How to get rid of lice and nits - methods that have been proven over the years. The best remedies for lice and nits: folk and pharmacy Nothing helps against lice, what to do

In children, the first option is most common, and the second option is slightly less common.

Danger of the disease and incubation period

Lice in hair multiply very quickly

Therefore, the process of ridding children of lice and nits must begin as early as possible - when the first signs of infection appear.

Where do lice come from in children - favorable factors

The main signs of lice in a child are constant itching, skin irritation, and pustular inflammation.

Secondary symptoms may include nervousness, decreased appetite, loss of concentration, and increased hair loss.

If an infection occurs in the scratched areas, a slight increase in temperature to 37.5°C and swelling in the area of ​​the lymph nodes may be observed.

When the first suspicion of pediculosis appears, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the scalp to detect lice and nits.

Treatment methods for pediculosis in children

Removing lice and nits from children can be done both with the help of pharmaceutical drugs and with the use of folk remedies. However, in any case, after using one or another treatment method, lice from the child’s hair must be removed mechanically - by combing. A special comb is used for this, but some parents take simpler and more radical measures - they shave their babies bald.


Pharmacy insecticidal preparations against lice must be used with caution to treat head lice in children, as they contain toxic substances (malathion, permethrin, phenothrin and others). As a rule, such products should not be used on children aged 2–5 years.

For children, the most suitable and safe means are:

  • shampoos - Nit Free, Veda 2, Parasidosis, NOC;
  • sprays - Nit Free, Para-plus, Paranit, Pediculen Ultra.

Use pharmaceutical products as follows:

  1. Apply to hair, using rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  2. Leave for a certain time specified in the instructions for the drug.
  3. Rinse off with warm water, shampoo or a weak solution of table vinegar.
  4. Dry your hair and comb it using a comb or a special comb.
  5. Repeated treatment is carried out after 7 days, but no more than three times.

Photo gallery: procedure for treating head lice

1. Follow the instructions for use - each pharmaceutical product has its own 2. Most often, the head must be closed after treatment for better concentration of the active substance. The exposure time is indicated in the instructions for the product 3. Be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly 4. Not all products kill larvae, some help them come off, and washing your hair with shampoo is not always able to remove dead insects from your hair. Therefore, do not forget to comb your hair at the last stage.

Before using medications, it is not advisable to rinse your hair with conditioner, as it reduces the effectiveness of the active ingredients.

If the product gets on mucous membranes or skin, rinse thoroughly with water. If allergy symptoms appear, stop using the drug. If necessary, seek help from a doctor.

Folk recipes

Many parents prefer to use folk remedies in the fight against head lice, considering them the least dangerous for children, unlike chemical drugs. However, some of them may be no less toxic and allergenic than their pharmaceutical counterparts. Therefore, when choosing one or another folk method of destroying lice and nits in a child, consulting a doctor is also necessary.

Popular folk methods of treating head lice in children:

  • tar soap - its high alkali content kills lice, and the properties of tar heal scratched bites well;
  • essential oils (tea tree, lavender, mint, bergamot, thyme, wormwood, etc.) - extracts are mixed with sunflower oil for application to hair, the compositions kill lice and nits and heal wounds, but can cause an allergic reaction, therefore prohibited for children under 5 years of age ;
  • cranberry or pomegranate juice with mint - applied to the roots, the acidic environment breaks down the adhesive composition with which nits cling to the hair;
  • compress with alcohol - soak gauze and apply to the head, the vapors have a negative effect on insects, but also dry the skin and can burn bite wounds, so you need to use with caution;
  • kerosene - mixed with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:10, rubbed into the roots of the hair, and wrapped in a towel overnight. It is also necessary to take precautions when using kerosene - it can cause skin irritation, burns, hair loss, do not blow dry your hair to avoid fire;
  • table vinegar 9% with water - a solution in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 (in the case of sensitive skin) is applied to the head, wrapped in a cellophane cap and left for half an hour to an hour. An allergic reaction may occur; if the concentration is incorrect, a burn may occur;
  • mayonnaise, Vaseline - treat the hair, wrap it in a plastic bag, leaving it overnight;
  • hellebore water - this product is sold in pharmacies, has good effectiveness, but is toxic, you must follow the instructions for use.

The use of folk remedies against lice must be treated with the same caution as chemical preparations

After all treatments and conditioning, the hair is thoroughly washed with soap or shampoo, dried and combed. Traditional methods also require repeated use, since it is not possible to destroy all individuals the first time.

Another unconventional method is heat treatment using a hot hair dryer or hair straightener. Insects cannot tolerate high temperatures and die after prolonged exposure. However, this method greatly damages children's hair.

Mechanical impact - combing

No matter how effective a lice remedy may be, it does not completely destroy nits. This means that new sexually mature individuals will soon emerge from the remaining eggs and everything will start all over again. In addition, dead insects do not fall off immediately. And completely clean hair will look unpleasant when whitish capsules flash in it every now and then.

Therefore, after treatment with a remedy for pediculosis, it is necessary to carry out a combing procedure. To do this, you can use a fine-toothed comb or a special comb, which can be purchased separately or included with some chemical preparations.

A high-quality comb does not harm the scalp, separates each hair and removes everything small, even with a diameter of less than 1 mm. Popular brands of professional lice combs are as follows:

The main difference among combs is that those with small teeth are used for short hair, those with long teeth are used for long hair. The last brand mentioned (RobiComb) passes an electric current through the teeth. It is not noticeable to humans, but is effective against lice and nits.

The easiest way to get rid of lice is to shave your head. However, if for infants this is quite suitable regardless of gender, then for older children, especially girls, baldness is not so aesthetically pleasing.

The best option would be a short haircut for a boy and a bob haircut for a girl. Moreover, when using anti-lice products, the hair may become damaged and will still have to be shortened. It is better to do this in advance to facilitate the process of removing insects.

To prevent lice infestation, girls' long hair should always be tied up in a bun or braid in public places.

Features of lice removal in infants

The occurrence of pediculosis in infants is quite rare. Most often, children are infected by their parents, as well as older brothers or sisters who attend kindergartens and schools. Due to the fact that at this age the skin is very sensitive and delicate, the consequences of the appearance of lice can be serious.

The choice of remedies for head lice for infants is small, but the main criterion should be safety. The following drugs are suitable for infants:

  • Lauri - solution, cream or shampoo, suitable for children from two months;
  • Nit Free - shampoo, mousse, spray, gel or oil, the safest for babies;
  • Permethrin - cream, can be used for infants from two months;
  • Ivermectin is a lotion, an effective remedy, but can only be used for children over 6 months old.

If there is irritation or inflammation of the skin, these products cannot be used.

The safest, simplest and most effective method of removing lice from infants is shaving the head.

How to avoid infection - preventive measures

To minimize the likelihood of lice infection, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • maintain personal hygiene - wash the child several times a week, comb hair, regularly change underwear and bed linen;
  • hold a conversation with children so that they do not use other people’s household items and do not give them their own - combs, hairpins, hats, etc.;
  • avoid contact with infected people;
  • conduct periodic hair inspections, especially after the child returns from a children's health camp or in the fall before the start of the school year;
  • add essential oils to your daily hair wash;
  • It is better for boys to have short haircuts, for girls to collect, pin up or braid their hair;
  • After treatment, it is better not to use the child’s clothing, which could be susceptible to infection, for two weeks (even after appropriate treatment), during which time all surviving individuals will have time to die without food.

What to do if lice are found at school or kindergarten

Pediculosis in a school or kindergarten rarely becomes the reason for official quarantine and closure of the institution. In this regard, when a person with lice appears in the group where your child is located, you need to take care of protecting your own child yourself.

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the hair, as well as wash and steam the child’s clothes, bed linen, and disinfect personal belongings.

If your child has long hair, teach him to wear his hair up. Try to explain that you cannot exchange your personal belongings (hairpins, combs, hats) with friends.

You can apply a little essential oil mixed with sunflower to the area behind the ears. Carefully! Essential oil can cause allergies; if signs appear, be sure to stop using it.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about getting rid of lice

IMPORTANT! Lice can exist at temperatures around 28 0C. When it decreases by 5-6 degrees, the development of insects slows down. At a temperature of 10 0C, the insect stops laying eggs.

People of all ages are susceptible to this disease, but especially. This is due to the main way the disease spreads. Lice easily move through close contact, which is often observed in childhood.

Adults most often become infected with pediculosis in the following ways:

  • through hats;
  • through combs, hairpins;
  • through bed linen or head towels.

The presence of pediculosis is indicated by severe itching - the most important thing. This happens at the moment the skin is punctured. Nits, unlike adult individuals, can often be seen with the naked eye.

In case of insufficient hygiene and prolonged ignoring of the problem hair sticks together and becomes tangled, tangles form. An unpleasant odor may appear.

This begs the question: if lice appear on a person’s head, how to get rid of them? It's very difficult. Nits are tightly attached to the hair, which allows them to remain in place even while washing your hair.

So, how to remove lice and nits? The best thing is this complete hair removal. Not everyone agrees to such radical measures. Currently, it is possible to choose the best way to get rid of lice. The most effective methods for treating head lice follow.

Treatment with chemicals

The easiest and fastest way is to apply special solutions to the scalp and hair. Such products can be purchased at pharmacies. They are produced in the form of sprays, shampoos or lotions. Before treating head lice, you should consult your doctor.

IMPORTANT! The substances included in the products are quite toxic. Pregnancy and lactation are direct contraindications to their use. These chemicals should not be used by children under 12 years of age unless prescribed by a pediatrician.

This method of lice removal has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • quick effect;
  • the ability to save hair;
  • ease of use;
  • wide availability.

It is important to take precautions. It is necessary to prevent contact of the product with the skin and mucous membranes.

The drug has received well-deserved trust. This is an aerosol that contains something harmful to lice. permethrin. The product should be sprayed onto the scalp and hair along the entire length, and after 10 minutes, rinse with regular shampoo. Dead lice are combed out with a fine comb.

Another drug with a similar effect is Medifox. This is an emulsion that must be diluted with water according to the instructions. The resulting solution is applied to the skin using a cotton swab. Wash off the drug after 20 minutes.

You can replace this drug with Nittifor. This is ready permethrin solution in the required concentration. It is applied to the roots of the hair for 40 minutes and the head is covered with a scarf.

IMPORTANT! Most chemicals are effective against adults. Nits are able to maintain their viability. A one-time use of special means is not enough.

One of the methods for removing nits and lice is to comb them out using a special comb. How to get rid of lice using this safe method, because it does not involve the application of chemicals? The combing process is long and painful. Especially difficult.

  1. Before you get rid of head lice, you need to Wash your hair with regular shampoo. It is recommended to apply conditioner on long hair.
  2. Shoulders necessary in advance cover cloth.
  3. You need to comb your hair gradually. It is important to ensure that the combed strands do not mix with others.
  4. After completing the procedure it is required treat the comb with boiling water or a special anti-lice product, and destroy the fabric that covered the shoulders.

IMPORTANT! To reduce pain, you can treat your hair with vinegar. A weak solution can destroy the adhesive substance with which nits are attached.

Needs to be done regularly. A one-time procedure will not get rid of head lice. Doctors recommend performing this procedure for 4 to 10 days in a row.

Traditional methods

Many people prefer folk remedies to combat head lice and know how to cure lice while spending a minimum of money. These funds They also have low toxicity compared to pharmaceutical drugs.

How to get rid of lice on your head using folk recipes? One of the most common ingredients in such recipes is kerosene. This tool has many disadvantages. After treatment with kerosene, burns and skin irritation are possible. This substance also has a negative effect on the hair itself. They dry out and subsequently become thin and brittle.

This method requires mixing 1 part kerosene with 12 parts vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots and left overnight under a plastic cap.

Tableware is often used to combat lice. Concentrated acid causes severe burns. It is important to apply exactly 9% means.

It is applied to the hair roots. Vinegar helps get rid of the sticky substance that nits produce. Such treatments can be used as a supplement to the main

What to do? Often such news comes as a bolt from the blue for parents and in the first minutes only causes helplessness in the current situation.

Pediculosis - a parent's worst nightmare

Pediculosis (infestation with lice) is a “horror dream” for parents, which is difficult to believe, especially when it comes to their own child. A fairly common disease most often affects children aged 4-12 years; It often reaches its peak in late summer - early autumn, and the first signs of the disease can sometimes be detected a few weeks after infection.

Therefore, in order to avoid infection with head lice, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the child’s hair.

Lice and nits: description

The child has lice. What to do? A louse is a small insect, up to 4 mm in length. Preferring warm places, it lives behind the ears, as well as in the occipital and temporal regions. It is there that you can observe scratching areas and bite marks, while the insect itself is very mobile and is quite problematic to see. It is not difficult to detect louse eggs - nits, of which the female can lay about several hundred in a week.

Representing small transparent “beads”, they are firmly attached to the hair, closer to the root part. Nits do not cause any particular harm until they develop into adult insects. The latter feed on human blood, obtaining it by piercing the scalp. Moreover, lice's need for food is very high; they need to be satisfied approximately once every three hours. The puncture sites, identified by gray-blue marks, subsequently begin to itch. This happens due to the presence of an enzyme in the louse, which it injects into the wound. Heavily scratched wounds threaten the appearance of a bacterial infection and, as a result, possible suppuration. If a mother finds lice on her child, what to do in such a situation, what actions should be taken first? The cause must be eliminated.

Causes of lice infection

If a lice infection has occurred and the parents find lice on the child - what to do? You should not scold a child, because it is not his fault. The infected person needs to be reassured, distracted from fears and worries, explaining that lice are not dangerous, hair does not fall out from them and no one dies from it. To avoid a new infection, it is necessary to have an explanatory conversation with the child about the importance of using preventive measures.

Methods for detecting head lice

The presence of lice can be determined by the appearance of itching in the area of ​​the bites. Added to this phenomenon is the child’s anxiety, restlessness, feeling of discomfort and lack of understanding of the reasons causing it.

To identify lice, two testing methods are used: on wet and dry hair. The first one is the most effective. To examine for head lice, it is recommended to apply hair conditioner to the head to make the comb glide easier. The hair needs to be combed, then combed in different directions using a thick comb or comb. You need to comb your head at least a couple of times, checking the comb each time after immersing it in the hair.

You need to carefully examine the combed hair. Nits are noticeable in the root area and are firmly attached to the hair. It is very difficult to separate them; When crushed, a specific cracking sound is heard.

Lice can also be detected by combing over a light-colored, lint-free towel or paper sheet. The insects are translucent, small, and have six legs. Specimens saturated with blood are characterized by a brownish-brown color.

Previously, folk remedies were used in the fight against lice, the main component of which was kerosene. Now, with the advent of modern drugs in pharmacies, the need for grandmother’s methods, which required walking for a long time with a towel or bag on the head, has disappeared. Now you can get rid of lice in one go, and treating the head takes a minimum of time. So, the child has lice. What to do?

Lice were found on a child. What to do? How to treat? The “Para Plus” aerosol is effective in the fight against lice. Spraying is done over the entire surface of the hair with short presses; The head should not be covered with anything. Also, during treatment, it is necessary to cover the child’s mouth with your hand to avoid the risk of developing bronchospasm. After application, you need to wait 10 minutes, then rinse off the drug with regular shampoo. Dead insects should be combed out with a thick comb. Reviews about this remedy are contradictory: the drug helped some, while others were forced to look for a more effective remedy. The disadvantage of aerosol is its high cost.

Permethrin preparations against lice

"Medifox" is one of the effective means

Medifox is one of the most popular and effective drugs in the fight against lice. 1/3 of a bottle of the product needs to be diluted with 200 ml of warm boiled water, apply the resulting composition generously to the affected areas of the skin using a cotton swab. 20 minutes after treatment, rinse hair with shampoo with running warm water. In the form of a gel, Medifox is evenly applied to clean, damp hair and thoroughly rubbed into the roots. The product must be washed off after 40 minutes. The gel consumption per person is 10-50 grams, depending on the degree of infection.

Preparations based on phenothrin

Preparations based on phenothrin have a neurotoxic effect on insects. Based on them, the Itax shampoo is made, which destroys larvae and lice. The “Parasidosis” solution is quite effective, which needs to be rubbed into the roots of damp hair for 5 minutes, then rinsed with warm water and shampoo. After a day, repeat this operation again. Side effects may result in rash, itching, swelling, and redness. If for some reason there is no desire or opportunity to use medications, but the child has lice, what to do?

Folk remedies for the treatment of pediculosis

Of the folk methods, the most popular means of getting rid of lice were:

Related measures in the fight against head lice

If lice are found on a child, what to do at home? It is necessary to examine all family members for lice, wash bed linen, clothes, and towels (washing temperature - not lower than 55 ° C). Then the washed items need to be ironed and left to lie for 2 days. Such treatment will not only kill the insects, but also deprive them of food, without which they will not live long. It is also necessary to process all the things that the child used: outerwear, pillow, blanket, mattress. For things that are difficult to handle (carpets, upholstered furniture), special aerosols will be required.

Preventive methods

If a child constantly has lice - what to do? In addition to treatment with the above drugs and methods, it is necessary to observe a number of preventive measures, the main of which is personal hygiene. It is necessary to wash the child’s hair at least 2 times a week, regularly change the baby’s bedding and underwear, and do not allow him to try on other people’s things or use other people’s combs.

It is also necessary to conduct an educational conversation, explaining the dangers of lice. As a kind of protection, you can use tea tree and lavender oil (lice cannot tolerate their smell), which can be applied behind the child’s ears, on the neck and back of the head. As a preventive measure, such products should also be applied to uninfected family members.

What is the danger of lice to humans and how to remove them forever? Blood-sucking insects carry serious diseases. First of all, typhus, although in the modern world this rarely happens. In addition, pests:

  • leave wounds on the skin– infection can enter the blood through them;
  • cause dermatological lesions– scabs, allergic reactions, bluish spots, in advanced cases – pustular formations and pyoderma;
  • create discomfort– a person suffers from unbearable itching;
  • make social contacts difficult - a person infected with lice is dangerous to others.

Principles of breeding and treatment of children and adults

Nits are lice eggs covered with a special secretion, thanks to which they are firmly attached to the hair. After five to eight days, a larva emerges from this “capsule”, similar to the adult, but smaller in size and incapable of reproduction.

Cardinal method: shaving your head

The essence of the procedure: the curls are shaved off the head along with the nits, because lice cannot live without hair. The method has a number of advantages:

  • does not damage the skin;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • has no contraindications;
  • Gets rid of lice and nits in 1 day.

Head shaving for head lice is primarily used to treat men and children under three to five years of age. For aesthetic reasons, representatives of the fair sex rarely resort to this method.

Combing out uninvited “guests” and special combs

The procedure involves thoroughly combing the hair with a special comb with fine teeth. Judging by the reviews, the highest quality combs are LiceGuard, AntiV, NitFree. The effectiveness of the device is ensured by:

  1. Preparing the site. Sit in a well-lit area. Spread a white towel, paper or oilcloth on a small table on which insects will fall.
  2. Combing hair. Sit the patient in such a way that it is comfortable for him to rest his head on the table. Comb your hair with a regular wide-tooth comb.
  3. Combing out nits. Take a thin strand in your hands and comb the curls in the direction from the roots. Wipe off insects and nits caught on the comb onto a towel. Work through all your hair this way.

Live lice are too fast to remove with a comb. Therefore, combing is rarely used as an independent method; first, it is recommended to use special products that kill insects.

5 rules for using a comb

To make the procedure as effective and safe as possible, you need to adhere to five rules.

  1. Take precautions. The person performing the procedure must wear a plastic cap so as not to “pick up” lice.
  2. Moisturize your hair. If the curls are dry, the comb will not glide well.
  3. Use special compounds that make it easier to remove nits. It is advisable to treat the hair with a product that corrodes the secretion through which the nit is attached to the hair. This can be a solution of vinegar: a tablespoon per glass of water.
  4. Disinfect the comb after use. To do this, the instrument can be placed in an alcohol solution for half an hour or boiled for five minutes.
  5. Repeat the procedure at regular intervals. Repeat every other day for mild infections, in severe cases - every day. Combing should not be stopped once the symptoms of lice have disappeared. Combing is recommended to be done every few days for one to two months.

To facilitate the procedure, you can use special preparations that paint lice and nits in a bright color. Such products are produced by NitFree.

Store-bought remedies for blood-sucking insects

Operating principle

The following are used as active components that ensure the effect of the drugs:

The use of the latter is preferable, since they are safer for humans. As an alternative to drugs containing dimethicone, traditional healers suggest using hairspray. It is recommended to treat your head with a whole bottle of the product, put on plastic wrap or a cap, leave it overnight, then wash your hair with regular shampoo, comb out dead insects and nits.

Review of drugs

Lice medications are available in the form of:

  • shampoos;
  • lotions;
  • sprays;
  • creams;
  • liquids.

The table below presents the most popular and effective drugs designed to remove lice.

Table - Active ingredients of purchased lice products

Drug nameActive Ingredients
- “Nix” (shampoo);
- “Medifox” (concentrate and gel);
- “Nittifor” (lotion);
- “Reed” (shampoo);
- “Veda-2” (shampoo)
"Higia" (shampoo)- Permethrin;
- acetic acid
"Para-Plus" (aerosol)- Permethrin;
- malathion;
- piperonyl butoxide
"Pedilin" (gel, solution, emulsion)- Malathion;
- tetramethrin
"Spray-Pax" (aerosol)- Pyrethrin;
- piperonyl butoxide
- “Nuda” (spray);
- “Paranite” (spray)
Clearol (biphasic dimethicone)

Rules of application

Use shampoo, lotion, cream or spray against lice and nits according to the instructions. Most drugs are used in the same way, in four stages.

The use of products even with minimal toxicity is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under two to five years of age;
  • people with individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • persons suffering from dermatological diseases;
  • patients with bronchial asthma and a tendency to allergic reactions.


For safety reasons, when using lice products, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

The same drug should not be used more than once or twice: if the drug is ineffective, it must be replaced.

How to get rid of lice and nits using traditional methods

Most experts note the low effectiveness of folk remedies compared to modern commercial drugs. However, the use of such methods may be justified as additional methods in complex therapy or for prevention purposes.

Mint and pomegranate juice

  1. Pour two tablespoons of mint into a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice.
  2. Place the mixture on low heat and simmer for ten minutes.
  3. Apply to curls and scalp. Instead of a decoction, you can use pure pomegranate, lemon or cranberry juice, garlic or onion juice as a remedy for lice.
  4. After half an hour, wash your hair with regular shampoo and comb it out.
  5. Repeat every five days until the insects are completely free.

Hellebore and wild rosemary

  1. Grind wild rosemary leaves and hellebore root, mix the products in equal parts.
  2. Dilute the raw materials with melted pork fat, maintaining a ratio of 1:3.
  3. Place the mixture in a preheated oven for 12 hours.
  4. Apply the mixture, cooled to a comfortable temperature, to the scalp and hair.
  5. After waiting ten minutes, wash your hair with regular shampoo and comb out the insects.
  6. Repeat every five days until complete cure.

You can use a pharmaceutical preparation - hellebore water. The product is applied to the skin and damp hair for half an hour, then washed off with regular shampoo. Repeat every other day, then every other week. However, getting even a small amount of the drug into the digestive tract is fraught with severe poisoning.

Angelica and bird cherry

  1. Grind the roots of angelica and bird cherry into powder, combine the components in equal proportions.
  2. Mix the raw materials with butter in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Apply to skin and hair for half an hour, wrap your head in plastic wrap, and put on a scarf.
  4. Wash off the composition with regular shampoo.
  5. Repeat daily for a week.


  1. Squeeze juice from a handful of cranberries and mix with honey to form a thick paste.
  2. Apply to skin and hair.
  3. After half an hour, wash your hair with regular shampoo and comb out the lice.


  1. Dilute kerosene with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Apply the mixture to the skin, wrap your head with wax paper or plastic wrap, and cover with a scarf on top.
  3. Leave the bandage on overnight.
  4. In the morning, wash your hair with tar or baby soap. Comb out lice and nits by moistening a comb with vinegar.

Currently, kerosene is recommended to be used primarily against lice and nits on animals, and this is not only due to the pungent smell of the “medicine”. Improper handling of the product may cause severe burns. The use of kerosene in the treatment of head lice in children is strictly prohibited.

Since lice and nits die at temperatures above 50 °C, experienced healers recommend using a hair straightener and hair dryer to combat insects. How effective is it?

Heating with an iron

Peculiarities. A hair straightener can only kill nits; adults cannot be overcome with a hot device. Therefore, this method is used only in combination with other methods.


  1. Heat the iron.
  2. Separate a thin strand and run the device through it from roots to ends, pausing for no more than one or two seconds.
  3. Comb out dead nits with a special comb.

Hairdryer treatment


  1. Treat your hair with lice repellent.
  2. Dry your curls with a hairdryer.

Hair coloring for pediculosis

There is an opinion that you can get rid of lice by dyeing your hair. Most hair dyes contain hydrogen peroxide, which corrodes the chitinous body of insects.

It is believed that approximately 85% of insects die after staining. Therefore, to get rid of pests, several stains are necessary. Moreover, they need to be done almost one after another, since surviving pests multiply very quickly. Such treatment will take a long time, and after coloring therapy, the health of the hair will be seriously compromised.

Prevention of re-infection

Knowing how to remove lice at home, you can completely get rid of them. However, it is important to prevent re-infection with head lice. Following five rules will help in this.

Effective treatment of head lice at home is possible, but it is better to consult a doctor before using any remedy.

Reviews: “We got rid of this nasty thing in one go”

Oh, I also had the same problem, my sister was little and got infected from someone, and it was passed on to me. As I remember this nightmare, they quickly got rid of it, washed it twice with this shampoo, combed it with a special comb. And I also painted, we bought pallets of paint. And with my sister, my mother suffered for a long time, her hair was waist-length and thick, of course it would be a shame to cut it off, dye it too, it took a couple of weeks to hatch, you miss one egg, the next morning your whole head is swarming with these insects. We bought some super powerful shampoo, then combed it for a long time and pulled it out by hand, and it helped.


I can’t wrap my head around how I could get lice. I had to secretly go to the pharmacy, it was even somehow embarrassing. At the pharmacy they recommended me an Antiv comb and said that I needed to comb out every strand of hair. I did just that, and the lice and nits disappeared.


My mother gave me kerosene in 2nd grade. This is a nightmare!!!

  1. Kerosene ruins your hair, it becomes slippery like snot, like a cow licked it
  2. does not wash off for a long time.
  3. It smells terrible
  4. Doesn't help!!!


The super remedy “Paranit” is available in pharmacies, although it costs 700 rubles. I don’t remember exactly. I couldn’t get rid of my daughter’s lice with anything. They say that they have long adapted to chemistry, and Paranit is based on natural oils. Lice are suffocated by oils. Plus in special packaging. A metal comb combs everything out very quickly, including nits. We got rid of this nasty thing in one go. Nothing helped before. All pharmacy chemicals We tried the drugs and even painted our head with paint on the advice of a friend))


    The disadvantage of these drugs is the ability of insects to metabolize poison in the body and “revive” after a temporary paralytic effect, i.e. the use of these drugs does not guarantee a 100% cure for head lice. The effect of a number of insecticides is also reduced in the light.

    Safe pest control

    If found lice in a child - what to do How should parents behave in this difficult situation in order to solve the problem as quickly and effectively as possible without harming the child physically and psychologically?

    First of all, the child must be isolated as much as possible from contact, especially from communication with other children, since head lice is most actively transmitted among children. The set of measures for processing home, clothing and personal items remains the same. Anything that cannot be boiled or disinfected with chemicals can be treated with hot steam using a steamer or an iron with the appropriate function. As for the treatment itself, it is better to avoid radical chemical agents, since the harm they can cause to your child will be much more serious than the pediculosis. What to do, how to combine efficiency of actions with safety? In order to remove lice from a child at home, it is necessary to choose exclusively reliable and safe anti-pediculosis products. It is best to combine thorough combing with a comb and the use of non-toxic products that dissolve nits attached to the hair. This method is the most reliable and safe.

    Of course, how you present this situation to your child and how you behave yourself is of great importance. It is better not to dramatize and let the child feel that nothing bad or terrible happened. And in order to give the combing and inspection procedure a playful form, you can use electronic comb for lice and nits.

    In any case, when it comes to the child’s health, it is better not to experiment and not resort to various dubious methods, but to choose the safest one.