What does it mean if you dream about a girl you know? Dreaming about a girl of easy virtue

A dream about acquaintances whom you see in a dream usually carries information about events or news that are closely related to your everyday life.

An unexpected meeting or a chance conversation with them, which surprises you in a dream, in reality means unexpected news and unexpected turn in relationships. Whatever impression you have about the meeting in a dream, so it will be in life. Quarreling with them in a dream means harm and worries that will have a detrimental effect on your health.

A lively conversation with a familiar person in a dream is a sign that your business, thanks to this person, will go uphill. A rude conversation with an acquaintance in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business and a breakdown in relationships.

Feeling awkward when meeting friends in a dream means that your deception will be revealed. Trying to get to your friends in a dream foretells that you will have to endure a lot of suffering and humiliation in order to achieve their level of well-being and equal their status.

If you dream that someone you know with whom you are in a quarrel is friendly towards you, then beware of a conspiracy against you for selfish purposes. Seeing your friend handsome in a dream is a sign that he thinks badly of you and will denigrate you anywhere, trying to damage your reputation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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We can often dream about different familiar people. What could such dreams mean? Do they promise us joy or sorrow? In this article we will talk about why a woman or a man might dream about a girl he knows.

Interpretation of a dream about a girl you know

  • Psychologist Miller's dream book notes that a man dreams of a girl he knows because he wants to change his life for the better. Do you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible? old life and everything that is connected with it. For a woman, this dream means that she wants to find a friend.
  • The Dream Book of Love says that a man who saw a girl dancing around him in a dream longs for a new relationship, but is afraid to end the old one. If a woman saw in a dream a girl who looks at her, smiles, but does not speak, it means that you may suspect deception among people you know.
  • The 21st century dream book interprets a dream in which a woman dreams of a girl she knows as a reluctance to admit to herself her love for a specific person. For a man, this dream means a desire for new achievements.
  • Newest dream book encourages a man to take care of his health. Many difficulties await you ahead. A woman who saw a familiar girl in a dream, following this dream book, should also prepare for changes in life. However, they will only be positive.
  • Modern dream book claims that a girl he knows for a man means change in personal life. For a woman, this means the beginning of a new stage in her entire life.
  • Finally, the dream book from A to Z states that such a dream is usually dreamed by a man and a woman for success in work. And at the same time, he encourages you to pay attention to your colleagues, among whom there may be people who will definitely help you in your endeavors. If a girl you know offers you money, it means that you will soon achieve success in your work or business.

If you are interested in what a girl (even a stranger) might dream about, we recommend reading an article on the topic

Why a woman you know dreams about depends on how she appeared in night dream, what she was wearing or even what kind of relationship the sleeper has with her. Usually seeing her is a wonderful sign, which can only be overshadowed if she was surrounded by certain details or symbols. The general meaning of this dream indicates the internal experiences of the sleeper for other people. A person who sees acquaintances often forgets about himself, spending a lot of money on helping others. Therefore, if such a dream appears, it is recommended to settle your affairs and implement your plans.

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    What kind of appearance did the woman have?

    You should prepare for bad news if a friend had a dream sickly look, and to joyful - if the woman was happy. A woman who has lost a lot of weight portends making a profit at the expense of other people. A friend in dreams means things that are familiar to a person. The image can also be a reminder from the past.

    If a woman in a dream is young and beautiful, this promises only pleasure, but if she is old, then sadness and unpleasant surprises will overtake her. Seeing an elderly woman in the image of a young and joyful woman means a quick resolution of a person’s problems.

    Such a strange dream, where a familiar woman had a mustache, speaks of an imminent love adventure. But this only applies to established relationships; for new ones, this is a warning about deception. If a friend smokes while sleeping, this indicates deception from other people. Flowers in a woman’s hands promise short joyful moments.

    If the dreamer observed a girl he knew crying, this warns of unpleasant situations, serious quarrels and squabbles. Frozen lady - good sign, foreshadowing the receipt of large profits in the form of an inheritance. The image also symbolizes human secrecy.

    See drunk woman- to troubles and to the fact that problems will have to be solved without delay. If she is lying under the fence, such a plot promises a meeting. A naked acquaintance in a dream means illness. Intimate relationships with her means an adventure. Dream about a lady with brown eyes is a warning that the sleeper will not willingly take part in a scam that will end in failure.

    If you dreamed about a pregnant woman

    A pregnant friend dreams of pleasant surprises and making a profit. Seeing a woman giving birth means serious changes in life.

    Lying with a pregnant friend means undying hopes that will end in a pleasant surprise.

    In a dream you can see how a girl “in pregnancy” warns about revealing a secret. You need to listen to her and be more careful. Seeing a woman you know with a child in her arms is a good sign for family well-being.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    What actions were taken

    If in a person’s dream he leaves a woman he knows, this is interpreted as a conflict in reality. A quarrel with her, according to the dream book, promises many obstacles on the way to the desired goal; others will deceive the sleeping person, so you can’t trust anyone.

    If a person saw a woman he knew with whom he had a fight on the same day, this is a symbolic dream-tip, interpreted as follows: you need to forget the grievances and make peace with this lady. Meeting a lady who is neither a friend nor even a friend is a sign of unpleasant surprises.

    If the dreamer communicates with a woman for a long time, this is a signal from the subconscious that the person should not talk too much. If you ignore this recommendation, unpleasant situations may arise. If in the sleeper’s dream a friend was raped, the dream suggests that his friends need support and help. A severely beaten woman means quarrels and squabbles.

    Letting a lady you know into the door means provoking intrigue and gossip behind your back. If the sleeper meets a woman, but does not greet her, such a dream suggests that they want to deceive the person.

    Pricking a friend with a needle means that the dreamer will be a gossip or will do someone a favor.

    If the sleeping person passionately hugged his girlfriend, this is a sign of impending betrayal and betrayal. Tender and trusting hugs promise success and prosperity. Feeling joy when meeting someone means brilliant prospects and a prosperous course of affairs.

    What color of clothing was present?

    If the outfit on a friend in a dream was neat, it had new look, a favorable event is expected, but in the case of sloppy and torn clothes, the dream foreshadows unfavorable moments. According to the dream book, a woman in a white dress indicates that a long-awaited meeting awaits the sleeper. Other interpretations depending on the outfit:

    • Wedding dress - to the changes that will happen in real life.
    • Neat - the changes will be pleasant.
    • Black dress or a dark scarf, veil - bad sign, a harbinger of death, serious illness, this is a warning dream.
    • A red dress is recognition in society. But only if the outfit was neat.
    • Green - everything you wished for will come true.
    • Yellow - gossip, blatant lies, intrigue behind your back. You should be more careful and not tell strangers about yourself. What will be told in secret during this period will be known to everyone.
    • Gray is a good time to renovate your apartment. You can make redevelopments, carry out general cleaning.
    • Close - things will decline, get worse financial situation.
    • Too long - conviction for any offense.

    Negative interpretations

    If a woman in a dream dies during childbirth, this indicates that all the sleeper’s efforts to establish relationships with family will lead nowhere. An acquaintance who is actually alive and appears dead in a dream does not mean a subconscious desire for her death, but serious losses, the end of a relationship with a friend or lover. For a lady such a night vision foretells long life.

    If you dreamed about a deceased person, the dream book advises you to remember all the words that were spoken by her, as well as all the details. This will help assess the current situation at the moment. Such night visions are clues. If a friend is accompanied by “signs of death” - a stopped watch, a black veil, etc. - the dream book considers this as a bad omen. If a woman has drowned, you need to prepare for the fact that liars and hypocrites will be nearby.

    Who is the dreamer

    If a man dreams of a friend who sympathizes with him, this is a sign that she is also thinking about him, expecting initiative on his part. For the stronger sex, seeing a girl in a dream is a sign of good luck.

    For a woman, the opposite is true: if a lady meets an old acquaintance, this is a sign that he expects decisive action from her, not daring to approach first. In the case when a girl dreamed of a representative of the same sex, this means a quick meeting or groundless jealousy on the part of her husband.

    If an old acquaintance appears to a man, this means the emergence of a new rival.

    Interpretations of an old Russian dream book

    A dream about a dark-skinned person indicates a slight malaise that will go away in 2-3 days. If a man sees beautiful lady and knows her in reality, this portends health, success and good luck in business.

    If a woman is oblique, then the dreamer will be faced with a lie that can harm him in the future.

    When a girl sees this story, she should wait for news.

There is nothing surprising if you dreamed of a girl you know. But dream books assure that any vision carries some meaning. Therefore, having decided to interpret what your friend is dreaming about, remember some of the nuances of the plot: who the girl you saw in the dream was, what she looked like, what she did, and other details.

Miller's interpretations

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing a familiar girl in a dream is a signal that the dreamer has a secret. But explaining to the man why his friend is dreaming, the psychologist assures that such a dream means a way out of a confusing situation.

Also pay attention to this: if you dreamed of such an image on a waxing moon, then this may mean the appearance in your life of a task or work that will not be to your liking.

Good news and other people's secrets

Positive interpretations of dreams are offered by dream books, deciphering what a pregnant girl you know dreams about.

So, for example, Eastern dream book assures that seeing a pregnant friend in a dream who is not expecting a baby in reality is a symbol that very soon this friend will trust you with her secret.

According to the Gypsy interpreter, a dream about a pregnant friend is a sign of receiving good news about something that has interested you for a very long time. If you are waiting for a solution to some issue, then rest assured that it will be resolved in your favor.

If a guy often sees in a dream a girl he knows, whom he likes, in position, with a child or with a stroller, then this means that he can count on rekindling her interest in him in real life.

Pleasant events

The approach of happy changes is indicated by a dream in which you see a girl you know hugging you, with whom you have not communicated in reality for a very long time. Moreover, if you dream about this plot constantly or very often, then changes can happen at any moment.

A guy in a dream is hugged and kissed by a girl from the past - a lover, a friend, a classmate? This is a signal that he will change his status. This could be either marriage or promotion, depending on what occupies him in the position. this period life.

And if a man saw in a dream an old acquaintance who kisses him and cries at the same time, then some event will happen that will become a kind of start to a new life.

Be on your guard

The Wanderer's Dream Book predicts possible troubles, explaining why the guy dreams ex-girlfriend naked. Take some time to make important decisions.

The dream book of Nostradamus also talks about problems, explaining to a man what a girl he knows that he likes promises in wedding dress. There is a possibility that the dreamer will not succeed with the “object” of his dreams.

According to Vanga’s dream book, often seeing in a dream how an acquaintance pesters you with kisses is a sign of illness. And if a woman dreamed that her friend kissed her, then this is a sign of her insincerity.

It's worth being patient

Show restraint, the dream books tell you, when explaining why you dream of a girl you know, who in a dream looks much older than her real age.

Did you dream that your “old” girlfriend was crying while looking at her wrinkled face in the mirror? This signifies the dreamer’s reluctance to wait for the gradual development of events. It is worth remembering that such actions can deprive you of the chance to become happier - you may not notice something important in the bustle, dream books say.

And if you dreamed of a really old (in terms of age) girlfriend, then this is a symbol that your patience will be rewarded. Very soon what you have been waiting for will happen, the Slavic interpreter rejoices.

Today we have prepared full description topics: dream “girl friend”: what is the dream about and full interpretation from different points of view.

Most dream books interpret dreams in which a familiar girl dreams, exclusively from a favorable side. According to them, such a vision promises happy changes in the future life.

What does the image of a friend portend?

Sometimes it may seem that interpreting dreams is not such a difficult task: I looked in the dream book, found the right word and read the interpretation. However, this is not such a fast process. And besides, in this way you are unlikely to be able to get a complete and truthful interpretation of your dream. Some visions are not as simple as they may seem at first. Items or natural phenomena more often have unambiguous and simple interpretations. Where the situation is more complicated This is how it is with people: this is exactly what a dream is like in which a familiar girl appears. This image is very changeable, multi-valued and mysterious, like the woman herself. If a lady you know well visited you in your night dreams, do not rush to conclusions - this is a very ambiguous dream.

  • The appearance of a friend in a dream is a symbol of memories or past relationships. The dream promises unexpected support from well-wishers who wish to remain anonymous;
  • A woman I know is “pregnant” - receiving news;
  • An old friend – gossip and intrigue. Seeing her in an unexpected form means shocking news in reality;
  • Many girls dream - a conflict in the dreamer’s soul. Conflicting desires or a struggle between aspirations and conscience have settled within you. Be wise and make the right choice;
  • The death of a familiar girl or woman in a dream - big changes in this person's life.

A woman is not only a symbol of the beautiful and pure, but also a reflection feminine side souls. According to dream books, it is present in every person, be it male or female. The image of a young girl in a dream can clearly express part of the personality and tell a lot about a person.

  • Sick or weak girl– you should be softer and more sincere towards the people around you. Pay more attention to the spiritual and emotional sphere;
  • An ex-girlfriend is a symbol of the past, to which the dreamer is very attached;
  • Beautiful, elegant and well-groomed woman– fulfillment of an old dream, joy and happiness;
  • A dancing girl is a sign of harmony and tranquility in the dreamer’s soul.

The meaning of a girl's appearance in a dream

The emotional coloring of a dream is very important, so when trying to figure out why a girl you know is dreaming about, dream books suggest paying attention to appearance ladies. And it’s not just about her outfit: the emotions she experiences are no less important.

  • A girl in a white robe is a symbol of great joy and ease in relationships with the opposite sex;
  • A smiling and cheerful person means joy and support from higher powers;
  • Many beautiful girls in a dream - wealth and good position in society;
  • A girl in a dirty and torn outfit means lies, rumors and gossip around your person;
  • A girl in a bright multi-colored dress means a desire for variety in her sexual life;
  • A familiar woman in a wedding dress means wealth, a meeting with true love;
  • A crying girl in a dream means a quarrel between lovers and even betrayal.

A friend in a man's dream

If a representative of the stronger sex dreams of a girl he knows with whom he would like closer communication, it means that in reality this lady remembers him and, perhaps, even expects a call from him. Beautiful woman V male dream– dissatisfaction with your intimate life.

  • Seeing yourself in bed with a friend means participating in a fight;
  • Kissing a girl in a dream is a joyful surprise;
  • A beloved girl or bride is a strong connection between partners in reality. Such a dream suggests that this union is very successful;
  • Dreaming about a friend - a joyful and fun pastime;
  • I dreamed about an employee, a colleague, or a neighbor - an internal connection between the dreamer and the dreamed person. Perhaps in his person you will find a reliable friend or valuable assistant;
  • Hugging a girl in a dream means readiness for serious relationship. You have been waiting for your chosen one for a long time and are finally ready to build a long and serious relationship, and in the future, perhaps a family;
  • The image or sign of a girl is a pleasant surprise. In this guise, a familiar girl acts as a harbinger good events and joyful experiences.

You had a rather ambiguous dream, dear reader. A dream with an unfamiliar girl can be either a personification of grief, turmoil, despair, or a dream full of joy and harmony. This is in to the fullest depends on you and your attitude towards life.

But, fortunately, our subconscious constantly gives us hints, and even seeing the same girl can be seen differently. Remember the guest from your dreams: clothes, behavior, objects with her. If you managed to talk to her, then it is advisable to remember the details of the conversation.

Why do you dream about an unfamiliar girl?

It is also very important to find out whether the girl was truly a stranger to you. If her face simply could not be seen, you did not recognize her, or everything was too cloudy, then you need to take the interpretation at your own risk. Because a “vague” girl in many dream books is definitely a symbol of failure.

An unfamiliar girl in a dream is a symbol of the unknown. There is an expectation of betrayal, deception or surprise. But to give exact interpretation need to remember details. Since, for example, a girl who turns into an old woman leads to happy life, A unknown girl, next on the heels is a symbol of darkness and misfortune. So why do you dream about an unfamiliar girl?

Individual cases and their interpretation according to dream books.

  • The unfamiliar girl turned out to be a beauty. Seeing a stranger who is charming in appearance and cheerful in spirit is a very good sign. Very soon you will begin the most white stripe in life, you will be overwhelmed with happiness;
  • If the unknown woman turned out to be unkempt and unattractive. The dreamer in his subconscious recalled a long-past quarrel with close friends. For a man, such a dream promises anxiety, depression and discord with himself. For a woman to see a dream with an ugly stranger portends the presence of illnesses, illnesses and squabbles;
  • A stranger appears before you covered in blood or wearing bloody clothes. A stranger with such surroundings carries a message of tragedy that cannot leave the depths of your subconscious to this day. Even if you haven't thought about her in recent days;
  • An unrecognized girl follows on your heels, stalking you. A dream with such a plot is a very bad omen. Most likely, the dreamer follows the path of darkness, goes against everything, including his own desire, and does everything out of spite. A person will sooner or later plunge into this swamp if he does not take active action;
  • The unfamiliar girl did not communicate and resolutely ran away. You can't accept your true self and pretend to be someone else. You are often depressed because of this;
  • An old woman is a stranger, an unknown aged girl. After such a dream, it is advisable to be careful and prepared for unpleasant gossip and rumors, and not to give reasons;
  • The stranger in the dream needed help and called for help. You harbor a feeling of guilt for what you have done; these thoughts make you feel uncomfortable. You are in internal struggle. You need to talk to loved ones and make amends;
  • A family man girl takes care of children in a dream. The dream is interpreted completely the other way around, unlike the previous options. If a seer is lucky enough to see a caring stranger, this means that he is in harmony with himself and feels great;
  • An unknown female representative is breastfeeding a child. This phenomenon can well be characterized as caring for children, however, according to most dream books, such a dream leads, if not to a quarrel, then to unpleasant worries and turmoil in everyday life;
  • You were flirting with an unfamiliar girl. In real life, a number of small unpleasant factors and troubles await you, from which you can easily extricate yourself only with effort;
  • We looked at the beautiful stranger. It portends your use in real life of a small lie, for which you will have to pay dearly. It is recommended to refrain from lying for personal gain.
  • If in a dream you kissed an unfamiliar girl. A kiss from a mysterious person signifies material wealth, a possible bonus and winning the lottery;
  • A stranger visited you at your home. Such a guest marks imminent problems, the solution of which will require coordination and effort.
  • Fight with a strange girl. A person will be made a tempting offer or invited to participate in a risky adventure. It’s better not to get involved and not be led by emotions.

Now, dear reader, pay attention to the clothes of the stranger from your dream:

  • An unfamiliar girl appeared before you completely naked, without clothes. The dream indicates that you have secret desires that are not destined to come true. For women, such a dream also gives food for thought: you are too vulnerable and dependent on other people’s opinions;
  • They saw an unknown woman in black mourning clothes. Such a dream in itself subconsciously does not bring anything good, and it predicts active actions your ill-wishers. Beware of enemies and do not trust unreliable acquaintances.
  • I dreamed about wearing a nightgown. A difficult omen - you can no longer expect happiness in marriage; if you are just engaged, you should carefully reconsider everything;

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities.

  1. Miller is categorical - the stranger is a messenger of intrigue in your real life. The dreamer should beware of adventures and not give rise to gossip and rumors, otherwise everything could turn out badly for him;
  2. Explaining the meaning of this dream according to Vanga is more difficult, since the Bulgarian clairvoyant never directly addressed this type sleep. In most cases, a dream in which an unfamiliar girl appears will lead to changes in real life, the scale of which will directly depend on the dreamer;
  3. Sigmund Freud divides dreamers into men and women. If a woman dreamed of a stranger, then the subconscious wanted to personify her as a rival. It is likely that a woman is often jealous for no reason, and such a dream once again reminds of this. The presence of an unfamiliar girl in a man’s dream, according to Freud, is caused by secret desires for which there is no way out;
  4. According to N. Grishina’s dream book, an unfamiliar girl from a dream is a symbol of your plans, promises and goals. The character of a girl is your character, at least one of the expressions of your multifaceted “I”;
  5. By family dream book not only a stranger, but any woman foretells the appearance of rumors, gossip and intrigue in your life;

Dear reader, there is no need to panic if your dream falls under the unwanted category. Dream books cannot always correctly predict your destiny, take your destiny by the horns yourself. Everything depends on you, and the subconscious will only guide and tell you what and how to do better.

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Dream books interpret dreams in which you dreamed of a girl - from a favorable side, which bring happy changes in your future life. In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a girl means surprise in reality, wealth, improvement in material condition, change for the better. Each dream book interprets the request in its own way. If you want to clarify what exactly a dream portends, remember all the details of this dream.

A dream in which an ex-girlfriend was present may mean an unexpected meeting with distant relatives or friends. Also, according to the dream book, it can be interpreted as your reluctance to admit that you are not together, perhaps you are not ready to let her go, to forget about your feelings for her.

According to Meneghetti’s dream book, a girl in a dream speaks of some kind of conflict, pressure, restraint, or denial of certain life principles.

Why is the girl dreaming? In Fred's dream book, this request is interpreted in different ways: for men - it is a symbol of his innermost erotic fantasies, this lady is his ideal; for a woman, this is a rival, or a sexual competitor. For other people, such a request foreshadows the achievement of joys and pleasures.

A pregnant girl in a dream, according to the dream book, promises success in business, as well as an increase in wealth. If a man saw a pregnant girl in a dream, some changes in the family will soon await him.

For a married woman, a dream in which she is pregnant is a sign of failure in family life, perhaps even betrayal on the part of the husband; According to the dream book, pregnancy for a girl means a great desire to have children in reality, or to become pregnant.

You dreamed of your beloved girl - expect a happy married life, or in the future you will have a close-knit family, where relationships with your spouse will be full of tenderness and mutual respect. In Miller's dream book, this is a reflection of relationships with the betrothed and the surrounding world.

Why does a girl dream about another guy? The dream foreshadows that your plans are not being realized, and your hopes are crumbling. If a married man saw his wife with another man in a dream, the dream book warns of a fire.

A dream about a guy with a girl unfamiliar to you is, according to the dream book, a good dream, indicating that in reality your boyfriend is faithful to you and all your existing suspicions are absolutely groundless. On the other hand, the interpretation of such a dream according to the dream book may also foreshadow minor life troubles, and perhaps a loss of respect for you is possible.

You dreamed of a girl you know, a close friend; in reality, expect a fateful meeting that will not pass without a trace. You should remember all the circumstances and your emotions in the dream. If they were positive, it means that the future meeting will be good; if they were negative, it means that it will be bad.

Based on the dream book, a girl’s betrayal in a dream is a sign of her sincere love and loyalty to you. If a lady said in a dream that she wants to cheat on you, it means that quarrels and omissions will arise in your relationship, and the reasons for the quarrel can be any.

Why do you dream of a girl in a dress? You dreamed of a young lady in a clean, beautiful dress - the dream book foreshadows new acquaintances, noisy parties; if the girl was in a dirty and torn dress, the dream book warns that you are surrounded by lies, rumors and gossip. Remember the color of the dress: green dress– a symbol of hope, red – respect and honor, gold – happiness. A gray dress is hard work, a multi-colored one is your desire for sexual variety.

Kissing a girl in a dream, according to the dream book, means the appearance of joyful and unexpected events, dishonest profits; kissing a woman - anger, irritation; kiss a temperamental girl - new connection. A man who dreamed of kissing a lady in reality needs to show tenderness to his beloved, because she misses your care.

Seeing a girl you like in a dream, the dream book interprets the warmth of your feelings, attempts to get closer, to get to know her better. Here your grace is trying to see her reciprocal feelings, which she dreams of so much in life.

A dream where a girl cheated on her boyfriend says that the guy should not doubt her love and fidelity. A girl in a dream cheated on you secretly - you are not confident in any of the people around you.

Why do you dream of sex with a girl (virgin), the dream book warns of failure in business matters, it is even possible that people around you judge you. If a man dreams of sex with a stranger, he is confused in his feelings; if a married man has such a dream, expect quarrels and scandals in the family, condemnation at work, or deals with dubious partners.

You dream of an ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend, the dream book explains that soon you will be faced with a choice between a serious relationship and a bachelor life. In your vision you accidentally met your ex-girlfriend- soon you will marry a girl who has always been only a friend to you.

Kissing a girl in a dark room in a dream, the dream book is trying to take you away from a wild life, kissing her in the light - you are noble towards women. Kissing a stranger in a dream - avoid indecent acts. According to Azar’s dream book, spouses kissing means achieving spiritual harmony.

I dreamed of an unfamiliar girl, the dream book talks about a wonderful prospect in family life and work, if she is unattractive - on the contrary, betrayal, deception in love awaits you.

What does a young girl dream about - a new upcoming hobby. For guys, such a dream is a harbinger of new emotions and feelings; and for men, such dreams prophesy memories of youth or the revival of love passion with renewed vigor. A young lady you dreamed of foreshadows a pleasant meeting with a nice person that will lift your spirits.

According to the dream book, a naked girl is an unfavorable sign for single men - a selfish woman prone to tyranny will appear in your life, who could become your wife. After many scandals in your family life, you will still get divorced. Married men this dream warns of adultery and financial difficulties. Such dreams may indicate problems with children.

You dreamed of a guy with another girl, and at the same time you do not feel jealousy or anger, think about whether your relationship is strong and whether it is possible to continue it in real life? In a dream, your boyfriend lives with another young lady, but does not cheat on you; in reality, long loneliness awaits you.

You dreamed of a girl in a wedding dress - the dream book promises wealth. For a young lady, such a dream, according to the dream book, means an early meeting with true love. Seeing a bride in a dream - lucky sign foreshadowing happy meeting or love marriage.

Why do you dream beautiful girl- the dream predicts new prospects for you, enjoying household chores, as well as family joys.

According to the dream book, a kiss with a girl promises a quarrel with your beloved or a conflict with your mother. A dream where you kissed your beloved means mutual understanding and agreement between partners.

Seeing a friend’s girlfriend in a dream, having a nice conversation with her about something, the dream book brings you success in the professional and family sphere. If in a dream you quarrel with a friend’s friend, conflicts and disagreements await you in reality. In a dream, your friend’s beloved was surrounded by other people - you are guaranteed success in business.

Why else do you dream about a girl in a dream?

You dreamed crying girl- the dream promises discord between lovers, or even may even foreshadow betrayal.

Hugging a girl in a dream means that in reality you are ready for a serious relationship. You've been waiting for it for a long time and now your time has come. In a dream, your lady is hugged by your best friend- wait for betrayal, unknown man– the threat comes from close people.

The dream book explains a fight with a girl as loss of strength, troubles, illness, and minor everyday squabbles in reality. A man who sees a fight with a girl in a dream will experience his wife’s jealousy in reality. For women, such a dream will result in envy or gossip from others. On the other hand, such a dream prophesies the fidelity of a loved one.

Why do you dream about a pregnant girl you know? Such a dream is a warning against the gossip awaiting you. If your friend is expecting a son in a dream, most likely you will have an accident or get injured; if she is expecting a daughter, wait pleasant surprise. A dream in which a man sees a pregnant lady, family changes are coming in his life. If he sees his girlfriend pregnant - such a dream is a reflection of his feelings for her.

A dream in which you see a girl in your arms is a symbol of perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goal. The dream is not favorable for entrepreneurs; it tells them that all their efforts are in vain, their plans will not come true, you should give preference to other plans. Sleep can predict illness close relative or a friend.

You dreamed of a girl in white - your cherished wish will soon come true. Seeing a girl in white clothes in a dream means that you have pure thoughts, but if her clothes are dirty - black thoughts, bad intentions.

In a dream, a girl left you - in reality you do not want to part with her, this dream suggests that you are connected by real feelings.

Your breakup with your girlfriend in a dream was scandalous; in reality, expect a showdown. On the other hand, a dream can be interpreted as the beginning of something new in life. If the dream was seen by a man who does not have a life partner, he predicts that you will separate or acquire something unknown.

Why do the girl’s parents dream, according to the dream book, these are successful events, perhaps a wedding or a happy marriage.

I dreamed of a girl leaving for another guy, such a dream promises your causeless jealousy and lack of trust. Perhaps these are difficult days in your relationship. A lady in a dream leaves, runs away - in reality there will be problems in relationships, separation. A runaway girlfriend dreams of a promotion; if she also cries at the same time, there may be discord in the family.

You dreamed of your loved one with another girl, an uncertain situation awaits you in life, even a quarrel with your loved one is possible. A dream where your boyfriend is dating another madam promises your lack of self-confidence.

Hitting a girl in a dream means that in reality your strength will run out and you will show your weakness in solving assigned tasks. If a young man beats his chosen one in a dream, such a dream promises you a happy life together.

I dreamed about my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, in reality you compare yourself with her, thanks to which you are trying to understand what happened in your relationship with your boyfriend. It is also possible that you are worried that your partner has not yet forgotten his former companion.

I dreamed about a red-haired girl - in life you need to make a certain choice. And in general, only witches and fortune tellers have red hair in dreams, so in such dreams there are a lot of lies, perhaps even betrayal on the part of a partner.

Seeing many girls in a dream foretells good news.

Why dream of meeting a girl is an excellent sign, indicating that in the future new prospects will open up in your life and it will be filled with wonderful emotional events.

In a dream, you dreamed of a girl giving birth; the dream book predicts minor difficulties for you at the end of an important task. According to Felomena's dream book, a dream in which a woman gives birth means a good sign, saying that a new stage in life awaits you soon, perhaps the birth of small miracle, in general, a happy life period.

I dreamed that a girl was getting married: for married woman this is a hopeless situation; For a single lady, a dream in which she gets married will bring sadness, melancholy and disappointment. Seeing a girl get married is a fulfillment of desires in work and personal life.

A dream about a girl in a white dress is a successful event in reality: if the atmosphere in the dream is positive - marriage, love. If the dream was disturbing, angry, then the lady in a white dress dreams of illness.

If a girl died in your dream, such a dream suggests that even among enemies and ill-wishers, you will remain unshakable and will be able to defend your good name by proving that all the rumors were false. Death in a dream, starting from the dream book, is a prediction of a long life; the dream foreshadows your friend a lot of pleasant life surprises.

Why dream of a quarrel with a girl - in reality, unexpected wealth, success in love, business, a successful family life awaits you, despite the obstacles in your life life path. On the other hand, a quarrel with a lady will bring you together in reality, you will become more tender to each other.

Kill a girl in a dream by yourself strange sign, the dream book interprets it as follows: in reality you will hurt her with your words or your actions. It is even possible that you will leave your loved one, but you will be very worried about this.

According to the dream book, fighting with a girl in a dream is an unpleasant sign, which is interpreted by the one who is fighting with her: a dream where a young girl is fighting with her ex-boyfriend– pleasant changes await you in life. If you do not take part in a fight, then in reality you become a victim of envy and gossip. For men, such a dream means jealousy on the part of a partner.

In a dream you saw a girl with a child - in reality you will experience the joy of motherhood. If young girls, boys or men dreamed of a lady with a child, this is a good omen.

You dreamed of a dead girl, the dream book warns of the loss of a beloved guy, even the death of relatives or separation is possible.

Dream books interpret death as the completion of something old and a transition to something new. Seeing a girl die in a dream means a change in your relationship. This dream makes men think about their attitude towards their betrothed in reality. For women it is a symbol past life, memory and certain experience.

Having sex with a girl in a dream promises you new romantic relationship or renewing old contacts. Aggressive sex in a dream is a desire for power, for conquest. If you dreamed about another man having sex with a stranger, you may have problems in your family life, or complete absence mutual understanding with your companion.

Why do you dream about a girl in red? According to the dream book, red is a symbol of passion, physical strength, sexuality and sensitivity. In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a lady in red represents honor and passion; in reality, you will protect your dignity.

Why do you dream of a young lady in your arms? According to the dream book, carrying a girl in your arms is a manifestation of perseverance in achieving a goal. In a dream, carrying your beloved in your arms - expect affection and mutual understanding.

Miller's Dream Book

familiar girl from the dream book

If you see a beautiful girl you know in your dream, expect pleasant changes in life, a promising future, home comfort. If a friend is pale and looks unhealthy, expect that one of your family members will get sick.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

familiar girl in a dream

A girl I know means quick enrichment. If she dances - to love, kissing her - to a pleasant surprise.

Freud's Dream Book

a girl I know in a dream, what is this for?

A young man’s dream about a girl he knows represents sexual fantasies and hidden desires. In the case when a woman dreams of a girl, this symbolizes a sexual rival.