Walkthrough of the game suspended animation sleep of the mind roots. "Cryptosis: Sleep of the Mind": walkthrough and brief guide

Walkthrough of the game Cryptosis: Sleep of the Mind
Walkthrough of the game Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason
Passage of level 1. Sleep
A terrible story will be told to you by photographs lying in the snow and scattered, as if someone had laid out a path out of them. Nesterov woke up on board the icebreaker. But before the story reaches the end, you wake up. The hatch in front of you can be opened by pressing and holding the right mouse button, and bend down using the left control. After walking a little along the corridor, open the hatch below and jump. There you will find a flashlight and move on.
Follow the sewer to the next door, go through the opposite door of the first compartment.
When entering the second compartment, the shell of a polar explorer will appear on the floor (without a face, since this is Nesterov himself) with a red light.
Upon contact with the shell, Alexander will begin to have a vision, a memory of how he ended up on the icebreaker.
In the future, our hero will meet the dead and inhabit their bodies in order to correct the mistake that led to their death, which means that upon returning to reality the situation will be changed. While Nesterov remembers how he got on the icebreaker.
The corpses with red hearts that you meet along the way are not dangerous, but tell you about the past, about how you got here. They usually stand on one of the edges of the passage, and after watching the video you find yourself at the other end, which helps you in passing the game Cryostasis: Sleep of the Mind. Go to the third compartment, after climbing the ladder to the tier, a new shell will appear. At the end of viewing the new vision chain, Alexander will be on the opposite side of the tier.
You can run by holding left shift, and turn on the flashlight with the F key.
If you see a light bulb on the way, be sure to warm yourself up.
Follow the tier higher and go to the fourth compartment. Another shell will appear on the bridge; after the vision, go down to the shell at the bottom of the compartment and this time use RMB. Alexander's soul will move into the shell, and now you will play for the first time as Nesterov in his vision (at such moments, saving is not possible).
On the ice floe Nesterov will find a telegram addressed to him (it fell out when he fell from the sled).
Rise from the ice break and follow your dogs to the side of the icebreaker, carefully jump over the abyss to the right of the hummock, jump into the cradle (if you fall or do not complete the required task, you will begin to play from the moment you enter the shell of the polar explorer (the body of the victim)).
After the end of the vision (return to reality), make your way to the next compartment through the lower rooms. Go into the compartment with the frozen sailor near the generator.
When you reach the room with the engine, start it.
Nesterov is in the generator room, the switch on the wall will start the turbine, the room will begin to thaw. The first time you encounter a zombie, it will be a dream. Just run away from him.
In the future, the frozen sailor may be your enemy, but first you will see his fate.
Turn on the switch and watch how your protection system begins to increase (filling the inner circle).
For full effect, stand close to the turbine, extend your arms and use RMB.
Now you can see how the first sailor died.
Return to the front door, it will open itself. Behind the door you can see burning boxes (heat source), step over the threshold and watch the video. Now you can warm up, but as soon as Alexander starts this process, a new video will start (the door behind the fire will be torn off by the sailor whose troupe you saw). At the end of the video, return to the generator room and run behind the turbine on the right (safe point), by this time the engine will not have a sailor, and he will chase you with an ax.
After the death of the sailor, his ax cannot be taken; the passage is blocked by the corpse.
Remove the chain from the door and move on. You will have to fight with your fists. Left click to hit, and right click to block.
Go to the compartment with the frozen sailor near the bulkhead, go down to him, watch the video and kill him at the end. Turn on the switch and warm yourself near the lamp.
Go to the new compartment, where the door is supported by bars, watch the video and defeat the second victim.
When you encounter a door propped up by planks, kill the zombies first, then climb up them and warm your hands.
The next sailor will attack Nesterov as he walks along the bridge to the ladder past the frozen stream of water. After the skirmish, return to the lamp.
Go to the next compartment, it is flooded and the water is frozen; when you approach the ice, watch the video.
The sailor will attack in the next flooded compartment; he will appear from the hole.
You are given a chance to save some people in the past. You enter his mind and experience moments of life for the deceased person. If you save him, you can move on. You will encounter the first such dead man at the door. You will need to escape before the water floods the first decks.
The next section is dedicated to rescuing the sailor.
As soon as the sailor gives the command to close the door, and this door is behind you. Turn around, run into the compartment and close the door, then in the far right corner, go up the vertical ladder onto the walkway and up the ladder to another compartment. In the other compartment, do not break through the center (the bridge will collapse), but go around along the right wall. Moving to the last compartment, you will see a living sailor holding the door for you. Run to him, Nesterov will return to reality, the task is completed.
When you reach the hole in the corner, there will be a door with many handles. Experiment with them and the door will open.
After reaching the hole in the ship's hull, watch a video about the conversation between the icebreaker Captain and his assistant.
Follow the bridge, past the hole, to the airlock door. You need to open 8 shutters (levers) in any order (turn on the flashlight, use each lever once).
This ends the first part.
Cryptography Sleep of Reason is solved
Level 2. Forest
Go down to the torch and warm yourself up.
Don't forget to bask near heat sources and take a new weapon - a pipe valve.
Go out onto the ice, watch a video of 2 sailors fighting, and at the end of it, finish off the surviving sailor. Move to the next torch, along the way take the Valve from the pipe - Nesterov’s second weapon.
I recommend saving after each zombie you kill, so as not to start from the last autosave in case of death.
After a couple of steps, with a valve in your hand, you will come across a sailor. Next you need to crawl under the pipe and crawl, the ice will crack, and near the next torch, to the left of it, the ice will fall under the water.
Warm yourself at the next torch and move (without getting up) under the bridge, a freak will crawl out to meet you.
Warm up again and climb onto the bridge, crawling under it, there Alexander will meet a sailor who needs help (saving in an unreal world is impossible).
Having entered the image, the hero will find himself at the start of the level, near the first torch there is an inflatable boat.
You need to get into the boat, turn on the flashlight and swim in the boat to the bridge. As the boat advances, monsters will throw barrels at Nesterov, place a block, use your fists to fight the drowned people. Returning to reality, put Nesterov in the boat again, let him take the photograph (diary document).
Unlock the next door and enter. Alexander in the captain's cabin. Watch the video about the second meeting between the captain and his mate. Turn on the desk lamp and warm yourself up.
Exit onto the walkway through the opposite door and enter the room with the pump. The ugly sailor that appears near the boat you left will drown without your help.
When the pump is turned on, the ice below will melt, and another ugly sailor will appear at the door through which Alexander entered, but he will run away into the melted passage. Warm up and go downstairs.
When you reach the door with the dead man to the left of it, you will need to get into his head and do the following:
From the door on the left, tear off the handle and insert it into the doors on the right to close them and prevent water from entering the compartment. Next, go to the door where you tore off the handle and turn each of them.
Near the airlock door you will find the corpse of a sailor; one of the levers from the door next to him will be in his hand. Look at the door where the lever is missing.
When you decide to complete the task, you need to run to the door with 8 levers, pick up the lever that was removed by the sailor and quickly return to the front door to place the lever on the locking mechanism to the left of the door. If you have time, then return to the exit door and turn the 7 remaining levers. The door will open, and Nesterov will return to reality.
The next door, on the tier above, is locked with an electronic lock. Go into the room next to the ladder and turn on the electricity, take the documents nearby. When you go through the unlocked door, this part will end.
walkthrough of suspended animation sleep of the mind
Level 3. Swamp
Turn on the button that lowers the wall ladders. Use a remote control that blocks the electronic lock. After going through the door, watch a video of a conversation between 2 sailors, and then deal with both of them like freaks.
There are almost two zombies here at once. After them, it is necessary to save one person by swimming in a spacesuit under water and cutting off their torsos. When you complete the mission, you will see a torch that you need to warm up by.
On the winch is the corpse of a sailor who needs help.
Having entered the image of a sailor, bring Nesterov to the sailor who is dragging a tank of compressed air, it is needed for a spacesuit. When the suit comes down on the elevator, try on the suit and follow the inflatable boat underwater (air supply is limited). Drive away the drowned man with a gas torch. Having reached the shields covering the holes in the casing, the sailor in the boat will lower a beam on a cable to the second shield, cut the cables along the edges of the beam, and Nesterov will return to reality.
Then we climb down and go straight, and then through the hole to the right. Then turn right again and onto the stairs.
Next you need to cross the compartment with the shields; now there is no water, but the compartment is saturated with poisonous steam (cold). Unlock the electronic lock and move to the new compartment. In the new compartment, on the right, an unfriendly sailor will appear, kill him, but at the same time, without moving away from the door, so as not to fall off the destructible walkway.

When you go further and deal with another enemy, go through the pipes.
Use the pipes to cross the gap in the walkway; along the way, remove the new document from the beam.
Again you will meet a man in a spacesuit. Help him reach the stairs and cut the pipe, and then, when the zombie starts hitting you with an ax, get out and, taking the ax, kill him. This will give you a new weapon.
Having transferred Nesterov to the other side of the bridge, he will see the corpse of a sailor in a spacesuit who needs help. Nesterov, having entered the image of a submariner, continues to move to the pump in a spacesuit. As soon as the red pipe that has crushed the pump hose is cut off with a torch, Nesterov in the spacesuit will be captured by the drowned man. When the drowned man pulls the spacesuit onto the bridge, he tries to open it with an axe, the sailor from the boat will interfere with the drowned man (distract him towards himself). This is where you need to quickly leave the spacesuit and, picking up a fire hatchet - a new third weapon, protect your friend. After destroying the drowned man, Alexander returns to reality.
A grate collapsed near the spacesuit, and then pipes. Torches are visible to the right and left.
Using the overturned grate, jump onto the pipes and follow them to get to the torch on the right, from it you can pick up the fourth weapon - Walter AC-1940 with 8 cartridges (rocket launcher). This new weapon does not kill, but allows you to shock your opponent for a few seconds.
Go to the torch that was visible on the left, when jumping from the pipe onto the bridge, the latter will tilt, do not fall.
Another torch is two steps away from the beams, but the enraged sailor freak will jump onto the beams when Alexander approaches them, hit him without going lower.
Next, you need to cross the gas-filled compartment at speed and climb along the beam to the torch, next to it there is a panel with a switch. The switch will open the grate deep into the compartment, on the right. Once behind bars, watch the video, and at the end of it, the bars behind Nesterov will fall and he will be subjected to another attack by a couple of freaks with axes. Go behind bars with harmless ghosts, activate the switch on the wall, which allows you to unlock the hatch to go to a new part of the game.
walkthrough of the game Anabiosis: Sleep of the Mind
Level 4. Thunderstorm
Go through the first door, watch the video. In front of Nesterov is another corpse of a sailor who needs help. But first, go through the door and inspect the compartment, on the ladder leading above, pick up new documents, the pump hose prevents you from climbing up it, the ladder leading below is flooded.
Once Alexander is out of reality, open the door to the next compartment and go down the ladder to the sailor in the lower compartment.
At the request of the sailor, it is urgent to open another door in his compartment. Without wasting time, get to the door, stand to the left of it, open it and do not move so that the stream of water does not wash you away. As soon as the sailor ascends to the platform through the pump hoses, Alexander returns to reality.
In this part, first start the generator at the bottom. This can be done on the floor above. When everything works, warm up by the fan and go down. There you will make your way through the pipes to the door.
If you return to the ladder where the document lay, you can now go higher and turn on the fan for heating, but its operation will cause the arrival of 4 sailors with axes, 2 will be right under the bridge, the third below, and the fourth in the compartment with the pump. When descending into the pump room again, the ladder will collapse under Alexander's weight.
We go into the new compartment through the door where the water was drained. In the new compartment there is another sailor who needs Nesterov’s help, watch the video.
When you reach a corpse with a gun, jump towards it.
Having entered the image of a shooter, you need to shoot the monster that appears from the ventilation using the Mosin-Nagant 1891 rifle.
Aim with the right mouse button and shoot with the left. When you have the gun, shoot at the piece of iron holding the ladder. It will hang over the edge.

Lift the clip using an ax (save ammo) and lower the ladder to get into the ventilation.
Next we go inside the large pipe.
Crawl to the next fan, crawling half-baked, hit it with a hatchet. At the exit from the pipe, pick up another document.

Be careful, zombies may appear on the right and left. We get out and go into the tunnel to the right. We turn on the fan and go back. We kill the zombies and go into the next pipe.

Climb into the left shaft and start the fan, a freak (key holder (without weapons)) will be waiting at the exit from the shaft, hit him with a hatchet without getting out of the pipe.
After passing another pipe, you will get out to the next ladder. On the left is a heating device, and on the right is a switch that turns it on; after turning on the heater, a man with an ax will be hiding near the ladder. The ladder will lead to the transition door to a new part of the game.
walkthrough of the game Anabiosis: Sleep of the Mind
Level 5. Glacier
Upon entering the corridor, you will be greeted by two monsters in turn. After sitting down, go further under the closet and at the end of the stairs you will see a vision. Go back and pick up the gun. You'll have to try to kill the zombie with the welding machine. Then go left and up the stairs. Go through the wheelhouse and rise even higher. Here go right, otherwise the stairs will fall through. Arm yourself with a rifle immediately. When you kill the welded one, go up to the corpse and again there is a zombie with an ax. Kill him with a gun. Then upstairs and another room with a generator. When you come up to warm up and return indoors, a zombie with a gun will appear on the left. We kill him by aiming and turn on the generator. In the next room there is a corpse whose life must be saved.
When you get into the head of the dead man, run straight along the first floor and up the stairs. Go around and go down the other side. Wait until the zombie goes into another compartment and behind him. Open the doors and go towards him. He will retreat, and then you will take the weapon from him. Next, you will encounter a zombie who will continuously shoot at you. Your task is to quickly go down the stairs and run behind it. He will appear and will not be able to get in, and you can easily kill him through the openings of the stairs. The road leads to the cargo bay, where the next chapter begins.
suspended animation passage
Level 6. Roots. Walkthrough
After going through several rooms, help the dead man who died from glass fragments. Just hide under the window on the right and crouch down. In the next room you can help in the following way. Take the key on the floor and run to the valve to the right. Close it and you will save the poor guy.
You will find the next corpse in the room after going down the stairs. When you are behind him, go opposite to the door, go through the command post, throw off the mattress and move through the pipes to the switch. Next, when he is saved, you need to jump over the water and turn on the elevator. When he arrives, go to the mattress and jump into the elevator. I managed to get there about 10 times. When you go down, use an ax to cut off the ropes on which the corpse is hanging. And when you are at the command post, turn on the button. At another point, do the same. There will also be a pistol in the closet loaded with two rescue lights. When you see a monster, feel free to shoot it. The battle will happen when you take the elevator up. This is the technology. Immediately turn on switch number one and move to the second, shooting back and picking up cartridges along the way. When you turn on the second switch, only then can you kill the monster. It is best to stand in the corner and wait for him to approach, after pointing the gun at that place. It happens that he still reaches you, so after the shot it is better to step back and then return to your previous position. When it's all over, take the elevator down and go into the hole opposite.
walkthrough of suspended animation
Level 7. Darkness
You can help the deceased by first taking the cable and installing it correctly. Then you take out the ax and use the ax to remove the pipe from the door so that your friend can get out. Go back and look for the door. When you press the button, a zombie with an ax will appear, which you need to shoot three times. When you kill him, another one will come out, killing him will reveal a sniper rifle.
Level 8. Heart
In a large room you will meet three shooters. It is better to kill the first one with axes close, and the second and third ones with a rifle, hiding behind obstacles. You will need to warm up next to a light bulb that moves along the ceiling. Then we go to the control panel and move the winch to the right and lower it. We attach the hook to the fallen bridge and raise the winch. This will free up the passage below. There we go to the next control panel in the control room. A zombie with a gun will appear opposite. Crouch and you will kill him. We leave and go to the remote control and press the button. The welder appears. Next is a corpse, for which you need to operate the crane.
Rising to the reactor, help the dead man find peace and insert the rod into the reactor. Then go there and jump to the right. Go to the other exit.
Walkthrough (solution) of the game Anabiosis
Level 9. Anxiety
This part is simple. First, help put out the reactor by walking through the fire, and then you will face a new enemy. He will fire his machine gun almost continuously. Just run away from him and he will disappear on his own. Next, help make the part. Take a blank in the corner and turn it on the machine nearby. Next, go to another machine and finish the part. Then you need to go to the third one, the one on the left and give it to your friend.
solution games suspended animation
Level 10. Cold
The history you have gone through will again pass before your eyes, and you will see pictures of the past as if you were present at that time. You will have to walk through long corridors and deserted rooms. It all started with a strange disease that affected almost the entire team and a strange dark man who appears to us throughout the game. You will find answers to all questions below.
how to pass suspended animation, tips and advice for passing
Level 11. Fear
Zombies with machine guns begin to appear. Difficulties may arise when you enter the room with the ice ball. Climb up the stairs and go around. You will see a hatch that you need to jump into. There will be two corpses there. First you save the one without a gun, and then the second one. Next you will reach cages with dogs. The dogs need to be killed immediately, and then the zombie that appears, and then the doors will open and you can move on. Climb up and you will find yourself above the cells. There you can walk through the pipes.
It is better to kill zombies with two machine guns and kill them faster with a machine gun, and shoot the rest with a gun or by coming close with an ax.
Anabiosis sleep of the mind walkthrough
Level 12. Escape
You made it to the surface, but the problems did not decrease. It’s almost impossible to breathe outside, so you have to do everything quickly so as not to die and have time to get into the room. When you exit, immediately go left and along the fence. There you open the door, turn on the light bulb and warm up. We take an ax and break the bench with which the pipe is supported. We go outside and move on. In the next room there will be a zombie with wings. When he gets closer, we hit him with an ax. Again to the street and to the right. There will be a fire in a container. We warmed up and go along the right side, there will be a passage.
Then we go to the command post at the top. The door will be not far from the fallen helicopter. By clicking on the button at the top, you will see that the door cannot open due to the fallen tower. Go back outside and into the helicopter. There will be a corpse there that will need to be saved. After that, go back and open the gate. Go inside and to the door to the left. There will be a machine gunner there, and when you kill him there will be two reptiles with wings at once. You will have to suffer with them. I didn't kill them, I just opened the door and closed it. Next, press the lever, and the door to the street will open, thereby opening the passage further. Then we pass over that room with two zombies. Another one appears from the ice. We go into another compartment. Next in the room with the generator there will be a small massacre. Six zombies will attack in turn, so take care of your ammo.
Can't get through Cryptosis Sleep of the Mind? - read the walkthrough!
Level 13. Beasts
You will need to run down the street and have time to find the door, they will be on the right. Run along the edge and then under the boat. There won't be anything special inside at first, but don't forget to warm up. In the kitchen you will need to carefully walk between the dogs, without coming close. Then turn on the switch at the end and go back to the door above which the red light is on.
The massacre will begin in the dining room. The main thing is to collect cartridges and stand near the barrel, or jump onto the table where it stands. First a zombie with a machine gun, then two with wings and finally a machine gunner.

Walkthrough of Anabiosis - Sleep of the Mind
Level 14. POISON
It is necessary to get into the bow of the ship to help drop two anchors at the same time. When the task is completed, go outside and run to the doors on the left. There is nothing complicated or special in this part. You can save the dead sailor by first going to the toilet, and when the water rushes in and you calm down, run back to where you came from. After wandering around the rooms, you will need to crawl through the hole in the aquarium.
Level 15. Choice
The final part of the game, which dots all the i’s. The further you go, the more zombies you will meet. Those that come in pairs are especially dangerous. The story will end unexpectedly. In the end, of course, you will have to tinker a little, like in any game, but you will become a hero if you do it.
P.S. In the cinema you need to shoot at the canvas, and at the end, after the captain's note, the boss will appear. You need to kill him as follows. Red cracks appear near three walls, and near each the boss stops and blows them out with ice. It is at this moment that you need to beat him. Then everything is the same, we just run in a circle and again break the ice and shoot at the boss.
Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason walkthrough of the game Cryostasis Sleep of Reason
Author: Dmitry Novikov.
Clarifications from Dmitrich are in italics.
Addition from Dmitrich:
Level 16. Fire.
Move from the hearth (fiery rift) to the hearth and save often, the cold is the only enemy.
Get to the control room and find the captain's corpse.
On the left side of the cabin, on the exit door to the next part of the game, take the document.
Level 17. Chronos
Move along the ship's Chronos to the reactor shaft and watch Alexander's visions.
Climb onto the beam with a single light (a rotating spark of light and heat).
Having taken possession of the spark, the battle of the Titans will begin. On the side of Cold is the Titan of Darkness, on the side of Fire (Light) is the Titan of the game Alexander Nesterov.
The Titan of Darkness himself is not your enemy, just don’t fall under his hammer, he is blind and does not see who he will hit.
You are limited to the circle of the reactor shaft. Your task is to collect 10 sparks from the monsters that appear in the circle; the Titan of Darkness will hit the same monsters with its hammer, achieving an advantage of 6 snowflakes. If the score is 6:0 in favor of Darkness, you will start over. The scoreboard is the hero's fingers.
As soon as the monster appears on the circle (it will not move, the main thing is not to be close to it), shoot it with a spark that rotates between your palms. If you successfully hit the monster, a spark will light up at the tip of your finger, and a red arc will appear above the shaft. To get another spark, you need to walk in a circle to the nearest end of the arc and cross it. If the blue arc is crossed, the light on the finger will go out.
Having brought the score 10:0 in his favor, the Titan of Darkness will invite the hero to ascend his hand, which will allow him to see the final part of the game.
Level 18. Light
The Titan of Darkness delivered Alexander Nesterov to the wreckage of Roman buildings in space, where a scientist who worked with a reactor on a nuclear-powered ship found himself on one of the wreckage. He will sit on a homemade aircraft, concocted from the scientist’s various junk.
Take Alexander behind the device, there you will see the Captain's shell. Get into (inhabit) his skin and watch the video of the meeting between the Captain and the Scientist. You can scroll through it endlessly, and if you get tired of it, then move into the body of a scientist and play the same video, but from the latter’s side.
If you want to see the true ending about the fate of the polar explorer Alexander Nesterov, the nuclear-powered ship and its entire crew, then having inhabited the body of the scientist and received a telegram from the captain, go with it to the rack with the model of the nuclear-powered ship, put the telegram on the shelf, and in return take the model and give it to the Captain ...

I've seen secret maps, I know where we're going. Captain, I have come to say goodbye to you, to you and your ship. Vyacheslav ButusovWelcome aboard. No, we were not expecting guests, but we will welcome them with open arms. There's a storm and crash outside

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I saw secret cards

I know where we're going.

Captain, I've come to say goodbye to you,

With you and your ship.

Vyacheslav Butusov

Welcome aboard. No, we were not expecting guests, but we will welcome them with open arms. There's a snowstorm and biting frost outside, and don't doubt it: it's a little warmer in this cozy establishment. Our corridors are dark and our inhabitants are dead and ferocious. Our past is dark, and this place has no future.

Get up, please. Welcome to Hell, guest. Is this what you wanted?

Let's be afraid together!

If a person wants to be scared, he will be scared. Necessarily. Methods for doing this have been known for a long time and are widely used, a matter of technology. But what if the goal is not just to scare, but to cause horror and keep it in this state for some time? Oh, this is a more difficult task that requires creativity and hard work.

To tell the truth, I did not expect any special heights from the new brainchild of Action Forms - especially if you remember the unremarkable “Vivisector”. “Just think about the Arctic, frost and an icebreaker. This means that the overall dullness will also be accompanied by a poor color scheme,” I thought while installing the game. I launched it and realized how wrong I was.

To say that the atmosphere of “Annabiosis” gives you goosebumps would not be enough. Virtual insects march across the skin in two columns at once. The first, as one would probably expect, from the general creepy atmosphere of the game. It was a great success; not least thanks to the second column of “goosebumps” - the game is really not cold, but very cold. And this despite the fact that not a single thermometer with numbers could be found on the icebreaker, except for the scale in the lower left corner. It only shows how warm or cool the player’s body is and whether he will soon die from hypothermia. But try telling a fever patient that the room is actually warm - will this make him feel better? Literally everything is saturated with cold: the howling of the wind outside, the frost-covered walls, and the cracking of the bulkheads. Even the player's review - and he took it as a crust. There’s no need to be particularly frightening here! And they are scared. The monsters are made with taste and a sense of proportion. No one is crawling out of all the cracks in groups and detachments - more and more one at a time, at most two at a time. And everything is on time. And all of them are terrible. The first association that comes to mind when seeing the creepy creatures of the ship are creatures from the world of Silent Hill, perverted and scary, evoking horror, sympathy and, at times, pity at the same time. Really, there is no shame in learning good things.

Butterfly effect and more

We will go, we will race on dogs early in the morning!

It is against this background that the action unfolds. The mystical and detective plot of the game is seemingly simple. But it’s presented in such a way that no, no, and you’ll swear to yourself: “So that’s why I died in the turbine compartment a couple of hours ago!” And it’s not as simple as it seems. Layer upon layer, the legend of Danko reflects on the captain's thoughts, the stories of the sailors little by little connect with each other and with the stories of the main characters. You begin to sympathize with someone, feel sorry for someone, and despise someone. And you will have to put your hands to everything. The ship is dead, and even worse: the bodies of its crew, mutilated and altered, wander and pounce on anything warmer than the surrounding air. Their souls... However, souls are a separate conversation. Another thing is important: the main character has the unique ability to inhabit the body of the deceased and be transported into the past - a few minutes before his death. When it comes to life and death, you can accomplish an amazing amount in a few minutes. At the very least, save a person's life. But if everything happens on a ship in distress, the rescued person can also contribute to the salvation of the ship. With each new intervention in the past, the situation on the ship changes. Remember the wing of a butterfly, whose flapping can affect the weather on another continent? Relaxedly reading the final credits, the player can quite rightly consider that everything that happened in the end is his personal, hard-earned merit. It's worth a lot.

What's the end result? Overall, we can enjoy a wonderful and terrible action movie, and we can note with pleasure that stereotypes are not always justified. And we can hope that the studio will not lose momentum and will please us with something else beautiful, high-quality and strong.

There are four degrees of hypothermia.

At the first The temperature balance is maintained by heating the external tissues of the body with a slight decrease (by 0.2-0.5 degrees) in the temperature “in depth”.

At the second degree of cooling the body activates all reserves, but can no longer cope with maintaining temperature balance. Blood pressure rises, pulse quickens, but this cannot continue for long - the body loses heat.

In the case of our character, the first two stages are already behind us, it is obvious third degree of cooling, in which the body begins to cool, despite high blood pressure, and the skin and mucous membranes turn blue. It’s just not clear how he manages to walk, run, fight and shoot in this state.

The polar explorer's arsenal

So, the main character of the game is the Soviet polar explorer Alexander Nesterov. An experienced man who, out of duty, knows how to endure the hardships of northern life. This makes the screenwriters' task somewhat easier, but only partly. He is, after all, a civilian, and arriving on board with a machine gun or even a pistol will look wild and unnatural. That is, he knows how to do something, but he’s not supposed to. A ship is another matter. And there should be an arsenal on a self-respecting ship, but who will open the arsenal to a visiting polar explorer on a dead ship? So Nesterov has to board unarmed. And only then, when necessary, acquire means of self-defense. To begin with - the simplest ones.

Water valve. If brass knuckles are not enough, you can tear off a poorly screwed valve from the heating pipe. This is much more serious. It weighs about half a kilo, and in terms of the force of impact on the skull, it is significantly superior. You get exhausted with it, though, faster, but it’s worth it. Moreover, it also allows you to deliver various strikes and carry out combinations.

Fire ax. Sooner or later, the stopping power and distance provided by the valve becomes insufficient. This is where a fire ax comes in - a heavy and deadly weapon. In addition to the force of the blow, the undeniable advantage of the ax is its long distance. And the disadvantages are the same weight, because of which, firstly, the blow is delivered much slower than with a valve, and secondly, you get very tired. Therefore, you should adapt to when the blow should be launched and when it reaches the target. It's easy and very effective. If the enemy has already missed a blow, it will take him a couple of seconds to recover. Enough time to finish off.

But Mosin-Nagant rifle Model 1891 is a completely different matter. Having faithfully served the Soviet soldier in three wars, this gun will become Alexander’s reliable assistant. When firing, it should be remembered that the three-line gun was not distinguished by its rate of fire at the best of times, and even more so in the current frosts.

At first, it is completely inferior in effectiveness to an ax - until opponents start shooting back. And here it depends on the situation whether to rush into close combat and chop from the shoulder or sit behind some box and send bullets. The Mosinka is ideally suited for positional battles.

Self-loading rifle Tokarev SVT-40. When the rate of fire of a three-line rifle is clearly not enough for survival (for example, in a battle with two shooters at once), this carbine will successfully replace it. Deals almost the same damage as a mosquito, but much more often. The only upsetting thing is that its rate of fire is still lower than it should be - frosts...

This is interesting: SVT-40 is a modernized and lightweight version of the Tokarev self-loading rifle of the 1938 model. Over five years, from 1940 to 1945, about one and a half million samples were produced. SVTs were actively used on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and the Finnish War and, as in “Annabiosis,” they competed with the good old three-line. She was loved for her rate of fire and blamed for her unreliability and fear of frost. How an outdated, cold-hating weapon ended up aboard an icebreaker in 1981 remains a mystery.

Mosin-Nagant rifle with optical sight. It differs from a regular mosquito only in the presence of optics. By the way, in “Cryptography”, using an optical sight is a complex matter and requires skill. In just a couple of cases it is really necessary, but in all other combat episodes it only gets in the way.

Who's looking out there from the dark?

We looked at the weapons. Who are you going to fight against?

The North Wind initially had a crew of one hundred and fifty. Most of them perished irrevocably, but the rest... What happened to the rest is a complex question, and we can only guess what and why. It is known that one of the reasons for what happened was betrayal. It is known that the North Wind's cargo was alive and specific. And there are several classic examples of games with which what happened at the North Wind can be compared. Shall we try?

"Boatswain". Big guy. Not very mobile, but strong. You should be wary of both his fist and his axe. If you don’t expose yourself to blows, you can fight him, like the “stoker,” with any weapon, but the most effective is an ax. The “boatswain” takes almost more time to swing than Nesterov, and this should be used. Having missed a blow with an ax, the big man will be helpless for some time.

"Welder". A creature in a welding mask (how does it see in the dark?) with a pair of torches in its hands. The burners are clearly not acetylene, since they do not heat, but freeze. He is mobile, dangerous in close combat, but will not hold his own against a good axe. It’s just that you often have to waste ammo on it, since it can also freeze remotely.

"Red Army Man". I dare to guess what so disfigured the guards of the correctional colony. A very experienced and dangerous shooter, he, unlike the “watchman,” is armed with an SVT-40 and shoots more often than not. In addition, having received damage, he changes position very quickly. A somersault to the side is a shot, a somersault is a shot. In close combat, it parries ax blows well and counterattacks with its butt. Hurt.

"Overseer". Another ugly creature. Apparently, it used to be a jailer, for which it still bears a mark on its face - from a distance a luminous cage instead of a face is noticeable. The PPSh in his hands is formidable, but not scary: despite the fact that the “overseer” generously pours fire all around, he does not shoot accurately, but from the hip, and not all of the fired bullets will hit you.

Dog. I don’t know what sins the dogs were punished for, but they too mutated. Although here they are much better than their two-legged “colleagues”. If you don’t touch them, you can even crawl a couple of meters away from the dog enthusiastically chewing beef. The main thing is not too close and without sudden movements.

"Spider". Sailor in a gas mask. It is unknown who crucified him on the spiked cables and for what reason, but now their four icy stumps serve as this creature’s legs. Very fast and strong, he is perhaps the most dangerous among the game monsters. It's good that it only occurs twice.

This concludes the list of minor opponents. Only the main ones remain: the mystery of what happened and the polar cold. And it’s not Alexander Nesterov who will have to fight them, but you, the players. I wish you good luck!



It doesn't hurt. It doesn’t hurt at all... Recently my limbs ached unbearably, my stiff joints ached, my body trembled, but now the pain is going away. This means that soon I will completely stop feeling, fall asleep and die. Somehow I know this. And somehow I also know that I shouldn’t die.

I raise my hand - without feeling it, but only remembering how it should be used - and open the rusty door. It must be warm inside. There I have to remember what’s wrong with me and how I know so much about the cold. Maybe...

It's warmer here. Not much at all, and maybe it’s just an illusion?

There's a hatch in the floor. There's a flashlight down there. It's still glowing! Now I can see where I'm stepping.

The rooms opening beyond the corridor are in complete disarray. Icy steel walls and bulkheads, blocks of ice... Where am I? It seems like a little more and I will remember something...

Body. This man was much less lucky than me. He did not remember that he had to live and fell asleep. I touch it, and a bright flash obscures the world for a moment.

Don't be afraid, Belka, I'll get out, I'm strong, be patient, now I'll pull myself up... A-a-a-a!

What was that? Memory or vision? Did this happen to me or to someone else? I can't answer. And I don’t know where the body went. The only thing I can do is wander on. Here is the door, and behind it is another body. This man did not fall asleep, he died. If I touch him, will I be able to... again?

Wind, ice and a dog sled, the silhouette of a large ship in the distance. We need to go there, but we can't move. If I push the sled with my foot, then...

There it is again. I think I remember. But in very small scattered pieces. If I go up the stairs, I’ll see something else next to that body...

Four huskies are pulling my sled. We really need to go forward, where the silhouette of a large ship gradually appears on the horizon. We go around a small hummock and the sled gets stuck. And what will happen next, I seem to already remember...

Now along the stairs - down, there is another unfortunate person whom I will touch. He is somehow different from those I have met before. And the vision is brighter. Yes, I see...

Pit. I fell through here along with the sleigh; By the way, they are completely useless. I rise to my feet and quietly rejoice: the bones are not broken. The squirrel couldn't get me out of here. There she is, barking upstairs. Be patient, good girl, I'll be there in a minute.

What kind of leaf is this?.. Radiogram! I... now I know. I don’t remember yet, but I know that my name is Alexander Nesterov, and that ship is the nuclear icebreaker “North Wind”, which I need to board. I'll just get out of this hole...

The icebreaker is not that far away, it is the wind and snow that are “moving it away”. The dogs bark and show me the way, and I go. Straight, jump over the crack - and straight again. There’s a right turn, and Belka leads me further. I go around the hummocks and see the entrance to the ship: a hatch and a lift cradle. No, Squirrel, I can’t jump over here. Now I’ll get over the hummocks that I just went around, and I’ll be inside...

That's how I got on board. I don't remember why yet, but I'll find out. Now I need to look for warmth. The body on the floor is gone and I can move on. There is a hatch at the bottom. Strangely, behind the hatch there is a pyramid of empty cans. They fly apart when touched and make noise. Did someone need to know if they came in through the hatch? I'm in! I come in peace!

No, only the echo answers me. All that remains is to go upstairs and open the door to... The engine compartment! Yes, everything here is covered with a crust of ice, and the sailor frozen above the installation looks very creepy, but if you press the glowing switch in the wall, everything should start!

Yes, the installation is still underway, you can stretch your hands to something warm and humming and finally warm up. Who would have thought that sharp pain in warmed joints could be so pleasant? The mechanic's corpse does not allow me to go further, so I return.

Stop! There, in the “waiting room”, something has changed! I step through the threshold, and a memory hits me with a blow to the face.

They were warming themselves here. They warmed themselves by a fire made from boxes, waited and were afraid of something that might come from below. That's what banks are for. I warm my hands near the smoldering coals and return to the engine compartment to find out that the mechanic has disappeared.

There he is, behind me! Scary, with a charred face and an ax in his hands. Run! The path past the installation is clear, there. Stop, it seems it's all over. The motorman drove his ax into the fire shield and froze in the same place - a corpse is a corpse. Wow... I can’t get to the fire shield, and with my bare hands I feel completely disgusting. There's a lock hanging on the door further down - I'll clasp it in my fist. At least it's something.

The improvised brass knuckles turned out to be very useful. The next door is boarded up with boards, and they need to be knocked down with something. There's another body below. I'll come and have a look.

Another pebble in the overall mosaic. There was a hole in the icebreaker's hull. I see how the sailors are trying to fight her, and I see... No, I no longer see the body of the deceased. Here it is! This creature bears little resemblance to the guy from the vision I just visited. This is not a person at all, but something growling and aggressive.

Probably, in that forgotten life I was involved in boxing. The opponent was short and clumsy - just what is needed to hold out on jabs and swings as long as necessary. Keep your distance... The enemy goes on the attack, delivers an awkward blow. I jump back, close the distance again and hit him in the face with brass knuckles. Like this.

It’s strange, I should have warmed up pretty much during the fight, but instead I’m just freezing. There's a switch on the wall - you need to at least warm your hands from the light bulb...

In the next compartment they were also fighting the flood. I see... Someone with a figure resembling a boatswain is holding the hatch. And now he... On the right! Also a clumsy, but strong and long-armed opponent. Dangerous, but vulnerable. I can handle it. I’ll cope and warm up by the light bulb.

My further path is along the boards up and around the room. Another subhuman. And again I work with my fists. It looks like I'm getting the hang of it, but I really have no choice. We need to move.

This compartment was completely flooded. If it had not been for the boatswain, whom I left lying in the adjacent room, the water would have broken through further. But now there is ice here, and only a lonely light bulb is burning at the other end. A light bulb, next to the door to the next room. From it to the neighboring, dark one. And there, further, a sailor is frozen into the hatch.

I feel something. This comes from him - and from me. I reach forward and find myself...

It's not quite here and definitely not now. And I'm not me. I am the sailor who was hanging in a block of ice a minute ago. Somehow I know this for sure. How did you die, boy? Stumbled? Confused? Didn't have time? Now I can do everything for you.

Someone shouts at me to quickly run out the door and upstairs. He will die and he knows it. And I'm running. I manage to notice people. Still fighting for the ship. A sliding ladder falls from above, and I climb up. Further, further, into the same room. Only I will have time to jump to the door. Alive!

I'm alive. And this sailor then, during the accident, survived. I don’t know, maybe he died anyway after five minutes. I don't know and I don't want to know. He's alive.

There is a hole in the hull ahead. The same hole. And behind it are memories. My? Strangers? I can't tell the difference. I've seen the Captain and now it's time to leave. It's too cold here. Large, securely locked hatch. There are many handles, you will have to turn them all. And climb up a level.


The staircase is over. I went up a level, but that doesn't make it any brighter or warmer. Or does it just seem to me that the cold is still the same? There, ahead, there is a light glowing, and I go towards it. Who lit the torch, warming my hands with the remaining heat, when? No answer. Around and beyond there is icy silence. Although...

Here before ( When?!) two shadows danced, fighting for life and the remaining warmth. And now there is only one non-human left, moving towards me with a growl - now for my warmth. I won't give it to him!

Ahead is the light of a torch. And an unreliably welded valve on the pipe. It will be useful to me on my way.

How strange it is that such a heavy and bulky piece of iron lies so comfortably in the hand. And so on time. This non-human who emerged from the hole is not only faster than anyone I have ever met. Has he retained his sanity? After all, if he realized that he couldn’t handle it and left – is that reasonable? I don't know this. The torch goes out and I have to continue on my way.

Another torch ahead. Whoever lit them, thank him for that. I will try to find him and, if possible, help. Past the torch and further, under the pipes, from where another monster growls.

Another body ahead. He wanted to swim away, but did not have time or was unable to. Did someone kill you, sailor? Wait a little, I already seem to understand how I can help you. I'm plunging...

...no matter what happens, you must deliver this cylinder. This is important. You have a boat and a lantern, you remember the road. But I remember what kind of creatures roam around, and I know how to fight. We'll get there.

There's our enemy. I remember him - it was he who would later put out the torch for me at the ice hole. And now he’s going to drown us too. Don't be afraid, guy, now your hands are mine, and I will fight off this monster.

The vision has passed. The sailor was able to safely reach the target and deliver the cylinder there. Perhaps I just saved more than just his life? The body has disappeared, and instead of it a boat is rocking on the water. I will continue my path on it.

Moored. Where should I go now, up the stairs? There, behind a heavy mechanical bolt, is the captain's cabin. In it I will find another piece of the mosaic. What actually happened here? I feel like I have a responsibility to find out.

I learned everything I could here, but much less than I wanted. I leave through another door. There, below, a familiar creature is again throwing something. It’s not scary, it’s far away and won’t be able to do anything to me. In the meantime, I’ll go into the generator compartment and start the car. Warm!

Or maybe it’s not necessary, huh?

No, early on I was happy, this walking corpse still got up here and somehow managed to turn off the generator! He left, you bastard. He understands that I am stronger than him in hand-to-hand combat, and this makes him more dangerous than everyone else. But I’ll have to go down the same stairs he left on. You need to be careful.

Below is a door torn off its hinges with a familiar mechanical bolt. There is not enough handle on the inside of the lock that could be used to close it. And at the far end of the corridor is a dead body. I see no traces of violence. Cold? It’s unlikely, the pose is wrong. Drowned. In his hands is a handle torn from the door. Not from the bolt - from this door. For some reason he needed to lock himself from the inside? I'll find out now. Contact...

Yes, this room was flooded. The only chance to get out was to lock himself from the inside, but the sailor did not have time to get his bearings. But I had the opportunity to assess the consequences, and I did it instead. I run to the hatch and pull the right handle out of it. Now hurry up to the door and push the bolt... I managed to do it. A second later, water hit the door. You can go to the hatch, turn the remaining handles and get out. You will live, sailor!

I exit through the now open hatch. It's cold... There are no torches on the walls, the light bulb on the floor is off. What's the door on the right? Generator! Invigorating warmth before rushing up the stairs. There is a door through which I will get out of this level... Where?


New premises. A couple of tiers below it was flooded with water, and now there is ice there. And there is no further path along this tier. The only way is to unlock the retractable ladder using the remote control and go down. At the other end of the hall there is the same staircase.

No, the door is locked with an electric lock. I look around and notice the red flicker of another remote control. This is exactly what I need: a couple of minutes, and the passage is clear.

Bulb. It’s amazing how its warmth can warm the body and restore strength, but I’m not in the mood for surprises. Behind the gap in the net, another enemy awaits me - and memories.

Here the sailors tried to fight the flooding of the ship. What one of them had become had just been hit in the teeth by a valve, and what was left of the other was frozen into the ice below. Someone tore this sailor's diving suit on his chest and killed him. Wasn’t it him I helped deliver oxygen cylinders? Well, I'll help him again. Even that big guy in the shadows won't hurt! I'm getting in touch...

...A fair amount of water has already flowed into the hole, and the only way to plug it is to act under water. There are two of us: me, packed in a spacesuit, and my comrade, belaying me from above. The water is muddy, and you have to wade behind the silhouette of the boat. First to the left... Damn, again the same freak with a torn mouth! Underwater I am no rival to him - he swims no worse than a seal. Only an acetylene torch somehow helps out. If he sinks the boat, there will be no one to pull me up... no, it’s better to let him attack me! I'm following the silhouette. And I listen, I listen. Here, below, everything was much more terrible than what this guy saw somewhere up there, “above.” Something huge hit the side and broke it. Now everything is slowly freezing. The only hope is in these pipes, in which hot water still circulates. That is, there was hope, but now, after this creature cut them off, everything here will freeze. But it’s better to freeze than drown! They lower a spacer for me and I install it, plugging the hole. We won't drown!

I did it! I'm moving on. I’ll warm my hands by that torch, and you can go down the inclined beam. There is no ice below anymore. Damn it, what is this?! The whitish fog below seems to be eating away at your lungs! Faster, faster run! From the beam to the left, go around the wall and go up while still alive. Now, calmer, even higher up the stairs. There is a working remote control. You can warm up.

Electronic lock and behind the door - turn. Behind him is an enemy with a crowbar. And the mount is not as scary as the fact that it collapsed a section, and now you will have to move through the pipes. Take this one to the left. Then right, right again...

Again the same sailor in a torn spacesuit. It seems like he can't cope without me...

What couldn't you do? The pipe interfering with the pump was removed. And you had already gotten out of the water when something knocked you off your feet and dragged you. And I can even guess that. So this is what they used to cut the spacesuit. You were killed with an axe. First they opened the suit, then they were distracted by a comrade who arrived in time, then... And then I got out of the suit and turned on the valve.

Did I really kill the bastard? That would be nice. And now I have an axe!

Leave. Hurry up to leave... Although no, it’s too early. I look around and notice the red light of torches and the blue flicker of something important. I can get there by walking along the wall along the pipes.

Gun? No, just a flare gun, alas. There are only five rockets in her drum - a weapon of last chance. I’d rather rely on a simple and reliable axe.

Further along the pipes to the next room. Here is the opportunity to test the fire ax in battle. Then we descend into the acrid fog - and run forward and to the right. There, along the same fallen beam, upward. You can warm up there and open the next damper below. Again a dash through the fog - the last one. Here again I test the effectiveness of the ax in battle. Yes, power. You just need to get used to it: the old technique of quick strikes no longer works, but it is very painful to hit ahead. Especially in a fight with big guys. This inspires confidence.

In this... There are no dead bodies in this cage. Souls have gathered here. I am a researcher, I should not think about such things, but there is nothing else I can do to explain it. The souls of the frozen sailors have gathered and are suffering from the cold. And their bodies are wandering around the ship... Sorry, guys. I can't help you except turn on the light here. Goodbye, I will definitely find out what happened to you. And I'll try to fix it somehow.


A dark room, a door, stairs down - and a sailor frozen in the ice. Contact...

Captain's voice. Everyone get up and go down to the lower compartments. You had to run to the left and then down the stairs, rather than jump over the flooded corridor. Moreover, there is important work below: open the hatch and drain the water to the lower tiers. There is such a thing!

What bliss! Warm! What a pity that you can't stay here for a long time. Two ghouls are already wandering towards the warmth. How many more are there on the ship? I can’t sit, I have no right!

Down. I turn on the light, warm myself from the lampshade, and go down the stairs familiar from my visions to the room with the hoses. It’s through these hoses that I’ll go up.

And in this compartment, a sailor once tried to shoot back with a rifle. But he did not succeed - his body lies there. I wonder if in the life that was left outside, I knew how to shoot? I have to be able to - I was a polar explorer. Jump down onto the mattresses, and I'm at the body. Contact...

...I stand with my rifle at the ready and wait until the enemy crawls out of the ventilation pipe. If this creature was once a person, now we can definitely say that it is no longer one. People don't walk around with a rifle bullet in their head. We have to shoot again. Well, that's all. It’s strange why the sailor couldn’t shoot? Or have I just stopped being scared?

I have a real weapon in my hands! And there the clip shines. Here's the problem - only five rounds. Or rather, already four - one had to be spent to knock down the stairs. I'm afraid I won't be able to part with the ax for a long time. Where to now? I came from one door, the second one does not open. Ventilation remains. You can climb into it through the pipes.

And it's not so bad here. The heating of the blowers works, the dead crawl on their haunches, and it is convenient to chop them with an ax. And you won’t have to crawl for so long - there’s a room around the second corner. What's that knocking here?

Oh, and this corpse managed to get stuck in the supercharger! We'll have to push through. Then you can warm up and get out of here. There is no way back, but there is another pipe.

Dark room. Only the electrical panel on the right lights up. If I turn it on, I can warm myself by the lamps. And then go around these units, go down and get out.


I walk through the next compartment and think, think. Well, everything with the ship is not as serious as it seems at first glance. The hole was patched and the water was pumped out - not without my supernatural participation. Yes. Downstairs there are serious problems with heating, but here the valves in places already glow and radiate warmth. They were methodically repaired - this is already clear, and the vision in the corridor only confirms it. The ship is showing signs of life. You just need to wake him up.

The path is not winding - high shelves do not allow you to turn to the side. The former sailors would be happy to not let them pass, but they are not strong enough. Although my heart feels that I haven’t seen everything yet...

Something knocked down one of the shelves right in front of me. This is not even bad: now you can crawl under it. And find a note. This is not the first such record that I have come across, but this one clearly confirms that the ship suffered insignificant damage. The whole trouble, if it began with the collision, broke out after. And the cartridges were found! Now I will feel much more confident, although I will not throw away the ax. How do I know what else will come my way?

New vision and dead end - stairs. We'll have to turn back. And around the corner... Damn, I’ve never met such opponents before! A very mobile and therefore extremely dangerous welder with a pair of torches in his hands. I cut pipes like this underwater, it's serious!

Strange burners, whatever you say. They should be burned, but on the contrary, they freeze. Then I’ll think about what’s in his cylinders, and now I’m cutting ahead with an ax and finishing off the man who’s lying down before he gets up. I'm a polar explorer, not a knight.

Now you can jump over the rack that was knocked down by the welder and climb the stairs - following the vision. Apparently there was a radio room here. On the day of the accident, the chief mate sent a denunciation against the captain from here. And now it's empty and cold - but I can turn on the lights.

Behind the door is a staircase to the upper tier. There’s the sailor’s body, but it’s difficult to get to it; the section under your feet is too flimsy. We have to climb up again with minor struggles and go to the body in a roundabout way. Strange body. I’ve already met people like this when I remembered who I was and how I arrived here. Come on...

Where are you going?! There is no passage!

No. It seems like I can't get anything useful out of this vision. I hope so...

Behind the red door is another hall. The glassed-in cabin is locked, and the stairs to the upper tier have collapsed in front of our noses. Well, let me think of something. I warm myself by the blower and return to the control room only to immediately come under fire. More and more wonderful - they know how to handle firearms! If the sailor whose rifle I now hold in my hands had shot as well, he would not have had to be rescued. Just don't poke your head into the doorway. I’ll sit down and let it hit through the window. I will also shoot through the window - only I will shoot at the head, and not at the frame! Ready, darling. Come on, do you have any cartridges left?

Remained. Fine. I turn on the heating of the room and go through the opened door. There, the numb body is already waiting for intervention in its fate. Contact...

This shooter started playing pranks even when everything on the ship was almost in order, as I see it. Whoever he didn’t kill, he scattered to the corners. Well, I'll break through. The first dash is across the room, to the stairs. Only the bullet screamed behind him. It's good that he has a rifle and not a machine gun.

Done, I'm on the second tier. I will cross it on my haunches and in short runs from cover to cover. Done, walked around. Now go down the stairs, and... He's out of ammo! Walking up and picking up the gun - that's all it takes! And one more thing. It seems he just knows how to be afraid...

I go into the next closet. Just be careful: you need to deal with the welder quickly. He doesn’t go in, but after a couple of “zip”s of his anti-burner on the wall, he lowers the temperature so much that his vision goes dark. I won’t spare a couple of cartridges here.

The radio room remained downstairs, along with the new vision. And ahead of me awaits a new door and a new descent down.

The room is a dead end. You can't get through either downstairs or upstairs, but you can turn on the heating upstairs, then go further, go downstairs and turn on a fan powerful enough to blow away the sparking cabinet. Now you need to turn it off. Switch below. And below there is a ghoul shooter. A shootout a dozen meters away in open space? Well, no, I’d rather run up and chop you down!


As I expected, in this part of the ship the heating system works and there is no ice on the walls. Behind the first door I find the poor fellow dead. What is it about him? It seems that in the locked vestibule in which I am now, something exploded and it was covered in shrapnel. Contact...

The case is simple. Instead of sitting in a chair, you, man, should hide behind the back of this chair. Like this. You see: you’re alive, and then I’ll be able to walk freely.

Oh, I feel like I shouldn’t have saved this bastard. A couple of corridors further, he shot one sailor and scalded the second with steam from the chimney. Quickly, we need to fix everything! Contact...

No, there was no need to throw that wrench at anyone. Pick it up and to the right, shut off the steam in the pipe. And don't expose yourself to bullets. That's good, both are alive.

And I should go in the same direction. Go up the stairs, pull the switch on the left - and through the door. There he lies, below. It looks like he wanted to use the elevator, but didn’t have time - he was electrocuted. If I didn’t have to go down the same elevator, I would have spat on the corpse and left it. But we have to make contact...

He jammed the door automatically, not paying attention to the screams of the sailors. I’ll remind you of this again... First you need to go through the glassed-in cabin and throw that mattress over there from the railing. Then go around the entire room and go down through the pipes to the sparking shield. No power.

Now you can apply voltage to the panel again and, when the elevator opens, jump into it from the mattress. Let's go!

And it's cold here. And behind the door hangs above the shaft a body crucified on cables. Who are you like that? No, I can’t remove it - I’ll just cut off the cables with an ax. Now you can go down.

On both sides of the mine there are cabins. In the first one, I have another vision of the captain and the first mate. Here you need to turn on the power supply. God, who is that behind the glass? Quickly, go to the second control room: grab the rockets and also turn on the power - maybe I can help?

No. There's nothing you can do about it. The creature I dropped from above is intact. Looks like a spider wearing a gas mask. He gets scared by the shots and moves away - first into the corridor, then further into the square lift room. I have a feeling there's going to be a serious fight. Fast. We need to get our bearings. I use this remote control to raise the platform. Now there are two switches in different corners of the room. Pull it and cover the room with a “lid”. What don't you like when it's warm? There are pipes in the corners. In three of them they are straight, and in the fourth they are slightly curved. I'll hide under it!

Well, that's all, spider, your song is sung. I have enough cartridges - there are still a lot lying around. Your strength is in your paws, and I will shoot at them. Where they grow from. If I run out of paws, I’ll shoot what’s left. And then I’ll warm up, lower the platform and leave.


I found myself in a relatively warm place. Large units straight, left and right. Judging by the sparks from the front, there is a problem. There is a rifle with an optical sight on the left under the unit, but you can’t reach it. And the door behind the left unit is locked. But on the right...

But the door to the right of the central car is open. There I will warm up and see how I can help the sailor, who was clearly electrocuted. Contact...

Yes, he was electrocuted. He wanted to save a comrade locked in the wheelhouse and hurried to snatch the ax from the guard. I won’t rush: first I’ll go back a little and put the high-voltage cable in place. Then you can remove the ax and help out your comrade.

Two more survivors are on my conscience. The only bad thing is that now I can’t go through the wheelhouse - the ladder has fallen. Okay, I return to the “hall” and turn right. If I understand anything about this ship, the door should already be open.

Exactly. You can enter, supply energy to the units, fight with the big guy with axes... And in the next room - warm up by the electric fireplace! And after that, finally pick up a rifle. But who should I aim at through the optics?

Now for the last unit - there I saw something like a ladder. I turn the corner and catch a bullet in my chest almost point-blank. It’s good that I had an ax in my hands - I killed the bastard before he reloaded. You will need to be more careful on the upper tiers.

That's right, there are three more upstairs with rifles. The first one emerged from behind the middle unit, then the second one appeared and opened fire from the collapsed platform. And the third, a little later - when I pulled the red switch at the far wall. No, I clearly was not a sniper in a “past life”. Aiming with an open sight is easy and convenient for me, but I couldn’t make friends with the optics. Well, okay - the main thing is that he remained alive. Now I go to the crane cabin - otherwise the door under the fallen platform cannot be lifted. What's interesting is that the faucet works! And you can bring it to the right, and the hook drops! And if you manually throw this hook onto the railing, it will raise the platform! Is it true. This is where he broke down. Okay, no more needed. I'll warm myself up though.

I leave the cabin and come face to face with a big guy! Be careful, you need to be more careful... No one bothers me anymore, and I can calmly go out.

I have already been to this room. Now I’ll go up to the cabin on the other side. A short vision and - again a shootout! Finally, optics will come in handy. That's it, you can press the red button and exit through the left hatch. Here is the position of the would-be shooter, he has ammunition. Now further - to where the welder had just jumped out. There, behind the heavy door with the red shamrock...

The frozen body is there. Whether they hid in this room or were unable to get out, the person was exhausted, fell asleep and froze. Contact...

They tried to get out, but the door at the opposite end of the room jammed. It’s not scary: I already have some experience as a crane operator. You just need to jump out the front door, climb the stairs and help.

The door was broken down and people left through it. I'll leave too.


There is a door straight ahead, and I walk through it. How many more are there - rooms in which you need to press the red button? I warm myself and go outside.

Outside the door I am being fired at from somewhere above. I don’t see the shooter and hurry to get out into the corridor. By the way, there is a shooter there too. Something new, wearing a hat with earflaps. And very nimble. In close combat, he blocks blows and swings away painfully with the butt. Having received a bullet, he quickly changes position, rolling. A dangerous enemy, but he has a valuable trophy - a carbine. If only there were more cartridges...

I go up the stairs and meet another dead sailor. Contact...

Now it looks like I'm an energy drinker. My task is to go to the reactor compartment and load the fuel rod. I don't like it, but I have to work. I'm going to the reactor. The task is simple - the senior power engineer explains what to do - and I do it. Having reloaded the fuel in the fourth power unit (for some reason I don’t like the phrase “fourth power unit”), I return by a different route. It's simple. And I still don’t understand why this sailor should have died - from radiation?

I enter the control room, press the red button... Holy mother! There's snow in the reactor! Get there quickly!

Along the way I encounter a vision. I have already seen, seen this figure! Here is the entrance to the reactor. And there... It can’t be... There is no reactor. Only a hole in which, like in a volcano, there is lava. How many x-rays are there?! No, I won't think about it. We need to go out. You will have to walk along the fittings and visors counterclockwise. Only faster - every second I probably catch a portion of the rays...

Here it is, the exit. I seem to be feeling quite well. It’s just cold, as always... I warm myself and move on. I have already seen this road. But you'll have to shoot: fighters in earflaps don't joke. And behind the next door, too, first I’ll deal with the “Red Army soldier” who has darted down the stairs, and then I’ll start pressing the buttons.

Even lower. Not only does the staircase collapse, but there is also an “outpost” of two shooters. Positional combat remains with me only thanks to the lamp. No, I definitely don't understand anything...

Leave, leave this place! Straight ahead, over the jumping corpse of the welder, through the table with the button and the note - into the lower corridor. There's a heavy hatch already unlocked...


I don't like the room I find myself in. It's warm here, but very, very unpleasant. I walk along the empty bunks. First to the left: there, at the end of the “corridor”, is a switch. Now to the right... I imagine the voices of the sailors hiding in it. Or don't they wonder? These people are no longer alive, but I have already seen how relative this is. I can even see them! Here they remembered the dead and lost hope. Here...

The shot brings me back to reality. The ship is dead, and the enemy is ahead. There was an enemy. Now you can pull the switch on the wall and go up one tier and go again. And kill again.

Switch, stairs, door, another one. I think I'm out. Now down the steps. I recognize this burning sensation in my chest! The door, then to the left between the large units - there it is, the saving ladder! You can already breathe from above, but that’s for now. This sailor apparently suffocated. Contact...

Anxiety. Sirens are blaring, and the chief mate's voice is heard in the speakers. The requirement is to turn on reverse - and everything is shaking. This is the turbine compartment, and there is a fire in it. I run along the familiar path between the units and pray that I will be on time. Wait for the steam to flow across the stairs and up. But things are bad. The fire extinguishing system did not turn on and will now have to be started manually. And I will have to launch it. Straight ahead and to the right, there's the remote control. Press the red button and run out of the compartment along the tier along the wall. If I don’t have time, I’ll suffocate!

But I'll make it...

That means what kind of gas was down there. Now, perhaps, we need to go the same way as the guy we just saved. You just need to deal with those arrows. We sat far away - it’s time to try the optics.

I go around the hall and go upstairs. There, in a soot-covered room with machines, I meet a new monster. I don’t know how to fight him, I just run further and further and hide behind the closet.

It resolved on its own. But what should I do if it comes again? No answer. But there is a dead sailor who can be helped. Contact...

The turbine compartment is on fire, and smoke is gradually creeping here. The master inhaled smoke and will not have time to make the necessary part to repair the valve - I will have to do it. There is a workpiece in the red box, with it I run first to one machine, then to another. By the time I finish my work, the smoke has already gotten close. And the master went into the cloud to repair...

And I'll go through the big door and up the stairs. There is a way out, I feel it.


Corridor and exit to the balcony. The captain stood here, standing, re-reading the radiogram from Headquarters. I stood nearby and moved on.

The path through the corridors and rooms... It is difficult, very difficult to describe in words.

Somewhere on the bridge the now familiar words of the captain were heard: “Full speed ahead!” And, in the voice of the first mate: “Let’s reverse!” There is a fire in the turbine compartment, and here... The epidemic began here. The doctors did everything possible, but there is no cure for something that has no name. People died, died, died...

I wander among them, unseeing and unseen. Until he reached the X-ray room and walked out into the corridor. A familiar hooded silhouette sits on a chair in front. Who are you?! The figure does not answer - instead there are streaks of ice, and I move back to the window until the obsession subsides. Now follow him.

What is this - a morgue? One by one I pull out the shelves with the bodies, and they all disappear in the white light. Get out of here!

I step towards the bars.


Bars, corridors, more bars. What was there - a prison?

Yes. I see cameras. All are empty except the last one. What happened here, prisoner? Show me. Contact...

The commandant was walking along this corridor when the iceberg rammed the icebreaker. The cages opened and the prisoners rushed to freedom. And I'm with them. But where, where should we run? Outside? In a snowstorm? Nobody went there. And no one returned to the cells either.

The cell is empty, but a knock comes from somewhere above. I go out and go up the stairs. The prisoner knocks. He is alone and I approach him. Who did this to you? I reach out my hand and make my way through visions and monsters. I catch up with him again - and everything repeats itself. Where are you, come back! Don't run, I need, I really need to find out. I extend my hand...

The new vision is gradually becoming a reality. I go up to the top tier, walk around the hall, and go down to the control room. There were two of them here - one was shooting, and the second was supposed to illuminate the targets for him. I'll help you. First to the illuminator, then to the shooter. And I'll leave here.

Aviary with dogs. Sorry, dogs, I have to. Behind the door there is a staircase up, a switch and the path further. Enter one door to loop around and exit another. There is a hatch in the room with the fireplace, I jump there. There, below, I will be met by a figure with two machine guns. I only have one machine gun, but I shoot better.

Containers. You can warm up among them and go into the room with cartridges. They will be very useful in the next room. I'm finishing the shootout, now through that blocked door. There must be a switch somewhere on the wall... A room with a red button! Finally. There must be a way out of it. Here he is. The criminals didn't go there, but I'm not a criminal. I'll pass.


The wind roars overboard, tearing the warmth from the body like tongs. If I want to get out in time, I'll have to run. There is a gap in the grate, and to the right of it, very conveniently, there is a ladder tied. So, I'm running to the right.

The path is blocked by a piece of air duct that has fallen out of the window. But there is an unlocked door next to it, and I duck inside. No, I won’t be able to continue moving under the roof; I can only knock out the bench from under the pipe and go outside. To the right, further, to the next door. Here you can warm up and walk normally.

New monster: moth wings and huge claws. I have already forgotten how to be surprised and just shoot. I don’t know if it was once a person, but it hatched from this ice cocoon. Moth, yes...

I pull the switch, and my path is again through open space. Straight ahead and to the right, bypassing the superstructure. There, in a container, there is a fire, and I warm myself by it. But not for long. Further, to the right and between the containers. There must be stairs to the main deck somewhere around here. One is lying around, but the other is intact! There, up there, is the skeleton of a helicopter. I make my way inside and see bodies. Contact...

They tried to fly away, but people in prison uniforms cut off the crane cables, and he fell. So that at least someone stays alive, I grab the machine gun and jump out. Don't let them touch the cables! I fire and the robed figures retreat. The helicopter flies away, leaving me below. Well, the commandant must be prepared for such an outcome.

Now quickly through the door! Up here is a small cabin with a button that opens the gate to the hangar. Now I can get there.

In the hangar there is a light bulb and a thick door at the top. And behind the door is a monster with two machine guns! But I already know how to deal with it. It’s more difficult with the two “moths” that fluttered through the door after: nimble, bastards! That's it, you can go back to the hangar, there is a switch hidden under the picture, and you need to close the gate. There is now access to the far door.

Behind the door is a “moth” and a new door. Behind her is the “moth” again. I walk further and further, in the hall with the machines they try to stop me, but I shoot. Now pull the switch at the end of the hall - and to the second tier. There's a way out somewhere. Only, to use it, you will have to fight with the “Macedonian”. I'll go out.


I’m warming myself by the fire, because now I’ll have to go “out into the air” again, run to the new door. Get warm - and go outside again. Up the stairs and into the room. Below I kill an unpleasant-looking creature with keys instead of fingers. It just happened, I didn’t go to him, but to this guy. All is not lost for him. Contact...

I am a crane operator and am running to the “combat post”. I am not supposed to know what is happening in the turbine compartment or in the hold; I know that if the crane boom is not removed, it will collapse. Out - and into the cabin. It's done.

Further down. Through the machine gunners - to the large iron door. Behind it is a room with containers. I turn on the light in it and enter another one just like it. There is a refrigerator here. There are beef carcasses hanging from the ceiling, one of which I touch...

Come on, dance, you beast!

No, I don't want to! But no one asks the cow being led to slaughter. The narrow corridor does not allow you to get out, in front and behind you are just as doomed. The guy in front loses his head, and it’s my turn. Nooooo!

I am the executioner. The next cow has reached the end of the corridor, and it’s time to put the knife down, but I can’t do it. The hand doesn't rise. Better to pull the other lever and release them all. And come what may...

I'm coming back. There are no more beef carcasses, instead there are... others hanging. For some reason I don't feel sorry for them at all. I leave the hall with the containers, and I also leave the hall with the electric fireplace, fighting. I need to go through another iron door - a guy is huddled behind it. Contact...

Why are there so many skinned dogs here? Just don't panic. This is a kitchen, and the dogs have something to eat. Eat up, good dogs. Don't look at me while I'm squatting. No need to growl like that, I won't touch your food. I just need to cross the room. I won't get too close to you. I just crawl and pray quietly. But I can’t get around this dog at the door. I can only throw that piece of meat on the floor. It tastes better than bones. And quietly, very quietly - on the way out...

It seems that I managed to turn gray in these minutes. Now I enter the room; Unlike this cook, I am armed. Cross the room, turn on the light - and back. Neither dogs nor machine gunners will stop me. Here's the way out.

Large dining room. I turn on the light and pick up the cartridges. If they are here, there will be a fight, but I'm used to it. I need to go out into the passage broken by the “Macedonian”. And I'll go out.


I climb out of the hole in the floor and move forward. The path is simple and the enemies are old, dear. Unlock the door - and go further, through the room with the red button, then the elevator - just to move. I pull the switches, shoot and go. And I’m not surprised by anything. Where does the fish come from, for example? Isn't that enough?

Anchor compartment. The chains are lying on the floor, not taut, and I will take care of them and the fate of that sailor over there as soon as I deal with the new “Macedonian.”

That's all, the anchor chains are stretched like strings, which means you can rise. I go outside again and run to the next door. And a new vision.

I don't know who I am, but this time I'm not just an observer. I will take the key from the sleeping sailor and unlock the door in the corridor. And you sleep, sailor...

I walk into the same corridor and don’t recognize him. The huge aquarium was broken, and the corridor was filled with ice. And the sailor died. He loved to sleep too much and woke up too hard. Contact...

I wake up much lighter. As soon as the siren howled, I was already on my feet and locked myself in the latrine. The sailor doesn’t know why, but I remember. There is a blow, and the hearth flows from under the door. Now you can (need!) rush headlong out of the room, along the corridor, down the stairs and across the courtyard. My post is there, I am needed there.

The aquarium is empty, and I take a shortcut through it. Unlock the door in the corridor, then into the cabin, out of it, through the hole in the wall, into the next one... Further, further.

And this cabin was hit by an iceberg. I go down through the break in the hull and continue moving. An icy corridor and again a cabin. Now up. Here's the exit.


Up the stairs. Unlock the door, cut off everything unnecessary for the “moth” and move on. There are two people ahead at once: a “moth” and a machine gunner, I’m wasting ammo, but I’m surviving!

I walk past the aquarium with a polar bear to the cabin. A projectionist lived here. Before it all started, he inserted the films into the movie camera. And in the next room you can view them. Maybe you can get distracted for a couple of minutes?

No, alas, even the movie on this ship is wrong. Well, where have you seen figures on the screen shoot at spectators? I shoot back and they fall. Until the “Macedonian” comes to their aid, tearing the weave of the screen. I kill him and go into the hole, behind the screen.

Be patient, Umka, I’ll let you out soon!

And again the destroyed reactor. But now I already know what happened. When everything happened, there were minutes left before the reactor exploded. And here some people agreed to leave others to die on a ship deprived of energy, contaminated with radiation.

At this moment something happens to me. It's as if a deadly radiation from below fills me with power. And something big, wise begins to take care of me. The crimson light from the cracks kills monsters, but gives me strength. Maybe I was hallucinating? I don't know, I don't want to know. I just need to move forward.

Now outside. Up here the prisoners were trying not to let go of the helicopter. Further, further... I go around the superstructure and go inside. To where the captain worked before the incident.

I remember this spider monster. I killed one of these once, but now I don’t have a pipe to hide behind, and he’s so mobile! But what is it? It seems that the revived heart of the ship does not leave me. Now everything depends on my agility. A spider cannot calmly run past a fire-breathing crack without stopping to freeze it. At this moment he is a target. A bullet into the ice crust on a crack - a couple of bullets to the paws. And run, run in circles all the time. Now I am tireless, and he only has four legs. I can handle it!

I find myself in a room on the other side of the aquarium with a bear. Be patient, bear, I won’t let you be offended. Contact...

You, a big and strong bear, were driven into your own den and shot by two small and weak creatures. One of them will come in now. There is a way out of the den, but the second one is watching it. Look, bear: if you go around to the left, you can throw off this boulder and block the passage; no, wait until he enters the cave. You see: he, no longer the self-confident master of life, bangs his fists on the rubble and calls for help, not noticing anything around him. Even a bear walking behind him towards the exit. Go away, bear, he is not worth your claws. Good luck!

And I will leave here too.


The ship is covered in cracks. I know: it is his fiery heart that is calling me. Right now - on the left. I absorb the life-giving warmth and throw myself into the icy wind. To the miraculously surviving transformer, from it to the remains of the cabin on the right. From here the sailors controlled the engines and tried to get the ship out until the last minute. Now only rubble remains.

Around the corner to the left to the next crack and through the door. From this door go right and up the stairs. It seems that this is the captain's bridge. There were two people standing here in front of the door. At first they swore, and then they started shooting and burst inside.

This is how the captain died. And now it’s clear why so many people died. They killed the captain, but were unable to control the ship. From here the first mate gave the command to reverse, and the commandant ordered the helicopter to start. They killed everyone...

Although wait, the captain, it seems, is not dead yet! They carried him down. And I will go there. It seems that everything will be resolved soon.


Everything was quiet. Only the cold sun hangs in the sky and the snow turns black from time to time. I wander along the scarlet cracks under the texts of Ecclesiastes - from vision to vision.

The helipad was directly above the reactor. It was there that the captain was taken. And they flew away. But the heart of the ship remained in place - blind, but alive and thirsty for justice. Here and now, over the destroyed remains of the reactor, I will give my last battle.

Hello, god of time!

Chronos rises from the depths of the reactor and swings his hammer. The battle has begun. No, he is not my enemy - we are allies. Chronos is powerful, but blind, he cannot distinguish me from his creatures. I understand this and stay behind him. We have one enemy - all the arriving monsters. And we destroy them. He with a hammer, and I with my hands. The power has awakened in my palms, and I throw it out, burning the monsters. Then a red light lights up on one of my fingers. With every monster killed - a new light. With each monster that dies under the hammer, the flame goes out. It's a strange, cruel game, and I accept it. A burned monster - and a ring of fire encircles the battlefield. I charge from it and kill a new one. And more, more! Yes, Chronos, I am a worthy player. Once I was able to get here. Give me your hand and I will choose what really should have happened on the ship.

Give me your hand, and the first mate, perhaps, will go down into the hold to eliminate the consequences of the accident, and not hand the captain a dispatch.

Give me your hand, and the commandant will rush to help the wounded.

Extend your hand, and the engineer will support the captain and give him a boat.

Give me your hand, Chronos. We will lead the “North Wind” out of this hell into clean waters. The bright polar sun will shine above him, and the captain will extend his hand to another, Alexander Nesterov, who has not passed seventeen circles of this underworld.

And everyone will live.

1 2 All

The studio's project "Action Forms" was developed for exactly 3 years, after which it was published in 2008. Almost no one expected that the game would make a big splash and raise a storm in the domestic gaming industry market. But no matter how it is. Everything happens exactly the opposite. Thus, the world received another worthwhile horror shooter, and from our domestic developers. For the most complete idea, you need to study the main idea of ​​the game "Cryptosis: Sleep of the Mind", the walkthrough and manual for which you can find below.

Cold and scary

The whole action takes place in 1968 in the Arctic. The main character and part-time polar explorer receives the task of boarding the North Wind at a specified location. As he approaches the meeting point, Alexander notices that no one from the ship is meeting him. Deciding to deal with this oddity, he finally decides to travel on a huge icebreaker. Subsequently, the main character will have to reveal the dark secret of everything that happened on this ship, devoid of its former life and warmth. Empty metal structures, deserted corridors and strange eerie sounds emanating from the walls are the main highlight of the game "Cryptosis: Sleep of the Mind", the passage of which will make your heart beat several times faster.

Stay warm or die

An interesting component of the game is the constant search for a source of heat, without which the main character will die at maximum speed. Of course, there will be areas on the ship where this need no longer exists, but their number is insignificant. The accumulated heat gives time to get through difficult and icy areas of the terrain. Also “Cryptosis: Sleep of the Mind”, the passage of which is quite difficult, and the plot will compete with any parapsychological thriller, it will tell the story of the ship’s crew, show the main events that happened a few days before the death. The entire game is dominated by many global natural phenomena: death, life, struggle, heat and cold.

Beat the dead thing!

Naturally, the passage of the game "Cryptosis: Sleep of the Mind" implies the presence of enemies, represented in this case in the form of zombies and other evil spirits. To be honest, they are not very pleasant interlocutors. But not only hands are used, but also all sorts of crowbars and crowbars, pistols, shotguns and rifles. So rest assured, repulse to enemies is guaranteed.

Classic wrapper

It is quite natural that when a person wants to play something scary and feel hundreds of thousands of goosebumps running all over his body, he will be afraid and worried while playing such games. "Cryptosis: Sleep of the Mind", the passage of which is very exciting, creates such an eerie and freezing closed atmosphere that at some points it becomes simply unbearable to play. The main classic elements of any good horror action are present here: high-quality and timely sound (noises, rattles, whispers), sharp and unexpected turns and events and, of course, appropriate graphic design. Many gamers who have completed the game are looking forward to the release of the sequel - "Cryptosis: Sleep of the Mind 2". But everything is up to the will of the developers.

- What will I do for people?! - Danko shouted louder than thunder.
And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and tore his heart out of it and
raised it high above his head.
Maxim Gorky

Endless white fields with a predatory grin of ice hummocks, a terrible north wind covering the sky with snowy haze, bone-chilling frost that is just waiting for your breath to weaken and your eyes to close tiredly. Then the cold will suck the last of the life force out of the weak, but proud and still resisting creature called man. This world does not tolerate the weak and slow. Fight until your last breath, move until your lungs can still breathe in the icy air that burns everything inside like a poisonous gas. Fight as long as your legs hold up and your mind feels the pain. Otherwise, darkness will engulf consciousness, and the body will dissolve in eternal icy silence. Are you ready for this challenge? Are you ready to challenge the forces of nature and measure your strength with death itself? Then the gloomy icy world of “Cryptosis” is waiting for you...

This story could have ended completely differently if not for a confluence of various circumstances. Or perhaps it was not a combination of coincidences that caused what happened. Who knows, what if blind providence and omnipresent fate suddenly brought all these people together? But at that moment, when meteorologist Alexander Nesterov left the empty Polyus 21 station and went on a sled to the icebreaker North Wind, he was not yet thinking about lofty matters, and certainly could not imagine that on the ship instead of friendly people he will meet an incomprehensible something, some force that has subjugated the ship, and plunged all its inhabitants into eternal sleep in timeless space.

The elements began to play with the lonely man even on the approach to the ill-fated place, which became the last refuge for the dead sailors. After falling into a rift, which deprived him of his team, Nesterov has to get to the ship on his own and look for the entrance (his four-legged friends help him a lot in this matter).

However, the interior of the ship gives little indication that there was a huge crew here just recently. Dark holds with collapsed staircases and bridges, ice blocks chewing the hull into pieces, bizarre frosty patterns on the walls and hanging icicles like ancient stalactites, emphasizing the serenity and eternal peace of this place.

What secrets does the icy silence hide? Is this place as deserted as it seems at first glance? Nesterov will have to answer these questions on his journey through the labyrinth of dead compartments of a huge ship.

Armed with a small flashlight, we set off to wander among the dark corridors, hoping to survive and escape. The first acquaintance with the inhabitants of this world will begin with a journey into the past. Using the “mental echo” ability, Nesterov penetrates into the past of the dead, where he will be able to change the course of events. Touching a frozen corpse takes us back in time, shortly after the moment of his death. On behalf of this person, we repeat his actions, but we can now change them and at the decisive moment save him from a ladder falling on his head, ice water rushing through a hole, or some other danger.

From such “flashbacks” a mosaic of events that occurred gradually takes shape. Fragments of the past are intertwined with events of the present. With each return back in time, the characters of the main characters of the unfolding tragedy are revealed to us - the confrontation between the captain and his assistant, the confrontation between experience and technology, human determination, arrogance and the ruthless elements. Having prevented the flooding of some compartment in someone else's guise, we can move on through this sector of the ship, returning to our own body. Thus, saving lives is also accompanied by the removal of obstacles in the player’s path.

The first danger comes from the cold. Depending on the temperature of the environment, the life bar drops to a certain value, and some ultra-low temperature zones are especially dangerous and a long stay in them leads to inevitable death. You can maintain and replenish your vitality near various heat sources.

But the main danger comes from creepy creatures that were once human. The creatures of the icy darkness do not keep you waiting long, and a walk through the empty compartments is quickly interrupted by a collision with local inhabitants. At first you have to defend yourself with your fists, but later a chain, which will play the role of brass knuckles, and a heavy pipe valve will come in handy. An ax found on a fire shield will also immediately go into use.

However, in harsh conditions you can’t swing an ax too much, every action, blow and short run causes fatigue, and when the reserve of strength is running out, the main character’s movements slow down greatly, making him an easy prey in hand-to-hand combat. Although there are few combinations of blows, combined with the possibility of blocking, this adds tension to each skirmish. Every battle turns into a difficult test, especially if the life indicator is already almost zero due to the cold. There is no room for error, you must block in time and immediately respond with a strong blow.

Even firearms do not make you feel your advantage. Every cartridge counts, and local creatures are quite tenacious. In addition, some are also fast. Moreover, their appearance is staged quite theatrically, although it is not always a surprise to the player. But in those rare moments when, in a seemingly empty corridor, an ax falls on your wild head from around the corner, dodging which you come face to face with a bearded dead man looking at you with ominous glassy eyes, you naturally jump up in your chair and begin to hiccup. As for the firearms arsenal itself, it is quite modest and consists of a couple of rifles and a PPSh. Nesterov changes the magazine rather slowly, so reloading at the wrong time can result in death.

As we approach the heart of the ship, not only new details of the unfolding tragedy are revealed and the fragments of the destinies of different sailors are gathered into a single whole, but also, naturally, the resistance to that unknown force that has absorbed everything here grows. The short period of time between the collision of an icebreaker with an iceberg and the explosion of a nuclear reactor is filled with many events, suffering and pain of wandering souls.

At each new stage of approaching the truth, new unnatural creations of this surreal world filled with madness and despair appear before the player. Zombies in torn clothes are gradually giving way to jumpers with burners, humanoids with wings and spikes instead of arms, slow, clumsy creatures in a cloak, armed with a pair of PPSh.

But the most memorable are the zombies with prosthetic legs and an empty head. Moreover, this emptiness is literal, and through the bars of a small window, replacing the creature’s eyes, a room with a lonely hanging light bulb is visible, emphasizing the depth of this “nothing”.

There are creatures that have practically lost even the semblance of a human form, turning into spiders with icy spiked legs.

The ending of this dark story is as unusual as the thorny path to it. As he moves deeper into this world, fighting against unknown creatures and cold elements, the hero is faced with new questions. And although, returning to the past, we get a more complete picture of what happened, the intrigue remains until the very end. Is one person capable of changing not only his own destiny, but also the destinies of many others? Will Nesterov become another victim of the cold darkness, or, having already stepped one foot beyond the border of death, will he still be able to take an almost impossible step back? All this will be decided in the final battle, which can be compared to a canvas on which the eternal struggle between good and evil, the struggle with the inevitable justice of fate for the souls of the fallen, is depicted in allegorical images.

The graphics in the game are, without exaggeration, magnificent. Gloomy dark compartments with ice-covered walls look more than convincing. The bizarre ice patterns are simply mesmerizing, and the sense of volume is not lost, no matter how close you get to them. The icy edge of the screen, together with the heavy steam of our breath, enhances the effect of complete immersion in this world, and snowflakes floating in the air and sparkling in the light add depth and viscosity to the space of the internal compartments of the ship.

But the most incredible thing begins when you turn on the heating of the compartment. Then the ice begins to slowly melt and flow down the walls in streams of water. And for the first time, this seemingly simple phenomenon attracts an admiring glance, because such a plausible implementation of the process of transition of matter from one state to another has simply never been seen in computer games.

The play of light and shadow is perfectly realized.

“Annabiosis” is perhaps one of the first projects in which an attempt was made to simulate the caustics of light rays, which, passing through hanging icicles, are refracted and form intricate plexuses of glare. It's not very often that this effect is pronounced, but where it is noticeable, his work looks really beautiful.

However, all these graphic delights and eye candy come with very high system requirements. The game supports DirectX 10, but Radeon graphics cards have big problems when enabling rendering using shaders 4.0. In this mode, the image is distorted by poisonously bright colored streaks in the brightest areas (glare or flashlight light). A special patch was supposed to solve these technical problems, but in fact, for many, it does not correct this rendering error (like the new version of Catalyst itself). It’s strange that in the screenshots everything looks fine, but in 3D it’s as if some kind of incorrect color filter is superimposed on the image above.

The game also supports NVIDIA PhysX, and when hardware physics is processed by powerful video cards, the performance of the game in some moments increases noticeably. But this does not play into the hands of AMD video cards; as a result, even the Radeon HD 4870 can provide a normal level of performance only at a resolution of 1280x1024 at maximum settings in DX9 - about the same as the cheaper GeForce 9800GTX.

“Cryostasis” (aka Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason) is a prominent representative of a new wave of domestic projects that are truly breathtaking. Atmospheric S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky, dynamic Collapse, and now “Cryptosis”, which, released at the end of last year, only strengthened the good reputation of Ukrainian developers. Unlike other industries, in our gaming industry, as we see, everything is in order. Moreover, against the backdrop of a general passion for console projects and a massive transition to refined and sugary plots, with a taste of cheap Hollywood pathos, domestic (Russian and Ukrainian) studios are producing increasingly high-quality and unique projects. The plot of “Cryptosis” does not evoke a feeling of secondary or cheap pathos. And even though the gameplay is not much different from Condemned, the game remains unique. This project may not be suitable for every gamer. Fans of drive will most likely criticize the slow, intense skirmishes, and adherents of social realism will never be imbued with the elaborate surrealism of the final chapter. The game, in fact, does not even have a clearly connected narrative thread. Who Nesterov is, in fact, remains unknown, just as where his “mental echo” ability came from. Many other points will remain in question. But that's a big part of the appeal of Cryptosis. It is like an intricate book, re-reading which you perceive some aspects in a new way. The characters in the game also do not look flat and unambiguous. For example, in one episode the captain appears as a stubborn tyrant, and in another as an experienced commander and a man of duty.

If we evaluate it solely by the criteria of the survival horror genre, which the Action Forms studio has set its sights on, then perhaps everything is not so ideal. The magnificent atmosphere perfectly builds up suspense, but lovers of a sea of ​​blood and suddenly jumping monsters are left out of business. And the excellent graphics are overshadowed not only by very high requirements for computer hardware, but also by not the best animation of people, whose movements are a little “wooden”. Also, the detailing of the models leaves much to be desired, which makes people look like plastic mannequins (this, by the way, is the Achilles heel of many high-tech shooters). Although, perhaps, these little things attract attention only because the overall level of graphics performance is very high. But even if you take the game apart, such minor flaws do not diminish its merits. Perhaps this is not an ideal representative of the genre, just as it is not the strongest attempt to visualize and verbalize some metaphysical studies of the eternal question of life and death (which is perfectly revealed in Sublustrum), but in that it is the most memorable, beautiful and even an intellectual thriller among the projects of last year, there is no doubt.

Part 1. Sleep

A terrible story will be told to you by photographs lying in the snow and scattered, as if someone had laid out a path out of them. But before the story reaches the end, you wake up. The hatch in front of you can be opened by pressing and holding the right mouse button, and bend down using the left control. After walking a little along the corridor, open the hatch below and jump. There you will find a flashlight and move on.

The corpses with red hearts that you meet along the way are not dangerous, but tell you about the past, about how you got here. They usually stand on one of the edges of the passage, and after watching the video you find yourself at the other end, which helps you in passing the game Cryostasis: Sleep of the Mind. You can run by holding left shift, and turn on the flashlight with the F key.

If you see a light bulb on the way, be sure to warm yourself up. When you reach the room with the engine, start it. The first time you encounter a zombie, it will be a dream. Just run away from him. Remove the chain from the door and move on. You will have to fight with your fists. Left click to hit, and right click to block. When you encounter a door propped up by planks, kill the zombies first, then climb up them and warm your hands.

You are given a chance to save some people in the past. You enter his mind and experience moments of life for the deceased person. If you save him, you can move on. You will encounter the first such dead man at the door. You will need to escape before the water floods the first decks. When you reach the hole in the corner, there will be a door with many handles. Experiment with them and the door will open. This ends the first part.

Part 2. Forest

Don't forget to bask near heat sources and take a new weapon - a pipe valve. I recommend saving after each zombie you kill, so as not to start from the last autosave in case of death. When you reach the door with the dead man to the left of it, you will need to get into his head and do the following:

From the door on the left, tear off the handle and insert it into the doors on the right to close them and prevent water from entering the compartment. Next, go to the door where you tore off the handle and turn each of them.

Part 3. Swamp

There are almost two zombies here at once. After them, it is necessary to save one person by swimming in a spacesuit under water and cutting off their torsos. When you complete the mission, you will see a torch that you need to warm up by. Then we climb down and go straight, and then through the hole to the right. Then turn right again and onto the stairs.

When you go further and deal with another enemy, go through the pipes. Again you will meet a man in a spacesuit. Help him reach the stairs and cut the pipe, and then, when the zombie starts hitting you with an ax, get out and, taking the ax, kill him. This will give you a new weapon.

Part 4. Thunderstorm

In this part, first start the generator at the bottom. This can be done on the floor above. When everything works, warm up by the fan and go down. There you will make your way through the pipes to the door. When you reach a corpse with a gun, jump towards it. Aim with the right mouse button and shoot with the left. When you have the gun, shoot at the piece of iron holding the ladder. It will hang over the edge. Next we go inside the large pipe. Be careful, zombies may appear on the right and left. We get out and go into the tunnel to the right. We turn on the fan and go back. We kill the zombies and go into the next pipe.

Part 5. Glacier

Upon entering the corridor, you will be greeted by two monsters in turn. After sitting down, go further under the closet and at the end of the stairs you will see a vision. Go back and pick up the gun. You'll have to try to kill the zombie with the welding machine. Then go left and up the stairs. Go through the wheelhouse and rise even higher. Here go right, otherwise the stairs will fall through. Arm yourself with a rifle immediately. When you kill the welded one, go up to the corpse and again there is a zombie with an ax. Kill him with a gun. Then upstairs and another room with a generator. When you come up to warm up and return indoors, a zombie with a gun will appear on the left. We kill him by aiming and turn on the generator. In the next room there is a corpse whose life must be saved.

When you get into the head of the dead man, run straight along the first floor and up the stairs. Go around and go down the other side. Wait until the zombie goes into another compartment and behind him. Open the doors and go towards him. He will retreat, and then you will take the weapon from him. Next, you will encounter a zombie who will continuously shoot at you. Your task is to quickly go down the stairs and run behind it. He will appear and will not be able to get in, and you can easily kill him through the openings of the stairs. The road leads to the cargo bay, where the next chapter begins.

Part 6. Roots

After going through several rooms, help the dead man who died from glass fragments. Just hide under the window on the right and crouch down. In the next room you can help in the following way. Take the key on the floor and run to the valve to the right. Close it and you will save the poor guy.

You will find the next corpse in the room after going down the stairs. When you are behind him, go opposite to the door, go through the command post, throw off the mattress and move through the pipes to the switch. Next, when he is saved, you need to jump over the water and turn on the elevator. When he arrives, go to the mattress and jump into the elevator. I managed to get there about 10 times. When you go down, use an ax to cut off the ropes on which the corpse is hanging. And when you are at the command post, turn on the button. At another point, do the same. There will also be a pistol in the closet loaded with two rescue lights. When you see a monster, feel free to shoot it. The battle will happen when you take the elevator up. This is the technology. Immediately turn on switch number one and move to the second, shooting back and picking up cartridges along the way. When you turn on the second switch, only then can you kill the monster. It is best to stand in the corner and wait for him to approach, after pointing the gun at that place. It happens that he still reaches you, so after the shot it is better to step back and then return to your previous position. When it's all over, take the elevator down and go into the hole opposite.

Part 7. Darkness

You can help the deceased by first taking the cable and installing it correctly. Then you take out the ax and use the ax to remove the pipe from the door so that your friend can get out. Go back and look for the door. When you press the button, a zombie with an ax will appear, which you need to shoot three times. When you kill him, another one will come out, killing him will reveal a sniper rifle.

Part 8. Heart

In a large room you will meet three shooters. It is better to kill the first one with axes close, and the second and third ones with a rifle, hiding behind obstacles. You will need to warm up next to a light bulb that moves along the ceiling. Then we go to the control panel and move the winch to the right and lower it. We attach the hook to the fallen bridge and raise the winch. This will free up the passage below. There we go to the next control panel in the control room. A zombie with a gun will appear opposite. Crouch and you will kill him. We leave and go to the remote control and press the button. The welder appears. Next is a corpse, for which you need to operate the crane.

Rising to the reactor, help the dead man find peace and insert the rod into the reactor. Then go there and jump to the right. Go to the other exit.

Part 9. Anxiety

This part is simple. First, help put out the reactor by walking through the fire, and then you will face a new enemy. He will fire his machine gun almost continuously. Just run away from him and he will disappear on his own. Next, help make the part. Take a blank in the corner and turn it on the machine nearby. Next, go to another machine and finish the part. Then you need to go to the third one, the one on the left and give it to your friend.

Part 10. Cold

The history you have gone through will again pass before your eyes, and you will see pictures of the past as if you were present at that time. You will have to walk through long corridors and deserted rooms. It all started with a strange disease that affected almost the entire team and a strange dark man who appears to us throughout the game. You will find answers to all questions below.

Part 11. Fear

Zombies with machine guns begin to appear. Difficulties may arise when you enter the room with the ice ball. Climb up the stairs and go around. You will see a hatch that you need to jump into. There will be two corpses there. First you save the one without a gun, and then the second one. Next you will reach cages with dogs. The dogs need to be killed immediately, and then the zombie that appears, and then the doors will open and you can move on. Climb up and you will find yourself above the cells. There you can walk through the pipes.

It is better to kill zombies with two machine guns and kill them faster with a machine gun, and shoot the rest with a gun or by coming close with an ax.

Part 12. Escape

You made it to the surface, but the problems did not decrease. It’s almost impossible to breathe outside, so you have to do everything quickly so as not to die and have time to get into the room. When you exit, immediately go left and along the fence. There you open the door, turn on the light bulb and warm up. We take an ax and break the bench with which the pipe is supported. We go outside and move on. In the next room there will be a zombie with wings. When he gets closer, we hit him with an ax. Again to the street and to the right. There will be a fire in a container. We warmed up and go along the right side, there will be a passage.

Then we go to the command post at the top. The door will be not far from the fallen helicopter. By clicking on the button at the top, you will see that the door cannot open due to the fallen tower. Go back outside and into the helicopter. There will be a corpse there that will need to be saved. After that, go back and open the gate. Go inside and to the door to the left. There will be a machine gunner there, and when you kill him there will be two reptiles with wings at once. You will have to suffer with them. I didn't kill them, I just opened the door and closed it. Next, press the lever, and the door to the street will open, thereby opening the passage further. Then we pass over that room with two zombies. Another one appears from the ice. We go into another compartment. Next in the room with the generator there will be a small massacre. Six zombies will attack in turn, so take care of your ammo.

Part 13. Animals

You will need to run down the street and have time to find the door, they will be on the right. Run along the edge and then under the boat. There won't be anything special inside at first, but don't forget to warm up. In the kitchen you will need to carefully walk between the dogs, without coming close. Then turn on the switch at the end and go back to the door above which the red light is on.

The massacre will begin in the dining room. The main thing is to collect cartridges and stand near the barrel, or jump onto the table where it stands. First a zombie with a machine gun, then two with wings and finally a machine gunner.

Part 14. POISON

It is necessary to get into the bow of the ship to help drop two anchors at the same time. When the task is completed, go outside and run to the doors on the left. There is nothing complicated or special in this part. You can save the dead sailor by first going to the toilet, and when the water rushes in and you calm down, run back to where you came from. After wandering around the rooms, you will need to crawl through the hole in the aquarium.

Part 15. Choice

The final part of the game, which dots all the i’s. The further you go, the more zombies you will meet. Those that come in pairs are especially dangerous. The story will end unexpectedly. In the end, of course, you will have to tinker a little, like in any game, but you will become a hero if you do it.

P.S. In the cinema you need to shoot at the canvas, and at the end, after the captain's note, the boss will appear. You need to kill him as follows. Red cracks appear near three walls, and near each the boss stops and blows them out with ice. It is at this moment that you need to beat him. Then everything is the same, we just run in a circle and again break the ice and shoot at the boss.