How to tell if your finger is broken. A simple bruise or a terrible fracture: how to determine

When answering how to determine a fracture from an image, the radiologist will tell you about 3 typical signs of diagnosing pathology - a line of clearing, the presence of fragments, displacement of fragments. When there is a traumatic effect on the osteoarticular system, different types of damage are formed. It is not at all necessary that a clearing line will be visible on the x-ray. When bone fragments are superimposed in the projection of the fracture, on the contrary, a darkening is formed. Subtleties of diagnosis traumatic injuries We will look at bones in the article.

General diagram of different types of fractures

How to determine a fracture from a photograph

Before describing the X-ray criteria for determining a fracture from an image, it is necessary to highlight the extent of the damage, determine the amount of trauma, and identify fragments. Most often, people experience injuries to the upper or lower limbs. First diagnostic study The procedure performed in this case is radiography.

After conducting the study, the traumatologist wants to receive a comprehensive answer regarding the patient’s management tactics. In case of a fracture, comparison of fragments or application of plaster is required. For sprains and soft tissue bruises, an elastic bandage is sufficient for treatment. Deadlines sick leave with the second nosology less.

Heel bone fractures take a very long time to heal. It takes at least 6 months for tissue restoration. The timing is explained by the constant load on the foot when walking, stretching of the bones by a strong plantar aponeurosis.

It is not always possible to determine a calcaneal fracture from an image. Calcaneus- This is a strong massive structure. With an incomplete fracture, the clearing line is not clearly visible. There is no significant displacement of the fragments that would allow a reliable diagnosis. If there is a discrepancy between radiological data and the objective condition, traumatologists prescribe additional examination– computed tomography. Cross sections help visualize the bone structure and clearly identify even small cracks.

Diagnostic value in the analysis of radiographs of the hand is played by timely verification of a scaphoid fracture. The formation is small, located among the bones of the wrist. In the absence of divergence of fragments, a thin line of darkening is formed, which an inexperienced radiologist may not notice.

If the fusion is improper, a false joint often forms in the scaphoid bone. If a person tries to lift a heavy object with his hand, he experiences sharp pain in the wrist area, during which he cannot make a full grip with his hand.

In practice, there are often cases when specialists expect high-quality healing of the scaphoid bone, but after 3-4 months, recovery does not occur. Due to the ingress of blood, soft tissues, foreign bodies A false joint is formed between the bone fragments. In case of pathology it is required surgery to remove objects that interfere with fusion.

When studying the described nosological forms, it is necessary to take photographs in two projections - frontal and lateral. Computed tomography is prescribed if there are doubts about the patient’s real condition after traumatic exposure and the conclusion of radiography.

What does a fracture look like on an x-ray?

The radiologist’s description of the fracture is as follows: “On the presented radiograph of the right femur in two projections a line of enlightenment can be traced in the projection surgical cervix with angular displacement of fragments. Conclusion: fracture of the surgical neck of the right femur.”

To assess the displacement of fragments and make a decision by the traumatologist regarding treatment tactics, images in two projections are required. Anterior or posterior displacement is clearly visualized on a lateral radiograph. A direct shot shows deviation from the longitudinal axis to the right or left.

Based on the above radiologist's conclusion, it is easy to determine what a fracture looks like on an x-ray, but only when classic version. There are complex fractures in which the clearing line looks like a spiral, the bones are driven into each other in longitudinal direction. At the same time, additional deviations are formed, which are important to describe for the traumatologist, who will install a pin, plate with screws, apply plaster or apply other treatment tactics.

It is not always possible to verify a fracture on an X-ray image the first time. “Cracks” are small damage without separation of bone fragments. When passing obliquely x-rays or low exposure. Pathology is revealed on a series of subsequent radiographs. Under load, the bone fragments diverge, so a classic clearing line appears.

The first sign of a fracture may not be a clearing in the area of ​​divergence, but a slight displacement of the bones along the longitudinal, transverse axis. The distal or proximal bone fragment can shift along the axis under the influence of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, which affects the bone structures.

How to detect a fracture on an x-ray

It is not difficult to identify fractures on an x-ray if you know the x-ray anatomy of the osteoarticular system. All injuries are divided into simple and complicated. Not only bones can be damaged, but also the surrounding soft fabrics, muscular-ligamentous apparatus. Incorrect treatment in case of complex fractures, it is accompanied by loss of mobility and depletion of the muscle strength of the limb.

Simple (closed) fractures can be identified on an x-ray by the location of bone fragments that do not penetrate outward through the skin.

Complicated (open) fractures are characterized by pronounced displacement of fragments. The discrepancy between individual fragments is quite large. An angular displacement with rotation relative to the longitudinal axis can be traced. Closed fractures are characterized by damage to the skin and deep tissues. The danger of the open type is extensive bleeding, pain shock due to irritation of many nerve receptors. If there is a penetrating wound, the likelihood of bacterial infection increases. Pathogenic microbes enter the body through the wound. To prevent infection on early stages recommended antibacterial drugs. Medicines are prescribed immediately after the pathology is diagnosed.

From the radiograph it is possible to trace the dichotomous structure of the fragments:

1. Crushed - many small fragments that are scattered near the clearing line or located at a distant distance from it;
2. Greenstick fractures involve destruction of only one part of the bone. The mechanism of occurrence is the action of a damaging force perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. Such changes are typical for spongy bones, in which there is little bone tissue, abundance of cartilage. The structure allows the bone tissue to bend well and not break completely;
3. Splintered – accompanied by the presence of individual fragments located along a separate edge. Pathology occurs under the influence of a small force or excessive tension of the ligaments and tendons. A similar situation can be provoked by muscle tension, sudden tension in a certain part of the body;
4. Transverse - when a force is applied perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the bone tissue;
5. Inclined - when a plane of force is applied at a certain angle;
6. Spiral - formed by twisting, when multidirectional forces act in a circle between both poles of the bone.

Dynamic radiographs allow assessment of fracture line healing during treatment. Proper healing requires close proximity of the bone fragments. If between the fragments there will be foreign tissue, the bones will not heal properly. To avoid the situation, plaster and installation of plates with screws are required.

On average callus appears in the picture after 20 days. Visualization is made possible by the deposition of calcium salts inside the callus. The fragments are fixed together a little earlier. Around the second week, cartilage tissue appears between the fragments. Fixation creates conditions for further healing. The X-ray image at this stage shows a line of clearing. Cartilage tissue not visualized. The condition of the fracture will be determined by a traumatologist based on clinical signs.

Correct fusion is important not only for the formation bone structure. Following the bones, the tendon-ligamentous apparatus is installed. Muscles and joints change (stretch or contract) during healing. Correct installation fragments, the lack of mobility allows you to significantly speed up the treatment time.

A broken bone is clearly visible on an x-ray. Minor deformations may not be detected the first time, but subsequently there will be no difficulties with diagnosis. The possibility of using computed tomography for complex injuries makes it possible to carefully verify the pathology.

What does a healed fracture look like on a photograph?

A healed fracture is defined in the following x-ray categories:

1. Complete healing of bones with the absence of a clearing line. With high-quality healing, the callus in the image has a high density, is slightly expressed, the longitudinal axis of the bone has a clear line without angular curvature;
2. Incomplete healing is accompanied by partial preservation lines of enlightenment on one side. In the projection of the peripheral contour, bone callus grows, allowing the fragments to be firmly fixed. Excessive osteophytes can lead to disruption of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus;
3. Prolonged healing– during dynamic x-ray control, the clearing line does not disappear at the required time. In children with such fractures, traumatic epiphysiolysis can persist for a long time when the line passes through the growth zones.

In complex fractures, fixation of fragments with plaster may not be enough. The procedure allows you to compare bone fragments located on short distance among themselves. If there is a large divergence or excessive overshoot, you will need surgical interventions for the preparation of fragments - installation of a pin, fixation with plates with screws, use of the Elizarov apparatus. For any fracture, regardless of type, dynamic monitoring using x-rays is prescribed.

How to see a fracture in a photo

After familiarizing ourselves with the material, readers understood how to see a fracture in the picture, we offer some subtleties of x-ray diagnostics.

Let us once again recall the main signs of a fracture on an x-ray:

1. Displacement of fragments;
2. Fracture line (lucidation in the fissure).

The displacement is determined by radiographs taken in two different projections (frontal, lateral). The fragments move along the longitudinal and transverse axis. The fragments are wedged together, possibly overlapping or diverging. A lateral displacement can be traced along the width, and an angular displacement along the axis. The rotation of one fragment around an axis is rotation. On x-rays for angular discrepancy, a measurement in degrees is required; for longitudinal or lateral displacement, the value is indicated in centimeters.

The fracture gap is visualized on an x-ray as a strip with jagged, uneven edges. The classic type of nosology can be traced in the bones of the skull. Upon reaching the opposite edge in conclusion, the radiologist describes complete fracture. If the clearing line does not reach the opposite part, it is an incomplete fracture.

When analyzing images, it is necessary to determine the passage of the clearing line through articular surfaces. The option is considered intra-articular. This nosology creates big problems during treatment. With any diagnosis you need to be wary of cancerous tumor. Analysis of the surrounding tissue can reveal a pathological fracture, in which damage occurs due to the destruction of the bone structure by a tumor.

IN childhood unique fractures appear, called “epiphysiolysis”. With this form, a traumatic separation of the metaphysis from the epiphysis occurs. The clearing line is projected along the growth cartilage.

On classic photo bending of the metaphysis may be observed. A common option in children is incomplete subperiosteal fractures. Defeat tubular bones in a child on a radiograph with epiphysiolysis it may be accompanied by a “beak symptom”. With this nosology, damage to the cortical layer of bone tissue occurs. The nosology also shows damage to the bone contour over a certain extent, but the divergence of the fragments is not visible.

Features include gunshot fractures. In the bones of the pelvis and skull, when exposed to bullets, directly perforated holes are formed. A similar picture can be seen in the picture with damage to the epiphysis and metaphysis.

The destruction of the diaphysis is characterized by many cracks and fragments. With gunshot injuries, it is often associated with the pathology bacterial infection. Inflammatory process often combined with the presence of foreign bodies in soft tissues. The penetration of the metal into the surrounding tissue shows an intense shadow.

In conclusion, let us say that in most cases the fracture looks typical on the picture. Pictures allow you to identify features bone damage. It is not always possible to identify classical criteria. Incomplete fractures small bones of the hand, vertebral processes, and the base of the skull may not be visible on an x-ray, but are clearly visualized after a computed tomography scan.

The presented radiograph of the left hand shows a fracture of the left radius with the distal fragment extending by 2 cm

The presented x-ray shows a fracture of the left ulna V lower third with transverse displacement of fragments

You can get injured literally at every step. Both adults and children are at risk. And it doesn’t matter whether you are involved in a dangerous sport or just going to the kitchen to drink water - one awkward movement can lead to a blow, sprain or fracture. Therefore, you need to know how to act with the victim in different situations. Algorithm for providing first medical care directly depends on the type of injury. But an inexperienced person is not always able to correctly recognize the type of damage. How can you distinguish a fracture from a bruise? This is one of the most complex issues for those learning to provide first aid. Let's try to find the answer.

What is a bruise?

A bruise is internal damage tissues or organs, not accompanied by a violation of integrity skin. This type of injury can be the result of a fracture, dislocation or sprain. A bruise occurs as a result of a fall or strong blow. Soft tissues and organs located in the injured area suffer. At the site of the impact, a hematoma is formed - an accumulation of liquid or coagulated blood. If the bruise of an arm or leg is severe, the tissue around the bruise swells, impairing the mobility of the limb.

What is a fracture?

Fracture is a complete or partial disruption of the integrity of bone or cartilage. Accompanied by injury to surrounding tissues: muscles, skin, blood vessels, nerve endings. Fractures can occur for two reasons:

  • as a result of exposure to external forces on the bone that can disrupt the strength of the skeleton;
  • with minor injury, if a person suffers from a disease that changes the structure of bone tissue.
  • The fracture can be open or closed. In the first type of injury, the skin is injured and heavy bleeding. The damaged bone is visible on the surface. In type 2 injury, the skin remains intact and there is no external bleeding. A hematoma may appear.
    The symptoms of a bruise and a closed fracture are very similar. At first glance, both injuries do not have any features other than a bruise. Therefore, people have a question: “How to distinguish a fracture from a blow?”

    Learning to distinguish a fracture from a blow

    Understanding how to distinguish a fracture from a blow is not as difficult as it might seem. Main signs:

  • If a person has a fracture, the pain makes itself felt for several hours. May get worse over time. In case of injury painful sensations gradually subside.
  • In case of a fracture, the swelling of the damaged area increases for 2-3 days. When hit, it appears immediately after impact.
  • If the integrity of the limb bone is damaged, it is impossible to carry out motor activity due to severe pain. For example, if your hand is injured, you cannot clench your fist. If your leg is injured, you cannot straighten it completely.
  • When a fracture occurs with a displaced bone, the limb may be deformed. Its length may also change compared to a healthy one.
  • To understand what type of injury a person has, you need to press on the damaged area in the longitudinal direction. If an arm or leg is injured, ask the patient to carefully place weight on it. If there is a fracture, there will be a sharp pain in the damaged area.
    If you cannot independently determine what type of injury the victim has, you should not try to provide first aid. It is better to wait for the doctor to arrive.

    How to distinguish a fracture from a bruised finger?

    Understand by external signs What type of injury the victim has is not so simple. And when closed fracture, and upon impact the same symptoms appear:

  • swelling appears on the affected area;
  • the skin turns blue;
  • the injured area hurts.
  • You can distinguish a fracture of the little finger from a blow by the following signs:

  • the length of the damaged phalanx has changed;
  • there is a constant feeling in the finger sharp pain;
  • When palpated, bone deformation can be detected.
  • If there is a bruise, pain in the finger will occur during physical activity. It will go away in a couple of days. If the patient has a fracture, painful sensations will only intensify over time. The swelling will also become stronger. How to distinguish a fracture from a blow yourself? Important here practical experience. There is always a chance that a person without medical education will be wrong. Therefore, you should not treat yourself. It would be a good idea to visit the hospital and undergo an X-ray examination to get an accurate diagnosis.

    Fracture or bruise of a toe - how to tell?

    You can distinguish a fracture of the little toe from a blow by the same signs as the type of damage to the phalanx of the hand. Appears constant pain, which becomes unbearable within a few days. The swelling gradually increases. The finger becomes shorter. When palpated, a protrusion of the bone may be detected. If the fracture is displaced, severe deformation of the finger will be noticeable. If a toe is bruised, it will be difficult for the victim to place weight on the injured limb. As in the case of a bruised phalanx on the arm, acute pain will appear during physical activity, which will quickly pass if treated correctly. We figured out how to distinguish a fracture from a bruised toe or hand. Now let's find out how to properly provide first aid.

    Actions when a limb is struck

    You can provide first aid by following the algorithm below:

  • apply to the site of impact cold compress or ice wrapped in cloth;
  • if there is damage to the skin, treat the wound antiseptic and apply a bandage;
  • For severe pain, take anesthetics.
  • Treat bruises with special anti-inflammatory ointments. They relieve swelling, promote hematoma resorption and relieve pain. Recovery period after the impact lasts 7-14 days.
    If a hematoma formed after a blow does not go away long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor. IN in rare cases To cope with the disease, surgical intervention is required.

    How to help with a broken finger?

    First aid for a fracture has great value For further treatment. It is important not to make the situation worse. First of all, with a closed fracture of the finger, you need to immobilize it. To do this, a tire is made from scrap materials. A pen, an ice cream stick, or a twig will do. The splint is applied with inside finger and secure with a sterile bandage or any other cloth.
    If the fracture is open, you need to treat the wound with an antiseptic: Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin. In case of bleeding, apply to the damaged area gauze bandage or a cotton swab. Then the injured finger is fixed. To remove pain symptom use "Analgin", "Ketanov", "Nurofen". If you have a fracture, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is impossible to cope with such trauma on your own. You learned how to distinguish a fracture from a blow. We became familiar with first aid techniques for injuring a finger or toe. By following the instructions, you can easily help the victim. But if you are not confident in your abilities, you should not touch the injured limb. Incorrectly provided first aid will only worsen the patient’s condition.

    Date of publication: 05/23/17

    In our industrial times, the percentage of childhood injuries has increased, and now it accounts for almost a third of all injury cases. It is important to adhere to the rules of behavior at home, on water and in transport, and also to be able to provide first aid in a timely manner if necessary. Our consultant orthopedic surgeon tells us how to do this correctly.

    Causes of injuries in children

    About 70% of all childhood injuries are injuries sustained at home. Most of them are caused by simple falls. Riding fast and riding in unauthorized places on bicycles, skateboards, and rollerblades also often lead to falls. Cars and motorcycles do not cause injuries to children as often as compared to adults, but, as a rule, these injuries are the most severe. According to statistics, wounds and bruises in Ukraine account for 24.8% of cases per 1000 children, while bone fractures account for 5.7% of cases, and dislocations account for only 3%.

    If a child hits

    Closed damage to tissues and organs, which does not significantly disturb their structure, is called a bruise. With it, there are no ruptures or avulsions of tendons, muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues. True, they can be damaged blood vessels, which usually leads to a hematoma (an accumulation of blood in a cavity after an injury) or a bruise (a bruise in which the tissue at the site of the injury is evenly saturated with blood). Bruising at the site of the injury appears as a blue-purple spot, gradually changing color to greenish and yellow. Most often, a bruise is caused by a blow from a fall or collision.

    Main symptom: pain at the site of injury while maintaining mobility.

    First aid: Apply cold to the bruised area and keep the injured area at rest.

    If your baby has pulled a ligament

    Sprains occur in children over 3 years of age, and the most typical injury this type - sprain ankle joint. It usually occurs during an awkward movement when the child’s foot turns inward. This damage can occur while running or even walking. Quite often, children get injured when running up the steps.

    Main symptoms: acute pain that gradually subsides. After some time, swelling appears on the outer part of the ankle joint, sometimes it bluish color. When palpated, severe pain occurs. In this case, the child can move the joint, but with difficulty steps on the leg, sparing it.

    First aid: Apply a fixing bandage to the site of the sprained ligament using elastic bandage and apply ice. Leave the compress for 2-3 hours.

    Important! After providing first aid in mandatory show the child to a traumatologist. Children often have fractures, a type of crack in one of the lower leg bones, which can be confused with a sprained ligament. A crack can only be diagnosed using X-ray examination.

    How to recognize a dislocation in a baby

    Disruption of the normal contours of a joint is called a dislocation. The injury occurs due to a fall.

    Main symptoms: movements in the joint are sharply limited, while pain at the site of dislocation increases, the limb becomes difficult to move, it shortens or lengthens, and sometimes becomes deformed.

    First aid: for the injured arm or leg, it is necessary to ensure maximum rest. Apply a splint or fixation bandage. Then, as soon as possible, show the child to a pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist. You cannot correct a dislocation on your own.

    Subluxation of the radius in elbow joint- a common injury among children. It is typical for children from 1 to 3 years old. Also called “pulling dislocation.” Such an injury can occur when an adult holds a child’s hand tightly, and the child suddenly stumbles or slips. In some cases, you can hear a crunching sound in injured limb.

    Main symptoms: the baby is experiencing sharp pain, after which he stops moving his arm and keeps it extended along the body, slightly bent at the elbow. Particularly severe pain with this injury occurs from rotation of the forearms or elbow joints.

    First aid: the same as for a dislocation: ensure rest and take the child to the emergency room.

    Types of fractures in a child and how to recognize them

    Doctors call a break in the integrity of a bone a fracture. There are closed and open fractures.
    With a closed fracture, there is no violation of the integrity of the skin.
    A crack is a partial damage to bone tissue, that is, an incomplete fracture. It is difficult to recognize a fracture, since only older children can voice specific complaints. Complaints small child may only manifest as general anxiety. Babies rarely get fractures because their mass is small, and soft tissues weaken the impact of a fall. At the same time, children's bones contain less minerals than that of an adult, making them more elastic and resilient.

    Bruise and broken leg - two serious injuries that cause pain to a person. Sometimes, because the pain is so intense, it is difficult to know which injury occurred between the two. Similar situation can lead to improper therapy, which entails possible serious complications and other negative consequences. Every person should understand what the main symptoms of limb injuries are. This will help him in the question of how to find out whether a leg is broken or bruised if such a misfortune happens.

    Types of leg fractures

    There are limb injuries different types. Depending on this to each special case your specific treatment is suitable. There are these types:

    • closed;
    • with offset;
    • without displacement.

    An open one is easy to diagnose. This is possible for a person who does not have a medical education. Open wound and the presence of fragments in it indicate this.

    A displaced fracture is also an easy injury to diagnose; in it, the deformed bone at the site of the lesion is clearly visible.

    When determining the type of damage, you should not make unnecessary movements. When probing damage with fragments, this must be done with extreme caution. You cannot make any movements to displace bone fragments.

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    Most difficult to diagnose closed view injuries. You can understand this using two methods:

    • For this purpose, axial load syndrome is used, which consists of light pressure on the injured leg.
    • WITH with the help of the lung Tapping on the foot determines the location of the injury; it gives off severe pain.

    The final diagnosis is made only after an x-ray.

    It is very difficult to determine the type and nature of knee injury due to its complex structure. Before production accurate diagnosis To avoid complications of injury, it is necessary to provide the patient with full immobility of the injured leg.

    Signs of a fracture

    An injury accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the bone or periosteum is considered a fracture. Regardless of its nature and type, the following symptoms are observed:

    • Severe pain during the injury, which does not decrease after several hours. Sometimes the pain, on the contrary, increases.
    • At a rapid pace, there is an increase in swelling, which is accompanied by severe bruising. Swelling forms 2-3 days after the incident. There are some types of injuries when swelling is not fixed at all.
    • Trying to stand on the injured leg or grab something with the injured hand leads to severe pain. With a broken rib, it is very difficult for the patient to take a breath or turn the torso.
    • The displacement of bone fragments is easily determined. There is deformation and shortening of the injured limb. Or, on the contrary, it becomes longer than healthy. During the injury and upon palpation, a crunching sound is heard. Damage with displacement is characterized by pathological mobility limbs.
    • At open fracture limbs, a bleeding wound is visible, from which broken bones are visible.
    • When you tap on the heel, if a leg fracture is suspected, a strong, sharp and sometimes unbearable pain is felt at the site of injury.

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    Signs of bruise

    When a bruise occurs, soft tissues are injured, but they remain intact. This injury is characterized by following signs:

    • The pain that appears immediately after the injury gradually subsides over time.
    • Swelling increases. When you lift the bruised limb up a little, the swelling becomes less.
    • and pain do not allow nearby joints to move freely.

    Similar symptoms can accompany fractures, especially if there is no displacement. Only a specialist can correctly distinguish a fracture from a bruise. At the same time they come to the rescue modern methods diagnostics – radiography and computed tomography. There is no need to joke with such damage. It is better not to self-medicate and immediately seek medical help.

    How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise

    This issue is usually dealt with by qualified doctors. But sometimes there are cases when it is not possible to go to the hospital, and to provide first aid it is necessary to understand the nature of the injury.

    An open fracture does not cause difficulties in diagnosis. It is much more difficult with a closed fracture, especially with minimally expressed symptoms.

    It is worth noting the following signs that can help determine whether a person has a fracture or bruise:

    1. When a bruise occurs, pain is felt, but it is tolerable and gradually subsides. A fracture is accompanied in many cases intense pain, which only intensifies over time.
    2. From external manifestations with a bruise, there is slight swelling and the presence of a small hematoma. A fracture is most often accompanied by severe swelling, deformation of bone tissue and a clearly visible hematoma.
    3. During palpation of a bruise, the pain intensifies; with a fracture, a crunching sound is added to this symptom.
    4. The bruise does not limit the movement of the limb. With a fracture this becomes more difficult. If it doesn't disappear motor activity, for example, the toes of a broken leg, then it is impossible to lift it, it causes incredible pain.
    5. The bruise does not affect general well-being. With a fracture, a person may feel satisfactory, or may experience severe pain shock, from which only analgesics can save.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    In case of bruise or fracture, consultation with a specialist is necessary. To do this, you should seek help from traumatology or surgery. The treatment is carried out by an orthopedist-traumatologist, but a surgeon can also cope with the task.

    The most common injury from falls, sports, and even everyday situations is a bruise. Most often, it requires seeing a doctor and can be treated at home, but a more dangerous injury, such as a fracture, can be hidden under the guise of a bruise. The symptoms of these injuries are similar, but require different treatments. Damage not noticed in time can result in problems in the future. Therefore, you need to know how to identify a fracture and in what situation you need to see a doctor.

    How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise

    You can determine what happened, a bruise or a fracture, by the symptoms inherent in each of these injuries. A fracture is an injury that breaks the integrity of the bones. There are the following types of this injury:

    1. Open.
    2. Closed with offset.
    3. Closed without displacement.

    In case open damage There are no diagnostic questions, since in addition to the bone, the skin is damaged and the bone becomes visible. With the closed version, it becomes more difficult to determine the nature of the injury. The main symptom immediately after the injury occurs is swelling and pain, which can occur with a fracture or bruise.

    Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after x-ray examination. But there are ways to assess the degree of threat yourself in order to decide whether to visit a doctor. First, you need to weed out the possibility that the bones are broken with displacement, which is more difficult to confuse with a bruise than an injury without displacement.

    How to identify a displaced fracture

    A displaced fracture can be recognized primarily by the deformation of the limb at the site of injury; it may differ in length from normal. The axis may also change - the limb is displaced and falls outward or inward. In case of a leg injury, a person cannot independently tear his leg off the surface on which it lies. A fracture of a finger is characterized by the fact that the finger bends to the side and is at an unnatural angle. When you feel the injured limb, you may hear a crunching sound. Another symptom: excessive mobility of the broken limb.

    At the same time, it is prohibited to deliberately check mobility and the presence of a crunch by palpation; this is fraught with even greater displacement of broken bones, as well as pinching or damage to blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, if other symptoms indicate this type injury, you should immediately call a specialist and try not to move until he arrives.

    How to determine damage without displacement

    During a fracture, severe pain does not go away even several hours after the injury occurred. It is almost impossible to move the affected limb. If it is a leg, then it will be difficult to lean on it, and it will be difficult to make movements with a broken arm. Severe swelling that grows over time can occur with both types of injuries, as well as the presence of a bruise, but their absence is also possible.

    The best way How to determine a bruise is to try to bend the injured limb. If there is a bruise, it will be difficult to bend, but perhaps if there is a fracture, this will not be possible. For example, a bruised finger allows you to bend it, despite the swelling and sharp pain. And the fracture does not allow him to bend.

    In the hospital, in addition to x-rays, the doctor will check for the symptom of axial load - this is a slight pressure on the injured limb, which allows you to determine a fracture.

    Differences in damage

    Despite similar symptoms, the damage is very different in nature. There are bruises varying degrees severity: with the simplest ones, soft tissues are simply damaged, the bones are not affected in any way. There is also an intermediate stage between a bruise and a fracture - a crack in the bone. Whatever the injury or injury, the injury must be assessed and appropriate action taken.


    If, after receiving an injury, the pain does not subside for hours and intensifies if you press on the site of injury, then this is a clear sign fracture In case of such damage to the ribs, severe difficulty breathing, pale skin, cold sweat, cough, including with blood.

    If your leg is injured, it is impossible to lean on it; you may feel like your leg is breaking when you try to stand up. If your arm is broken, it is displaced and does not bend in the damaged area, it is impossible to clench your fingers into a fist. Even the slightest fracture—of a finger, for example—requires medical intervention.


    This type of damage does not occur specific symptoms, so diagnosing it yourself is extremely difficult. Often cracks are mistaken for bruises and are discovered only later for a long time. When a fracture occurs, the bone is damaged, but does not move away from its main part. A crack may be suspected if severe swelling and pain with movement that gets worse over time rather than getting better.

    An accurate diagnosis can be made in traumatology during examination with special equipment. Even such a minor injury as a cracked little finger must be treated to avoid causing complications in the future.


    The bruise does not affect the bone, but can severely damage soft tissue. The best way to distinguish a bruise is to track the pain over time. Pain after severe bruise may last for several hours or even days, but it should not increase. Swelling, bruising, and sometimes severe hematoma occurs on the skin. A stubbed finger can become very swollen, especially around the knuckle. But when proper treatment these symptoms go away quickly.

    Treatment of damage

    First of all, you need to consult a doctor:

    1. To the emergency room at your place of registration.
    2. To the trauma department of the hospital.
    3. To an orthopedist-traumatologist.
    4. A therapist or pediatrician, if contacting other specialists is not possible.

    This is the most proven way to distinguish a bruise from a fracture - examinations can answer this question. After diagnosis, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

    When this is necessary, the injured limb is repositioned. After which she is completely immobilized to prevent further displacement of the bones. Drug therapy is prescribed:

    1. Painkillers.
    2. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal ointments or medications.
    3. Antibiotics or other anti-inflammatory drugs.

    When the bones fuse, it is necessary to attend physical therapy, which will help rapid recovery, will prevent the occurrence of adhesions. Registered therapeutic exercises to restore limb mobility. If the hand is fractured, it is necessary to do exercises that restore finger dexterity in order to return the hand to normal functioning.

    Treatment of bruises

    Bruises are treated much easier than fractures; the main thing is to avoid putting stress on the bruised part of the body. Additional measures, such as bandaging, are not required. In case severe pain Painkillers and ointments are prescribed to help relieve swelling. If, it is recommended to temporarily limit mobility. The bruise goes away in a few days if treatment is followed.