The most effective regimen for taking Validol in capsules.

Validol is a drug that has a reflex vasodilator effect. The medicine is used as part of combination antianginal therapy, as well as for the treatment of a number of other diseases. The drug is available in the following dosage forms Oh:

  • Validol drops;
  • Validol capsules;
  • Validol tablets.

1 tablet of Validol contains 60 mg of menthol solution in isovaleric acid menthol ester. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Pharmacological action of Validol

According to the instructions, Validol produces a moderate reflex vasodilator and sedative ( sedative effect on the central nervous system) effects. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on reflex reactions associated with irritation of sensitive nerve endings. The properties of Validol are close to menthol. Due to irritation of mucous surface receptors by the active component, endorphins, enkephalins, peptides and dynorphins are released, which play vital role in regulation pain, permeability of vascular walls and other processes in human body. Also, during such reactions, other physiologically active compounds are released, such as kinins, histamine and others. Clinical effect observed 5 minutes after sublingual application of Validol.

Indications for use of Validol

According to the instructions, Validol is prescribed for such conditions and diseases as:

  • neuroses;
  • attacks of angina pectoris (as part of combination therapy);
  • hysterical states, hysteria;
  • functional cardialgia, neurocirculatory dystonia of the cardiac type;
  • sea ​​and air sickness (as an antiemetic).

Directions for use and dosage

Validol tablets are taken orally, but are not swallowed whole, but placed under the tongue until completely dissolved, that is, sublingually. The dosage is 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined depending on the effectiveness of the drug for a particular patient. This means that if after taking the product therapeutic effect does not occur within 5-10 minutes, then it is advisable to use others medicines.

Validol in drops is taken 3 drops at a time, and the drug must be dropped onto sugar and kept in oral cavity until completely dissolved. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 9-24 drops, depending on the disease and condition of the patient. Frequency of administration – 3-4 times during the day. If necessary, the dosage is increased.

Validol in capsules is taken in the same doses as in tablets, that is, 1 piece twice a day, however exact dosage adjusted by a doctor. Capsules must be kept under the tongue.

Side effects of Validol

As a result of taking Validol, the following reactions from the body can sometimes occur:

  • mild nausea;
  • lacrimation;
  • dizziness.

Whenever similar symptoms no need to carry out symptomatic treatment, because such phenomena pass on their own.

Contraindications for use

The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components, acute heart attack myocardium and severe hypotension. Validol should be prescribed with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. When treated with this drug, constant medical monitoring of the condition of the mother and fetus is required. During pregnancy, Validol can be prescribed only for special medical reasons.

When taking the medicine in the dosages specified in the instructions, there are no disturbances in concentration and other mental reactions, therefore management is allowed vehicles and other mechanisms during therapy.

The drug is not prescribed to children, since its effect on this group no patients were studied.

Since the drug does not contain sugar, it can be taken by patients with diabetes mellitus, but without added sugar as excipient(when taking drops).

Conditions and shelf life

Validol should be stored in a cool, dark place in a well-closed container. The shelf life of tablets is 1.5 years, solution – 4 years, capsules – 2 years.

Validol: properties, what it helps with, how and when to use, contraindications, is it effective or not?

Validol is a well-known remedy against heart pain, which is endowed with analgesic properties due to the ability to reflexively dilate blood vessels, mainly - coronary arteries, and therefore it is used for various origins.

Validol has not lost its popularity for more than a hundred years as a remedy that quickly relieves pain in the heart area associated with emotional experiences, physical activity, neurosis and even coronary disease. This is due to its availability, because the drug is available without a prescription, relative safety, and low cost. Its effectiveness is quite high in neurogenic disorders with cardialgia, since it not only dilates blood vessels and helps eliminate pain syndrome, but also has some sedative effect.

Validol is in the home medicine cabinets of almost all elderly people, as well as those who often experience attacks of short-term chest pain, are prone to anxiety and stress. It is widely used together with nitroglycerin by patients with diagnosed atherosclerosis and angina pectoris.

Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of antianginal drugs that relieve heart pain during coronary disease, sedatives and tranquilizers for hysteria, neurosis, autonomic dysfunction, A validol has become a product of unproven effectiveness, however, millions of pensioners and others persistently continue to use it and even offer it as a means of first aid to strangers.

Many people are familiar with the situation when public transport, a stuffy store, or even just on the street, a passerby becomes ill, loses consciousness and falls. Elderly people often come to the rescue, rushing to give the stranger validol to improve their well-being. Of course, you shouldn’t do that, because Unjustified use of any drug carries a certain risk if the cause feeling unwell unknown. On the other hand, validol is taken by its owner himself, who knows his body’s response to the drug, for example, provided that the person has already been to the doctor and knows about his diseases.

Thus, validol has the right to exist and be used, but it is desirable that its adherents still know what the indications for using the drug are, when it is better to abstain from it and how not to harm, it would seem, safe pills or drops used by our grandmothers. Detailed information is contained in the instructions that come with each package of pharmaceutical validol, and it will never be a bad idea to study it for those who are accustomed to saving themselves with validol in any situation.

When can and why can’t you drink validol?

Many people don’t even think about how validol acts on the body and in what situations its use is justified. Almost all admirers of this do not think about contraindications miracle cure from pain in the heart, being confident in its absolute safety. Meanwhile, validol has clear indications and contraindications, and uncontrolled use can lead to serious side effects and even severe acute disorders from the side of the heart.

Indications for taking validol are:

  • neurotic disorders with cardialgia;
  • hysteria with cardialgic syndrome;
  • , in which pain in the heart is not associated with organic causes;
  • symptomatic treatment of seasickness and air sickness, accompanied by nausea, lightheadedness, and vomiting;
  • stable - only in composition combination treatment provided there is no hypotension and bradycardia;
  • headache when taking nitrates.

It is easy to notice that most situations where validol helps are not associated with heart pathology as such, that is, the cause of cardialgia is functional vascular disorders and psychogenic factors. This circumstance once again indicates that serious cardiac pathology cannot be cured with validol, although the sensation of taking nitroglycerin during an attack of angina can be alleviated.

Contraindications to validol are associated with its ability to dilate blood vessels and slightly reduce blood pressure:, collapse, suspicion of . In addition, it cannot be used in case of individual intolerance or allergy to its constituent components, and is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women and children due to the lack of data on the safety of use in these groups of people.

Some dosage forms (tablets in particular) of validol may contain sugar, which people with diabetes should be aware of when choosing an unsweetened analogue of “mint” tablets. Also, diabetics should not put drops of validol on a piece of sugar, so as not to provoke hyperglycemia.

In case of unclear pain in the heart, an attack of angina that is not relieved by nitroglycerin, or pain in the background, it is better to refrain from using validol, as it can aggravate the patient’s condition. Rely on the analgesic effect for angina or migraine, sedative effect for neurosis, hypotensive for hypertensive crisis not worth it - validol will not have the expected effect when serious illnesses heart and blood vessels. In these cases it can only be used as additional remedy rapid action in parallel with the main treatment.

The mechanism of action of validol

Despite the fact that validol was classified as a drug with unproven effectiveness, deny it positive action in some cases it would be stupid. Fans of this remedy really feel how pain decreases and nerves calm down, nausea when motion sickness in transport goes away, and headaches from taking nitroglycerin are eliminated.

Validol has vasodilating properties due to its reflex effect through nerve endings. Sedation is associated with improved blood flow in the brain and heart during functional vascular disorders, braking effect on the central nervous system.

Validol causes a short-term decrease blood pressure, but this effect is unstable and cannot be a reason to use the drug for antihypertensive purposes. Hypotonic patients should be careful, since even a short-term decrease in pressure threatens fainting and poor health.

When it enters the oral cavity, validol is quickly absorbed by its mucous membrane, exerting a reflex effect on sensitive nerve roots. This helps to activate the synthesis and release of biologically active substances (endorphins, enkephalins, histamine, etc.), which regulate vascular tone and permeability, as well as the severity of a pain attack.

Up to 70% of the accepted dose of validol actively acts on the receptors of the oral cavity within the first few minutes from the moment of taking the drug, and therapeutic effect occurs after about five minutes, when the patient feels relief and calm.

The composition of validol is simple. Like any mint candy, it contains menthol. In the preparation, menthol is associated with isovaleric acid ester. Tablets often contain glucose and sucrose, which, as mentioned above, diabetics should remember. The drug is available in tablets, solution for drops, and capsules.

When applied under the tongue, validol is quickly absorbed, irritating cold receptors and realizing its reflex influence. In the liver, it binds to glucuronic acid and is excreted by the kidneys in the urine in the form of its salts.

Features of use and dose

Despite its apparent harmlessness, validol cannot be used uncontrolled and in large quantities. Tablets or capsules of the drug are placed under the tongue and dissolved; no more than two tablets can be used at a time, and up to four per day. Maximum quantity the drug that can be used per day is 600 mg.

Validol capsules usually contain 100 mg of active substance, tablets - 60 mg, this is important for calculating the total daily dose. Capsules, like tablets, are dissolved under the tongue, the effect occurs at regular intervals. What is important is that no sugar is used in the production of validol capsules, so they are preferable for use by diabetics.

validol in tablets and capsules

Validol is not used for permanent treatment. This drug is more of an episodic aid; it does not cure, but relieves some symptoms, but is powerless against serious pathology. The maximum period of use of validol is up to a week. If after taking the first tablet the effect does not occur after 3-5 minutes, you can take another one. If it doesn’t work, then it’s better not to experiment further, but you should urgently contact a cardiologist to rule out a heart attack and other serious illnesses with cardialgia.

Validol in capsules is also used to relieve heart pain and headaches. In this case, to achieve more quick effect The capsule can be lightly bitten, allowing for faster menthol release and absorption.

After using validol, you should not drive or operate dangerous machinery due to possible dizziness and even fainting.

Side effects and drug interactions

Validol should be taken in strictly prescribed doses prescribed by the doctor and in the instructions. With prolonged unjustified use of drugs, side effects in the form of nausea, dizziness, fatigue, lacrimation. They suggest the abolition of validol, and specific treatment not required. If you are allergic to any of the components of the drug, itchy skin, rashes and even Quincke's edema.

If the recommended dose is exceeded, symptoms appear overdose: nausea, nervous overexcitation, hypotension, arrhythmia. In severe cases, brain depression occurs and there is a need for symptomatic treatment.

Overdose is more likely in young children or particularly “nervous” patients. The first ones can find pills poorly hidden by adults, taste their sweet taste and simply eat up like candy. The latter lose control of themselves and swallow Validol tablet after tablet, not counting the amount of medicine taken.

Help for children (for whom validol is contraindicated) and adults in case of validol poisoning should be provided immediately. First, the stomach is washed out to remove the medicine. Secondly, sorbents (activated carbon) are used. Thirdly, the victim needs to drink more to speed up the filtration of validol in the urine and excretion from the body. In any case, you should not self-medicate; it is better to seek help from professionals.

Validol can be used with some other medications, but it is important to know about their compatibility. In particular, simultaneous use with allows you to reduce the severity of headaches against the background of cerebral vasodilation. This is a combination of drugs recommended by doctors. Validol increases the sedative effect of some psychotropic drugs, opiates, ethanol and anesthetics, and also contributes to a more pronounced hypotensive effect of drugs for hypertension.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to abstain from validol, since it is unknown possible impact for the fetus and baby. Validol is also not prescribed for children. Dosage forms containing sucrose can harm patients with diabetes, about which the latter should be warned by their doctor.

You should not drink validol on your own, despite its apparent harmlessness. Repeated pain in the heart can indicate a serious pathology, and trying to cure it with validol without examinations and consulting a doctor is unacceptable. Short-term dullness of pain can lead to delayed diagnosis of myocardial infarction or severe angina, which is fraught with complications and very serious consequences.

Video: about the use and effectiveness of validol

Every person has a number of simple and well-known drugs in their medicine cabinet that can help with common and most likely problems. Yes, it will be difficult to find home first aid kit without Validol in any of its forms - this product is distinguished by its availability and maximum quick action, which explains its popularity. This drug can be used as a means for one-time symptomatic therapy, and as an element of complex treatment of certain ailments. What Validol is and in what situations its use will be relevant will be found out in this article.

Composition and release form of the drug

The drug is available in several pharmacological forms ah, namely in the form of tablets, capsules and liquid drops for internal reception. This variety allows each patient to choose exactly the type of product that will be most comfortable for use. Active ingredient in all types of the drug it is the same - it is a solution of levomenthod. One tablet contains 60 mg of the active ingredient, a capsule contains 50 or 100 mg, and the drops are a 25% solution. Auxiliary components are determined by the characteristics of a particular form:

  • The sublingual tablets also contain sugar and calcium stearate. They have a white or yellowish tint and a characteristic menthol aroma;
  • The capsules contain pharmaceutical gelatin, glycerol, purified water, methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoate. Capsules are also used as a sublingual remedy.

This product has a very quick impact due to its sublingual use. Validol – popular drug, which is also very affordable.

How does Validol act on the body?

Validol speaks complex substance, which is obtained by dissolving menthol in the menthol ester of isovaleric acid. In any of its pharmacological forms, it has a moderate vasodilator effect, calms the nervous system with a pronounced sedative effect.

The mechanism of action is as follows: the drug, placed under the tongue, irritates the nerve endings in the oral cavity, which leads to vascular dilation. The second type of effect is achieved by stimulating the production of peptides and histamine mediators in the central nervous system by components of the composition, which act as regulators of the degree of vascular permeability and pain. Exactly this type influence and allows you to achieve sedative effect and relieving the severity of painful sensations.

This combination of actions on the body allows the drug to be used for various work-related painful conditions. cardiovascular system. Absorption when Validol is placed sublingually occurs very quickly, and within 5 minutes after administration the components of the composition in maximum concentration begin to circulate through the systemic bloodstream.

Why take Validol: indications for use

Taking into account the aspects of the effect of the drug in question on the body, we can clearly establish a list of situations in which its use would be appropriate:

  • as part of combination therapy to relieve attacks of angina pectoris, with tachycardia;
  • functional types of cardialgia;
  • states characterized as hysterical;
  • neuroses;
  • in the context of sea or air sickness, the drug can be used as an antiemetic;
  • neuro-circulatory dystonia;
  • The drug is also used for hangovers as a means to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

It is worth noting that the drug is often used not according to the instructions, but as a means of nonspecific traditional therapy. Thus, the drug is used for runny nose in diluted form for inhalation.

Instructions for use of tablets, capsules and drops

The drug in question to obtain best effect must be taken in a special way. So, a tablet, capsule or piece of sugar with a few drops of the product is placed under the tongue and until the product is completely dissolved. It is this method of application that provides a quick and sufficiently powerful effect.

It is also important to follow specific dosages depending on the type of drug chosen:

  • Use one tablet no more than three times a day. It is important to note that if 10 minutes after dissolving the product under the tongue there are no positive changes in the condition, then it is necessary to use other drugs;
  • As for the shape of the drops, from 3 to 6 drops of solution can be used at one time. It will be quite simple to drop it onto a piece of sugar and also place it under the tongue until completely dissolved. You can repeat the procedure 3-4 times during the day, but in general you should not exceed the maximum dosage, which is 24 drops;
  • Capsules are used in the same way as tablets. So, they take one piece at a time, and the maximum daily dosage is 2 or 4 capsules (depending on dosage).

How often can I take the drug? If there is a need to relieve one-time symptoms, provided you follow the instructions, you can use the product every time you need it. It is important to note that the duration of the course of therapy is prescribed by the doctor individually, and if there are medical indications, then therapeutic dose may be increased, but you should not make such a decision on your own.

Does the drug Validol lower or increase blood pressure?

Blood pressure largely determines a person’s well-being and it is extremely important that its indicators are normal. Considering the fact that the drug in question has a vasodilating effect when taken, it becomes obvious that it reduces the indicators. Thus, Validol is used for high blood pressure . It is worth noting that sedative effect The drug also has a positive effect on reducing blood pressure - the person simply calms down and stops being nervous.

However, it is worth considering that the remedy can only remove the disturbing symptom and reduce the likelihood of damage to blood vessels due to their narrowing, but does not in any way eliminate the root cause of the problem. That is why the use of the product is relevant only as a symptomatic fast-acting remedy, which is used if necessary against the background general therapy main illness.

Can I take the medicine during pregnancy?

The instructions for using the product say that using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding possible if there are appropriate indications. The components included in the product do not have strict negative influence neither the mother nor the baby, and therefore the likelihood that they will harm is minimal. However, it is worth considering that risks still exist. Yes, when used menthol oil(especially in large volumes) there is a possibility of activation of the uterine muscles and their contraction, so if the mother already has hypertonicity, then it is better to refuse Validol. After taking the drug, it is important to be attentive to your well-being, since an increase in histamine can aggravate ongoing allergies or contribute to more easy occurrence new.

Side effects

It is immediately worth noting that side effects are few, although they may occur. Thus, if the drug is intolerant, it is likely that typical signs of an allergic reaction will appear, in particular the formation of swelling in the face, redness, rash, or even a life-threatening spasm within respiratory system. In the absence of allergies, in in rare cases active lacrimation, a slight feeling of nausea and dizziness are possible. Elimination of such symptoms does not require medical care, it usually goes away quickly on its own.

An overdose of this drug is possible, and such a situation will be manifested by nausea, increased agitation, disturbance heart rate, dizziness, headaches and sensitivity to the component composition. If such sensations arise, then you should immediately stop taking the drug and go to the hospital for gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment of the consequences.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

The drug has strict contraindications for use in the following situations:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to the components of its composition;
  • chronic condition of low blood pressure;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • There is no experience of use in pediatrics, so the product is also not used for children.

Considering that the drug has a sedative effect on humans, it is not recommended to take it if it is necessary to drive vehicles or work with complex mechanisms. Any work that requires increased attention and concentration will be at risk, since Validol causes drowsiness and sometimes even slight dizziness. Considering the sugar content in the tablets, this form is used with caution if the patient has diabetes.

In addition, it is important to consider the compatibility of the drug with other drugs taken, including alcohol. Such a “tandem” is prohibited, as it will have a multidirectional effect on the body.

Validol is a drug that has a pronounced sedative effect.

Release form and composition

Validol is produced in several dosage forms:

  • Tablets 60 mg, in packs of 6 or 10 pieces;
  • Solution 5%, in bottles of 5 ml;
  • Capsules in a dosage of 50 or 100 mg, in blisters of 20 or 40 pieces;
  • Alcohol solution 5 or 10%, in dropper bottles of 3, 4, 5 ml.

All dosage forms of Validol include: active substance– a solution of menthol in ethyl ester of isovaleric acid. Menthol solution is obtained from peppermint leaves, and isovaleric acid methyl ester is obtained from valerian root.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Validol is prescribed as a sedative for patients with:

  • Hysteria;
  • Neuroses;
  • Mild angina;
  • Headache caused by taking nitrates;
  • Sea or air sickness.


According to the instructions, Validol is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • Increased sensitivity to active components drug;
  • Severe arterial hypotension;
  • Acute myocardial infarction;
  • Children under two years of age (the effect of menthol on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx can lead to reflexive cessation of breathing in young children).

Validol is prescribed with caution to children over the age of two years, since its effect for this age category has not been fully studied.

Directions for use and dosage

The dosage form of Validol is chosen by the patient himself, based on preferences. The effectiveness of all forms of release is the same.

In order for the medicine to enter the bloodstream faster, the Validol tablet or capsule is kept under the tongue until completely absorbed. You should not take the medicine more than four times a day, 2 tablets or capsules. Optimal single dose Validol is 1-2 tablets or capsules.

Validol drops are taken in a dosage of 3-6 drops: drop them onto a piece of sugar and place under the tongue until completely dissolved.

The medicine begins to act 5-10 minutes after application. If taking the drug does not bring relief, you should consult a doctor and undergo additional examination.

Validol can be used topically in the form of an alcohol solution. It effectively helps relieve itching. For this purpose, apply a few drops to a cotton swab and rub the affected area of ​​skin.

On average, the duration of treatment with Validol is one week.

Side effects

Validol is well tolerated by patients and side effects rarely causes. In case long-term use the following side effects may occur:

  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • lacrimation;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Short-term decrease in blood pressure.

All of the above side effects are transient and mild in nature.

Also, as a result of using Validol, they may develop allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, itching, Quincke's edema, caused by hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Special instructions

During pregnancy, taking Validol is not recommended, except in cases where the likely benefit to the mother exceeds potential danger for the fetus.

In combination with psychotropic drugs, alcohol, opioid analgesics, anesthetics Validol enhances their sedative effect.

Validol can also enhance the effect of antihypertensive drugs.

In case of long-term use of Validol in high doses, symptoms of overdose may develop such as:

  • Cardiac dysfunction;
  • Nausea;
  • Headache;
  • Central nervous system depression;
  • Arterial hypotension.

All these manifestations require discontinuation of drug therapy and symptomatic treatment.

While taking the drug, it is not recommended to control potentially dangerous mechanisms that require increased concentration of attention, as it has a pronounced sedative effect.

At misuse Validol can harm the body. Thus, it is forbidden to use it to relieve angina attacks, since the drug is not able to relieve spasm of the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle. As a result, this can lead to the patient losing valuable time and leading to the development of myocardial infarction.

Other drugs (nitroglycerin, etc.) are intended to relieve attacks of angina, and Validol is a sedative.

Validol should not be combined with alcohol-containing drinks, as this may cause overdose symptoms. In addition, in combination with alcohol, the effect of Validol quickly wears off. Rating: 4.6 - 5 votes

Validol is a “good old” medicine, time-tested and with virtually no contraindications. Many of us carry this sedative with us, just in case. Validol is a low-toxic drug, does not accumulate in the body and does not cause allergic manifestations. This remedy will help relieve headache, will calm down in case stressful situation. Therefore, it is recommended to have a bottle of drops or a package of Validol tablets in every home.

Its main effect is sedative. After taking the drug, expansion occurs blood vessels. The body also increases the synthesis of enkephalins and endorphins - painkillers and sedatives. The production of other compounds that affect permeability is also activated. vascular walls and eliminating painful sensations.

The drug can be purchased at the pharmacy chain, where it is presented in the form of drops, lozenges and sublingual capsules. Let's find out more about the drug validol, its use, what the instructions say, indications for use and its composition. To answer the questions posed, let’s open and read the instructions attached to it:

What is the composition of Validol as a drug?

Drops: Menthol (25%) isovaleric acid, dissolved in alcohol. It is a clear, oily liquid with a menthol odor.

Capsules: 1 capsule contains 50 mg of menthol and menthylisovalerianate. Take for resorption by placing under the tongue.

Tablets: 1 tablet contains 60 mg of menthol and menthylisovalerianet. Also taken by resorption.

What are Validol's indications for use?

As is known, Validol has sedative properties, calming the nervous system, and also causes a reflex vasodilator effect. Therefore, it is prescribed to be taken for such painful conditions as neuroses and hysteria. It is recommended for use for symptoms seasickness, as it reduces the intensity of nausea, preventing the occurrence of vomiting. It can be used externally to relieve itching after insect bites.

What is the dosage and use of Validol?

Drops: Dissolve in 50 ml of water (4-5 drops). It’s even better to drop 3-5 drops onto a piece of refined sugar, then put it in your mouth and dissolve.

Tablets: take half or 1 piece. sublingually - that is, placed under the tongue until completely dissolved.

Capsules: take 1 capsule 2 times a day sublingually.
As prescribed by a doctor, the dosage regimen of this drug can be increased.

External use: to eliminate itching, pain, swelling of the skin from insect bites, lubricate the bite site with the preparation and leave until absorbed.

What are the side effects of Validol?

Validol very rarely causes negative manifestations. But sometimes nausea and increased lacrimation may occur. Patients sometimes complain of headaches and dizziness. In such cases, consult your doctor to replace validol with a drug that is more suitable for you.

What are the contraindications for Validol?

Among the contraindications of Validol, the instructions for use include low blood pressure (hypotension), as well as in the presence of individual intolerance to certain components of the drug.


You need to understand that Validol is a drug and should not be taken at your own discretion. The fact is that many continue treatment with validol, not suspecting that the existing disease requires more effective medications. In particular, it is taken for angina pectoris, which should not be done! To treat this disease, as well as for coronary heart disease, medications recommended by a doctor are required! And validol in these cases is not your help. You will only make the disease worse. It acts to a large extent as a sedative and local irritant.

Validol is good only for mild, quickly passing attacks. If you have angina pectoris, it is better to use a stronger drug - glycerin, and then only after medical examination. Glycerin expands more efficiently and quickly coronary vessels. This is what is required during angina attacks.

The same can be said about cardialgia. This disease is similar to angina pectoris, only the pain in the heart area is not squeezing and pressing, but a stabbing, aching character. Cardialgia is often accompanied by a burning sensation in the heart area. In this case, validol can relieve pain at first, but the disease itself is not cured. Others will be needed here, strong drugs prescribed by a doctor.
For example, they are often prescribed: verapamil, inderal.

In conclusion:

Validol is a wonderful medicine that has been used by patients for many decades. This effective drug, which has a calming effect. He shoots well and quickly emotional stress. Its effectiveness as an analgesic, as well as a coronary agent, is beyond doubt.

But if you are regularly bothered by heart pain or have attacks, you must first understand the cause of their occurrence. You should contact a cardiologist and undergo an examination. Based on its results, the doctor will decide whether stronger medications need to be prescribed, complex treatment, or it is enough to take only validol. Be healthy!