Computer bioresonance diagnostics of the body. Bioresonance or computer diagnostics of the body, reviews Bioresonance examination what

How does bioresonance computer diagnostics work?

Bioresonance diagnostics (BRD) is one of the new information technology based on the most latest achievements physical and biological sciences. With its help, in one session you can identify the causes of a person’s disease and make a diagnosis.

Bioresonance medical computer diagnostics body accessible to anyone. It can be passed as in state medical institutions, and in private clinics. This is a highly sought after species. medical services because everything more people They think about the state of their health not only when something worries them, but much earlier, when nothing hurts yet. After all, with the help of such a relevant, safe and informative method of examination, it is easier to prevent a disease than to later spend money on its expensive treatment. You can learn more about this method using the example of the operation of Sensitive Imago bioresonance therapy devices.

Method of bioresonance diagnostics of the human body - what is it?

Human health is based on spectral analysis of the magnetic fields of the human body. The equipment on which such an examination is carried out analyzes electromagnetic vibrations stem structures of the brain, which contain all the information about the human body. This information is read contactlessly using special sensors that amplify it. The information received is then processed by a computer program.

The essence of the bioresonance method

The principle of bioresonance diagnostics it's not difficult to explain.

The cells of all living organisms have their own electric field. It is called a biofield, it is variable and fluctuates with a certain frequency. The body's BRD takes the values ​​of fluctuations and compares them with the standard indicators embedded in computer diagnostic devices of the body.

None additional tests and going to numerous clinic rooms is not required for this. Based on the results of a diagnostic bioresonance study, a course of effective recovery in an optimal mode is prescribed.

On the Internet you can easily find positive and negative reviews about bioresonance diagnostics, but most reviews are based on personal experience patients and doctors, which cannot be verified. In this article we will try to reveal the essence of the method and provide examples of diagnostic equipment.

During an appointment with a doctor, all systems are examined: cardiovascular, nervous, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, endocrine, bronchopulmonary, gastrointestinal tract.

Possibilities of bioresonance diagnostics

Let's look at what goals and objectives can be solved by taking a course of bioresonance diagnostics using the example of Sensitive Imago devices

  • Express health assessment
  • Determination of the most weakened systems and organs
  • Formulation of presumptive diagnoses (standard-similar to process diagnoses)
  • Determination of pathogenic microflora, the degree of its activity and localization zone
  • Determination of hidden microflora
  • Selection and testing of drugs (vegetative test)
  • Recommendations for restoring health (selective complexes)
  • Allergen detection
  • Unstable laboratory parameters(their qualitative assessment)
  • Therapeutic capabilities (frequency compensation, bioresonance therapy)
  • Preparation of information preparations (spectronosodes)
  • Determining the degree of harmfulness of energy-informational effects on the body
  • Determination of contaminants, i.e. degree of accumulation in the body:
    • mycotoxins
    • pesticides
    • herbicides
    • nitrates and nitrites
    • heavy metal fungicides
    • Determination of the degree of accumulation dangerous E-additives(food additives)
  • Revealing hereditary predisposition to diseases
  • Function for calculating biorhythms according to 4 parameters: physical, intellectual, emotional, general
  • Possibility of comparing health status before and after the recovery course

It is enough to undergo medical diagnostics of the body based on bioresonance to obtain comprehensive information about your health.

How is the examination carried out?

Examination of a person using bioresonance diagnostics can be divided into three main stages.

Step 1

patient preparation and diagnosis

Using a computer diagnostic device, a specialist scans a person.

Step 2

processing of received data

The received data enters the database of the diagnostic device, where the software calculates it and selects a diagnosis.

Step 3

diagnostic results

The doctor analyzes the examination results and makes a diagnosis. This analysis makes it possible to identify diseases on the skin itself. early stages development. If necessary, the specialist can refer the patient to additional examination- Ultrasound, ECG, etc.

What organs can be checked using this method?

  • Cardiovascular system
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • Genitourinary system
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Bronchopulmonary system
  • Endocrine system
  • Visual and auditory apparatus
  • Nervous SystemClinical biochemical analysis blood without taking it
  • Detection of infections in all organs and systems - viruses, microbes, fungi, protozoa, helminthic infestations etc. (staphylococci, streptococci, lamblia, trichomanas, chlamydia, ureoplasma, etc.)
  • Endocrine system - assessment of hormone levels of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid, gonads
  • Immunity assessment
  • Chromosome set

Advantages of bioresonance diagnostics

  • It is safe - the procedure is absolutely harmless (including for children), does not cause pain or discomfort
  • Detects all pathogens (pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, helminths), their location and degree of infection; No surgical intervention- diagnosis can be made without introduction into the human body
  • You receive the examination result on the spot Determines the condition of organs, systems and individual cells
  • Convenience – no strict preliminary preparation is required before seeing a doctor
  • Comprehensive bioresonance diagnostics – allows you to examine the entire body
  • No side effects

Examples of bioresonance examination of organs

analysis examples: heart, gallbladder, brain, intestines

Vessels of the anterior wall of the heart

Black markers indicate deterioration of blood supply to the anterior wall of the heart, early stage of atherosclerosis coronary arteries and aorta


Red markers indicate tissue tension and spasm of the biliary tract. Black markers indicate the area of ​​inflammation where the passage of bile is obstructed. Clear presence of dyskinesia and probably stones.


Insufficient blood supply and vascular atherosclerosis in the initial stage.

Large intestine

The initial stage of cellular nutrition deficiency due to malabsorption. In the lower part, markers indicate the presence of inflammation of the mucous membrane sigmoid colon or ulcers

Compare the clarity of examination with a Bioresonance device and ultrasound using the following examples:

Patient A.: atrophy of the tail of the pancreas.
Patient B.: right kidney stone.
Patient V.: gallbladder containing a large calculus.
Patient G.: Macronodular cirrhosis.

Preparation before the examination

How to properly prepare for the examination?

There are a number simple rules that will help you get the most accurate diagnosis.

  • Go to your examination in the morning after being well rested. Do not drink alcohol, coffee, or strong tea. At least 2 hours before the procedure, give up tobacco, including smoking electronic cigarettes.
  • 3 days before your appointment, do not undergo x-ray and ultrasound examinations
  • Wear clothes made from natural fabrics
  • Tell your doctor if an x-ray was taken chest and rectum In this case, some time must pass before taking other tests.
  • Don't take medications. Otherwise, be sure to tell your doctor what drug you took and in what dosage.
  • Go to your doctor's appointment without makeup or jewelry. they are able to influence the energy potential of biologically active points

Why is it so important to hear about bioresonance diagnostics “first-hand”?

Master the device yourself and receive detailed explanations, with an emphasis on the features of the procedure when various pathologies- not the same thing at all. The work of a diagnostician trained by a professional is much more efficient, the capabilities of the device are used more fully, the accuracy of the diagnosis increases and, naturally, the profit of the medical center. Sign up for courses on bioresonance computer diagnostics.

Health testing by recording biopotentials from the surface of the body is currently developing by leaps and bounds.

If in diagnostic and treatment, health center or in the company promoting healing methods, dietary supplements, where you work, there will be an offer to purchase devices called Oberon, Metatron, Imago DT Technology - keep in mind that this technology is already outdated, since colossal progress is being made in the field of biodiagnostics.

We have data about the latest developments In this area, a deep analysis of the market has been carried out, which convincingly proves: a self-respecting health care institution can and should use devices from the “Sensitive Imago” series. We demonstrate the methodology for working with patients, explain the structure of the device, the most important areas of its application, course participants can compare on the spot different models diagnostic devices - in a word, there is little that can compare with training from real specialists.

Bioresonance computer diagnostics is a modern requirement

For modern business successful people it is important to get not only high-quality medical care, but also get it quickly.

If the phrase “all doctors in an hour” only makes a specialist smile, then most erudite doctors take such a concept as computer diagnostics of the body quite seriously. The main advantage of the technique, in addition to the speed with which the research is performed, is safety. After all, the device registers biological potentials from the surface of the human body without “interfering” with the tissue structure, like X-rays or ultrasonic waves. We also note the high information content of the method: modern instruments, which will be discussed in special courses, are very accurate and sensitive.

Analyzing problems comprehensive analysis health, scientists, engineers, programmers "ALFA-MED" created computer diagnostic devices "Sensitive Imago"! These devices will become your reliable friend and consultant, reliably and reliably protecting your health!

Do you think we're exaggerating?


The device has successfully passed certification in Russia and received prestigious award European Union for the best innovative technology! (Alfa-Med Holding, 2009) We offer the fourth generation Sensitive Imago device, with the maximum high-tech level of protection, tested in special laboratories in Russia (FSB of the Russian Federation), Great Britain and Germany. And ours service center By warranty repairs and maintenance, will save you from problems with device repair and loss of time for your patients!

Suitable for small and large businesses

Owners of health, medical, distribution centers, beauty salons understand how important high level services provided, their range and complexity! Our hardware complex will allow you not only to get rich financially, but also to increase the status and efficiency of the services of your institution! On our website in the “Business Plan” section, you will find a calculation of the profitability of using the Sensitive Imago hardware complex in Russian business conditions

Patients in the European Union, USA, China, Korea, Philippines, Australia and Thailand trust the diagnostics of our Sensitive Imago hardware complex! Join us too, keep up with life!

We offer model range diagnostic devices: from economic and professional to business classes. Our holding specialists will help you choose the device that is best suited for you!

we will answer all questions

Our specialists are always ready not only to teach you how to service the device, but also to inform you about new software device, new developments and methods of their implementation.

Promotions and discounts

Unprecedented promotions and programs that the holding periodically conducts will surprise and delight you! And holiday discounts will always be a pleasant surprise!

Combines all the advantages of bioresonance diagnostics

The principles of wave theory, which underlie the operation of our devices, make it possible to detect foci that demonstrate disturbances in the functioning of individual human organs. The device signals the doctor about this. In case of problems and serious malfunctions in the functioning of the patient’s body systems, the “Sensitive Imago” device, comprehensively analyzing the information received, indicates problem areas in the patient’s body on the computer monitor! The device informs the patient about hidden changes in the functioning of those organs, the functioning of which the patient has not yet complained about! We can firmly say: “We see what is hidden”!

Training in bioresonance testing techniques

Modern conditions of the medical services market are such that diagnostic centers who have modern, efficient, and most importantly high-precision equipment, have a real advantage over their competitors. Receive training on how to use the technique bioresonance diagnostics on very favorable terms.

In modern alternative medicine, one that is causing heated debate is bioresonance diagnostics. Reviews from doctors and patients about this procedure are characterized by a predominance of negative opinions. Positive ones, despite the fact that there are fewer of them, successfully complement the picture of consumer attitudes towards this diagnostic invention.

It should be noted that most reviews are based on the personal experience of patients and doctors, which cannot be verified. This raises doubts about the reliability of the estimates, especially in the case of absolutely positive responses without analyzing the unsuccessful aspects of the method.

For these reasons, bioresonance diagnostics (BRD) should at least be discussed comprehensively. It is important that both its defenders and opponents can speak out.

This article attempts to present both points of view to the reader.

BRD advocates talk about the method

Bioresonance research is a tool accurate diagnosis. It helps the doctor solve a number of problems:

  • root cause identification feeling unwell sick;
  • identification of infectious foci in the body and clarification of their characteristics;
  • identification of all discernible functional abnormalities and painful reactions that mark tissues and organs:
    -- degenerative;
    -- autoimmune;
    - allergic;
  • definition possible ways their elimination.

Every living organism - a fungus, a bacterium, a virus, as well as a cell and tissue of any human organ, emits a spectrum that is characteristic only of a given biological object. Moreover, in the normal and diseased states of each biological unit, these spectra differ significantly.

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to detect through a biologically active point (usually on the hand or fingers) special device painful vibration spectrums. For this purpose, they are sent to the body known to the doctor pathological sample spectra for each organ, as well as for pathogens. Disease signals emanating from the body (if any) resonate with incoming ones, and then pathology is registered.

Reason for treatment electromagnetic influence carefully conducted Reviews of treatment, in their positive part, relate to diseases that are mainly psychosomatic in nature. These are, for example, allergic reactions, skin diseases, etc. This suggests that for treatment to be successful, the patient must be suggestible in order to believe what the doctor tells him. When preparing doctors for BRD and BRT, they are trained psychological impact on the patient in order to convince him of successful diagnosis and treatment.

The treatment itself can be carried out in two in various ways: endogenous And exogenous.

At endogenous treatment diagnostic tool reads the body. The equipment then separates the signals normal conditions and painful ones and sends them back. At the same time, “health signals” are amplified, and “disease signals” are minimized, that is, suppressed. The body resonates to “healthy” frequencies and begins to work on them.

The exogenous method uses a special generator of weak signals that are transmitted to the body. Their frequency is selected in such a way as to evoke a strong protective response. In this case, the body’s operating mode is adjusted to the resonant “frequency of health.”

Opponents of BRD criticize the method

Not everyone considers bioresonance diagnostics a benefit. Reviews expressing negative opinion about her sound like harsh criticism. In order to maintain the objectivity of the content presented in this article, it is necessary to provide a diagram of these objections.

  • IN physiological research, including the newest and most progressive ones, the very existence of bioresonance is not confirmed.
  • There are no serious clinical trials, proving the effectiveness of BRD and BRT. Official science has not even confirmed their belonging to medicine.
  • Many devices recommended by inventors for BRD do not create the bioresonance effect as such.
  • The only confirmed result of the impact of devices for BRD and BRT is a short effect of temporary pain relief. In all other cases they do not correspond no properties declared by the authors.
  • Unipolar electricity, which is applied to the patient during BRT, causes cellular mutation. The latter leads directly to cancer.

Bioresonance diagnostics of the body is a little-studied area alternative medicine. It is quite obvious that its creators do not know everything about the nature and application of this method. We can only hope that serious research will appear on the possibilities of integrating this technique into classical medicine.

At the same time, already now people who are disillusioned with traditional diagnosis and treatment have the opportunity to do alternative choice. As long as he doesn't turn out to be dangerous.

Computer diagnostics of the body or bioresonance therapy is one of the latest diagnostic techniques, which studies the human biofield and allows you to see the pathological process occurring in the body.

Bioresonance diagnostics of the body is very simple. For this purpose, there is a complex hardware and software complex with special sensors. They are attached to acupuncture points located on the fingers and take biological indicators from them.

Everything happens very simply, and the operation of the device can be compared to the actions of a laboratory assistant who examines cells under a microscope. Each organism (including protozoa, viruses, fungi, bacteria) has its own biofield. The frequencies of microorganisms (up to fifty thousand of them) are preset in the diagnostic device. Through sensors on the fingers, a person is given a weak magnetic pulse with the frequency of a specific pathogen (the one whose presence you are going to check). Here the law of resonance comes into force, from which the name of this technique comes - bioresonance diagnostics. If this pathogen is in the human body, the intensity magnetic field it becomes much larger at acupuncture points.

The procedure takes up to one and a half hours and consists of three stages:

Stage 1 – removing information

The patient is wearing special sensors that “scan” the human body for 20 minutes.

Stage 2 – analysis of the information received

During this stage, the program studies and analyzes the results obtained, and the doctor makes a final diagnosis.

Stage 3 - final

At this stage, the doctor draws up an individual treatment program for the patient or offers a course preventive procedures and selects the necessary medications.

The possibilities of bioresonance diagnostics are incredibly wide! The device can see a failure in the following organs and systems:

You also have the opportunity:

  • Diagnose various disorders on early stages the development of diseases when their signs are absent or weakly expressed;
  • Conduct blood sampling and its biochemical and clinical analysis;
  • Identify infections and microorganisms that have entered the human body (germs, viruses, worms, fungi, bacteria, trichomonas, staphylococci, chlamydia, lamblia, streptococci, etc.);
  • Identify eating disorders;
  • Study the set of chromosomes;
  • Find out the root cause of poor health;
  • Determine the deficiency of macro- and microelements, hormones, enzymes and vitamins;
  • Carry out early diagnosis cancer;
  • Determine the impact on a person negative factors– toxic, environmental, chemical, electromagnetic, radioactive, geopathogenic, radioactive, alcoholic, narcotic, etc.;
  • Diagnose disease diseases in all systems and organs;
  • Implement individual selection medications(if necessary);
  • Study the body's adaptive reserves;
  • Determine the root cause of diseases;
  • Reveal infectious focus, functional abnormalities and painful reactions, and also find ways to eliminate them.

Reviews of bioresonance diagnostics allow to the fullest judge the main advantages of this type of technique:

Contraindications to the procedure

Computer diagnostics of the body has virtually no contraindications. There are only a few exceptions:

  • Pregnancy in the first trimester (3 months);
  • High body temperature – above 38.5 °C;
  • Mental illnesses;
  • Acute conditions that require urgent medical attention;
  • Tuberculosis with open form;
  • Presence of an implanted cardioverter or pacemaker.

How accurate is the result of computer testing?

Computer diagnostics can determine an accurate diagnosis in 90-94% of cases. This was confirmed by subsequent laboratory and instrumental methods diagnostics (X-ray, complete blood count, ultrasound, etc.). The equipment has all the necessary licenses and certificates of safety and compliance, and the procedure is carried out by experienced specialists who have undergone special training on this equipment.

What are the reviews about bioresonance diagnostics?

Positive reviews about bioresonance diagnostics inspire others to use the service and check the body, as they say, from A to Z. Let's find out together what patients write about this unique method!

"IN lately I was very tired and slept an insane amount, although in life I am a very active and active person! After suffering for several months and feeling completely broken, I turned to the doctors. I was prescribed vitamins and a whole series medicines, but the result was zero. From a friend I learned about complete bioresonance diagnostics of the body and immediately decided to use it. It turned out that the whole problem was in the intestines, namely in helminthic infestations, which literally sucked everything out of me useful substances and microelements. The diagnostician was very attentive and spoke in detail about the ways to fight worms. You know, now I’m overloaded with work and household chores, but there can be no talk of any loss of strength! I recommend everyone to contact a specialist and conduct computer diagnostics.”

Elena Kostromicheva, 46 years old

“I have been tormented by headaches for a long time - migraines constantly haunt me, I just don’t have the strength to endure it! I tried it on myself and traditional medicine, And various medications, passed many different tests, but doctors were never able to establish the root cause of the appearance severe pain. And here in our city everyone started talking about computer diagnostics. At first, it was hard to believe that technology could see something it didn’t notice. human eye, but this was my last chance. The doctor explained in detail what was causing the pain, prescribed a course of treatment, and at the same time identified several other concomitant diseases - age takes its toll. Seeing this result, my wife also went for diagnostics and has never regretted it.”

Evgeny Ozerov, 55 years old

“For a long time I couldn’t get pregnant. What my husband and I haven’t tried – from expensive medicines and consultations to no less cheap herbal infusions and fortune tellers. I had already completely given up, deciding that I was not destined to be a mother. A friend forced me to undergo bioresonance diagnostics of the body. But within a few minutes I was amazed at the results. The doctor not only saw a bunch of old ailments that were interfering with life, but also determined the reason for my inability to conceive a baby. Report on own health I took it to the treating gynecologist. A number of tests only confirmed the diagnostic results. I hope that now we will have a full-fledged and real family.”

Ekaterina Alekseeva, 35 years old

Bioresonance therapy – the benefits are obvious!

BRT - bioresonance therapy allows you to quickly, harmlessly, inexpensively and reliably cure many diseases completely. Therefore, BRT is in great demand among patients of our center. The possibilities for treating various pathological processes in the human body with this method are unlimited!

IN modern conditions medicine is beginning to use more and more effective ways treatment of diseases, which include bioresonance therapy. The technique is designed to launch natural mechanisms that allow you to restore the body's defenses. Its mechanism is as follows: due to electrodes and an additional cable, electromagnetic vibrations of a person are transferred to an electronic device, then modified and returned to the patient. This is how therapy occurs with one’s own information, and not with third-party energy or foreign substances.

Operating principle

The technique is based on the principle that the human body is capable of emitting weak electromagnetic vibrations that cover a wide range of waves of different lengths. Such oscillations are usually called physiological or harmonic oscillations.

Whenever pathological process Disharmonic or pathological electromagnetic oscillations appear, causing a shift in the physiological balance, causing a person to fall ill as a result.

When using bioresonance therapy therapeutic effect provide electromagnetic waves. The technique can also be called a kind of information “medicine” due to its clear correspondence with the physiological frequencies of the body and amplitude characteristics.

Main tasks of the procedure

Bioresonance therapy is intended to provide a certain “feeding” of a person with physiological frequencies, as well as relieve him of harmful vibrations.


The procedure is used in the following cases:

Allergic changes in diseases such as hay fever, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and dermatitis (eczema, neurodermatitis).

Pathology of the central nervous system - changes in sleep, vegetative-vascular dystonia, enuresis, increased excitability, encephalopathy, phobia, hyperkinesis, neurosis.

Pathology of the peripheral nervous system - neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, migraine, headache.

Pathology of the musculoskeletal system - inflammatory and degenerative changes in joints, osteochondrosis.

Pathology urinary tract - chronic cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis

Organ pathology digestive system - peptic ulcer stomach, duodenum, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, colitis.

Pathology of the liver and biliary tract - hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.

Diseases of the genital area - prostatitis, prostate adenoma, adnexitis.

Pathology of the endocrine system - non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, inflammation thyroid gland, menstruation disorders, menopausal syndrome.

Methodology for bioresonance therapy

One session lasts on average 30 minutes. To achieve lasting positive result Usually 2-3 sessions of BRT are required. Active treatment occurs at all levels - at the cellular level, at the organ level and in the body as a whole.

During therapy, electrodes connected to a person send electromagnetic waves that resonate with the source of the disease. A resonance effect occurs, in which the membranes of the cells of the causative agent of the disease are subjected to harsh magnetic fields. In this case, the patient will not experience discomfort, feeling only a slight tingling at the points of contact of the electrodes.

The uniqueness of this procedure lies in its contact-free nature. To cure diseases there is no need to interfere with the processes occurring in human body, so you don't have to undergo any special training before medical procedures, and the effect will be noticeable after the first session. Bioresonance therapy has no side effects and helps to heal inflammatory processes and endocrine system disorders without use hormonal drugs and antibiotics.

The procedure is currently used in two main ways. The first of these includes endogenous bioresonance therapy, which is performed through electromagnetic oscillations of the patient himself, which are subjected to certain processing. Another technique is exogenous or inductive bioresonance therapy, which involves the use of external signals. Thanks to them individual organs and the systems come into resonance. Here it is worth mentioning magnetic and electric fields, modulated by certain amplitude-frequency resonant algorithms due to generators. With the help of this therapy, it is possible not only to effectively treat, but also to prevent or rehabilitate diseases. The technique can be used simultaneously with other therapeutic drugs.

Thus, treatment with bioresonance therapy does not provide side effect. The use of the technique can always be considered justified, since it effectively eliminates all kinds of burdens in the human body, corrects pathological information, and directs other disharmonious processes in the right direction.

Almost all patients feel a lasting improvement in their condition after the first procedure. We highly recommend that you undergo this modern and very effective treatment!

The list of diseases for which we, homeopathic doctors at the Adonis Center, recommend contacting us for BRT:

HORMONAL DISEASES thyroid nodules ( nodular goiter), AIT (autoimmune thyroiditis), ovarian dysfunction, excess weight.

GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, menopause, endometrial hyperplasia, mastopathy.

CHILDREN'S DISEASES: adenoids, common colds, neuroses, autism.

IMMUNITY DISORDERS: dysbacteriosis, allergies, low immunity.

SKIN DISEASES: psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis.

DISEASES OF ELDERLY PEOPLE: arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, edema.

CHRONIC INFECTIONS: helminthic infestations, Staphylococcus aureus, Giardia, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, fungal infections, herpes, thrush.

Reviews of BRT


I have polycystic ovary syndrome and age - alas... And my hopes for a child melted away every year... I ran around to hospitals and clinics in full! Therefore, I tried to choose a bioresonance therapy doctor, so as not to make a mistake! I came to the doctor Garus A.G. on the advice of a friend - a girl at her work was successfully treated for infertility at this center.

I liked the doctor, but mistrust haunted me after all the failures. A.G. I looked at the body carefully, found infections and viruses, began to “cleanse” the body, and then began to treat the ovaries - only with homeopathy and BRT! No pills or hormones!

About a year has passed, and the long-awaited pregnancy is coming, the first, and at an already advanced age. This is real happiness! Now a wonderful son is growing up. So I can only say good things about BRT.

    Lyudmila P., 43 years old, Khotkovo



My name is Igor, I am from St. Petersburg, but hoping for a cure, I began to specifically look for centers with BRT in Moscow - there are more good reviews about bioresonance therapy. Maybe in Moscow bioresonance therapy is more widespread and there are more such doctors. I contacted Dr. Garus at ADONIS. I don’t want to talk about my former illnesses (they, fortunately, are already in the past), but this doctor is simply my savior! I wish there were more such smart and kind doctors! I feel fine, I went back to work in production, things have improved in the family! That’s why I’m writing – I really want her to read these grateful lines of mine. Happiness to you and many years life, Doctor!

    Igor Ilyich, 57 years old, builder, St. Petersburg



Q: Why do people choose to have BRT done at Adonis Homeopathic Centre?

A: This is where the modern and certified (!) equipment for BRT is located. And this is a guarantee of absolute safety for adults, children, pregnant and lactating women.

Q: Why do people choose BRT over conventional treatments?

A: BRT is very effective! Significant improvement occurs after the first session.

Q: Why are so many children brought to the Adonis center for BRT sessions?

A: BRT is an absolutely painless treatment, one might even say it’s pleasant! For both mothers and babies.

Q: Why are there many visitors undergoing BRT at the Adonis homeopathic center?

A: Because this treatment is much cheaper than conventional methods and more effective - you can come to appointments less often and recover faster. You don't have to spend money on medications.

Features of bioresonance diagnostics

The bioresonance diagnostic procedure is carried out in several stages.

First stage. Recording information

Thanks to special sensors placed on the patient’s body, the body is scanned. Using a bioresonance therapy device, the patient's vital signs are read from acupuncture points located on his fingers. During diagnostics, it becomes possible to evaluate many parameters that influence general condition throughout the body, thereby allowing the identification of disruptions in the immune and endocrine system, metabolic disorders and deterioration in the performance of internal organs.

I want to be clear:

Bioresonance diagnostics (computer diagnostics) and ART (vegetative resonance testing) are different methods diagnostics, although they have the same operating principle.

Bioresonance diagnostics is carried out using equipment different manufacturers, the principle of which is to automatically scan your health status, i.e. Before the session begins, you fill out a form or questionnaire, then they put on headphones, give you electrode tubes or other electrode options, after which the device scans your body, and the doctor “monitors the process.”

Disadvantages of bioresonance diagnostics:

Automatic scanning (the doctor does not control the process)

Low reliability (at one time I tried to work on Oberon - the reliability was very poor)

The result depends on the doctor’s interpretation of the data obtained, i.e. on his qualifications, knowledge, your survey, “maybe there, maybe not”

A doctor does not have to obtain a state certificate to operate the device.

Sanitary doctors, cosmetologists, nursing staff, nutritionists, and other “doctors and doctors” can work on the device, sometimes even people without medical education(there were cases, no one asks!!!)

Bioresonance diagnostics is carried out to promote and “pump” dietary supplements or other products, i.e. network companies

Diagnostics are carried out in “offices”, “cellars”, etc.

Advantages of bioresonance diagnostics:

Indicative (when they show all these black squares, triangles or graphs, it makes a big impression on people!!!)

VRT (vegetative resonance testing) originates from the Voll method, electropuncture diagnostics, invented in Germany in the middle of the last century. The main manufacturer of equipment in our country is the IMEDIS company, which also provides training to doctors. ART can only be performed in medical centers having a license " traditional methods treatment" or "reflexotherapy", ART can only be carried out by doctors, doctors undergo training for 144 hours and receive a certificate (a certificate in the form of a crust, not an A4 piece of paper with supposedly attended course) of a state standard from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. You have the right to request them for review. My certificates are presented in the VKontakte group. The essence of the technique is to diagnose the body through the vegetative nervous system through a cluster of nerve endings on the fingers (biologically active point). You sit, hold the cylinder-electrode in one hand, and with the other hand the doctor conducts a diagnosis, using a special probe electrode, pressing it on the BAP and so on for the entire diagnosis.

Confidence from 80 to 95%, depending on the problem being diagnosed (manufacturer’s data)

Identification of those problems that are difficult to diagnose using laboratory and other diagnostic methods

You can build causal chains during diagnosis to find out the causes of the disease

Bloodless, age restrictions No

There are no absolute contraindications

There is no automatic scanning; during the diagnostic process, the doctor must constantly think about what he is doing and what he is looking at

Long-term (from 2 to 3-4 hours)

Relatively high cost

I want to say that the ART method is also used by unscrupulous doctors, which is why there are attacks on the method and negative reviews. Diagnostics is a doctor’s assistant, not his replacement. It all depends on the qualifications of the doctor. Not all doctors are able to explain and interpret the data obtained to patients, which causes mistrust.

Therefore, I understand when they write negative reviews.