Immunocytophyte is a universal stimulant. Instructions for use of "immunocytophyte", reviews


Hello, dear readers! Just like every driver who has his own car, every gardener who has his own plot and grows plants on it should have a first aid kit in case his pets suddenly get sick and urgently need to be treated.

One of these wonderful drugs is immunocytophyte, instructions for use of which will be given in this article.

Description of the drug

Like Epin, the drug immunocytophyte is a biostimulant for plants, it contains ethyl fatty acids with urea. It comes on sale in the form of blue or purple tablets.

Immunocytophyte is an expensive drug, but very effective! With one tablet you can treat 5 g of vegetable seeds, or 20 kg of planting potatoes, or spray half a hundred square meters of garden with plants already in the vegetative stage.

The drug stimulates the natural immunity of plants to diseases and growth processes, especially increases the resistance of plants to diseases of late blight, alternaria, rhizoctonia, black leg, powdery mildew and downy mildew, gray mold, bacteriosis, and various types of scab.

The use of immunocytophyte will provide a 20-30% increase in yield, and the harvested crop is perfectly stored. Plants that have been damaged by insects or exposed to any natural disasters, the drug helps heal wounds and increase anti-stress activity.

The drug protects the plant after treatment for 45 days - it all depends on what crop is being treated. And this biostimulator penetrates inside seeds, tubers and plants literally within a few hours. It shows maximum effectiveness 7-10 days after treatment.

Immunocytophyte is quite successfully combined with herbicides, fungicides and insecticides, the list of which includes such as Aktara, Arrivo, Karate, Fastak, Tsimbus. But you cannot use it in tank mixtures with biological products!

The drug is not phytotoxic, therefore it does not have any negative effects on plants (burns, growth inhibition, chloroticity). It is safe for people, animals and insects.

Preparation of the drug

To prepare the drug, take one tablet and one tablespoon of water (10-15 g). The tablet is dissolved in water, stirring. This is how we get the concentrate. Now, in order to prepare the working solution, you need to add the required amount of water, depending on what type of treatment will be and what crop we will treat.

Seeds and tubers are processed in this way: 5 g of vegetable seeds (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, beets, carrots) should be soaked and kept in a concentrated solution (how to prepare it is described above) for 3-24 hours - the soaking time depends on what kind of crop it is, what size of seeds and what planting technology.

To treat one hundred square meters of already vegetative plants, you need to add 4 liters of water to the concentrate (in this case, dissolve two tablets of the drug in 2 tablespoons of water) and spray the plants with the resulting solution.

For processing an area with poor phytosanitary condition (a large supply of infections in the soil, plant debris and seeds), in weather conditions favorable to the development of fungal and bacterial diseases, the consumption rate of the drug increases 1.5 times (dissolve 1.5 tablets in one tablespoon of water, then add 2 liters of water to this concentrate, and treat the resulting solution frequently with an area of ​​0.5 acres).

When to treat plants

Potatoes are treated to protect against late blight, Alternaria blight, blight, rhizoctonia, various types scab, bacteriosis. The first time spraying is carried out in the phase of full germination, the second time - in the budding phase - the beginning of flowering.

Tomatoes are treated to protect against late blight, powdery mildew, septoria, and bacteriosis. The first time is sprayed at the beginning of budding, the second time - during the flowering of the first cluster, and the third - in the flowering phase of the third cluster.

Cucumbers are treated to protect against peronospora, powdery mildew, spotting, bacteriosis, and rot. The first time is sprayed in the phase of 2-4 leaves, the second time - at the beginning of flowering, the third - in the phase of mass fruit formation.

Cabbage is treated to protect against downy mildew, bacteriosis, and rot the first time - in the rosette phase, the second time - in the head setting phase (about 30-40 days after the first treatment).

Onions are treated to protect against downy mildew and neck rot. The first time - in the phase of 4-5 leaves, the second - after 30-40 days after the first treatment.

Immunocytophyte grapes protect against mildew, oidium, spotting, and rot. The first treatment is carried out before flowering begins, after 10-12 days the second treatment is carried out and, finally, the third time is sprayed 15-20 days after the second treatment.

Fruit crops are sprayed to protect them from powdery mildew, spotting, and rot. The first time is sprayed in the phase of bud break - the beginning of flowering, the second time - in the end of flowering phase, the third time - 15-20 days after the third treatment.

Berry crops . Their immunocytophyte helps protect against diseases of powdery mildew, spotting, and gray rot. The first time is sprayed before flowering, the second treatment after flowering.

The drug will protect flower crops from diseases such as powdery mildew and blight. The first treatment is before the buds open, the second is 20-30 days after the first.

I wish your plants health and generous harvests, dear workers!

See you soon!

Immunocytophyte stimulates the immunity of plants, increasing their resistance to diseases and adverse factors (drought, stress from transplantation, etc.). Immunocytophyte is harmless to humans, animals, bees, and does not destroy the beneficial microflora of plants and soil. It is used for pre-sowing treatment of seeds, tubers, bulbs, as well as for spraying plants (both sick and for preventive purposes).

For which crops is it applicable:

  • Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, potatoes, etc.)
  • Berry (currants, gooseberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.)
  • Floral and decorative (roses, chrysanthemums, asters, carnations, etc.)
  • Any indoor plants (the drug is harmless to humans)


  • high efficiency, no phytotoxicity
  • increases resistance to diseases, stress during transplantation, frost, drought
  • increases germination energy and seed germination
  • stimulates root formation in seedlings
  • increases yield by 10-30%, improves taste and nutritional quality
  • indoor plants: promotes flowering and improves appearance

Guaranteed shelf life 3 years
Storage temperature up to +25°С.
How it works: Arachidonic acid, which is part of the drug, activates plant enzymes, and as a result, natural resistance to disease damage is enhanced, and growth processes are also activated.


  • Download instructions for the drug Immunocytofit

1). Aqueous solution Use immunocytophyte on the day of preparation. Do not apply during or before rain or when there is dew. The drug can be mixed with other pesticides and fertilizers, but cannot be used in a mixture with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

2). Immunocytophyte is widely used when soaking seeds (increases the percentage of germination and accelerates development) and when growing seedlings (processing even in room conditions is harmless).

Season Type of processing Consumption rate Effect
End of winterSoaking seeds when sowing seedlings1 tab for 15 ml water
soak 5g seeds for 2-3 hours
Increased seed germination, reduced rot damage to seedlings
Early springSpraying seedlings with stunted growth1 tab for 2 liters of water spray seedlingsIncrease in leaf size
SpringSoaking and spraying seeds, bulbs and tubers immediately before sowing and planting

1 tab for 15 ml water
soak 5g seeds for 2-3 hours

1 tab in 150 ml water
spray 20kg of bulbs and tubers

Increased germination, reduced damage to seedlings by rot, increased resistance to frost and drought
SpringSpraying seedlings when transplanting into soil or greenhouses1 tab in 2 liters of water
spray 50 sq. m.
Improved survival rate, increased resistance to frost
Beginning of summerSpraying young emerging plants1 tab in 2 liters of water
spray 50 sq.m
Increase in the number and size of leaves, shoots and flowers
SummerSpraying is practically healthy plants when there is a threat of disease development and pest proliferation1 tab in 2 liters of water
spray 50 sq.m
Increased disease resistance. Maybe joint use with fungicides and insecticides. Accelerates the removal of chemical residues from plants

Mom found last year's tomato seeds in the corner of the kitchen cabinet. She decided to sow them, and there was a reason for this - she got the seeds from her deceased neighbor, and my mother really wanted the gift received from a person who was no longer with us to be in vain. But I was afraid that the seeds wouldn’t sprout at all - they were old...

This would have upset Mommy very much, so that same day I quietly sneaked out to my favorite flower shop. Here they didn’t let me go to waste - they sold me a biostimulator, which awakened the seeds that had been dormant for a long time in the closet. The tomatoes grew quite well, and next year I also bought this product, for the whole garden bed...

It is available in cheerful blue tablets, less commonly purple(each 0.3 g). The tablets come in silver blisters, which are packaged in cardboard box- 10 tablets in a blister, 2 blisters in a box. In some stores you can only buy one blister.

Issue price: less than 70 rubles.

This is a biostimulant. When creating it, chemists did not reinvent the wheel, combining urea (the most popular nitrogen-containing fertilizer), already familiar to many gardeners, with ethyl fatty acids.

If you bought it, remember: powders should be stored for no more than 3 years in a cool, dry place.

Why is it bought?

  • So that the seeds germinate better, especially if you doubt their quality.
  • To make plants grow faster and taller. This applies not only to the formation of the crown of sprouts, but also to the formation of roots.
  • So that crops get sick less often (the substance strengthens their immunity). In particular, studies have shown that plants treated with Immunocytophyte are less likely to suffer from: scab, gray rot, powdery mildew (all types), late blight, blackleg and other diseases.
  • For more quick recovery leaves and stems damaged by pests.
  • In order to strengthen plants under various stresses (these could be frosts, transplanting/picking, insufficient or excessive watering, and the same diseases).
  • Also this drug reduces the amount of hazardous substances (heavy metals, nitrates) in plants.
  • To increase productivity. Experienced agronomists are sure: “Immunocytophyte” helps to “squeeze” up to 30% more yield from a plot, and you won’t have to complain about the taste of the grown fruits.
  • As for flowerpots (especially decorative leaf ones), the biostimulator adds beauty to them: the leaves become brighter, and more of them, like flowers, grow. Moreover, this substance can be used even in an apartment where pets and small children constantly live; it has a safe formula.

How to properly prepare “Immunocytophyte” before use

The tablet must be mixed with water.

One tablet requires a full tablespoon. You want the substance to dissolve completely, so stir the solution for about 20 minutes, or even longer.

As a result, you will get a base concentrate.

  • Use this concentrate to soak seeds.
  • To spray sprouts, dilute the concentrate with 1.5 liters of water.

If everything is very bad in the beds, make the concentrate more vigorous: 2.5 tablets for the same spoon of water.

Important: the concentrate and solution are not stored for longer than 12 hours! So dilute only the amount you plan to use immediately.

Instructions for tubers, seeds, seedlings

Of course, the manufacturer puts in each cardboard a large sheet, reminiscent of a pharmacy. All the information is there.

But if you have lost it, you need to act like this:

  • Tubers. For 20 kg of tubers going into the ground, take 1 tablet. Dilute the base concentrate (prepare as I wrote above) with 150 ml of water. Arrange the tubers in rows three days before planting and spray with the resulting solution.
  • Seeds. For 5 g of seeds (on average, this is 1 purchased bag) you need 1 tablet. But if you need less, just dilute half or a quarter of the tablet. The seeds are soaked for 3 hours (but it can be 24, depending on the crop) before being sent into the ground.

  • Seedling. Vegetables and flower sprouts can be processed either immediately after moving into open ground or a couple of days later.

Treatment with this substance provides protection from 15 to 45 days.

When to give it to different crops

Let's talk about seedlings in more detail, because culture is different.


  • Melons, pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers. They can be processed three times: when the sprouts have 4 leaves, when they begin to bloom and when the fruits begin to set.
  • Potato. The crop sprouted - it was treated, the bushes began to bloom - it was treated again.
  • Tomatoes. You will need to take out the spraying device three times: when the buds begin to form, when the 1st and 3rd clusters of flowers bloom.
  • Cabbage. The first time you need to process this crop is when you see the rosette. The treatment can be repeated, but not earlier than after 4 weeks.
  • Beetroot (table). The first spraying should be carried out when the leaves are already fully green and the rows begin to close. The next one is in 1.5 months.
  • Onion. As soon as 4 arrows grow, apply the drug. A month will pass, re-process.

Decorative flowers

  • In the flowerbeds. You need to do the processing before the buds appear. You can repeat this procedure after 2-3 weeks.
  • In pots, indoors. Take out the spray bottle in the spring, when your flowerpots are forming leaves and buds. However, after a month you can carry out the treatment again.

Berry crops

  • Grape. You need to spend no more than a liter for every 10 “squares”. Allow 20 days between spraying.
  • Currant. If you do not have time to “pollinate” these bushes before flowering begins, spray them at the end of flowering. Allow 20 to 30 days between treatments. For 50 squares, give 3 liters of solution.
  • Strawberry. Best time- yes, yes, before flowering begins. Carry out the second spraying after a month. But this culture needs less solution - for the same 50 “squares”, give only 1.5 liters.

Fruit trees

For example, you can spray apple trees when the buds are about to open (pink petals appear). The second time is when the pollinated flowers form an ovary.

In the third - when flowering is completely over. Allow 20 days between treatments. Spend a liter of solution per 10 square meters.

Processing time

It may vary. Seed material can be processed before planting in the ground - but with the same success you can also process young plants (the growing season).

But there is no need to treat adult (mature, old) plants - they have nowhere to grow.

It’s also “too late to drink Borjomi” when the plant is sick and maybe even dying. It should not be stimulated, but treated, so buy a more narrowly targeted remedy for your problem.

Remember: do not spray during heavy dew or rain. The drug will simply be washed off the leaves without having time to be absorbed and work.

Can it be mixed with other chemicals?

Pesticides. This substance is not afraid of herbicides and pesticides.

But! Do not mix it with tank mixtures, potassium permanganate solutions, or alkaline solutions!

Insecticides. “Immunocytophyte” also goes well with them.

This drug is not dangerous, so it will not harm your animals or bees. It also does not leave burns on the leaves.

What people who have used it say: reviews

These are reviews and advice not only from my friends, but also from people from the forums where I got information about this drug. I’ll skip the frankly laudatory ones (although there are a lot of them), but I’ll allow myself to quote a few useful opinions:

  • For the substance to work better, it is better to dilute it not in ice, but in lukewarm water. Without allowing it to cool, spray the solution. Plants absorb liquid at a pleasant temperature better and faster.
  • You can process not only seeds and seedlings, but also cuttings of decorative flowers that you are going to root. Helps a lot!
  • If you doubt this drug, treat only half of the bed. You will see the result for yourself - the harvest on the two halves of the plot will be different!
  • If there is unexpected rain immediately after treatment, I wait for the leaves to dry and take up the sprayer again. Still, the nasty weather washes everything away.
  • Onions can be processed before planting, just like potatoes: base concentrate + 150 ml of water, spray the bulbs and let them sit for a couple of days - dry and soak. This works great!

Are you interested in the achievements of modern chemistry? This video will tell you not only about “Immunocytophyte”, but also about other means that can improve immunity, relieve plants from stress and stimulate the growth of your green pets:

Well, for the “purity of the experiment” I suggest alternative opinion. This vlogger in home environment conducted a “strength test” of many myths regarding seed germination. He also bought several growth regulators. And here is the result:

And in continuation of the “alternative” topic - here is a cheat sheet for making natural root growth stimulants. Now you have a choice - buy such powders or make them yourself!

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management

The drug Immunocytophyte in agricultural technology is classified as a plant growth regulator. However this class agrochemical products are no more homogeneous than agricultural pesticides like general concept. Without going into the intricacies of the classification of regulatory drugs for plants, we will say right away: Immunocytophyte is not a growth stimulant and not a phytohormone at all. This is already good: its use does not deplete perennials and the soil under any crops. The second plus: the use of Immunocytophyte allows you to reduce the overall costs of plant protection products (PPPs) and doses of pesticides to completely safe ones; especially in risky areas, see below. Third: with the help of Immunocytophyte, growing seedlings in rooms unsuitable for this is greatly facilitated. In total, 2 Immunocytophyte tablets cost approx. 20 rubles (this is a dose per 1 hundred square meters) reduces the cost of agrochemicals on the same area by at least 30-40 rubles; in most cases more than 50 rubles, i.e. more than doubled. The quantity of the harvest does not suffer, but its quality improves.

Note: general information You can learn from the video below:

Video: plant growth stimulants and their differences

Composition and action

There are two active ingredients in Immunocytophyte: arachidonic acid or its ethyl ester at a concentration of 0.016% (0.16 g/kg) and, see Fig. Arachidonic acid is actually a specifically animal compound, but a quarter of a century ago it was discovered in Russia positive influence for plants, for which a Russian invention patent was issued in 1997. In 2006, its validity period expired and now anyone can use arachidonic acid as part of agrochemicals.

The effect of arachidonic acid primarily affects the reduction of plant oppression by pesticides. In addition, their decomposition in plants and soil accelerates by approx. 2 times. Plants that are freed from diseases and pests by plant protection products, but have experienced stress, seem to be invigorated, which gives some increase in yield. But, unlike phytohormones, plants practically do not deplete the soil and themselves (perennials), because the activation of their vital functions is ensured by their own anti-stress substances. This process is to some extent similar to the “injection” of adrenaline into the blood from the adrenal glands and warm-blooded animals, but is more extended in time and is safe for plant organisms.

The consequence of stress resistance of plants from Immunocytophyte is mechanical damage damage caused to them by pests, diseases, processing tools, etc., heal faster. Strong plants “live” life to the fullest", the natural result of which is fruiting. And they become more resistant to stress factors, even those that they have not previously experienced (for example, drought). As a result, the yield from the plot where Immunocytophyte was applied is approx. 25% more than with exactly the same control.

Note: for tree and shrub crops, the acceleration of suberization of the bark due to treatment with Immunocytophyte has been reliably established, i.e. the plant matures faster. As is known, adult fruit and berry plants are affected by diseases and pests much less frequently than young ones, and also tolerate unfavorable conditions better. weather conditions. An additional plus is that the plants quickly enter the time of full fruiting without compromising their vitality.

Why urea? As a nitrogen supplement; something like enhanced nutrition for convalescents. But not only that. One of the purposes of Immunocytophyte is to reduce or eliminate the stretching of seedlings grown in unsuitable conditions. The main obstacle in this case is the lack of light; Just read the comments to this video on Youtube:

Video: about pulling seedlings and fighting it

Commentators there also recommend growth stimulants (real ones), with which you can avoid stretching the seedlings. But! Adult plants grown in this way are too sensitive to stress factors. The analogy is a pampered child. “Injecting” arachidonic acid gives them some supply vitality for “hardening” on open ground, and urea provides excess nitrogen, compensating for some lack of light. A slight overfeeding with nitrogen activates photosynthesis and allows plants to develop more or less normally with a lack of light within certain limits; This is a technique that has long been known in greenhouse agricultural technology. As much urea is added to the Immunocytophyte tablet as the nitrogen “supplement” needed by plants stimulated with arachidonic acid.

Note: In fact, seedlings with growth stimulants are grown primarily. for sale. For yourself, if the plot is larger than approx. 10 acres, it’s better to buy phytolamps and illuminate them. Moreover, modern LEDs are very durable and economical.

And finally, the period of activity of the Immunocytophyte (usually called the period protective action) long, up to 45 days; The peak activity of the drug occurs on the 7th – 10th day. Its components have high translaminar activity, i.e. quickly, within 2-3 hours, absorbed into plant tissue and migrate throughout the plant body. Therefore, this drug is quite suitable for soaking seed material (seeds, tubers): the plant growing from them will encounter stress, and the components of the drug will not harm it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The described properties of Immunocytophyte are already its advantages. Besides this:

  1. The drug is absolutely non-phytotoxic. For the entire period of its use harmful influence No immunocytophyte was detected on plants. Treating a plant with it just like that will waste money on pills, but nothing bad will happen to the plants;
  2. Immunocytophyte is safe for animals: its danger class for humans and bees is 4th. Basic precautions are required when working with the drug (see below);
  3. Also, no long-term consequences from the systematic use of Immunocytophyte have been identified. for a long time from year to year;
  4. Corollary from paragraphs. 2 and 3 – Immunocytophyte can be used to treat indoor plants without taking them into a separate room;
  5. Technological simplicity and breadth - the preparation of working fluids does not require special equipment and conditions, the species range of plants to be processed and the composition stress factors have very little effect on the regulations for the use of the drug;
  6. Good tank mix compatibility with many popular pesticides, also see below;
  7. A convenient preparative form is blisters with water-soluble tablets of blue or purple color (see figure at the beginning);
  8. Quite a long shelf life - 2 years.

The main disadvantage of Immunocytophyte– it does not affect “old” plants; incl. for perennials that are dying out the current season. When the plants began to bear fruit or accumulate nutrients in underground organs, it is useless to use Immunocytophyte on them.

Further, Immunocytophyte does not treat diseased plants and does not rid affected plants of pests. The drug can be used before pesticides (if a disease outbreak/pest invasion is foreseeable), together with them or after them, but Immunocytophyte plant protection products do not replace.


Immunocytophyte is compatible in tank mixtures (including multicomponent ones) with most agricultural pesticides, except alkaline ones: Bordeaux mixture, compositions with lime and wood ash. It is unacceptable to use Immunocytophyte with preparations containing strong oxidizing agents: perhydrol (hydrogen peroxide), potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), bleach (bleach). The same applies to mineral medicines that are quite widely used in agricultural technology: iodine, brilliant green (zelenka), methylene blue (blue), mercurochrome. Immunocytophyte is also incompatible with biological products - the substances mutually neutralize each other.


The 4th hazard class was given to Immunocytophyte only because the 5th (not dangerous substance) is not assigned to agrochemical products. Therefore, the simplest precautions when working with the drug are needed: work clothes, latex gloves for hands, simple ones (without seals) safety glasses. Protection zones and time restrictions are not established for Immunocytophyte; there is no need for this.

However, urea is a metabolite of animal organisms. Her lethal concentration in the body of vertebrates – fractions of %, i.e. units of mg per 1 kg of body weight. If you eat 2-3 tablets of the drug, hospitalization and treatment will be required. Therefore, make sure that someone does not eat the Immunocytophyte, and keep it under lock and key: first self-help measures are ineffective, because. swallowed tablets dissolve in the stomach and are absorbed into the blood almost instantly.

Note: I am especially keen on the Immunocytophyte of the cat. They need arachidonic acid like all warm-blooded animals, but, unlike most of them, it is not synthesized in the cat’s body, i.e. indispensable for cats.

Application procedure

Immunocytophyte is used in the form of 3 solutions: a concentrate for spraying planting material (“tuberous”) and a worker for spraying over an area (“worker”). To prepare the concentrate, place 1-2 tablets in a small glass container and pour accordingly. 15-20 or 30-40 ml of cold (!) water (1 or 2 tbsp.); The tablets do not need to be crushed, because both components of the drug are highly soluble in polar solvents (i.e., the molecules of which are polarized and linked by coordination bonds). Dissolve the tablets by stirring for at least 30 minutes; good solubility and fast are two different things.

A solution for treating planting material is prepared by adding 150 ml of water to the concentrate. But there is a nuance with the solution for land areas. If the packaging of Immunocytophyte indicates DV ( active substance) “arachidonic acid”, the concentrate of the 1st tablet should be poured into 1.5 liters of water. If it says “ethyl ester of arachidonic acid,” the same concentrate must be diluted in 2 liters of water. Also - if the packaging says “fatty essential acid”, “ethyl acid (!!!)”, “essential acid”, etc. (professional training from the authors of these writings! Where did they manage to get this?) For a concentrate of 2 tablets, the amount of dilution water is doubled, but reducing the concentration of solutions (i.e. diluting the concentrate of the 1st tablet with double the amount of water) is unacceptable - the drug is completely won't work.

All Immunocytophyte solutions must be developed within 12 hours, and by the end of this period the effectiveness of the drug will drop by 25-35%. A working solution from a concentrate of 2 tablets is used to treat 100 square meters. m of land area; the same from the concentrate of the 1st tablet, respectively. fifty. Time until it rains open areas– 12 o’clock, because the drug can be washed out of plants through the spiracles of leaves on initial stages its absorption. For the same reason, spraying should be carried out in dry weather, relatively late in the morning, after the dew has completely dried.

Note: for use in areas neglected by phytosanitary conditions (for example, if there were severe outbreaks of plant diseases last season), the dose of Immunocytophyte for preparing the concentrate and solutions based on it is increased by 1.5 times. The amount of water for solutions remains the same!

Instructions for using the drug Immunocytophyte for plants are given in the table:

In the treatment of indoor plants, in order to avoid loss of the drug and its effectiveness, there are some features. Before spraying plants that have water spiracles (hydathodes, for example, monsteras), the air humidity in the room should be reduced as much as possible (ventilate the room; turn on the electric fireplace in winter), and the plants should also be illuminated as much as possible during treatment and 2-3 hours after it. If succulents are being processed, the room should be shaded with thick curtains and the air in it should be humidified: 3-4 hours before treatment, place a tray of water on the radiator in the winter, and a tray of water on the windowsill in the summer (you can disposable plates, they warm up quickly).

Scope of application

In conclusion, we will determine when Immunocytophyte is most effective and useful. For all its properties, Immunocytophyte is needed first of all owners of the so-called risk areas. This is, figuratively speaking, when your neighbors’ good apple seems like a miracle among the rotten and lousy ones, “Colorado” on potatoes, well, really human ear you can hear people laughing with happiness, and there are bunches of leaf phylloxera on the grapes instead of berry ones. In order to protect your plantings in this case, you need to regularly apply loading doses strong pesticides. And this is the same as beating yourself in the liver, kidneys, and other sensitive organs for a lot of money. Immunocytophyte will help reduce the doses of PPE to safe ones, but how to deal with such neighbors without leaving the legislative field is a completely different topic.

Second case, when Immunocytophyte is needed - soaking seeds for growing seedlings on a kitchen windowsill (veranda, etc.) or for sowing heat-loving crops directly into the ground, for example. tomatoes. This also includes spraying the seed of early potatoes, garlic, onions, and cut flowers: the use of strong pesticides on their crops is most often excluded due to long waiting times, and strengthening plants with Immunocytophyte will help you get by with less dangerous, but also less effective means.

Note: the use of Immunocytophyte together with strong pesticides or immediately after them is useful because it accelerates the breakdown of pesticides in the soil. The addition of Immunocytophyte at a dose of 0.1-5 mg/ha to targeted herbicides reduces their inhibition of cultivated plants.

Third case– treatment of indoor plants. It’s enough to make sure that your stupid children and pets don’t eat the pills (see below), and you don’t have to worry about their health. Treatment with indoor Immunocytophyte is needed most of all, because... most of them suffer chronically from lack of light and lack of nutrition. The use of Immunocytophyte for potted crops allows you to postpone transplantation into large containers, which is painful for plants, for 1-3 years or more. Large ones may require container replacement every 10-15 years or less. In an apartment this is a huge relief, because... large-sized plants are not transplanted into a larger pot, but rather break down the old container and build a new container around the root ball.

Hello, dear friends!

Immunocytophyte - the first domestic drug, which not only has a positive effect on the growth, development and productivity of plants, but, “including” them immune system, saves from various diseases.

For a number of years at the Department of Phytopathology of SSAU named after. Vavilov studied the action biologically active drug immunocytophyte on tomatoes.

The drug, created on the basis of archidonic acid, is absolutely harmless to beneficial insects, animals and, most importantly, to humans. Archidonic acid is included in the substitutes breast milk, contained in vegetable oils, it is added to animal feed mixtures.

The use of immunocytophyte does not require special skills or equipment. The advantages of the drug are that it can be used in low concentrations and small quantities.

Briefly about the methods of using immunocytophyte and the results of its action

Seed treatment

A day before sowing, tomato seeds were soaked in a solution (consumption rate: one blue tablet dissolved in 10 - 15 ml of water, used to treat 5 g of seeds). The soaked seeds were sown in boxes filled with soil. The seedlings grew strong, with a well-developed root system.

The immunocytophyte accelerated plant growth, the onset of flowering and fruit formation by an average of 10 days. In addition, the number of fruits increased by an average of 5 pieces per plant, the weight of one fruit increased by an average of 20 g. The yield of tomatoes as a result of exposure to the drug increased by 86%, that is, almost 2 times, compared to untreated plants.

Very important property immunocytophyte is to increase plant resistance to disease. In our experiments, the drug reduced the susceptibility of tomatoes to late blight, septoria, blossom end rot, and bacteriosis. According to data published in the specialized literature, as a result of using the drug, cucumbers and other pumpkin crops are more resistant to real and downy mildew, cabbage - to bacteriosis, onions - to neck rot.

Treatment of vegetative plants

In addition to soaking seeds, to increase the effect, the drug can be used to spray plants in the active growing season. Consumption rate: 1 blue tablet is dissolved in 2 liters of water and treated with 0.5 acres.

Processing time for tomatoes: the first spraying is at the beginning of budding, the second is when the first cluster is flowering, the third is when the third cluster is flowering.

Processing time for pumpkin(cucumbers, watermelons, pumpkins, zucchini): the first treatment - in the phase of 2 - 4 leaves, the second - in the phase of the beginning of flowering, the third - in the phase of mass fruit formation.