Bubnovsky exercises for coxarthrosis. Do you know how to perform the exercises developed by Bubnovsky for the hip joint? A new approach to the treatment of joint diseases

Gymnastics for coxarthrosis hip joint according to the method of Professor Bubnovsky, it is the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint (hereinafter referred to as TS) with complexes of physical exercises on special simulators. In Fig. Below is the working moment of the patient performing an exercise for coxarthrosis on the simulator.

Therapeutic exercises for vehicles on the Bubnovsky simulator

TS degeneration in coxarthrosis

At its core, coxarthrosis (from the Latin coxarthrosis, in which “plow” means hip or pelvic area) is arthrosis of the thoracic artery with damage to cartilage and deformation of bones. The degenerative process begins with the thinning of the cartilage in the joint and the loss of its shock-absorbing functions. IN final stage Due to the disease, the muscles of the limbs atrophy, and the patient himself loses motor activity.

A healthy hip joint can be likened to a hinge that rotates freely inside the acetabulum. The cavities of the vehicle are filled with articular fluid, which ensures free rotation with minimal sliding friction. IN initial stage diseases change viscous-fluid properties joint fluid, it becomes thicker and more viscous. Due to poor nutrition of the articular cartilage, it dries out. Ever-increasing friction between articular surfaces, which accompanies all human movements when walking or running, leads to mechanical wear of the cartilage. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the cartilage becomes thinner.

The distance between the bones is articular capsule decreases, which leads to increased pressure on the bones. They become deformed, and at the same time, blood flow in the tissues of the vehicle worsens and metabolism slows down. Growths form at the ends of the underlying bone, and it becomes noticeably thicker. Bone growths limit freedom of movement and cause deformation of the vehicle. Joint capsule becomes very thick and inflamed. The joint is filled with exudate, which stretches the ligaments of the joint. Degeneration of the TS and pain lead to stiffness of movement. There is a need for so-called starting movements in order to restore sufficient elasticity of the cartilage.

In Fig. Below is a comparison of a healthy joint and one affected by coxarthrosis. In a healthy joint, the spherical head of the bone (colored pink) is located in the acetabulum of the pelvic bone. The cartilaginous surface is flat, smooth, and ensures unhindered bone movements. When do symptoms of coxarthrosis begin to appear? varying degrees severity of the disease, the cartilage is destroyed, loses its elasticity, and becomes a dry surface with completely lost shock-absorbing properties.

What does TS look like with coxarthrosis?

When articular cartilage is destroyed hip bones rubbing against each other, accompanied by painful sensations with every movement. A person suffering from coxarthrosis intuitively tries to underload the sore leg so that with less load it hurts less. This results in gait disturbance and lameness. A decrease in the range of movements due to the fear of once again disturbing the inflamed joint leads to hypotrophy of the surrounding muscles (a decrease in their volume compared to the muscles of a healthy leg).

Inadequate or untimely treatment and ignored symptoms of a progressive disease form a kind of vicious circle - the initial pathological factors contribute to the development of other manifestations, which themselves begin to intensify the development of the initial pathologies.

A diagram emerges: pain in the leg when walking – gait disturbance with lameness to limit the load on the diseased TS – muscle wasting – contracture (limited mobility, inability to flex/extend) of the joint.

Features of Professor Bubnovsky’s technique

Traditional treatment of coxarthrosis aims to ensure pain-free functioning of the TS. Depending on the degree of development of the disease, treatment may vary in means and methods. When symptoms indicate initial degree lesions of the TS, the treating doctor prescribes analgesics and special physical therapy exercises (physical therapy). Also, in the early stages of TS damage, the orthopedic doctor prescribes treatment with chondroprotective drugs and courses of acupuncture.

In medicine, there are 4 degrees of TS coxarthrosis:

  1. Stage 1 is characterized by symptoms of pain concentrated in the TS itself during intense physical activity. Motor function legs without any abnormalities, x-ray reveals minor pathologies such as narrowing of the joint space.
  2. Stage 2 coxarthrosis is characterized by severe pain, disturbing even at rest. When walking for a long time, an incipient lameness appears. There is muscle atrophy, x-rays noticeable deformation of the head femur. The joint space is noticeably narrowed.

Pain in the pelvic region with coxarthrosis is a pronounced symptomatology of the disease

  1. The symptoms accompanying stage 3 disease are quite typical. Constant severe pain, the person can no longer move independently without the help of devices. X-rays show changes in the position of the pelvic bones.
  2. With stage 4 coxarthrosis, the hip joints are completely immobilized, and the person is bedridden.

Traditional treatment using painkillers medicines In essence, it is not a treatment, since there is no effect on the cause of destruction of the cartilage tissue of the vehicle. During the course of the disease, the effectiveness of analgesics decreases, and we are already talking about surgical intervention.

The situation will change radically if blood circulation in the joint tissues and metabolic processes in the bones and cartilage are activated, so that all tissues begin to be supplied with the necessary microelements. Complete nutrition of the cartilage of the vehicle is ensured by the active work of nearby muscles and ligaments. Treatment according to the method of Professor Bubnovsky uses the basic principles of kinesitherapy, according to which correctly performed movements of body parts contribute to the renewal, improvement and preservation functional state muscles, joints and other systems human body. Kinesitherapy eliminates not the external symptoms of coxarthrosis, but its internal destructive effects from hypokinesia (reduced motor activity), leading to muscle atrophy.

The famous doctor developed decompression anti-gravity simulators that eliminate the occurrence of axial load on the joints during exercise therapy for coxarthrosis of the hip joint. Treatment of diseases musculoskeletal system Dr. Sergey Bubnovsky conducts with the help of Bubnovsky's proprietary MTB - multifunctional simulators.

One of the MTB modifications

Therapeutic gymnastics exercises on MTB

Before starting treatment, an experienced orthopedic doctor conducts an examination, studies the symptoms and determines the stage of the disease. Gymnastics for coxarthrosis of the hip joint is an individual treatment program, which includes special exercises with certain power loads, performed in the required volume and at a given frequency.

With a superficial acquaintance with the methods of kinesitherapy in relation to the treatment of those suffering from intolerable pain in the knees or in the pelvic area, a natural bewilderment arises, how to perform exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint, if it hurts even to tear yourself away from the chair or bed? A decompression system comes to the aid of the treating orthopedist and the patient, reducing the degree of involvement of the elements of the vehicle and redistributing the loads on the muscles during therapeutic exercises. The mutilated cartilages themselves remain unloaded, otherwise they would continue to wear out and collapse, only aggravating the problems with the vehicle.

Gymnastics for coxarthrosis requires careful implementation of the exercises prescribed by the attending doctor. Doctors who provide treatment using the kinesitherapy method believe that every correctly performed movement heals, while an incorrect movement will harm the sick person. Monitoring the correct execution physical therapy exercises for individual or group classes MTB is carried out by the doctor who prescribed the course of treatment and a professional instructor, trained according to the method of Sergei Bubnovsky. Currently, MTB and their analogues are being produced for home exercises, which allow not only to treat TS coxarthrosis in the initial stage, but also to carry out treatment and rehabilitation measures after endoprosthetics (in advanced cases).

Bubnovsky simulator for exercises at home

Video. Joint gymnastics using the Bubnovsky method

Dr. Bubnovsky created a unique method for strengthening the so-called “deep” muscles that fit tightly to the skeleton. The simulators he developed return functionality to the muscles, leading to the restoration of microcirculation of blood flow in the thigh muscles that have atrophied from physical inactivity. Thus, treatment of coxarthrosis is carried out without medication and surgical intervention.

Hello, dear guests! Unpleasant sensations and unwanted, but frequent visitors in the body after 40-45 years (it happens earlier).

One of these problems is. This pathology occurs when blood flow is disrupted and metabolic processes in the joint. My mother recently had such a problem, and you know what helped her - gymnastics for coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

Used to treat the disease integrated approach And vital role devoted to physical therapy.

  1. Stiffness in movements.
  2. Lameness.
  3. Painful sensations not only when moving, but also at rest.
  4. Different lengths of the lower limbs.

Causes of coxarthrosis

Now let's look at the causes of this disease.

Here are some of them:

  1. Circulatory disorders.
  2. Injuries.
  3. Heavy loads on the joint.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Genetic predisposition.
  6. Problems with hormonal levels.

A common cause is a sedentary lifestyle, which causes great harm to your body.

The habit of moving little contributes to the disruption of the processes of tissue nutrition with useful components.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms worth starting to use physical therapy. The disease can also cause scoliosis, overweight and flat feet.

Gymnastics for coxarthrosis

IN in good condition the hip joint should look like a hinge. At the same time, the smoothness of movements is due to special lubricant.

But when pathology appears, its composition and quality deteriorate. In this case, the bones touch each other, which contributes to the thinning of the cartilage and deformation.

Bone friction and lack of sufficient quantity lubrication causes severe pain, which appear during movement.

For treatment, it is necessary to include special gymnastics in the daily routine.

But there are certain contraindications for exercise:

  1. Leg fractures.
  2. Hemorrhages.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. Problems with cerebral circulation.
  5. Pre-infarction condition.

Joint gymnastics requires mandatory compliance with certain rules:

  1. Do the exercises in the morning.
  2. Avoid sudden movements.
  3. Before and after exercise, massage problem areas using circular motions.
  4. At the end of the complex, you can take a warm bath, which will relax your muscles.
  5. Whenever pain exercise must be stopped.
  6. You need to exercise regularly.

An excellent solution is swimming and water procedures. When compiling a complex, you need to take into account the stage of the disease.

It could be - or .
Remember that strong and sudden movements, as well as performing gymnastics through force, will bring more pain than good.

A set of exercises for the first manifestations of the disease

At stages 1 and 2, it is easier to get rid of the disease.

Exercises that stimulate joint mobility are especially indicated.
The initial degree of joint damage by coxarthrosis is cured by therapeutic movements that stimulate motor activity and eliminate pain symptoms.

First, do 3-5 times, and then increase the repetitions to 10. When doing this, it may be slight pain.

Perform a simple complex:

  1. Place your arms close to your body and straighten your legs. Raise your arms as you inhale, and lower them as you exhale.
  2. From the starting position, standing, bend your arms and straighten them at the elbows.
  3. Smoothly swing your leg with your hand, you can lean on a wall or chair.
  4. Rise up onto your toes and smoothly step onto your heel.
  5. Lie down on the floor. Bend the knee of the affected leg, straighten it and hold for a few seconds.
  6. Lying on the floor, grab your leg under your knee and pull it closer to your stomach. In this case, the second leg should lie firmly on the floor.
  7. Bend your legs and place the soles of your feet firmly on the floor. Tighten your buttocks and lift your pelvis.
  8. Straighten your legs and rotate them inward, and then to their original position.
  9. Simulate riding a bike.

Exercises for advanced stages of coxarthrosis

How to perform exercises in the severe stage of coxarthrosis can be seen in the video.

The complex consists of the following movements:

  1. Lie on your stomach. Your hands can be placed under your head or along your torso. Place a small cushion under your ankles. Relax and perform rolls on your stomach. If pain occurs, the amplitude can be reduced. Do the exercise for 10 minutes. Better 2-3 times a day.
  2. Place the cushion under your knees and turn your outstretched legs in and out.
  3. Sit on a chair and spread your knees shoulder-width apart. Feet should be firmly on the floor. In a relaxed state, slowly bring your knees in and out.
  4. Place your healthy leg on a hill, and hang your affected leg down and swing it in different directions.

Treatment with gymnastics according to Bubnovsky

Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics will help prevent surgery. The complex involves treating joints using movements.

The doctor suggests doing the following exercises:

  1. Take a knee-elbow position. As you inhale, arch your back, and as you inhale, arch your back. This will allow you to relax your back.
  2. Place your knees and elbows on the floor. From this position, stretch forward, but do not bend in the lumbar region.
  3. In a position on your side, swing and slowly lift your foot.
  4. Lie on the floor and bend your knees one at a time and then straighten them.
  5. Bend your knees in supine position, and reach them with your elbows.

Perform each action 10-30 times.

Doctor Gitt complex

Doctor V.D. Gitt specializes in coxarthrosis. Many patients use Gitta exercises in practice, which can significantly improve their condition.

It is based on micro-movement techniques, which allow you to gradually restore the joint and normalize blood circulation.

No special equipment is required for training.

  • To make the first movement, lie down on a flat surface and place a cushion under your knees. Make micromovements with your feet, imitating the movements of an antique watch.

The gentle amplitude protects against pain syndrome. Movement provides the necessary blood circulation and supply of tissues with nutritional components.

  • The second exercise consists of swaying your hips. In this case, you need to lie on your stomach and put a cushion under your feet.
    While sitting on a chair, place your foot on your toes and then lower it. Legs need to be alternated. First, the heel can be torn off a centimeter, and then the distance can be increased.

Treatment with gymnastics according to Evdokimenko

Doctor P.V. Evdokimenko also offers, which is effective for coxarthrosis.

There are exercises that are done on the back:

  1. Raise your legs one at a time and hold them at the top for 35 seconds. After performing, pause and relax, and then repeat 10 more times.
  2. Raise your legs at an angle of 15 degrees and swing your legs to the sides.
  3. Bend your legs and lift your pelvis as high as possible.

There is also an exercise that can be done while lying on your stomach. Bend your legs one at a time and keep them suspended.

On your side, perform the following movements:

  1. Raise your leg at a 45-degree angle and hold it for half a minute. Then lie on the other side and repeat the movement.
  2. Do the previous exercise, but add inward and outward rotation of your feet.

Here are exercises you can do while sitting on the floor:

  1. Straighten your legs and reach thumb. You must remain in this position for two minutes.
  2. Reach the foot with the sore joint and pull it towards you.

You can do gymnastics while sitting on a chair:

  1. Raise your leg and keep it suspended for half a minute.
  2. Follow massage movements. In this case, you can use an ointment with warming properties.

An important rule is regularity of training.

All presented sets of exercises are effective for coxarthrosis. They help restore mobility of the hip joints.

However, they can be used after setting accurate diagnosis and after consultation with a specialist. It is better to treat coxarthrosis in combination with other therapeutic appointments.


If your professional activity has limited mobility, then take a break from work and do simple exercises.

Even with a busy schedule, include exercise in your daily routine. Do 30 minutes in the morning, walk more and play sports.
To prevent coxarthrosis of the hip joint, use the following measures:

  • pay more attention to your diet, it should be rational and balanced;
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • give up bad habits;
  • practice qigong, yoga and tai chi, even if the disease has already made itself felt.

Goodbye, dear guests!

Many people at long-term treatment joints and back diseases, you heard about Dr. Bubnovsky and his method, and perhaps even practiced according to the method that he invented. Dr. Bubnovsky offers gymnastics for coxarthrosis of the hip joints to everyone who really wants to be treated. As the inventor himself says, it’s easier for people to find out terrible diagnosis and give up rather than understand that the disease was the result of an incorrect lifestyle. Let's take a closer look at the doctor himself and his technique, and also consider a set of exercises.


What kind of technique?

For the first time in world practice, it was proposed to treat many diseases of the back and joints, in particular coxarthrosis, without the use of surgical intervention or medicines. It is thanks to this that the technique and the doctor himself became popular. It offers a completely new and unique method called kinesitherapy, that is, treatment using movement. In addition, it not only fights joint diseases, but also restores body functions after endoprosthetics.

Doctor developed special technique, which presents exercises that affect certain organs. The doctor also offers a multifunctional simulator that has anti-gravity and decompression functions (MTB). A person can only perform the exercises correctly and listen to the doctor’s recommendations.

Exercises are developed individually for each patient, taking into account his diagnosis and general condition body. As a result, the mobility of joints, tendons, muscles and ligaments improves. Pain from arthrosis and coxarthrosis is relieved, deep muscles are activated. The mobility of all joints and the spine returns to normal.

Exercises begin with minimal loads, gradually the difficulty of performing certain complexes increases. Special attention focuses on establishing proper breathing. Doctor Bubnovsky claims that without properly administered breathing, healing is impossible.

The technique has become popular and effective also because no drug pain relief. It all starts with a sauna (or cryohydrothermotherapy). The patient is briefly placed in a steam room to achieve therapeutic effect, in particular, pain relief, muscle stretching. From the beginning of treatment, the patient undergoes one or more courses of kinesitherapy, and after that he switches to an individual program to maintain optimal condition.

Benefits of classes

As we see, the doctor does not try to influence the body from the outside, he stimulates and activates all the forces of the body, which a person may not even be aware of. Rehabilitation after suffering serious illnesses can last for months, if not years. All this time, a person cannot move normally, and, accordingly, live. During this time, the muscles atrophy and spasm.

Exercising at home may provide some benefits, but only if it is approved by your doctor. Again, not every person without the supervision of a doctor can do everything correctly, not be foolish and try to recover quickly. Dr. Bubnovsky takes on patients with any level of difficulty, putting them on their feet.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that not only people with joint diseases turn to kinesitherapy, but also people with:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Overweight.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Pregnancy.

Indications for use

Coxarthrosis is considered to be serious illness, which is characterized by the appearance and accumulation of fluid in the joint. As a result, pressure on the bones increases, and the cartilage in turn becomes thinner. On late stages diseases, the hip joint is subject to deformation. There is an opinion that these ailments are inherent specifically in old age, but as Bubnovsky notes, old age is not a disease. This disease can manifest itself at any age, no one is immune from this.

The disease begins unnoticed. First there is pain in the leg at the end of the day, pain in the back and knee joint. Of course, no one immediately thinks that this is some kind of disease. Everything is attributed to fatigue, vitamin deficiency and many other pathologies. And only on late stages the person finally goes to the doctor, where he is given this diagnosis and urged to urgently receive treatment.

Cosarthrosis can be treated with kinesitherapy only at the first and second stages. In this case, there is no need to take medications. Bubnovsky developed a system of exercises that relieves pain, improves joint mobility and actually fights this disease.

In later stages, a serious and very expensive operation - endoprosthetics - may be required. After endoprosthetics, you can and should practice according to the doctor’s method. This will not only speed up the rehabilitation period, but will also eliminate the need to take many medications.


Of course, not everything is as simple as we would like. There are also contraindications to classes using the Bubnovsky method:

  • The disease is in the acute phase.
  • The last stages of the disease that require surgical intervention.
  • For acute inflammatory diseases.

Examples of gymnastic exercises

How to treat coxarthrosis? Are there any rules? Of course, the person himself decides how he wants to overcome the disease. Unfortunately, not everyone still believes that the disease can be defeated only by gymnastics. Many still rely only on drug therapy.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the method of Dr. Bubnovsky. Each person is engaged exclusively in individual program. Before starting classes, the doctor takes into account absolutely everything:

  • Features of the body.
  • Severity of the disease.
  • Age.

The technique allows you to restore the normal functionality of all muscles and joints, and in some cases helps to bring them to a new quality level. New horizons open up for a person that he did not know about until now.

Class Rules

Before starting treatment, you need to know the rules of movement:

  1. Breath. You need to keep an eye on him while doing gymnastics.
  2. Let's listen to the body. If there is discomfort or pain, then stop doing the exercise and consult a doctor.
  3. Load. You can’t just come in and start doing everything to the maximum. The load increases gradually and according to individual condition person.
  4. Classes are held every day. Of course, if you have pain or discomfort, you don’t need to try and force yourself, but without a contraindication, you need to try every day.

Complex exercises

  1. Lie on your back, bend your leg and clasp your knee. Pull your leg towards your chest and hold it for about four seconds. Do the same with the second leg.
  2. Lie on your back, legs extended. Raise your leg slowly. It should be straight. We do the same with the second leg.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees and spread them apart. Tilt to the sides one by one. The pelvis should be motionless. It may not work out at first, but you should strive to ensure that your knee touches the floor.
  4. Lie on your back, legs bent. Lift your head and try to touch your knees with your forehead.

After endoprosthetics, doctor Bubnovsky suggests the following set of exercises:

  1. Sit on a chair and lean to the sides, trying to touch your toes.
  2. Stand up and hold on to a chair, swing your leg back, forward, to the side.

Additional measures

In addition to daily exercise, you need to eat properly and rationally. In order for cartilage to recover, you need to eat whole grains. You also need a lot of fish, seafood and offal, in which large quantities contains phosphorus and various minerals.

The following should be excluded from the menu:

  • Fatty meats.
  • Broths.
  • Smoked products.
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.

Best in small quantities consume honey fresh vegetables and fruits.

Video “Exercises from Dr. Bubnovsky”

From this video you will learn what exercises you should do for complete healing from diseases.

The treatment method developed by Dr. Bubnovsky - exercises for the hip joint - is the most effective for patients with. The disease begins completely unnoticed by a person. The articular cartilage is gradually depleted, at first this does not affect health, but gradually its shock-absorbing properties are lost. And, as a result, they begin in the hip joint hazardous processes- marginal bone growths.

Bubnovsky's method is the most reliable and best way which will prevent the disease from progressing. This unique doctor developed a magical, without exaggeration, method that restored efficiency and the ability to move and enjoy every step of many patients.

The developed system, which includes therapeutic exercises, is based on examination of many patients. Based on all the nuances of therapy for many people, Bubnovsky created, at first glance, a simple but very effective program.

A set of exercises for the hip joints

So, with coxarthrosis of the hip joint, you need to make it a rule to do light exercises every day, but effective exercises which are performed lying down.

  1. On the back: legs bent. Take turns trying to pull one and then the other leg to your chest, clasping your knees with your hands. The goal is to be able to hold the position for 3-4 seconds. Smoothly place your legs using your hands to the starting position.
  2. On the back: legs extended. Raise one or the other at a distance of 20-30 cm from the floor. The task is to be able to hold your legs without bending.
  3. On the back: legs bent. Spread your knees to the sides. Task: try to separate as much as possible.
  4. On the back: legs are bent, arms are relaxed in such a position that the hands are palms down. Then an action is performed that looks like a person using his foot to push a heavy object away from himself. Task: extend the leg completely, pull the toe towards you and return to the starting position.
  5. On the back: legs bent and spread apart. Bend one leg, then the other, without straightening it inward. Task: be able to keep your pelvis motionless, try to touch the floor with your knee.
  6. On the back: legs bent and brought together. Raise and lower them synchronously. Task: monitor your breathing, lowering your legs - exhale, lifting - inhale air.
  7. Bubnovsky exercises for the hip joint end on the back: legs are bent. Raising your head from the floor, at the same time you need to try to reach it with your knees.

After endoprosthetics

Afterwards, the function is well restored by exercises that are performed from different positions.

  1. Sitting on a chair: lean down. Task: reach your toes with your hands.
  2. Standing. You can hold on to the back of a chair: take turns swinging your legs back and forth. To the sides.

Bubnovsky’s technique affects not only the musculoskeletal structures, but also the pelvic organs.

Even after hip replacement:

  • pain is felt significantly less;
  • blood circulation in the affected area noticeably improves;
  • the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus increases.

  1. For coxarthrosis of the hip joint, pay attention not only to exercise, but also proper breathing. The fact is that correct inhalations and exhalations during exercise enrich the body with oxygen.
  2. Learn to understand your feelings so that you can stop in time if you feel discomfort due to stress.
  3. The intensity of the first classes and each subsequent one should be distributed. The load and the number of exercises at the beginning should not be too active, so as not to provoke a new outbreak of the disease. But gradually the load must increase every day.
  4. To get a decent result, don’t torture yourself. Bubnovsky's technique is based on cyclical exercises. What we mean here is that one movement can be repeated either 10 or 20 times. The amount depends on whether the person experiences joy and satisfaction from exercise. Or he does them, gritting his teeth in pain. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics are designed only for recovery and pleasure from exercise.
  5. Make it a rule to do all your exercises regularly. If the joints are not actively exposed to positive physical influence every day, there can be no talk of any recovery. And it should be understood that the effect of the exercises does not come immediately - it takes time, even several months, but the result will please the patient.
  6. Do not be afraid of the body reacting during exercise, such as cramps. There are various methods getting rid of muscle contractions. For example, light massage. It is advisable to reduce the load for a while, but not stop exercising.
  7. Perform all the exercises while lying down, gradually adding to the work not only the hip, but ankle, knee and other joints, following the instructions of the developed exercises.
  8. Without good mood and faith in victory over the disease, the effect will not be as good as the person wants. Just as any undertaking is not complete without the desire to achieve results, arthrosis of the hip joint can be defeated with the help of healing exercises. To make it more fun, you need to choose the appropriate music.

Doctor Bubnovsky is confident that if you follow all his instructions and wishes, do not spare the time that will be spent not only on gymnastics, but also on recovery, a happy time will definitely come, which is called health.

Each person has enormous potential, and therefore he will definitely cope with coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

Dr. Bubnovsky’s recommendations to help overcome coxarthrosis of the hip joints and gymnastics according to his scheme is one of the ways to cope with the disease. Coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a severe disease that can lead to disability. Is a deforming disease and destroys bone tissue joints in the human body.

The choice of gymnastics depending on the severity of the disease

Coxarthrosis is divided into primary and secondary forms. In the first case, the cause has not been identified, the secondary form is associated with old injuries, osteomyelitis, congenital hip dislocation - based on more early diseases. You should pay attention not only to general symptoms, but also to distinguish several stages.

There are 3 stages of development of arthrosis of the hip joint, where the progression of the disease and deterioration of the condition are noticeable.

The first stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Localized pain in the inflamed joint after physical activity.
  2. No discomfort at rest.
  3. The absence of muscle atrophy or gait disturbance, which often leads to ignoring minor pain in the joint and the disease progresses to the next stage.

The first stage is the easiest, the disease is easiest to cure at the beginning.

Important! Many people do not pay attention to the pain after physical activity that bothers the joint, not thinking that these are the first symptoms of inflammation.

The second stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Increased pain discomfort worry not only the joint itself, but also groin area or the knee.
  2. Painful sensations without load.
  3. Bone growths that become visible on x-rays.

At the second stage, the bones are already deformed, but it is quite possible to stop the progression of the disease by contacting a specialist. The third stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. A constant feeling of pain that does not go away even during sleep.
  2. Severe limitation of the patient's motor activity.
  3. Noticeable lameness and possible shortening of the limb.
  4. Serious deformation of bone tissue.

The third stage of the disease is the most dangerous. In order for the treatment to bear fruit and the patient to make a successful recovery, it is necessary not to forget about therapeutic exercises.

When is gymnastics needed?

Movement and physical exercise almost always recommended. With a disease such as coxarthrosis of the hip joint, when the muscles located near the damaged joint begin to gradually atrophy due to limited movement of the joint, exercise is necessary. The same statement applies if surgery and joint replacement are necessary. After surgery, a weakened leg needs to be kept in good shape, and with noticeably atrophied muscles, a number of problems will arise that can be avoided by systematically performing a set of exercises.

Important! You need to know which exercises will be beneficial to the body and which ones cannot be performed. What loads are contraindicated for coxarthrosis? This includes lifting any weights, running, aerobics. You can and should do cycling and swimming.

A set of therapeutic exercises by Dr. Bubnovsky

A luminary in the field of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor and founder of modern kinesitherapy. Kinesitherapy is a way of treating the human body through a training program and physical education.

The exercises are divided into several subgroups, each of which is suitable for a certain degree of development of coxarthrosis, on the advice of Dr. Bubnovsky.

  1. Lying on your back you need to bend right leg in the knee, and then carefully straighten it. Repeat the exercise for the left leg. Do no more than 10 times.
  2. Without changing position, bend your leg at the knee and pull it towards your stomach, hold for 2-3 seconds, then release and repeat the exercise for the second leg. Do 8 times.
  3. Turning over onto your stomach, bend your leg at the knee again at an angle of 90 degrees and lift it above the floor. Then repeat with the second leg. Do no more than 10 times.

Exercises for the first stage of development of the disease will help not only stop the progress, but also cure the person completely, restoring strength and strength to the body.

At the second stage, performing a set of exercises becomes more difficult. If the patient does not experience acute pain, No elevated temperature, then you can begin to implement the complex.

  1. Raise and lower your arms while inhaling and exhaling, respectively, while being on a flat surface, lying on your back. No more than 8 times.
  2. Bend and straighten your elbows. No more than 8 times.
  3. Raise your legs up and “pedal” as if riding a bicycle. Movements are smooth and slow. No more than 30 seconds.

In the second degree, the cartilage becomes increasingly thinner, but the process is reversible with proper treatment, and the progress of the disease can be stopped.

At the third stage, Dr. Bubnovsky advises to be especially careful, since severe pain and bone deformation limit the mobility of the joint, and there is a risk of harm to health by performing a set of exercises incorrectly without the supervision of a specialist.

  1. Lying on your back, hands on your hips, legs straight. Slowly raise both legs to the height possible for the patient and slowly lower them. No more than 3 times.
  2. The patient is strained in the same position hip muscles for 15-20 seconds, then relax. 2-3 times.
  3. Lying on the healthy side, the sore leg slowly rises to the maximum possible height, and then just as slowly falls down. No more than 3 times.

Dr. Bubnovsky’s exercises can be performed both at home and in medical centers under the supervision of specialists, and also use simulators when performing them. One of these simulators is MTB.

Important! Exercises on the simulator are carried out only under the supervision of specialists and with their help.

Here additional weights are used, which are usually no heavier than 1/3 of the patient's weight. They are attached to the patient’s leg using a cable so that it is possible to increase pressure on the muscles, quickly tone them and stretch the joint.

  1. In a sitting position, a cable with a load is attached to the leg with the sore joint, the legs are spread wide apart. Then the leg with the load is smoothly moved along the floor, attached to the second, healthy leg, and then taken back to its original position. At least 10 times.
  2. Lying on his back, the patient rests on the handrails, one leg lies straight, the other rises up, to which the load is attached. It is necessary to smoothly raise and lower the sore leg with a load no more than 10 times.
  3. Lying on his stomach, the patient straightens one leg and leaves it in a similar position, while bending the other at the knee and pulling it up as far as possible. Then it returns to its original position. No more than 10 times.

Treatment with Dr. Bubnovsky has a strictly individual approach; his 25 years of experience allows him to develop a program and set of exercises for each patient, thereby increasing the effectiveness of treatment and the speed of a person’s recovery. Special exercise machines do not allow axial load on the joint, which is contraindicated for this disease. For more early stages with appropriate symptoms, exercises can restore a person to health without surgical intervention; with grade 3, Dr. Bubnovsky prepares the joint and leg for endoprosthetics, so that in the future you will not have to turn to surgeons again to replace the prosthesis. Complexes therapeutic exercises Dr. Bubnovsky is extremely effective in treatment and is individual, which is confirmed by his many years of successful practice in the field of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.