The longest life of a cat. The oldest cat in the world - Guinness World Record holder

In recent years, the average life expectancy of domestic cats has been growing rapidly and currently is 12-15 years. Wild cats live on average 5-8 years. This difference is explained by a number of factors - habitat, nutrition, immunity, etc.

The life of pets is full of the amenities they need - clean water, tasty and healthy food, their own place to sleep and relax, which they only win from their owner. The weather outside the window will also have little effect on the cat; at most it will arouse curiosity. If your pet gets sick, he will be immediately taken to the doctor. The owner's care protects the cat from any adversity.

Outdoor cats are constantly exposed to stress. Their life is a continuous struggle for existence.

Fewer vitamins, lack of habitat hygiene, constant wars with relatives and larger enemies significantly shorten the life of a wild cat.

Longevity statistics for some breeds:

Live up to 11 years: Snow-shoe
Live up to 12 years: Bombay (Bombay)
Russian blue
People who live up to 13 years of age: American Bobtail
Exotic Shorthair
People who live up to 14 years of age: York (York Chocolate)
Scottish straight
Ural rex
People who live up to 15 years are: Abyssinian
Asian shorthair
Arabian Mau
Bohemian rex
British Shorthair
Cymric (longhaired Manx)
Selkirk Rex
Sphinx (Canadian Sphynx)
People who live up to 16 years of age: Maine Coon
People who live to be 17 years old: Australian smoke
Neva Masquerade
People who live up to 18 years of age: Asian Longhair (Tiffany)
Devon Rex
Japanese Bobtail
People who live to be 19 years old: Asian tabby
People who live up to 20 years are: American Shorthair
Manx tailless (Monx)

But among the cats there are also those who have lived 25, 30 or more years, and by human standards this is over 100 years.

The most famous long-lived cats

In 2010, Blackie from Great Britain became the record holder for longevity. In her 25 years, the white cat has survived three litters. Now the old woman, of course, is not such a quick hunter, her eyesight has decreased, her fur is shedding heavily, but she continues to live a fairly full life. Blackie's owner believes that the main reason for the cat's longevity is his love and care for her.

In the same year, two more centenarians, belonging to a Texas resident, Jake Perry, were entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Cream Puff, whose name literally translates to “Cream Pie,” lived to be 38 years and 3 days. Granpa Rex Alen, a Sphynx breed, lived a little less - 34 years and 2 months. This grandpa was a very popular cat. Sometimes parties were held in his honor, at which Granpa was not averse to eating bacon, broccoli and coffee. Some experts believe that this is the secret of his longevity.

In 2011, the name of the absolute record holder for longevity among cats became known: Lucy. When she came into the Thomas family, her owner Bill did not immediately notice what an old-timer she was. His elderly neighbors reported that 40 years ago, a cat was running around his aunt’s store. The veterinarian confirmed that the cat lived a very long life. Lucy is feeling great now. Despite the almost complete lack of hearing, she continues to adequately protect the house from mice.

Spike the cat lived in one of the villages of England for 30 long years. When he was 19, he was wounded in a fight with a dog. He had to have throat surgery and, despite the doctors' pessimistic forecasts, Spike survived. Perhaps the local climate and healthy diet helped him overcome the average life expectancy. On his last birthday, the owner buried her pet with chicken prepared according to a special recipe.

A cat who lived for 24 years. She received Guinness World Records status as the oldest living cat on the planet.

34 years old - indicator of tabby cat Ma from Great Britain

Old man Puss lived a little more - 37 years. In Australia, there lives a Burmese cat, Lady Catalina, who is already 37 years old.

In Russia, the most famous long-lived cat is Prokhor. Now he is 28.

Factors affecting the lifespan of cats

How long a cat will live depends both on genetics and on the characteristics of each breed. But there are other factors:

  • Correct diet. A balanced diet - the necessary vitamins and microelements will help to qualitatively increase the vitality of your pet.
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly; a timely examination will help you detect and prevent dangerous diseases.
  • Create the most comfortable conditions for your four-legged friend for an active life and relaxation. Play with the cat.
  • Proper care of teeth, nails and coat. Maintaining hygiene will improve your cat's health.
  • Sterilization. This will help maintain the health and energy resources of your animal.
  • Monitor your pet's weight. Obese cats tend to live much shorter lives.
  • Love your furry friend and be more attentive to him.

The article makes it possible to get acquainted with who the oldest cat in the world is and what interesting information there is about him, which will be interesting to know for anyone who loves four-legged pets.

How old is an old cat?

On average, cats live 15-18 years. Cats whose age has exceeded 10-12 years are considered old. In general, everyone experiences old age differently. Some people start to get sick even at the age of 10, move little, and become lethargic. And someone at 15 years old catches mice and copes well with travel and guests.

The oldest cat and the longest living cat in the world, Guinness Book of Records, from Texas, long-lived from Kostroma

The oldest cat listed in the Guinness Book of Records is Cream Puff, who lived for 38 years and 3 days. This is a colossal period for cats. With an average life expectancy of 15-18 years.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest-living cat lives in Melbourne, named Capitolina, and is currently 34 years old.

The cat Basilio from the city of Kostroma celebrated his 26th birthday, he has every chance of getting into the Guinness Book of Records.

Long-lived cats breed list, record in Russia

Most long-lived cats are not purebred. After all, at the time when they were born, few people cared about purebred cats, no one bred them on purpose, and most of those who were no longer interested anyone.

In Russia today, the most respectable aged cat is considered to be Basilio from Kostroma, his age is 26 years old.

The old cat can barely walk and staggers, he can’t walk with his hind legs, what should he do?

If you cannot put your animal to sleep, try to make his life as easy as possible. Feed and care. Let's have more rest.

The old cat drinks a lot and often goes to the toilet with a lot of blood, past the litter box

There can be many diseases, inflammation of the intestines or malignant neoplasm. It is best to consult a veterinarian, undergo examinations, and choose the right treatment.

The old cat is sick, eats nothing, doesn’t drink, only sleeps, lies down and doesn’t get up, is losing weight, what should I do?

Try to take the best possible care of your animal. Most likely we are talking about several days of life. No matter how sad it may sound, everyone someday goes to another world.

The old cat doesn't catch mice anymore or something

With age, dexterity is no longer the same, and vision fails. Don't demand more from him than he can give. After all, he served you all his life, and was most likely a good mouser.

The old cat screams loudly and constantly wildly in a bad voice at night, what should I do?

He yells because something is bothering him. Most often, cats rut ​​when they are in severe pain. Try contacting a veterinarian for advice and watch your pet. Perhaps he began to eat worse or drink less, and he doesn’t go to the litter box well. There must be a reason for the yelling.

The old cat shits everywhere, all over the apartment, past the litter box and toilet, what to do?

Find out if he has any pain or if he is worried about a serious illness. If this is not the problem, perhaps the fact is that as they age, they simply forget the place of the tray. Place the trays in different places and watch the animal.

An old cat breathes with an open mouth and wheezes.

The situation is very serious. Cats have a very small supply of oxygen in their lungs; one might say that the lungs are the weak point of cats. Immediately call a veterinarian, examine the animal before his arrival, prevent foreign bodies from entering the respiratory tract, and create rest.

Why did the old cat leave home?

Old cat is constipated, what to feed

Most likely the food contains a lot of fiber and little moisture. First of all, try changing it to another, adding more liquid to your diet. Try giving up dry food altogether in favor of canned food or homemade food.

Old cat vomits bile after eating

The cause may be either in the liver or in the gall bladder. It is best to contact a veterinarian, undergo an examination and, based on the results obtained, prescribe treatment. In addition to treatment, a gentle diet will be required.

Old cat is dying symptoms, signs and how to relieve suffering

The cat becomes lethargic, eats poorly, drinks poorly, and lies a lot. Health problems begin, they are individual for everyone, someone has trouble going to the toilet, another animal may suffer from vomiting or pain. You can only make it easier by being nearby, giving the cat the opportunity to calm down as much as possible.

Provide care and concern. If the animal is in severe pain, consider euthanasia, this way you will eliminate further suffering to the animal.

Cat owners wonder about their life expectancy not only for practical reasons. A person who takes responsibility for an animal needs to be emotionally prepared to part with a pet, to whom nature has allocated much less time. Calculations may differ from reality, but statistics allow us to at least approximately imagine how long a pet will live, and stories about the longest cat lives open up an optimistic perspective.

How long do cats live on average?

The life expectancy of cats, according to reference books, ranges from 10 to 15 years. Veterinarians clarify: those who were born and live in a house, under human supervision, usually live to 14, the average for stray cats and cats is half as long - 7 years.

The rate of aging of pets compared to humans provides another guideline in this matter. A comparison of the first two years of a cat's life with a human's looks like this:

In the future, each cat year is equivalent to 4 human years. That is, a 3-year-old cat corresponds to a 28-year-old person, and so on. It turns out that the maximum average indicator - 15 years - is equivalent to our 76.

The oldest cats and cats in the world

International lists of centenarians include cats that have lived for more than 25 years. In most cases, the data is approximate, based on rumors or estimates, and only a few stories are confirmed by documents issued by reputable organizations. Judging by records, outbred cats and those born on the street live longer than their aristocratic counterparts. Another common feature of “old men” and “old ladies”, whose names and photos are known to the world, is caring and loving owners.

Legendary Lucy – 43 years old

The media provides conflicting information not only about the date of birth, but also about the date of death of a mongrel tabby cat that lived in one of the towns in Wales. She came to Bill Thomas, who announced the miraculous fact, in 1999, after the death of the first owner. Bill himself knew nothing about Lucy's past and based his calculations on the testimony of old-timers in the neighborhood, who stated that she regularly appeared at the fish rows in the early 70s. The last photos of Lucy were taken in 2011. She died in 2015, supposedly living to be 43 years old.

Cream Puff – 38 years old

Cream Puff

Jake Perry from Austin, Texas, was able to document the fact of his cat's extraordinary longevity, which took pride of place in the Guinness Book of Records (2010). Cream Puff, a beautiful black and white feline, was born on August 3, 1967 and died in 2005, the same month.

Granpa Rex Allen and Russian Bagheera from Solovki – 34 years each

Grandpa Rex Allen (1964–1998), a Sphynx/Devon Rex mix, is one of the pets of Jake Perry, who and his wife have fostered more than 400 animals over the years.

The title of the oldest cat in Russia is claimed by the black Bagheera, who lives on Solovki with a woman named Lyudmila. In 1986, she received a kitten as a gift. The main diet of the now adult pet consisted of fresh milk, and she preferred to spend the night in the barn, next to the cows.

Natmeg – 31 years old


Nutmeg, or Nutmeg, lived for just over a quarter of a century in the home of a British couple who found it on the street in 1990. Based on the results of the examination, the veterinarian suggested that he was about 5 years old at the time, and the result was 31. The tabby hero held the title of the oldest and wisest cat in the world for several years and died in 2017.

Texan Scooter – 30 years old

The Siamese cat Scooter (1986–2016), whose age was confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records commission, was the champion in longevity among males. According to the owner, the secret of his health was his irrepressible energy - even in his old age, he spent most of his time on the move, playing in the yard.

Tiffany and Velvet - 27 years old

Tiffany cat

Tiffany, a tortoiseshell cat (1988–2015), was purchased from a pet store along with two puppies. All three were 6 weeks old. She ate dry and natural food and left the house from time to time to walk around the area. Another centenarian, Velvet from Oregon, who was born the same year, loved to hunt and walk. The old adventurer left home and disappeared at the age of 27.

How to extend the life of a pet, what breeds of cats live the longest?

According to scientists, there are several breeds of cats whose life expectancy can reach 20 years. These include:

  • Scottish Fold;
  • Siamese;
  • Persian;
  • American Shorthair;
  • Manx anurans.

Manx tailless cat

Belonging to any breed gives even the most purebred animal only a small head start compared to representatives of other varieties. Expert advice to those who want to extend the life of their four-legged friend is simple:

  • know and take into account the characteristics of the breed and character;
  • get vaccinated regularly;
  • provide a balanced diet and monitor weight indicators;
  • care for your pet’s teeth, claws, ears, eyes and fur;
  • create a comfortable and conflict-free atmosphere in the house.

The vast majority of veterinarians claim that castration prolongs the life of these animals. This argument is considered controversial by animal lovers.

Jake Perry, the owner of two famous centenarians, feeds his charges according to their tastes. In particular, “grandfather” Rex Allen received dry food, a well-beaten omelette, diet bacon (all without salt) and... coffee. Jake believes that his “grandfather” owes his longevity to the owner’s – and, accordingly, all his charges’ – love for broccoli and asparagus.

Jake Perry

A human approach is the second rule of the world-famous cat lover, and few can argue with this. Jake always has at least 10 cats, and he takes care of their entertainment. The friendly, mustachioed gang spends time watching nature documentaries at the outdoor cinema, then heads to the gym for active games. The owner is emotionally attached to everyone and knows everything about the character and habits of his cats.

Even if you treat your pet very carefully, it is difficult to protect it from all misfortunes. The value of time is in its quality. The unique experience of communication between a person and a cat, unique in each case, is determined primarily by the baggage of pleasant emotions and memories.

Today, the oldest cat in the world is Lucy, who was born in 1972. This cat was no different from its domestic relatives.

When it turned out what Lucy really is“a respectable old lady,” they showed the pet to the veterinarians. Experts were amazed at the age of the animal and its condition.

Pet Lucy she remained cheerful and active, ate well and even played. According to expert calculations, in human terms, Lucy was 172 years old. Even the famous Caucasian old-timers do not always live to see such years. If you consider that the average lifespan of this animal is 15 years, Lucy has already lived three cat lives. And today she continues to hunt mice in her owner’s garden.

Centenarian Lucy

Lucy is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest living pet in the world.

Guinness Book Record Holder

Once champion of longevity the cat Fluffy was recognized, for a long time no one claimed this title. Therefore, information about the oldest cat, Lucy, became a real sensation. The news shocked even representatives of the press service of the Guinness Book of Records.

Lucy is a source of pride and tireless care for her owner. Lucy's story symbolizes the opportunity for a simple house cat to become a true star, revered and admired throughout the world.

This cat lived a long life and during this time brought enormous benefits to its owners. And now her name appears on the pages of one of the most famous publications in the world.

According to experts, if the secret of the longevity of these long-lived cats can be revealed, it will be able to bring a lot of benefit to all of humanity.

Long-living cat breeds

Some breeds are different tendency to longevity.

Besides new record holder Lucy, in the Guinness Book of Records Several more long-lived cats have been recorded. The second and third places of honor in terms of life expectancy are occupied by Cream Puff and Kitty. Their life expectancy was 38 and 30 years, respectively. The top ten long-lived cats also include several cats originally from Russia.

It is believed that one cat year is equal to seven human years. At the same time, the average lifespan of a cat is relatively short - these animals live only about fifteen years. But what records are some felines setting as they live longer and longer?

Having learned how long some world-famous representatives lived, you will not believe that this is even possible. If we convert their age to human age, then many of them reached 150, and some even lived to be 180 years old by human standards, while remaining a playful hunter. How is this possible? And how long can these strange creatures made of flesh and fur live?

Cream Puff and the Guinness Book of Records

This cat set the longest record to date and officially entered the book of records: she lived 38 years and 3 days, which is almost 2.5 times longer than the average life of ordinary cats. Born in 1967 and dying in 2005, she became the most famous cat in the world, displacing all her long-lived predecessors from the championship podium.

It is believed that the reason for this health and lifespan is the special diet that their owner, Jake Perry, put his pets on. All his life he included bacon, eggs, broccoli and asparagus in the diet of his charges. Cream Puff was born and lived her entire life in the USA. After her death in 2010, she was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's oldest cat.

What’s interesting: this amazing cat managed to leave its mark even in fiction, because Barbara Brady wrote the novel “Once Upon A Hunch”, one of the characters of which was the black beauty - Cream Puff.

Other long-lived cats

Miracles in the field of long life are not limited to just one phenomenal record. Many cats, it turns out, were so lucky that they lived two or even three lives of their less fortunate relatives. They also ended up in the book of records, received prizes and awards at exhibitions.

Lucy: unconfirmed record holder

Lucy the cat was born in 1972. For a long time she simply lived in a fish shop, where she was fed. During her short life, Lucy changed several owners. One day, a neighbor came to visit her next owner, who had no idea about the uniqueness of his pet. She was very surprised, because the cat was exactly the same as the one that had frolicked in a small fish shop in this city a very long time ago.

Afterwards, the owner took her to a veterinary clinic, where Lucy’s year of birth was determined. In 2012, the cat was still alive, but already losing her hearing, which is not surprising considering how many years she had lived. In 2015, Lucy died of old age. This cat was unique, the reason for such a long life is unknown to anyone. However, she was not destined to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

Granpa: long-lived cat

Granpa is a beautiful Sphynx cat. For a long time, he was considered the oldest cat, but his housemate, Cream Puff, pushed him off the podium. They lived with the same owner, ate the same diet and lived long and vibrant lives, but Granpa still did not live up to the championship.

He was lucky enough to be born in 1964 in Paris, live 34 years and 2 months, and then die peacefully. This cat even managed to receive his award during his lifetime - in 1999 he was recognized as cat of the year by the famous magazine “Cats and Kittens”.

Fluffy: by mistake

Nobody knew who he was or where he came from. He was not purebred or unusual. A simple street stray cat living near a train station in Switzerland. He was fed by the station workers and lived his life for 33 years, until some woman decided to take the poor thing to the veterinary clinic. There he was euthanized due to poor health and old age. When they found out how many years this cat had lived, his record was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The previous record holder, also included in the book of records. She was born in 1990 in Great Britain. She lived 24 bright and eventful years. Her owner, Jackie, suggests that the secret to such longevity is the right routine, activity and healthy eating.

The lifespan of a cat depends on many factors: environment, nutrition, activity, predisposition, breed. Some breeds are inherently predisposed to long and colorful lives. Thanks to a properly selected diet, your cat will get sick less and live longer. But sometimes, as in the cases of these phenomenal cats, the secret to longevity is unknown.