Acute pain in the lower back in the morning. Why does my lumbar back hurt after sleep? Incorrect position in bed

Symptoms of threat that define possible development specific pain:

  • conditioning by trauma;
  • back pain that occurs during sleep or gets worse;
  • dysfunction pelvic organs;
  • sensitivity disorders;
  • fever;
  • onset of persistent pain in the back before 15 years of age and after 50 years of age.

To figure out why the patient’s back hurts in the morning, and then the doctor goes through everything during initial examination may prescribe additional diagnostic test in the presence of “symptoms of threat”.

The specific nature of pain is a consequence infectious processes, muscle damage, metabolic disorders, lesions nervous system. The appearance of pain at night, severe morning stiffness sometimes indicates rheumatic disease.

Nonspecific pain in the spinal column is characterized by a benign course. It is associated with overload of muscles, ligaments, joints and intervertebral discs. It includes pain syndromes caused by spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis.

Incorrect position in bed

Bad dream negatively affects physical activity human, harms the spine. With any method of sleep, the main thing is to straighten out the bends spinal column, reduce intradiscal pressure, relax the back muscles. Incorrect posture during rest leads to stretching of the muscles and discs on one side and compression on the other. Lumbar lordosis persists, muscles relax poorly, and the body does not rest. My back hurts in the morning.

Wrong mattress

The night can cause nagging pain in the lower back if it is spent on an uncomfortable bed without changing body position. Pain in the morning is associated with muscle spasms. At night, the spine should feel comfortable. For this he needs a hard bed. benefit for healthy body and the spinal column - an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness.

Physical fatigue or hypothermia the day before

The risk group for lumbar pain includes people whose work involves heavy lifting and inadequate loads (gymnasts, slalomists, tennis players). In case of unsuccessful movements or lifting loads during work, microtraumatization of the articular-ligamentous apparatus and overstrain occurs lumbar muscles. They sometimes react to hypothermia with a reflex spasm. When they contract, the vertebrae become displaced. Relaxation is impossible, as the pain intensifies the spasm.

Muscle dystrophy

Poorly functioning, weakened or atrophied muscles do not fully perform the function of hemodynamic pumps. Due to their atrophy, they cannot deliver to the bones, discs and joints required quantity blood. Stagnation occurs in the vessels near the vertebrae and joints. Accumulated blood and lymph causes intramuscular swelling, which provokes pain in the lumbar region.

Diseases of internal organs

The nonvertebrogenic nature of back pain in the morning is due to internal factors. Somatic diseases include functional pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Among such pain syndromes, the leading ones are those caused by nephritis and renal colic. The pain is sharp and intensifies when trying to change body position. Accompanied by fever, chills, and severe hyperhidrosis. The attack occurs suddenly. Unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region are caused not only by kidney disease, but also by pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and duodenal ulcer.

Vertebrogenic causes

In the morning my back hurts due to muscle strain. Less commonly, pain is caused by osteochondrosis. In this disease, the cause of pain syndromes is dystrophic changes in the paravertebral soft fabrics and ligaments. After waking up, your back feels stiff. It goes away as it increases motor activity. Osteochondrosis loves movement.

The main symptom of spondylosis is pain, which intensifies in the evening and disturbs sleep. Lack of specific physical activity and lack of sleep affect the condition of the muscle frame and intervertebral discs. To rehydrate (saturate with moisture) and restore muscles, you need at least 9-11 hours of sleep.

People with lumbar scoliosis need to sleep on the correct side. On the side of the spinal deformity, the angle of curvature increases, and on the opposite side it decreases. If you have a left-sided curvature, it is better to lie on your right side.

Incorrect position during sleep - the reason feeling unwell in the morning.

Features of pain in women

Back pain in women is caused by pathological abnormalities associated with loss of bone mineral density due to osteoporosis. It is caused by mechanical compression of ligaments and muscles, reflex tension of the back muscles. The pain associated with this disease is least pronounced in the morning. Occurs as a result of sharp turns, lifting weights, during coughing, sneezing, and increases with physical activity.

Pregnant women often suffer from back pain. Malaise may appear in the first months of pregnancy. This is due to the production of the hormone relaxin, which induces softening of ligaments and relaxation of joints pelvic bones. Mechanical factors operate in the second and third trimester. Due to the growth of the uterus, the sacrum shifts, lumbar lordosis increases, and the size of the intervertebral spaces in the lumbar region decreases. On later the fetus is pressing on the spine.

Features of pain in men

Pain in the morning is characteristic of ankylosing spondylitis, or ankylosing spondylitis. Localized at the level of the lumbar and sacrum. Occurs at rest, in the second half of the night. It persists in the morning and is accompanied by stiffness of the spine. Reduces or goes away after exercise or a hot shower. The disease develops in 20-30 year old men.

Young people experience discogenic pain - lumbago.

Appears due to overstrain of the lumbar region, herniated discs or congenital anomalies vertebrae It worsens with movements, changes in body position (getting out of bed).

Set of measures

Eliminating unpleasant symptoms and maintaining daily activities – main task for back pain. After excluding a specific pathology, pain therapy is carried out. It is important to involve the patient in treatment, explain to him the causes of the disease, therapeutic tactics.

First aid

To relieve pain in the lumbar region, it is recommended to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

IN acute phase shorten:

  • physical activity;
  • lifting weights;
  • forced long stay in a sitting or lying position.

Maintaining physical activity contributes to improved tissue nutrition and recovery.


Warp correct diagnosis- careful history taking. During the examination, it is important to exclude pain, which is caused somatic disease, infectious and inflammatory process, compression and psychogenic illness. The clinical sign is an increase in pain in the spine during movement, palpation, and percussion of the structures of the spinal motion segment. Standard neurological examination detects a lesion spinal cord and nerve roots.

TO instrumental methods examinations include spinal x-rays, CT and MRI.

Nonspecific morning lumbar pain does not cause an increase in body temperature and is not associated with food intake. These symptoms indicate the need to do biochemistry, general analysis blood and urine examination internal organs, Ultrasound diagnostics.


Morning exercises how to get rid of back pain


Pain in the lumbar region in the morning requires supervision by a physician. The development of the disease is dangerous due to serious complications, the formation intervertebral hernias, leads to paresis and paralysis. When choosing treatment, take into account concomitant diseases, nature of risk factors adverse events.

It is advisable to use muscle relaxants in combination with NSAIDs.

This includes exercise therapy, massage, and reflexology methods.

Shooting in the lumbar spine, which is accompanied by dysfunction of urination and defecation, paralysis lower limbs, loss of sensitivity sometimes requires neurosurgical treatment.


People with poor posture must remember the rules. Avoid uncomfortable fixed positions during labor. When lifting objects from the floor, your legs should be bent, not your back. Carrying out hard work, you should wear a special corset. It is recommended to limit your time in a sitting position, as the load on the spine doubles compared to a standing position.

The appearance of nagging pain and swelling in the lower back in women in the morning can occur due to injuries and problems with the spine caused by osteochondrosis and other diseases. However, before influencing the lumbar region by prescribing treatment, you need to make a correct diagnosis. Since the patient may suffer from pain after sleep due to pregnancy, excess body weight, weak muscles and other factors that require preliminary study.

Classification of pain in the lumbar region

All representatives of the fairer sex who wake up and regularly experience a sharp unbearable pain in the back, they immediately try to understand the reasons for its occurrence. However, independently determine the factor that provoked discomfort, perhaps not in all cases. To avoid mistakes and find out an accurate diagnosis, we recommend seeking help from qualified specialist. Having diagnosed the female body, he will not only provide first aid, but also prescribe the most effective methods treatment.

However, in order for a woman to understand the nature of the pain present in her body, doctors have accepted the following most general classification pain in the lumbar area:

  1. Primary set of pain symptoms. If, during diagnosis, doctors observe unfavorable changes in a woman’s body muscle tissue, a violation of the skeletal structure, as well as a malfunction in the nutritional processes of the tissues of the spine, then in this case they speak of primary symptoms.
  2. Secondary set of factors causing pain syndrome. As a rule, this group pain is caused by curvature of the spine in any direction, damage to the discs located between the vertebrae, various harmful microorganisms, the reproduction of which causes pathologies in the back area, as well as all kinds of injuries and fractures.

If you see a symptom present in your body in the above list and are absolutely sure of it, then immediately report the identified pathogenic factor to your doctor. This will significantly reduce the time it takes to diagnose the body and will allow you to quickly begin to eliminate the pain syndrome. As a result, your morning will soon become painless and joyful.

The main morning symptoms characteristic of lumbar pathologies

Lower back pain in women during sleep, as well as immediately after waking up, serves as a kind of warning signal that indicates the presence of enough dangerous diseases in the body. Judging by the nature and intensity of the symptoms, you can determine which method will help eliminate pain and which will be completely useless. Thus, if morning pain is short-term and not sharp character, then one charge will be enough to eliminate them. If the pain torments the fairer sex for a long time and is nagging in nature, then more drastic treatment measures will be required, for example, such as manual therapy or injections.

When found the following symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor immediately:

  1. Pain in the lumbar region, which makes itself felt in morning period the time when the woman is in a horizontal position and has not yet had time to get out of bed. As a rule, they are of a short-term aching nature.
  2. The presence of aching sensations in the lower back, after waking up from sleep, as well as swelling of the back and the presence of a certain stiffness that does not allow the usual movements.
  3. Pain that appears at night and intensifies in the morning as a result of the female body being in a lying position for a long time.
  4. Feelings pulling character at the bottom spinal region in the morning or the inability to turn the body due to unbearable excruciating pain in the lower back.
  5. Pain that appears exclusively in the morning and only when the woman sleeps on her stomach. After waking up and getting up, it begins to subside and soon disappears completely.

List of possible diseases in cases of observing morning lower back pain

Experience medical practice shows that the causes of lower back pain in the morning in women may be a whole series pathologies harmful to the body:

  1. Diseases that are chronic, but are not inflammatory in nature, and affect joints, as well as osteochondrosis.
  2. Pathologies associated with all kinds of disorders and injuries of the spinal column. Deterioration in the level of functioning of metabolic processes in bone tissue, displacement of vertebral discs and pinching of nerve endings in the spinal region.
  3. Diseases caused by deterioration of the immune system. This is manifested in the fact that immune system stops accepting its own tissues, perceiving them as foreign, subsequently rejecting them. This category includes rheumatoid inflammation of the joints.
  4. Painful formations characterized by various swellings in the tissues of the spine. It could be like malignant tumors, and metastases.
  5. Pathologies that are infectious in nature and are capable of causing general action on the body adverse influence on the spinal column and lumbar region. These are various purulent formations and abscesses concentrated in the internal organs or tissue as a result of the inflammatory process. This group also includes the existence in the body of microbes that can cause lung damage, bone tissue and joints. A clear example Tuberculosis serves as such a pathology.
  6. Diseases of the digestive system. Disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, liver, pancreas, esophagus, stomach, and gallbladder can also answer the question of why women have lower back pain after sleep.

For reference! If doctors have previously diagnosed you with the above diagnoses and prescribed a certain course of treatment, then you should not do it again without the approval of specialists. Because certain changes may have occurred in the body that require slightly different ways to combat morning lower back pain.

External causes of lumbar pain in the female body in the morning

It should be noted that the causes of lower back pain in the morning in women are not only internal factors, for example, such as pathologies already existing in the body, but also external ones. See also: . Under external reasons implied certain actions women, which has a detrimental effect on the lumbar spine and overall health, which she performs regularly. Or, on the contrary, the absence necessary measures to maintain health. This category includes:

  1. Insufficient sleep time to ensure that all organs are properly rested human body. In this case, fatigue is constantly present in the female body, which negatively affects the lower back muscles, thereby preventing them from relaxing.
  2. Lack of regular exercise. If a woman does not periodically give her body physical activity, then the muscles are not in good shape. As a result, during sleep they cannot completely rest and gradually weaken, which in the morning provokes the appearance of nagging pain in the back.
  3. Rapid weight gain. Lower back pain can also occur due to heavy loads on the spine caused by excess weight. This can occur both in obesity and pregnancy.
  4. Exposure to drafts and constant hypothermia of the body. It should be noted that you need to keep your back warm not only in winter, but also in summer, since at this time of year there is also a certain risk of getting cold, for example, due to constantly running air conditioners.

Thus, in order to forever stop suffering from pain in the lower back in the morning, women are advised to consult a doctor as soon as possible, undergo an examination and begin the prescribed therapeutic therapy. Then your morning will very soon become carefree and kind as before, and the coming day will return to normal. We wish you success!

Morning is a wonderful time of day. After waking up, the rested body is full of strength, fresh ideas are spinning in your head. However, this does not happen every morning. Sometimes a person’s back hurts after sleep, and they feel weak and weak. Why is this happening? The reason may be poor quality rest. Uncomfortable sleeping position, too soft mattress or high pillow. Or maybe an incipient disease.

If the morning is not going well and a person does not feel rested after a night's sleep, then the reasons for this condition need to be analyzed.

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Body position during sleep

When lying on your stomach, your back muscles do not rest; they are tense all night. Stomach sleepers have to turn their head to the side to ensure they can breathe. In this position, the neck muscles are twisted and the body does not rest.

Sleeping on your back can also strain your lumbar back muscles. In this position, the muscles have to maintain the natural curve of the spine.

Psychological state

Morning mood may be influenced by stress or nightmare. During sleep, the brain continues to work and sends signals for muscles to work. Also, the release of adrenaline during frightening dreams prevents the body from relaxing and keeps it tense.

Uncomfortable sleeping place

A mattress that is too soft does not provide good support for the back; it sinks under the weight of the body and the spine bends into an uncomfortable position. The mattress is too hard too best solution. Especially for those who are used to sleeping lying on their back. The shape and firmness of the pillow is of great importance for quality rest. If the pillow is too soft, your neck will not receive support. And if the pillow is too densely stuffed and high, then during sleep the neck will be in an unnatural bent position. Arranging your sleeping place you need to keep in mind that the neck and spinal column should be on the same line. The mattress should be soft enough to conform to the shape of your body, but at the same time firm enough so that it does not sag too much under your body weight.

How to help yourself in the morning

If you wake up with stiff muscles and experience back pain after sleep, then this condition can be improved with the help of simple ways. What to do to remove painful sensations in the back:

  • do not make sudden movements;
  • stretch properly, slowly perform several stretching exercises;
  • take a warm shower or a relaxing bath with sea salt;
  • do exercises, while listening to your feelings; you should not do exercises that cause severe pain so as not to aggravate your condition;
  • massage is very helpful in relieving pain in tense muscles;
  • If painful sensations very strong, you can take a painkiller.


Back pain after sleep, as well as at other times of the day, is a known problem for expectant mothers, especially in the last months of pregnancy. This problem is associated with a shift in the center of gravity and an increase in body weight. A woman’s muscles do not have time to adapt to the load and make themselves felt. As a rule, pain stops after childbirth.

Possible diseases

If, despite an orthopedic mattress and pillow, your back still hurts every morning after sleep, this may be a symptom of a spinal disease. The most common cause of morning pain in the back and neck is osteochondrosis. The first signs of this pathology may appear in childhood. The development of osteochondrosis is promoted by a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work. With osteochondrosis, intervertebral discs begin to deteriorate. IN advanced stages The disease is difficult to treat and causes a lot of trouble for the patient.

If you suspect osteochondrosis, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will prescribe a course of treatment that will slow down pathological processes and will help relieve pain symptoms.

But back pain after sleep can be a sign of other spinal diseases:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Bekhterev's disease.

The cause of back pain in the morning can be other disorders in the body:

  • endocrine or hormonal insufficiency;
  • overweight;
  • infectious diseases;
  • radiating pain of internal organs;
  • injuries.

Diagnosis and treatment

Regular pain in the back is a reason to consult a doctor. The therapist will determine general outline problem and refer you to the appropriate specialists for detailed examination. Back pain can be caused by both harmless diseases and very dangerous ones, for example, cancer.

Without a series of studies, it is simply impossible to determine the cause of back pain, so self-diagnosis is a completely pointless and dangerous exercise.

Depending on the results obtained, the doctor will prescribe treatment. In order to relieve pain symptoms, it is used drug treatment, manual therapy, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy.

Prevention of back pain

If there are more frequent cases of discomfort in the lower back or other parts of the spine after a night's sleep, you should not wait until they turn into a problem and noticeable pain appears. Start doing business preventive measures necessary while the back is healthy or the first sign of possible failure in the functioning of the body.


To maintain the health of the spine, it needs regular exercise:

  • morning exercises;
  • physical education sessions during work breaks;
  • active recreation on weekends;
  • Regular visits to the gym or swimming pool.

Healthy sleep

In addition, be sure to provide yourself quality place for relaxation. The ideal option would be an orthopedic mattress and a pillow in the form of a cushion under the neck.

Body condition

In order not to overload your back, you should not allow sudden weight gain. It is also very important to maintain proper posture.

Very discomfort a person experiences when he wakes up and his lower back hurts after sleep. It would seem that you have slept, rested, gained strength, but there is no feeling of freshness. If your back hurts at night and you get up in the morning, but the back pain continues after sleep, then it’s time to take care of yourself and find out the reasons for this condition. To do this, just see a doctor and undergo a couple of diagnostic tests.

If back pain occurs periodically at night, but not particularly often, then most likely the causes of this condition lie on the surface. This:

  • Incorrect body position during sleep. It happens that a person is very tired or has drunk a lot and uncontrollably falls asleep in some uncomfortable position for the body. A pregnant woman or a nursing mother sleeping with her baby may fall asleep in an uncomfortable position. You can get back pain if it hurts somewhere else - for example, an exacerbation of coxarthrosis and you have to sleep in an uncomfortable position to relieve joint pain. After waking up in this situation, everything can hurt - the back, spine, neck, limbs. And, of course, in order not to experience discomfort, you need to sleep on your side. Sleeping on your side ensures the correct position of the spine in one line, muscle relaxation, unloading of the spinal discs and free blood supply to the spine.
  • Wrong bed and mattress. If any symptoms of osteochondrosis or other degenerative pathologies of the spine are already appearing, you should not sleep on a hard bed. The best option- an orthopedic mattress, which also needs to be chosen especially carefully. If it is too soft or hard, it leads to a non-functional curvature of the spinal column, which causes the muscles to become overstrained throughout the night, which naturally ends in morning back pain.
  • Wrong pillow. The pillow should not be too high. You can buy a dense flat pillow, you can buy a special orthopedic product. The head on the pillow should lie physiologically, the spine should go straight. Otherwise, the spine will lie in the wrong position and cervical osteochondrosis will develop, which, among other things, pleases its owners with back pain in the morning in the area shoulder girdle and shoulder blades.
  • Physical overload. If you overdid it in the gym in the evening or dug potatoes all day the day before, it’s not surprising if next morning It will be very difficult for you to get out of bed because your back hurts after sleep. This pain can be explained simply: lactic and pyruvic acids have accumulated in the muscles overnight, causing pain in them. This pain then goes away gradually throughout the day.

Sedentary lifestyle, stress, poor posture when sedentary work, overweight– in almost 65% of all cases, back pain is caused by this. Severe organic lesions have not yet developed and degenerative diseases you need to change your lifestyle.

Pathological pain

If nighttime back pain has been going on for more than one week, then the cause is more serious than just an uncomfortable sleeping position. There are 3 groups of diseases accompanied by this symptom:

  • degenerative changes of the spine;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • muscle problems.

Spinal diseases

Spinal diseases are the most common cause of back pain during sleep. The pain can be localized in any part of the spine: some people have back pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades after sleep, while others suffer from lower back pain at night. The most common diseases of the spinal column are:

  • osteochondrosis (three sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbar);
  • intervertebral disc herniation;
  • spondylosis;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • spondylolisthesis.

It is with osteochondrosis that pain intensifies at night due to prolonged stay in one position. At night, the pain caused by both cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis worsens. Back pain due to spinal disease can be localized in any area: up to the point where the ribs hurt with thoracic osteochondrosis. The most common pain is in the back under the shoulder blades.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is much less common than that of the lumbar and cervical region. When diagnosed, it can be confused with neuralgia, heart pain, gastrointestinal problems, renal colic and other diseases. That's why thoracic osteochondrosis called chameleon disease. Often night and morning pains are accompanied by panic attacks and feeling increased anxiety in the morning.

More accurately, osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is diagnosed using radiography. If your back hurts between your shoulder blades after sleep, this is a direct reason to go to a neurologist, get examined and receive medication or other therapy. Back pain between the shoulder blades resulting from scoliosis is expressed similarly.

Also, if your shoulder blades hurt every morning, the reason may lie in cervical osteochondrosis. Cervical osteochondrosis detected more often and easier. It is characterized by headaches, spasms in the neck, dizziness and other symptoms.

Also, back pain can be caused by acquired spinal deformities, scoliosis and other postural disorders, osteoporosis and compression fractures vertebrae, etc. It should also be noted systemic diseases connective tissue in which the vertebrae are involved - for example, ankylosing spondylitis.

Pain in the back may be the only one and therefore very important symptom spinal cord tumors, syringomyelia and other spinal cord diseases. They also occur when nerve roots are damaged due to infectious processes (spinal epidural abscess, tuberculous spondylitis), neoplasms (spinal tumors), dysmetabolic disorders (hyperparathyroidism, Paget's disease).

Diseases of internal organs

The most common diseases of internal organs that cause back pain in the morning are:

  • problems with the kidneys and urinary system (pyelonephritis, nephroptosis are common reasons why the lower back hurts in the morning);
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the lungs, liver, pancreas;
  • tumors.

Diagnosis of back pain in these diseases is carried out by a specialized specialist after additional examinations and taking tests.

Muscle pain

Muscle pain in the back develops as a result of myositis, trauma, the development of myofascial syndrome, and may be a syndrome of spinal osteochondrosis. The paravertebral, trapezius, and suprascapular muscles can become sore. The causes of muscle pain are infectious and colds, connective tissue diseases.

The causes of the development of myofascial syndrome include abnormalities of the musculoskeletal skeleton, muscle overstrain in non-functional positions during sleep or before bed, muscle compression, for example, from twisted night clothes, hypothermia or overload the day before. Muscle pain in the morning is aching in nature varying degrees intensity.


For back pain, treatment is prescribed depending on the cause that caused it. If these are problems of the spinal column, then a neurologist is involved in the treatment.

To relieve inflammation, NSAIDs are prescribed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that penetrate the disease area and relieve inflammation by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins (these cells activate inflammatory process). NSAIDs are also prescribed to relieve pain.

Muscle relaxants are prescribed for muscle pain and osteochondrosis. They must be taken until the pain syndrome completely disappears. The action of muscle relaxants is based on the elimination of muscle spasm, which leads to relief of the patient’s condition.

To relieve an attack of osteochondrosis, chondroprotectors are prescribed for a course of treatment of at least six months. Chondroprotectors improve metabolic processes, saturate cartilage tissue nutrients, stimulating the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Reflexology, magnetotherapy, laser, ultrasound, electrotherapy, manual therapy, and physiotherapy will help cope with pain. IN complex treatment includes back muscle massage and physical therapy. After the pain stops, you can begin to strengthen the ligamentous-muscular system of the spine.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983.
  • Foldvary-Schaefer N., Grigg-Damberger M. Sleep and epilepsy: what we know, don’t know, and need to know. // J Clin Neurophysiol. - 2006
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Vein and Ya.I. Levina M.: “Medforum”, 2016.

The human spine is always in a tense state.

If one of the components of the spinal column is damaged, pain and discomfort appear in the morning.

There are many reasons back pain after waking up.

Some resolve on their own, while others require careful diagnosis.

In any case, if such a problem occurs, you need to visit a therapist’s office.

Causes and nature of pain after sleep

Back pain after waking up can occur in everyone. Even people who play sports and drink alcohol face this problem. natural products. The pain can be so severe that a person cannot get out of bed, although he felt great in the evening.

This is explained by the fact that during the day, the spine experienced constant stress. If the integrity of the spinal column is violated, discomfort or pain immediately appears.

Main factors

The list of main reasons includes:

  • Excessive loads. The muscles that support the spine are not developed to the required extent in everyone. People who are forced to spend a lot of time at the computer or lead a sedentary lifestyle have weak back muscles. Therefore, they overexert themselves even under the slightest load. And if there was an intense workout the day before, then the lactic acid content in the muscles increases. During sleep, muscle growth and recovery occurs. It is these processes, combined with overload, that cause pain.
  • Uncomfortable body posture during sleep. It is advisable to sleep on a bed with an orthopedic mattress. People who sleep on feather beds often complain of back pain in the morning. The mattress should be firm enough to support the spine and allow the muscles to relax and rest.
  • Poor posture. This leads to uneven distribution of the load on the spine and feet. Because of this, some muscles become overstrained, causing pain that worsens in the morning. It is necessary to take measures, otherwise the mobility of the spine will rapidly deteriorate.
  • Obesity. With excess body weight, the cartilage tissue of the discs begins to deform. As a result, the flattened discs pinch the nerve endings in the lumbar spine.
  • Pregnancy period. Painful sensations intensify already in the second trimester, when the fetus begins to enlarge. An additional load falls on the spine, which is not distributed evenly, but falls on a certain part of the body. This is why pregnant women experience lower back pain in the morning.
  • Stress. They cause problems no less than diseases and excessive loads. Strong emotional states cause muscle tension and vascular spasms. After sleep, pain is observed in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
  • Women's problems . In the reproductive system of women, certain processes periodically occur that cause changes in hormonal levels. Many women complain of pain in the lower back and abdomen in the morning during menstruation.

Back pain in the morning: illness and concomitant illness

Pain in the back after sleep, often observed in the presence of any pathology.

These could be:

  • Osteochondrosis. The most common cause of morning back pain, especially in older people. The pain is dull and aching, sometimes quite severe. The pain syndrome is pronounced in the first minute after waking up.
  • Infectious diseases. Tuberculosis should be highlighted. This insidious infection affects bones and vertebrae. The pain is aching, but not severe. Usually occurs at night and in the morning.
  • Spondyloarthrosis. The pathology is characterized by damage to adjacent vertebrae, usually lumbar. Arises nagging pain at any time of the day, including in the morning.

  • Intervertebral hernia. With this complication of the spine, immediately after waking up there is a sudden and sharp pain in the affected vertebra. Pain in the morning is preceded by intense exercise during the day.

  • Osteoporosis and vertebral fractures. Over the years, bones lose strength as their calcium content decreases. The vertebrae begin to crack from the slightest injury. It's a dull pain, caused by this disease, occurs mainly at night, and intensifies in the morning. With a fracture, the pain is much stronger.

  • Tumors. New formations often become a source pressing pain in the back in the morning.
  • Diseases of internal organs. Some of these pathologies may manifest as lower back pain in the morning. Basically, these are diseases of the kidneys and genital organs of women. In men, this is how prostate disease manifests itself.

The appearance of back pain after waking up can be explained in other words. During sleep, the stiffness of the affected joints and muscle-ligamentous contracture increases, so movements in the morning cause painful sensations.

Eliminating morning pain

First aid depends on the cause of pain in the back after waking up. In pregnant women, this is usually associated with fatigue and pain medications will not be required. You just need to provide rest to the back muscles and the pain will go away.

In other cases, when the pain syndrome is significant, you can use anti-inflammatory analgesic ointments.

Mainly used:

  • Fastum-gel.
  • Amelotex.
  • Ketoprofen.

Less from these drugs adverse reactions. Tablets or injections are prescribed only by a doctor; self-medication is not recommended. But sometimes such remedies do not help.

Do not delay visiting your doctor if:

  • The ointment does not bring relief.
  • The pain is accompanied by other symptoms.
  • Pain not only in the back, but also in other areas of the body.

By the way, you should not worry if the pain is mild, passes quickly and does not poison your life.

Video: “What to do for morning lower back pain”

Diagnosis and treatment of morning back pain

If back pain occurs every morning, this indicates serious problems. Perhaps the source of pain is of chronic origin, and a consultation of doctors will be needed to determine it. Therefore, you must definitely visit a therapist, who, after a preliminary diagnosis, will refer you to specialized specialists.

They will carry out the necessary diagnostic measures, which are as follows::

Based on the diagnostic results, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Typically used:

  • Nonsteroidal pain relief.
  • Acupuncture.

If necessary, a neuropsychiatrist or specialists involved in the treatment of internal organs are involved.

Folk remedies

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Next fact

There are also traditional methods to eliminate lower back pain after sleep.

The most common are:

Compresses. The course of treatment lasts at least 3 days. Make compresses, naturally, in the evening. Some are kept for an hour, while others are left overnight. After such compresses, the lower back hurts in the morning much less often.

From horseradish. Grind the root vegetable and mix with mashed potatoes, which are boiled in their skins. Apply the mixture to the sore spot in a thick layer and wrap it up thick fabric. The compress lasts for an hour and a half, three procedures are enough.

Saline dressing. Table salt needs to be dissolved in hot water(1:10). Moisten gauze in the resulting solution and cover your lower back with it. The fixed compress is left until the morning.

Garlic. It should be ground and infused in water. Soak a towel in the solution and squeeze lemon juice onto it. Then apply to the lower back (cold) and leave for 20 minutes. The compresses are changed until complete relief is achieved. Morning pain will disappear within a week.

Honey compress. The lower back is smeared with honey and covered toilet paper. Mustard plasters are placed on top and wrapped in woolen cloth. Keep it for no more than an hour.

Rubbing. They are done at night, and the lower back is wrapped. For rubbing use plant tinctures (alcohol):

  • Red pepper.
  • Dandelion root.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Burdock root.

Healing baths. To prevent back pain in the morning, you should take a bath with medicinal supplements in the evening. There are two options:

These recipes can be safely used, as they are recognized official medicine. But their use must be careful and reasonable.

Therapeutic gymnastics and massage

During sleep, a person remains in a static position for a long time, and the back muscles begin to stiffen. Because of this, there are congestion, nerves are pinched, discs and vertebrae are displaced. Hence the back pain in the morning.

To prevent problems, you need to move more. There are, of course, enthusiasts who do morning exercises and go to the gym. But many understand the need active life when your back hurts every morning and medications no longer help.

A visit to a doctor and massage therapist will naturally help, but eliminating the symptoms is not enough. It is important to maintain a healthy state, and this is achieved therapeutic exercises . The exercises of the complex stretch ligaments, increase flexibility, and also strengthen the muscle corset. Gymnastics is available to people of any age. Daily exercise will improve your mood, tone up and prevent back pain after sleep.

Therapeutic exercise goes well with massage treatments. This guarantees a healing effect. Massage is good remedy to eliminate lower back pain. It successfully relaxes the spine and also strengthens it, in combination with other treatment methods.

If you are bothered by morning back pain, it is advisable to master the technique of self-massage. Upon waking up, you can immediately conduct an independent session by performing several massage movements. This will relieve tension from the lower back muscles and eliminate any pain that may arise.

An orthopedic bed will provide complete rest. After waking up, a person will not experience pain in the neck or lumbar region, since the orthopedic mattress on a special base maintains the correct position of the spine. He relieves muscles and maintains stable blood supply. This bed allows you to have a good night's sleep.

Choosing an orthopedic bed is not easy. If you can find a model that combines best parameters, then it will provide a comfortable sleeping place for long time, which will have a beneficial effect on health.

Video: "How to sleep properly and benefit your back?"


If back pain in the morning occurs rarely, it should not be a cause for concern, since it is the result of a heavy load or an uncomfortable sleeping position. But if painful sensations become regular, then this is a reason for examination. It is necessary to identify the cause of the pain, which may indicate the presence of a serious disease.

Conducts complex therapy and prevention of spinal diseases, interprets radiography and MRI images. She also provides rehabilitation and restoration of physical condition after injuries.