How many days does the discharge last? White mucous transparent discharge after childbirth

Bloody discharge after childbirth - the process is mandatory and quite normal.

In this way, lochia and the remains of the placenta are removed from the body.

Bloody discharge after childbirth: how long can it last normally and what to do if it is abundant and does not end for a long time?

Is this a cause for concern?

Blood after childbirth: how long does it last and why does this happen?

Postpartum discharge is natural physiological process, which consists in the body’s rejection of the uterine mucosa. Discharge occurs regardless of how the child was born (naturally or by cesarean). The birth of a child involves the separation of all membranes. The uterus after this is one large bleeding wound.

Restoration of the uterine mucosa begins immediately after completion labor activity. This process is taken over by the uterine glands. In the first days after childbirth, the discharge consists of blood (80%) and secretions of the uterine glands. Gradually, the amount of blood in the discharge decreases.

Lochia occurs in both the early and late postpartum periods. The early period is considered to be the first two hours after birth. The next 6-8 weeks are late.

Blood after childbirth: how long does it flow and what does the duration depend on?

The normal duration of postpartum bleeding is about 6 weeks. During this time, the woman loses about one and a half liters of blood. You should not be afraid of such a figure, because a woman’s body is ready for this in advance. When pregnancy occurs, significantly more blood begins to circulate in the female body than in an ordinary person.

The duration of bleeding depends on many factors. Breastfeeding significantly reduces this period. A woman’s body initially has a connection between breastfeeding and uterine contractions. Accordingly, than faster uterus will come to its own normal condition, the faster the discharge will end.

The duration of the discharge is also affected by the process of delivery. For those women who gave birth naturally, blood runs out faster after childbirth. After caesarean section The uterus takes a little longer to recover. This is due to the fact that an incision was made on it, which was subsequently sewn up.

Somewhat longer bloody issues will go to those women who are postpartum period are exposed to constant stress and heavy physical activity. This is also why young mothers are advised to rest more after childbirth and try not to worry.

What other factors influence the duration of discharge from the birth canal:

● multiple pregnancy (in this case the uterus greatly increases in size, which means the contraction process will take longer);

● impaired blood clotting;

● trauma during childbirth, internal sutures;

● large child;

● elements of the placenta that may remain in birth canal(in this case the inflammatory process begins);

contractile feature uterus;

● the existence of fibroids or myomas.

Blood after childbirth: how long does it flow and what are the rules of personal hygiene during this period?

While there is bleeding, there is high risk development infectious disease. To avoid this, you must adhere to certain rules of personal hygiene. In the postpartum period, they will differ somewhat from the generally accepted and well-known ones:

Special attention it is worth paying attention to sanitary pads; it is better to choose those designed specifically for postpartum discharge;

● when the discharge becomes less abundant, you can start using regular menstrual pads, but you should also be careful when choosing them: they should have high degree absorption;

● change gaskets more often; despite the fact that the product package says that they can retain moisture for up to 8 hours, you should not fall for advertising, ideally the gasket should be changed every 3-4 hours;

● It is strictly forbidden to use tampons for postpartum discharge, no matter what you are guided by and no matter what manufacturer you choose;

● it is advisable to wash yourself after each gasket change;

● this can be done using baby soap, it is also important to monitor the flow of water: it should be directed from front to back;

● if the doctor has indicated the need for home treatment of sutures, then this should be done using antiseptics - furatsilin or potassium permanganate;

Bloody discharge after childbirth: how many days can it last normally and when should you sound the alarm?

Normal postpartum discharge

The first few days after birth, the discharge will be as heavy as possible. Approximately 400 ml of blood should be released daily. Most often it is not homogeneous, but with mucus or clots. There is no need to be afraid, this is a completely natural process. That's how it should be. These days the discharge is bright red.

After 3 days the color will gradually change to brown. The closer to the end of the postpartum period (8 weeks), the less discharge there will be. Gradually they will look like menstruation, then they will become light and turn into regular mucus.

When to sound the alarm

If a woman notices in the maternity hospital that the discharge has become more intense or less frequent, thicker or, conversely, more watery, she must immediately tell the doctor about it.

Also, postpartum discharge should be monitored after discharge from the hospital. Despite the fact that each woman’s recovery process after childbirth is individual, there are general points that should be a reason to contact a gynecologist.

What should every young mother be wary of?

Quickly stop discharge. If lochia stops occurring earlier than 5 weeks after birth, this is a serious cause for concern. Every woman should know that functional layer The endometrium is completely restored no earlier than 40 days after delivery. If the discharge stops very soon after the baby is born, this does not indicate the body’s good ability to recover. Most likely this is due to complications. They are often infectious in nature. However, it could also be cervical spasm. It traps lochia in its cavity, preventing it from coming out. This situation requires an immediate solution, as it leads to serious consequences.

Red color of discharge. 5 days after birth, lochia takes on its color. It can be individual for each woman. But if the discharge remains bright red, as in the first days after childbirth, you urgently need to tell your doctor about it. This may indicate problems such as hematopoiesis or blood clotting problems.

Change in lochia color. If at first the discharge changed its color from red to brown, and after some time, it turned back to red, this also indicates problems. In most cases, this is due to intrauterine bleeding, which urgently needs to be eliminated. Timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid serious consequences. A repeated change in the color of the blood after childbirth may indicate the existence of a polyp or rupture of soft tissue in the birth canal.

Odor appears. If after some time the discharge begins to have an odor (no matter what), this means that an infection has entered the uterine cavity. It can cause endometritis. By consulting a doctor in time and diagnosing the disease, a young mother can avoid such unpleasant procedure like scraping. It is carried out when other methods of treatment (taking drugs that suppress the development of microorganisms and forcibly increasing uterine contractions) have been ineffective.

Bloody discharge after childbirth: how many days can it normally last and when does menstruation begin?

It is impossible to answer the question 100%: when will your period come? Every female body individual. Typically, if a mother stops breastfeeding towards the end of the postpartum period, her eggs will soon begin to mature.

For those who continue to breastfeed, menstruation may begin six months after birth, not earlier. At first the cycle will be irregular. Menstruation can be both scanty and abundant, both short (up to 1-2 days) and long (up to 7-8 days). There is no need to be afraid of this, everything is within normal limits. For some mothers, menstruation does not appear until the end of lactation. This option is also considered the norm. This is due to the postpartum production of the hormone prolactin. It stimulates the production of milk to feed the baby and helps suppress the formation of hormones in the ovary (ovulation simply does not occur).

The postpartum period is no less important than pregnancy and childbirth. At this time, you also need to be careful about your health and condition. At the slightest deviation from the norm, you must visit a doctor. Don't be afraid to talk about any changes in your bleeding that worry you. Even if your gynecologist is a man, remember that first of all he is a doctor who is interested in your speedy recovery after childbirth. If something worries you while still in the maternity hospital, be sure to consult with him. Many problems are easy to solve at the stage of their formation, and not in neglected form.

After being discharged home, do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene and doctor’s recommendations. Remember, your baby needs a healthy and cheerful mother!

Childbirth is a long and difficult process, after which the body needs certain time recovery. First of all, this concerns the uterus, because it must return to its original size, renew the mucous membrane, in a word, recover and prepare for the next conception, therefore, after a woman gives birth, she will have bleeding. First 6 or 8 weeks, remnants of epithelium, mucus. What should the discharge be like after giving birth in 2 months? The answer to this question depends on individual characteristics body, health status reproductive organs women and so on.

The baby decided to be born, the birth was successful, there were no visible complications, but after two months there is still spotting? If there are no alarming symptoms, such as temperature, and a general deterioration in condition, we can talk about slow contractions of the uterus. That is, the organ has not yet returned to its previous size, has not been cleared of ichor, mucus, or exfoliated epithelium. Each woman has her own rate of shrinkage and cleansing of the uterus, and much depends on how enlarged it was during pregnancy.

Bloody discharge 2 months after birth is normal if it gradually decreases and is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

To improve uterine contractions, you should breastfeed regularly - this process activates the production of oxytocin, which stimulates smooth muscles. In addition, doctors advise lying on your stomach more often. However, after giving birth, women do this with pleasure, because they were deprived of this opportunity for many months.

Cold compresses in the first weeks after childbirth also contribute to the contraction of the uterus, which means its rapid return to normal. A sign that everything has returned to its original state is transparent discharge, which may immediately have a yellowish color.

If discharge appears after three months

In the case when more than two months have passed after childbirth, and bloody discharge suddenly appears, the following options are possible: either menstruation has begun, or a pathology has arisen.

Menstruation can come after 3 months, even if a woman is breastfeeding, this is always worth remembering. If the bleeding occurs in the same way as usual during menstruation and ends after a few days, it is quite possible that the monthly cycle has been restored.

In the case when the bleeding is more profuse or prolonged, if it occurs irregularly, more often than normal menstruation, you should consult a gynecologist. What pathologies may occur? The most common are the following:

The most serious are inflammation, internal suture dehiscence and uterine bleeding - these conditions require urgent treatment. health care. But in order to provide it, you need to establish the correct diagnosis. That is, if a woman periodically experiences bloody discharge that is uncharacteristic of menstruation, this is a reason to consult a doctor. You need to worry even more if the bleeding is accompanied by an increase in temperature - this is a clear symptom of inflammation, and this condition requires immediate treatment.

Other discharge after childbirth

The birth of a child does not always go the way you want, and even after birth period may be complicated by inflammation or pathologies. One of the most important indicators of a woman’s health in the first 3–4 months is discharge. They may be different.

What does yellow discharge mean?

Even several months after birth, you may experience yellow discharge. Normally, their appearance is associated with the completion of cleansing of the uterus, and this process can last more or less long.

Yellow discharge, if it is not a pathology, should not have a very pronounced color. They are not accompanied by itching or, in the abdomen, do not cause discomfort.

If the yellow discharge is too bright color or green tint, admixture of pus, blood, sharp bad smell, this is already a sign of pathology, that is, inflammatory process. It will also be indicated by pain in the lower abdomen, itching in the vagina, and a feeling of discomfort during sexual intercourse. An increase in body temperature and general malaise indicates the rapid development of the inflammatory process. Basically, pathological yellow discharge appears with endometritis, but can also be a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection.

White color of discharge

A person who has given birth is not inclined to carefully listen to his feelings and pay attention to some subtle changes in the body - everything is occupied by the newborn. But if a woman notices that she has mucous membranes, this may indicate the development of candidiasis. At this stage, it does not bother you too much; itching and irritation occur later, when the discharge becomes cheesy.

Candidiasis or thrush - not dangerous, but very unpleasant disease, which can arise according to the most various reasons. Fortunately, it is easy to treat; sometimes all you need to do is local funds, which is especially important when breastfeeding. The main thing is not to start the disease.

This color always indicates the presence of blood, but not fresh, but already coagulated. Brown discharge after childbirth that appears in the third or fourth month may indicate the beginning of recovery menstrual cycle.

Brownish color of discharge Not a large number of and duration in combination with typical manifestations menstruation indicates that a woman has started her period.

If such discharge appeared more than a month ago, and it does not look like menstruation, it is possible that hormonal disbalance. After childbirth, this is quite natural, although not normal. It is worth undergoing an examination and passing it; an ultrasound would also be useful.

If there is an unpleasant smell of discharge, if it is accompanied aching pain lower abdomen, you also need to see a doctor - endometritis is possible. Besides, brown discharge often indicate vaginosis, microtrauma of the cervix or vagina, polyps.

Mucus discharge

It may also happen that a woman’s cycle has already recovered, but in the middle of it, the discharge becomes mucous and more abundant. If there are no signs of pathology (pain, itching, discomfort, bad smell, admixture of pus, blood), then this is a symptom of ovulation. The woman is ready for fertilization again, so she should be more careful if she does not want to have another child.

Such discharge can appear even when a young mother is actively breastfeeding, because lactation does not mean complete blocking of ovulation.

When does the discharge end?

The past labor period was difficult for the body; it needs time to recover. As mentioned above, for every woman, the discharge stops in different terms. The better the uterus contracts, the faster everything returns to normal.

But on average copious discharge, bloody (lochia) stops after 6 weeks, or rather, becomes spotting. And after 2 - 2.5 months the uterus should be completely cleansed.

But this is on average. But in practice, the normalization of all processes can take place much more slowly, for some it takes three or four months, or faster - in the same 6 weeks.

When self-diagnosis, you need to take into account not only the presence and type of discharge, but also whether it is accompanied by any symptoms. If not, you can do an ultrasound or visit a gynecologist to reassure you. In the event that there is something disturbing (pain, fever, any discomfort), there is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor.

The inevitable lochia after childbirth is a wound discharge from the uterus. After pregnancy, the female body is restored, and the injured walls of the uterus heal. As a result, the organ begins to recover and becomes the same size as before pregnancy. Its upper surface heals, and the area where the vaginal wall attaches to the placenta tightens. Thus, the cause of lochia that appears after childbirth is:

  • restoration of the uterine cavity;
  • cleansing of membranes.

The uterus shrinks and throws out tissues it does not need, which have become toxic. The discharge is similar to menstrual discharge, but consists of different substances. These are fragments of the lining of the uterine cavity, ichor, remnants of the placenta, mucus from the cervical canal, and blood.

Lochia consult hygiene products
menstrual cycle resumption
Development Complex degree of consequences

Immediately after delivery, a large wound covers the entire surface of the uterus. Therefore they can stand out blood clots and blood. There is no need to worry, because in this way the body cleanses itself and restores itself.

If lochia differs from those that should be normal, this indicates postpartum complications. Yes, the first few days after birth a woman is in the hospital, so doctors monitor the duration of lochia. But then she is discharged home, so she will have to independently monitor the nature of the discharge.

Normally, postpartum lochia lasts 6-8 weeks. Permissible deviations are 5-9 weeks. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor. You can look at photos of lochia to know what they look like after childbirth.

Duration of uterine recovery

We found out how long lochia lasts on average after childbirth, but they come in several varieties. Their duration also depends on this.

They appear during the healing process inner surface uterus

The active phase lasts about three weeks. During this time, several types of discharge are observed.

  1. Reds. It takes about 3-4 days after the baby is born. They cause discomfort to a woman because they are very abundant. The color of the discharge is bright scarlet, since the remains of non-viable tissue contain a large number of red blood cells blood cells. Clots of brown blood may also be released. The discharge should end on day 4. In this case, a woman changes one pad per hour. If you have to change it more often, you need to call your doctor. After childbirth, the gynecologist usually advises the woman about how long lochia lasts, so expectant mother not difficult to navigate.
  2. Serous. Lasts from 4 to 10 days and is not as abundant as red ones. The color of the discharge is pinkish-brown or brown, since the secreted substances contain big number leukocytes. Usually, red clots no longer appear, and only bloody-serous discharge is observed.
  3. White. They do not cause discomfort to the woman and last for 20 days. Normally, discharge should be without bloody clots, strong smell. They are yellowish or whitish in color, almost transparent, of a smearing nature.

If after giving birth you know how long it will take for the lochia to come out, you will immediately understand when you need to contact a specialist for help. The volume of discharge begins to decrease over time, and already at week 3 it does not cause discomfort, therefore it is almost unnoticeable and very small in volume. Usually, by the 6th week, glassy mucus with bloody patches is released from the cervix, at which point the body completes its restoration. At the same time, the duration of the discharge does not depend on whether it is your first pregnancy or your second.

In case of complications, you should consult a doctor

When to see a doctor

If you know exactly when the lochia discharge should end after childbirth, track possible violations will be simpler. You need to make an appointment with a doctor in the following cases.

  1. The discharge lasts too long or the amount has become quite large. Such bleeding is possible due to the fact that parts of the placenta remain in the uterus, so it cannot contract normally. In this case, the woman will have to remove the remaining placenta in the hospital. The procedure is painless due to intravenous anesthesia.
  2. The bleeding has stopped, although you know exactly how many days after the last birth the lochia should go. Stopping discharge indicates a possible accumulation of lochia in the uterine cavity. If they are not removed, there is a risk of developing endometritis.

Endometritis develops if, after childbirth, lochia is excreted with pus and has an unpleasant, Strong smell. A woman notices a deterioration in her health:

  • lower abdomen hurts;
  • the temperature rises.

In this case, you need to urgently call a specialist or call ambulance. Sometimes they appear from the vagina curdled discharge. This may indicate the appearance of candidiasis. If left untreated, there is a risk of developing a severe infection.

It doesn’t matter how long lochia lasts after the first or second birth. If it occurs heavy bleeding, you should immediately call an ambulance. In this case, the woman is indicated for hospitalization.

Only Attentive attitude to your health, monitoring your discharge and promptly responding to its changes will help you avoid serious complications. It is better to play it safe and consult a doctor once again than to subsequently be treated for unpleasant sores.

Do not ignore the rules of hygiene, which are especially important for the successful completion of the postpartum period.

If there is a relapse

Sometimes it happens that after childbirth the lochia first ends and then starts again. If, after 2 months, scarlet discharge from the vagina is observed, the cause may be:

  • restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • rupture of sutures after severe emotional or physical stress.

When you know how long lochia can last after a previous birth, but suddenly they return after 2-3 months, you need to look at their character. Sometimes the remnants of the placenta or endometrium are released in this way. If the discharge is dark in color with clots, but without pus and sharp putrid smell, everything should end without complications.

In addition, when the discharge goes away and then comes again, there is a risk of developing an inflammatory process in the uterus. Only a doctor can help you here. He will conduct an examination and find out the cause of the incident. You may be experiencing a new menstrual cycle. But in the worst case scenario, medical intervention will be required.

After separation and release of the placenta, the healing process and restoration of the endometrium takes place. At this point, the uterine cavity is a wound, so white discharge after childbirth can be long-lasting and indicate illness. Having determined the nature and quantity, they talk about inflammation and infection, prescribe treatment, and monitor the healing process.

Normal recovery of the body occurs within 8 weeks. This is the period when the uterine cavity decreases and lochia comes out. By the end of the period, they end, and the time for the onset of the normal menstrual cycle begins. It will resume depending on what feeding the baby is on.

If the baby is artificial, menstruation will begin after the end of lochia. With mixed conditions, the period varies from two months to a year. In natural cases - after finishing feeding. Abundant white discharge after childbirth may indicate both a disease and the normal course of recovery of the genital organs. They end, gradually decreasing in volume.

Abrupt interruption of accumulations occurs for several reasons:

  1. the uterus has stretched, a bend has occurred;
  2. intestines, bladder do not empty on time.

You can avoid the consequences with massage. A woman needs to lie on her stomach more often, at the first urge to go to the toilet. Pay attention to painful sensations. If there is white discharge like snot after childbirth, the gynecologist will diagnose endometritis. A sudden decrease indicates cervical spasm, abundance indicates contractile activity of the organ.

The main stage of bleeding occurs in the first three days. The second period begins on the fourth day. Duration - until discharge from the hospital. Lochia contains mucus and clots. After two weeks they become yellowish, after 60 days they are almost white.

At first the substance is mucous, then becomes watery. If breastfeeding absent, white mucous discharge after childbirth indicates the onset of ovulation. At this time, the issue of contraception is being resolved. A cause for concern is an unpleasant smell, unusual color, pain, chills, weakness.


Bloody discharge is considered normal, as the uterus is intensively cleansed. An increase in the amount means that part of the placenta remains and the blood clotting system is disrupted. Removal is carried out under general anesthesia, prescribe intravenous antibacterial therapy to prevent infection.

The cause is insufficient contraction of the uterus, which leads to hypotonic bleeding. Two weeks after birth, the discharge becomes darker and less abundant. At the final stage, the lochia become yellowish.

Situations when discharge is not the norm:

  • profuse leucorrhoea 2 months after birth with an unpleasant odor;
  • itching, irritation, burning of the genitals;
  • a thick substance, the release of which causes severe abdominal pain;
  • with a greenish tint;
  • release of secretion with increasing temperature.

An unpleasant odor indicates the spread of infection. Itching is about inflammation in the uterus. Bright yellow and green color confirms infection of the genital tract. The cavity is poorly cleaned, so lochia accumulates, which leads to the development of chlamydia and gardnerellosis.

Mucous substances. When the lochia ends, clear discharge like water after childbirth will indicate poor functioning of the pelvic organs and hormonal changes. Thick ones occur due to erosion, so colposcopy is prescribed.

With a green tint. Discharge white may be a sign of inflammation, in which the temperature rises and the stomach hurts. Associated symptoms bleeding, discomfort in the area of ​​ruptures and cracks. You will need a smear for flora and an ultrasound.

White discharge in women after childbirth indicates thrush if it has a cheesy consistency, a sour smell, dryness, and itching in the vagina. They signal about uterine pathology, inflammation of the fallopian tubes, and disruption of gland secretion.

Menstruation with white streaks indicates the following diseases:

  1. polyps in the uterus;
  2. infections in the reproductive system;
  3. inflammation in the endometrium;
  4. ovarian cyst.

It is important for a woman to monitor her health in order to control the process of cleansing the uterus. This will distinguish normal discharge from dangerous situation. Over the course of two months, the lochia is constantly decreasing and is not accompanied by pain.


Substances released from the vagina are normal if they are clear, odorless discharge after childbirth, and yellowish when exposed to air. They differ in smell, color, consistency.

There are several types of leucorrhoea, distinguished by their character:

  • purulent ones occur with gonorrhea, ureaplasma, bacterial infection;
  • curdled - for thrush, infection with yeast fungi of the genus Candida;
  • foamy – for trichomoniasis, anaerobic microflora;
  • mucous membranes – for viral infection;
  • mucopurulent indicate chlamydia.

Vestibular. Copious transparent mucous discharge after childbirth, caused by inflammation of the external genitalia, large glands

. The secretion heats up in the folds of the vulva, causing irritation. Vaginal. Minor liquid discharge after childbirth, which occurs when the hormonal balance and vaginal biocenosis are disturbed. Problems arise with extragenital diseases. Due to hyperthyroidism and pulmonary tuberculosis, the hormonal function of the ovaries decreases and the mucous membrane changes. Increased secretion is caused by prolapse of the genital organs,

helminthic infestation

Uterine. Caused by endometritis, fibroids, malignant tumor

. Most often occur with inflammation in the endometrium. It is important to undergo a timely examination by a gynecologist to determine the cause of the disease. Pipe. They appear rarely with swelling and narrowing of the lumen. Watery discharge after childbirth is a secretion that has accumulated during

malignant neoplasm

, an inflammatory disease. When the contents enter the ovary, symptoms of adnexitis are noted. Diagnosis and treatment To find out what happens to the vaginal mucosa after childbirth, visit a gynecologist. This is necessary if there is an abundant release of lochia, severe pain and spasm, the presence of clots, constant fatigue. With regular examination, blood composition is monitored and treated

gynecological diseases

. People seek help when there is a sharp increase and decrease in discharge, or a change in its characteristics. Concentrate on blood clots, fever, abdominal pain. The discharge should be moderately thick and not flow like water.

The first visit is planned a month after the baby is born. The woman will be asked about the birth process and examined in a gynecological chair. Pay attention to the condition of the external genitalia, how the sutures are healing, check the walls of the vagina and cervix. A smear and bacterial culture are taken to rule out infection. The position of the uterus and ovaries, pain, and size of organs are assessed. If the mucous discharge is transparent like snot, this will indicate endometritis or salpingoophoritis. The condition of the uterine cavity is monitored using ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This will allow the clots and remnants of the placenta to dislodge. Abundant light discharge after childbirth begins with endocervitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs due to vaginal dysbiosis,

pustular diseases external genitalia, due to improper hygiene. A smear is taken to determine white blood cells and red blood cells. Bacterial culture will identify the pathogen and show sensitivity to antibiotics. A cytological examination will be required for the presence of tumor markers. After childbirth, they maintain hygiene and do not take hot shower. Sex is not advisable until the release of lochia stops. This will lead to tissue injury and infection. Avoid using tampons and physical exercise. When breastfeeding, a woman is prescribed suppositories. If the disease is serious, take antibiotic tablets and wash yourself

herbal infusions from chamomile, oak bark.. It is necessary to control their smell, color, consistency, intensity. Definition of disease on early stage increases the likelihood of a quick effective cure.

Often, after giving birth, a woman is so captivated by the child that she does not notice any serious changes in her own body.

However, the pathological nature of the discharge can have very unfavorable long-term consequences.

For this reason, it is necessary to identify the pathology as early as possible, make a diagnosis and prescribe necessary treatment. IN this material Let's talk about when the discharge usually ends.

The nature of lochia and their volume changes throughout the postpartum period:

  • The maximum volume of lochia occurs in the first 3-4 days after the birth of the baby: approximately 300-350 ml.

The discharge is bloody and may have clots. This is due primarily to the fact that the placental site is large area wound surface in inner shell uterus As the mucous membrane heals (epithelializes), the character of the lochia changes.

  • From days 4 to 10, the discharge becomes lighter in color; it is called sanguineous, since it contains both red blood cells and mucus elements.
  • In the period from 10 to 21 days, lochia becomes mucous in nature, there are practically no red blood cells in them (except for isolated ones), the discharge is light color, with slight reddish-brownish veins.
  • 3 weeks after birth, the discharge should only be mucous, light, transparent, and odorless.

How long to wait or how long does the discharge last after childbirth?

On average, lochia should last no longer than the postpartum period. According to obstetric ideas, lochia should stop no later than 42 days after the date of birth, which corresponds to the duration of the postpartum period.

If after this time a woman continues to have postpartum discharge, she should consult a doctor.

Discharge after natural birth usually end a little earlier than. This is usually due to the fact that the contraction is somewhat worse, so the lochia may take a little longer to last.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

All women need to closely monitor vaginal discharge after childbirth in order to recognize impending danger in time.

Quickly stopped bleeding

Many people mistakenly assume that the sooner the lochia ends, the faster the body recovers from childbirth. However, stopping discharge during the first week may indicate occlusion (closure) cervical canal. This condition perhaps if the cervix closes quickly after childbirth.

This condition is very dangerous because lochia accumulated in the uterine cavity can cause inflammation in the pelvis.

In addition, if this condition is not recognized in time, then discharge of discharge through the fallopian tubes V abdominal cavity, which is fraught with the following consequences:

  • pelvioperitonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum and pelvic organs);
  • endometriosis (spread of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity);
  • development of the adhesive process;
  • tubo-peritoneal infertility.

If the discharge stops too quickly, you should consult a doctor to make sure that there are no bloody clots in the uterine cavity and that the outflow of lochia is not impaired.

Prolonged or continuous bleeding

After childbirth, everything is not always smooth sailing. It happens that spotting after childbirth continues for a long time. Given pathological condition may be caused by the following reasons:

  • Placental tissue remains in the uterine cavity.

If after childbirth even small areas of the placenta and fetal membranes are retained in the uterus, this can cause a violation contractility uterus

As a result, bloody lochia continues for a long time. This condition is usually diagnosed in maternity hospital, since an ultrasound is performed 3-4 days after birth. If the uterine cavity is dilated and there are remains in it placental tissue, then the woman needs curettage of the uterine cavity. After this procedure, the uterus usually contracts well, which has a beneficial effect on the course of the postpartum period.

  • Disturbance of the blood coagulation system.

Some diseases reduce the ability of blood to clot, for example, hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, thrombocytopathy, some malignant diseases blood from hemorrhagic syndrome(leukemia).

  • Reduced ability of the uterus to contract.

Overextension muscle fibers of the uterus can lead to a decrease in its contractile activity. This is usually associated with during pregnancy. In this situation, injections of drugs that contract the uterus (Oxytocin, Methylergobrevin), as well as taking a tincture of water pepper, will help.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor

Copious discharge with clots and an unpleasant odor may indicate inflammatory diseases uterus (endometritis, metroendometritis). Usually a woman develops chills and a fever.

To distinguish endometritis from hot flashes breast milk, it is necessary to measure the temperature not only in armpit, but also in the elbow bend.

If in both cases the temperature is high, then this indicates the systemic nature of the inflammation.

Antibiotics are usually very effective in this situation. wide range actions (“Amoxiclav”, “Flemoclav”, “Cefotaxime”, “Ceftriaxone”, “Moxifloxacin”). In case of inflammation of the uterus that has caused sepsis, with resistant microflora, reserve drugs (Tienam, Meronem, Cilastatin) can be used in conjunction with many antibiotics.

What should hygiene be like in the postpartum period?

In order to avoid inflammatory complications, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Change pads as often as possible, especially within 7 days after birth (every 3 hours).
  • In the first week you need to wash yourself at least 2-3 times a day.
  • Use soap without any fragrances or dyes. Gels are ideal for intimate hygiene, since they have an optimal pH environment for the external genitalia.
  • If there are stitches in the perineal area, it is necessary to treat them at least twice a day with antiseptic solutions.
  • During the postpartum period, you can only take a shower; a bath is strictly prohibited.

The peculiarities of postpartum discharge need to be given increased attention. Any violations during this period may lead to serious complications. Therefore, in case of any deviations from the norm, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to start treatment as early as possible.