Cold sweat in a child after illness. Causes of cold sweat in children and pregnant women

The occurrence of cold sweat in children is a reason for panic among parents who take their status responsibly. Since any uncharacteristic change normal condition the child may cause the development of more serious illnesses or infections requiring urgent medical intervention and further treatment.

Possible causes of cold sweats in children

If a child's body secretes cold sweat– this may be a sign of a lack of vitamin D (especially scary in children under two years of age, as it can cause the development of rickets), cardiovascular failure, hyperfunction thyroid gland, if available colds or be a consequence of taking any drugs or medications.

It also happens that cold sweat that occurs due to a cold (or other acute process) can persist for several months (1.5 - 2), after which it disappears on its own.

If your child's sweat is sticky and cold, this may indicate a neurological problem. Frequent cold sweating is a consequence of the child’s increased emotionality.

Often, young mothers in panic run to the pediatrician with the phrases “horror, cold sweat on the baby’s head during feeding, what should I do?” You shouldn’t worry so much, as this is a normal baby’s reaction to intense labor, as he tries to get as much as possible from his mother’s milk. Additionally, you can drink vitamin D.

Important! A child, starting from 3 to 6 months, experiences active metabolic processes, including phosphorus-calcium. Cold sweat that occurs during sleep or while awake in an infant may be a consequence of disturbances or deviations in the metabolic processes occurring.

Also, sweating in an infant (sticky sweat) may be a consequence of the removal of under-oxidized products from the body, which occurs as a result of metabolic disorders. If phosphorus-calcium metabolism is disturbed, it is necessary to determine it in advance and make a correction, otherwise the child’s sweating will intensify and progress.

Cold sweat in the head area during sleep may indicate the development of rickets, so you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Why does my child have cold sweat? This may be a consequence autonomic dysfunction. You can correctly determine the reasons why a child sweats if you do an ECG, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, ultrasound of the heart. It is necessary to undergo an examination by pediatric neurologist and a cardiologist.

Why does a baby sweat while sleeping? Monitor the room temperature; as a rule, the most optimal temperature for a baby is no higher than 20-22 degrees.

ICP ( intracranial pressure), can also provoke cold sweat on the baby’s head. IN in this case you need to seek help from an ophthalmologist, who will examine the vessels of the fundus, after which you need to consult a neurologist.

Most often, a child sweats when he has a cold. If you observe sweaty discharge all over the body during sleep, while the child is capricious, and there is an increase in temperature, then this may indicate pneumonia.

Also, possible tuberculosis should be excluded. The most common question asked at the tuberculosis clinic for sweating is how to perform mantu.

Causes of cold sweats during pregnancy

Cold sweat during pregnancy is an uncommon but pronounced phenomenon. As a rule, during pregnancy a woman sweats due to the onset of fainting, which is also accompanied severe dizziness, a feeling of severe weakness, ringing in the ears, darkening of the eyes. This phenomenon occurs as a result of decreased blood flow to the brain and manifests itself in the form of a short-term loss of consciousness.

During pregnancy, dizziness is common, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and loss of coordination.

Occurs due to toxicosis, decreased hemoglobin or glucose levels, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, with osteochondrosis, diseases cardiovascular system, at arterial hypotension, diseases nervous system or due to compression of the blood vessels of the growing uterus.

On early stages(with a delay and in the first weeks) sweating during sleep may indicate ectopic pregnancy. Accompanied by increased pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, hiccups, and vomiting. Hospitalization required.

Cold sweating during pregnancy may also indicate placental abruption, which is accompanied by blood loss, premature contractions, and attacks of pain radiating to the lower back. Required immediate hospitalization and taking blood tests.

Sweating can occur with a cold.

In children, this may indicate that the child is sick. This symptom should not be overlooked. Perhaps this is the first sign that you should pay attention and immediately visit a doctor. The therapist should prescribe a test general analysis blood and urine, and only after that the picture will become clearer. Perhaps this is due to age-related changes, passing through the child’s body. We'll talk about all this in the article.

Why might a child sweat?

Cold sweat in children can be caused by natural factors environment. Among them the following can be noted:

    High air temperature in the room or outside.

    The bed is too soft to sleep on.

    The child is dressed warmly.

    The baby is very active.

In all these cases there will be active sweating. To prevent this from happening, you just need to eliminate the reasons:

    Always ventilate the room. The temperature should be no more than +18-20 °C.

    Use orthopedic mattresses for sleeping. Forget feather pillows.

    Dress your child according to the weather. Remember: children are more active than adults and are constantly on the move.

Before running to the doctor with a question about why a child has cold sweats, it is important for parents to familiarize themselves with the above information. Perhaps the reason lies in natural factors.

Worth paying attention

If all the factors described above have been eliminated, but the child continues to break into a cold sweat, this may indicate a serious illness and infection. There are a number of diseases that cause sweating. Among them are:

    Rickets- a disease in which a disorder of the musculoskeletal system occurs due to a lack of vitamin D. It is quite rare in our regions, since there is no shortage of ultraviolet rays. As a rule, premature babies suffer from it.

    Metabolic disorder. In addition to sweating, there will be sudden weight loss or gain.

    Problem in the endocrine system (thyroid disease).

    Viral diseases. Associated symptoms are fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea.

    Problems with the cardiovascular system. In this case, you cannot do without an ECG and ultrasound.

As you can see, if a child experiences cold sweat, the reasons can be quite serious. You shouldn’t put off visiting a doctor; it’s better to play it safe and be sure that everything is fine with your baby.

Sweating in babies

Separately, we need to raise the topic related to babies. In relation to newborns, the expression “baby in a cold sweat” is quite acceptable. This is how the body regulates body temperature. It is not for nothing that doctors recommend putting a hat, booties and armbands on the child in the first weeks. Whichever high temperature Whether it was on the street or in the apartment, the baby’s heat exchange is not yet working at 100%. The body only adapts to environmental conditions.

Many mothers sound the alarm when their baby sweats during feeding. Remember: the baby doesn’t just eat, but makes every effort to get milk from the breast. This is hard work for him, so in this case sweating is considered normal.

But if they are present associated symptoms, such as cough, runny nose, sneezing, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the baby is diagnosed with an allergy. Unfortunately, in lately this is a fairly common occurrence. Children's immunity is weak due to environmental factors.

Another reason could be teething. Everything is very simple: the body goes inflammatory process, the baby is experiencing unpleasant painful sensations, he starts to sweat.

Don't put off visiting the doctor

If a child does not always need to rush to the doctor, perhaps he is simply too hot or had a dream bad dream. But there are situations when consulting a specialist would not hurt:

    Sweat has bad smell ammonia or vinegar.

    Sweating occurs unevenly.

    Bodies all day long.

    There is a cough or sore throat, runny nose.

    Stands out from the eyes clear liquid or pus.

    Appetite has decreased sharply.

    Sleep was disturbed.

    To begin with, you should consult a therapist, and after taking tests, you may need to consult a neurologist.

    An endocrinologist can help you

    Very often, cold sweat in children may indicate problems with the thyroid gland. The symptoms are as follows:

      The sweat is sticky.

      There is an ammonia smell.

      Sweating occurs even at rest.

      During sleep, the child shudders.

      The baby takes antibiotics or other medications.

    In this case, you can immediately contact an endocrinologist.

    When you can't waste a minute

    There are situations when cold sweat in a child may indicate a serious malfunction occurring in the body. Then there is no time to wait, you need to call urgently ambulance. This must be done when, in addition to sweating, the following clinical picture is observed:

Cold sweat is an unusual and exciting phenomenon in itself. Even an adult will be frightened if he notices a similar symptom - usually such sweating indicates an illness, or a condition of the body that is very similar to it. Cold sweat in a baby absolutely causes horror among parents - what to do about it and how dangerous can it be?

Features of sweating in children

First, take a closer look at your child - are you monitoring him correctly? temperature conditions? Sweating is normal; this is how the body gets rid of toxins, unnecessary substances, or simply excess fluid. Sweat glands- same part excretory system and plays very important role. For normal height and healthy development, the process of sweating is necessary and very important.

You've probably heard that you can't wrap up a child. Even if it seems to you that it is very cold outside, and the wind only adds danger to your baby’s health, think twice before dressing him inappropriately for the weather. An excess of warm clothing on a child is much more dangerous than a lack of it, because there are many layers thick fabric they simply do not allow heat exchange (in which sweating takes an active part) to occur correctly.

All these attempts to protect a child from a cold lead to diseases that are more difficult to get rid of. The consequence of such diseases can be cold sweat that appears in the baby along with other symptoms or separately. Children sweat quite often, so cold sweat may go unnoticed at first. Be careful and don't panic - try to find out what is causing the symptom, and only then act.

Overheating also increases the risk of ARVI because it creates hothouse conditions for the baby’s immune system. The harm of this approach to health is comparable to attempts to disinfect all surfaces that the child comes into contact with - the body will weaken and lose the ability to fight real threat. Sweating will simply make the skin damp, cooling it and causing a temperature difference between inside and outside. A child doesn’t even have to take off sweaty clothes in the cold to catch a cold - cold air can easily get under clothes when moving.


The first thing parents think about in such a situation is viral diseases. For children, illnesses of this kind are not uncommon, and infants are no exception, quite the contrary. Weak immunity unable to stop the viruses that he encounters for the first time, nor is he able to fully fight them.

A child whose temperature was not monitored well enough, or who simply accidentally became infected with the virus from other children, falls into serious condition the body's fight against the virus, which is accompanied by unpleasant and severe symptoms even for an adult.

The presence of ARVI is the first thing you should check. Let common cold It is easy to treat, but it is difficult for a tiny child to bear its manifestations. The causes of viral infections are quite wide, but, fortunately, it is easy to recognize from the first days.

Signs of ARVI in a child:

  • elevated temperature body, especially if it is felt to the touch;
  • restlessness of the child during sleep (often due to temperature);
  • increased level of sweating compared to general norm for infants or your child's specific boundaries;
  • characteristic cold cough or dry attempts to cough;
  • mucous discharge from the nose (snot);
  • sleep disorders due to the above symptoms.

If the diagnosis of a viral cold infection is confirmed or you find many matches in the list of symptoms, immediately contact your pediatrician - infant colds are practically not dangerous and can be treated quickly.

Other diseases

But cold sweat in a newborn can be a sign of serious illnesses that should be addressed immediately. Pay attention to such factors, because sweat on a child’s forehead, especially if it appears (or appears with regularity) suddenly, does not mean anything good. You definitely need to go to a specialist, but to make it easier for doctors to make a diagnosis, it is better to carry out some observations yourself, before visiting the doctor. Note the frequency of the period, time of day (cold sweat often appears during sleep), associated conditions newborn (restlessness, high or low body temperature, external discharge). Mindfulness can speed up the diagnostic process, bringing your child closer to successful treatment.

You should seek medical help immediately, as the list of diseases whose symptoms include cold sweat is quite extensive.


Everyone is sad known disease, extremely difficult to treat. In fact, this is a lack of vitamin D in the body and, in general, improper development of the baby’s bones. Usually you have more obvious signs, by which doctors identify pathology from the first weeks of life.


Excessive sweating, which is actually serious illness, despite the seeming harmlessness of the symptoms. Without effective treatment hyperhidrosis can stay with a person for life, causing a lot of inconvenience and disrupting heat exchange processes in the body.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system

Violations of body temperature and blood circulation in people with problematic heart and blood vessels have long been known fact. But in addition to cold hands and constant pallor, “heart patients” of any age periodically suffer from cold sweat.

Problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland

The most important gland endocrine system indirectly responsible for all processes in the body, including heat exchange. The reasons for it malfunction vary greatly, but sweating is often noted among the consequences.


In fact, it is very difficult to somehow predict or prevent allergy symptoms in each individual child. Its standard manifestations include a wide variety of symptoms from rashes to excessive sweating.

Drug overdose

Not all drugs are intended for children - this is usually explained by dosages, but there are also drugs that contain substances that are toxic to the child’s body in any quantity.

Before buying medications for your child, consult a doctor, indicating the child’s age and all the necessary information. It is strictly not recommended to buy medications for an infant without an allergy test.

External factors

Recent frostbite or, conversely, heatstroke can dramatically upset the child’s heat balance. Insect bites can also have an effect, the reasons for this are an allergy to poison or too sensitive skin.

If sweating is irregular, does not occur during sleep, is not accompanied by any other symptoms and coincides with emotional swings in the child, then there is no need to worry - everything that happens is within normal limits. Babies can be very emotional, and during sharp “outbursts” of the psyche (both positive and negative), their body actually changes temperature. Adults experience the same thing at times - think of how you sweat when you're worried or afraid of something. Just on small child such processes are much more noticeable.

Why you should see a doctor, even if all the symptoms serious illnesses Does your child only have sweating? The reasons will be unknown to you until the last minute, and this is a big risk - it’s better to play it safe and visit a pediatrician.

Cold sweat in a breastfed baby

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Eat separate category children for whom cold sweat is less rare than for others. Parents of infants whose main source of nutrition is breast-feeding, most often turn to doctors with complaints of profuse sweating.

Moreover, what worries mothers is precisely that the baby’s head and forehead sweat directly during feeding, and not during other periods. This can be explained by several reasons


Hyperhidrosis, for example, is often inherited, but the disease itself is only an extreme form excessive sweating. There are milder forms of it, and if parents or close relatives suffer from them, then the child can also adopt this feature of the body. There is nothing critically dangerous about this condition, but you most likely need to see an endocrinologist.


No matter how strange it may sound, it is extremely difficult for a baby to suck milk from the breast. Of course, this is a natural process, and in its genetic code This skill is laid down with maximum precision, but this does not mean that it is easy for the child. The jaw muscles are not yet sufficiently developed, like all other systems, so the process of eating for a baby can easily be equated to physical labor.

Underdevelopment of heat exchange

Normal body temperature for a baby is a relative concept. In the first months of life, temperature changes both up and down the mercury column are not uncommon. The body is just determining the norm for itself, so it’s easier to wait out this period without panicking too much. In addition, a huge amount (in comparison with the rest of the body mass) is concentrated in the head area. sebaceous glands and nerve endings. Purely visually, sweat in these places will be more noticeable to parents.

If your baby only sweats when feeding and does not show such symptoms during sleep or periods of rest, then there is most likely no problem. In all other cases, in addition to a standard visit to the pediatrician, an endocrinologist is needed who will immediately identify problems with the endocrine system.

Sweating is a natural process that usually does not indicate any health problems. But only up to certain point. If a child sweats frequently and intensely, and the sweat is cold, it is no wonder that this fact can seriously worry parents. Cold sweat can appear in your baby at any time. If this happens, the child’s condition must be closely monitored, because the reasons for its appearance vary from the most harmless to the very serious. This will be discussed in this article.

Possible reasons


Cold sweat may appear after various reasons. U healthy child This usually happens when exposed to external factors when:

  • the room is too hot;
  • he is dressed warmer than necessary;
  • he sleeps under a warm blanket;
  • the bed is too soft;
  • The child is very active and impressionable.

Also, do not forget that all people are different: for some this is a common occurrence, but for others it is a sign of problems in the body. To make it clear why exactly your child is sweating, you need to observe his general condition. Notice when this happens: during (after) sleep or when the baby is active? Are there any accompanying symptoms?

If external factors, which provoke the release of cold sweat, have been eliminated, but the problem does not disappear; its root should be sought elsewhere. Here's what else could be wrong:

  • Excess body weight in a child. In this case, he will be more prone to sweating than his thinner companions.
  • Application of some medicines or funds traditional medicine . When using both, sweating may occur. side effect, however, parents sometimes deliberately count on their diaphoretic effect. For example, when home treatment colds.
  • Spicy dishes, spices on the menu (especially in the evening). They increase blood circulation, and because of this, the child’s sweating becomes more intense.
  • Scary dreams(or just very bright and intense), as well as neuroses, fear and others similar conditions. The child may even wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. There is a direct relationship here: work sweat glands directly regulated by the nervous system.
  • Heredity. It happens that nothing helps just because the problem is genetic. Think about whether your baby has relatives for whom cold sweat is also a common occurrence.


If none of the factors listed above apply, pathology may be the cause. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. There are a number of diseases, one of the symptoms of which is cold sweat. For example:

1. Rickets– a disease associated with a lack of vitamin D, which results in a disorder of the musculoskeletal system.

2. Hyperhidrosis– excessive sweating in some areas or throughout the entire body. The phenomenon is not dangerous to health, but significantly reduces the child’s quality of life.

3. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels– then the picture will be complemented by others alarming symptoms, which are difficult not to notice.

4. Endocrine system disorders– quite often cold sweat indicates problems with the thyroid gland.

5. Viral infections – in this case, additional symptoms will be a runny nose, cough and general weakness. After recovery, the child may develop cold sweat for some time. This is a sign that the body is weakened and needs time to recover. During this period, the child needs a gentle regime; do not overload him for another week and a half, this will give him the opportunity to fully recover.

6. Poisoning– when the body is intoxicated, cold sweat also occurs quite often. The child will also be bothered by nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, abdominal pain, and upset bowel movements. The baby will be pale, lethargic and will not want to eat anything.

A little about babies

Separately, it is worth mentioning the peculiarities of sweating in infants. Cold sweat is not unusual for them. On the contrary, the body can often react to external circumstances in this way. After all, he is just learning to control his body temperature, and thermoregulation is still far from perfect.

Many new parents find it strange that the baby is covered in perspiration during feeding. But for him this is a real job - to extract milk from his mother's breast. He puts in a lot of effort, and sweat in this case is considered normal.

Oddly enough, teething may well cause cold sweats in infants. This difficult period is stressful for the body, because immune system becomes weaker and more vulnerable. And the child feels significant discomfort, because the sensations, frankly speaking, are not pleasant. Under such circumstances, the appearance of cold sweat is not something strange or surprising.

What should parents do?

Before panicking, adults need to check whether the environmental conditions in which the baby is located are comfortable. In many cases, it is enough to eliminate natural causes increased sweating so that the problem resolves itself.

  • Support optimal conditions humidity and air temperature: 50–60% and 18–22 degrees. Ventilate the room regularly.
  • Dress your child according to the environment he or she is in. The baby should not be either hot or cold, so there is no need to bundle him up, but you should not dress him too lightly.
  • The same goes for the blanket. It’s good when the baby has two things: warm and light. When choosing how to cover your baby, it is important to correctly assess the situation in order to avoid overheating or hypothermia.
  • Use a special orthopedic mattress to keep the bed firm. All fabrics from which they are made bed sheets and accessories must be 100% natural. Synthetics disrupt the process of thermoregulation in the body, the body does not breathe.
  • Closer to bedtime, limit outdoor games and organize quiet leisure time for your child. Reading, modeling, drawing, board games– all this will lead the baby to emotional balance and help avoid overexertion, which also causes cold sweats in children.

A visit to the pediatrician should not be postponed if:

  • the child sneezes, coughs, has rhinitis, eye inflammation, sore throat (this may be an infectious or allergic disease);
  • at the sweat pungent odor, reminiscent acetic acid or ammonia;
  • sweat is released unevenly, for example, only the head and (or) limbs sweat noticeably, and the rest of the body is dry;
  • The baby's body temperature is low;
  • he refuses to eat or eats very little;
  • there were problems sleeping;
  • sweat feels sticky to the touch;
  • the baby sweats even when at rest;
  • The baby often shudders in his sleep.

First of all, you should consult a pediatrician, and then you may need to be examined by narrow specialists(neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist or allergist).

When a child urgently needs help

There are cases when cold sweat in children may indicate that something is happening in the body. serious violations. Then every second counts, so parents should call emergency medical help as soon as possible. This will be required if, in addition to cold sweat, you notice in your child:

  • weak shallow breathing;
  • body temperature is below normal, 35 degrees or less;
  • severe cough;
  • confusion or loss of consciousness;
  • bluish tint to lips, hands and feet.

Often, such symptoms indicate significant disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. When calling an ambulance, parents should prepare for possible hospitalization to provide emergency care, further examination and treatment in a hospital setting.

Parents of children under 1 year of age need to be especially vigilant. Everything changes very quickly for them, sometimes it only takes a few hours. Therefore, if the baby’s condition causes concern, cast aside all doubts and seek help. Don't hesitate.


In order to understand what exactly is happening with the baby, in addition to an external examination and collection of complaints, the doctor may prescribe the following studies:

  • blood test (general and detailed);
  • urine test;
  • neurosonography and ultrasound examination cervical spine - if necessary.

You may also need:

  • blood test for vitamin D concentration;
  • glucose tolerance test;
  • external examination of lymph nodes.

The phenomenon of cold sweat occurs quite often in children. It is important here to closely monitor the baby’s condition and quickly respond to any changes. And don’t be afraid to contact doctors, because they are interested in helping the child get rid of the problem.

Sweating is a normal process that occurs in the body for the purposes of thermoregulation and excretion. harmful substances. However, it is these functions of sweat secretion that can cause the development of more serious diseases, especially in children. , especially when the forehead sweats, can be either a symptom or a reason for the development of serious illnesses.

Sweating in children may be a sign of serious illness

Provoking factors

It can manifest itself in different ways in a baby. Of course, parents worry about certain manifestations when their baby breaks into a cold sweat. The reasons may be different:

  • sleeping place is too warm;
  • high temperature in the baby's room;
  • excessive activity in overweight children;
  • excessively toxic food;
  • lack of hygiene.

Usually in such cases it is necessary:

  • normalize the temperature in the room to 20-22 degrees Celsius;
  • dress the child according to the weather;
  • monitor your diet;
  • maintain hygiene.

When the necessary measures are taken and the causes are eliminated, sweating should go away on its own. However, if the child continues to break into sweat, it is necessary to immediately undergo examination by a specialist.

Diseases reported by cold sweat

In addition to ordinary reasons for excessive sweating, there may be more serious reasons. So, children are susceptible to this phenomenon when:

  • bone curvature develops in their body;
  • there is a lack of vitamin D;
  • the baby is susceptible to hyperhidrosis;
  • the cardiovascular system is not functioning normally;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • viral diseases of cold and flu.

Excessive sweating may be the result of an allergy to some substance

Availability viral diseases in the child’s body is also manifested by the presence of an acute cough. Similar cases cannot be ignored. It is also necessary to urgently visit a doctor and have the baby examined.

In addition, excessive sweating accompanied by a rare cough may be a manifestation of the baby’s allergic body to any substances. The nature of such a reaction can also be determined only by examination by a doctor.


Very important special attention pay attention to signs of excessive sweating. What time of day does the baby sweat, what additional symptoms while being observed. If your baby produces cold sweat during the day, it may be due to his activity. But if there are certain symptoms, then you need to pay special attention to the following:

  • the baby's sweat emits a very noticeable ammonia odor;
  • sweating occurs profusely only in certain areas;
  • the temperature in the child’s body is abnormally low.

When similar symptoms are absent, then there is no reason to panic, since most likely the reasons are domestic, which can only be eliminated through the efforts of the parents.

First teeth

At the time when a child's first teeth erupt, his body begins to respond to painful sensations V oral cavity by secreting sweat. This is considered normal.

Sweating is a completely normal process when teething.

But at the same time, it is during this period that the child’s body becomes vulnerable to various infectious diseases and requires special care. Needed by everyone possible ways reduce cold sweating, monitor symptoms.

Frequent baths with medicinal herbs. Normalizing the temperature in the room and taking frequent walks outside fresh air will also provide positive influence on the growth and development of the child without risk.


Excessive cold sweating may be hereditary disease, which is medically known as Riley-Day disease. With this disease, disorders manifest themselves at the genetic level and it is impossible to get rid of it. For this reason, there is no need to become depressed and look for a miraculous treatment. All that remains is to fight sweating with traditional means.

In addition to excessive cold sweating this syndrome may be accompanied by disorders of the digestive system and respiratory tract. The presence of these disorders is due to the original set of chromosomes, so they will have to be treated regularly.

If the child does not experience any problems with sweating: breathing and stool are normal, then there is most likely nothing to worry about, but it is still worth getting examined.

Who should I contact?

Of course, the first doctor to whom you need to show your child is a pediatrician. You need to go to him, while in addition to cold sweating the baby has:

  • abnormal temperature;
  • acute cough and profuse runny nose;
  • sweating immediately after waking up;
  • various skin abnormalities;
  • excessive production of tears;
  • unstable sleep;
  • reluctance to eat.

It is important to contact your pediatrician immediately

The reasons, of course, will be revealed at an appointment with a doctor, and he will refer you to a specialist. However, if there is the following symptoms You can immediately contact an endocrinologist:

  • sweating when at rest;
  • pungent ammonia odor of sweat;
  • the baby wakes up in a cold sweat;
  • twitching and other tics are observed;
  • sweat on forehead feels sticky to the touch;
  • the child is taking medication.

But under no circumstances should you treat a child yourself. Why? Yes, simply incorrect conclusions about the symptoms and diagnosis can lead to the fact that your efforts will only worsen the situation.

First aid

If some symptoms are present, the child should receive immediate medical attention.

A decrease in body temperature below normal during colds and flu puts the heart and blood vessels. It may also indicate abnormal blood circulation. In such cases, complications can occur at any time, so it is better to play it safe and call an ambulance.

If after suffering an acute infectious disease using potent drugs the child experiences sudden and regular shuddering and convulsive body movements, it is possible that the child acute disorders nervous system and endocrine organs.

The child may experience sharp pains And headache. So call qualified medical care it will be very useful. In case of almost any complications, you should not risk the child’s health; it is better to play it safe and call an ambulance.

You shouldn’t risk your child’s health, it’s better to be safe than sorry