How to really gain weight at home. Choosing the right diet

All people are different from each other in many ways: each has their own problems, advantages and disadvantages. However, everyone has one thing in common - the desire to comply with generally accepted standards. Of course, these standards are very vague, but they still exist. Everything around is full of advertisements for wonderful drugs and weight loss products. Yes, overweight- This serious problem, but discomfort is also experienced by those who, on the contrary, lack it. We are not talking about anorexics (their thinness does not bother them), but about those who would like to gain weight, but for one reason or another cannot do this.

The question of whether a guy or a man is especially relevant, since thinness for them is not synonymous with beauty. Should girls and women be thin? Of course, representatives of the fair sex should be slim, but too little weight can not only negatively affect their appearance, but also undermine their health. People who have lost weight due to some reason should also know how to gain weight very quickly. serious illness. Full recovery they will only occur when their weight returns to normal.

How to gain weight quickly

You really shouldn't try to gain weight too quickly. The fact is that it can undermine your health. It is best to gain two kilograms per week, but no more.

Speaking about how to gain weight quickly, first of all, it is worth thinking about what is preventing us from this difficult task. Bad habits hinder us. Smoking, alcohol, etc. are all things that have a very bad effect on our metabolism and health in general. Please note that those who drink and smoke always do not count). This does not mean that everyone who wants to reset extra pounds you need to start drinking alcohol and tobacco - their thinness is not an indicator of health, but an indicator that the body cannot normally absorb the beneficial substances that enter it. In other words, a person who is thinking about how to gain weight quickly should give up what is described above. This also includes overuse coffee and, of course, drugs.

Constant hassle also prevents you from gaining weight. A person who is constantly “on edge” loses weight before our eyes. So try to protect yourself from unnecessary problems and worries.

How to gain weight quickly? There is a lot to recommend here. To begin with, it’s worth saying that you need to get a good night’s sleep. This is because a hormone called somatropin is released during sleep. He is the one responsible for muscle mass, as well as for total weight body. Even during sleep, the body restores strength, and nervous system relaxes.

If you need to gain weight quickly, try to move less. The logic here is very simple: less movement means less fat the body burns. Protect yourself for a while from any physical work However, be careful that idleness does not become a habit.

Proper nutrition. Today we only hear about how people get fat by eating fast foods. In fact, from such a diet they do not just get fat, but get fat. Their body gradually loses the ability to process food normally and the result is obesity due to poor health. Never try to gain weight by eating at such establishments, as this goal can be achieved with the help of healthy food. Porridge, white bread, butter, meat. In general, it is worth noting that it is best to gain weight using a diet compiled by a nutritionist.

A miracle remedy for weight gain is fish oil. There is no need to wince now, remembering a difficult childhood when you had to drink it from a spoon, since today it is sold in special capsules.

Finally, it is worth noting that the moment you gain weight, immediately go to the gym or fitness club. For what? Yes, in order to convert fat into muscle.

This article will be of interest to all thin young people, since it will talk about how to gain weight for a thin guy. Here you will be provided with all necessary information regarding muscle growth combined with your great desire to work on yourself. Without this, it will not be possible to achieve any outstanding success in this matter.

What is important when gaining weight for a skinny person?

The main criteria for success when gaining muscle mass are:

The desire to increase your own weight in order to get rid of thinness should radiate from every cell of your body. Those people who are very eager to gain muscle mass ultimately achieve their cherished goal!

Faith in the result is also extremely important, with which it is easier to follow the chosen path. There are many examples that can be cited as motivation. real people who have turned from skinny teenagers into owners of beautiful pumped up bodies. If they could do it, then you can too, provided you comply with all the above points. Gaining weight is not very difficult, you just need to remove all restrictions from your head.

Immediately prepare yourself for the fact that there will be no immediate results. All widely advertised methods of pumping up muscles in a couple of weeks, a month, etc. - this is a waste of time. First real results can be observed only after 2-3 months. Well, really noticeable transformations will be in no less than a year. If we talk about specific numbers, then in 12 months it is quite possible to gain 10-15 kg. This fact should cheer you up.)

How to eat healthy

  • receiving more calories than you spend (15-20% higher than your norm)
  • frequent meals - every 3-4 hours, in small portions
  • regular consumption of vegetables and water
  • correct ratio of proteins/fat/carbohydrates (25-30%/10-15%/60%)
  • natural food that forms the basis of the diet

Monitor your weight constantly - every week at the same time. Too much frequent monitoring weight doesn't make sense. An increase of 500-800 g per month indicates a qualitative increase in mass (for you specifically, this is minimum quantity fat and maximum new muscle fibers). Use a training diary.

Nutrition must be carried out in accordance with certain rules. Eat it in the morning simple carbohydrates(sweets, fruits, juices). This will compensate for your body’s nightly costs. During sleep, a lot of energy is spent, which supports all processes occurring in the body. A very important place in the diet is occupied by proteins, which are directly involved in the creation muscle structure. As a conclusion from the above, during the day the basis of your diet is proteins and complex carbohydrates. Consume proteins in equal portions throughout the day. Before going to bed, it is better to drink a casein shake or eat low-fat cottage cheese. This type of protein will be slowly released in the body, thereby preventing catabolic processes.

Training process for gaining mass

Without training, it is impossible to gain high-quality muscle mass. All the extra calories that you get in the absence of training will go into fat. Without a doubt, this is not the mass you would like to gain.

The body of skinny people does not tolerate physical activity. Therefore, make sure that the training is no more than an hour. Do more basic exercises, which include:

  • squats
  • bench press
  • deadlift
  • pull-ups
  • arm curls
  • push-ups and parallel bars

During the first two weeks, you only need to master the technique of these exercises. Follow large number repetitions with light weights. By doing this, you train your muscles to contract correctly, strengthen your joints and ligaments, and also establish a neuromuscular connection.

Basic exercises for correct technique execution and constant increase progressive loads will make your muscles grow by leaps and bounds. It is the base that causes a surge of hormones necessary for bodybuilding - testosterone and growth hormone. And adding to this quality nutrition and good rest, you will absolutely be able to pump up your muscles.

As for the frequency of training, going to the gym three times a day will be the most the best option for starters.

Target: Preparatory

Body type: Any

Difficulty: Beginner

Between training days, you should set aside one day for rest. Don't skip workouts. Compliance with the regime and proper nutrition will be the key to your success!

It is important to regularly receive training stress, which contributes to the release of anabolic hormones into the blood. Without them it will not be possible to achieve tangible results in mass and strength. For the body to build muscle volume, stress must be constant. Only in this case will the body get used to the load through muscle growth.

If you suddenly feel that you won’t have time to recover (your body is broken, your muscles are very sore, you’re not in the mood to lift weights), then skip the workout. Rest as much as necessary and be aware of overtraining. Remember to warm up before training and warm-up sets.

By training this way for 6-12 months, you will lay a powerful foundation for further growth. In addition, you will definitely increase your body weight and feel an improvement in your health. Then you can think about things like split training and periodization.

Which sports nutrition to choose for weight gain

Often importance sports nutrition is too exaggerated. This is not anabolic steroid, so you can’t expect a rapid increase in strength and muscle mass. First of all, these are ordinary food products that in one way or another can complement your natural food. This group of additives includes:

1. Protein. Mixtures with high content protein is widely popular in bodybuilding due to the priority importance of this ingredient in this sport. There are several types of it:

  • whey (fast protein for taking in morning hours and immediately after training);
  • casein (slow, for use before bedtime);
  • soy (with medium action time);
  • egg (also medium).

For athletes, the first three types should be a priority.

2. Gainer. These are carbohydrate-protein mixtures designed for accelerated weight gain. The composition of the product includes proteins and fast carbohydrates, so this mixture is perfect for ectomorphs in the morning and after training. The gainer will help you gain the desired weight and gain strong physical shape.

3. Amino acids. This component can prevent catabolic processes in your body. They can be taken during or after strength training.

4. Creatine. Increases endurance and strength.

We rest properly and grow

Since gaining weight is quite difficult for a skinny guy, you should take care of it as much as possible. If possible, rid your life of unnecessary stress and stress. The only thing you can afford is short cardio training, carried out at equal intervals on days off from physical exercise (2-3 times a week). Cardio training for skinny people should not last too long.

Also, don't underestimate the importance of sleep. Fall asleep as early as possible - before 23.00, and wake up without an alarm clock. It is in this case that the body will receive the restoration it needs to good rest. Sleep should be about 8 hours. To quickly fall asleep and not toss and turn in bed, it is important to learn one simple rule: falling asleep quickly promotes extreme fatigue body. Therefore, try to get tired more.

But don't overdo it. Excessive physical activity will cause metabolic disorders and insomnia. Therefore, do all workouts in the gym no longer than one hour, without taking into account the time for warming up. To ensure good sleep, spend as much time outdoors as possible during the day.


This article provides simple answers to the question of how to gain weight for a skinny guy. Based on the four principles described above, you will stop being skinny and finally begin to gain the coveted muscle mass.

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From a scientific point of view, being overly thin means being underweight. This corresponds to a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5.

BMI equal to mass of a person in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters. For example, my height is 1.84 meters and my weight is 107 kilograms. My BMI is 31, which means I have first-degree obesity.

As you understand, the BMI indicator is lower, the larger a person’s mass. The formula is extremely primitive and does not take into account high-quality composition these same kilograms. If you are not good at sports and weigh a centner and a few kopecks, then everything is sad. If, with the same weight, you press one and a half of your body weight from your chest, that’s a completely different story.

In the case of low weight, BMI is more indicative. It doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle. You have neither one nor the other.

According to American studies, only 1% of men are underweight. Among women there are 2.4%. However, the floor in this case doesn't matter because health problems due to underweight can affect anyone.

The impact of underweight on health

The problems of fat people are obvious, everyone knows about them. Thin people, except in cases of frank soreness in appearance seem healthy, but scientific research show a different picture.

What can cause underweight

Not just genes and heredity. Sometimes this is a very specific disease that a person is not aware of.

  • Eating disorders. This includes anorexia nervosa- a person’s deliberate desire to reduce their weight as much as possible.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism - hyperfunction thyroid gland- may lead to unhealthy weight loss.
  • Celiac disease, also known as celiac disease - acute form gluten intolerance.
  • Type 1 diabetes.
  • Infections.

The problems listed above will not go away on their own, and self-medication will cause even more harm. Therefore the first and main advice for a person suffering from underweight - a visit to the doctor, especially if signs of weight loss appeared with certain moment time and had not been bothered before.

The right approach to food

Probably there is more? This is the most the right way, but thoughtlessly pouring yourself into sweet drinks while devouring kilograms of cakes and pasties is a guaranteed health undermining. Externally healthy people, without deviations in weight, receive terrible diagnoses, which are usually satellites severe forms obesity. All because of bad food.

The thesis “there is more” needs to be specified. "Eat more healthy foods." That's better.

However, even eating exclusively healthy food, we need to think about end result. It's unlikely that you just want to become fat. And the very concept of “healthy fat” is somehow hard to wrap my head around.

Gaining weight one way or another means increasing both fat and muscle tissue, and therefore the problem cannot be solved by food alone. You will still have to make friends with sports, but more on that later.

Calorie surplus

The fundamental law of weight gain is a calorie surplus. Take in more calories than you burn. If you ignore this foundation, then all other efforts will be in vain.

Finding the point beyond which you reach a calorie surplus is very easy. At first you won't need anything other than food, scales and patience.

Every day you need to eat more than yesterday.

Don't speed up too much. After some time, you will notice that the body weight graph has slowly but surely gone up. This means you have achieved a calorie surplus.

Now you need to turn to the calorie calculator and find out numeric value the daily calorie requirement at which your body began to gain weight. Just add up the calories of everything you eat in a day. Based on this data, you can freely change your diet, focusing on total calories.

If weight growth has not stopped, then there is no point in continuing to greatly increase caloric intake. A surplus of 300–500 kcal is enough for slow, confident weight gain. With an excess of 700–1,000 kcal, you will recover much faster.

At this stage, it is much more important to convince yourself that in the future this approach to nutrition will become the norm for you. Essentially, you will have to change the way you think about food for the rest of your life. Psychologically, it is difficult, but without turning a new approach to food into a habit, all the gains will inevitably be lost.


Protein is the most important nutrient. Construction material for your body and muscles in particular. No matter how you experiment with the menu, it is important to maintain protein levels. Unfortunately, protein is not only the most necessary, but also very filling. Increasing the amount of protein in your diet will make it more difficult to meet your calorie goals, but alternative way reach desired result does not exist.

When gaining weight, your daily protein requirement will be the same as that of athletes - from 1.5 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Protein-rich foods are always the most expensive, but delicious. Meat, fish, eggs, milk, legumes, nuts. Here are yours best friends. There is one hack that makes it easier to get your daily protein intake up to the desired level. This is high-quality sports nutrition. It is also expensive, but whey or multi-component protein between meals and casein before bed will give a very good bonus. In any case, you will come to sports nutrition when you start playing sports, but get to know this interesting world maybe a little earlier.

Carbohydrates, fats, number of meals

Don't limit yourself in anything. A pleasant feature of gaining weight is complete freedom in choosing food, as long as it is healthy. Don't listen to crazy people talking about the dangers of animal fat. We are omnivores, we need all fats - both animal and plant. And complex carbohydrates. Lots of complex carbohydrates.

Try to reduce your diet to 4 grams of complex carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per day. Difficult, but real. Besides, deliciously prepared porridge is very cool.

You should make friends with cereals, pasta, potatoes and bread.

And here, too, there is a sports pit hack - . Much has been written about them on specialized websites.

With meals, everything is very simple. The more often the better. At least three full meals a day with high-calorie snacks between them.

High-calorie foods and supplements

If your appetite is insufficient, you will start looking for the most high-calorie food. There is a risk of descending into fast food. In fact, there are alternatives. Much more high in calories and very healthy.

High-calorie food is a food with the maximum ratio energy value and mass/volume. Such food takes up little space in the stomach and is easier to eat.

  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts, peanuts).
  • Dried fruits.
  • Fatty dairy products.
  • Vegetable oil (olive and avocado oil).
  • Cereals.
  • Fatty meat.
  • Potato.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Avocado.
  • Nut butter.

Unfortunately, the desire to maximize the caloric content of your diet will force you to limit yourself to vegetables, but in no case give them up completely.

When choosing fruits, try to pay attention to those that require less chewing.

A little more about food

  • Eating more is easier if you eat more often.
  • Don't drink before eating, leave room for food.
  • Are you thirsty? Try milk instead of water.
  • The larger the plate, the less food appears to be on it.
  • Coffee tastes better with cream.

Strength sports

Excess calories allow you to gain weight. The only question is where you want to see these kilograms. In the sides or in the muscles? If you like the latter, then welcome to the world of sports for skinny people.

Sport, no matter how you feel about it, is no less important factor correct. Suffice it to say that sport greatly increases your appetite, and you really want to learn how to eat more.

First, we go to the doctor and make sure that there are no serious obstacles to playing sports. Nobody forces you to break records right away. Strength sports are measured progress.

You'll do fewer sets and reps, but with heavier weights.

Naturally, we must not forget about cardio, but in your case the emphasis will be on strength training. Focusing on cardio burns calories, and you don't want to waste extra energy.

If funds allow, then first it is better to contact a professional trainer. He will explain and show the basics, and over time you will begin to understand everything yourself.

Modern fashion imposes its own rules - proportions female body should be 90-60-90. Everyone (women and some men) is afraid of getting fat, eating after 18:00, counting calories and meticulously examining themselves in the mirror. But there are also those who really want to get better, but do not know how to do it correctly. What to eat to gain weight? Baked goods and fatty foods will only help accumulate fat on the hips, stomach or buttocks, “clog” blood vessels, significantly compromising your health. To gain weight the right way, follow the guide below.

How to eat to gain weight easily and quickly at home

To gain weight, you need to eat high-calorie foods, but not randomly, but following a certain diet. It is best to prepare it with a nutritionist. Be sure to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify chronic diseases internal organs: stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas, gall, heart, thyroid gland. The diet chosen by the doctor will be based on the data from such an examination.

Don't know what to eat for your child to gain weight? Consult a specialist. Don't self-medicate! Over-the-counter weight gain medications are intended for adults. Children should not take pills, brewer's yeast or protein shakes. To help your child gain weight, give him a mixture of bananas and goat milk with the addition of honey, egg white (if there is no allergy) and full-fat cottage cheese, whipped in a blender. Be careful children's body very sensitive to excess fat.

Physical activity is necessary. Without them, you can gain weight, but you will gain fat, which will be very difficult to get rid of in the future. Then you may have new problems. Remember, weight gain is about building muscle mass (meat), not about storing unhealthy fat in unsightly folds on your thighs, belly, or back.

How to gain weight for a thin man in a short time

Low weight may be a sign of illness, so a visit to the doctor is necessary. Problems with appetite may be a consequence of diseases of the internal organs. If you are healthy, but suffer from excessive thinness, and going to the gym hardly gives any results, the following tips will help you gain weight in no time. short term:

  1. If there are no contraindications, drink plenty of water. It is better if it is a nutritious cocktail of fruits/vegetables and milk (whole), freshly squeezed juices (vegetable/fruit), coconut milk.
  2. Calculate how many calories you consume per day as usual. Then add 500. Observe your body for a week. If you managed to gain weight, but then the process stopped, add another 500 calories. Do the same until you gain the desired body weight.
  3. Eat small portions. It helps in weight gain and is good for the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Decide how you want to get better. A diet without exercise will only lead to fat accumulation, so increasing calories must be done along with training.
  5. Get in the habit of keeping a journal to accurately track your calorie intake and your weight. Make notes daily, weigh yourself weekly, not more often.
  6. Coordinate your sleep and rest schedule. The body must rest normally, only in this case physical training will be beneficial, and the diet will help you gain weight.

Knowing what to eat to gain weight and knowing how to navigate calories, you can gain several kilograms in a short time. Once the desired weight is reached, the diet can be adjusted to maintain it. It will reduce the number of calories and increase the proportion of fruits and vegetables. Continue to eat and exercise the same way you did to gain weight.

Diet for gaining muscle mass

Proper muscle growth is impossible without a well-chosen diet. It is best to contact a professional nutritionist (a diet can be selected based on weight), but it is also possible to work on improving muscle definition on your own. The main thing is not to overdo it. Train regularly, but don't overdo it. Rest is no less important than exercise. The following steps will help you navigate and decide what you need to eat to gain weight and how to load your muscles:

  • determine the calorie content of your current diet;
  • rate percentage in the daily food allowance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates (porridge must be present: oatmeal, barley, buckwheat);
  • create a daily menu, add calories gradually (this is important, regardless of how you decide to gain weight);
  • eat small meals, eat most of your food in the first half of the day;
  • To make your workouts predictable for your body, do it 3-5 times a week (no more often), letting it first get used to the load, and only then add new exercises;
  • keep a balanced training/rest regime (muscles grow during rest, they work during training);
  • go to rest if you feel even the slightest feeling of overtraining;
  • Eliminate stress from your life as much as possible;
  • don’t give up if you don’t get immediate results, muscle growth is different for each person.

If you want to build muscle mass and are wondering what to eat to gain weight, know that all ingredients are useful for this daily ration, but in a certain quantity. Protein is very important, not only plant-based, but also animal-based. Without carbohydrates, you won't get the energy you need, but it's best to eat them before or immediately after a workout so they'll be converted into energy rather than stored as fat. Ideal mode nutrition is like this:

  • breakfast;
  • lunch;
  • lunch (workout);
  • afternoon snack;
  • dinner (workout);
  • snack;
  • light dinner (about an hour and a half before bedtime).

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are full meals, everything else is snacks, but hearty ones to fill you up and gain weight. extra weight. Post-workout snacks should include your maximum daily intake of carbohydrates. Approximately 2/3 of calories should come from breakfast, lunch, dinner and 1/3 from snacks. Vegetables/fruits are consumed both with proteins and carbohydrates, and separately, supplementing the diet. Drink at least 2 liters of juices/water per day - without fluid, your muscles will not grow.

Make a skinny girl gain weight in a week

Do you want to gain weight, but don’t know what to eat to gain weight quickly? There is no magic pill/medicine/method universal instructions Same. It's easy to get fat by eating fast food. But at the same time you will develop a lot of diseases, one of them diabetes mellitus. It is important to increase the level of self-organization, eat the right products and constantly work on yourself. The following tips will help you gain weight:

  1. Pass medical examination. If no chronic diseases are detected, then the cause of your thinness is heredity.
  2. Change your diet. Only a nutritionist can do this correctly. There is no point in experimenting on your own. There is no universal diet for weight gain. It is important to increase the number of calories in your diet. Take as a basis protein products(for fittings, special cocktails for athletes).
  3. Move more! Fitness is a great option for skinny people. It will help you correctly shape your figure, and not just abstractly gain fat deposits. To gain weight, stop swimming, running, dancing, and any aerobic exercise.
  4. Unnoticed calories. Add them to your diet. These can be sauces, gravies or olive oil (just two spoons per salad and + 100 calories to the daily value), honey or regular seasoning. The ideal product is avocado. Tasty, healthy, nutritious.
  5. Replace water with milk fruit juices or protein shakes.

Maximum daily dose calories for you - 4000. Meals are fractional, the last meal is an hour and a half before bedtime. Unlike men, for whom strength training in the gym is a necessity, you can get by with home gymnastics, yoga or walking. fresh air in combination with sports such as sports or Nordic (with poles) walking. Pumping up muscles to a six-pack state is not necessary.

Proper nutrition for weight gain for a guy

If you are planning to gain weight on your own, consult a general practitioner for a comprehensive examination. Give up bad habits(for example, smoking, drinking beer). Visit a nutritionist and discuss your daily diet. The doctor will recommend including more protein foods, perhaps some dietary supplements, sports nutrition. The ratio of proteins/fat/carbohydrates per day, the daily calorie intake will be calculated, and a schedule for their increase will be drawn up. You can gain muscle mass with this approach, but you won’t gain weight.

Find a knowledgeable coach who will evaluate your sports training, will select an exercise program for the development of certain muscle groups (this could be a horizontal bar, working with dumbbells, deadlifts, exercises on machines). If you want to get sculpted shapes and gain weight, you will have to follow the recommendations. You need to exercise regularly throughout your life. A similar system should be followed if you don’t know how to gain weight for a teenager.

Most carbohydrate foods are recommended to be eaten before and immediately after workouts. It will turn into energy, completely consumed by the body, without being stored as fat. When choosing protein products, pay attention to turkey meat (contains a minimum of fat and a maximum of protein). Very useful sea ​​fish. Its fat contains omega-3s essential for health. fatty acids, and meat is a protein that helps you gain weight. Load up on fruits/vegetables (within a calorie limit), drink plenty of water, juice, milk (if your stomach allows).

Ectomorph weight gain

Are you skinny (with thin bones) and everything you eat literally disappears into energy? Know that you are an ectomorph, a person who has a very fast energy exchange. This type of person can eat n number of times per day with absolutely no harm to health. Find out what you should eat to gain weight from the diagram:

  • eat up to 12 times a day (optimally 6-8) in small portions, until completely full;
  • calculate the protein requirement based on body weight: 3 g x your weight – the daily protein requirement, which will include meat, fish, eggs, dairy products;
  • half of the daily amount of calories should be complex carbohydrates (various cereals);
  • Allow 20% of the daily diet to fats (vegetable + fish oil);
  • Be sure to eat fruits and vegetables, but in small quantities;
  • drink up to 3 liters of liquid per day, unless there are contraindications.

The number of daily calories is calculated as follows: your weight in kg is multiplied by 30, you get the number of calories in thousands. For an ectomorph, this number can initially be increased by a thousand at once. To gain weight, add sports nutrition to your standard diet. A Gainer (a nutritional supplement for athletes) is ideal, containing a ratio of carbohydrates and proteins suitable for an ectomorph.

How to gain 5 kg in weight in a week

Do you want to gain as much as 5 kilograms in a week? This is possible if you eat high-protein carbohydrate foods. But if you gain weight very quickly, it can adversely affect your health. It is optimal to gain 1 kg per month. Yes, it takes a long time, but it is natural and safe for the body. You can gain weight by eating bananas, drinking protein shakes, or taking brewer's yeast.


This delicious fruit contains mass useful substances: B vitamins, lots of potassium, magnesium (good for the heart muscle), fiber, sucrose, glucose, fructose. 100 grams of bananas contain 95 calories. It is impossible to gain 5 kg in a week by eating only them. But to gain weight faster, use a banana or banana protein shake with whole milk instead of snacking. Visit gym at least 3 times a week.

Protein shakes

They are sold in sports nutrition stores, but if you make them yourself, they will turn out no less effective, economical and tasty. There are several recipes for homemade protein shakes that will help you gain weight in a short time. But without physical activity, instead of 5 kg of muscle mass, you will get 5 kilos of fat and a blurry figure.

To prepare a protein shake you will need: cottage cheese, banana, raw eggs, olive oil, honey and milk as a base. The ratio of products is as follows: a glass of milk, one banana, 4 raw egg whites, 1 tablespoon honey, half a pack of cottage cheese, tablespoon olive oil. Cut the banana into pieces, place all ingredients in a blender, blend and pour into glasses. To gain weight, eat this instead of snacks and after workouts.

Brewer's yeast

A useful product that makes it possible not only to improve your health, but also to significantly gain weight - brewer's yeast (dietary supplement). They contain many vitamins and minerals, fiber, protein, fatty acids, 8 amino acids, and glucose. Brewer's yeast (dry, sold in pharmacies) improves appetite, normalizes hormonal levels, improves insulin production, and improves digestion.

Reception of this food additives must be coordinated with a nutritionist, because at the same time you need to actively load the body physical exercise. Brewer's yeast for weight gain is added to protein shakes, resulting in a tasty and healthy drink. It is possible to gain 5 kg in a week with their help, but exposing the body to such stress as sudden weight gain is inadvisable.

Video on how to eat and gain weight

From the selection useful videos Below you will learn how to gain weight as an ectomorph (first-hand), quickly build muscle, what foods are preferable for thin people, how to gain weight on your face and what is recommended to eat to gain weight. In these videos, everything is presented briefly, succinctly and clearly. Eat right and you can gain weight without health problems!

Today, many citizens actual problem is the presence excess weight. There are many methods to combat this factor. However, this is not what this text will talk about. Indeed, along with such a problem, there is also a task of the opposite nature. It consists in addressing the issue of eliminating underweight. Some people wonder how to gain weight in a week. More on this below.

Basic criteria for weight gain

In order to answer the question of how to get fat quickly, you need to consider the following principles:

  1. Initially, you should definitely consult a doctor about this. To exclude any disease responsible for not gaining the required kilograms.
  2. The presence of excess animal fat in the diet can negatively affect the cardiovascular system.
  3. Gaining the required weight depends entirely not on exactly how much you ate, but on the amount absorbed by your body.
  4. The presence of excess sweets in the diet can lead to metabolic disorders.
  5. In this case, eating at night is not recommended.

All of the above should be taken into account when implementing the idea of ​​​​how to get fat quickly.

Existing methods

You can achieve weight gain using two main methods:

  • Increasing muscle mass. This is done through physical activity.
  • Increasing the fat layer.

To determine choice required method influences the cause of underweight. For example, if you need to get rid of thinness or correct too thin arms or legs, then the best option in this case there will be an increase in muscle mass. And to restore a certain hormonal levels will need an increase in quantity subcutaneous fat. It all depends on the individual approach. But for a clear definition, it is necessary to contact specialists in this field.

How to build muscle mass?

It should be remembered that success in this case depends not only on proper diet, but also from physical activity and lifestyle. Since it is very important not only to obtain material for muscles and energy for their formation, but also to help in exercising them right place in the body. To do this, you should contact a specialist in this field. He will expertly assist you in developing the correct set of exercises or will directly participate in the implementation of this process and conduct the necessary training.

To properly create a menu and diet, you need to increase the daily calorie intake by 30%. This will be the optimal daily norm. In this case, the caloric composition should consist of 40% protein base; 50% - carbohydrate; 10% is fat.

Menu for building muscle mass

In this case, the diet will look something like this:

It should be remembered that without physical activity, gaining muscle mass is simply impossible. You should also try not to allow stressful situations. They negatively affect weight gain.

Increase body fat

Nowadays, many people are wondering how to gain weight in a week. This will be discussed in more detail later. Initially, this does not require eating a lot of food at one time. However, it is necessary to increase the number of meals. You should also enrich your diet with healthy fats and redistribute the foods you eat. It is necessary to increase the calorie intake gradually. This is very important. Calories should be increased by 5-10 per week.

In this case, to gain weight, eating bread, fatty cheese and fish, honey, and nuts is considered mandatory.

Approximate daily menu for increasing body fat

In this case, the diet looks like this:

  • For breakfast you should drink sweet cocoa with milk. This also includes oatmeal cookies (4-5 pcs.).
  • Second breakfast: tea (can be with milk), one fruit, almonds with honey (30 g).
  • For lunch you need to eat soup based on meat broth. In this case, you need to prepare porridge as a side dish. It goes well with meat or fish, as well as vegetable salad.
  • Second lunch: dried fruits and muesli with milk.
  • For dinner you should have a choice of fish or meat, as well as porridge or potatoes as a side dish. This includes a vegetable salad.
  • Before going to bed, you should have a snack of one piece of fruit and a glass of kefir.

Need to know that physical activity in this case, it is not too desirable to limit. She is a great assistant in the fight against stress, in improving appetite, and all this has a positive effect on weight gain.

Choosing the right diet

There are many methods for gaining weight. They differ only in the list of basic principles and do not have specific names.

There are methods that suggest increasing the calorie content of food with a gradual increase in portion size. However, this is not entirely correct. Since increasing the volume of portions can cause stomach distension and subsequent obesity.

In some cases, it is proposed to gain weight by increasing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. However, in this case there may be an excess of sugar in the body. As a result, serious illnesses may occur.

There are also methods that indicate the need to limit motor activity. However, this is completely wrong!

Therefore, when deciding how to gain weight in a week, you should tend to choose the right and healthy ways to gain weight.

The correct process of gaining weight

In this case, you need to initially decide what exactly needs to be typed and why it is needed. This is followed by a gradual increase in the number of meals. You should not strive to immediately eat 5 times a day. First, you should gradually increase the number of meals (by one daily) to five. After this, you need to start increasing the number of calories.

To consolidate the desired result, after completing weight gain, you should not return to your previous method of nutrition. This must be remembered. To maintain the result obtained, you should find a middle ground in nutrition. After this, you will no longer have the question of missing kilograms.

Ideal foods for weight gain

There are a large number of them. However, the following products are still considered ideal:

Everything said in this paragraph will help answer the question of what you need to eat to gain weight.

How to gain 5 kg in a week?

In this case, you will need the required quantity:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates.

To answer the question of how to gain weight by 5 kg in a week, you should do the following:

These basic criteria will help you give advice on how to gain weight by 5 kg in a week at home. All of them are effective for gaining weight in the shortest possible time.

How can a skinny guy get fat? Step by step instructions

From some men you can hear the phrase: “I want to get fat!” To do this they use many methods. However, many of them do not give the desired result. In fact, there are quite a few effective methods, allowing for to the fullest increase body weight. The secret is that to achieve the desired result, it is necessary not only to follow various recommendations, but to do everything together, that is, in a complex. Read more about the basic principles below.

  1. You need to drink water. After all, fluid directly affects body weight. For rapid weight gain, daily consumption is necessary. large quantity water. It is recommended that men drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Great option there will be milk consumption. It is an excellent product for gaining the necessary kilograms.
  2. In this case, you should increase the caloric content of food. This is very important. You must first increase your caloric intake by 300-500 per day. Then, when it is noticeable that the weight gain has stopped, you can add another 500 calories to the diet. You need to do this until it becomes noticeable that you have achieved desired result in deciding how to get fat in a week (for example).
  3. The frequency of meals should be changed. As the number of calories consumed increases, another condition arises. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to break it down into a certain amount meals daily ration. Namely, it should consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a couple of snacks. This will prevent the portion size from becoming too large.
  4. Body fat percentage. In the question of how to gain weight for a teenager, you should clearly decide on your choice the right way weight gain. Increasing muscle mass or body fat can affect your appearance in different ways.
  5. Weight changes need to be monitored. This action is quite important. This is necessary in order to determine the speed of achieving the desired result in how to gain weight in a week. To do this, you need to weigh yourself weekly and record changes in body weight, as well as visually compare the results.
  6. Physical activity should not be neglected. For a man to gain weight, it is not enough just to increase his caloric intake. This also requires strength training for muscle growth. Then the calories entering the body will increase the required mass.
  7. Adequacy of sleep. This is another one an important condition. After all, the body needs regular rest and time to exercise. full recovery strength In this case, you need to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.

Bottom line

There is a lot that everyone can learn from the above tips. interesting information and decide what to do to gain weight. To do this, you should strictly follow the instructions indicated - and the desired result will be achieved.