Cucumber relief: weight loss without effort and hunger. Fasting day on kefir: a method of healthy fasting

Every woman and girl dreams of slim body, thin waist, beautiful color faces. To achieve such an ideal combination, representatives of the fair sex go to great lengths. Looking for best diet they often harm themselves by using untested methods for losing weight. But it would be worth paying attention to a completely harmless vegetable - cucumber.

It is cucumbers that can significantly reduce weight, thanks to their low calorie content and the presence of tartronic acid, which reduces the process of converting carbohydrates into fat. Despite the low calorie content and the statement that cucumbers contain nothing but water, it can be noted that the content of substances such as A.B.C. vitamins and microelements is quite sufficient to meet the body’s needs.

Only a fasting day on cucumbers together with a detox will help reduce weight to 3.5 kg. In addition to losing weight, cucumber days have a positive effect on high blood pressure, reducing it due to the diuretic properties of the vegetable. Fasting cucumber days also help well with rheumatism, uric acid diathesis, and relieve swelling in pregnant women. Render positive influence for ulcers duodenum and stomach. And especially shown when various types obesity.

Features of cucumber day

Due to the fact that cucumbers have a completely low calorie content, it is recommended to spend the fasting day at home, without physical activity. After all, 100 grams of cucumbers contain only 14 calories.

It is best to spend such days in the summer, when the vegetables are fresh, straight from the garden, and, unlike winter ones, do not contain nitrates.

Pros and cons of cucumber days

We talked about the beneficial properties of this vegetable above. About the fasting days on cucumbers themselves, we can say that this method is the most effective among others, because in just one day it is possible to lose up to 3.5 kg excess weight.

But you should know that fasting cucumber days are not recommended for those people who suffer from kidney disease, colitis and gastritis, and some other chronic diseases.

How is a fasting day carried out?

You will need to stock up on 1.5 kg fresh cucumbers, which must be eaten in 5-6 meals. You cannot add salt or use other spices. It is allowed to add other products to the cucumber diet - 2 eggs per day, 2 tablespoons of bran, lean meat (rabbit, beef, chicken).

Fasting days should be carried out regularly and at regular intervals. To maintain a stable weight, twice a month is enough. To reduce excess body weight 1-2 times a week. During the fasting day It wouldn’t hurt to do some simple exercises or massage problem areas, taking baths.

Despite the fact that cucumbers themselves contain a lot of moisture, you cannot refuse water. The usual rate of 1.5-2 liters remains relevant with this method.

Fasting diet options

1.Only cucumbers, no salt, no water. You will need 2 kg of them. Divide the entire volume into 8 equal portions and consume at regular intervals with the peel.

2. Cucumbers, low-fat kefir(0.5 l) and a drop of lemon juice. A salad is prepared with these ingredients.

3. Cucumbers, chicken egg, kefir or vegetable oil. A little greenery is allowed.

4. Cucumbers, meat. But food must be separate. You will need 1 kg of cucumbers, 150 grams of cooked meat. Divide the entire volume for 6 times a day. Meat and cucumbers cannot be mixed, except once.

Fasting days are a popular way of cleansing. Alone or in combination with various diets, they help get rid of extra pounds ov. In this case, you can choose the main product yourself daily ration. A fasting day on kefir has proven itself to be excellent and has a lot of advantages. Fermented milk product is healthy, has low calorie content, it is accessible and inexpensive. At the right approach A kefir diet will only bring benefits.


The benefits of a fasting day on kefir. Indications for use

A fasting day and fasting are two different things. At complete refusal Food slows down metabolism, the body begins to use energy sparingly, and does its best to maintain weight. It is impossible to lose weight if you refuse to eat. During a fasting day, food arrives regularly, metabolism accelerates, and weight rapidly decreases.

Basic beneficial properties fasting days:

  1. It turns out excess liquid, swelling goes away, you can get rid of 1-2 kg of weight per day. Of course, most of the loss is water.
  2. The body is cleansed of toxic compounds and toxins, the intestines are freed from stagnant masses.
  3. Digestive system gets rest, cleanses itself, begins to work better.
  4. The stomach decreases in size. After a one-day diet, it is easier to switch to split meals.

Fasting days are indicated for obesity, slow metabolism, and clogged intestines. They are often used during a diet to “push” weight that has remained at one level and has not decreased for a long time.

Basic rules for fasting days

Any diet requires proper and timely organization. Otherwise, it will be difficult to follow it, and the result may be completely different from what is expected. Basic rules for unloading on kefir:

  1. You can have a one-day kefir diet no more than once a week. No more than 4 times a month.
  2. It is imperative to divide the daily intake of fermented milk product into 5-7 equal parts and consume it at regular intervals.
  3. Drink enough. Excluding kefir, at least 2 liters of liquid should be consumed. The morning begins with a glass of clean water.
  4. The body is prepared in advance. Dinner the night before should be light; before bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or natural yogurt.
  5. After a fasting day on kefir, you should not pounce on food. Preferably within next day drink 2 glasses of kefir, eat vegetables, cereals, boiled lean meat or poultry. If you do not follow this rule, the kilograms that you managed to get rid of will quickly return again.

It is not recommended to engage in sports or other activities during unloading. physical activity. If there is hard mental work ahead (for example, exams), then kefir days better to reschedule. Monotonous food and hunger significantly reduce concentration and slow down thinking.

Options for kefir days

The main product is kefir. The diet may consist only of fermented milk drink, but sometimes it is supplemented with cereals, vegetables, and fruits. For satiety, chicken and fish are introduced. But not all and not at once. The more monotonous and simpler the food, the better. Usually one additional product is added to kefir. It is desirable that it has fiber or low calorie content.

Kefir is chosen with a fat content of up to 1%, the shelf life should not exceed 3 days. The drink or part of it can be replaced with yoghurt or fermented baked milk. But these products should also be low in fat. If the goal of the fasting day is cleansing and not weight loss, then use kefir up to 2% fat content.

Kefir monoday

It is distinguished by its simplicity and accessibility. During the day, only low-fat kefir and purified water are consumed. You need to drink 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink. The diet is boring and monotonous, but such a day is considered the most effective. You can lose up to 2 kg of weight per day. At such a day, kefir can be varied with herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro), spices (ginger, cinnamon, pepper), and the use of sugar substitutes.

You cannot add salt to the drink. It will retain fluid in the body and prevent weight loss. Greens are added in small quantities only to vary the taste. Among the spices, you should give preference to hot spices, which speed up metabolism and also promote weight loss.

Video: One day on kefir. How to do it correctly

Unloading on apples with kefir

One of the most delicious, healthy and effective is a fasting day on apples and kefir. Despite their low calorie content, apples are rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements. To ensure that the diet really promotes weight loss, green apples are used. They shouldn't be too sweet.

The daily diet consists of 1 kg of apples and 1 liter of kefir. You need to drink at least 2 liters of purified water. Divide the products into 5 servings. In between meals, drink the daily amount of water. Active fluid secretion will begin in the afternoon.

Attention! If it is difficult to eat raw apples or they cause fermentation, you can bake the fruit in the oven, in microwave oven. To prevent them from being too sour, add half a teaspoon of honey to the apples.

Kefir-buckwheat day

This one-day diet option not only helps you lose weight, but also perfectly cleanses the intestines. To carry out such a fasting diet, it is better not to cook buckwheat porridge, but to steam it the day before in a thermos, pouring 1 glass of cereal with 400 ml of water. This method allows you to preserve all vitamins and minerals. During the day, eat cooked porridge with a glass of kefir. You can alternate the consumption of main products. All spices can be added except salt.

Unloading on cucumbers and kefir

A cucumber is 97% water. At the same time, it has a pleasant taste, aroma and goes well with kefir. A fasting day on kefir and cucumbers is easy, not hungry, healthy and helps to alleviate the condition of rheumatism, arthrosis, increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis.

The daily diet consists of 1 liter of kefir and 1 kg of cucumbers. It is advisable to use summer cucumbers grown in your area. A small amount of greens is allowed. Kefir and cucumbers can be eaten together or alternated.

Note: A wonderful summer soup is made from kefir and cucumbers. Vegetables are chopped and poured with a mixture of kefir and mineral water. Season the dish with pepper, herbs, and you can add a little lemon juice for piquancy.

Cleansing and unloading on kefir with bran

Bran is a rich source of plant fiber. In combination with kefir, the product has a pronounced cleansing effect. A fasting day using these two ingredients is considered one of the most effective. For cleansing, use pure rye, oat or wheat bran no additives. Bran improves intestinal motility, removes allergens, breakdown products, toxic substances, lowers cholesterol, and reduces appetite. Grain shells actively absorb water. During use, you need to increase your fluid intake to 2.5-3 liters per day.

The daily diet consists of 30 g of bran and 1.5 liters of kefir. The bran is poured in advance hot water, they insist. Then the product is divided into 6 servings, added to kefir, and consumed throughout the day. You can divide the steamed bran into 2 or 3 servings, alternate with pure fermented milk product and smoothies with fiber. Together with kefir, bran can cause increased gas formation, abdominal discomfort. If you are prone to flatulence, you should avoid this diet.

Video: The best fasting days in E. Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy”

Contraindications for fasting days

Kefir days are not suitable for everyone. In order not to harm the body, fasting days on kefir should not be carried out:

You should not change your diet or expose your body to stress during menstruation, or when changing your place of residence or work. During pregnancy and lactation, any diets and changes in nutrition should be agreed with your doctor.

Fasting day on cucumbers is the most affordable way keep your figure in good shape. And this is explained not only by the cleansing effect.

A cucumber is 95% water. The rest is indigestible fiber, to which all the benefits are attributed. In fact, the main benefits of cucumber are not the fiber. Or rather, not only in her. Peculiar chemical composition This vegetable makes you look at the green fruit in a new way.

  • Folates are specific substances found in cucumbers. They regulate homocysteine ​​levels, protecting the walls of blood vessels from destruction.
  • Arginine is useful for hypertensive patients. It maintains normal blood pressure.
  • Magnesium and potassium regulate work cardiovascular system.
  • Silicon accelerates metabolic reactions in the body.
  • Zinc and iodine keep the pancreas and thyroid glands in working condition.
  • Copper salts prevent diseases of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin K increases blood clotting.
  • According to the body, cucumbers belong to the alkaline group of foods. Therefore, equalizing the body’s PH level will be an excellent bonus to the cleansing effect.

Fasting days, “backed up” with such knowledge, become doubly effective. Understanding the “hidden” benefits triggers subconscious self-hypnosis. As a result, the expected result improves by more than 30%.

Rules for fasting days on cucumbers

The frequency depends on your goal. If you want to lose a little weight, then you should not spend a fasting day on cucumbers more than 2 times a week. This is explained by a fairly strong cleansing and diuretic effect. Daily unloading threatens dehydration, despite the “water content” of cucumbers. It is even recommended to add cucumbers to your daily menu. Especially for meat.

If the goal is to keep yourself in shape, then 2 times a month is enough.

  • The full effect of unloading on cucumbers can only be expected if you do not salt them. Salt destroys specific microelements, so only fiber will benefit.
  • The peel will provide maximum cleansing of the body and will also improve digestion, so the fruits do not need to be peeled. If the skin is hard, use a grater.
  • Additionally, you don’t have to drink water. Or drink as desired. Cucumbers contain enough liquid so that the body does not suffer from its deficiency.
  • It is necessary to carry out a fasting day on the same days. The specific system excludes stressful situation the body and “prepares” it for change. This way you will quickly get used to the schedule of fasting days and avoid constant discomfort when changing your diet.

Types of fasting days on cucumbers

During its existence, cucumber fasting days have undergone many variations. The most popular ones are confirmed by the results, and in each of them, cucumber remains the main component.

Cucumber fasting day

Buy 1.5 kg of cucumbers and divide into 5-6 doses. During the day, the reserve should be eaten without including anything else in the diet. You can drink mineral water or green tea.

Fasting day on cucumbers and kefir

To 1.5 kilograms of cucumbers add 0.5 liters of low-fat or 1% kefir. You need to prepare a cocktail in a blender and drink it in 5 doses. You can also prepare cold cucumber soup with kefir.

For the soup you will need:

  • 500-600 ml. kefir;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • some greens - a few mint or basil leaves are great.

The preparation is very simple: grate or finely chop the cucumbers, chop the greens, put everything in a deep bowl or small pan and pour in kefir. We do not add salt so that the effect of unloading is maximum.

Fasting day on cucumbers and tomatoes

Add 3 medium-sized tomatoes to 1.5 kg of cucumbers and make a salad 5 times a day. For taste, add aromatic herbs and season with a tablespoon of vegetable or .

Fasting day on cucumbers and meat

A slightly non-standard fasting day, but if you consume foods correctly, you will certainly feel the effect and will not experience discomfort from feeling hungry.

You will need 1 kg of cucumbers and 150 g. dietary meat - skinless chicken or turkey, rabbit or lean pork/veal. Divide the foods into 5 parts and decide how you will eat: alternate and eat every 2 hours or eat meat and cucumber at one time, but with a break of 3 hours.

Each option has its own advantages:

  • Alternating will keep you from feeling hungry.
  • The combination will help absorb animal protein, which is important for the body.

But you can “kill two birds with one stone”: alternate foods all day, and combine them once – preferably at lunch. The interval between meals is 2 hours, but it is important to have dinner before 19 hours.

Some simple tips will help not only survive a fasting day, but also make it useful and very enjoyable.

  • It is better to plan an unloading on cucumbers on the weekend, since the menu has a laxative and diuretic effect.
  • If you cannot live a day without meat, choose the cucumber-meat variation of unloading.
  • Do not add salt and spices to salads. Salt reduces the cucumber effect by 90%, and spices whet the appetite.
  • Add cucumber to daily diet, especially if you are a meat eater. Phytosterol contained in green vegetables has the ability to replace animal cholesterol, reducing the risk of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
  • Choose strong, small-sized fruits - they taste better, and the seeds are almost invisible. If the cucumbers are wilted, it means they were picked a long time ago and there is no longer enough moisture in them. They will not bring the expected benefit.
  • A face mask made from grated cucumber perfectly moisturizes the skin and retains moisture for several hours. It also has a slight tightening and whitening effect. This mask is also effective for dry skin on hands.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of cucumbers and fasting days with their participation. Judging by numerous reviews, fasting days on cucumbers give good results. At one time, from 300 to 600 grams are lost. weight. And per month - 3-4 kg, provided that cucumber days are included in the schedule 2 times a week.

To keep your figure in shape or slightly adjust your weight, you don’t have to go on a strict diet. Take advantage of the fasting day on cucumbers, and tomorrow you can put on your favorite trousers, dress or skirt. But if you are still interested in an even faster result, you can try.

An effective technique Nutritionists consider eating cucumbers according to a special scheme for losing excess weight. Every 100 g fresh vegetable contain no more than 20 kcal. Cucumbers consist of complex organic compounds, the benefit of which is to improve digestive processes and speed up metabolism.

Benefits of the cucumber diet

By spending a fasting day on cucumbers, a person losing weight can achieve stabilization of the circulatory and excretory systems - potassium is responsible for this. Green vegetables are also rich in alkaline salts. They neutralize harmful acid compounds that the body receives from food. Iodine compounds allow the body to be saturated with this useful substance and prevent the development of diseases thyroid gland. At sufficient quantity Iodine strengthens the heart muscle.

The cucumber diet gives a mild laxative and diuretic effect. She's different increased amount fiber. Main benefit of this substance consists in expelling excess cholesterol - a provocateur of sclerotic processes and various pathologies internal organs.

If a fasting day on cucumbers is carried out correctly, the body will quickly lose unnecessary kilograms. The reason for such changes will be the acceleration of metabolism low-calorie product. While the body absorbs vegetables, it gets rid of waste and toxins, regulates acid-base balance and facilitates the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Recycling light food in the form of cucumbers, the body engages in self-cleansing.

One-day cucumber diet

Just one fasting day on cucumbers can give your organs and systems a rest. By the appointed date, they stock up on enough ingredients to make 5 servings of salad. But there should be 2 kg of cucumbers. Additional components are:

  • cilantro;
  • dill;
  • basil;
  • parsley;
  • celery.

Any greens are suitable for salad, but it is recommended to dress it lemon juice or not full fat kefir(1%). Salt is not placed in the dish to avoid water retention in the tissues.

You don’t have to drink water during the fasting day. A salad made from 2 kg of cucumbers contains approximately the same amount of liquid. “Gatherings” on such a diet once a week result in a decrease in body weight by 1 – 1.5 kg.

Variations of unloading on cucumbers

A cucumber diet is not limited to one salad, it can be varied. A cleansing drink is prepared from a kilogram of peeled vegetables and celery. The ratio of components is 2: 1, i.e. there should be twice as many cucumbers. Grind them with a blender and add a little lime juice if desired. Drink at least 250 g of the product at a time. The first dose is taken immediately after waking up. The volume of cucumber drink is distributed throughout the day. No additive is made. The need for fluid is replenished with plain water.

If the diet on cucumbers seems hungry, it can be adjusted with meat. Spend a fasting day like this:

  1. boil a piece of meat (150 g);
  2. make slicing cucumbers (1 kg);
  3. products are divided into 6 equal portions;
  4. For each meal, take a portion of meat and cucumbers and eat it.

Another option for the cucumber-meat diet is also allowed. The food is laid out on three plates and only cucumbers are eaten for breakfast. For lunch they eat clean meat. For dinner - cucumbers again.

Dietary dishes made from kefir and cucumbers

By combining kefir with cucumber, you can achieve not only cleansing of the body and weight loss, but also the growth of colonization beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Fermented milk drink prevents those losing weight from feeling hungry. It removes unnecessary fluid and enriches the body with minerals, amino acids and vitamins.

The diet menu consists of the following number of ingredients:

  • water – about 2 l;
  • cucumbers – 1.5 kg;
  • kefir – 2 l (with a fat content of 2.5%).

To speed up cleaning intestinal tract The recipe includes crushed greens. If, in addition to losing weight, the diet brings an unbearable feeling of hunger, experts allow the following nutritious foods to be introduced into the diet:

  1. feta cheese – 50 g;
  2. low-fat sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  3. oil plant origin– 1 tbsp. l.;
  4. boiled/steamed fish fatty varieties– 100 g.

The quantity is indicated not for a single dose, but for the whole day.

A dietary day on kefir and cucumbers begins with breakfast. They eat salad flavored with herbs and vegetable oil(can be replaced with sour cream). Closer to 11 o'clock in the afternoon they drink pure kefir. The lunch meal is served from vegetable salad, feta cheese and kefir. After 3 hours, refresh with kefir and cucumber slices. For dinner they eat salad and drink kefir just before bed.

You can also drink a healthy cocktail throughout the day. Add a little cucumber mass and chopped herbs to kefir. The drink is not prepared with a reserve. Before each use, you must make a new cocktail.

Cucumber diet: contraindications

Losing weight on cucumbers is prohibited for people with chronic renal pathologies. Due to the lack of protein in dietary dishes, an increase in relapses of diseases is possible. It is not recommended for gastroenterologist patients to eat cucumbers alone, because fiber is harmful for colitis, gastritis and increased acidity. The cucumber-kefir diet is contraindicated if you are prone to diarrhea.

When deciding to lose weight with the help of cucumbers, a person should consider possible danger from their use in the winter months and early spring. To quickly obtain a harvest, seedlings are fertilized with nitrates, which are concentrated in the peel and on the tips of the vegetable. To avoid poisoning, nutritionists advise peeling cucumbers and trimming the ends a couple of centimeters. Pickled and salted vegetables lose their properties responsible for weight loss. That's why dietary dishes They are not prepared from canned products.

To make the weight loss process more intensive, the diet should be supplemented physical exercise aimed at burning fat. If you have free time, you can take baths to lose weight and do a special massage.

Healthy fasting is an opportunity to cleanse your body of accumulated toxins and waste, as well as get rid of extra pounds.

A fasting day with kefir is more popular, since this drink has a beneficial effect on general condition body.

The main thing is to organize your time correctly in order to achieve the maximum effective result.

Positive effects of kefir on the body

It is known that kefir is very beneficial for health, thanks to the substances in its composition. Healthy weight loss with this product has many benefits.

1. Due to its low calorie content, kefir is perfectly absorbed by the body. There is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach, the problem with constipation disappears. Drinking the drink is also recommended after taking antibiotics, as this way the intestinal microflora can be restored.

2. Kefir has a slight laxative and diuretic effect, it is very pleasant to drink. The drink allows you to start metabolic processes and speed up the fat burning process.

3. It has been proven that a fasting day on kefir is an excellent stress reliever. This drink is an excellent antidepressant.

4. Active substances composition helps eliminate toxins, waste and other harmful “deposits” that accumulate in the body over time.

Fasting day on kefir without foreign additives

To prepare for health fasting, you need to prepare one liter of kefir and start the morning with a glass of this drink. The most interesting thing is that you don’t have to take a low-fat product. The main feature of kefir is that calorie content has absolutely no meaning for weight loss. Exchange processes will be launched in any case, which will lead to weight loss and cleansing of toxins.

A fasting day on kefir should be roughly planned by the hour. This is done very simply. Daily norm– 6 glasses. The first one is drunk 30 minutes after waking up. Subsequent ones - every 3-4 hours. A person individually adjusts the schedule to suit himself, based on his capabilities.

Fasting day on kefir and cottage cheese

For a day you will need to prepare for yourself 1 liter of kefir and no more than 400 grams of fresh low-fat cottage cheese.

1. For breakfast you need to drink a glass of kefir and eat 3-4 tablespoons of cottage cheese. If desired, you can add a small amount of honey to the cottage cheese to sweeten your morning.

2. For lunch, 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese are poured with kefir. You can also add a little jam here. homemade or fresh seasonal berries.

3. After 3 hours, drink another glass of kefir.

4. Dinner – repetition of lunch.

5. Before going to bed, you may feel a slight feeling of hunger. In such a situation, you are allowed to drink half a glass of kefir.

Adhering to such a diet, 0.5-1 kg is lost per day, the intestines are cleansed and overall well-being improves. It is easy to endure a fasting day on kefir and cottage cheese, since both products perfectly saturate the stomach.

Fasting day on kefir and cucumbers

Another method that allows you to effectively remove toxins and promote weight loss is a one-day fasting on cucumbers and kefir. It is known that both products are characterized by low calorie content, and their combination gives a laxative effect.

You will need to prepare 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 liter of kefir.

1. Morning. 200 grams of cucumbers are cut into a salad, and a generous portion of greens is added there. This can be not only dill and parsley, but also, for example, Chinese cabbage. Salad dressing olive oil. You also need to drink a glass of kefir.

2. 3 hours after breakfast, drink 250 ml of kefir and eat 2 cucumbers.

3. Dinner. 3-4 hours before going to bed, make a salad from the remaining cucumber according to the same principle as in the morning. Don't forget to wash down your food with kefir.

4. Half an hour before bedtime, drink the last portion of a healthy milk-containing drink.

A fasting day on kefir and cucumbers will not allow a person to feel hungry. The body will be intensively cleansed of toxins and waste, from 1 to 2 kg will be lost per day. This healing technique for losing excess weight can be used once a week.

Fasting day on kefir and oatmeal

Unloading on oatmeal and kefir allows not only to normalize work gastrointestinal tract, but also improve complexion. If you cleanse once a week, you can prevent the aging process of skin cells and forget about problems such as cellulite and constipation.

Before a fasting day on kefir, 3 tablespoons are soaked in boiling water (in the evening). The resulting mass is diluted in the morning a small amount honey and eaten for breakfast. After 15 minutes, drink a glass of kefir. During the day, you are allowed to drink only a cleansing drink; in the evening, oatmeal is steamed again and eaten according to the same principle as the morning portion.

Basic rules for carrying out a fasting day on kefir

It doesn’t matter which of the listed methods you choose for one-day healing and cleansing of the body, it is important to follow the basic rules if you want to achieve a truly excellent result.

Rules for a fasting day on kefir

1. In addition to kefir, it is important to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day. It is advisable that it be non-carbonated clean water. In the morning and before bed, green tea without honey or sugar is allowed.

2. All products that are prepared for the fasting day must be divided into equal portions.

4. Physical activity are excluded. It is advisable that the unloading be scheduled on a day off from work.

5. The morning after a fasting day, vegetables are stewed using kefir. It's better if they are seasonal. Zucchini, blue, cabbage (any) are ideal. The main thing is that it is not potatoes.

6. If a person easily tolerated a one-day cleansing of the body, it is not prohibited to extend the method for another 3-4 days. During this period, 4-5 kg ​​are lost, but everything depends on the initial weight.

7. “Unloading” is allowed no more than once every 10 days.

Main contraindications

Despite the fact that kefir is very beneficial for the body, the radical one-day diet has its contraindications.

A fasting day on kefir is prohibited for the following categories of people:

Persons adolescence;

Nursing mothers and pregnant women;

Persons who suffer from anorexia;

If you have stomach problems (gastritis, ulcers);

Women during menstrual cycle.

A fasting day on kefir is perfect way lose a few extra pounds for those who cannot fast. Nutritionists and doctors recommend this cleansing technique to every person, since its regular implementation has a positive effect on the body inside and out. The face acquires a healthy glow and cellulite disappears. Metabolism is also normalized, “stagnation” of toxins and wastes that interfere with work are regularly eliminated internal systems body.