Show the biggest male balls. Why are men's balls big?

The Bubal tribe is a mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. According to the definition from some dictionaries, the brub is an ancient North African subspecies of the large cow antelope. So what is the relationship between the Bubal tribe and the Bubal cow antelope?

What's happening?

Despite the fact that Africa is rich natural resources, it remains the poorest and most underdeveloped continent. Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and lack of adequate water and sanitation, as well as poor health conditions affect most of the people living on the African continent and the same happens to the Bubal tribe. Therefore, people from the Bubal tribe turn for help to their only wealth - cows. The tribesmen learned that eating cow's menstrual fluid helps them fight diseases such as rickets, scurvy and leukemia! This is the most unique and most unusual tradition: children eat bubal menstrual flow cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and braver.

Italian scientists recently discovered that the menstrual secretions of cows are a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. In addition, the secretions replenish the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubalians. That is why scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the most terrible disease in the region - anemia (lack of hemoglobin).

Testicular growth!!

Wow! As a result, in men who have reached puberty in the Bubal tribe, the testicles grow to incredible sizes - 70-80 centimeters. This “miracle” of nature occurs due to the unconventional diet that the Bubalians practiced in their youth. Large hormone-rich menstrual flow cattle cause irreversible hormonal changes in human bodies and this is what leads to the fact that the testicles grow to such sizes.

Luckily these giant testicles don't negative influence on reproductive function, although they are the cause of many other obvious problems.
Yes, perhaps for us, licking cow genitals or eating menstrual fluid sounds terrible and disgusting, but for them, for the Bubalians, perhaps this is the only way to survive on this cruel continent. While you're laughing at them, please think twice about how lucky you are!

Despite the fact that Africa is rich in natural resources, it remains the poorest and most underdeveloped continent. Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and lack of proper water and sanitation, as well as poor health conditions affect most of the people living on the African continent, and the same happens to the tribe boomed.

The Bubal tribe is a mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. According to the definition from some dictionaries, boomed is an ancient North African subspecies of the great cow antelope. So what is the relationship between the Bubal tribe and the Bubal cow antelope?

People from the Bubal tribe turn to their only wealth for help - cows.

The tribesmen learned that eating cow's menstrual fluid helps them fight diseases such as rickets, scurvy and leukemia!

This is the most unique and most unusual tradition: Bubal children eat the menstrual fluid of cows until they reach puberty.
The tribe believes that Licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and braver.

They also do this for the benefit of the cow herself, because they believe that their beloved animal will be able to give birth better and give more milk if she licks something. This unique technology actually makes the cow produce milk more actively.

At sunset and dawn, in order to protect themselves from aggressive insects, bubals perform another ritual that can cause a civilized person psychological trauma: thoroughly washed with cattle urine.

Caring mothers wash their children's hair. Those who are older take a fetid shower on their own, exposing their bodies to the defecating animal. Covered with powdered manure, previously burnt and sifted, the body remains protected for several hours by the ammonia contained in the urine. In addition, the urine dyes their hair red, which is very popular among local people of all ages.

However, these procedures also have reverse side- in adult men of this tribe, the scrotum reaches incredible sizes, which prevents them from moving normally. True, you can sit on swollen eggs like on a pillow.

Italian scientists have discovered that cows' menstrual fluid is indeed a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D . Cow excretions compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubalians. And the content of these microelements in other food of the Bubalians is practically zero.

Scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the most terrible disease in the region - anemia (lack of hemoglobin). Some are confident that it is the hormone-rich menstrual secretions of cattle that cause irreversible changes in human bodies, which leads to the growth of the scrotum to incredible sizes.

The fact that the record size of their scrotum is associated with illness, and not with the peculiarities of hygiene and nutrition, is confirmed by the fact that among other tribes, who also lick cow vaginas and bathe in urine, their male genitals are of normal size. This is, for example, a tribe mandara or Dinka, living in Cameroon.

Perhaps this strange relationship with animals without any disgust is the only way to survive on a hot, dangerous continent.

And finally, I would like to add a few words...
Value your life in a civilized society. You just don't understand how lucky you are to have electricity, a house, clothes. You don’t have to look for food every day, and the Bubal tribe simply survives as best they can, although not in the most beautiful way.

If a man’s eggs have enlarged for some reason, this is a reason to sound the alarm and immediately contact a specialist. It is quite possible that this is a signal from the body about the development of a serious disease. But what should men do if their balls are not large enough? We propose to raise this burning topic and look at options for increasing the size of eggs in men at home using folk or traditional medical methods.

How to enlarge eggs in men at home?

It is believed that the size of the eggs determines “maleness”, i.e. potency ability. There is no confirmed data on this matter, moreover, tested on humans. It is important to know that different testicle sizes are quite normal condition, provided that the difference in size from one to the other is no more than 1 cm. If there is a large discrepancy, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Another important nuance– the right testicle in men is usually located slightly higher, and this is also considered normal. In healthy men, the normal size is 4-6 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width, the average volume is 15-25 cm. Large deviations from the given norm are a reason for a visit to a specialist.

If a person, for personal reasons, is not satisfied with the average size of one egg or both, he can try one of the methods that allows you to increase them at home.

How a man can enlarge his balls - methods

  • The first method of enlargement at home - complete sexual abstinence, including methods of self-satisfaction - has a short-term effect, and is also harmful to health. The increase occurs from an excess of ejaculate in the testicles.
  • The second method of increasing is the use of various exercises at home, for example, Kegel exercises have proven themselves to be excellent. This is a special complex designed to increase sexual power. The exercises do not require additional equipment, so they can be performed at home and even on the way to work.
  • The use of auxiliary means for increasing testicles, for example, an extender, jelqing rings, etc., has proven to be excellent. This also includes manual massage. All these methods are aimed at increasing blood flow to the penis. In parallel with this, the testicles also noticeably increase. These methods are available for use at home.
  • Another way to increase the size of one or both gonads is surgical operations. The most effective method is considered to be one invented by American specialists. Its essence lies in sewing a foreign elastic body into the scrotum, which visually enlarges one egg or both at once (at the patient’s request). Sewing fatty tissue into the scrotum, as practice shows, is ineffective, since fat cells are gradually absorbed throughout the body.

What medications are there to increase egg size?

According to experts, drugs and injections to increase the size of the testicles are designed mainly to increase potency, testosterone production and increase blood flow to the penis. The main indication is age. Contraindication – hypertension, pathological conditions genitourinary system and individual intolerance. The most common:

  • Cialis;
  • Levitra;
  • Viagra.

Among the lesser known, but also effective:

  • Dimatis Nutrion;
  • Potential Forte;
  • L-arginine.

Dietary supplements are considered the safest. According to reviews from men themselves, the effect of taking it is not as long-lasting as that of the above drugs, but the sensations during sexual intercourse become brighter. The effect of increasing the size of the “tubercle” between the legs persists for some time. Some of these products include: Laveron, Maxoderm (cream), Magic Staff.

To enlarge the testicles specifically, only special hormones can be used. But their intake must be supervised by a doctor.

How to visually enlarge eggs?

Some remedies help traditional medicine, which are also successfully used at home. The main goal is to increase potency through the production of testosterone. These methods are mainly used to visually enlarge the penis, but it has been noted that at the same time, a man’s balls are also enlarged:

  • chopped parsnips and sugar - take 4 tbsp of ingredients. l., and pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave overnight and strain. Drink 50 ml infusion half an hour before each meal;
  • cilantro and parsley - the components are taken in equal proportions, crushed and consumed one tablespoon at a time. before each meal;
  • chopped nuts and honey are also taken in equal parts and mixed until smooth. Take 1 tbsp daily. Best suited for these purposes walnut, but other types can be used.

These methods will help support male strength, and at the same time they will solve the problem of enlarged testicles in men. In addition, they are completely harmless, which is undoubtedly very important.

It seems that the size of the testicles can affect what? In fact, the testicles are very important organ for men: they are responsible for the production of sperm and testosterone, so it depends on them whether a man will become a father and what kind masculine qualities will have.

Does testicle size matter?

There is an opinion that the larger the testicles, the better they cope with their own. In part, this is true. This is supported by the fact that chimpanzees, whose testicles are larger than those of gorillas, have more promiscuity. There have been no rigorous studies in this area on humans. It is also known that the average testicular size of black men is approximately twice that of Asian men. However, knowing the ability of Asian men to fertilize, it can be assumed that the size of the testicles does not affect the ability to fertilize.

Normal testicle size

A healthy man has testicles of a soft-elastic consistency, no smaller than a plum. The urologist determines the size of the testicles using a Prader orchidometer (Fig. 1). This orchidometer allows you to visually determine the volume of the patient's testicle. The lower limit of testicular volume is 15 cm3.

Fig.1. - Prader Orchidometer for determining testicular size

The normal (average) size of the testicles is approximately 4-4.5 cm in length, 2.5-3 cm in width. The normal volume of the testicle is 15-30 cm³.

Uneven testicular size, where one testicle is larger than the other, is a concern for some men. This is normal if the difference in size is no more than 0.7 cm and there are no pain, in other cases you should consult a doctor. It should be noted that one testicle hangs higher than the other. This is also the norm, and is intended by nature to prevent the testicles from touching each other.

What can affect testicular size?

  • Taking drugs such as marijuana reduces the size of the testicles (more details).
  • Anabolic steroids and other drugs using synthetic testosterone. When using synthetic testosterone, the production of your own male hormones stops (the pituitary gland gives a signal to the testicles that there is enough testosterone in the body and that it does not need to be produced), which leads to.
  • Varicocele. With varicocele, blood flow to the testicle is disrupted, as a result of which the testicle does not receive proper nutrition and decreases in size.

It is important to occasionally do a self-examination of the testicles, palpating the scrotum and testicles to detect abnormalities early. If the testicles perform the functions of producing sperm and male hormones without pathologies, then there should be no reason to worry about the size of the testicles.

For a man, his sexual organ (penis) and testicles are the most important, tender and sensitive parts of the body. They are given the greatest attention during showering, sex, and choosing underwear. The testicles produce testosterone and sperm. And if a representative of the stronger sex sees any changes in shape or size, he begins to sound the alarm. In fact, a man always has testicles of different sizes, but this difference is not very noticeable. If something still bothers you, you should immediately contact a specialist, and not make a diagnosis yourself.

Normal and pathological: how to identify the problem

There is an opinion that reproductive functions depend on the size of this part of the body, that is, the larger the testicles, the stronger the man is sexually. There is some truth here, but not much. Therefore, you should not focus too much on the size. What’s more important is to regularly conduct self-examinations in order to notice changes in the external reproductive organs in time.

It is worth carefully, carefully and slowly palpating the scrotum to identify abnormalities in the early stages.

If visible the following pathologies, you should urgently go to the doctor:

  • a sharp increase in the size of one or both testicles;
  • pain in the scrotum when examining, having sex or walking;
  • compaction in the scrotum.

Regarding normal size testicles, it’s difficult to say what they should be like. This conditional concepts. In medicine, it is generally accepted to be 4 to 6 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. The volume of the organ can be from 13 to 29 cm cubic (plus or minus 1 cm³). If the size of a man's testicles is slightly larger or slightly smaller, there is no need to panic. Everyone has their own characteristics of the body, so fit into the framework in in this case impossible.

Small testicles in men can be due to several reasons. Among the most common:

  1. Drugs. Narcotic substances When consumed regularly, they affect organs, causing them to shrink. A man must understand the consequences of addiction.
  2. Steroids. When deciding to use steroids, you should consider all the risks. Drugs and other products containing synthetic testosterone block the production of this male hormone. As a result of constant use, the testicle atrophies and becomes smaller in size.
  3. Varicocele. This is serious and quite dangerous disease, as a result of which in a sick representative of the stronger sex there is a disruption of blood flow inside the testicle.
  4. Epididymitis, torsion, hydrocele and other diseases. Often, representatives of the stronger sex may have different testicles due to a cancerous tumor.

This is just a small list of why changes in size occur. Therefore, you need to monitor your health, lead healthy image life, give up harmful drugs, pills, supplements and drugs.

Uneven testicular size

Often, representatives of the stronger sex (and their ladies) notice that one testicle is slightly larger than the other. Why does this happen? Do not panic, because in most cases this is the norm, a feature male body. All people have different paired organs (eyes, ears, fingers and toes). What determines their size? The size of the testicles is influenced by how the representative of the strong washes himself. If he uses right hand, then the right testicle will be larger, if the left one - the left one.

Also in men, the testicles are located on at different levels. The fact is that if they were the same size and were opposite each other, they would rub and hurt. But you should still consult with a specialist to eliminate some risks.

Epididymitis in men

This is a fairly common disease among men these days. Inflammation of the epididymis can occur as a result of complications after past illness(sore throat, flu). This is why you should be treated for viral or colds. Epididymitis also occurs with syphilis, tuberculosis or gonorrhea.

Signs of inflammation of the appendages: pain in the scrotum, which intensifies when walking, redness of the skin in groin area, high temperature. To accurately diagnose the disease, it is necessary to undergo an examination and tests. Patients are prescribed bed rest and rest. The doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics, analgesics, and physiotherapeutic procedures.

During treatment, patients are completely contraindicated physical activity, overheating and hypothermia ( gyms, solariums and trips to the sea will have to be postponed), eating fatty, spicy, salty, smoked, sweet food. Should be taken healthy food, cereals, vegetables and fruits, lean meat and steamed fish. It is also not recommended for representatives of the stronger sex to have sex, wear uncomfortable clothes(too warm, cold or uncomfortable).

Testicular torsion in men

This is a very rare disease caused by anatomical features representatives of the stronger sex. The problem lies in the structure of the testicle, which is located too loosely in the scrotum, and spermatic cord. As a result of torsion around the seminal canal, blood circulation is disrupted, causing the testicle to die.

Symptoms: pain in the scrotum, swelling, hyperemia. The diagnosis is made after examination, nuclear MRI, x-ray. If a representative of the stronger sex is suspected of having this disease, you will need surgery. Provided there is no necrosis, the spermatic cord is untwisted and fixed to avoid further torsion. If tissue necrosis occurs, the testicle is completely removed.

Testicular cancer in a man

Malignant tumors are quite difficult to detect in the early stages. The only visible and tangible symptom of cancer is an increase in the size of the testicle and a change in shape. There is no pain, color, texture and density do not change. The disease can be diagnosed using ultrasound, CT, blood markers, and histology. Sometimes an operation is prescribed, during which the tumor is excised.

There is no other treatment other than removal. Additionally, chemotherapy and removal of regional lymph nodes. The patient is under observation for some time after the operation and is constantly examined to exclude cancer in other organs.

This interpretation of this photo is floating around the Internet:

The Bubal tribe is a mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. The tribesmen learned that eating cow's menstrual fluid helps them fight diseases such as rickets, scurvy and leukemia! This is the most unique and most unusual tradition: Bubal children eat the menstrual fluid of cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and braver. As a result, in men who have reached puberty in the Bubal tribe, the testicles grow to incredible sizes - 70-80 centimeters. This “miracle” of nature occurs due to the unconventional diet that the Bubalians practiced in their youth. The hormone-rich menstrual fluid from cattle causes irreversible hormonal changes in humans, and this is what causes the testicles to grow to such sizes. Fortunately, these giant testicles do not have a negative impact on reproductive function, although they are the cause of many other obvious problems.

Men's testicles get older as they age. Testes reach maximum size between the ages of 40 and 50, after which they gradually become smaller. At the zenith of his career, human testicles were a maximum of 30 grams. When you consider that a whale has testicles of about 500 kg per piece, and even one domestic pig per piece still weighs up to a pound and a half, you can get depressed. But don't worry: as is often the case in life, quality is more important than quantity. Also, how can you kick your legs while sitting if you're hanging several kilos between your legs, and won't Levi jeans look grotesque?

It’s cruel and kind of creepy. Is this really true? Let's figure it out, despite the fact that some sources even went further and expanded scientific basis all this "non-traditional nutrition" ...

During periods of drought, they are constantly undernourished, but observations of nature help these primitive people use many of its secrets. Savages, for example, noticed that eating cow menstrual fluid makes people more resilient. Bubal teenagers lick cow genitals before they reach puberty and believe that this will help them grow up faster, become stronger and more courageous. They also do this for the benefit of the cow herself, because they believe that their beloved animal will be able to give birth better and give more milk if she licks something. This unique technology actually makes the cow produce milk more actively.

The two main tasks of the testicles are to produce sperm and to form male hormones. Usually a man has two of them, one of the testicles usually hangs deeper than the other, which is probably why they are easily squeezed against each other. They rarely hang at the same level. They are almost the same size, the differences in size are minimal. In the case of sharks this is different, the right testicle is usually significantly larger than the left.

The size of spherical objects is specified as volume. To avoid this, the so-called orchidometer was invented. The orchidometer looks like a prayer necklace or bracelet. It consists of several samples of testicles, that is, oval ball-shaped balls different sizes, which are wound on a cord. Each ball has a number on it for the volume in milliliters it measures. One touches one testicle with one hand and the other touches one by one until they find suitable size among the models. Then just read the number on the model and you already know how big your own testicles are.

At sunset and dawn, in order to protect themselves from aggressive insects, the bubal perform another ritual that can cause psychological trauma in a civilized person: they thoroughly wash themselves with cattle urine. Caring mothers wash their children's hair. Those who are older take a fetid shower on their own, exposing their bodies to the defecating animal. Covered with powdered manure, previously burnt and sifted, the body remains protected for several hours by the ammonia contained in the urine. In addition, the urine dyes their hair red, which is very popular among local people of all ages.

If you don't have an orchiderometer at home, you can order one online. Or go to a urologist and ask for the size of his testicles. The urologist has such an orchidemometer. If he doesn't have one, he will measure your testicles using an ultrasound machine. In Central Europe you can expect the average test volume to be 18ml, with everything from 12 to 30ml as usual.

It is made up of skin and muscle tissue and is divided into two chambers so that each testicle has its own space. Its job is to keep the testicles outside the body so that they maintain optimal temperature conditions for sperm production and storage. If the temperature is too low, soft muscle tissue the hoof wall is tense, and the testicles are pulled closer to the body. If it is too warm, the hoof sac relaxes and the testes have air and coolant.

However, these procedures also have a downside - in adult men of this tribe, the scrotum reaches incredible sizes, which prevents them from moving normally. True, you can sit on swollen eggs like on a pillow.

Italian scientists have discovered that the menstrual secretions of cows are indeed a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. Cow secretions replenish the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubalians. Scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the most terrible disease in the region - anemia. Some believe that it is the hormone-rich menstrual secretions of cattle that cause irreversible changes in human bodies, which leads to the growth of the scrotum to incredible sizes.

Another reason for outsourcing is that the testicles, if they were in abdominal cavity, change pressure conditions, for example, Abdominal muscles. As a result, sperm would be squeezed out of the testicles irregularly and probably very frequently before they were mature enough for fertilization. And storage until the time of need would also be impossible.

Abdominal pressure and contractions of the abdominal muscles can often raise and lower the testicles. When a layer of wool muscle fibers And connective tissue, surrounding the testicles, shrinks, the throat becomes thickened and wrinkled. In old age, the skin of the sacrum becomes thinner, and it is more dependent on one, and the other on the other.

But what is really happening? Let's start with the fact that the first photograph in the article is a photo from page 246 of the book Babayants R.S. "Skin and venereal diseases hot countries." This already hints at something, right?

The third (obstructive) stage of the disease is characterized by elephantiasis. Elephantiasis develops in 95% of cases lower limbs, somewhat less often - upper limbs, genitals, certain parts of the body and very rarely the face. Clinically, elephantiasis is manifested by rapidly progressing lymphangitis with the addition of dermatitis, cellulitis in combination with fever, which in some cases can serve as the main symptom of the disease and is a consequence of the addition bacterial infection. Over time, the skin becomes covered with warty and papillomatous growths, areas of eczema-like skin changes and non-healing ulcers appear. The legs can reach enormous sizes; they take on the appearance of shapeless lumps with thick transverse folds of affected skin. The weight of the scrotum is usually 4-9 kg, and in in some cases up to 20 kg; a case is described when the weight of the patient’s scrotum reached 102 kg. In cases of elephantiasis, the face is most often affected upper eyelid. With brugiosis, elephantiasis usually occurs only on the extremities, the lesion is often one-sided, the skin remains smooth.

Ten facts about human testicles. The penis is not only from the point of view of a person his best part, but also finds in women various reasons. However, with two adjacent body parts, many can't get that much started: Not only are the testicles ignored during sex, but they also aren't as much of a conversation as the male limb. Test takers must perform the most important tasks. What are these and other facts worth knowing about testicles that we reveal to you here.

What's really in Hodensack?

They are the size of a plum and have an average volume of 18 ml. Their length, width and shape vary from person to person, and in most cases, one egg does not even look like another. Each testicle is surrounded on the outside by a sheath of connective tissue. Inside there are about 300 scleral lobes, which, in turn, extend into the canals and open into the testicular network. Together with the lateral passages, the testes form the internal male reproductive organs. The asteroids lie directly on the testes, like caves about five centimeters long, and are connected to them through the seminal tract.

Currently, there are special drugs that treat this disease, but, of course, they are unknown to savages.

As for some of the oddities in the behavior of savages, they have quite logical explanations. For example, during activity blood-sucking insects Africans perform an act that is completely wild for a civilized person - washing in cow urine. When the animal begins to defecate, a tribe member runs up and begins to “shower.” This procedure allows you to get protection from mosquitoes for some time due to ammonia in the urine.

They are anatomically divided into head, body and tail. Of these, the vas deferens is connected to the urethra. The testes perform two extremely important tasks: they produce sperm and male sex hormones - mainly testosterone. Sperm are produced in the testicular tubules, then mature in the head and body of the adjacent petals and are stored in their so-called “tail end”. When the sperm are mature and motile, they are released into the vas deferens. There they remain until the next ejaculation, where they are discharged through the urethra.

Why are the testicles not inside the body? From the outside they always seem to be in the way

The so-called intermediate Leydig cells, which are located between the testicular canals, are responsible for the formation of testosterone, the sex hormone. In a body where there is about 37 degrees, the seed will be too warm. However, if a person kicks one above the other, the temperature of the testicles increases, which negatively affects sperm production. This is also done with fever or for a long time when the seat heats up.

Before talking about the size of testicles in men, you need to understand at least a little about their structure. What do you need to know about testicles in order to have a meaningful conversation?

Structure of the testicles

Firstly, in shape they resemble a slightly flattened ellipsoid or plum. The average length for an average man is from 4 cm to 6 cm, width - from 2.5 to 3.5 cm, weight - about 20-25 grams. Quantity - approximately 12 to 20 cc.

When stimulating a man's penis, it is more important than in the case of dimples. Some of them are already too easy because they are very sensitive or ticklish. Others even beat up. But most men have no objection to sensual play with their balls. Especially with a blowjob, the balls are looking forward to a little oral sex.

Men get "blue balls" when they don't ejaculate during sex

If women don't have an orgasm during sex, it's unsatisfactory, but they don't make much of a drama. Men, on the other hand, complain of the feeling that the testes will formally burst when ejaculation does not occur - and therefore has at least a little bit of a right: "blue balls" or even cavalry pain is called a phenomenon in which blood accumulated by sexual arousal in the testicles , not and give the testicle a bluish color. This usually occurs with prolonged sexual abstinence and can cause pain in the testicles and groin.

They form in the abdominal cavity of the fetus and descend into the scrotum before birth.

For the maturation and normal functioning of sperm, the temperature in the scrotum needs to be a couple of tenths of a degree lower than the temperature in the abdominal cavity.

On the next page of the article. Chicago - Dan Maurer feels his existence is a singular torture. A 39-year-old from Michigan suffers from rare disease- his testicle weighs 45 kilograms! Maurer was in his twenties when the drama began. Suddenly his tail began to swell. The growth did not want to stop, it was almost monstrous. But the doctors calmed Maurer down. They thought it was a result of his fatigue.

So the young man began to take off. Dan Maurer in best years- and barely 15 steps at a time. Physical aggravation comes from mental agony. Only now Maurer knew what he was suffering from: Scrotalelephanthiasis, a chronic inflammatory accumulation of lymph that leads to excessive swelling of the testicle.

In newborns, the gonads are proportionally larger than in adults.

From 15 to 30% of premature and about 2% of full-term children are born without one testicle (monorchidism). It is not uncommon for one of them to fail to descend into the scrotum at birth (cryptorchidism) from abdominal space, or the child is born with a rare anomaly - their complete absence(anorchism).

Shock, but also hope: Warren Jr. survived complex operation, but died a year after surgery due to complications caused by diabetes. Since Dan Maurer can't afford the surgery, friends, family and acquaintances have started fundraising for the surgery. Joel Gelman from the University of California, Irvine. But he doesn't waste too much time. Instead, Maurer is looking forward to his new, old life, which should begin after the operation: travel, water skiing and sex with his wife Mindy.

This will be the first time in seven years. Testicular health is very important. April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, and to get into the spirit of caring for men's closest friends, here's quick guide on how to keep your balls healthy, plus a few facts that show just how important special testicles are.

Such diseases lead to infertility, hernia or tumor. To prevent such a nuisance from occurring, it is necessary to monitor newborns and small children for the presence of both testicles.

If the proportion of active sperm in the glands forms less than 50%, then the man is diagnosed with infertility.

Male infertility accounts for 35% of all cases of inability to have a child. Every tenth pair of spouses is infertile.

Three out of every 100,000 people are infected with this type of cancer every year in Brazil. The most common symptom is a painless lump in the testicle. Other less common symptoms may include pain, discomfort, or a strange feeling of heaviness in the scrotum. If you are unsure, it is always best to visit a urologist.

Doctors recommend that men of any age do a little self-examination on their testicles at least once a month. It is recommended to take the exam after a hot shower or shower as the skin becomes more relaxed and free. Place index finger And middle finger under the testicle, pointing thumbs to the top. Firmly but gently roll the testicle between your fingers and toes to feel any collisions on the surface.

According to the scientist, black men have testicle size twice as large as Asian men.

Which, it must be said, has no effect on the birth rate in Asian countries. But for Caucasian men they have the average European size. So, another myth has been dispelled.

There is a story circulating among men that the owner of huge “treasures” is more popular with ladies. This is not true. Most ladies prefer medium-sized balls rather than saggy, huge and hairy balls.

What do men's eggs look like from the inside?

Look for the epididymis, a soft, rope-like structure at the back of the testicle. It can easily be mistaken for an irregular mass due to its odd shape. But if you know this, it should be easier to spot anything truly irregular. Self-examination only takes a few minutes and can save your life. The statistics may be scary, but if testicular cancer is found on... early stage, there is a 95% survival rate.

Not that you need more reasons to take care of your testicles, but here's a list amazing facts about them. The same is true for "orchids", which comes from the Greek word that was used for testicles. However, many mammals, such as elephants, have their testicles inside their bodies, near their kidneys.

Some psychologists and sexologists are confident that those with enormous sizes are more promiscuous.

But no real evidence of this has been found.

The testicles are in most cases located on at different levels: For right-handers, the left is lower than the right, and for left-handers, the right is lower than the left. The only reasonable explanation for this phenomenon is that with this placement they are not subject to injury and are not compressed when walking. Others scientific explanations this has not been found.

This gives about 15.8 terabytes of data per "average" ejaculation. One study found that 77% of all human proteins are expressed in the testes, of which 999 are single proteins. This is very impressive considering that human brain has about 318 specific proteins.

For about 65% of men, the correct testicle always becomes taller and slightly larger. Oddly enough, most Greek statues of naked men almost always show the larger left testicle. He had severe pain in the stomach, chills and what appeared to be blisters on the forehead. He had brucellosis, a disease caused by bacteria that are usually normal in cows and are transmitted to humans when they consume unpasteurized milk or cheese. But this was no ordinary brucellosis. If not brucellosis gallops.

Previously, it was believed that the right testicle was responsible for the birth of girls, and the left testicle was responsible for the birth of boys, based on this, to conceive a boy, the right one was pulled over.

We hope that you will not buy into such stupidity and will not mock yourself. As a result of such actions, it is possible not only not to give birth to a boy, but also to remain infertile and “eggless.”


Increase in gonads with age(adrenarche) is an indicator of puberty in a child.

As a person grows up, the temperature in the scrotum becomes 4 degrees lower than body temperature.

If the temperature is higher, this may lead to infertility. In addition, when sedentary work man in mandatory you need to take breaks from work and walk for ventilation (yes, don’t laugh!) and reduce the contact of eggs with the body.

If you suddenly see abnormalities in structure and size, it is better to consult a urologist.

With very noticeable unevenness of the testicles, especially manifested in lately, you need to go to the clinic as quickly as possible - such indicators are typical for testicular cancer.

A decrease may be a manifestation of hypogonadism, varicocele or tumor.

Increasing balls in men also does not lead to anything good. Quite often this is a manifestation of orchitis (inflammation). Watch them. If they increase in size within 2-3 weeks, then you should see a doctor.

Key role in men's health Regular self-examination of the testicles is performed.

So, relax, men. The average size of your “beauties” is, first of all, an indicator of health!