Treatment of ulcerative stomatitis with granulations in cats. Stomatitis in cats: treatment, symptoms, causes Complications after stomatitis in cats

IN lately Have you noticed that your cat looks depressed, sleepy, begins to lose weight and is not eating well? You have examined your pet and noticed that foam has accumulated in the corners of the mouth, and there is redness, swelling or bleeding in the mouth. These signs together may indicate one of the most common cat diseases - stomatitis.

Stomatitis- inflammation of the oral mucosa, it can be caused improper feeding, conditions of detention, and even treatment of the cat for other diseases.


The damage that causes stomatitis can be divided into four groups: mechanical, thermal, chemical and biological.

1. Mechanical damage occur when a cat eats foods containing sharp or jagged sharp edges, such as bones, or as a result of animal fights or bites.

2. Thermal injuries may occur if you often feed your pet hot soup or frozen fish, or if you give him cold water.

3. Chemical injuries Occasionally they appear due to improper storage of detergents and washing powders, but most often such injuries occur as a result of the cat licking irritating ointments that are applied to the surface of the body in the treatment of skin diseases.

4. You can also highlight biological group injuries- from improper abrasion of teeth, from pathologies of the jaw structure.

The following reasons can also lead to stomatitis:

    • oral infections,
    • periodontitis,
    • hit foreign body in the gum or tongue,
    • leukemia,
    • viral immunodeficiency,


Inflammation of the mucous membrane is accompanied copious discharge saliva, hence the foam at the corners of the mouth.

The disease is accompanied by:

    • redness and bleeding of the gums,
    • swelling,
    • bad breath appears,
    • V advanced cases There is a gradual detachment of the epithelium and tissue death,
    • ulcers and stomatological gangrene occur,
    • the cat looks sloppy because... stops licking himself due to painful sensations in the oral cavity.

The diagnosis is made based on examination of the oral cavity and the results of general clinical trial at the veterinary clinic.

It is highly not recommended to make a diagnosis yourself, since have similar symptoms infectious diseases, diseases of the teeth, pharynx and larynx . They occur and are treated differently, so if you carry out treatment based on your own diagnosis, you risk harming your pet.


1. If your cat has been diagnosed with stomatitis, you will have to review its diet, excluding bones, cold and hot foods.

2. If stomatitis is caused by ointments that the animal licks from the skin, then it is necessary to purchase a special collar that will prevent this.

3. To treat the disease itself, doctors prescribedisinfectants and astringents.

The cat’s oral cavity with affected areas should be treated every day with solutions (of your choice) using a small syringe or syringe:

    • three percent hydrogen peroxide solution,
    • one percent solution of baking soda,
    • diluted furatsilin.

If your cat has ulcers, this is the place to go. Lugol's solution with glycerin, and also taking antibiotics (oxytetracycline, erythromycin).

4. Can accompany treatment folk remedies - herbal decoctions, processing oral cavity tincture of calendula, in a ratio of 1:10, decoction of oak bark - 1:5, chamomile flowers, blueberries, bird cherry and chokeberry, which also have an astringent effect. Also, to restore and maintain your pet’s immunity, you can give vitamins, which are sold at any veterinary pharmacy.

Stomatitis in a cat manifests itself in different ways, depending on its form, but the disease can be recognized by general signs.

The disease will show the following symptoms:

  1. The animal is constantly thirsty and drinks more than usual.
  2. Decreased appetite, refusal to eat.
  3. Redness of the gums, swelling.
  4. Profuse salivation.
  5. The emergence of a strong unpleasant odor from the mouth.

There are also other signs by which the disease can be identified in the initial stage:

  1. The animal becomes lethargic, secretive, and may show aggression towards the owner for no obvious reason.
  2. The fur becomes unkempt.
  3. Difficulty breathing, as if the nose is stuffy.

If the disease is not detected at the initial stage, it progresses. Ulcers appear in the cat’s mouth, gums begin to bleed, and teeth may fall out.

Wounds become infected with microorganisms living in the oral cavity, which leads to necrotic changes.

Types of disease

Stomatitis in cats is divided into primary and secondary.

Primary stomatitis appears under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Tartar.
  2. Caries.
  3. Feeding food that is not suitable for the animal: food from the owner’s table, too hot or cold food, solid food.
  4. Chemicals: bleach, vinegar, detergents, which accidentally fall on the animal’s fur, when licked, enter the oral cavity, causing inflammation.

Secondary stomatitis occurs against the background of disorders in the animal’s body:

  1. Autoimmune- occurs due to disorders in the body when immune cells attack the animal's gums and teeth. Characterized by tooth loss, swelling of the gums, and excessive salivation.
  2. Viral- provoked by the feline immunodeficiency virus, the causative agent of feline leukemia. Damage to the gums and palate is also caused by a disease called calcivirosis.
  3. Plasmacytic stomatitis occurs when there is a violation immune system, under the influence of the feline herpes virus. With this form of the disease, cysts form in the mouth of cats, which eventually develop into tumors.
  4. Ulcerative stomatitis is the next stage of infectious if the disease is left unattended. Sores form on the gums, foam comes out of the mouth, often mixed with blood.

    The pet refuses to eat and rubs its face. The increase in infection is accompanied by an increase in the animal's temperature.

    High risk of developing toxic shock. Due to the activity of pathogenic microflora, wound healing does not occur correctly; ulcerative stomatitis with granulations develops into necrosis.

  5. Gangrenous stomatitis - terminal stage infectious disease. Reddish or dark brown, the animal hardly moves. High temperature remains constant, lymph nodes are enlarged.

    The smell from the cat's mouth gives off carrion or rotten meat, this is due to necrotic changes in the tissues in the oral cavity. If measures are not taken, the infection will spread through the bloodstream, and the animal will die from exhaustion and septic shock.

    If an ulcerative or gangrenous form of stomatitis occurs, you should immediately contact a veterinarian!

  6. Uremic- occurs against the background of an increase in the concentration of urea and nitrogenous bases in the blood. It is observed in animals that suffer from chronic kidney diseases.

    Another reason for increased urea levels is diabetes. The disease is diagnosed by the characteristic ammonia odor from the pet’s mouth.

Treatment at home: medications and drugs

If stomatitis is detected in domestic cats, treatment should begin immediately.

First of all, you should consult a specialist to establish the exact causes of the disease.

Tests should be taken to identify the pathogen, but it is better to start treatment immediately, without waiting for the result.

In case of an advanced form of the disease, a specialist will prescribe surgery, to remove necrotic tissue and affected cat teeth.

If the body condition is mild or satisfactory, the pet will be on home treatment, with periodic examinations and therapy adjustments.

You should know how and with what to treat an animal at home:

  1. Switch your pet to liquid food: broths, milk, soft porridge. It is better to give your cat food in small portions and slightly warmed, but not hot.
  2. Carefully monitor oral hygiene cats: use a pipette or syringe to rinse the gums and mucous membranes.

    At home, this is done with a solution of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Furacilin is suitable for washing. Ulcers should be treated with Lugol's or methylene blue.

  3. Can wash the cat's mouth with a decoction of oak bark, for speedy healing of deep ulcers. Dentavidin or Traumeel are used as prescribed by a doctor.
  4. To prevent development bacterial infection in an animal weakened by disease use antibiotics.

The course of the drug is prescribed by a veterinarian. It is strictly not recommended to select medications for an animal on your own or use medications for people!

It should be remembered that the disease cannot be cured once and for all: periodic visits to the veterinarian will be required.

At home, you need to regularly monitor the cleanliness and condition of your pet’s mucous membranes, gums and tongue, remove teeth affected by caries, and feed food specially selected for the animal.

With appropriate care, the cat's condition and quality of life will improve significantly.


Look at the video for more nuances about this disease:

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Stomatitis is inflammatory process, which develops on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. Cat stomatitis can be chronic or acute form, be of secondary or primary origin.

Causes of stomatitis in cats

The causes of stomatitis vary significantly depending on its origin.

Thus, the factors for the development of primary stomatitis are:

  • mechanical damage to the oral mucosa;
  • thermal irritants (feeding hot food);
  • chemicals (poisons, irritating drugs, household chemicals etc.).

The development of secondary stomatitis is usually preceded by:

  • some infectious diseases, for example, plague;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver ( diabetes mellitus, gastroenteritis);
  • allergic reactions;
  • metabolic diseases and vitamin deficiency (One example of such stomatitis is a lack of vitamin C, manifested by a disease such as scurvy. Another no less shining example secondary stomatitis, which develops as a result of vitamin deficiency - pellagra (long-term absence of vitamin PP and tryptophan protein in the cat’s diet).);
  • An important role in the appearance of secondary stomatitis is played by factors such as caries.

Signs of stomatitis in cats

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of stomatitis.

Symptoms of stomatitis largely depend on the inflammatory process, which occurs:

  • catarrhal,
  • vesicular,
  • ulcerative,
  • phlegmonous,
  • diphtheritic,
  • gangrenous.

Most often, stomatitis begins with catarrhal inflammation, which is characterized by:

  • increased;
  • increased thirst;
  • Chew carefully while eating; if there is severe pain, the cat may even refuse to eat.

If you examine your pet’s oral cavity during this period, you will notice severe redness of the mucous membrane and gray plaque on her.

Another sign of the onset of the development of stomatitis is, which appears as a result of the decomposition of saliva, exfoliated epithelium and mucus under the influence of pathogenic microbes.

As already mentioned, the precursor to stomatitis of any nature is catarrh, which is usually benign. After eliminating the cause, the oral mucosa quickly recovers and heals.

Otherwise, when therapeutic measures undertaken late or incorrectly prescribed medicines, which do not have the desired effect, Qatar turns into other more serious forms with the formation of ulcers, vesicles, aphthae, etc.

  • Ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity begin with the gums: ulcers form around the teeth, the gums become swollen, and their color acquires a bright red, and in some places a bluish tint.
  • There is a disgusting smell coming from the mouth.
  • Characteristic sign ulcerative stomatitis– bleeding of the gums when touched, which makes the act of chewing by the cat almost impossible due to excessive pain.
  • The decaying tissues involve more and more new foci in the process, to the point where the inflammation spreads to the jaw bones.
  • Teeth become loose and fall out easily.

If left untreated, the animal may die as a result of sepsis.

A severe form of stomatitis is considered gangrenous, which is characterized by:

  • severe decay of the mucous membrane and tissues of the cheeks, tongue, gums;
  • complete absence appetite;
  • increased salivation;
  • the appearance of swelling in the lips;
  • foul odor from the mouth;
  • enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • oppression general condition cats.

How to treat stomatitis in a cat?

First of all, when treating stomatitis, it is necessary to determine the cause that led to this pathology, eliminate it, and only then engage in drug therapy.

The second point is feeding. During the period of illness, it is better for the cat to give liquid food to relieve pain during chewing. It could be:

  • beef or chicken broth;
  • pureed soup;
  • porridge;
  • milk.

It is advisable to infuse all liquids using a syringe, which must be done extremely carefully so as not to cause unnecessary pain to the animal.

The affected oral mucosa must be treated with disinfectant solutions:

  • 1% baking soda;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Furacilin.

Irrigation of the mouth can be done using a small rubber bulb (syringe).

If there are ulcers and other defects of the mucous membrane, they are smeared with:

  • Lugol's solution with glycerin;
  • methylene blue solution.

If there are a lot of ulcers and there is inflammation in lymph nodes, then it would be best to continue treatment along with a course of antibiotics (oxytetracycline, erythromycin and others). The use of vitamins plays an important role in rapid recovery.

Prevention of stomatitis

Preventive measures boil down to:

  • periodic examination of the oral cavity for the presence/absence of diseased teeth or their chips;
  • timely detection of diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • nutritious feeding;
  • preventing the provision of hot food.


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Stomatitis in cats is the most common lesion of the oral mucosa.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Stomatitis in a cat is detected by examining the oral cavity. More technological methods (taking tissue samples, studying bacterial cultures) are not provided, since main feature stomatitis - the presence of ulcers, vesicles, rashes, gum inflammation, tissue damage. With proper and timely identification of symptoms of stomatitis in cats, the treatment will pass with minimal consequences, the disease will not develop into chronic form, other pets will not be infected (if the disease is infectious).

However, as stomatitis develops in a cat, symptoms may include the following:

  • lethargy, depression, refusal to eat and/or drink;
  • digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, constipation);
  • temperature changes in both directions;
  • fever, tremor, convulsions;
  • addition of a secondary infection;
  • smell of rotting breath;
  • tissue necrosis.

All these symptoms reduce the quality of life of the animal and put it in danger.


A number of factors can cause ulcerative stomatitis in cats and its other varieties:

  • infections - bacterial, viral, mycoplasmic, fungal, etc.;
  • rough food that damages the mucous membrane of the mouth (bone fragments, dry food), too hot and too cold food, contact with aggressive reagents (alkali, acids), toxins on the mucous membrane;
  • dehydration caused by poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, insufficient water intake, steady increase fever, excessive urine output, significant blood loss;
  • dirty feeding dishes;
  • bite defects, tartar, caries;
  • the use of medications that reduce salivation;
  • deficiency of vitamins or microelements caused by unbalanced diet or impaired assimilation of them;
  • weakened immunity, autoimmune reactions;
  • malignant tumors in the neck, throat and nose;
  • changes hormonal levels(pregnancy, puberty, recent sterilization, etc.);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • illnesses digestive tract And genitourinary system, diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reactions to food components or various chemicals (even shampoo residues on wool), side effects chemotherapy;
  • exhaustion of the body, emotional stress.

Depending on the reasons, causing stomatitis in cats, symptoms and treatment will vary.

Treatment of stomatitis in cats

Once stomatitis is identified, you may need biochemical tests blood and urine, oral culture, etc. This is necessary to determine the disease, the consequence of which may be stomatitis in cats - treatment otherwise will not bring results. Symptomatic treatment Ulcerative stomatitis in cats and other types of stomatitis is selected individually.

In severe cases it is carried out surgical removal anesthetized tissue, tartar, decayed teeth under local or general anesthesia. The doctor prescribes a number of procedures and medications:

  • antibiotics: intended to eliminate infection or prevent postoperative complications. Amoxiclav, Lincomycin, Metronidazole, Claforan are usually prescribed. The form of admission is determined by the doctor;
  • antiviral, antifungal - if the cause is a corresponding infection - levorin;
  • rinsing or spraying the mucous membrane with antiseptic and wound-healing agents: Actovegin (Solcorexil), decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, etc.;
  • local treatment of the mucous membrane after rinsing - applying gels and solutions using a tampon to the affected areas. Dentavidin, Lugol, Cholisal, Metrogil-denta are used;
  • antihistamines - must be prescribed to avoid allergic reactions. An example would be Suprastin, Tavegil, Pipolfen;
  • general strengthening - Actovegin, multivitamin complexes;
  • painkillers and antipyretics - as needed.

Only a professional can determine how to treat stomatitis in a cat - prescribing drugs for people is dangerous, since these drugs can cause unexpected consequences in the animal’s body.

Not always even experienced owners can identify the inflammatory process on early stages, thereby allowing complications to arise and acute course diseases. This problem includes ulcerative stomatitis in cats. It leads not only to inflammation of the gums, but also to damage to the mucous membranes of the entire mouth: tongue, cheeks and palate. Even the smallest scratch can become a source of infection, especially if the immune system is weakened.

Stomatitis in cats is a disease caused by viruses, which gives the pet unpleasant painful sensations in the mouth. At severe course disease there is a risk that the animal may lose one or more teeth. Therefore, it is important to identify stomatitis in the early stages and provide your pet with qualified veterinary care and proper care. It is worth noting that this disease can progress to more serious stages, thereby provoking the development of leukemia. This is especially true for cats with reduced immunity.

On initial stages The animal's gums are affected, becoming bright red and, in some cases, bluish in color. Over time they begin to bleed and appear severe pain when chewing, and damage to the mucous membrane spreads throughout the animal’s mouth. In the absence of qualified help and immunity support, stomatitis can be fatal.

An attentive owner is obliged to notice the first signs of the disease as early as possible. If ulcerative stomatitis in cats is detected in the early stages, treatment will be quick and simple.

The first signs of stomatitis in a cat:

  • The amount of saliva produced increases;
  • Thirst increases;
  • Appetite disappears, the process of chewing food becomes longer and more difficult;
  • Appears bad smell from the mouth, which indicates increased microbial activity;
  • The mood and desire to play disappear;
  • The animal sleeps for a long time and becomes very apathetic;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck;
  • The mucous membranes of the mouth swell and acquire a red tint, and also acquire a white-gray coating.

If there are several symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Causes of stomatitis

The main reason causing development stomatitis in cats is poor hygiene oral cavity or its complete absence. Problems such as caries, plaque in the mouth and tartar, combined with a weakened immune system, give impetus to the development of serious pathology.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons that increase the risk of developing this disease:

  • Damage mechanical in nature obtained by gnawing tubular bones, solid food or hot food;
  • Damage of a chemical nature leading to a burn to the oral cavity: getting shampoo, bleach, or acid into the mouth;
  • Infections;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Allergy;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the owner wants to treat stomatitis in cats independently, then it is still necessary to contact a specialist to correctly diagnose the type of disease and identify possible consequences this problem.

Types of stomatitis

There are several types of stomatitis, which only a veterinarian can determine. To increase the effectiveness and speed of treatment, correct diagnosis of the disease plays a huge role.

Types of stomatitis:

  1. Primary (catarrhal) is the first stage of the disease, preceding all other types of this disease. With it, the gums swell and acquire a specific shade. This type Stomatitis can be easily treated at home.
  2. Ulcerative (secondary) – appears in the absence of treatment of the primary stage of the disease, characterized by the appearance of ulcers and swelling in the animal’s mouth. If left untreated at this stage of the disease, severe complications can develop.
  3. Phlegmonous - characterized by the presence of pus in the cat’s oral cavity, which can provoke sepsis.
  4. Gangrenous stomatitis in cats is the most dangerous form a disease in which teeth fall out, oral tissue rots and fever increases. Gangrene can lead to the death of a pet.

Even with the most mild stage stomatitis in an animal, it is necessary to show it to a veterinarian. Self-medication can lead to loss of time, development serious complications and irreversible processes in the cat’s body.

Treatment and prevention

Let's figure out how to treat stomatitis in a cat correctly. The first action of the owner when detecting wounds and changes in the color of the mucous membrane in the animal’s mouth should be to contact a veterinarian, because it is very difficult to independently determine the type of disease and possible complications, especially when you're sick little kitten. If the cause of the disease is not determined and it is not eliminated, then even effective methods treatments may not give a positive result.

In any case, if you have stomatitis, you need to change your cat’s diet: replace solid food with liquid or semi-liquid food. It is best to give the animal broths, cereals or milk.

If symptoms of stomatitis are detected in cats, treatment should be comprehensive.

Stages of treatment:

  1. Disinfection of the oral cavity with solutions of furatsilin, peroxide, soda or potassium permanganate.
  2. Treatment of wounds and ulcers of the mucous membranes in the animal’s mouth by special means, for example, a solution of methylene salt or glycerin Lugol.
  3. Subject to availability large quantity ulcers and seals in the lymph nodes cannot be avoided without the use of antibiotics, which are taken in courses. To do this, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Erythromycin, Oxytetracycline and others in appropriate dosages.
  4. To maintain the cat's immunity, vitamins and nutrients are prescribed.

To prevent stomatitis and its complications, it is necessary to periodically examine the cat’s oral cavity to identify diseased teeth, chips or wounds on the mucous membranes. You should also promptly treat your pet for gastrointestinal diseases and provide him with adequate nutrition. It is important to remember that hot food can also cause stomatitis, so its temperature should be carefully monitored.