Summer is coming! The central fountain on Minin Square opened the season. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street

The spectacular star of Russian show business Lera Kudryavtseva, host of the TV show “Secret for a Million”, is a shining example talented and temperamental personality.

In this show, stars share their secrets from their personal lives, some of which reveal even the most intimate secrets.


Biography and career

A spectacular blonde was born and lived in the Kazakh town of Ust-Kamenogorsk. The girl was born on May 19, 1971. She received her initial education in her city, having studied in her specialty "Theater Directing". After graduation educational institution the star decided to leave home and continue her studies at Russian Academy theatrical arts. There Lera studied her specialty.

The career of a star in the domestic show business did not immediately gain momentum, until 1995 she had to perform as backup dancers from more famous domestic stars. In addition, Lera often took part in backup singing. During the first years of her work, the star managed to perform on the same stage with such famous stars as Bogdan Titomir, Evgeniy Osin, Svetlana Titomirskaya.

  • She tried herself as an actress in 2004, she starred in the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns.” The news about this spread quickly, offers to star in other films rained down on her.
  • In 2006 and 2007, the actress continued to star in the sequel to the film.
  • In 2007, she starred in the film “On the Roof of the World”, then in “The Best Film”, where Lera played the role girls lung behavior of someone who was in the company of socialites.
  • In 2008, Lera starred in three more films: “Adventurers”, “A Very Russian Detective”, “Oh, Lucky Man”.

On at the moment Lera speaks about the modern stage as follows: “Today, getting on stage or on television is not so easy for a budding star; for this, first of all, you need to acquire certain connections and acquaintances, otherwise it is very difficult to achieve any heights.” Along with this, Lera does not disclose any information about how exactly she managed to achieve such popularity personally.

Igor Vernik helped Lera become a star; he brought her to television. A presenter was needed for the “Party Zone” program on the TV-6 channel; during an affair with Valeria, he invited her to a casting for the program. There are rumors that the girl was helped by her first husband, from the group “Tender May”. Lera recommended and showed herself on television programs as a talented presenter.

The news that Kudryavtseva showed up for auditions "Party zone" in an unusual image: with pigtails, pierced eyebrows, she shocked many. But out of all the participants, she was chosen. The girl became no less popular, perhaps even more, than the artists for whom she worked before.

The program “Party Zone” is still on the Muz-TV channel; Lera remains the host of the project, sharing the platform with Aiza Dolmatova and Otar Kushanashvili. The format of the TV show made the popular TV presenter “one of our own” in the coterie of stars, after which the girl's career took off.

Family and personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva

Such a talented TV presenter as Lera Kudryavtseva not only has a thriving career, but also a rather eventful personal life and a wonderful family.

She first married at the age of eighteen to the lead singer of the group “Tender May” Sergei Lenyuk. News, almost immediately the couple had a child, son Jean Such. So unusual name the stars were chosen in honor of the popular foreign film actor Jean-Claude Van Damme. This actor is still Lera’s idol to this day.

Unfortunately for the young wife, the marriage lasted only two years. The reason for this was the press, which described in detail Sergei’s stormy romantic passions with other girls. The disagreement with her husband Leroy was taken quite hard; at that moment there were rumors that the star was addicted to alcohol and fell into deepest depression . However, common sense prevailed in time, and the star gave up alcohol forever.

Lera's next marriage was even less successful and lasted only a year. An entrepreneur suggested marriage to her Matvey Morozov. Because of permanent job the spouses devoted too little time to each other, which is why this union was also interrupted.

In 2008, the presenter appeared in his personal life Sergey Lazarev. This union was not brought to marriage, but Sergei and Lera appeared in public together for four long years. Such a warm union lasted until 2012, after which the couple broke up, but at the same time maintaining fairly warm friendly relations.

In 2013, the young TV presenter got married again for the third time. He called Leroux down the aisle Russian hockey player Igor Makarov. Everyone was invited to the wedding ceremony domestic stars show business. The whole procession turned out to be so magnificent that even Lera herself was pleasantly surprised. Later in 2016 in social network Leroy’s Instagram posted a photo of four beautiful fair-haired girls. The star commented this photo like this: “At the moment I am a happy mother of five children.” However, as it turned out later, this statement turned out to be a joke.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Lera Kudryavtseva, like most Russian celebrities, decided to meet New Year at home with his family. Lera was accompanied by close friends and, of course, her favorite men - husband Igor Makarov and son Jean Lenyuk.

Lera Kudryavtseva with family and friends // Photo: Instagram

“My family! New Year!" - Lera signed a touching series of photographs in which she poses with her closest people.

This year, Lera Kudryavtseva presented her followers with a special gift - she showed what her adult son Jean Lenyuk looks like now. The young man celebrated his 27th birthday in April last year. He does not like publicity at all and tries to stay in the shadows as much as possible. But in honor of herself magical night this year, Jean still allowed his mother to photograph him and show him to the fans.

“My beloved man! Son! For the first time I allowed myself to be photographed! This is exclusive" - Lera Kudryavtseva boasted.

Lera became a mother very early. She was not even twenty years old. Jean's father is the presenter's ex-husband Sergei Lenyuk. Sergei was a member of the incredibly popular group “Tender May” in the past. The celebrity marriage did not last long, but they managed to maintain a normal relationship.

ABOUT young man The public did not know anything about the name Jean Lenyuk, but saw him, already an adult, only in 2018. Caring mom, a famous TV presenter, protected the personal peace of her family and suddenly decided to post a photo of her son on Instagram. Not all followers showed tact and refrained from making incorrect comments, so Lera had to apologize to the guy for turning him into a public person. Jean himself did not react to the attacks of the haters at all.

Childhood and youth

No matter how much Jean Lenyuk wanted to avoid the annoying attention of journalists, there is no escape from this, because he was born into a now famous family. Mom is TV star Lera Kudryavtseva, father is a drummer of a band that made millions go crazy. The boy was born in 1990 and received the name of his mother’s favorite action hero. After 2 years, the parents' relationship went wrong. The reasons for the divorce were, according to some sources, Sergei’s numerous novels; according to others, Kudryavtseva’s conflict with her mother-in-law.

The leader of Tender May doubted the paternity of his team member. The ex-producer accused Leroux of almost all mortal sins and said that Jean’s father is unknown. Of course, the presenter turned to a lawyer for help, whom, by the way, he recommended. However, the parties to the conflict never reached the courtroom. Lera heeded the advice to be above this and not waste time on those who lie, because

“As popularity grows, so does the number of envious people.”

There is no consensus on where and how they passed early years biography of Jean. Someone claims that Kudryavtseva’s son was raised by his grandmother almost until he came of age. Others say that the TV presenter is such a fanatical mother that she literally shook over her son, did not let anyone near him, and did not talk about him.

Zhan Lenyuk (standing) with his mother, grandmother and cousin

That’s why the guy grew up quietly and unnoticed. Lera herself confessed to the press that she called Jean several times a day, wanting to know where he was, with whom and what he was doing.

Vigilant maternal control weakened somewhat when Lenyuk left adolescence. The young man attended college at the Plekhanov Academy and received a diploma in economics from the same university. However, he did not work in the specialty that, according to rumors, Lera chose.


According to Kudryavtseva, Jean could not decide for a long time in which area to apply his accumulated knowledge and show his own talents. At one time, the guy helped Oksana Zhukova, Kudryavtseva’s sister, in running her business. He was interested in cinema, computer technology and music, and was even able to persuade an unnamed “cool” foreign DJ to perform in front of the Moscow public. Lera dissuaded him from further advancement in this field, considering such an activity frivolous.

Watching her son rush about in search of a vocation, the TV presenter decided to provide patronage to her son and got him a job as a producer on the NTV channel. Later, probably Jean’s only interview was circulated on the Internet, in which the young man said that he dreamed of television.

Only he is not interested in working on camera, but in the internal kitchen, technical processes. Lenyuk’s dislike for show business manifested itself in childhood. Being at home “a chatter that you can’t stop,” Kudryavtseva shared in the “Secret to a Million” program, her son was very embarrassed and tense when asked to take a photo or appear in a party.

If Jean meets his mother at all, it will only be on the sidelines of the studios, since both are working on different projects.

Personal life

Jean did not complain about the lack of attention from his mother. Lera did not interfere in personal life son, she only tried to give good advice, and Lenyuk initiated her into his secrets.

To desire young man Kudryavtseva reacted with understanding to live separately and took upon herself the issue of providing her son with housing. True, I bought an apartment closer to my home so that I could see each other more often. Then the presenter admitted that, in addition to feelings of gratitude, Jean expressed regret that now he would lose the incentive to make his way in life on our own.

Jean introduced the girls he was friends with to his mother. But Lera didn’t like them, and maternal jealousy had nothing to do with it. It’s just that today’s girls, according to the TV star, are too relaxed and in some cases even arrogant. Is it the case of her generation, when, getting acquainted with the parents of a guy, they tried to make good impression. The names of Kudryavtseva’s son’s former passions – Ekaterina and Anastasia – were leaked to the press.

Jean Lenyuk now

The fact that Jean is no longer the only child of his mother is a well-known fact - Kudryavtseva was married to a hockey player in August 2018. But a number of media outlets congratulated Lenyuk himself on his fatherhood, while referring to the statement of Sergei’s happy grandfather. According to the former musician of “Tender May,” Jean and his common-law wife Elena. The baby was named Leo in honor of the TV presenter’s father. Unfortunately, Lenyuk Sr. did not satisfy the quite understandable desire of journalists to find out the details.

The outraged Kudryavtseva, in turn, urged people not to take seriously the information presented on the pages of the yellow press. However, in August 2018, StarHit quoted Lera’s words that the event actually took place back in May. Jean still remains silent; not a single comment has been made from the young father.

Zhan Sergeevich Lenyuk is the son of the famous TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva and drummer of the group “Tender May” Sergey Lenyuk.

Jean, who recently turned 28, is a person who avoids publicity; he rarely communicates with the press, and therefore very little is known reliably about his life. The information that appears in open access, contradictory and surrounded by a lot of speculation.

Paparazzi photo

Lenyuk Jr. was born in 1990. His now star mother in those days was a young girl who, like many of her peers, adored the group “Tender May” and often followed the musical group throughout the perestroika Union.

Sergey Lenyuk (top left)

Lera in those days (more photos)

Apparently, it was during one of these trips that a connection arose between Jean’s parents. After a while, it turned out that Lera was pregnant, and the young people got married, and on April 14, Jean was born. Two years later, Kudryavtseva and Lenyuk divorced, and the boy spent a lot of time with his paternal grandparents.

Photo from 1998

Some sources say that Lera took her son to her only after he came of age, others are ready to confirm the fact that Kudryavtseva’s mother was raising the boy. Jean himself, the only one who could shed light on the true state of affairs, does not comment on issues relating to his childhood.

The young man received his unusual name in honor of his mother’s favorite actor, Jean-Claude Van Damme. At school he was often teased because of his unusual name, and Lera even suggested that her son change it, but he refused out of pure stubbornness.

Jean in the background

Jean for a long time couldn't find myself. Under pressure from his mother, he studied at college at the Plekhanov Academy, and then graduated from the Faculty of Economics there. But even after graduating from the Academy, the young man was in search of his calling, studying music, computers, and cinema. He once made good money by bringing a famous foreign DJ. Despite the fact that his venture was successful, his mother did not approve of him too much.

This is the first photo of her son that the TV presenter posted on her Instagram.

For some time, Jean Lenyuk helped his aunt, Lera’s sister, in business. The media write that Kudryavtseva provided for him completely for a long time, even bought an apartment not far from hers in order to see her son more often. It recently became known that Jean began his career in television, becoming the producer of one of the programs on the NTV channel. The young man said that since childhood he had dreamed of such a job, although fame and a glamorous life do not attract him.

Touching photo of Lera and Jean

Jean is on excellent terms with his mother; they call each other every day and meet often. As Kudryavtseva says, she is fully aware of what is happening in her son’s life. He also gets along with his stepfather, hockey player Igor Makarov, although he does not call him “dad” - the age difference between them is not so great.

Lera Kudryavtseva is a TV and radio presenter, singer, actress and dancer. She is constantly invited to host various concerts, festivals and competitions on a national and international scale.

A new round of popularity for the star was the release of the provocative program “Secret for a Million” on NTV, where celebrities share details of their personal lives.

Childhood and youth

Kudryavtseva Valeria Lvovna was born in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan on May 19, 1971. Zodiac sign: Taurus. Nationality: Russian. Her parents Lev Nikolaevich and Alexandra Ivanovna worked as research assistants. Lera was not the only child in the family. She has older sister Oksana. She's doing business.

Since childhood, Kudryavtseva dreamed of getting on the stage. But, of course, my parents thought that being an artist was not a serious profession. With much grief, a compromise was found, and the girl entered the local cultural and educational school, the department of theater directing.

But Valeria has already set off to storm the capital with the blessing of her parents. By this time, they accepted and understood the aspirations of their youngest daughter. In Moscow, she entered the variety department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS), majoring in “Acting.”

Kudryavtseva’s creative biography began with working as backup dancers and backing vocals for famous artists. Until 1995, the future star worked on the same stage with, and.

Today Lera Kudryavtseva is convinced that getting into Russian show business It just won't work that way. It is important to meet a person who will connect you with the right people, will lead to right place, will negotiate for you. However, Lera still does not tell how she personally managed to get on the air.

According to rumors, he helped Lera become a star, and it was he who brought her into the world of television. The artist needed a presenter for the “Party Zone” program for the TV-6 channel, and, presumably, during a dizzying affair with a future TV star, he invited the girl to the casting for his own program.

There are other rumors that her first husband, a musician of the group, helped in promoting Valeria. In any case, Kudryavtseva quickly established herself in television projects as a professional TV presenter.


Lera Kudryavtseva came to the “Party Zone” audition in a rather extravagant look - with numerous Afro braids and eyebrow piercings. However, out of all the casting participants, she was chosen. As soon as Lera’s candidacy was approved and the broadcasts began, in a few programs she became no less popular than the artists for whom Kudryavtseva had worked before.

The TV show “Party Zone” is still on the Muz-TV channel, and Lera remains the permanent host of the project, sharing the set with and. The entertaining format of the show made the TV presenter a part of the bohemian crowd, and the girl began her path to fame.

Lera Kudryavtseva on the project "The Invisible Man"

Since 1995, Lera has worked in the “MuzOboz” project on the TV-6 channel, in the “Test of Loyalty” program on Muz-TV and in the “Ex-Wives Club” on TNT. IN different years Kudryavtseva appeared in videos of popular pop performers - and others.

In 2007, the actress starred in the film “On the Roof of the World,” followed by “The Best Film,” where Lera played the role of a backstreet prostitute. In 2008, Kudryavtseva got work in three films at once - “Oh, Lucky Man,” “A Very Russian Detective,” and “Adventurers.”

Lera Kudryavtseva in the film "The Best Film"

In the same year, Valeria participated in the “Star Ice” show. Together with Gwendal Peizer, she won this project. After some time, the TV presenter starred in the “Dancing with the Stars” program, this time Alexey Mazurin became her partner.

In 2009, Kudryavtseva was the host of the “Cultural Exchange” program on the TV Center channel.

At the same time, Lera participated in an advertising campaign for the World of Leather and Fur brand, which produces elite outerwear and accessories. However, the TV presenter’s colleagues reacted negatively to this turn, since until 2009 she had always collaborated with fur companies. Later, Kudryavtseva repeatedly stated that she and the singer were friends, and that she did not plan to “pick up” Orbakaite.

In 2011, the TV presenter starred in a provocative photo shoot for the men's magazine MAXIM. Lera showed off her luxurious figure, making the magazine's audience forget that the artist's age at the time of filming was 39 years old.

In 2015, the attention of the press was attracted by Lera’s resemblance to the popular foreign star. The two women differed from each other in hair color: Kim was a burning brunette, and Lera had blonde hair. When the American woman bleached her hair in 2015, the tabloids began to joke that she was copying the style of the Russian beauty, and celebrities began to really get confused, because Lera is also a frequent visitor to the United States.

Kudryavtseva is not embarrassed by such similarities, but "Twitter" she even tagged news of the mix-up with the hashtag “#stuffhappens.” Evil tongues claim that the blame for such sameness lies with plastic. Allegedly, in her youth, before she decided to change her appearance to suit generally accepted standards of beauty, the TV presenter did not look like Kardashian at all. Lera herself does not comment on rumors about plastic surgery.

In the fall of 2016, Lera became the host of the “Secret to a Million” program on NTV. The idea of ​​a talk show is that the guest star is asked questions about facts from her life. These could be small details from school years, which the celebrity may not remember, and a mysterious love affair that he does not want to talk about. Accordingly, the more provocative, scandalous and intimate the question, the higher its price. Only the most frank and courageous participants dare to answer the question for a million rubles.

Lera Kudryavtseva in the show "Secret to a Million" "Secret for a Million": Anfisa Chekhova and Lera Kudryavtseva

Kudryavtseva works hard and proudly says that she earns her own living. As Lera admits, she had a lot of opportunities to find someone who would provide for her in a “golden cage,” but the woman preferred freedom and independence.

Personal life

For the first time, Kudryavtseva married Sergei Lenyuk, a musician of the popular band “Tender May”. At the age of 18, Lera gave birth to a son. The boy received such an unusual name in honor of the presenter’s favorite actor. Unfortunately, the marriage lasted only two years.

Sergei was a star, and the press constantly wrote about his new romantic interests, despite the fact that the man was already married. Kudryavtseva got tired of reading about her husband’s adventures, and she left.

According to the tabloids, Lera was very worried about the divorce, began to abuse alcohol, fell into depression, but came to her senses in time. Today Kudryavtseva does not drink alcohol at all.

Lera Kudryavtseva

The girl entered into a second marriage with entrepreneur Matvey Morozov. The young people got married three months after they met. The couple had no household components at all; Lera and Matvey worked a lot and were almost never at home. This relationship ended in divorce a year later. Morozov was convicted of fraud. Kudryavtseva kept the details of her marriage secret for a long time, and explained her husband’s constant absence by numerous business trips.

Since 2008, Kudryavtseva dated the singer. Despite the obvious age difference, the lovers appeared together at numerous social events for 4 years, and the paparazzi every now and then caught the lovebirds on a joint vacation. All bohemia and fans were looking forward to the wedding of Lazarev and Kudryavtseva, but in 2012 they suddenly separated, keeping warm relations. It was rumored that Lera was preparing to become a mother, but lost her child in the second month of pregnancy, and this tragedy ultimately prevented the couple from starting a family.

After their separation, there were rumors that the woman was having an affair with. But, in fact, artists are just good friends.

In 2013, Lera Kudryavtseva married for the third time, this time to a hockey player. The TV presenter is 16 years older than her chosen one. The wedding was unusually magnificent and brought together almost all the stars of Russian show business.

For so many years on television, Lera has grown from a VJ on a music channel into a true style icon, and today for millions of girls she is a model of beauty and femininity. Therefore, her page is in "Instagram" extremely popular. The woman regularly pleases her subscribers with new photos. Now she's in a swimsuit, now she's in evening dress. Either on the set of new projects or on vacation. She is not shy about posting pictures without makeup.

Few would argue that for her age (the TV star turned 47 in 2018), Valeria looks amazing. She has several tattoos on her body. On the back of Kudryavtseva there is an inscription: ancient language Sanskrit "Etmente Etanima". The closest translation in meaning is “Both with the mind and the heart.” Obviously, these words reflect the calm and reasonable character of the TV presenter. And on the wrist is a Latin phrase meaning “The most important thing in life is love.”

Lera Kudryavtseva now

In March 2018, they began to say on the Internet that. Photos of the TV presenter in baggy outfits appeared on the Internet. But Kudryavtseva left questions from fans and journalists without comment. In May, her husband posted a photo on Instagram where the actress’s rounded belly was visible to the naked eye. Now no one has any doubts.

Pregnant Lera Kudryavtseva

On August 13, the TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, whom the couple named Maria. The star herself announced this happy event on her Instagram, posting a photo of the baby’s tiny foot. Despite the excitement around her person, the woman does not disclose the details of the birth of her daughter.

Journalists were never able to find out for sure where the baby was born. It is known that Lera initially planned to give birth in Russia, but, according to insiders, shortly before giving birth, Kudryavtseva flew to the USA. Allegedly, her daughter appeared in an elite clinic in Los Angeles. But the paparazzi failed to capture and make public the discharge from the maternity hospital.

By the way, in early August, the media disseminated information that Kudryavtseva, as if her son Jean gave her a grandson Lev. But soon the woman denied these rumors, saying that people should believe less in the yellow press.

True, not everyone reacted positively to Lera’s pregnancy. Some simply do not believe that the 47-year-old TV presenter gave birth on her own. Haters vying with each other to say that the star used the services of a surrogate mother.

Lera Kudryavtseva with her daughter Masha. 2018

The artist herself added fuel to the fire by posting a new photo with Masha. Kudryavtseva’s ill-wishers noticed that her child was too large for a newborn: the baby looked to be at least three months old. Moreover, in the frame the TV presenter looks too slim.

Lera herself intervened in this heated discussion. She asked to stop making wild guesses. According to her, the baby is dressed in a warm jumpsuit, and in fact she is a baby. Kudryavtseva also added that she gave birth herself, no matter how much anyone would like to hear otherwise.


  • "Party zone"
  • "MuzoOboz"
  • "Test of Loyalty"
  • "Ex-Wives Club"
  • "Cultural exchange"
  • "Eat and lose weight"
  • "New Wave"
  • "Song of the Year"
  • "Top 10..."
  • "The Invisible Man"
  • "Million Dollar Secret"
  • "The Stars Aligned"