Why does my 4 month old baby have red cheeks? The child has redness on the cheeks

A baby's rosy cheeks are not always a sign of good health. Sometimes they signal unfavorable processes occurring in the child’s body.

Why and why does a child have red cheeks?

If you notice that your child's cheeks (or one cheek) are red all the time or mostly in the evening, this is most likely a sign of an allergy. The scientific name for red (as well as rough or flaky) cheeks in a child is exudative-catarrhal diathesis or milk scab. In the first year of a baby’s life, the vast majority of parents face this problem to one degree or another. Having seen unhealthy red cheeks in a child, you need to find the cause (allergen) as quickly as possible and eliminate it in order to prevent the diathesis from developing into a more serious disease (atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis), chronic allergic rhinitis (runny nose), etc., even bronchial asthma).

Red cheeks in a baby

The cause of red cheeks in an infant (breastfed) should be sought in the diet of the nursing mother. Remember what you ate over the last three days, whether there were potential allergens in your diet during this period (chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, carrots, cow's milk, etc.). Eliminate all hazardous products. It will be possible to try them again only when the child’s allergy symptoms disappear. And these products should be introduced into the diet with caution, no more than one product per week, in small quantities. And be sure to monitor your baby’s reaction. If you allow yourself a piece of chocolate, but your favorite cheeks turn red again, you will have to deny yourself this delicacy until the end of breastfeeding.

Artificial child has red cheeks

The red cheeks of a formula-fed baby who is not yet familiar with complementary feeding will make it clear to the mother that the baby is allergic to cow's milk. It is included in most infant formulas, and yet allergy to it in children is a very common phenomenon. What to do? First, try giving a different brand of formula. If the irritation on the cheeks does not go away, you will have to temporarily transfer the child to a special, hypoallergenic formula (instead of cow's milk, it contains protein hydrolysates or soy milk).

It is impossible to constantly feed a child with such a mixture, since it does not contain a sufficient amount of all the substances necessary for normal growth and development. In addition, many children simply refuse to eat it (this was the case with the son of the author of this article). Then you will have to get your child baby formula based on goat’s milk - it is not cheap, and you can’t buy it everywhere, but, unfortunately, for some parents this is the only option. And of course, such an artificially allergic child needs to introduce complementary foods earlier than other children.

Red cheeks in a child after one year

If your one-year-old child, who is well acquainted with complementary foods, has red cheeks, it is clear that the allergen should be looked for directly in his diet. The procedure for finding and eliminating a poorly tolerated product is the same as for infants. We exclude all potential allergens (often carrots and all red and orange fruits and, again, cow's milk), wait until the unpleasant symptoms disappear and then introduce questionable foods one at a time for a week, observing reaction.

It happens that it is not food allergies that lead to diathesis. If you are sure that your child's diet does not contain allergens, but his cheeks are still red, try changing your children's cosmetics, washing powder, and perhaps even your own perfume.

In addition to eliminating the allergen, it also doesn’t hurt to take care of your baby’s skin directly, helping it calm down and recover. To do this, when bathing your baby, use herbal infusions: string, chamomile, rowan, lungwort, echinacea, and chicory are good for soothing and regenerating baby skin. There is no need to mix herbs, one type is enough. Add the infusion to your bath until the redness goes away.

A light blush is a sign of the baby’s health and well-being. However, red cheeks in a baby may indicate the presence of inflammation of the skin and elevated body temperature. The situation is dangerous because it alerts parents to problems in the functioning of the body. In a baby under one year old, the skin is very delicate, so it can react negatively to any external or internal changes. Parents are not advised to panic and should seek advice from their pediatrician.


Each child's body has individual characteristics. That is why the causes of red cheeks can be pathological and harmless. Only a specialist in this field can correctly differentiate them.

The first group includes the following diseases:

  • Symptom of allergic dermatitis.
  • A sharp increase in body temperature.
  • An infectious disease begins to actively multiply in the body.
  • Ring-shaped erythema.
  • The newborn was previously diagnosed with lupus erythematosus.
  • Improper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

A spot on the cheek may be completely safe. It must be treated or eliminated with medications if it appears under the influence of the following factors:

  • Delicate skin has been irritated by saliva or food.
  • A child's cheeks turn red if he has been in the sun for a long time. The baby should not be wrapped up, since overheating can also provoke this situation.
  • The period of growth of the first teeth.
  • Before the redness, the baby was actively moving for a long time.
  • Symptoms may appear after walking outdoors. However, the weather was too cold and windy.

If your baby’s cheeks are also peeling, you should immediately consult a pediatrician. Additional symptoms may include general malaise or increased body temperature

Features of the manifestation of allergic dermatitis

The disease manifests itself in the form of redness on the cheeks due to consumption of food or contact with certain cosmetics. Some children are allergic to animal fur or medications. In this case, the nose and forehead may turn red.

Additionally, some babies experience peeling skin, itching and profuse rashes. Other symptoms include problems in the gastrointestinal tract, swelling of the mucous membrane, throat, and nose. An infant may also have tears and a runny nose.

Food allergies can develop while breastfeeding if the woman does not adhere to a special diet.

As preventive measures, the following foods should be removed from the diet:

  • all types of nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits and vegetables of red (orange) color have a negative effect;
  • citrus fruits and seafood;
  • smoked sausages and meat;
  • some types of fish and fatty meats.

A woman during lactation should carefully select her diet. New products are being introduced gradually.

If the baby develops a red rash, then this ingredient must be excluded from the diet for at least another month.

If the baby is bottle-fed, an allergy may occur directly to the formula itself. Quite often the reaction appears against the background of intolerance to cow's milk. This component is often included in cereals and mixtures. A GV specialist will help you choose the optimal composition. It will not irritate the gastrointestinal tract or cause allergies. Today you can purchase a special hypoallergenic mixture. It is ideal for children with a tendency to this negative reaction.

Products that most often cause allergies

When introducing complementary foods into your baby's diet, you can often notice reddening of the cheeks. This is a reaction to a product that was previously unknown to the body. You can track your reaction using a food diary. In it, the woman must note the date and quantity of the new product she ate. If there is a negative reaction, it should be abandoned. You can try the dish next time only in a month.

Complementary foods must be administered correctly. A new product is tried no more than once every two weeks. If the baby's skin is very red, then you should refuse it. Vegetables and fruits should only be seasonal and completely natural. Experts advise buying purees that are designed taking into account the characteristics of the child’s digestive system.

Red spots on the skin can be a result of long-term use of antibiotics. This drug for children is sold in the form of syrup. If redness appears, you should immediately consult your doctor. The situation can also arise against the background of long-term use of medications.

Baby skin care products should be hypoallergenic. A baby develops a rough body if soap and shampoo do not suit him. Wearing clothes made of synthetic fabric for a long time or washing them with low-quality powder can have a negative effect. If a child's cheeks or hands turn red, this indicates contact with an allergen.

Red cheeks as a symptom of illness

It is important for every parent to understand why red spots appear on their baby’s skin. The disease rarely goes away with only one symptom, so they must be extremely attentive to the appearance and behavior of the baby. The situation manifests itself in the evening if the baby has a cold or an infection is actively developing in his body. The disease can also be bacterial in nature.

Features of the manifestation of enzymatic deficiency

Some experts say that a baby's red cheeks are a consequence of overeating. The fact is that up to a year old, babies cannot yet independently control the saturation process. The situation is dangerous and can cause overeating, which negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The digestive system is not mature, so it does not have enough enzymes. Against this background, the baby may experience redness in the evening. In this case, there is no point in looking for an allergen. All you have to do is start controlling your portions and avoid eating too much food.

Treatment for enzyme deficiency involves taking additional amounts of essential enzymes. After a certain time, the situation should normalize on its own.

With roseola, the child’s body temperature rises

Features of the manifestation of roseola in children

This disease is classified as infectious. It develops under the influence of the herpes virus (types 6 and 7). Most often, characteristic manifestations can be found in children aged four months to two years. Among other symptoms, a sharp increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees should be noted. The rash may appear on one side and then spread over the entire face. It tends to spread from top to bottom. Additionally, children experience an almost complete lack of appetite. For treatment, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs and give the baby as much fluid as possible.

Features of the manifestation of skin eczema

The disease is serious and quite often develops into a chronic condition. The first symptoms appear in babies aged two months. The situation develops against the background of a hereditary predisposition.

Eczema may begin to appear on the cheeks and then spread to other areas of the human body. They turn red and begin to peel off. After a certain period, the situation gets worse regarding the appearance of cracks. They bleed or ooze fluid. Weeping spots cause a lot of discomfort to the baby, they itch and hurt. The task of parents is to properly care for their skin. In this case, secondary bacterial infection will be avoided.

Symptoms of pneumonia

The disease develops against the background of an infectious lesion of the lung tissue. In this case, the baby may experience redness on the cheeks and tip of the nose. Lips become pale. Additionally, the little patient’s body temperature increases, there is a lack of appetite, weakness and rapid breathing. To treat pneumonia in an infant, it is necessary to admit him to a hospital.
The cheeks may turn red due to acetone syndrome and improper liver function.

Before going for a walk in the cold season, you need to apply baby cream to your cheeks.

First aid

If redness occurs regularly, it is necessary to find the cause of this condition. Parents cannot do this on their own. This will require a full examination and diagnosis by a pediatrician. Only on the basis of the obtained tests will it be possible to choose the correct course of treatment. If redness on the cheeks appears due to an allergic reaction, then to eliminate it you must follow the following rules:

  • Avoid direct contact with the allergen.
  • Mommy must stick to a diet. If the baby eats formula, then a breastfeeding specialist will be able to select it correctly.
  • Enterosorbents will help remove harmful components from the body.
  • If necessary, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines.
  • To treat areas with inflammation, it is necessary to use creams and ointments that help eliminate inflammation and itching.

Herbal lotions help get rid of itching quickly and effectively. For this purpose, you can use chamomile, string, oak bark or plantain. Thanks to them, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood of scratching and, as a result, infection.

Reddened cheeks in a baby may be far from normal for a young body. There are several reasons for this: various types of diathesis, an allergic reaction of the body, infectious and viral diseases. In addition to red cheeks, a child may experience peeling skin, fever, diarrhea, runny nose and other symptoms. Based on these signs, you can determine the nature of the disease that appears on the cheeks.

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    Causes of red cheeks

    The very first thing any mother of a child thinks about when she notices redness on her cheeks is an allergic reaction. But allergies are not the only cause of red cheeks in a baby.

    The causes of the disease can be various types of dermatitis and diathesis and other factors and diseases:

    1. 1. Exudative-catarrhal diathesis.
    2. 2. Food allergies.
    3. 3. Drug allergies.
    4. 4. Atopic dermatitis.
    5. 5. Contact dermatitis.
    6. 6. Cold or heat allergies.
    7. 7. Increased body temperature due to the inflammatory process.
    8. 8. Congenital enzymatic deficiency.
    9. 9. Other causes of redness of the cheeks.

    To understand what causes redness on the skin, you need to carefully study the signs of such manifestations and accompanying symptoms.

    Exudative-catarrhal diathesis

    This is a disease that manifests itself as redness and dryness of the skin on the cheeks. Exudative diathesis is a manifestation of food allergy. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can develop into atopic dermatitis.

    The disease begins with severe redness of the cheeks, then the skin begins to dry out and become covered with a thin crust. The lesions begin to itch. Then diaper rash appears on the buttocks and perineum and yellow crusts on the baby’s scalp.

    Children susceptible to this diathesis often suffer from colds. The manifestation of an allergic reaction may disappear over time, but the child remains predisposed to allergies for life. This disease most often occurs in children aged 1.5–2 months.

    Food allergies

    In addition to red cheeks, food allergies cause swelling of the skin, eyelids and larynx, and gastrointestinal upset. Products that are considered strong food allergens:

    • chocolate;
    • nuts;
    • cocoa;
    • citrus;
    • vegetables and fruits of red and orange color;
    • egg;
    • mushrooms;
    • smoked and salted preparations;
    • cow's milk.

    In cases of food allergies, it is necessary to analyze your own nutrition if the baby is breastfed. For bottle-fed children, pay attention to formula. If the baby has complementary foods, then you should find the product to which the child has an allergic reaction.

    Drug allergies

    Red cheeks with such an allergy are an immune reaction to drugs that have entered the child’s body.

    Children are often susceptible to allergies from the following:

    1. 1. Vitamin D.
    2. 2. Iron supplements.
    3. 3. Antibiotics.
    4. 4. DTP vaccine.
    5. 5. Measles vaccine.
    6. 6. Flu shot.
    7. 7. Serum against tetanus and diphtheria.

    Atopic dermatitis

    Neurodermatitis is a complex of allergic manifestations of the baby’s body. Affects the skin of the cheeks, chin, neck, forehead and limbs. The skin takes on a purple appearance and becomes rough.

    It often occurs in children under one year of age and persists for several more years. Afterwards it disappears completely.

    Contact dermatitis

    Redness of the skin is caused by exposure to an allergen due to contact with a specific substance. An allergic reaction occurs for the following reasons:

    1. 1. Application of cream and ointments.
    2. 2. Bathing with inappropriate cosmetics.
    3. 3. Using washing powder with a high chemical content.
    4. 4. Wearing clothes made from non-natural fabric.

    Cold or heat allergies

    Allergies on the cheeks can occur when there is a sharp change in air temperature. Cheeks turn red during a walk and after going outside at home. In cold weather, before going for a walk, you should treat your baby’s cheeks with a protective cream.

    Redness occurs due to an imperfect heat exchange process. When overheated, the body temperature begins to rise and the skin begins to turn red. You should undress the baby and give him air baths. After some time, the temperature will return to normal and the redness will subside.

    Increased body temperature due to inflammation

    If the cheeks have acquired a purple appearance, and the temperature does not subside after undressing and taking air baths, then we can talk about the onset of the disease. In such cases, you must call a doctor.

    Some types of infections against the background of other diseases can manifest themselves in the form of an allergic reaction on the cheeks:

    1. 1. Infantile roseola. If, after an acute respiratory viral infection, a child shows signs of flu and redness appears on the cheeks, then you should consult a doctor. Such manifestations may indicate infantile roseola. With roseola, the baby's temperature rises sharply, diarrhea with mucous impurities appears, and a red rash appears that affects the entire body.
    2. 2. Erythema infectiosum. This disease is caused by parvovirus B12. In addition to reddened cheeks, the child experiences headache, nausea, diarrhea, high fever, runny nose, and deterioration in the general condition of the body. Redness on the skin of the cheeks appears on days 3–5 of illness. After a certain time, the rash spreads to the entire body and limbs of the child.
    3. 3. Lupus erythematosus. The rash on the cheeks appears in the form of a butterfly, and development begins from the tip of the nose. After some time, the redness spreads throughout the body. Signs of lupus include fever, dysfunction of the spleen, heart, and inflammation of the joints.

    Congenital enzyme deficiency

    The cause of redness on the cheeks may be congenital enzymatic deficiency. Children in the first year of life are susceptible to such ailments. Sometimes the manifestation remains in older children, but over time they pass.

    The disorder is characterized by the fact that the child stops gaining weight, but his health remains good. Redness appears if the baby is allowed to eat more than the prescribed amount. When digesting large amounts of food, the body lacks the enzymes that process food. As a result, unprocessed protein remains, which causes redness on the cheeks.

    In such cases, the doctor suggests replenishing the body with the necessary enzymes that are found in medications. It is not necessary to resort to such treatment, because the more artificial enzymes enter the body, the less the baby’s body produces them. Therefore, you need to wait until the child grows up, because with age, enzyme deficiency disappears. And at this time there is no need to overload the child with food.

    Other causes of red cheeks

    In addition to food allergies, fever and overheating, a child may experience discomfort from reddened cheeks due to the following reasons:

    1. 1. Acetonomy syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by the smell of acetone from the mouth and urine. The child feels sick and vomits. A red rash on the cheeks is also a sign of the syndrome.
    2. 2. Heart pathologies. In this case, the child’s cheeks turn red in the evening or at night. After sleep, the cheeks turn pale again. In this case, it is necessary to do an echocardioscopy of the heart.
    3. 3. Impaired liver function. Constant redness of the cheeks may indicate improper liver function. It is necessary to do an ultrasound check.
    4. 4. Teething. Starting at 4 months, the baby's gums may become swollen and red, and the cheeks may become red and swollen. These signs are the imminent appearance of the first tooth.
    5. 5. Pneumonia. Red cheeks combined with pale lips and the tip of the nose can be a sign of pneumonia in a baby. Lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, rapid breathing, cough, and vomiting appear.

    What to do about the appearance on the cheeks

    Overcoming the symptom is very simple if you follow the following recommendations:

    1. 1. It is necessary to determine the allergen that caused such a reaction and exclude it. It is worth remembering the child’s body’s reactions to this allergen, so that in the future you can recognize it in the initial stages and overcome it without side effects.
    2. 2. To restore your baby’s skin from allergies, you should not resort to the use of hormonal ointments and antiallergic medications. In some cases, the baby may only get worse. Therefore, you should organize a healthy diet for your child. If the baby is breastfed, then the mother herself should maintain a healthy diet. It is necessary to exclude sweet and flour products, because they can increase the manifestation of allergies.
    3. 3. It is necessary to ventilate the room more often and do wet cleaning.
    4. 4. It is necessary to replace all household chemicals with products that are safe for the baby.
    5. 5. Clothing for a child should be chosen from natural fabrics with a small amount of dyes.

    Proper nutrition, ventilation, keeping the house clean, washing your hands, wearing the right clothes and cosmetics without chemicals will help not only get rid of the cause of reddened skin, but also get rid of this disease forever.

    How to treat an allergic reaction

    First of all, you need to understand why the child had an allergic reaction. The easiest way to treat is to remove the allergen. But there are pharmaceutical drugs and traditional medicine to help mothers:

    • Lotions made from tea leaves, chamomile herbs, string, dandelion, burdock, plantain. These remedies will help reduce itching of the skin.
    • Moisturizing and soothing ointments and creams. Before use, it is worth checking the body’s reaction to such cosmetics.
    • Enterosorbents. Helps cope with diathesis and allergies. Such drugs can cleanse the body of toxins. Use: Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb.

    Before using medications and folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.

    A pink blush on the cheeks is a sign of a healthy baby. It is rare that allergic or infectious redness on the skin does not cause any inconvenience to the child. If the child is blushing, perhaps he is simply dressed warmly. He must be undressed and the body allowed to cool. If high temperature, itching, peeling, vomiting, diarrhea and other unpleasant circumstances are added to the redness on the cheeks, then the child has an allergic reaction or inflammatory processes are occurring inside the body. If the deterioration of the baby’s body condition is added to the reddened cheeks, then you should contact your pediatrician.

What is the phenomenon when a child's cheeks turn red? Many mothers think that blush suits the child, and there is no danger in this. This is often true, but only if there are no additional symptoms of various diseases. To understand the question of whether such a sign as red cheeks in a child poses a danger to his health. To do this, let us analyze in detail the various symptoms of this symptom.

The main reasons for the appearance of red cheeks in a child

There are many different reasons why your baby may show signs of redness on his cheeks. To determine the causes, parents need to pay close attention to the accompanying symptoms. If parents cannot determine the reasons on their own, then they should not guess with tea leaves; in this case, they should immediately seek help from a pediatrician. There are 4 typical cases that indicate different causes of developing diseases.

Red cheeks with no symptoms

Red cheeks in a child without accompanying symptoms is due to a positive and safe case. If your baby's cheeks are red, this is the body's response to walks or active games. This reason is not dangerous for the child, and often the sign disappears after some time.

Redness of the cheeks can be provoked by an emotional mood, especially when the child makes a “Skoda” and the parents then scold him. The following factors can be attributed to the emotional mood:

  • shyness;
  • guilt;
  • anger;
  • modesty;
  • shyness;
  • fear.

All these factors lead to the fact that blood actively begins to rush to the face, as a result of which the cheeks become pink. Other symptoms do not appear with all the above factors. It is important to note that a viral or infectious nature can be added to the child’s emotional mood, since it is during times of stress that a decrease in the body’s protective function is observed.

Important to know! If a baby’s red cheeks appear after walking in the fresh air, then this is an absolutely normal phenomenon that does not require medical intervention.

Red cheeks and fever

Very often, red cheeks in a child are complicated by symptoms such as fever. What does this phenomenon indicate? As body temperature rises, dilation of blood vessels on the face is observed. If the thermometer value does not exceed 38 degrees, then resorting to the prescription of antipyretic drugs is strictly contraindicated. A temperature of 37 degrees together with the symptom of red cheeks in a child is not dangerous, especially if the child is under 3 years old.

If the temperature rises and the baby’s cheeks turn red, then after a while other signs will certainly appear: nausea, vomiting, cough, diarrhea and others. The presence of these signs will indicate the development of viral or bacterial diseases. But if colds are excluded, then the cause of fever in children with red cheeks is an allergic reaction.

Signs of allergies are not difficult to identify. First, you should examine the child’s body, because the main sign of an allergy is a rash on the skin, especially if the whole body is red. Over time, if the allergen is not eliminated, the symptoms will only worsen, and the red cheeks will gradually swell.

Important to know! In case of allergic manifestations, it is also necessary to call an ambulance, especially if the allergy symptoms are complicated.

Red cheeks with symptoms of low fever and general weakness

General fatigue and a drop in temperature occur due to the child’s lack of proper routine. If the baby does not get enough sleep, eats poorly, and is constantly in an unventilated room, then all this will negatively affect his well-being and development.

Low temperature and loss of strength are just the main symptoms that the baby is not following the regime. Parents definitely need to take up the challenge of changing the child’s routine, otherwise the baby will be characterized by the following factors, such as frequent illness, tearfulness, retardation in growth and development, etc.

Important to know! Parents should be involved in raising a toddler not when he goes to school, but from the first days of his life.

Red cheeks with signs of peeling skin

A high fever and red cheeks in a baby may be a sign of a childhood disease called diathesis. Every adult is familiar with this disease, as it was difficult to resist the taste of sweets and chocolate that the New Year presented to us. Today, children are quite modern, so already at the age of 6-7 they can confidently afford to buy candy in a store. Excessive amounts of chocolate in the body, as well as a tendency to allergies, lead to the development of diathesis.

If you have symptoms of diathesis, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diathesis appears not only on the cheeks, but also on the chin, forehead, and arms. To reduce signs of allergic manifestations, you will need to use various anti-allergy ointments, tablets and syrups.

Features of treatment

If the cause of developing symptoms is an allergic reaction to irritants, then hospitalization and complex therapy will be required to eliminate the symptoms. For this purpose, drugs such as Cortisone, Theophylline and Epinephrine are prescribed. If signs of a runny nose and cough appear due to allergies, then it is necessary to use appropriate medications aimed at eliminating these symptoms.

If the cause of negative symptoms is a common cold, then the use of antiviral drugs of appropriate influence will be required. When you have a cold, you not only need to fight viruses, but also eliminate the resulting symptoms: cough, runny nose, sore throat.

Red cheeks in a baby are not always an indicator of the baby’s excellent health. They can signal the mother about existing disorders in the baby’s body, especially if this is accompanied by rashes, peeling of the skin and increased body temperature. A child’s skin is extremely delicate and highly sensitive to various pathologies in its body and environment.

Reasons why children may have red cheeks

Pathological nature:

  1. Diathesis
  2. Inflammatory process in the body.
  3. Infectious diseases such as roseola infantum, bacterial sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia.
  4. Cardiovascular system disorders.
  5. Systemic lupus erythematosus.

Not posing a threat to the child's health:

  1. Overheat.
  2. Teething.
  3. Excessive physical activity.
  4. Walking in cold windy weather.

The most common causes of red cheeks in infants

1 reason – diathesis

In children, the exudative form is most common. It is a precursor to food allergies.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

  • The appearance of bright pink spots not only on the cheeks, but also on the flexor surfaces of the limbs, near the eyes. The rash may increase in size, become inflamed, and crack.
  • Peeling and dry skin.
  • Formation of diaper rash and prickly heat.
  • Formation of crusts on the scalp.
  • The appearance of severe itching, causing anxiety to the baby.

What foods provoke the development of diathesis

  • Cow's milk.
  • Vegetables and fruits when introducing complementary foods.
  • Eggs.
  • Confectionery.

If the baby is breastfed and has a rash on his cheeks, then the cause should be sought in a violation of the mother’s diet. Most likely, she included allergenic foods in her diet: chocolate, strawberries, smoked meats, citrus fruits.

Reason 2 – pseudo-allergic reaction

Redness of the cheeks can be a response of the baby's body to any food product. It does not appear due to the production of antibodies, as in the case of an allergic reaction, but due to a lack of digestive enzymes. In children, the throughput is increased, so with increased volumes of the product, such a reaction develops. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

Reason 3 – overheating

The fact is that small children do not have stabilized heat exchange processes, so the first reaction to excessive heat is redness of the skin of the cheeks.

Reason 4: baby’s teething

When a baby is teething, it is quite common to see reddening of the cheeks. The baby becomes capricious, restless, sleeps and eats poorly, and the gums in the mouth are inflamed and hyperemic. The baby's body temperature may also increase.

What to do if your cheeks are red

If the child does not have a high body temperature, parents should not panic. We need to wait for a pediatrician's examination. Before visiting the doctor, it is allowed to carry out preventive measures:

  • The mother follows a diet that excludes the consumption of foods such as coffee, strong tea, chocolate, citrus fruits, as well as foods containing preservatives and dyes.
  • Return to breastfeeding, eliminating complementary feeding.
  • Use hypoallergenic, unscented household chemicals when washing children's clothes and cleaning the house.
  • Purchasing a humidifier for your baby's room.
  • Lubricating the child's facial skin with baby cream before a walk.

A few important points that all mothers should remember

  • There is no need to independently diagnose and treat the child: an examination by a qualified specialist is required who will prescribe treatment appropriate to the disease.
  • To alleviate the baby's condition, compresses from the series help a lot. Already after the first procedure, improvement can be observed.
  • Rashes and redness can form not only on the skin, but also on mucous membranes and internal organs, so do not put off visiting a doctor.

Therapeutic measures aimed against diathesis

If this disease becomes the cause of redness of the skin, then it is necessary:

  1. Identify and eliminate the allergen from the diet of a child or nursing mother.
  2. If a rash has formed, pediatricians most often recommend administering vegetable purees. If it appears in children who are bottle-fed, it is worth changing the formula.
  3. Prescription of antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs by a doctor.
  4. Applying lotions with decoctions of medicinal herbs to the cheeks to alleviate the baby’s condition.
  5. Use exclusively special hypoallergenic shampoos, soaps and washing powder.
  6. Since the water contains chlorine, which is a strong allergen, it is better to use boiled or filtered water for bathing and washing children's clothes.
  7. If diathesis is severe, the doctor prescribes special ointments and drugs that improve liver function.

You cannot treat your child on your own! This is especially true for the use of hormonal ointments, since without the supervision of a doctor they can aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

If the cause of flushing of the cheeks is simple overheating, the mother only needs to undress the baby so that he can take air baths.

When teething, you need to purchase special gels for gums such as Cholisal, Kalgel.

Alarming symptoms associated with the problem

  • If there is an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees, pale lips and the appearance of vomiting or sweating, the mother should immediately call emergency help.
  • Carefully feel the baby's gums; if the child is bothered by increased salivation and he always tries to keep his fingers in his mouth, then teeth are most likely teething. To alleviate the condition, you can purchase special gels for gums.
  • If the rash is localized not only on the cheeks, but also spreads to various parts of the body, the child most likely has diathesis. But the diagnosis is confirmed only by the doctor.
  • When the air humidity in the room is low, the baby is more likely to cough, he is more likely to get colds and sleep poorly.

Hot and red cheeks in a child: reasons

Red and hot cheeks in a baby may indicate inflammatory processes in the child’s body. They are caused by viruses or bacteria.

  • Pneumonia. A characteristic symptom of this disease is flushing of the skin of the cheeks combined with paleness of the lips and tip of the nose. In addition, lethargy and poor appetite of the baby, an increase in body temperature to high values, which also decreases slightly, heavy and rapid breathing and a severe cough are observed.
  • Infantile roseola is an infectious disease caused by herpes virus type 6.7. It is characterized by high body temperature, up to 40ᵒC, and after 3 days a pinkish rash appears, which subsequently spreads throughout the child’s body.

What to do if redness and roughness on the cheeks do not go away?

The mother needs to watch the child, as it is imperative to find the cause. What causes rashes to appear? Perhaps mommy should exclude baby food in jars from the baby’s diet and replace it with homemade purees. Or the child lacks any vitamins and microelements.

Hyperemic and rough skin of a baby may indicate a long walk in the fresh air in cold, windy weather. Before going outside, you just need to lubricate your baby’s skin with nourishing baby cream.

There is no need to ignore redness and roughness on the baby’s cheeks; you should consult a specialist doctor who will effectively help get rid of the disease.