate placement of the eyes. For example, one is higher, the other is lower. If the cause lies in neurological disease, then the presence of a neurologist is necessary during diagnosis.

The patient will first be sent to see a dentist. By medical statistics, over 70% of pathologies originate in jaw deviations. An incorrectly positioned jaw results in defects in the position of the cheeks and lips, and a disturbed bite. The front teeth may protrude slightly or, on the contrary, appear sunken. To be completely convincing and successfully complete the diagnosis, a complete neurological examination, X-ray of the skull and MRI of the face.

Symptoms of facial asymmetry

It all depends on what form of asymmetry the patient has: congenital or natural. As for the natural one, the difference in facial contours is hardly noticeable. Even the experienced eye of a doctor will not immediately detect the differences between the right and left halves of the face.

Congenital (or, as it is also called, pathological) asymmetry has a pronounced character. The symmetry of the face is greatly impaired.

This can manifest itself in various ways, such as:

  • Violation of facial expressions and gestures.
  • The asymmetry of the eyes is impaired, strabismus, one eye is drooping or raised.
  • Deviations in speech apparatus, slow or too fast, slurred speech, “swallowing” of some sounds or words.
  • Painful sensations while eating.
  • If the disease occurred on neurological basis, there is pain in the area of ​​the affected nerve.

At an earlier age (in children aged 7 to 12 years), asymmetry manifests itself in unusually smooth facial contours (or their complete absence), a sedentary jaw, a tilt of the head towards the lesion.

In general, symptoms are highly individual and depend on many individual criteria. For example, even if it pathological disease, it can be aggravated by acquired diseases or complications after them. Any injury can cause deformation of either half of the face, especially if a nerve was damaged. It is necessary to carry out diagnostics to determine original reason and take all necessary measures to eliminate this facial defect.

Lip asymmetry and treatment methods

Quite a few diseases can provoke facial defects or become a factor in actively accompanying the development of the disease.

In general, here is a list of those diseases after which disturbances in facial contours, lip asymmetry and other deviations develop:

  • Viral infections. As a rule, even harmless herpes can become a provoking factor. You should especially be wary of protracted illnesses that require complex treatment. They are the initial cause of facial asymmetry.
  • Bacterial infections can negatively affect the facial nerve, thereby causing paralysis of a certain area or complete damage to the facial-gestural apparatus. Prominent representatives include: syphilis, diphtheria.
  • Meningitis.
  • Even diabetes mellitus may cause facial defects.

In general, any disease potentially poses a threat to the face of a sick person. It is very important to quickly eliminate aggravating factors that can cause further complications and become provocateurs of asymmetry.


As a rule, doctors do not recommend treatment unless there is a pronounced difference in the proportions and shapes of the face. If, after diagnosis, lip asymmetry or any other type of facial defect has been identified, it is necessary to quickly proceed to treatment or correction of the problem.

If the problem is hidden in damage to the facial nerve, treatment is carried out in the neurological department of the hospital. To eliminate this problem, various acupressures, physiotherapy and much more. During treatment, the neuropathologist is obliged to examine the patient daily and, at the first improvement, change surgical methods rehabilitation or correctional interventions.

It is worth explaining what the peculiarity of the correction is. The correction is not intended to treat pathology, but only to eliminate visual defects. For example, smoothing the facial muscles and bringing them to their original position. Doctors advise men to grow a mustache or beard to visually hide the imperfections of chin or lip defects. For women - correct selection makeup. IN general outline, the correction can be compared to plastic surgery without the direct intervention of a surgeon. The main task is to hide imperfections in facial contours through natural intervention. Plastic surgery is used only if the patient’s speech is impaired or vision deteriorates.

There is also special muscle gymnastics for developing the jaw apparatus, improving the mobility of stagnant muscles and correcting the bite. Necessary measures Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after diagnosing and determining the exact cause of the pathology.

The face is the mirror of a person. That is why impaired facial asymmetry can greatly ruin your life. Society does not always accept people who are different from others, and in some cases they begin to simply ignore pathologically ill people.

Of course, pluck up the courage and visit medical institution It is extremely difficult to treat and correct impaired facial asymmetry, because it requires considerable moral preparation. However, the longer the process of visiting a doctor is delayed, the more internal complexes develop, and the person rejects himself more and more. You shouldn’t delay this, but act decisively.


Humans are characterized by symmetry between the right and left sides of the body. At the same time, this symmetry is not ideal. A striking example- dominance of functions right hand for right-handers and left-handers for left-handers, there is some difference in the size of the feet.

But if minor differences in the limbs are perceived as the norm, then facial asymmetry often becomes a source of serious psychological discomfort.

Try this experiment:

Upload your photo to any graphic editor(in the photo you should look straight into the lens, your face is evenly illuminated). Now divide it vertically into two parts exactly along midline faces, and then alternately make a mirror image of the right and left halves.

Or use the website http://www.echoism.org/. On the site you can create two portraits of yourself for free, composed of two left and two right halves of the face by clicking on the “Launch echoism” button. Your portraits will be published on the website.

Look carefully at the resulting photographs - completely different people!

What does facial asymmetry tell psychologists?

About how big the difference is between your actions, lifestyle and the sphere of your emotions, about the level of a person’s inner harmony. After all, the right side of the face reflects the work of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic, thinking, practical side life. The left side is the projection of feelings and experiences, and they are controlled by the right hemisphere. Thus, a portrait from the right halves is called “vital”, and from the left “spiritual”.

There are no absolutely symmetrical faces, and a slight difference in proportions between the right and left halves is subconsciously perceived by us as harmony. Venus de Milo - the standard of female beauty from antiquity - is no exception.

The asymmetry of her face is manifested in the fact that the left eye and left ear are slightly higher than on the right side, and the nose is slightly deviated to the right.
As a rule, the right side of the face is slightly wider, the features here are sharper, firmer, and more masculine. The left half is slightly elongated vertical axis and has softer, smoother outlines.

This natural facial asymmetry is called individual. It is invisible to the naked eye and gives a person uniqueness and charm. Correction of facial asymmetry is required only if there is a pathological difference in proportions, which is conventionally equal to 2-3 mm in linear measurements and 3-5 degrees in angular measurements.

In scientific circles, there are more than 25 reasons why the right and left sides of the face are not exactly identical. Roughly speaking, any facial asymmetry can be either congenital, due to structural features of the skull bones, or acquired. Congenital pathologies explained by heredity, defects intrauterine development fetus Subsequently muscle fibers can make them completely invisible, and sometimes, on the contrary, emphasize flaws.

The causes of acquired facial asymmetry are varied, most often due to trauma, including birth, previous diseases, asymmetry in the large joint nodes of our body - in the pelvis, shoulder girdle.

The pelvis is the foundation of the body. Disturbances in the pelvis entail consequences from ear to heel. Asymmetry in the pelvis leads to asymmetry shoulder girdle, which in turn leads to asymmetry of the skull bones and facial asymmetry.

Pelvic level.

To complete this test, you will need a measuring tape and someone to help you measure.

Lie down on a flat, straight surface (floor, bed). Relax. Now perform the following movements one by one:

  • bend your knees;
  • place your feet on the floor;
  • lift your pelvis;
  • lower it back down;
  • stretch and relax straight legs.

Now the pelvis is positioned as evenly and symmetrically as possible and you can start measuring.

What will we measure?

Find two symmetrical points - the most protruding parts of the wings pelvic bones right and left. To do this, without getting up, place your palms on top of your thighs on both sides and feel the most high points on both sides. Once found, place your index fingers on them, marking them for your assistant.

Your assistant uses a measuring tape to measure the distance from the jugular cavity (the hollow under the neck) to the points you indicated on the right and left. The difference is estimated left and right dimensions. For example, the measurement on the left is 50 cm, on the right is 51 cm. In this case, the difference will be 1 cm. Write down the difference.

The second indicator of the correct location of the pelvis, complementing the first indicator, is the difference in leg length. You continue to lie down, pointing the same points. An assistant measures the distance between these points and the top of your ankles. We record the difference in the measurements of the right and left legs. For example, on the left - 87 cm, on the right - 87.5 cm. We write down - 0.5 cm.


What are the symptoms of this disease?

Facial asymmetry can be of natural or pathological origin.

Natural asymmetry, as a rule, is not very pronounced; small differences are noticeable between the left and right halves of the face. The left half is usually softer and more delicate, while the right half is rougher and wider. To ordinary people it is usually practically unnoticeable, since the difference in facial proportions is about three millimeters.

With pathology of the facial nerve, the difference in facial proportions is pronounced and is accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture:

  • weak facial muscles on the affected part grow;
  • the affected half has a mask-like character;
  • folds on the forehead and lips are smoothed;
  • the eye is dilated;
  • drooping corners of the lips;
  • part of the face has a tortured look;
  • the mechanism of muscle movement is difficult, it is difficult to close an eye, wrinkle your forehead, and so on;
  • there are problems with speech reproduction and nutrition;
  • pain in the area of ​​the affected nerve.

In children, facial asymmetry can occur due to muscular torticollis and lying in one position for a long time. As a rule, part of the face is slightly smoothed, the head tilts towards the affected side, and the jaw is smaller.

What are the causes of facial asymmetry?

In fact, there are many reasons why facial asymmetry appears. Among them are acquired and congenital. Congenital ones include: anomalies in the structure of the skull, pathologies of the neck muscles and defects of connective tissues and muscles, incomplete development of the lower part of the jaw.

Acquired asymmetry can result from:

  • injuries, inflammation or pinching of facial nerve endings;
  • vision problems with further strabismus;
  • due to malocclusion or missing teeth on one side of the jaw;
  • in children - due to muscular and neurogenic torticollis
  • jaw injuries and facial bone fractures;
  • due to sleeping on one side or constantly chewing gum on only one side of the jaw;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is based on an external examination by a specialist highlighting asymmetric pathologies, a detailed survey of the patient about the possible cause, heredity, acquired injuries, muscle pathologies, and dental health.

The proportions of both halves of the face are also measured using specialized equipment and deviations are identified.

You can look at your photo yourself, dividing your face strictly in half and comparing both halves of the face, or take a mirror image of your face and see the difference.

How to treat facial muscle asymmetry

Many people wonder how to correct facial asymmetry? Often, an asymmetrical face does not need treatment; this should be resorted to only in cases of pronounced pathologies and disfiguring facial asymmetry.

Treatment in everyone special case is prescribed individually and depends on the reasons for the appearance:

  • if muscle tone is affected, a course of myostimulation and gymnastics for the facial muscles can help, massages with an emphasis on problem areas are also prescribed;
  • they select hairstyles and makeup for women, mustaches and beards for men.
  • orthodontic treatment;
  • maxillofacial surgery;
  • plastic surgery.

If the asymmetry is very pronounced, then the following is prescribed:

If you have a pinched facial nerve, inpatient neurological treatment is prescribed.


There is a myth that the more symmetrical a person's face is, the more beautiful it is. But in fact, such faces evoke strange feelings, sometimes even fear.

Australian photographer Julian Walkenstein conducted an experiment. He photographed 11 women and scanned in a mirror image one half of the faces depicted in the photos of the participants and, connecting them, modeled perfect proportions So, if the girls' faces were completely symmetrical. After analyzing the resulting images, the photographer concluded that symmetry does not always visually improve facial features. Some of the women in the photographs were modified to look worse than they actually were.

Some discrepancy in proportions may indicate certain character traits associated with the dominance of the right or left hemisphere of the brain. Ideal symmetry, in turn, prevents the manifestation of these features, which is perceived by others as something unnatural and causes them concern.

Here are a couple of pictures for clarity, photo wallpaper.

And here is the symmetrical Brad Pitt, for example.


And now a few words about death masks.

Death masks were very popular in Ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome. The first known death masks date back to the 16th century BC. Golden faces were found in the burials of Mekena. Masks were placed on the faces of the dead - it was believed that the “golden image” would protect the deceased from evil spirits. These days, even a mere mortal can order a plaster cast of the deceased’s face. They do it this way. The face of the deceased is covered with Vaseline. Then a thin layer of plaster is applied. After half an hour or an hour it dries, then it is cut into two parts with a piece of thin cardboard. If you remove the entire mask, it may become deformed. Next, these two halves are glued together. The resulting shape is a mirror version of the face. It is used to cast the mask itself. The first cast is especially valuable. It is he who reveals all the details - from small wrinkles to stubble. The cost of a death mask in modern Europe, for example a plaster cast in Germany, costs 899 euros. The bronze mask will cost 1,895 euros. There are more worries with them, but they look much more luxurious. Of course, each customer of such a specific item has his own reasons, but they all have one thing in common - owning a mask of a loved one and dear person gives such an incredible feeling of closeness to the deceased, which neither photographs nor video tapes can convey. Psychologically, this desire is due to the fear of death.

However, we must never forget that on a dead face, due to muscle relaxation, the vertical dimensions are greatly reduced and distorted. There is one more feature of the death mask - numerous observations prove that death does human face, changeable and asymmetrical during life, absolutely symmetrical. Plaster casts obediently record this fact. Perhaps it is these associations of an ideal face that frighten us...

Facial asymmetryphysiological state a person in whom the symmetry of the facial part of the skull is disturbed. Facial asymmetry can be congenital. It can occur as a result of injury.

Facial asymmetry is a special case of violation of the symmetry of the human body. In minor parameters, it is a normal, ubiquitous phenomenon in almost every person. How can a phenomenon cause complexes, discomfort, nervous disorders. To some, even being within the normal range, it may seem like a pathological deviation.

Norm and pathology

These two conditions are very easy to distinguish. The norm is characterized by a non-obvious difference; When examining both halves of the face, minor differences are observed. As a rule, on the left side of the face there are more feminine, smoothed features; and they are elongated vertically. The right side is always wider, it looks more courageous, its features are sharper.

There are even quantitative indicators by which facial asymmetry can be more clearly diagnosed. The difference in proportions should not go beyond 2...3 mm and 3°...5°.

In more complex cases, the symptoms of facial asymmetry are more pronounced. For example, if a person has a damaged facial nerve, then the following signs may be present on the affected half of the face:

  • the eyelids droop, the corner of the mouth droops; this happens due to weakening of facial muscles;
  • the folds that a person usually has in the area of ​​the nose, lips and forehead disappear completely;
  • the palpebral fissure becomes wider;
  • a pained expression appears;
  • the eye does not close completely;
  • It is impossible to wrinkle your forehead, nose, or raise your lip.


The manifestation of facial asymmetry in a person can be caused by congenital or acquired reasons. The extent to which the pathology develops and how it can be eliminated depends on their specific type.

The following conditions usually lead to congenital asymmetry:

  • abnormal intrauterine development of the fetus or the influence of genetic predisposition on this;
  • pathologies in the development of cranial bones;
  • disorders that occur during the development of the joint that attaches the lower jaw to the temple;
  • defects that may be in facial tissues;
  • developmental delay of the lower jaw.

Acquired asymmetry appears in a person after injury. The cause may be past illnesses, even improper jaw care. Among them the most famous:

  • torticollis in children, lying for a long time in one position, without turning over to the other side;
  • formation of strabismus;
  • processes of an inflammatory or infectious nature, ending in damage to the facial nerve or its pinching;
  • fracture of the jaw, facial bones; especially if this happens with their displacement, and in the future they grow together incorrectly;
  • diseases of surrounding tissues;
  • loss of teeth and malocclusion due to this;
  • stroke and, as a consequence, paralysis of the facial muscles.

Even the wrong lifestyle can lead to the appearance of asymmetry on the face. Pathology can develop due to:

  • constant squinting of one eye;
  • chewing with one jaw;
  • regular use of chewing gum;
  • "one-sided" dream.


Facial asymmetry is easily diagnosed - visual inspection, asking the patient about past injuries and inflammatory diseases. In addition, the doctor may resort to measuring facial proportions with special instruments.

If there is a suspicion of damage to the facial nerve as the cause of the pathology, then the patient is sent additionally:

  • for a consultation with a neurologist; if necessary, also to an ophthalmologist, dentist, neurosurgeon;
  • for a complete neurological examination using special equipment;
  • on a radiograph of the skull.


The type of treatment for pathology depends on the cause that caused it. Conservative measures are often sufficient.

For minor pathologies, cosmetics help. When applied correctly, it allows you to eliminate masking of faces. Her arsenal includes makeup and hairstyles, wigs, and for men - false mustaches and beards. Among inexpensive ways muscle massage in the problem area, their gymnastics. Sometimes physiotherapeutic procedures are added to them.

In case of strong asymmetry, which makes the face ugly, radical techniques are used. Correction of pathology can be done by an otrodontist or a surgeon. They perform the necessary plastic surgery of the face, correction of the bones included in it and in the jaw.

Massage for facial asymmetry

The main task of this method of treating facial asymmetry is to make its neuromuscular structures work more intensively. As a result, it increases muscle mass, its external configuration changes in the right place and the pathology is smoothed out.

To simplify the procedure and increase its effectiveness, muscle myostimulation is performed. This is the same as their massage or gymnastics, but using special devices. The latter affect nerves and muscles problem areas weak electrical signals. As a result, the corresponding muscles begin to work more intensely and synchronously.


Along with the simplest methods (makeup, hairstyle, wig, false mustache, beard), this area of ​​treatment for facial asymmetry offers more modern achievements. With their help, pathology is not masked, but eliminated by cosmetic procedures.

This is mainly achieved contour plastic surgery. At the same time, they are introduced into the layers of the skin and under it. special means, which allow you to change the shape outer surface. Today, fillers containing hyaluronic acid are most often used for this purpose. This substance is made from natural structural elements of the skin and is therefore safe for it.

This technique received its further development in softlifting. It uses the latest filler drugs Voluma, Sub Q with hyaluronic acid. Unlike previously used ones, it is more effective and, most importantly, causes less trauma to facial tissues.

Some patients, according to indications, are offered to eliminate facial asymmetry with Botox. The drug, after injection into the facial muscles, makes them immune to nerve impulses. As a result, they relax, stop contracting and highlight the pathology.

Plastic surgery

Reconstructive surgery methods are used for significant pathologies. Today, there are a number of techniques and operations that allow a patient to completely and permanently eliminate facial asymmetry:

  • blephoplasty: with this operation, the patient, if necessary, changes the shape of the eyes and the shape of the eyelids; During the operation, excess fat deposits and skin are removed;
  • lipofilling: the essence of this operation is the transplantation of adipose tissue to problem areas on the face; it is taken from the patient in other areas of his body; This technique corrects the shape of the chin and cheekbones; use it to change the contours and size of the lips;
  • lifting: using this technique, they tighten the facial skin, thus leveling its asymmetry;
  • Rhinoplasty: The purpose of these surgeries is to correct the position or shape of the nose.

For neuritis

When the cause of the pathology is neuritis that develops due to problems with the facial nerve, the patient must be examined, determining electrical activity facial muscles, assessing the conductivity of nerve endings. Based on the results, soft tissue massage and myostimulation are prescribed to combat facial asymmetry. Among the effective treatment measures are certain physical procedures.


Pathology neglected due to lack of treatment can lead to a deterioration in the patient’s condition. This results in pain in the muscles (especially when they are tense all the time), decreased hearing, and the inability to eat normally.

In addition to what is noted, it often worsens mental state patient. He becomes aggressive and nervous. He often becomes depressed and withdraws into himself.

Postoperative complications are possible. Failed operations leads to changes in facial expressions. The patient begins to suffer from inflammatory diseases more often. He may develop a nervous tic.


The development of facial asymmetry can be prevented or reduced. Prevention of pathology consists of:

  • V in the right way life;
  • in regular visits to the dentist;
  • visiting (if necessary) an orthodontist;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • not delaying contacting a doctor at the first manifestations of pathology.

There are no perfectly symmetrical “things” in living nature; this also applies to the human body, which also has its own specific characteristics and differences. A good confirmation of this are the hands, one of which is endowed with greater capabilities (the ability to write, draw, draw beautifully) compared to the other, and the visual difference of the feet also indicates elements of organic asymmetry. However, the above examples are a kind of norm, while facial asymmetry often becomes a major factor in serious psychological and physiological disorders.

However, even here one should feel the fine line between normality and pathology, since completely symmetrical faces are practically absent in nature, and a slight violation of the usual proportions falls within the framework of what is permitted and receives the harmonious name “individuality of the image.” It has already become commonplace for faces to be slightly wider with sharper features, while the left half has an elongated shape in the vertical axis and has softer, smoother contours. In this regard, many people, knowing the features of their own face, try to take a more advantageous angle in the photograph. However, a completely objective question arises: when is such a phenomenon considered anomalous?

There are clear medical indicators that need to be taken into account. What is meant: pathological asymmetry of the face is diagnosed only when there is a visual violation of the usual proportions, equal to 2-3 mm in linear measurements and 3-5 degrees in angular coordinates.

A very interesting phenomenon, the reasons for which can be very different. Thus, science has identified 25 factors that cause this anomaly. Here it is important to understand that facial asymmetry can be either congenital, that is, caused by characteristic specifics, or acquired, arising against the background of progressive pathology. If we talk about congenital form, then the hereditary factor, as well as pathologies of intrauterine development of the fetus, are of significant importance here. After birth, such signs may remain barely noticeable, and sometimes, on the contrary, they give the face gross defects. This is clear, then why does facial asymmetry occur in an already formed organism?

The main reasons are a variety of diseases, in particular, impaired vision, torticollis in children, and it can also occur against the background transferred operations, heart attacks and strokes. Also, do not exclude your own facial expressions. As you know, each person has certain facial habits, for example, squinting one eye, raising one eyebrow, a crooked smile in one direction, which can also develop irreversible facial asymmetry over time, so such “dangerous” grimaces should be eliminated in a timely manner.

Violation of proportions does not always require the participation of a specialist; very often the patient himself can correct his own facial defects with the help of simple gymnastics and facial massage, which will significantly accelerate and strengthen the muscle tone of the facial muscles. Many ladies benefit from skillful makeup and a properly chosen hairstyle; however, in case of serious physiological disorders, consultation with an experienced specialist is necessary. medical worker. If facial asymmetry is diagnosed, treatment first of all consists of identifying the cause, and only then its immediate elimination. IN as a last resort, you can resort to the services of cosmetic surgery, which in this situation can work wonders and will quickly get rid of such an anomaly as facial asymmetry.