The figure of Svetlana Loboda. Svetlana Loboda: my diet, no diets or how to stay in shape! The slimmer body

The most beautiful singer of Ukraine - this is the title awarded to Svetlana Loboda. This award is deserved because the star is the idol of many people. The figure of Svetlana Loboda is the girl’s pride, so many fans want to be like her. Do you want to know the secret of how a star maintains her chic figure and attracts the attention of others?

LOBODA- famous person, whose name often appears on magazine covers. No photographer will refuse to work with her, because the singer herself and her figure are perfect in the frame. Plump lips, slender body and long legs- natural standard of beauty or Botox and plastic surgery?

Path to glory

Svetlana Loboda went to popularity on her own. Her parents early provided the young girl with freedom, which she wisely used.

Those close to her realized that Svetlana would become an artist from her very birth, when no one could calm the vocal baby. The older generation had a great influence on the future star. By the way, the celebrity’s grandmother is an opera singer.

Little Sveta was introduced to music from childhood: she graduated from music school and at the age of 16 entered the circus school. From that moment on, adult life began.

The singer’s career started with participation in the group “Cappuccino”, but her performances as part of “VIA Gra” brought her great popularity. However, Loboda did not stay in the Meladze trio; as it turned out, she was not a team player. The star admitted that she likes a solo career.

In 2009, the singer represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest, where she took 12th place.

Since 2010, the star began to actively promote her musical project LOBODA. Currently, Svetlana is widely known outside her native country.

Songs like "Fuck love", “Your Eyes” and “Random” beat all the ratings of the national charts.

Shape Options

Loboda claims that she is beautiful by nature. The debate about the naturalness of plump lips and size 3 breasts continues unabated. The singer is proud and not shy about exposing herself for photos. If you meet a star, she will seem quite tall, her height is 174 cm, and she weighs only 50 kg.

The singer managed to maintain her good figure after the birth of her daughter Evangelina, who is already 11 years old. During pregnancy, the performer gained almost no weight excess weight, observing healthy eating. This is what caused her fast recovery after childbirth.

It was and became

IN ordinary life Loboda does not go on constant diets because she does not consider it necessary. However, Sveta still keeps an eye on her figure, because she often gives concerts at which she must look amazing. The singer is a supporter of proper nutrition. Refusal junk food allows her to keep fit and stay youthful.

In one of the interviews, the singer said that for advice on proper nutrition she turns to Vera Brezhneva, with whom she has been friends since the days of VIA Gra. A friend is well versed in new weight loss techniques and can advise on a healthy diet.

Loboda's diet is the absence of a diet. The star admits that strict methods of weight loss are not applicable to her.

Discovering secrets

In one of the interviews, the singer shared with fans tricks for caring for herself and maintaining appearance. One of the main postulates is the elimination of fasting and harmful products. The celebrity gives advice to everyone who wants to lose weight.

Physical activity

For Svetlana Loboda, sport is the basis for staying in good shape. The girl herself notes that she has excellent genetics, but without physical activity, being fit and slim would be the ultimate dream.

The singer regularly does Pilates and swims in the pool. She also spends time in gym to give definition to your body. The star prefers aerobic exercise physical exercise on simulators.

Svetlana does not stop working out even on a tour; she carries a rug with her that she can spread in a hotel room.

Loboda starts his workout with 40 minutes. squats, push-ups and stretching.

On tour, the singer always takes an elastic band for additional exercises.

At home, Svetlana does not allow herself to rest; her favorite activity is running on the track.

The star does not have to edit photos in a swimsuit; she admits that she is completely happy with her figure.

Beauty secrets

IN free time the celebrity regularly goes to a cosmetologist to get peeling and masks done. The singer also loves relaxing massages and spas.

For body health, the star takes contrast shower. She endures steadfastly discomfort to improve blood circulation.

Proper nutrition is the singer’s way of maintaining youth. TO healthy image she also teaches her daughter about life early years, explaining to her all the benefits of such a menu.

On everyday days, Svetlana prefers not to wear makeup, giving her skin a rest. After a long flight and a concert, she makes masks with hyaluronic acid. The girl believes that skin care cosmetics help maintain youthful skin.

Such procedures allow the star to look fresh at the age of 35.

Menu principles

Svetlana Loboda has a busy schedule, so she doesn’t always manage to get to food. But the artist tries to stick to a proper and balanced menu.

Drinking plenty of water is also a must in a girl’s diet. Svetlana can treat herself to fresh juices.

To maintain slimness, the singer arranges fasting days once a month. At this time she switches to unsalted brown rice and monitors water balance.

This diet helps cleanse the body, normalize metabolism and normalize digestion.

Japanese diet

There were also rumors on the Internet that Svetlana adheres to a sushi diet, which is popular among Hollywood actors.

Sushi is a low-calorie, but filling product, and with its help you can really lose weight.

Sample menu for the day:

When snacking, give preference to vegetables and fruits. You can prepare light salads or Japanese miso soups. However, do not overuse flavor enhancers such as wasabi, ginger and soy sauce, they cause appetite and thirst.

It is enough to eat 4-5 times a day to lose weight. In 3 days you will get rid of 2 kg.

Dietary recipes

Loboda has his favorite low-calorie dishes that anyone can cook.

Vegetable soup

Soup is a universal dish that should be present in the diet, as it is suitable for people with weak digestion, as well as for those who want to lose weight.

You will need:

  • 2 l. water;
  • onions, carrots, cabbage.

Cooking steps:

  1. Fry carrots and onions.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, add the roast and shredded cabbage to the broth.
  3. For taste, add salt and season the soup.
  4. 10 minutes before cooking, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Eat soup for lunch at normal dietary nutrition, and on fasting days, introduce only it into the diet.

Svetlana Loboda prefers to add tomatoes, peppers, and asparagus to the recipe.

Japanese delicacy

If you are looking for an easy to prepare and satisfying dish, then Philadelphia rolls are for you.


  • nori seaweed;
  • salmon;

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the kelp by cutting it into equal parts.
  2. Place a thin layer of boiled rice on the seaweed.
  3. Turn the nori over, rice side down, and roll into a roll.
  4. Place salmon pieces on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.

A low-calorie but nutritious delicacy suitable for breakfast or dinner during a sushi diet.

You can eat not only Philadelphia, but also California Caesar roll.

Vegetable salad

In the evening, Loboda tries not to overload the menu with heavy dishes, so she eats light vegetable salads, which contain the most common products.

What you need:

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cabbage, removing the outer leaves.
  2. Chop the vegetable, rub it with your hands and lightly add salt.
  3. Cut the peppers into half rings.
  4. Prepare the greens by finely chopping them.
  5. Place everything in one bowl, season with oil.

Sprinkle the salad with spices and salt.

If you haven't switched to vegetarianism, modify the dish by adding chicken strips.

Nutritionists' opinions on nutrition

Experts speak positively about the singer’s menu because she follows the basic rules of weight loss techniques.

This lifestyle allows Loboda to stay in good shape and look young. Therefore, weight loss is suitable for every girl.

Svetlana is actively involved in dancing, fitness, and goes to the gym. She has a very busy schedule: filming, concerts, flights, rehearsals. And yet the singer monitors her health and eats right.

How Svetlana Loboda loses weight

Loboda's height is 172 cm and weight is 50 kg. These are average weights, which she tries not to deviate from. When Svetlana was actively preparing for the grand Eurovision concert competition, she gained 5 kg. Stress played a significant role in this. Therefore, she created an even stricter nutrition schedule in order not to lose her wonderful shape.

Oatmeal: a classic of the genre

The singer's menu includes oatmeal. This is an unshakable rule that she follows every morning. Oatmeal is good for digestion. A viscous mass envelops the esophagus from the inside and gently cleanses it. Nutrients Oatmeal saturates the body for a long time. Oatmeal is considered one of the most high-calorie cereals, so it is advisable to eat it in the morning or early afternoon, but not in the evening.

Svetlana cooks oatmeal with water, not milk. There is no need to add sugar or spices to it. If you wish, you can throw in a strawberry, a slice of chopped apple or add a teaspoon olive oil. Svetlana doesn’t add anything to her oatmeal - she’s used to a simple diet. Rarely pours boiled milk into oatmeal - this is also an excellent combination. Only those who are not afraid of extra calories can afford to use such a dish every morning.

Are juices healthy?

Every day Svetlana requires a lot of energy expenditure. To replenish them you need freshly squeezed juices. This is an obligatory part of the singer’s diet. Fresh juices cleanse the body, help remove toxins, and give vigor. They have a lot natural vitamins and minerals in healthy proportions.

Please note that freshly squeezed juices can only be drunk on an empty stomach. healthy people. Those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract need advice from a nutritionist-gastroenterologist on which fresh juice to prefer. For example, carrot juice very beneficial for eye and skin health. But it contains carotene, which is absorbed only with fats. Therefore, nutritionists recommend making a carrot smoothie by adding a spoonful of cream.

Rice diet

Rice is an excellent cleanser. Svetlana often uses it in her diet. Rice acts as a sorbent, removing it from the body harmful substances. It saturates and nourishes well.

Please note: brown, unpolished rice is especially useful, since the maximum is lost from white, polished rice during processing. useful substances. Anyone who wants to lose weight up to 3-5 kg ​​in a week can include boiled rice in water without salt in their diet. Two days exclusively on rice and water quickly cleanse the body. Svetlana uses this method when she needs to lose weight safely.

The singer combines proper nutrition with active movement. Physical inactivity is not for her. She also does not eat unhealthy hamburgers, fried vegetables, high-calorie ice cream and sweet cakes. If you don't want to deny yourself sweets, use fruits instead of sugar in the first half of the day. And by eating one apple at night, you will replenish your body with vitamins and healthy fiber.

Svetlana Loboda has been a role model for many years. She has an excellent figure, she knows how to present herself, and her images delight men. To keep in shape, Loboda uses simple rules.

Proper nutrition

Probably advice about proper nutrition V modern world sounds more often than others. However, it is true - healthy eating can work wonders. Note that Loboda is not a supporter of diets. And, if after the concert she wants to go to fast food, she will do it. However, in daily diet Loboda prefers healthy dishes.

So, the star starts her day with a glass of warm water, and half an hour later she has breakfast with porridge.

Svetlana's diet includes a lot of vegetables and fruits. However, healthy eating is not a diet, and this is very important to remember. So, Svetlana always has something sweet in stock, and she allows herself to eat it. After all, according to the star, a person should have small joys in life. The main thing, in this case, is just to know when to stop.

Interesting: once a month Loboda organizes two fasting days, within which he eats exclusively brown rice. There are no restrictions on the amount of rice, so you should not feel hungry during such a fast.

Self care

Of course, to be well-groomed, you need to take care of yourself. And Svetlana Loboda is no exception. So, on Loboda’s dressing table you can find many different professional means care In addition, the singer regularly visits a cosmetologist to undergo peeling or vitamin mesotherapy.

It should be noted that in addition to professional care, in Loboda’s care there is also folk recipes. Thus, the singer regularly uses the following mask recipe for the skin of the face and body: tangerine, a spoonful of sour cream, a spoonful of honey and flax seeds. All ingredients must be mixed in a blender and applied to the skin for 20-25 minutes. This mask increases skin elasticity, moisturizes it and makes it pleasant to the touch.

Self love

The main key to beautiful appearance, according to , is self-love. So, the singer is sure that without harmony inside and good relations with others, it is simply impossible to be beautiful. Therefore, in addition to appearance, Loboda regularly works on her inner world.

There are many talented and bright women in Ukraine who, with their actions and achievements, change the country and all of us. Vote for the most worthy in various all-Ukrainian nominations from “The One and Only”!

Svetlana Loboda was born on October 18, 1982 in the city of Kyiv. In the very first minute after Sveta’s birth, the mother, who heard the newborn’s first cry, declared that her daughter had taken after her grandmother. And my grandmother was a famous soloist of the Kyiv Opera House, so Svetlana’s fate was predetermined from birth.

Parents, Sergei Vasilyevich Loboda and his wife Natalya Vasilievna, decided to develop their daughter’s musicality. Svetlana worked hard at music school in piano and conducting, and also studied academic vocals. The first famous group in which Svetlana was noticed by her first fans was called “Cappuccino”. But real fame came after VIA Gra. Now Svetlana is successfully promoting her own music brand LOBODA and releasing her own clothing line.

Since Wikipedia does not contain complete information about Svetlana Loboda, we have prepared a short dossier-questionnaire. Here you can find out what weight and height Svetlana Loboda has, what are the parameters of the singer’s luxurious figure, and also find out some other unusual data. If you notice an inaccuracy, feel free to write about it in the comments to the material, we will correct the erroneous information. Data is as of 2017. We also invite you to find out what height and weight Vera Brezhneva, another VIA Gra soloist, has.

What is the real name of Svetlana Loboda

Real name of Svetlana Loboda ( full name) - Svetlana Sergeevna Loboda. Often uses the following spelling - LOBODA.

When was Svetlana Loboda born?

What is Svetlana Loboda's zodiac sign?

Svetlana Loboda's zodiac sign is Libra. Born in the year of the Dog according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Svetlana Loboda born?

Svetlana Loboda was born in the Ukrainian SSR (Ukraine), the city of Kyiv

How old is Svetlana Loboda?

At the time of writing (November 2017), Svetlana Loboda’s age is 35 years.

How tall is Svetlana Loboda?

Svetlana Loboda's height is 174 cm.

What is Svetlana Loboda's weight?

Svetlana Loboda's weight is 48-49 kg.

What eye color is Svetlana Loboda?

Svetlana Loboda's eye color is brown. The singer herself sometimes mentions that she has hazel eyes.

What is Svetlana Loboda's real hair color?

Svetlana Loboda's real (natural, natural) hair color is dark brown. Viewers first remembered her as the “redhead from Viagra”, then they had to get used to the “blonde” shades. Now Loboda has returned to her natural natural color hair and in one interview the singer admitted that she likes him much more.

What are the body parameters of Svetlana Loboda?

Svetlana Loboda's figure parameters: 91-57-89 (chest-waist-hips). Svetlana Loboda says the following about her figure parameters, weight and height: “I don’t exhaust myself with diets. My figure forgives me any excesses. But I believe that a person who loves his body will not eat hamburgers and other nasty things, even if he does not gain extra pounds from such food. In general, I love my mother’s food, which you definitely can’t call dietary.” Svetlana Loboda's clothing size is 44-46.

What is Svetlana Loboda's foot size?

Svetlana Loboda's foot size according to American standards is 8.5. In our usual meaning - approximately 40 shoe size.

What is Svetlana Loboda's breast size?

Svetlana Loboda's breast size is 3rd. Mine perfect size Loboda gladly demonstrates her bust on social networks, and at the same time never misses the opportunity to emphasize that her breasts are natural size, and if they look larger, then this is the ability to present them correctly.

The secret to being slim For some women, this is due to extreme diets, constant stress or illness. "Dobrohub" does not support such methods at all, since they negatively affect the health of even the most strong body. Instead, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the diet of the Ukrainian singer, who, with her height of over 170 cm, weighs 50 kg!

Allowing you to look stunning stars are rarely disclosed in full, but Svetlana Loboda willingly shares her diet for weight loss with fans. This is because there is nothing special about it: “Mine - no diets!”

The best diet for weight loss

The right breakfast

Svetlana's morning begins with her drinking a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon. This allows the stomach to start working, because it wakes up much later than us. Half an hour later, the singer starts breakfast.

It must be porridge - it doesn’t matter what kind. Oatmeal is best, of course. A fiber-rich breakfast helps flush out harmful toxins that negatively impact weight. In addition, porridge with fruit gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time and will never harm your figure.

Anything is possible, but little by little

The star openly admits that she indulges herself in both flour and sweet foods, and does not deny herself anything else. How does she manage to stay in shape? It's simple! Dividing the diet into 4-5 meals allows you to absorb it faster. This way you will always be full and slim.

Svetlana Loboda has several mandatory points. For example, not a single lunch is complete without soup, and the star doesn’t refuse dinner, she just has light dishes on the evening menu. For example, salads or fish.

Also singer special attention devotes water balance. She drinks a lot of water throughout the day, and during breaks she drinks fresh juice. Svetlana really likes freshly squeezed juices, as they are like a vitamin bomb that can charge you with energy for the whole day.

Fasting days

And if you still dialed a couple extra pounds, will help you rice diet. Just two days on brown rice and mineral water without gas will not only get rid of accumulated calories, but also toxins.

Quite often they become the cause of diseases. gastrointestinal tract, which leads to weight problems. Svetlana resorts to this method if she needs to get in shape without harm to her health.

In principle, Svetlana Loboda’s diet is not too different from generally accepted standards of ideal nutrition. The star does not forget how important physical activity, and complete with proper diet it gives fantastic results!

Taking care of your body is self-love. Appreciate and love yourself, because this is the first step towards self-improvement.