Displaced fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot. Why does a metatarsal fracture occur? Main clinical signs

The foot has a complex structure, which ensures human motor activity. Damage to this complex mechanism can have serious consequences. Therefore, next we will consider the symptoms and treatment of a fracture. metatarsal feet, recovery features.

The structure of the metatarsus of the foot is represented by 5 tubular bones. These dice are playing important role in the dynamics of the foot, performing the function of a lever when moving.

This function places high stress on the bone tissue, making the metatarsal bone the most common injury.

The human foot has a complex anatomical structure

Reference. Most often, a fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot is observed, since it is the outermost element and suffers more than others from unnatural landings and loads.

Lower limb injuries this kind manifests itself with such symptoms(see photo below):

  • crunch due to injury;
  • acute pain, which at first may be muffled by the shoes that secure the leg, but then it becomes more and more intense;
  • pain and difficulty moving;
  • pain on palpation;
  • lameness;
  • increasing swelling of the foot;
  • turning blue skin at the site of the lesion.

Signs of damage may not always be obvious to the victim. Often such injury is mistaken for severe bruise or sprained ligaments.

This is especially true in situations where the injury is not traumatic(the result of a sudden mechanical movement), and stressful(consequence of excessive long-term stress or repeated minor injuries).

Stress fractures begin with the appearance of a small crack in the bone and are characterized by the appearance of aching soreness, which decreases with rest. As the crack enlarges, the pain intensifies and is accompanied by swelling.

Symptoms of a fracture are severe

Symptoms will also depend on the nature of the damage. bone tissue feet:

  • closed fracture no offset- for this type of displacement injury bone elements not observed. The damaged bone maintains its anatomically correct position. Such injuries are less dangerous and respond well to treatment;
  • fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone with displacement - characterized by separation and displacement of bone fragments. Changes may be noticeable visually, but not always. Soft tissue damage and bleeding may occur. There is a risk of developing purulent processes in tissues.

Any type of injury requires immediate medical attention to receive the necessary medical care.

Duration of bone fusion, occurrence possible complications depends on the timeliness and correctness of medical care.

The injured person must be given first aid, which consists of performing the following activities:

  • fixing the leg in one position using a splint;
  • applying a sterile (non-pressure) bandage - for open injury;
  • applying a cold compress for about 15 minutes;
  • providing rest to the leg;
  • giving the leg an elevated position.

Treatment tactics depend on the severity of the injury, its nature and location. The main methods of treatment for a fracture of the 4th metatarsal bone are:

  1. Immobilization of the foot with a plaster cast- performed for non-displaced injuries. Most often, plastering is done like a boot from the upper third of the shins to the tips of the fingers. Such fixation is necessary to ensure the immobility of the bones and their correct location. The duration of wearing a plaster cast is 1-1.5 months.
  2. Application of the orthosis- can be used in mild cases. This device Designed to stabilize, fix and unload the foot.
  3. Closed reduction- comparison of bone elements with slight displacement without cutting the skin.
  4. Osteosynthesis— bone fragments with their fixation using special parts (plates, knitting needles) with further application of plaster.

Various therapeutic techniques are used (depending on the degree of damage)

While wearing a cast, the patient must be observed by the attending physician and follow all his recommendations:

  • do not put any weight on your leg;
  • use crutches or a stick when moving;
  • when lying down, raise your leg;
  • take calcium and vitamin D.

Also important in the treatment of a fracture of the third metatarsal is nutrition.. The victim should include foods containing calcium (dairy products, nuts, grains) in their diet.

How long does it take for a fracture to heal?

How long does it take to heal a fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot?? This indicator depends on the individual recovery abilities of the body:

  • amount of calcium;
  • patient's age;
  • the presence of ailments that prevent bone fusion;

Also, the duration of therapy will depend on how accurately the patient complies with all the doctor’s instructions.

Several factors influence the duration of treatment

Reference. On average, bones heal within 6-8 weeks.

It is worth taking into account the severity of the injury and the number of damaged bones.


After the cast is removed, the patient must undergo a rehabilitation course to fully restore the functioning of the foot.

Reference. Recovery can last 3-5 weeks or more.

At this time, it is necessary to develop the muscles and tendons of the foot and normalize the functioning of the joints.

The recovery complex may include the following activities:

  1. Bandaging the leg with an elastic bandage.
  2. Usage .
  3. Complete and healthy nutrition.
  4. Therapeutic massage.

To speed up rehabilitation after a fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot, you can perform special exercises:

  • extension and flexion of fingers;
  • turning legs left and right;
  • circular rotations;
  • transferring body weight from heels to toes (first the exercise should be done while sitting, then with support on a chair, then standing);
  • stretching your feet towards and away from you;
  • swing your legs while lying down.

Gymnastics is necessary to develop the ankle

Each exercise is performed according to 10-15 times, in this case, overload of the lower extremities is not allowed.

The recovery period should be taken very seriously, since the functioning of the foot will depend on the correctness of actions.


Damage to bone tissue is a dangerous phenomenon that requires immediate medical attention. The motor activity of the injured limb will depend on how competently the assistance is provided and how conscientiously the patient undergoes rehabilitation.

According to various sources, they account for 2.5-10% of all fractures. Fractures of the bones of the foot occur both as a result of direct injury and as a result of indirect trauma(unsuccessful jump, twisted foot, fall). The significance of fractures of the bones of the foot is determined by the high mutual dependence of all elements of this part of the body. Any change in the shape of one of the bones of the foot during a fracture leads to a change in the shape and function of the entire foot. Thus, fractures of the bones of the foot often cause subsequent disruption of normal support on the foot, the development of flat feet and secondary arthrosis. For diagnostic purposes, radiographs of the foot are taken in 2-3 projections. For fractures of the foot bones, open/closed reduction is performed, followed by immobilization for up to 1.5 months.

General information

According to various sources, they account for 2.5-10% of all fractures. The significance of fractures of the bones of the foot is determined by the high mutual dependence of all elements of this part of the body. Any change in the shape of one of the bones of the foot during a fracture leads to a change in the shape and function of the entire foot. Thus, fractures of the bones of the foot often cause subsequent disruption of normal support on the foot, the development of flat feet and secondary arthrosis.

Anatomy of the foot

The foot consists of 26 bones, interconnected by small joints and a large number of ligaments. There are three sections of the foot: tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges. The tarsus is formed by the calcaneus, talus, cuboid, navicular and three sphenoid bones.

Proximally (closer to the center of the body) the talus connects to the bones of the lower leg. Distally (further from the center of the body), the tarsal bones articulate with the metatarsal bones, which, in turn, form joints with the bones of the main phalanges of the fingers.

Fractures of the tarsal bones

Fractures of the talus

The talus has features that distinguish it from the other bones of the foot. Firstly, the pressure of all gravity is transmitted through the talus to the foot human body. Secondly, the talus is the only bone of the foot to which no muscle is attached. Thirdly, the talus plays a significant role in the formation of the arches of the feet.

Fractures talus are rare in traumatology (about 3% of the total number of fractures of the foot bones), belong to the group of severe injuries to the bones of the foot and are often combined with other injuries (ankle fractures, foot dislocations, fractures of other foot bones). There are fractures of the body, head, neck, lateral or posterior edge of the talus.

Fractures of the talus are most often the result of indirect trauma (twisting the foot, jumping, falling from a height). Less commonly, the cause of injury is compression of the foot or a direct blow from a heavy object.


The patient complains of sharp pain in the damaged area. Foot and ankle joint swollen, hemorrhages are visible on the skin, mainly in the area of ​​the inner ankle. When fragments are displaced, deformation is revealed. Movement in the ankle joint is almost impossible due to pain.

Sharp pain is detected when palpated at the level of the joint space, and with fractures of the neck the pain is more pronounced in the front, and with fractures of the posterior process - along the posterior surface outward from the Achilles tendon.

To confirm a fracture of the talus, determine its location, and identify the nature and degree of displacement of the fragments, radiography is performed in 2 projections.


For fractures of the posterior process, plaster is applied for 2-3 weeks, for other fractures of the talus - for 4-5 weeks. From 3-4 weeks, the patient is recommended to remove the injured leg from the splint and make active movements in the ankle joint.

Scaphoid fractures

This type of foot fracture usually occurs as a result of direct trauma (a heavy object falling on the back of the foot). Less commonly, the cause of a scaphoid fracture is compression between the sphenoid bones and the head of the talus. Often, scaphoid fractures are combined with other fractures of the bones of the foot.


Support on the leg is limited due to pain. Swelling and hemorrhages are detected on the dorsum of the foot. Palpation of the navicular bone, rotation of the foot inward and outward, as well as abduction and adduction of the foot cause sharp pain in the area of ​​the fracture. To confirm a fracture of the scaphoid bone, an x-ray of the foot is performed in 2 projections.


For fractures of the scaphoid without displacement of bone fragments, the traumatologist applies a circular plaster cast with carefully modeled arches of the foot. For displaced fractures, reduction is performed. If the fragments cannot be reduced or retained, open reduction is performed. Fixation with a plaster cast is carried out within 4-5 weeks.

Fractures of the cuboid and sphenoid bones

The injury is usually caused by a heavy object falling on the back of the foot. Soft fabrics the area of ​​damage is swollen. Pain is detected when palpating, pressing, or turning the foot inward and outward. To confirm this type of foot bone fractures great value has radiography. Treatment is a circular plaster cast for a period of 4-5 weeks. For a year after such a fracture of the foot bones, the patient must wear an arch support.

Metatarsal fractures

Fractures of the metatarsal bones rank first in frequency among all fractures of the bones of the foot. They usually occur due to direct exposure to a traumatic force (compression of the foot, a fall from a heavy object, or a wheel running over the foot). May be multiple or single. Depending on the level of damage, fractures of the head, neck and body of the metatarsal bones are distinguished.

Single fractures of the metatarsal bones are very rarely accompanied by significant displacement of the fragments, since the remaining intact metatarsal bones act as a natural splint, keeping the fragments from displacement.


With single fractures of the metatarsal bones, local swelling is detected on the back and sole, pain when supporting and palpating. Multiple fractures of the metatarsal bones are accompanied by severe swelling of the entire foot, hemorrhages, and pain on palpation. Support is difficult or impossible due to pain. Possible deformation of the foot. The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray data in 2 projections, and in case of fractures of the base of the metatarsal bones - in 3 projections.


For fractures of the metatarsal bones without displacement, a posterior plaster splint is applied for a period of 3-4 weeks. For displaced fractures, closed reduction is performed, open osteosynthesis is performed, or skeletal traction is applied. The period of fixation for such fractures of the foot bones is extended to 6 weeks. Then the patient is put on a special plaster cast with a heel, and subsequently recommended to use orthopedic inlays.

Fractures of the phalanges of the toes

This type of fracture of the bones of the foot, as a rule, occurs due to direct exposure to traumatic force (a fall from a heavy object, a blow to the toes). Fractures of the middle and nail phalanges of the fingers do not subsequently impair the function of the foot. Improper healing of fractures of the main phalanges can lead to the development of post-traumatic arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joints, limited mobility and pain when walking.


The injured finger is cyanotic, swollen, and sharply painful with movement, palpation, and axial load. Fractures of the nail phalanx are often accompanied by the formation of a subungual hematoma. To confirm phalangeal fractures, radiographs are taken in 2 projections.


For fractures of the phalanges of the toes without displacement, a posterior plaster splint is applied. When the fragments are displaced, closed reduction is performed. The bone fragments are fixed with knitting needles. For fractures of the nail phalanx without displacement, immobilization using an adhesive bandage is possible. The duration of fixation depends on the severity of the fracture and ranges from 4 to 6 weeks.

Among foot injuries, the leading position is occupied by a fracture of the metatarsal bone, and especially damage to the fifth bone.

A fracture of the metatarsal bones is damage to their anatomical integrity under the influence of traumatic factors. The fifth metatarsal bone can be injured at the base, middle part, and head.

The human support of the leg consists of twenty-six bones, closely connected to each other by ligaments and small joints. Because of this structure, the destruction of one of the bone fragments affects the functioning of the entire limb.

Let's look at fractures that appear as a result of trauma. They can form due to a blow to the foot with a heavy object, as well as twisting of the foot while walking or running.

The following types of fractures are classified:

  • Displaced fracture of the 5th metatarsal - as a result of the fracture, bone fragments are displaced.
  • The bone fragments do not move.
  • Open fractures.
  • Closed fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot.

If a person receives such an injury without displacement, then the elements of the damaged bone will remain in the same position. An open fracture is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, in which case parts of the bones can be seen in the wound.

An open fracture is dangerous for a person, since the percentage of infection and the appearance of complications in the future, such as phlegmon, osteomyelitis, sepsis, gangrene and tetanus, is very high. How long does it take for a fracture of the 5th metatarsal to heal? More on this below.

There are several factors that provoke injury:

  1. Excessive physical activity.
  2. Weakened bone tissue due to osteoporosis.
  3. Heavy object or sharp blow.
  4. Unsuccessful jump or fall.

The number of signs of a fracture depends on the type of injury. After a traumatic injury, a crunching sound is heard.

Afterwards, the pain at rest may subside. But as soon as the foot has the slightest load, it resumes with renewed vigor.

A stress fracture produces an aching, dull pain that feels similar to muscle pain. This pathology most often affects professional athletes, army recruits after intensive combat training, and tourists.

It is also called a march fracture. But for those who love sports and enjoy running, a marching fracture can also happen.

People whose professional activities take place “on their feet” are also at risk. Women who prefer high-heeled shoes also suffer from this disease.

The situation can be aggravated by osteoporosis, foot deformity, flat feet, poor-quality shoes that are not suitable for the size and type of activity. A marching fracture is more often observed on the second, less often on the third and fourth, and even less often on the first and fifth metatarsal bones.

What's happening? From strong and intense work, the muscles begin to tire and lose their ability to withstand the load. Part of the load is transferred to the bone structures. Small cracks appear on them. March fracture gives pain in middle part feet.

During rest, the pain completely disappears, but after moving the foot it returns. Lameness appears and gait changes. Swelling may occur, but without hemorrhage. The area with the injury hurts when pressed. One or more bones may be affected.

Types of injuries

A fracture of the metatarsal bones is understood as a violation of their integrity due to injury.

They are classified as:

  • Resulting from injuries.
  • Appeared due to fatigue or stress.

Various fracture lines:

  1. Transverse.
  2. Oblique.
  3. T-shaped.
  4. In the form of a wedge.

Metatarsal fractures are the most common foot fractures. They account for about 6% of all bone injuries.

Each case must be analyzed by a specialist traumatologist, because the nature and location of the injury determine an individual approach to treatment.

Any complication after an injury will negatively affect a person’s health.

The foot has several essential functions:

A metatarsal fracture is a fairly common type of injury. This is explained by its location, because it is located in front of the base of the foot and is considered quite fragile.

Heavy loads, impacts and many other factors lead to injury. Such damage is classified according to certain indicators.

So, when only one bone is fractured, it is usually called single. And when two or more bones are deformed, we can conclude that this type of fracture is multiple.

In addition to damage to the base, diaphysis or neck, injuries can also be different depending on the shape and location. For example, fracture shapes can be oblique, transverse, wedge-shaped and T-shaped.

This factor is considered important when prescribing treatment and determines the methods of the rehabilitation period.

According to another classification of injuries, fractures are distinguished between traumatic and fatigue. The first occur as a result of an impact or some kind of mechanical impact.

The consequences of such fractures can be bone displacements, which are characterized by their incorrect location in relation to each other. We can talk about the absence of displacement when some of the bones are in the same plane.

In addition, a distinction is made between closed fractures, in which there are no obvious signs, and open ones, characterized by the presence of a wound in the injured area.

A sign of this type of fracture, such as a fatigue one, is the formation of subtle cracks that form as a result of significant loads on the foot, for example, when running or walking.

There are five metatarsal bones. In most cases, doctors diagnose a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone or the 4th, which are considered the most vulnerable.

Much less often, injuries to the 1st bone are diagnosed, and sometimes a fracture of the 3rd or 2nd metatarsal.

Principles of treatment of fractures various areas The fifth metatarsal bones have a number of significant differences. Damage can be localized at the base of the bone, in its middle part or in the area of ​​the head.

It is important to correctly diagnose and determine the type of injury:

  1. An avulsion fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone occurs due to a sharp inversion of the foot. The bone fragment is disconnected due to the tension of the tendons. It is quite difficult to recognize this type of injury, since the symptoms of an ankle sprain come to the fore.
  2. A Jones fracture is a fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone 5 cm from the base. So in this area there is not a very intense blood supply, the fusion of fragments occurs slowly. In patients with circulatory pathology of the lower extremities, the bones may long time do not grow together.
  3. A fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot may be accompanied by displacement, that is, a violation of the anatomically correct location of bone fragments in relation to each other. Their improper fusion can lead to foot deformity and lameness.
  4. In a non-displaced fracture, there is no separation of bone sections.

What are the signs to use to diagnose such a fracture?

  1. Pain at the site of fracture of these bones appears either immediately after the injury or after some time.
  2. Damage to the bones immediately at the time of injury is accompanied by a crunching sound that the patient can hear.
  3. The metatarsal bone may deviate to the side.
  4. The patient has a visually shortened toe.
  5. Swelling may occur the day after the fracture or on the same day.

  • The patient has pain in the foot after exercise (long walking or running).
  • The pain goes away after a short rest, and then intensifies again if the person begins to walk around the room or stands in one place for a long time.
  • When palpating the foot, the patient indicates a pinpoint pain at the fracture site.
  • External sign fracture - swelling of the foot, but without bruising.

The above symptoms indicate that you need to contact a traumatologist. Similar symptoms are observed with metatarsal fractures and sprained ligaments.

The belief is considered erroneous: if the patient walks, then he does not need medical care. Diagnosis of a fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot, carried out untimely, and unqualified treatment of any fractures, including fatigue ones, lead to serious consequences.


Symptoms of the pathology are characterized by the severity and location of the damage.

Stress or fatigue pathologies of the support of the lower extremities have following symptoms:

A fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone can be avulsion. This injury is the separation of a bone fragment under the influence of the traction of the tendons attached to it. These fractures occur when the foot turns inward. When ankle sprains occur, they often go unnoticed.

In a Jones fracture, the injury is located at the base of the fifth metatarsal, an area with a reduced blood supply. This explains the too slow healing of bones after this type of injury.

Typically, a Jones fracture is preceded by regular stress loading. In the area of ​​the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot, fractures of its middle part, head or neck often occur.

Diagnostic methods

After a fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone, a diagnosis can be made by the presence of injury, patient complaints, visual examination of the foot, and also using x-ray equipment.

A marching fracture does not show a characteristic line of damage on an x-ray. The metatarsal bone breaks like a “green stick”: the structure inside is broken, and on top it is held in place by a thin layer of bone.

If sharp pain on palpation at the base of the metatarsus it is combined with swelling, the diagnosis is obvious to the traumatologist.

Treatment, unlike other bone pathologies, does not require reduction and plaster immobilization. Doctors recommend treating swelling and pain with the help of special pain-relieving gels, creams, and ointments.

For a time, you should limit the load on the front of the foot and eliminate the activity that caused the injury.

Treatment is supplemented with orthopedic insoles. They make it possible to relieve excessive stress on the bones, and thereby make it easier to endure the disease. Such damage heals quickly and without consequences, the prognosis is favorable.

Treatment after traumatic fractures includes a set of measures in several main areas. The main thing is immobilization with a hard plaster cast along the entire length of the foot with capture of the ankle joint.

Immobilization will allow the bones and ligaments to be completely at rest, and will not allow bone fragments to move further.

After injury with displacement greater than half the width of the bone, it is indicated surgical treatment. During surgical intervention the doctor compares fragments of bone structures and fixes them with special devices.

Surgical treatment is also indicated for open fractures. Surgical treatment is carried out using the method of percutaneous fixation with pins or open reposition (external osteosynthesis).

According to the first method, displacement reposition is performed closed. Afterwards, taking into account the nature of the damage, the bone is fixed in certain directions with knitting needles.

Using the open reduction technique, a surgical incision is made, access to the damaged bone is provided, displacement is eliminated, and then it is fixed in the correct position. Immobilization with plaster is not indicated. The patient is allowed to walk on his heel for 4 weeks.

Non-displaced injuries are treated with a plaster cast for 4 to 6 weeks. The patient must move using crutches.

Any load on the foot should be completely eliminated. After a control x-ray, when the doctor is convinced that the treatment was successful and the fracture has healed, the patient is allowed to step on his leg.

Quite often, with a stress fracture, a person does not seek help from a doctor, because he has no idea about the nature of the damage and does not attach importance to it.

In some cases, proper fusion of bones occurs on their own, but often such neglect leads to complications and deformation of the foot.

Attention! Incorrect position of the foot when walking after an injury leads to increased load on the knee and ankle joints, in which irreversible processes can begin over time.

To avoid sad consequences, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner who will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Methods for diagnosing a fifth metatarsal fracture include:

  • inspection;
  • palpation;
  • radiography in three different planes;

The latter method is used quite rarely. It is used when there is severe tissue swelling that distorts the image on an x-ray.


Treatment of a fracture depends on the location of the fracture, its nature, and the presence of bone displacement.

Displaced injuries require surgery, during which bone fragments are connected and then fixed with implants. For displaced fractures, wires are used and removed after healing. Definitive treatment and rehabilitation are carried out in inpatient conditions, since after the operation of fault sections with displacement, a special recovery period is required.

For non-displaced injuries, plaster fixation of the limb is used. The patient should move with the help of crutches while rehabilitation lasts, and should also avoid putting weight on the injured foot even after the symptoms of the injury have passed. How long the rehabilitation will last depends on the process of fusion of bone fragments. Treatment for damage to the fifth metatarsal bone lasts one and a half months.

Full recovery will require a longer period. To treat a simple non-displaced foot injury, you must follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Restoring the foot

After removing the cast, experts recommend doing a foot massage, which allows you to develop the muscles and tendons. To treat residual effects of injury, physiotherapeutic procedures are performed. Therapeutic effect These measures promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue.

Treatment after an injury does not exclude physical therapy exercises, which help restore flexibility and mobility of the foot, stretch tendons and ligaments.

In addition, salt water baths are used to treat injured feet. Water procedures have a calming effect on joints and ligaments. In addition, baths with sea ​​salt strengthen the bone base.

As a method of treatment after limb injuries, doctors recommend orthopedic insoles and special shoes. The foot maintains balance using the first and fifth metatarsals. If you do not use insoles, the bone may move apart, which will contribute to the development of flat feet. Insoles are worn from six months to one year. Treatment with orthopedic devices helps to avoid foot deformation.

You should start walking immediately after the cast is removed. Recovery is accompanied by pain, but gradually the discomfort passes. Moderate load on the foot reduces the likelihood of new foot injuries, including the possibility of getting a march fracture again.

Early detection and correct treatment restore normal functioning of the limb, allowing you to avoid unpleasant consequences for human health.

Modern types of treatment in traumatology:

  • Application of a plaster cast. It is used in cases where there is a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot without displacement of the fragments.
  • A plaster cast is used to protect the injury site from different types impact on the fracture, ensures the correct position of bone fragments in anatomical terms and the immobility of the foot, which is necessary for rapid healing.
  • Surgery. Displacement of bone fragments as a result of a fracture of the metatarsal bones requires surgical intervention, as well as the use of mini-implants for their fixation and comparison.
  • The patient needs to use crutches while walking throughout the entire period, regardless of the type of treatment (surgical or conservative). Crutches help eliminate stress on the foot.
  • When the patient is allowed to remove the bandage, he will undergo a rehabilitation course to return to active life and restoration of foot function.

Modern medicine provides new method treatment, the so-called osteosynthesis, with the help of which the doctor is able to compare bone fragments and give them the correct position. Using a special rod, fixation is carried out inside the bone. This technique makes it possible to early stages use weight on your foot and make more movements with your toes.

How long a fracture takes to heal depends on several factors. Among them:

  • type of injury;
  • presence or absence of complications;
  • speed of first aid;
  • treatment tactics;
  • patient's age;
  • general condition health of the patient.

Treatment can be conservative or surgical method. Conservative treatment involves closed reposition of fragments and taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers. For slightly displaced fractures, the victim is given a plaster cast. If you have an injury without complications, you will have to wear a cast for approximately two months.

For complicated fractures with severe displacement or open wound carried out surgical treatment. During the operation, the doctor compares bone fragments and fastens them with knitting needles or special screws. After the operation, a plaster cast may not be applied, but provided that the patient protects the limb from stress.

The patient is allowed to get out of bed on the second day after the start of treatment, but when walking, be sure to use crutches or a special walker. You should not lean on your injured leg until the doctor gives permission. The fusion of fragments is controlled by periodic x-rays. When the bone is completely fused, the plaster cast is removed and the patient begins rehabilitation.

At the beginning of treatment, painkillers are used, as well as medications containing vitamin D and calcium. Nowadays, modern drugs are often used that improve bone tissue restoration. The method of treatment depends on how severe the fracture is and is prescribed by the doctor after visual inspection and based on x-rays.

If a non-displaced fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone is diagnosed, unloading fixation of the leg is performed, after which a plaster cast, called a “boot”, is applied using a splint, since it is applied up to the knee. This cast should be worn for approximately 1 month. It is removed only after an x-ray, which confirms the healing of the damaged bone. Next, the patient is recommended to wear a tight bandage and orthopedic shoes for another period.

For a displaced metatarsal fracture, treatment is more complex. Especially if there are a large number of fragments or their uneven edges. Skeletal traction is usually used. It consists of drilling a hole in the fifth finger, into which a silk thread or metal knitting needle is inserted, after which a load is hung on it. One month later, after an x-ray, the results of which confirmed the restoration of the fragments in their places, a plaster boot is applied, which the patient must wear for 3-4 weeks.

If the bone does not heal properly, the patient usually needs surgery. The operation, called osteosynthesis in medicine, should be carried out no earlier than 20 days after injury (when the swelling disappears), but no later than 1.5 months, in order to eliminate the risk of spontaneous improper fusion.

Treatment of a fracture of the fifth metatarsal should only be carried out qualified specialist after making an accurate diagnosis.

Important! If the injury is not accompanied by displacement of fragments, then a plaster cast is applied to the damaged area, starting from the phalanges of the fingers and ending at the lower edge of the knee. This ensures complete immobility of the ankle and proper fusion of bones.

You should wear this “boot” for about a month. If the result is positive x-ray examination the plaster is removed and replaced with a tight fixing bandage.

When the fragments of the fifth metatarsal bone are displaced, the skeletal traction method can be used using a metal rod or silk thread inserted into the foot through a small hole near the little toe. When the fragments fall into place, as confirmed by x-ray results, a plaster cast is applied to the leg.

In the presence of an open fracture or multiple displacements, osteosynthesis is used. This method is based on the implantation of a metal rod or plate into the bone, which remains there until the metatarsal bone is completely fused. After a certain period of time, a repeat operation is performed to remove the implant.

Additionally, all patients are prescribed calcium supplements, vitamin D, or fish oil.

First aid

To first aid prehospital stage applies:

  • Creating the necessary rest for the foot.
  • It is necessary to apply cold to the area of ​​the fifth metatarsal bone. An ice pack inside helps a lot. It is used to reduce soft tissue swelling and reduce foot pain. At home, a regular towel with ice wrapped in it will do. There is a certain period of time for which cold can be applied. This procedure must be done for twenty minutes every hour.
  • An elastic bandage is suitable for fixing the foot so that it can be put on the leg in the future. compression stocking. Its use requires uniform bandaging in order to prevent circulatory problems in the lower limb.
  • The injured foot should be placed on an elevation. The patient places the foot just above the hip.
  • It is possible to apply a splint to the foot.
  • Find the nearest emergency room to receive medical care.

When a person receives a fracture, it is necessary to provide him with first aid, which will alleviate the condition of the victim and allow him to wait for an ambulance or get to the emergency room with almost no pain.

To reduce swelling, apply something cold to the injury site. This could be ice wrapped in cloth, a plastic bottle with cold water or a towel soaked in it.

Under no circumstances should you warm up the injury site, as this will lead to vasodilation and increased subcutaneous bleeding.

In case of a traumatic fracture, it is necessary to apply a splint of three sticks to the foot, one of which runs along the sole, the second along back side foot, and the third along the edge of the toe. The tire should extend a couple of centimeters beyond the toes and heel.

If there is displacement of fragments, it is unacceptable to move them into place on your own.

In case of a stress fracture, it should be applied pressure bandage from an elastic bandage, while monitoring the color of the skin on your fingers. If they begin to turn pale and become cold, this indicates a circulatory problem, in which case the bandage needs to be loosened.

If a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone is expected, it is necessary to immediately reduce movements to a minimum and get rid of even the slightest load on the limb - this is necessary measure to prevent the risk of further injury.

To slow down the development of swelling and relieve pain, good remedy is the effect of cold on the sore spot.

Ice should be applied to the sore leg throughout the day after the injury, but the duration of one procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, and the interval between them should be at least 1.5 hours.

If there is no ice, you can use any product from the freezer, after wrapping it in cloth.

If a fracture of the fifth metatarsal is suspected, the first step is to completely remove the load from the injured limb and, if possible, immobilize it.

Possible complications

If the symptoms of injury are not detected in time, then without treatment negative consequences will announce themselves immediately.

Injuries to the fifth metatarsal can cause the following:

  • chronic pain in the entire foot;
  • development of arthrosis;
  • deformation of the bone structure;
  • disruption of the normal functioning of the foot.

Arthrosis manifests itself in cases where the injury has affected the joint tissues, and destruction causes pain syndrome.

Consequences degenerative changes restrict the movement of the foot, problems arise with the selection of shoes.

In addition, medical science divides the consequences of bone injury into several groups: direct, early and late.

  • The bone structure of the human foot changes, which leads to limited movement and makes it difficult to wear shoes.
  • Arthrosis may develop at the site of injury.
  • It is important to align the displaced bone elements, otherwise angular deformity may occur.
  • The patient suffers from chronic foot pain.
  • The patient quickly feels tired in his legs, especially when he walks or stands still.
  • If the fracture does not heal, then surgery is necessary.

If there is no adequate treatment for any type of fifth metatarsal fracture, periodic pain in the foot, the development of arthrosis, deformation of the bone structure, as well as violation normal operation limbs.

In addition, in medicine, the consequences that can occur after a fracture of the metatarsal bone are divided into several groups:

​You can apply something cold to the fracture site for 15 minutes to relieve swelling and prevent severe bruising.​

The essence of injury and types

Another classification of such injuries involves dividing them into traumatic fractures and fatigue fractures. In the first case, the damage is the result of a blow or other strong and often sudden mechanical impact.

Such a fracture can occur with subsequent displacement of the bones (when their parts are positioned incorrectly relative to each other) or without it (in this case, the parts remain in the same plane).

In addition, it can be closed (without visible obvious signs) or open, that is, with the formation of a wound at the site of injury. ​

​Where to contact​

​- surgery, carried out for fractures of the metatarsal bones with displacement;

​Symptoms of a metatarsal stress fracture include:​

​Treatment of fractured metatarsal bones of the foot​

​When the bone is severely damaged, internal fixation is necessary. This is done using special screws.​

    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I am fighting the effect, not the cause...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. Such things

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    julek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt. Thank you!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods joint treatment? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing is in pain...

    Andrey A week ago

    No matter what folk remedies I tried, nothing helped...

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried drinking a decoction from bay leaf, no use, I just ruined my stomach!! I no longer believe in these folk methods...

    Maria 5 days ago

    I recently watched a program on Channel One, it was also about this Federal program to combat joint diseases talked. It is also headed by some famous Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure joints and backs, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.

​They put me in a cast and I walked for 26 days, but I had a displaced fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone. Take care of your leg, take calcium-containing medications (Calcium D3 Nycomed, Calcium-Active, Mountain Calcium, etc.), include dairy and jelly products (for example, jellied meat) in your diet. Your body needs calcium to accelerate bone fusion. If you remove the plaster sometimes, you can rub in Dolobene ointment - it gives a good effect. Be healthy!​


​Fractures of the 5th metatarsal bone can be direct (that is, occurring after a blow to the bone itself) and indirect (arising after a blow to adjacent bones). A Jones fracture has been described separately, which occurs as a result of a lateral blow from the little toe, and a fracture occurs at a distance of 5 cm from the base of the metatarsal bone.​

​Immobilization, which involves applying a hard plaster cast to the entire foot. This will provide the bones and ligaments with complete rest, which will help speed up and normalize the process of tissue fusion. In addition, the plaster will protect the bones from further displacement during impacts. But such measures are allowed only for non-displaced fractures.​

Signs of a foot fracture

​After rest, all pain completely disappears, but returns with subsequent movement.​

​bandage your foot elastic bandage or wear a compression stocking to prevent swelling;​

​, which is located along the outer edge of the foot. The clinical picture of the injury is characterized by swelling of the foot and pain in the area where the injury is located.​

First aid

The danger of this type of foot fracture is that most people with such damage to the metatarsal bones are in no hurry to see a doctor. They are guided by the following: it is possible to step on the leg and walk, which means there is no fracture. This opinion is wrong. Patients confuse a fracture with a sprain, but the treatment tactics for these foot injuries are completely different. Therefore, at the first suspicion of a stress fracture of the foot, it is necessary to contact a traumatologist in order to avoid a number of serious complications. For example, a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot is characterized by very slow healing, and in some cases, an advanced fracture even ends in non-union of the bone.​

​-traumatic - occurring, as a rule, under the influence of an obvious traumatic factor: a heavy object falling on the foot, squeezing the foot, running over, etc.​


​The recovery period for a metatarsal fracture is quite long and includes physical therapy, massage, use of arch supports, and physiotherapy.​

​Such injuries, which include a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot, are usually found in athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle. They appear as a result of excessive and prolonged stress on the foot. Essentially, such a fracture is a crack in the bone, and it is very difficult to notice.

Fracture of the talus

​How to treat​

​Foot fracture is a fairly common injury and accounts for up to 20% of all bone fractures. This should not be taken lightly; the consequences can be very negative, including the inability to move without assistance.​

​The so-called “march fractures” or “fatigue” or Deutschlander fractures can be particularly distinguished. As the name implies, they occur during long walks, when a person gets tired and accidentally puts his foot in a position that is uncomfortable for walking.​

If there is a displaced fracture, then surgery is necessary. Surgical intervention involves comparing bone fragments and fixing them using special devices. The operation is performed under anesthesia (usually general, but sometimes local is indicated). Intervention is also necessary for open injuries.​

​Swelling may occur. But it will not be accompanied by a bruise (bruise).

​elevate your foot to reduce swelling; keep your foot at hip level or slightly higher.​

The nature of the fracture is determined by the type of injury that occurred. The fifth metatarsal bone is more often than other metatarsal bones subject to an indirect mechanism of injury as a result of twisting of the foot.​

​Fractures of the foot bones can result in the following complications:​

-stress (or fatigue) - for example, a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot most often refers to just such fractures and usually occurs in athletes who have received excessive running load.

Scaphoid fracture

​If such an injury is not treated or treated incorrectly, complications such as arthrosis, deformity, constant pain and non-union of the fracture.

​If a person suffers from various underlying diseases, such as osteoporosis or foot deformities, his condition may worsen significantly. A stress fracture of the metatarsal bone also occurs in those who constantly walk in uncomfortable and tight shoes.​

If a displaced foot fracture is diagnosed, bone fragments are immediately compared. The fact is that the later you see a doctor, the more difficult it will be to restore their correct position, sometimes even impossible.​

​If you sharply twist your foot in any direction, jump from a height with emphasis on your feet, or if you are hit with a heavy object, this injury can occur.​

​We can also talk about a pseudo-Johnson fracture. It occurs because the peroneus brevis muscle, due to strong tension, can tear off the base of the 5th metatarsal bone

The patient must use crutches to avoid any stress on the foot for complete and normal fusion of the bones. Such measures are necessary for any fractures: with or without displacement, as well as open ones.​

Fractures of the cuboid and sphenoid bones

​If you press on the fracture site, pain will occur in this particular area.​

Fracture of the metatarsal bones of the foot

​Immobilization of the foot with a plaster cast. To eliminate the load on the foot, crutches are used.​

Traumatic fracture

​Fractures of the fifth metatarsal bone can occur in the area of ​​its base, middle part and head.​

- chronic pain in the foot;

There are multiple fractures of the metatarsal bones of the foot and single ones. Single fractures of the bones of the foot usually occur without displacement, that is, the bone fragments maintain the correct position. There are also open (the presence of a wound on the skin communicating with the fracture) and closed fractures of the foot. Open fractures are more dangerous, since there is always a risk of infection of the fracture area with various microorganisms, which can lead to complications such as cellulitis, tetanus, sepsis and osteomyelitis.​

Stress (fatigue) fracture

​This type of fracture of the foot bones is possible as a result of direct impact on the fingers (for example, when strong impact or a fall in gravity). If the main phalanges do not fuse properly, the function of the foot may be impaired. In addition, pain may occur when walking and limited mobility of the injured limb. As a result of a fracture of the middle and nail phalanges, such consequences do not arise.


​The cast is applied for a month and a half. Starting from the third week, you need to release the injured limb from the splint and make active movements of the ankle joint.​

​Fractures of the metatarsal bones occur as a result of an unexpected strong impact on the leg, excessive load and overexertion.​

​The main cause is injuries: a blow, a heavy object falling on the foot, a twisted foot, a fall on the feet from a height. This happens especially often during sports games. There are many ligaments between the metatarsal bones, the purpose of which is to hold the metatarsal bones close to each other, so a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone often leads to dislocations and fractures of other bones of the foot. An indirect cause may be a lack of calcium in the bones, which leads to their fragility

​Doctor's supervision is required

​Now the manifestations of a traumatic fracture:​

​Surgery for a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone may be required if there is displacement, multiple fractures of other bones of the foot, or if there is no union. The operation consists of precise comparison of bone fragments and their reliable fixation using mini-implants.​

Diagnosis of metatarsal bone fracture

An avulsion fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone is an injury in which a bone fragment is torn off under the action of the traction of the tendons attached to it. This type of fracture occurs when the foot turns inward. Avulsion fractures are often missed when they accompany an ankle sprain.​


- long-term disruption of the normal functioning of the foot;

​Main features of this type foot fractures are:​


​The first symptom that should alert you is pain that occurs in the foot after prolonged intense exercise and disappears in a calm state. Over time, it intensifies to such an extent that any action becomes impossible. The pain persists even at rest. Swelling appears at the site of injury.​

​A little later, physical therapy, massage, and physiotherapy are prescribed. It takes two to three months to restore working capacity.​

​Swelling of the injured area and pain are the very first symptoms indicating that you may have a foot fracture. The photo below shows what a sore leg looks like.​

​The symptoms of a fracture are determined by its nature and severity, as well as its location. Obviously, in case of complex fractures with a large number of fragments, with their displacement clinical picture will be different than with simple fractures. Usually there are difficulties when walking, swelling of the leg, pain, crunching at the fracture site, deformation of the foot, hemorrhages on the skin and under it. When the base of the metatarsal bone is fractured, swelling spreads to the ankle joint

​. X-ray images will be taken periodically, from which the specialist will assess the situation and the nature of the fusion. Physiotherapy or special exercises will likely be prescribed.​

Fractures of the phalanges of the toes

​Immediately at the moment of injury, you can hear a crunching sound, which signals a bone fracture.​

​As with other fifth metatarsal fractures, plaster immobilization may be performed, but the duration is usually longer because this type of fracture is more difficult to heal.​

A Jones fracture occurs at the base of the fifth metatarsal, an area with poor blood supply. Therefore, often with such fractures there is delayed healing and non-union of the fracture. As a rule, a Jones fracture occurs against the background of previous cyclic stress loads.​

- arthrosis developing against the background of an intra-articular fracture or angular deformation that occurs in the absence of proper correction of displaced bone fragments;

- characteristic crunching sound at the time of injury;

The broken finger is noted to be blue, swollen, and severely painful during movement. With such injuries, a subungual hematoma sometimes forms. To confirm the diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct an x-ray examination in two projections.​

​The danger is that most people with such an injury are in no hurry to see a doctor; often the person does not even suspect that he has a foot fracture. The signs in this case are not as pronounced as with other fractures; the patient walks and steps on his leg. Therefore, to avoid complications, you must contact a doctor immediately.​


Fracture of the bones of the foot - symptoms, treatment methods

​Arises as a consequence of direct exposure. Often a fracture of this foot bone is accompanied by injuries to other bones. The pain can be so severe that the person cannot move. Bruising may also occur in the area of ​​injury. A displaced fracture is characterized by a change in the shape of the foot.​

​In addition to the above symptoms, the main method in determining the diagnosis of a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone is radiography of the foot in three projections: direct, lateral and semilateral. Sometimes swollen tissue covers the site of the fracture, and its presence can only be determined in the image when the bone fragments are displaced

​The cast will need to be worn for approximately 1-1.5 months (this depends on the severity of the injury, as well as the nature and speed of bone fusion). When the bandage is removed, you need to pay special attention rehabilitation. Complete restoration of all functions and return to normal life will happen only after 1-3 weeks. At this time, you need to restore the previous mobility of the foot, muscles and ligaments.​

​The next day or a few hours after the fracture, swelling appears, accompanied by bruising.​

Fractures of the metatarsal bones of the foot

​Bone stimulation is used to speed up the healing of some fractures.​

In the area of ​​the fifth metatarsal, fractures in the middle part of the bone, as well as fractures of its neck or head, can also occur.

- deformation of the bone structure and, as a consequence, problems when selecting and wearing shoes, limited range of motion of the foot;

- shortening of the damaged finger or its deviation to the side;

Traumatic fractures of the metatarsal bones


​Fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot is an injury that occurs more often than all others.​


​Sometimes a person does not realize that he has a broken foot. Signs may not be pronounced; pain occurs only when putting weight on the affected leg. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, you need to contact a traumatologist.​

​It starts with the use of painkillers. Calcium and vitamin D supplements are prescribed; new generation medications can be used that improve bone tissue regeneration. The determining factor in choosing treatment tactics is the severity of the fracture.​

​Most likely, a massage will be prescribed to help develop tendons and muscles. In some cases, physiotherapy is useful and necessary, as it has a positive effect on all tissues and their regeneration. The specialist will also tell you what physical therapy exercises will help restore the previous flexibility and mobility of the foot and stretch the tendons and ligaments.​

Stress fractures of the metatarsals

​The finger may become shortened or angled to the side in an unnatural way. Outwardly it will be noticeable.​

​A fracture is quite serious injury, which, unfortunately, is medical practice occurs quite often. Of all cases, about 3% are fractures of the metatarsal bones located in the foot. What are the features of recovery after a metatarsal fracture? What consequences can such an injury cause?

​Fractures of the fifth metatarsal bone can be without displacement (the anatomical relationship of the bone fragments is not disturbed) and with displacement (separation of bone fragments and their incorrect position are noted), as well as closed (the skin on the foot is not damaged) and open (the presence of a wound communicating with the area fracture). In displaced fractures, there is a risk of improper fusion of fragments, as well as non-union. Open fractures increase the risk of developing infectious complications: suppuration, phlegmon, osteomyelitis, tetanus.​

- non-union of a fracture, leading to the need for surgical treatment.

- significant pain at the time of injury, which weakens over time, but does not disappear completely;

For non-displaced fractures, a posterior plaster splint is applied to the affected finger. If there is displacement, there is a need for closed reduction. Bone fragments are fixed with knitting needles.​

​When the foot is turned inward, an avulsion fracture may occur. In this case, the metatarsal bone is separated and displaced. Fusion is very long, so you need to contact a traumatologist as soon as possible. At untimely treatment The bone may not heal properly, in which case surgery will be required.​


A person cannot lean on a limb due to severe pain. Swelling and hemorrhages appear. When palpating and trying to turn the foot in and out, a person feels a sharp pain. To confirm a fracture of the navicular bone of the foot, it is recommended to perform radiographic examination.​

If a fracture of the foot bones is suspected, the injured limb must be immobilized. You can use an improvised splint made from planks, ski poles or rods, which is attached to the leg with bandages. If you don’t have anything at hand, you can bandage the damaged limb to the healthy one using a scarf, shirt or towel.​

​If there is no displacement of the bone fragments and the edges of the fracture are even, after unloading fixation of the leg with a splint, you need to apply a plaster cast called a “boot.” The cast is applied to the knee for an average of 4 weeks. If the control x-ray shows that the bone fusion has proceeded normally, the plaster is removed, and a tight bandage on the foot is prescribed for some time using an orthopedic shoe insert or orthopedic shoes as such.​

​Following the doctor's instructions directly affects the recovery process, so do not neglect the advice of a specialist and treat them responsibly.​

​Pain after a fracture may subside, but with load on the foot it will certainly recur and intensify.​

A metatarsal fracture ranks almost first among all foot injuries. These bones are located at the front of the base of the foot and are quite fragile. And frequent loads and other factors lead to damage.​

Treatment of fractured metatarsal bones of the foot

​swelling and pain when touched along the outer edge of the foot;​

​The lack of proper treatment for fractures of the foot bones leads to the development of serious complications. Treatment of a metatarsal fracture depends on the nature of the fracture (closed or open), the presence or absence of displacement, location and may include:​

- the occurrence of swelling (very often bruising) the next day.

​Fractures nail phalanges don't need special treatment, fixation with an adhesive bandage is usually sufficient. The immobilization period ranges from 4 to 6 weeks.​

​The base of the 5th metatarsal is an area with poor blood supply. This is where the Jones fracture occurs. It occurs against the background of stress and grows together very slowly.​


​When open fracture You should not try to set the bone yourself; first of all, you need to stop the bleeding. To do this, you need to treat the skin around the wound with iodine or hydrogen peroxide. Then you need to carefully apply a sterile dressing. After first aid has been provided, the victim must be taken to a medical facility.​


Fracture of the 5th metatarsal

If the fracture is complex, with a large number of fragments, with uneven edges of these fragments, or after removing the plaster, the fragments are displaced again, or it is not possible to carry out manual reduction, i.e. recovery normal looking bones with your hands, it becomes necessary to apply skeletal traction. A hole is drilled in the distal phalanx of the fifth finger, into which a metal knitting needle or silk thread is inserted, and a load is suspended from them. After about a month, if a control X-ray shows that the fragments are in place, you can apply a plaster boot and remove it after an X-ray control after 3-4 weeks if the bone has healed correctly. There is a more gentle method of skeletal traction using a Cherkes-Zade sliding splint. The tire contains pins that help it attach to the bone. distal phalanx finger. If treatment is neglected or carried out incorrectly, then some consequences may occur after a fracture of the metatarsal bone. Let's list some of them: If a fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot occurs, then it is worth taking some actions:

​These injuries can be classified according to several indicators. So, if one bone is broken, then we are talking about a single fracture, if 2 or more bones are affected, then it is a multiple fracture. Different parts can be damaged: the diaphysis, the base or the neck. The damage itself may vary depending on location and shape. In particular, the fracture line can be transverse, oblique, T-shaped or wedge-shaped. Treatment and rehabilitation period depend on such features

​pain when walking;​

Types of fractures of the 5th metatarsal bone

- application of plaster. As a rule, plaster immobilization is typical for fractures of the metatarsal bones without displacement;​

​In traumatic foot fractures, the second, third, and fourth metatarsals are most often affected.​

​If you treat a foot fracture correctly and strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, it is possible not only to shorten the recovery period, but also to prevent possible complications.​

The doctor carefully examines the victim, examining not only the foot, but also the ankle joint, determining the presence of swelling, hemorrhage and characteristic deformation. Then a radiograph is taken in frontal, lateral and semi-lateral projections. After determining the fracture and its type, the necessary treatment is prescribed.​

Signs of a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone:

  • ​If no displacement is detected, the doctor applies a circular plaster cast to the damaged area. For displaced fractures of the scaphoid, bone fragments are compared; in some cases, open reduction may be necessary. The foot is fixed in plaster for a period of four to five weeks.​
  • ​First of all, the traumatologist must carefully examine the sore leg. Having discovered symptoms of a foot fracture in a victim, the doctor takes an x-ray to determine the type and location of the injury. Very rarely there is a need for computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.​
  • ​It often happens that even after applying a boot, the bone does not heal, or does not heal correctly, or there are too many fragments, transverse and oblique fractures are localized in the diaphysis of the 5th metatarsal bone, or the displacement of the fragments cannot be repositioned

​Deformation of the bones of the foot and changes in their structure. The structure of the foot will change, which will lead to limited mobility and discomfort when wearing certain types of shoes.​

It is necessary to fix the foot in one position. To do this, a splint should be applied to the foot. This could be some kind of board that is placed against the injury site and secured with a bandage. Everything must be done very carefully so as not to increase the damage.

Treatment of a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone

  • ​appearance of bruising;​
  • - use of crutches throughout the entire period of healing of the fracture to reduce the load on the foot;
  • ​These foot fractures are subtle cracks caused by repeated excessive and prolonged stress. Most often observed in runners. In addition, the cause of a stress fracture of the metatarsal bone may be a deformity of the foot or its pathological structure, improperly selected shoes, or osteoporosis.​
  • ​If a minor fracture of the foot is detected, treatment consists of simply applying a splint. In this case, the injured limb must remain motionless for several weeks in order for the damaged bone tissue to heal completely.​

Treatment methods for fifth metatarsal fractures

  • ​It is quite difficult to treat such a foot fracture in combination with a dislocation. If the dislocated fragment is not set back into place, traumatic flatfoot may develop. Displaced fragments are realigned using a special traction apparatus. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to open reduction and securing the reduced fragment with a silk suture. After such a procedure, immobilization of the injured limb should continue for up to 10-12 weeks. In the future, it is necessary to wear orthopedic shoes.​
  • ​After a fracture has been diagnosed, treatment is prescribed, which depends on its type and which bone is broken.​

Features of treatment of Jones fracture

​using skeletal traction. Then there is a need for an operation called osteosynthesis. Sometimes the patient simply wants to have a guarantee that the bone will heal correctly. This operation cannot be performed for fractures of the metatarsal bone in the area of ​​the neck and head of the bone, as well as for intra-articular and longitudinal fractures. The operation can be performed on average “weeks after the fracture, when there is no longer swelling of the tissue at the fracture site, but no later than 1.5 months after the fracture, since there is a danger of spontaneous improper fusion of the bone.​

Arthrosis may begin if the fracture affects the joint tissue. The joint will deteriorate, which is often accompanied by pain.​


What consequences can be dangerous for fractures of the metatarsal bones?

​You can apply something cold to the fracture site for 15 minutes to relieve swelling and prevent severe bruising.​

The essence of injury and types

Another classification of such injuries involves dividing them into traumatic fractures and fatigue fractures. In the first case, the damage is the result of a blow or other strong and often sudden mechanical impact. Such a fracture can occur with subsequent displacement of the bones (when their parts are positioned incorrectly relative to each other) or without it (in this case, the parts remain in the same plane). In addition, it can be closed (without visible obvious signs) or open, that is, with the formation of a wound at the site of damage.​

​Where to contact​

- a surgical operation performed for displaced fractures of the metatarsal bones;

​Symptoms of a metatarsal stress fracture include:​

​Treatment of fractured metatarsal bones of the foot​

​When the bone is severely damaged, internal fixation is necessary. This is done using special screws.​

How to identify such an injury?

​Most often, the injury occurs when a weight falls on the back of the foot and is accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues in the area of ​​injury, pain on palpation and turning the foot in any direction. An X-ray is required to confirm the fracture. After this, the leg is fixed in a plaster cast for a month and a half. It is recommended to wear an instep support for a year after such a fracture.​

​This bone has some special features. There is no muscle attached to the talus. In addition, it transfers body weight to the entire foot.​

  • ​With this type of treatment, the fragments are fixed with a metal Bogdanov rod, the purpose of which is to prevent them from changing position. Then a plaster cast is applied for 6 weeks. During this time, you cannot step on your foot. The plaster cast is then modified into a heel cast. The pins or rod are removed from the leg after 3 months, the screws later, after four. After this, the use of orthopedic shoes is indicated
  • ​Constant pain in the foot due to improper fusion of the bones (this can lead to complete immobilization in severe cases).​
  • ​If the pain is very severe, you can take a painkiller (for example, Nurofen).​
  • ​Fatigue fractures are cracks that may not be noticeable and are formed as a result of frequent and constant stress on the foot (while walking or running).​

​Any person with symptoms of a fifth metatarsal fracture should see a professional orthopedic traumatologist as soon as possible for correct diagnosis and treatment.​

  • - postoperative observation and observation after completing a course of conservative treatment. Often, patients may be prescribed physical therapy during this period.​
  • - pain that occurs during or after physical activity and disappears during rest;
  • ​A foot fracture is a fracture of one or more of the 26 bones of the foot, usually caused by excessive stress, automobile or sports injuries, heavy objects falling on the foot. From 2.5% to 15% of the total number of skeletal fractures are foot fractures.​
  • ​The severity and nature of the damage is determined by further treatment. Any non-displaced metatarsal fracture requires immobilization. The applied plaster will reliably protect the bone from possible displacement. Due to the fact that the foot is completely motionless, the fusion of bone tissue will occur faster.​

First aid for injury

​This injury is the most common among all foot fractures. There are two types of metatarsal fractures: traumatic and stress.​

  • A fracture of the talus is possible as a result of indirect trauma, is uncommon and is considered a severe injury to the bones of the foot. Accompanied by other injuries, such as a fracture, dislocation of the ankle or other bones of the foot.​
  • The occurrence of complications is associated with the severity of the fracture and the correctness of the treatment. Often the process of fracture healing is protracted due to various reasons. When cutting tissue during skeletal traction, tissue necrosis and purulent inflammation are possible. The bone does not heal at all or has grown incorrectly, which leads to impaired gait and deterioration in physical performance. In addition, it is necessary to accept complications that may arise during or after surgery, including after the use of anesthesia.​
  • ​Some functions of the foot may be severely impaired.​
  • The foot needs to be rested. You can’t touch it, much less step on it.​
  • There are five metatarsal bones in total. The most common fracture is the 5th or 4th metatarsal bone of the foot, as they are the most fragile and vulnerable. Fractures of 1 bone are less common and fractures of the 2nd and 3rd are very rare. As for the fifth bone, its injury is often complicated by displacement and movement beyond the plane of the foot.​
  • ​If it is not yet possible to see an orthopedic traumatologist, you should follow the following recommendations:​

What will the doctor do?


  • ​- point pain at the site of a fracture of the metatarsal bone upon palpation;
  • The human foot consists of 26 bones that closely interact with each other and are connected by a large number of ligaments and small joints. So anatomical structure foot is explained by the fact that a fracture of at least one of its bones subsequently affects the function of the foot, and as a result, the functionality of the entire limb.​
  • ​If the fragments are displaced during an injury, surgical intervention is indispensable. During the operation, the doctor opens the area of ​​the fracture and compares the resulting fragments, after which he fixes them with special knitting needles or screws. A cast is then applied for up to six weeks. The patient is prohibited from stepping on the injured leg. After six weeks you can start walking. The knitting needles are removed after three months, the screws after four. The patient is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes or insoles.​
  • ​It is the result of external mechanical influence. This could be a weight falling on the leg, squeezing the foot, or a strong blow.​ ​Symptoms​


​Pavel Popov​

​Good health to you! And be sure to consult a doctor!​

​The person needs to be taken to the hospital, where they will take an x-ray to understand which bone is damaged and the severity of the injury.​

Possible complications after injury

​So, what are the symptoms of such a fracture? They depend on the specific species.​

  1. ​provide rest to the injured foot, as walking can worsen the situation;​
  2. ​This article is posted for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.​
  3. - the occurrence of edema, not accompanied by bruising.
  4. ​The human foot is divided into three sections: the tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges.​

​For a Jones fracture, a plaster cast is applied from the toes to middle third shins for up to two months. Do not step on the injured leg.​


Fractures of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot


Classification of fractures

When an injury occurs, sharp pain is felt, swelling of the foot and ankle occurs, and hemorrhages are noticeable on the skin. If the fragments are displaced, you may notice that the foot is deformed.​

​If it heals correctly, then they will remove it, it’s just time to remove the plaster... I’ve been walking around with a plaster on my leg for 21 years

​The foot is the farthest part of the lower limb or leg with which a person touches the ground. That part of the foot that touches the ground when walking is the sole or foot. The part of the sole that does not touch the ground is called the arch of the foot. The convex part opposite the arch on the upper side is called the instep. It consists of 5 metatarsal bones, the continuation of which are the fingers. Each metatarsal bone has a base, body and head and is bordered on the other side by the tarsus. Fractures of the 5th metatarsal bone account for approximately half of the fractures of all bones of the foot and are most often located in the middle part of the foot.

​Do not try to set the bone yourself! It's dangerous.​

Causes of fracture

​To begin with, we will describe the signs of a fatigue fracture (it is also called a march fracture):​

What does it mean about illness?

​apply cold to the foot;​

How to diagnose?

​Modern foot surgery often encounters various​

Treatment methods

​Fatigue fractures occur primarily in the fourth and fifth metatarsals.​

​Among all foot fractures, metatarsal bone fractures occupy a leading position. All fractures of the metatarsal bones are divided into two types:

​To reduce the load on the injured limb while walking, you need to use crutches. The patient must be observed by a doctor, who will select the correct rehabilitation course to restore impaired functionality in the injured foot.​

A traumatic fracture of the foot manifests itself with a characteristic crunch and pain at the time of injury; you may notice a shortening of the toe or its deviation to the side. The pain is very strong at first, but weakens over time, although it does not go away completely. Swelling or bruising occurs at the site of injury.

​To confirm the fracture, determine its location, type and degree of bone displacement, an X-ray examination is performed in two projections.​


​Fractures, according to their number, can be single or multiple, with or without displacement of bone fragments, depending on the location, fractures of the neck, diaphysis and base of the bone itself are distinguished; in accordance with the fracture line, they can be transverse, longitudinal, oblique, wedge-shaped, T- figurative.​


How long will it take for the right metatarsal bone to heal?

So, you need to contact a traumatologist. But if it happens open injury, then you will need the help of a surgeon. Let us list the main directions and important points which treatment includes:​

​Aching and dull ache, which occurs during exercise (for example, when walking, while climbing stairs or running). It is not too strong and is similar to muscle or ligament pain.​

​to reduce swelling and pain in the foot, wrap an ice pack in a thin towel and apply to the injured area for 20 minutes every hour; Do not apply cold directly to the skin.​

​fractures of the 5th metatarsal bone

Injuries to the metatarsal bone account for 40-45% of all cases of foot fractures. There are two large groups of such pathologies: those caused by mechanical stress and those resulting from fatigue. A fracture can occur on one metatarsal bone or on several simultaneously. Based on this feature, a single or multiple pathology is distinguished. Most often, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th metatarsals are susceptible to fracture; deformities of the first are rare, and cases with damage to the heel are considered the most complex. According to the type of injury, there is a division into open or closed forms.

Symptoms of a fifth metatarsal fracture

Signs of pathology vary significantly depending on the species. In some cases, such as stress fractures, the patient may well mistake the symptoms for simple bruises. Maybe complete absence pain, and pathology is determined only by indirect signs. A stress fracture of the metatarsal bone is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of pain in the foot after exercise;
  • formation of edema, but without hematomas;
  • disappearance of pain at rest.

Traumatic fracture is more pronounced. In these cases, when the bones are damaged, a characteristic crunch is clearly heard, which automatically indicates a deformation has occurred. After this, pain appears almost immediately. Other signs of a traumatic fracture include:

  • the appearance after a few hours of severe swelling with hematoma;
  • unnatural position of one or more fingers;
  • pain subsides and then increases during exercise.

An open fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot is characterized by rupture of soft tissues with bleeding. This provokes severe pain, which is difficult not to notice. The ends of the metatarsal bones come to the surface, which are easy to detect visually through the torn skin. A fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot must be treated without fail, even if the symptoms are very mild, as it can cause serious complications.

Lit.: Big medical encyclopedia 1956

There are two types of fractures, each of which is caused by its own factors. The fatigue form has more light form flow, often goes away on its own. It is caused by prolonged excessive loads on the foot. They can occur when:

  • drill training;
  • long pedestrian crossings;
  • carrying heavy objects.

In these cases, the foot becomes loaded for a long time, which leads to the appearance of microcracks in the bone tissue. Traumatic fractures have more obvious reasons. Their appearance is associated with external mechanical impact, directed towards the forefoot. Such situations may arise when:

  • road traffic accidents;
  • a heavy object falling on the foot;
  • unsuccessful landing after a jump.

In the traumatic form of the pathology, a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone most often occurs. The next largest number of deformations are the first and second. Situations when a Jones fracture occurs are considered especially difficult: the fifth bone is destroyed in an area of ​​limited blood supply.

With any damage to the foot, it greatly loses its shock-absorbing properties. This leads to the fact that the load begins to be redistributed to other parts of the musculoskeletal system, which may well lead to new pathologies. Therefore, when a metatarsal bone is fractured, treatment is considered necessary. Diagnosis of the disease and its therapy is carried out by:

At the appointment, the doctor will immediately conduct an external examination of the foot with palpation. To get a clear picture of the damage, he will need to get answers to the following questions:

  1. How long ago did the fracture occur?
  2. What symptoms and with what severity did they appear during the injury?
  3. Does the patient have chronic musculoskeletal diseases?
  4. Features of professional activity?
  5. What measures were taken to relieve pain symptoms?

A fracture of the fifth metatarsal, like other foot deformities, requires mandatory X-ray examination. If necessary, computed tomography is used instead, showing not only the deformation of the bones, but also the condition of the soft tissues and blood vessels. The doctor always takes into account that in stress forms, x-rays do not always indicate pathology, since it develops inside the bone tissue, and the surface remains intact.

Treatment of a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone

Treatment for this injury can be either conservative or surgical. The first is used for closed fractures without displacement. In this case, ointments, gels are used to relieve swelling, a special diet and maximum rest of the injured limb. Plaster application in such cases is often not necessary. Surgery used when bone fragments are displaced by more than half the diameter or in open forms of injury. It consists in:

  • reposition of fragments;
  • fixing parts of the bone using special screws or plates;
  • restoration or resection of blood vessels;
  • suturing soft tissues.

A fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot after surgery requires the application of a plaster cast. The progress of treatment is monitored by periodic hardware studies. After the cast is removed, therapy begins the rehabilitation period, the goal of which is the complete restoration of the functions of the musculoskeletal system. All procedures are carried out under the supervision of a doctor, which eliminates complications.