Lincomycin 500 mg instructions for use. Release form and composition

1 ampoule contains lincomycin hydrochloride in terms of lincomycin - 300 mg (0.3 g);

excipients: disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (trilon B), sodium hydroxide solution 0.1 M, water for injection.

Release form

Solution for injection.

Pharmacological group"type="checkbox">

Pharmacological group

Macrolides and lincosamides. ATC code J01F F02.

Pharmacological properties"type="checkbox">

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacological. Lincomycin hydrochloride therapeutic doses inhibits the development of gram-positive microorganisms: staphylococci, including those producing penicillinase, streptococci (including pneumococci), corynebacteria diphtheria and some anaerobes (causative agents of gas gangrene, tetanus). Lincomycin is active against microorganisms, especially staphylococci, resistant to other antibiotics. Also active against bacteroids and mycoplasmas.

It has no effect on most gram-negative bacteria, fungi and viruses. Resistance of microorganisms to lincomycin develops slowly. However, cross-resistance to it and clindomycin has been established.

Pharmacokinetics. It is well absorbed, penetrates various organs and tissues, including bone, as well as the placenta. It penetrates the blood-brain barrier poorly, but permeability increases with meningitis.

After administration of 600 mg of lincomycin, the maximum concentration (20 μg/ml) in the serum is observed after 30 minutes, the MIC is maintained for 14 hours.

Binds to proteins by 25 - 75%.

Lincomycin is partially metabolized in the liver and excreted in the bile.

The period of drinking is 5 - 6 hours, increases with impaired liver and / or kidney function.


Lincomycin hydrochloride is used in the treatment of purulent inflammatory diseases caused by gram-positive bacteria sensitive to its action, and especially during treatment serious illnesses caused by these microbes that are resistant to other antibiotics.

Lincomycin hydrochloride is prescribed for acute and chronic osteomyelitis, staphylococcal and streptococcal septicemia, pneumonia (especially staphylococcal), with purulent infections of the skin and soft tissues, erysipelas, purulent pleurisy, septic complications after operations on blood vessels and the heart, inflammation of the middle ear, septic endocarditis, arthritis, as an additional remedy in the treatment of diphtheria.

Directions for use and doses

Lincomycin is prescribed intramuscularly and intravenously. Adults - 600 mg intramuscularly 1 - 2 times a day. 600 mg is administered intravenously in 250 ml of isotonic sodium chloride or glucose solution 2-3 times a day (infusion duration is at least an hour).

Children are administered intravenously (at a rate of 60-80 drops/min) at a dose of 10-20 mg/kg every 8-12 hours. The daily dose of lincomycin for children when administered is 15-30 mg/kg and is divided into two injections with at intervals of 12 hours.

The duration of treatment is determined clinical course disease and usually lasts 7 - 14 days.

For reduced renal function, lincomycin is prescribed at a dose of 25 - 30% of the usual dose ( daily dose should not exceed 1.8 g).

Side effect"type="checkbox">

Side effect

At long-term use lincomycin may increase transaminase activity in the blood serum, nausea and vomiting may be observed with candidomycosis, therefore, in weakened patients it is recommended to prescribe nystatin or levorin prophylactically simultaneously with lincomycin. When stopping treatment adverse reactions usually disappear.

From the hematopoietic organs: neutropenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, very rarely - aplastic anemia and pancytopenia.

From the skin and mucous membranes: itching, rash, urticaria, vaginitis, in some cases- exfoliative and vesiculodermatitis.

From the liver: in isolated cases - jaundice, increased activity of serum transaminases.


Pregnancy (except when necessary for health reasons); in case of severe impairment of liver or kidney function, the drug is used with caution in reduced doses. Lincomycin should not be used for myasthenia gravis. The drug should not be prescribed during lactation (it crosses the placenta and is excreted from breast milk), childhood up to 1 month.


In case of overdose, it may appear side effects from the outside gastrointestinal tract(abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). Vomiting should be induced and the stomach should be rinsed. Specific antidotes are not known.

Features of application

Lincomycin should not be administered undiluted as a bolus; infusions should be carried out at the rate indicated in the section "Dosage and Administration". If prolonged diarrhea you should stop using the drug. At long-term treatment it is necessary to periodically examine the function of the liver and kidneys, as well as the blood count. Prescription of drugs that suppress intestinal motility should be avoided. Although lincomycin penetrates into meningitis cerebrospinal fluid, its concentration may be insufficient, so the drug should not be used to treat meningitis. Lincomycin injection should not be given to premature infants. In case of mixed aerobic-anaerobic infections You can combine lincomycin therapy with the use of other antimicrobial drugs.

Lincomycin is an antibiotic drug belonging to the lincosamide category. Efficiency this drug is aimed at combating gram-positive aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. It is the first drug in a series of antibiotics that doctors prescribe if a patient has allergic manifestations for medications penicillin series. We will take a closer look at the features of Lincomycin below.

Release form and dosage

Before using the antibiotic Lincomycin, it is important to understand that the drug has a narrow spectrum of action, that is, it is able to fight gram-positive bacteria, and if gram-negative bacteria are present, it is practically useless. It follows from this that it is necessary to resort to the use of the antibiotic Lincomycin in combination with antibiotics following groups: aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones.

An antibiotic called Lincomycin is produced in 3 formulations. The drug is produced not only by Russian pharmaceutical organizations, but also by Belarusian ones. Let's consider existing forms release of a medicinal product:

  1. Pills. This release form is presented in the form of Lincomycin capsules, each of which contains 250 mg of active substances. The package contains 2 blisters, each containing 10 tablets. The cost of a package of tablets ranges from 130 to 250 rubles, which depends on the manufacturer.
  2. Lincomycin injections. The package contains 10 ampoules of Lincomycin solution, the volume of each ampoule is 1 ml. Each ampoule contains 300 mg active substance, which corresponds to 30%, and the cost of packaging the medicine is 75 rubles.
  3. Lincomycin in the form of ointment. This form of release provides for external use of the medication only. The ointment is placed in 15 g tubes. The tube contains 2% of the active substance. The cost of the ointment is from 100 rubles.

The most preferred form of release is Lincomycin injections, which are most often prescribed when there are signs of bacterial infection with gram-positive microorganisms.

Important to know! Main active ingredient The drug Lincomycin is lincomycin hydrochloride. Each release form contains this component in different dosages.

Indications for use of Lincomycin

One of the positive properties of Lincomycin is the ability to accumulate the substance in bone tissue, joints and bronchopulmonary secretions. Instructions for use of the antibiotic Lincomycin in the form of injections is prescribed for use when the following ailments occur:

  1. When an illness appears, manifested in the form of pus discharge during otitis media.
  2. Lung abscess and pleurisy.
  3. Lower respiratory tract infections.
  4. Infection of joints and bone tissue.
  5. Purulent infections of the skin and soft tissues.

The use of the medication is indicated if the patient has such manifestations as boils and carbuncles. Usually an antibiotic of the penicillin series is initially prescribed for use, but if it does not provide positive action or the patient exhibits allergy symptoms, then the use of Lincomycin is envisaged. Lincomycin is most often used in the field of dentistry, which is due to its affinity for bone tissue. By creating a high concentration of the drug in bone tissue, maximum effectiveness of the drug is achieved. In the field of dentistry, the use of Lincomycin is resorted to in the following cases:

  1. After tooth extraction, when purulent inflammatory processes occur.
  2. After the process of tooth extraction was difficult.
  3. With the development of inflammatory formations in the socket area extracted tooth.
  4. For inflammatory gum diseases.
  5. With osteomyelitis.
  6. For the purpose of preventing purulent inflammation after surgical interventions.

Important to know! Reuse The antibiotic Lincomycin is irrational if the previous day was the use of any medication from the lincosamide group. This is due to the fact that staphylococcal infections capable of developing drug resistance, therefore re-treatment if necessary, prescribed using antibiotic drugs wide range actions.

If resistance to the drug Lincomycin and other drugs from the lincosamide series develops, it is not recommended to prescribe treatment with antibiotics from the macrolide group. This is due to the fact that macrolides and lincosamides are cross-resistant. This suggests that the use of an ineffective antibiotic will not only be irrational, but will also lead to liver damage.

Instructions for the use of Lincomycin in injections

The package contains 10 ampoules, each of which contains 1 ml of medication. The ampoule contains 300 mg of active active substance. It is possible to prescribe treatment with the antibiotic Lincomycin practically with one month old child, but if there is an appropriate need.

The medicine cannot be called safe, since it is an antibiotic, and therefore has negative impact not only on pathogenic microorganisms, but also on beneficial bacteria. It is used for children to cure septic conditions, pneumonia, purulent infections and other conditions. Let's consider the features of using the medication.

  1. For adults and children over the age of 14 years, the medication is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. A single dosage is 600 mg of the drug, that is, to give an injection you need to draw a solution from two ampoules into a syringe. The daily dosage is up to 1800 mg, and in exceptional cases, when severe signs of the disease are appropriate, the dose can be increased to 2400 mg. It is important to take into account that daily dosage required to be divided into equal parts and administered at regular intervals.
  2. For children from 1 month to 14 years, the daily dosage must be calculated according to a special scheme. Per 1 kg of patient body weight, 10-20 mg of medication is required. The resulting value must be divided by three administrations of the medication.

It is important to note that when administered intramuscularly or intravenously, it is important to adhere to some recommendations. Intravenous administration of the drug can only be carried out medical worker. If you inject the drug yourself at home, then you need to know that the drug should be administered as soon as possible. soft fabrics muscle fibers. This is done in order to eliminate signs of compaction in the injection area. The contents of the syringe must be injected as slowly as possible. If you have not injected the drug before, it is better to trust an experienced medical professional.

Important to know! The effectiveness of the drug depends not only on its composition, but also on the correct application.

The intravenous route of administration is carried out only in a hospital setting, for which the patient is given a drip. The rate of administration of the medication is from 60 to 80 drops per minute. Before administering the drug by drip, you need to dissolve it in 250 ml of sodium chloride solution. Solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration used in dentistry. Its use is resorted to when appropriate indications arise, which can be found out above.

In the field of dentistry, the medication is used for adults and children over 14 years of age. Instructions for using Lincomycin injections include administering the medication 2 ml at a time, 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is from 5 to 7 days. If the drug is prescribed to cure an ailment such as periodontitis, then the duration of therapy is 10 days, and for osteomyelitis it can reach 20 days.

Antibiotic for treatment bacterial infections in the field of dentistry is used exclusively for intramuscular injection. Lincomycin solution can be injected into the gums, but only when there are no symptoms of inflammation.

Main contraindications to the use of the drug

The antibiotic should not be used if the patient has a number of the following contraindications:

  1. Development allergic signs arising in response to intolerance to one of the components of the drug.
  2. If the patient has signs of liver or kidney failure.
  3. It is recommended to use the medication in the form of a solution for children over 12 years of age.

Important to know! Patients should independently notify their doctor of the presence of contraindications that they have the corresponding pathologies.

Overdose of medication

If a long-term therapeutic use medication Lincomycin, then monitoring the functioning of organs such as the kidneys and liver is required.

Important to know! If the drug is administered intravenously in an accelerated manner, cardiac and respiratory arrest cannot be ruled out.

Exceeding the norm of the drug in the body leads to the development of symptoms such as vomiting, nausea or diarrhea. Sometimes there may be painful sensations in the abdominal area. If signs of pseudomembranous colitis occur, the use of the medication must be limited for a while, and Vancomycin or Bacitracin is used to eliminate the symptoms. There is no antidote against an overdose of Lincomycin, so the symptoms that appear are eliminated using standard therapeutic actions.

What analogues are available for Lincomycin?

The main analogue of the antibiotic Lincomycin is a medication called Clindamycin. This antibiotic also belongs to the lincosamide category, but has a slightly wider spectrum of action. Main distinctive features Clindamycin is due to its availability and effectiveness.

Lincomycin analogues also include:

  • Dalatsin C;
  • Clindamycin-Norton;
  • Lincocin.

If the pharmacy does not have Lincomycin, then treatment with analogues can be carried out only after the approval of the attending physician. Continuing treatment with analogues is strictly prohibited.

Is it allowed to combine Lincomycin with other medications?

Lincomycin is an antibiotic, so the drug should be used with other medications with extreme caution. The use of Lincomycin together with opioid or codeine analgesics is dangerous; it is strictly prohibited, as this can provoke the formation of signs of respiratory arrest.

The risk of pseudomembranous colitis increases if the drug is used simultaneously with antidiarrheal drugs. It is strictly contraindicated to use the medication together with anesthetics and muscle relaxants. Thus, the potency of sibenonium, neostigmine and pyridostigmine is reduced.

Lincomycin is not compatible with solutions of heparin, ampicillin, sodium gluconate, novobiocin and other types of drugs. Bacteriostatic activity decreases if simultaneous administration erythromycin. During therapy with antibacterial medications, it is prohibited to resort to the use of alcoholic beverages.

Development of adverse symptoms

If the treatment regimen with Lincomycin is not followed and if the body is individually intolerant to the components of the drug, the occurrence of side symptoms. To the row side symptoms include:

  1. The occurrence of thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, and agrunolocytosis.
  2. Diarrhea or constipation, nausea, vomiting, heartburn and esophagitis.
  3. Allergic manifestations in the form of erythema, urticaria, dermatitis, itching.
  4. Headaches, hypertension and muscle weakness.

The occurrence of adverse symptoms indicates intolerance to the drug, so you need to stop using it and consult your doctor for help.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is strictly contraindicated to carry out antibiotic treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding unless justified by need. The need to use the drug is decided by a specialist, which depends on the relevant indications. To clarify the need to use an antibiotic, the doctor may prescribe some tests. After the expiration date, the medication must be disposed of. Before administering the injection, the specialist must do a test for signs of allergies.

From this article you will learn:

  • What does Lincomycin help with?
  • Lincomycin – price 2019,
  • how to use Lincomycin in dentistry and for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases.

Lincomycin is enough old antibiotic group of “lincosamides”, which does not have a very wide spectrum antimicrobial action. The only advantage of this antibiotic is its relatively low price, as well as its effectiveness in resistant infections to penicillin antibiotics. The drug is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

The antibiotic Lincomycin was once widely used in dentistry, due to its relative tropism to bone tissue. However, it is unlikely that any dentist will now decide to prescribe lincomycin for implantation or for the treatment of periodontal diseases, and the range of indications for the use of Lincomycin in dentistry is usually limited to its use after a complex tooth extraction, or for the treatment of complications after extraction.

Lincomycin: release forms

In this article we will talk about the optimal indications for the use of Lincomycin, and how to avoid the risk of developing complications that are almost traditional for lincosamide antibiotics, such as pseudomembranous colitis (manifested by diarrhea).

Lincomycin - price, release forms

The antibiotic lincomycin has 3 release forms (capsules, ampoules and ointment), but in any case, in pharmacies you will only find this drug from a Russian or Belarusian manufacturer. The cost of drugs is lower - indicated for 2019.

    Each capsule contains 250 mg of the active substance “lincomycin hydrochloride”. For Lincomycin capsules, the price starts from 90 rubles (the package contains 2 blisters of 10 capsules each). Considering standard scheme use for an adult - 1 package is enough for only 3 days of use, which makes this drug even more expensive, for example, than the antibiotic Tsiprolet from the fluoroquinolone group.

    Each package contains 10 ampoules of 1.0 ml. Each ampoule contains 300 mg of lincomycin hydrochloride, which in percentage terms is a 30% concentration. If we take into account the standard dosage regimen for adults, 1 package is enough for only 2.5 days of antibiotic therapy. The cost of 1 package will be from 110 rubles (at least 2 packages will be needed for a course of treatment).
  • Lincomycin ointment 2% –
    Intended for external use only, used for purulent inflammation of the skin. The ointment is available in tubes of 15 g, with an active substance concentration of 2%. The ointment is produced at the Kurgan Sintez plant, and its cost will be from 100 rubles.

Lincomycin: drug analogues

A semisynthetic analogue of lincomycin is another antibiotic of the lincosamide group - the drug Clindamycin. It should be noted that this drug also has a rather narrow spectrum antimicrobial action, but its effectiveness against certain types of microorganisms will be 2-10 times higher - compared to lincomycin. Another advantage of this drug is that its absorption in the intestine does not depend on food intake (lincomycin can only be taken on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals).

The price of Clindamycin starts from 150 rubles (for a package of 16 capsules of 150 mg). Dosage regimen: 1 capsule 4 times a day, duration of administration is determined by the doctor. To summarize, the effectiveness of clindamycin will be only slightly higher, but taking the drug will be much more convenient. However, the risk of developing pseudomembranous colitis when taking clindamycin will be slightly higher than when taking lincomycin (site).

Lincomycin: indications for use

For the antibiotic Lincomycin, the instructions for use contain information that the drug tends to accumulate predominantly in bone tissue, joints, and bronchopulmonary secretions. Taking into account the expected tropism of lincomycin to certain tissues, it is usually prescribed for the following diseases -

Important point– when taking lincomycin, you need to take into account that if you have previously taken antibiotics from the lincosamide group, the infection may no longer be sensitive to antibiotics from this group. This is due to the fact that staphylococci very quickly develop resistance to lincomycin and clindamycin. And in fact, it is now difficult to imagine, for example, an ENT doctor who would prescribe this rather outdated antibiotic to his patient.

It makes sense to prescribe lincomycin for these diseases only if you have had a microflora culture done, which showed the sensitivity of the infectious agents to this drug. In most cases, the prescription of antibiotics is carried out without studying the microflora, and therefore broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed (to which lincosamides do not belong).

Lincomycin in dentistry –

The use of Lincomycin in dentistry is associated with the assertion that this antibiotic has an affinity for bone tissue, and therefore its concentration in the bone tissue of the jaws should seem to be increased. But I only learned that this was not entirely true after working as a dentist for 10 years, and until that point we were never given the information that lincomycin is unevenly distributed throughout the bone mass. It turned out that its increased concentration is created mainly only in the bones of the small pelvis, but not in the jaws.

Lincomycin used to be one of the most prescribed antibiotics in dentistry, although I am sure that it is still actively prescribed in remote regions of Russia. The usual regimen of use is 2 capsules 3 times a day (for 5-7 days). The most optimal indications for the use of this antibiotic in dentistry can be considered following situations

  • if a tooth is removed due to purulent inflammation,
  • after on the gum (Fig. 5),
  • during the development of the extracted tooth (Fig. 6),
  • to prevent complications after complex tooth extraction or tooth root resection.

Abscess on the gum and inflammation of the socket: photo

It should be noted that in case of a serious purulent infection, lincomycin, of course, should not be prescribed (otherwise it must be combined in any case, for example, with fluoroquinolones). But why do this if you can immediately assign effective antibiotic broad spectrum? In addition, this drug is ineffective for the treatment of inflammatory gum diseases, especially with the aggressive course of chronic periodontitis.

Our portal has a separate article devoted to the use of antibiotics in dentistry. Detailed list most effective drugs for inflammation of teeth and gums, see the article:

1. Lincomycin capsules - dosage regimen

2. Lincomycin injections - instructions

Each package of Lincomycin for injection contains 10 ampoules of 1 ml. Each ampoule contains 300 mg of the active substance (lincomycin hydrochloride), which corresponds to its concentration of 30%. The drug can be used from almost one month of age, i.e. practically no age restrictions.

However, this is due not so much to the safety of the drug, but rather to the fact that it is used in purulent surgery mainly for the treatment of septic conditions caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus, pneumonia, purulent infections of the skin and soft tissues, i.e. in conditions where it is safe for children's health is already a secondary factor.

Dosage regimen for intramuscular administration –
usually for adults and children over 14 years old with intramuscular injections in the buttock, a single dose is 600 mg, i.e. You need to take 2 ampoules of the drug into the syringe at once. Typically, injections are given 2 times a day (morning and evening, with an interval of 12 hours). In severe cases, injections are given 3 times a day - with intervals of 8 hours between them. For children aged 1 month to 14 years, the daily dose is calculated according to the following scheme: 10-20 mg/per 1 kg of body weight/per day.

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Features of application –
When administered intramuscularly, it is necessary to inject the drug deep into the soft tissues. This is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of compaction in the injection area, as well as the development of purulent soft tissue abscess. Lincomycin is administered intravenously only by drip, at a rate of approximately 60-80 drops per minute. Before intravenous administration of 2 ml of a 30% solution of Lincomycin, it must be diluted in 250 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution.

3. Lincomycin ointment - application regimen

Lincomycin-AKOS ointment is produced by the Sintez pharmaceutical plant in Kurgan (Russia). The ointment is for external use only. The tube weighs 15 g. Indications for use are: purulent inflammation skin and soft tissues, for example: with pyoderma, phlegmon, furunculosis, erysipelas.

Application diagram –
lincomycin ointment - instructions for use recommends applying a thin layer to the affected areas skin 2-3 times a day. If there is no improvement within the first few days of use, it can be assumed that the infection is insensitive to lincosamides. IN in this case You must immediately consult a doctor to replace the drug with another antibiotic.

Composition of the drug (per 100 g) –

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Side effects and contraindications –

Lincomycin cannot be used during pregnancy, because the drug has a toxic effect on the fetus. In addition, it penetrates well through the placenta (the concentration in the fetal blood will be about 25% of the concentration in the maternal blood serum). Therefore, pregnant and lactating women should not use any form of lincomycin, including ointment.

You should also not take the drug if you have intestinal diseases (colitis, enteritis, ulcerative colitis), if available allergic reactions to lincosamides or doxorubicin. If symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis develop while taking lincomycin, it is necessary to urgently discontinue the drug by starting specific treatment, which should include taking tablets. Metronidazole or Vancomycin. We hope that our article was useful to you!

(37 ratings, average: 3,97 out of 5)

The page contains instructions for use Lincomycin. It is available in various dosage forms drug (capsules or tablets 250 mg hydrochloride, injections in ampoules for injection, ointment), and also has a number of analogues. This abstract has been verified by experts. Leave your feedback on the use of the antibiotic Lincomycin, which will help other site visitors. The drug is used for various diseases(pneumonia, endocarditis, abscess). The product has a number of side effects and interactions with other substances. Doses of the drug differ for adults and children. There are restrictions on the use of the medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Treatment with Lincomycin should only be prescribed by a qualified physician. The duration of therapy may vary and depends on the specific disease.

Instructions for use and dosage

When taken orally by adults - 500 mg 3-4 times a day or intramuscularly - 600 mg 1-2 times a day. 600 mg is administered intravenously (dropper) in 250 ml of isotonic sodium chloride or glucose solution 2-3 times a day.

Children aged 1 month to 14 years orally - 30-60 mg/kg per day; administered intravenously at a dose of 10-20 mg/kg every 8-12 hours.

When applied topically, apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin.


Lincomycin (in the form of hydrochloride monohydrate) + excipients.

Release forms

250 mg capsules (sometimes mistakenly called tablets).

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration (injections in injection ampoules) 300 mg/ml.

Ointment for external use.

Lincomycin- antibiotic of the lincosamide group. In therapeutic doses it acts bacteriostatically. With more high concentrations provides bactericidal effect. Suppresses protein synthesis in microbial cells.

Active primarily against aerobic gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus spp. (including strains producing penicillinase), Streptococcus spp. (incl. Streptococcus pneumoniae/except Enterococcus faecalis/), Corynebacterium diphtheriae; anaerobic bacteria Clostridium spp., Bacteroides spp.

Lincomycin is also active against Mycoplasma spp.

Most gram-negative bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa are resistant to lincomycin. Resilience is developed slowly.

Cross-resistance exists between lincomycin and clindamycin.


After oral administration, 30-40% is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Eating slows down the rate and extent of absorption. Lincomycin is widely distributed in tissues (including bone) and body fluids. Penetrates through the placental barrier. Partially metabolized in the liver. It is excreted unchanged and in the form of metabolites in urine, bile and feces.


  • infectious and inflammatory diseases severe course caused by microorganisms sensitive to lincomycin, incl. sepsis, osteomyelitis, septic endocarditis, pneumonia, lung abscess, pleural empyema, wound infection;
  • as a reserve antibiotic for infections caused by strains of staphylococcus and other gram-positive microorganisms resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics;
  • For local application: purulent-inflammatory skin diseases.


  • severe dysfunction of the liver and/or kidneys;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • increased sensitivity to lincomycin and clindamycin.

Special instructions

If liver and/or kidney function is impaired, reduce single dose lincomycin by 1/3 - 1/2 and increase the interval between administrations. With long-term use, systematic monitoring of kidney and liver functions is necessary.

If pseudomembranous colitis develops, lincomycin should be discontinued and vancomycin or bacitracin should be prescribed.

Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • epigastric pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • glossitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • with long-term use in high doses possible development of pseudomembranous colitis;
  • reversible leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia;
  • hives;
  • exfoliative dermatitis;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • candidiasis;
  • phlebitis (with intravenous administration);
  • decreased blood pressure, dizziness, general weakness (with rapid intravenous administration).

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with penicillins, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol or erythromycin, antagonism of the antimicrobial effect is possible.

When used simultaneously with aminoglycosides, synergistic action is possible.

When used simultaneously with inhalation anesthesia or muscle relaxants peripheral action There is an increase in neuromuscular blockade, up to the development of apnea.

Reception antidiarrheal drugs reduces the effect of lincomycin.

Pharmaceutical interactions

Pharmaceutically incompatible with ampicillin, barbiturates, theophylline, calcium gluconate, heparin and magnesium sulfate.

Lincomycin is incompatible in the same syringe or dropper with kanamycin or novobiocin.

Analogs medicinal product Lincomycin

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Lincomycin AKOS;
  • Lincomycin hydrochloride;
  • Lincomycin hydrochloride capsules 0.25 g;
  • Lincomycin hydrochloride solution for injection 30%;
  • Neloren;
  • Films with lincomycin.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Lincomycin crosses the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk. Use during pregnancy is contraindicated. If it is necessary to use it during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.

Lincomycin (as hydrochloride monohydrate) (lincomycin)

Composition and release form of the drug

Capsules hard gelatin №0: body white, opaque, green cap, opaque; the contents of the capsules are a mixture of powder and granules of white or almost white color with a weak characteristic odor; the contents of the capsules can be compacted into lumps that are easily broken when pressed.

Excipients: sucrose - 52.5 mg, potato starch - 10.5 mg, magnesium stearate - 3.5 mg.

Composition of the capsule body: titanium dioxide - 2%, gelatin - up to 100%.
Composition of the capsule cap: azorubine dye - 0.0016%, brilliant black dye - 0.0958%, patented blue dye - 0.1642%, quinoline yellow dye - 1.1496%, titanium dioxide - 1.3333%, gelatin - up to 100%.

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100 pcs. - cans made of polyethylene terephthalate (1) - cardboard packs.

Pharmacological action

Antibiotic of the lincosamide group. In therapeutic doses it acts bacteriostatically. At higher concentrations it has a bactericidal effect. Suppresses protein synthesis in microbial cells.

Active primarily against aerobic gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus spp. (including strains producing penicillinase), Streptococcus spp. (including Streptococcus pneumoniae /except Enterococcus faecalis/), Corynebacterium diphtheriae; anaerobic bacteria Clostridium spp., Bacteroides spp.

Lincomycin is also active against Mycoplasma spp.

Most gram-negative bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa are resistant to lincomycin. Resilience is developed slowly.

There is cross-resistance between lincomycin.


After oral administration, 30-40% is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Eating slows down the rate and extent of absorption. Lincomycin is widely distributed in tissues (including bone) and body fluids. Penetrates through the placental barrier. Partially metabolized in the liver. T1/2 is about 5 hours. It is excreted unchanged and in the form of metabolites in urine, bile and feces.


Severe infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to lincomycin, incl. sepsis, osteomyelitis, septic endocarditis, pneumonia, lung abscess, pleural empyema, wound infection. As a reserve antibiotic for infections caused by strains of staphylococcus and other gram-positive microorganisms resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics.

For external use: purulent-inflammatory skin diseases.


Severe liver and/or kidney dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to lincomycin and clindamycin.


When taken orally by adults - 500 mg 3-4 times a day or intramuscularly - 600 mg 1-2 times a day. 600 mg is administered intravenously in 250 ml of isotonic solution or glucose 2-3 times a day.

Children aged 1 month to 14 years orally - 30-60 mg/kg/day; administered intravenously at a dose of 10-20 mg/kg every 8-12 hours.

For external use, apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin.

Side effects

From the outside digestive system: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, diarrhea, glossitis, stomatitis; transient increase in the level of liver transaminases and bilirubin in the blood; with long-term use in high doses, the development of pseudomembranous colitis is possible.

From the hematopoietic system: reversible leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.

Allergic reactions: urticaria, exfoliative dermatitis, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

Effects due to chemotherapeutic action: candidiasis.

Local reactions: phlebitis (with intravenous administration).

With rapid intravenous administration: decreased blood pressure, dizziness, general weakness, relaxation of skeletal muscles.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with penicillins, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, antagonism of the antimicrobial effect is possible.

When used simultaneously with aminoglycosides, synergistic action is possible.

When used simultaneously with inhalation anesthesia or peripherally acting muscle relaxants, an increase in neuromuscular blockade is observed, up to the development of apnea.

Taking antidiarrheal drugs reduces the effect of lincomycin.

Pharmaceutical interactions

Pharmaceutically incompatible with ampicillin, barbiturates, theophylline, heparin and magnesium sulfate.

Lincomycin is incompatible in the same syringe or dropper with kanamycin or novobiocin.

Special instructions

If liver and/or kidney function is impaired, the single dose of lincomycin should be reduced by 1/3-1/2 and the interval between doses should be increased. With long-term use, systematic monitoring of kidney and liver functions is necessary.

If pseudomembranous colitis develops, lincomycin should be discontinued and vancomycin or bacitracin should be prescribed.

Pregnancy and lactation

Lincomycin crosses the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk. Use during pregnancy is contraindicated. If it is necessary to use it during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.