Photo report from the operation to remove metal structures. Removing a plate from the clavicle Professional care and comfort

In general, all issues related to nail treatment are usually resolved with dermatologists. But therapeutic conservative methods are not always effective. In this case, it is necessary to seek help from doctors of other qualifications, or rather, from surgeons who will remove the nail surgically.

How to remove a nail

The most basic reasons for surgical removal of a nail are considered to be some complex fungal infection or onychomycosis, as well as deep ingrowth of the nail plate directly into the soft tissue (in other words, into the finger). Although the operation to remove a nail is considered one of the simplest, it is naturally done only after all possible treatment methods have already been tried and have not brought the desired result. It makes sense to think about how to remove a nail without surgery. For example, why not first turn to the help of traditional medicine. I must say that she copes with this problem quite successfully. The main advantage of this method is that nail removal is done at home.

Removal at home

So, if you decide to try a nail removal procedure at home, you should first try baths with furatsilin. They will quickly relieve inflammation and have a disinfecting effect on the affected area. If an ingrown nail is accompanied by severe pain, special lotions with fir oil will help, which will soften the nail, which will allow you to remove the ingrown area without any problems, and most importantly, completely painlessly. Kombucha, or more precisely, a compress with it, is also a very good remedy.

There are many more folk recipes for removing ingrown toenails. You can find them in relevant printed publications and on the Internet. Of course, no one can guarantee the help of traditional medicine. But there is another gentle and fairly painless method of solving the problem associated with nail removal.

Laser removal

Laser medicine is a real discovery, which very often allows one to avoid surgical intervention. Thus, such a procedure as laser nail removal is also practiced today. Let us immediately note that to remove a nail using a laser you will only need one session. The procedure itself is performed on an outpatient basis under the influence of certain local anesthetics. As a rule, the process lasts about fifteen minutes.

Its main advantages are:

  • complete absence of any relapses and bleeding;
  • Only that part of the nail that has grown into the soft tissue is removed;
  • aesthetics (this point is especially important for women);
  • fast rehabilitation.

True, this procedure also has its contraindications, which the doctor will first tell the potential patient about. For example, these are any problems with blood clotting, diabetes of any type, and so on. The patient does not need hospitalization after laser nail removal.

Will the nail grow back after removal?

The most important question after nail removal is: what to expect next? Surely, even before getting rid of an ingrown nail using any chosen method, you will be interested in the question of whether a new nail will grow? The answer to this question is positive. The nail will naturally grow back. But whether this problem will arise again will depend solely on how much proper care is provided to the already healthy nail plate. At the very least, a recurrent disease cannot definitely be a consequence of the removal procedure.

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a complex disease, and it is quite difficult and unpleasant to treat. It is a mistaken belief that fungus should be treated externally. It is almost impossible to cure onchomycosis without taking antifungal drugs. But this is not the most effective treatment method. So, how to cure toenail fungus?

On the nails, the fungus appears in the form of detachment of the nail plate, the nail crumbles, acquires a yellowish tint or yellow stripes - you know all this if you read the article about the first symptoms of nail fungus.

So, tablets are prescribed for oral administration, which ones depend on the type of fungus. The dermatologist selects the tablets individually, based on the severity of the condition, tests and the health of the patients. Children under 12 years of age should not take antifungal drugs by mouth. In exceptional cases, if a child is prescribed such a course of treatment, medications are taken exclusively under the supervision of specialists and with regular testing.

Several options are used externally to treat fungus. You can go for a special procedure to remove the nail plate. The process is unpleasant and not very effective, the fungus lives in the body, it cannot be cured by removing only the consequences of this disease. Even if the new nail grows healthy, there is always a chance that the fungus may appear on other nails.

The most effective treatment for nail fungus

And so, in order to overcome nail fungus, you need to use more effective treatment methods, which means, in parallel with taking tablets, you need to use antifungal ointments, creams, sprays, varnishes, etc. There are specialized kits for treating fungus - they include a special ointment, an individual file and a set adhesive plasters for sealing the affected area.

The most common such sets are Kanespor, Mycospor, etc. The steamed nail is thoroughly processed using a nail file, and everything that needs to be removed is removed. Then the cream is applied and the adhesive plaster is sealed; after 24 hours, the adhesive plaster is removed and the procedure is repeated. The course is usually 14-30 days, then a break and repeat the course if necessary.

It’s just that the antifungal cream, in essence, is no different from the kits, except for the price. Popular antifungal ointments and creams are Lamisil, Exoderil, Candide, Clotrimazole, etc. You can also select a separate file for affected nails at home, treat it with cream and bandage your finger, this will be a more effective method of treating fungus, plus it will be cheaper than taking a set .

By the way, if you use cream and varnish, it is better to keep your nails open without bandaging them.

The varnish has the exceptional advantage that it does not need to be applied daily, and no preliminary disinfection of the feet or removal of affected areas is required. The most popular varnish is Loceryl, followed by Mikozan, Nail Expert, etc.

  1. Soap and soda bath – 10-15 minutes.
  2. Treatment with a special nail file, removing the affected areas to the maximum. Disinfection of nail file.
  3. Application of an antiseptic.
  4. Application of antifungal cream.
  5. Applying varnish or fixing bandage.

Simultaneous use of tablets and external treatment will be a more effective method of treating toenail fungus, as opposed to one method alone. To completely destroy the fungus, change all socks and tights monthly, and treat your shoes with vinegar essence or a special antifungal device for shoes. Tune in to the result and be patient; curing fungus is difficult, but possible.

Removal of a plate, pins and screws after an ankle fracture: surgery and rehabilitation time

  • Modern plates and their removal
  • Plate quality
  • Rehabilitation before removal of the fixator

Surgeons use metal elements to fasten broken bones. This is a reliable method; it significantly reduces the recovery time of patients after fractures of any complexity.

To remove the metal elements, another surgical intervention is required after a certain time. But it is also unsafe to leave them in the body, because a foreign object can cause some physiological changes in the body.

Modern plates and their removal

Today, plates of various modifications and sizes have been developed for healing fractures using osteosynthesis. One of the most common osteosynthesis operations using metal fixators is to restore the integrity of the bones of the lower leg and lateral ankle.

When installing the fixator, the doctor warns that after some time he will have to do another operation to remove it. The period for removing the fasteners is determined individually, taking into account the severity of the injury and the speed of regeneration.

Modern anesthesia technologies make it possible to perform surgery to remove metal elements in a hospital for one day or on an outpatient basis.

Removing the Retainer

When it is necessary to remove the plate or remove the pins after an ankle fracture, the doctor decides based on the X-ray data. Control images show the degree of fusion, the position of the fastener, and its compatibility with bone tissue. If the fracture is not compensated for within six months, this is considered the formation of a false joint.

Here you will need the help of an orthopedic traumatologist, who will determine the need for a second operation to remove the old plate and attach a new one.

Indications for plate removal:

  • complete healing of the fracture. This is determined on control x-rays, where the doctor sees the formation of a callus at the site of fusion and decides to remove the fixators;
  • limited joint mobility. It develops when there is a conflict between the tissues of the joint and the material of the plate, and a contracture of the joint is formed. In this case, you should urgently remove the bolt and positioning screws to free the muscles and tendons. After such an operation, proper rehabilitation is required to restore the functionality of the leg and prevent complications;
  • initial installation of a plate made of low-quality material, which is determined by the implant passport and a certificate from a medical institution. These are cases from the practice of insurance medicine, when operations are performed for cito, after an accident or sports injuries, where the patient is unconscious. Doctors use material from the hospital's arsenal. When a planned operation is performed, the patient has choice and support; he can purchase titanium elements that never cause complications;
  • displacement of the metal structure, breakage of its fastening elements. This can also be seen on follow-up x-rays;
  • infection at the surgical site. In this case, the metal structure is removed, and a course of antibacterial treatment begins;
  • The positioning screw is removed for an ankle fracture after complete restoration of range of motion;
  • cosmetic correction of postoperative scar. For those who want to hide traces of the intervention and insist on cosmetic surgery, preliminary removal of the plate with excision of the old suture and the application of cosmetic surgery is mandatory;
  • removal of metal structures after an ankle fracture is carried out to restore motor activity of the ankle joint.

The timing of each operation is determined by the attending physician, most often the one who performed the primary operation and fixed the fracture with a plate. Typically, plate removal after an ankle fracture allows for healing and mobility to return. The full range of motion of the ankle is restored, and the likelihood of developing deforming osteoarthritis is reduced.

The operation to remove a positional screw on the ankle also refers to repeated surgical interventions; it is prescribed jointly by a group of doctors - a surgeon, a traumatologist.

The anesthesiologist selects anesthesia in accordance with the condition and age of the patient.

This operation lasts much less time than the main one. Removed plates and metal elements cannot be reused.

Plate quality

The plates used today in surgical practice and the fasteners for them are made from special metal alloys with a special chemical composition. This is an important requirement of Rospotrebnadzor for the approval of metal elements for use in medicine. High quality is required to reduce the likelihood of metallosis. This is essentially metal corrosion.

The content of Fe, Ni, Ti, Cr in tissues increases. The combination of different grades of steel in a plate increases the likelihood of metallosis. However, the “pure” metal content also affects the cost of metal elements for fixing bones after fractures.

In the passport for the plate, manufacturers indicate the percentage of metals used in the alloy. Doctors know which metals adversely affect the rate of injury healing. Combinations in alloys of Cr with cobalt, Ti with vanadium, Ni in a high percentage with any metals are excluded. Metal implants containing Fe, Na, K, Cb, which are electrolytes, are especially susceptible to corrosion.

Particular attention is paid to the composition of metal elements used in fracture surgery.

The degree of implant corrosion directly affects the decrease in the pH environment, and this is a direct path to purulent-inflammatory complications.

Therefore, surgeons tend to cut the plates or remove the fixing bolt from the ankle as soon as the pictures show fusion of the ankle bones.

Rehabilitation before removal of the fixator

After an ankle fracture, the recovery period lasts about a year. All this time, the patient undergoes consistent comprehensive treatment. After internal swelling at the site of injury has been relieved, when external swelling tends to subside, it is indicated to include physical therapy in the rehabilitation plan to mobilize the injured limbs.

After the doctor allows the cast to be removed, massage of the injured area is added to the exercise therapy. According to doctors, patients recover quickly if they conscientiously complete all prescribed procedures.

Only after the recovery period is over is it possible to remove the plate after an ankle fracture.

Each specific case is a reason for the doctor to make an individual decision about removing the fixator.

After such an operation, short observation by a doctor and attentive attitude of the patient himself are required. This is also required during rehabilitation after removal of ankle metal structures, so that freedom of movement returns to the leg.

Tags: Treatment of joints

Removal of metal after osteosynthesis

Removal of osteosynthesis - let’s immediately say that osteosynthesis is the name of the operation, and it cannot be removed in any way. Here we are talking about the removal of metal structures that the surgeon introduces during surgery - pins, plates, knitting needles.

This operation revolutionized traumatology because it made it possible to halve the period of disability of patients. Think about it - after osteosynthesis surgery, the patient can move the joints within a week. And compare with the usual casting - several weeks of limb immobility in a cast, a long rehabilitation process. (restoration of leg functions).

Of course, osteosynthesis is not indicated for everyone; for example, for a common ankle fracture, plaster casting is most often used. But if both bones of the leg, ankle are broken, and there are also bone fragments, osteosynthesis cannot be done without it.

Timing of metal removal after osteosynthesis

Doctors recommend removing metal structures between 8 and 10 months after surgery. This time is enough for the bones to heal normally and the joints to develop. Many people are afraid of repeated surgery, and they procrastinate, which is absolutely forbidden to do! The fact is that after 10-12 months the metal begins to become overgrown with periosteum, and it will no longer be possible to remove it easily and simply.

Repeated surgery is not at all as scary as many people think. This is simply removing the metal through a small incision.

In a week or two, when the stitches on the skin are healed, you will forget about it. It has nothing in common with the first operation, when they just installed the metal and the doctors assembled the leg “in parts.”

Despite the fact that there are special titanium-based alloys that can be left in the leg forever, many traumatologists still recommend removing metal structures from the leg. They explain this by saying that the pin can eventually move into the ankle joint and injure it.

In addition, metal is still a foreign body in your body, and it can cause suppuration and osteoporosis. In any case, the issue of removal is decided individually with each patient.

Osteosynthesis from absorbable materials

Yes, yes, this miracle has already happened - our doctors work with such materials that, after a year and a half, they themselves dissolve in the human body, having first done their job - properly fastening the bones after a fracture.

Such materials are called biodegradable(i.e. biosoluble).

In case of a hip fracture, for example, a pin made of such material allows a person to quickly get back on his feet after surgery and not have to think about removing the osteosynthesis...

Removal of the plate after an ankle fracture occurs after the patient’s condition improves.

The surgeon will remove the metal structures from the leg and check the condition of the bone. Afterwards the patient needs to go through.

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Removal of metal structures

Metal structures help fix the bones at the fracture site, which relieves the patient of bulky plaster casts. And they ensure proper fusion and make it possible to quickly resume work capacity, reduce the rehabilitation period and return to sports activity.

When there is no positive dynamics after 6 months of treatment, the formation of a false joint is possible. Consultation with an orthopedist is required. The doctor can replace the fasteners.

Removal of the metal structure is carried out surgically after regeneration or for other reasons (individual intolerance, various complications).

To determine the optimal period for the operation, X-rays are taken, which show the placement of the foreign body in relation to the bones and the degree of healing of the fracture.

Leaving the structure in the body longer than necessary is undesirable. This can trigger physiological changes. Removal of the screw is carried out according to the decision of the doctors.

The procedure uses the latest anesthesia techniques. The anesthesiologist takes into account the patient's age, health status and severity of injury. The needles are removed under local anesthesia, twisting and biting the rods.

Removing the Plate

The plate is usually installed on the lower leg when it is necessary to fix bone fragments. During installation, the doctor warns about the need for repeated surgery to remove the part.

After a thorough examination, a planned operation to remove the plate is prescribed. The doctor advises the patient on how to properly prepare for it. If the fasteners are displaced and tissue is damaged, emergency surgery is performed.

The metal part is removed under local or general anesthesia. The skin is incised at the site of primary surgery. First, unscrew the screws, then remove the plate itself. The operation usually lasts about 30 minutes.

Timing of removal after osteosynthesis

The orthopedic traumatologist makes a decision to remove the metal structure based on X-ray or computed tomography data.

Clear signs of healing of the lesion are the main factor. Metal structures can be removed after 8-12 months. After osteosynthesis.


Rehabilitation begins after surgery. This is an important stage in treatment.

The rehabilitation period consists of 2 periods:

  1. Hospital stay. Taking medications. When the pain disappears, exercise therapy and movement therapy are used.
  2. Outpatient stage. It begins from the moment the patient is discharged from the hospital. Duration – up to 1 year, depends on the severity and method of treatment. The program is developed individually. The goal of the outpatient stage is to eliminate muscle atrophy, restore blood circulation and motor functions.

An effective rehabilitation method is moderate physical activity, which eliminates stiffness of movement. The number of repetitions when performing exercises should be gradually increased.

It is advisable to train while sitting or lying down. Respiratory helps to activate blood circulation and supply cells with oxygen.

The entire recovery process must be under the supervision of a doctor. You must strictly follow all instructions.

Types of injuries and their signs

- an intra-articular violation of the integrity of the joint, which occurs with increased inward rotation of the foot, lowering of the arch of the foot, and abduction of the foot either towards the central axis of the body or away from it.

In case of an ankle injury, it is necessary to act promptly: provide assistance to the victim, which consists of immobilizing the leg and transporting it to the clinic. You need to know the specifics of ankle injuries so as not to harm the person even more.


  1. Open. They are characterized by bleeding wounds in which bone fragments are observed. The leg swells and becomes deformed.
  2. Closed. They are characterized by a bluish color of the lower leg, swelling and deformation of the bone. The lower leg becomes mobile in unusual places and takes unnatural positions. When moving and pressing along the axis of the normal load of the leg, severe pain occurs.
  3. With offset. They are characterized by an unnatural position of the foot relative to the central axis of the body due to a violation of the integrity of the deltoid ligament.

With fractures, there is a possibility of developing a painful shock as a reaction to massive injuries to the limbs with subsequent compression, which happens in road accidents or when heavy objects fall on the legs.

This condition is life-threatening for the victim and requires immediate administration of painkillers, often of a narcotic nature.

Ankle fractures are classified according to the mechanism of injury and location.

The damage is localized relative to the syndesmosis:

  • Higher;
  • Below;
  • Within.

Syndesmosis refers to hard, immobile joints of bones that begin to move when damaged.

If the fracture is located below the syndesmosis, then the injury may be:

  • Isolated ligament rupture (without bone damage);
  • Fracture of the medial malleolus (the inner part of the foot that turns inward);
  • Fracture of the wall of the medial ankle canal, located behind the medial malleolus.

In case of damage to the fibula, which is localized at the level of the syndesmosis, the injury can be:

  • Isolated fracture of the fibula;
  • Damage to the medial part of the fibula, located between the posterior and lateral surfaces of the bone;
  • Damage to the medial part of the fibula and a fracture of the posterior lateral malleolus, which performs the function of turning the foot outward.

Injuries localized above the level of syndesmosis:

  • Simple fibula;
  • Fracture of the diaphyseal part of the fibula with fragments;
  • Proximal fibula fracture.

An ankle fracture occurs in the following direction:

  1. Pronation. The cause of the appearance is the tucking of the foot from the central axis of the body.
  2. Supination. The cause of the appearance is the turning of the foot to the central axis of the body.
  3. Rotary. The reason for the appearance is the rotation of the shin along the axis when fixing the position of the foot.

With any type of fracture, swelling appears due to damage to the capillaries, which in a healthy state ensure the exchange of fluid between blood and tissues.

In case of disturbances, fluid continues to flow into the injured tissues, but is unable to leave them.

During palpation, the swollen areas are pressed through, leaving pits in the areas of pressure, which gradually return to their original state. A crunch is heard at the time of injury, upon palpation.

  1. Bimalleolar fracture. This term refers to damage to both ankles.
  2. Trimalleolar fracture. Characterized by damage to the medial and lateral malleolus and posterior part of the tibia.

In both cases, the deltoid ligament is damaged.

Regardless of the type of ankle injury, the victim feels pain, the degree of pain varies depending on the complexity of the injury. The most painful is a fracture with dislocation. Pain appears when an injury occurs, but with stress and adrenaline, the pain syndrome can be delayed.

Duration of sick leave

The length of sick leave depends on the type of joint damage and the resulting complications. Good reasons allow doctors to extend the ballot for up to 10 months. Bone displacement affects the length of recovery.

These deadlines are established by the laws of the Russian Federation. When visiting the hospital, the victim is given a bulletin for up to 10 days. This time is given to make a diagnosis, clarify the timing of treatment and rehabilitation, and issue a sick leave certificate.

The maximum period of sick leave is 120 days. Then, if it is not possible to return to the workplace, the medical and social expert commission raises the issue of extending the sick leave for another 120 days. If no improvement occurs during this entire time, temporary disability is issued.

The sick leave is extended for the time required to get to your workplace if the treatment took place in other cities.


Conservative treatment is prescribed if the patient has a closed fracture without displacement and without fragments. Otherwise, surgery is required.

If intraosseous osteosynthesis is necessary, the surgeon uses rods; for extraosseous osteosynthesis, plates are attached with screws; and transosseous osteosynthesis is performed by inserting pins and screws. The operation is performed with a guide apparatus equipped with thin needles, which injures the skin at the injection sites.

In other cases, an incision is required, which carries a great risk for the patient. The type of operation involves significant blood loss, the risk of incorrect anesthesia and infection of the open wound.

Before the operation, the traumatologist prescribes x-rays or MRI to determine the extent of damage to the bone and nearby tissues. The image will show where the damage is and what will be needed to treat it.

In lateral malleolus surgery, the surgeon makes an incision on the outside of the ankle joint. The specialist accesses the bone, removing blood clots, and then aligns the bone fragments to secure them with plates and screws.

In medial malleolus surgery, a surgical incision is made on the inside of the lower leg to remove small bone fragments and blood clots. The second stage is the fixation of bone fragments by introducing pins and screws.

If the deltoid ligament is not damaged and the fork remains in an anatomically correct position, then the surgeon performs an operation to realign the medial and then the lateral ankle. Consistency is necessary, the latter has large dimensions.

If the fork is not positioned correctly, then osteosynthesis of the medial malleolus is performed, a surgical incision is made along the fibula, on which osteosynthesis is performed. The final stage of the operation will be the application of plaster.

The fixators will be removed six months after surgery if necessary.


Splints, orthoses and bandages are often used for ankle injuries.

The purpose of the splint is to provide short-term fixation for the injured leg. It is often compared to a tire, but their purposes are slightly different.

A splint is often applied instead of plaster; it has a significant advantage over it: it can be removed for sanitary and hygienic procedures. The splint itself is a bandage made of bandages, the base of which is plaster.

Classification of splints:

  1. Rear. It is applied to the back of the lower leg and secured with bandages, the fixation of which can be adjusted by the patient himself.
  2. Jones bandage. It consists of several layers of soft and flannel fabric that immobilize the leg, but help get rid of swelling.
  3. Plantar. They serve to relieve swelling in the foot, which occurs by stretching the plantar tendons.

Doctors prefer this type of dressing because they will be able to control the treatment regimen. It becomes possible to expand the edges in case of edema in order to prevent the occurrence of ischemic consequences in the tissues.

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Patients who had a fixator installed during the treatment of a fracture have the osteosynthesis plate removed after a year. This is also done in the event of the development of complications associated with a negative reaction of the body to the presence of a foreign body, or if the patient himself does not want to live with the plate. The operation involves certain difficulties, and the rehabilitation period subsequently lengthens. Often, removal is carried out when the fixator is installed on the lower leg, that is, as accessible as possible.

Timing of plate removal after osteosynthesis

If there are no indications for removing metal structures, they do not need to be removed.

Metal plates should be removed 8-12 months after osteosynthesis. Indications for the operation to remove the structure are as follows:

  • purulent process in the area of ​​the plate;
  • unsatisfactory fixation;
  • patient intolerance to the metal from which it is made;
  • damage to ligaments and muscles by the structure during movement of the limb;
  • inability to fully carry out movements in the joint;
  • breakage of a screw or plate;
  • formation of osteophytes in the area of ​​damage;
  • likelihood of re-fracture;
  • the need for the absence of foreign bodies due to the type of activity;
  • psychological intolerance to the presence of the plate in the body;
  • location of the structure on the tibia of the leg;
  • discomfort while wearing shoes.

How is it carried out?

Before the operation, the patient undergoes a CT examination.

Operations of this kind are carried out as planned after a series of studies (X-rays and CT scans) and after preoperative preparation. It is recommended to remove the plates after 12 months, when a full callus has formed and the fracture site has hardened. Emergency cases of interventions include migration of screws into internal organs, which often occurs when fixing the head of the humerus. To perform the manipulations, anesthesia will be required. The incision is made along the primary scar. Difficulties in carrying out the procedure may arise due to the use of low-quality materials in the manufacture of metal structures and screws. The slots on the head may be damaged, which will require the use of a specific tool.

Postoperative period

As a rule, the metal structure is easily separated from the bone. But due to the presence of stitches, when the operation to remove the osteosynthesis plate is performed, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for about 2 weeks until the postoperative scar gets stronger. At the same time, pain is weakly expressed during this period. After removing the plate, plaster immobilization of a previously injured area on the leg or arm is not required, as are specific rehabilitation techniques. But you will still need to stop putting loads on the injured bone for a while.

In modern traumatology, various metal structures are used to treat fractures. These include spokes, rods, screws, plates. All of them are used to fix bone fragments and differ in the installation method: on the outside of the bone or inside it.

The plate is installed on top of the bone and provides rigid fixation of the fragments.

The plate is installed for a certain period of time, during which the fracture heals. In almost all cases, after this period, the metal structure must be removed, except in situations where there are contraindications for this.

Choosing the wrong technique for removing the fixator, removal in the presence of contraindications, and the presence of concomitant diseases in the patient are factors that will lead to complications and worsen the prognosis.

Indications for removal

Indications for removing the metal fixator are::

  • Complete fracture healing. Before the operation, a control radiography or computed tomography is required. The radiograph should show clear signs of fracture healing.
  • Migration of metal fixative, its displacement from the installation site into the surrounding tissue. In this case, there is a high risk of damage to vital organs. This is a direct indication for emergency surgery for the removal of metal structures.
  • Purulent process in the place of the installed plate.
  • Metallosis(oxidation of the metal from which the fixative is made) in the tissues of the body. In this case, the soft tissues adjacent to the plate are impregnated with metal elements. This happens when using low-quality metal structures that contain iron and cobalt.
  • Impaired mobility of the joint located next to the installed metal fixator.
  • Osteoporosis– a disease of bone tissue that leads to its destruction.

Contraindications to plate removal

The main contraindication to removal is the location of the metal structure too close to the neurovascular bundle.

The risk of complications such as bleeding and neuropathy in this case outweighs the benefit of removing the plate. Therefore, the metal retainer is left even in the case of complete fusion of bone fragments.

When to shoot - timing

The timing of the operation to remove the plate is determined individually by the attending physician. They depend on the severity of the injury, the rate of regeneration, and the degree of fusion of fragments.

It is very important to promptly remove the metal fixator after healing of the fracture. Delaying the timing of the operation can lead to complications of the surgical intervention and the development of complications.

Approximate dates:

  • If there is a shoulder injury, the plate from the humerus is removed 12 months after installation. At this point, complete regeneration of bone tissue and restoration of range of motion in the shoulder joint occurs.
  • If the ankle is damaged, the time frame for removing the metal fixator is 6 months. If after this time the fracture does not heal, it is formed, which requires removal of the old plate and reinstallation of the metal structure.
  • Removal of the plate after a tibia fracture occurs approximately one year after its installation.

The photo shows different locations of the plates depending on the location of the damage.