Rumble in the ear: causes and methods of treatment. Treatment of tinnitus with folk remedies

- enough common symptom, which can be a sign of a variety of diseases. In itself, it is not dangerous, but, nevertheless, you should consult a doctor - the noise may indicate increased blood pressure or illness nervous system, which cannot be ignored.

The organ of hearing is a rather complex formation, which consists of the outer, middle and inner ear, auditory nerve And auditory analyzers in the brain. Pathology may occur at each link in this chain, and one of its manifestations may be tinnitus.

The appearance of tinnitus in pathologies of the external ear is associated with a foreign body or, less commonly, an external one or a large papilloma in the area of ​​the external ear. ear canal. In this case, the noise will only be in one ear; its intensity may change when you move your head.

The middle ear is a more complex organ, very small in size, which is why any pathology of it affects the state of hearing.

Tinnitus due to middle ear pathology can be caused by:

  • Otitis media
  • Eustachite.
  • Tumor of the middle ear.
  • Foreign body in eustachian tube or middle ear (if damaged eardrum).
  • Otosclerosis.
  • Structural violations.

The inner ear is rarely damaged, but its diseases most severely impair hearing. Tinnitus in this case is caused by direct exposure damaging factor to auditory receptors. This may be internal otitis, sensorineural hearing loss, tumor processes in inner ear, side effect drugs (ototoxic effect), senile hearing loss (presbycusis).

Damage to the auditory nerve and auditory analyzers in the brain is associated with tumor processes in nervous tissue, injuries to the face and head, neurotoxic substances, inflammatory phenomena. Systemic diseases such as arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and others can also cause degenerative processes in the auditory nerve and, as a result, hearing impairment and the appearance of tinnitus.

What symptoms require a doctor?

Any tinnitus requires finding out the cause and treatment from a specialist. This applies to both systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, and relatively harmless manipulations such as removing wax or a foreign body from the ear - all this should be done by specialists, and self-medication can be harmful to health. But there are conditions in which medical attention is needed immediately.

In this case, along with tinnitus, the following symptoms occur:

  1. One-sided noise and sharp pain in the ear ( foreign body with sharp edges, which can damage the eardrum).
  2. Tinnitus is accompanied by “floaters” before the eyes, headache, sharp deterioration state of health (suspicion of hypertensive crisis).
  3. The patient has hit their head or there are any obvious signs of head or facial trauma.
  4. Tinnitus is accompanied by confusion, double vision, memory impairment, and leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the nose or ear (signs of traumatic brain injury).

IN the latter case the patient may not remember that he fell or hit himself, and may also have a biased assessment of his condition. That is why the task of the people nearby is to deliver the patient to the hospital as quickly as possible.

How can he be dangerous?

The noise itself is not dangerous for the patient; the risk is associated precisely with its causes. If they are not identified in a timely manner, there is a danger of serious illness. Chronic tinnitus can disrupt auditory perception, which has a detrimental effect on ear for music, and can be dangerous in situations where it is important to navigate the situation by ear. This can be dangerous for a driver or worker who is accustomed to detecting mechanical malfunctions by ear.

More information about tinnitus can be found in the video:

Why are they dangerous? ear plugs and how to remove them at home?

Severe and persistent noise in the ear can disrupt sleep, which again has a negative impact on alertness, composure, and ability to make quick decisions. If the cause of the noise is not treated, then this symptom can cause neuroses, and in severe cases - mental disorders at the patient.

But much more dangerous consequences have diseases themselves that cause tinnitus. A foreign body can injure the eardrum, otitis (external, middle and especially internal) can lead to, neuritis, poisoning and traumatic brain injuries have very serious consequences, including complete loss of ability to work. Hypertensive crisis and severe head injuries are life-threatening.

What examinations need to be completed?

Examinations to determine the cause of the noise begin in the ENT office with the collection of complaints and anamnesis. The patient needs to remember exactly how he hears the noise - in one ear or both, inside the head, etc., under what circumstances it intensifies, under what circumstances it weakens, how long he has been hearing it. The accompanying symptoms are very important - pain in the ear and head, discomfort, hearing impairment.

Examination of the ear can help determine the cause if it is related to damage to the outer ear. If it is a cerumen plug or a foreign body, then it can be eliminated as soon as the patient seeks medical help.

The examination will also evaluate the condition of the eardrum, which may indicate pathology of the middle ear.

In order to determine whether the disease has affected the state of hearing, a Weber test with a tuning fork and pure tone threshold audiometry are performed, which make it possible to accurately determine the patient’s hearing acuity.

Where to look for the cause of a symptom:

  • The Weber test is performed very simply - a ringing tuning fork is placed on the patient's forehead or parietal region.It is very important that it touches the head, but does not put pressure on it. A healthy person hears a sound in the middle of the head, where the device is located, and the displacement of the sound indicates that the conduction of sounds is impaired. If the patient hears sound from the healthy ear, it means that there is damage to the inner ear. If the sound is heard from the side of the diseased ear, then the outer or middle ear is damaged, but the ability to perceive sounds is preserved.
  • An audiogram is a more accurate method of identifying hearing impairment. The patient is required to wear headphones that produce sounds of varying pitches and volumes. If the patient hears them, he presses the button. Based on the results, a graph is drawn up that clearly shows in what ranges the patient has hearing problems. Many diseases give a very characteristic picture. For example, sensorineural hearing loss is a loss of perception of high tones, senile hearing loss is good audibility at high volumes and poor at low volumes.
  • To determine possible injuries of the head and blood vessels, radiography, MRI, CT, and Dopplerography of cerebral vessels are used. These methods identify injuries, tumors, vascular abnormalities and are the most precise methods diagnosis of brain pathologies.
  • Additionally, general and biochemical analysis blood, analysis of hormones and glucose. These indicators reflect general condition organism, and also identify indirect signs inflammation, tumors, traumatic brain injury.

What to do, how to eliminate it?

Treatment for tinnitus depends entirely on what is causing it. If it can be completely eliminated, then this should be done if complete cure is impossible, then it is necessary to reduce the impact of the damaging factor. If the drug is the cause, it is discontinued and replaced with more safe analogue. Systemic chronic diseases are treated and the patient’s condition is stabilized.

If we're talking about O occupational hazards(industrial noise, vibration, poisoning with toxic substances), then the patient should think about changing jobs, or, if necessary, retraining. If this process is started, there is a high risk of loss of ability to work and the development of deafness.

If hearing loss and the resulting tinnitus are irreversible, the patient is advised to have cochlear implant is a small device that replaces damaged structures of the middle ear, which allows you to restore hearing. The ability to distinguish sounds will be somewhat limited, but the patient will be able to get rid of deafness.

Tinnitus is a noise in the ears, buzzing or ringing that occurs even in the absence of external sound stimuli. This phenomenon is characterized by a sudden appearance and may indicate the development of certain diseases or the presence of injuries.

This symptom occurs because in the inner ear, where there are many cells with hairs, their movement is disrupted due to various reasons. This creates a feeling of constant tinnitus.


There are several types of tinnitus:

  • Objective. IN in this case tinnitus, in addition to the patient, also becomes audible to the doctor.
  • Subjective. Extraneous sounds carrying different character, audible only to the patient.
  • Vibrating. Characterized by the presence of sounds that are reproduced directly by the auditory organ or the structures surrounding it. The noises are mechanical character and are clearly audible to the doctor.
  • Non-vibrating. Sounds arise as a result of excitation of a pathological type.

In turn, the non-vibration type of ear noise has the following gradation:

  • Central. Sounds are localized in the central part of the head
  • Peripheral. Noisy phenomena are heard in one of the auditory organs
  • Constant. Occurs in postoperative period or with vascular atherosclerosis in a pronounced form
  • Periodic. Characterized by the appearance of ear inflammatory processes
  • Unilateral. Sounds can be heard clearly
  • Bilateral. Sound dynamics come from both organs of hearing.


Ringing and tinnitus are provoked by many factors, the identification of which depends on the situation and how long ago such manifestations occurred. It is also advisable to pay attention to the presence of concomitant symptoms, diseases and medications taken during this period of time.

Causes of noise in both ears

Acoustic trauma

Occurs after being in noisy places (production, music concert). In this case, hearing loss is a temporary phenomenon that goes away on its own after a certain amount of time spent in a quiet environment.


It occurs during or after an airplane flight, parachute jump, or diving and represents damage to the auditory organ due to strong atmospheric pressure changes. As a rule, dizziness, weakness, nausea, hearing loss, and a feeling of congestion are also observed.


If tinnitus is accompanied by pain in the head and heart, flashing of flies, then we should talk about a sharp increase blood pressure. In this case, problems with blood pressure are more typical for people in the elderly age group who are obese.


Ototoxicity means negative impact on the organ of hearing, which occurs as a result of taking certain pills or other medicinal drugs. This phenomenon is accompanied tinnitus, hearing loss, and in some cases general weakness.

Multiple sclerosis

With multiple sclerosis, tinnitus and ringing are accompanied by dizziness, paralysis, and frequent and uncontrollable urination.


In most cases, tinnitus may indicate osteochondrosis cervical spine spine, in which the arteries are compressed, resulting in disruption of the blood supply to the brain. In this case, in order to get rid of noisy sensations in the auditory organs, it is necessary to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Causes of noise in the left or right ear

Acoustic neuroma

It is a tumor disease that is dangerous due to the absence of symptoms for a long period of time. As the tumor develops, hearing loss and dizziness are noted.

Otitis externa

Such inflammatory process occurs due to water entering the auditory organ, injury to the passage after its cleaning. The disease is characterized by symptoms in the form of discharge with a purulent consistency, itching and pulsating sensations, as well as pain when trying to touch the ear.

Read more about the appearance of pus in the ears in the article:

Sulfur plug

If a cerumen plug is detected, then tinnitus appears gradually and is accompanied by congestion. In order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to remove sulfur accumulations, which exert a kind of internal pressure.

Meniere's disease

The disease is an ear disease without a specific cause. It is common in all age groups and provokes dizziness, nausea, and gag reflexes.


It is a chronic disease that causes gradual hearing loss. The factors causing this phenomenon are unknown. As a rule, it is first observed on one side, then gradually moves to the other.

Arteriovenous malformation

In medicine, this phenomenon indicates a disturbed arteriovenous interaction, and tinnitus is pulsating in nature, which coincides with the heartbeat.


To detect and eliminate the cause of noise, you need to carry out comprehensive examination. The first step is to visit an otolaryngologist, who will take an anamnesis, listen to complaints, examine the eardrum and outer ear, and perform audiometry (measurement of hearing acuity).


The most important examination, which helps to identify blockage of the ear canal due to cerumen or a foreign body, the presence of any type of otitis or boil, myringitis and exostosis.

The procedure is performed using an otoscope.

Pure-tone threshold audiometry

As mentioned above, this is a study of hearing acuity. The patient is measured the amplitude of the noise, based on the reproduction of sounds of varying frequency and volume. Using the resulting audiogram, the disease is determined:

  • Reduced hearing level - inflammatory diseases middle ear, auditory nerve pathologies, labyrinthitis
  • Increased level of hearing - otosclerosis, Meniere's disease, tympanosclerosis, contusion of the labyrinth, injury to the eardrum, diseases of the external ear.

Auscultation of the temporal region

For this type of diagnosis, a phonendoscope is required.

If the noise manifests itself as pulsation, then this is a violation of the functioning of blood vessels. May be caused by arterial aneurysm, tumor, arteriovenous malformation.

If the noise is a clicking sound, it indicates muscle problems caused by contractions soft palate and middle ear.

X-ray and MRI

Used for injuries to the skull or spine. With this diagnosis, mastoiditis or osteochondrosis can be found.


Noise and ringing in the ears can be easily treated with medications, as well as traditional medicine.


Drug treatment for tinnitus involves the use of the following groups medications:

  1. Anticonvulsants. Render positive effect in the presence of noise or ringing in the ears caused by muscle contractions middle ear and soft palate. Perfectly suitable: “Carbamazeline”, “Phenytoin”
  2. Psychotropic. Medicines in this group are represented by tranquilizers in the form of Oxazepam, Clonazepam and antidepressants in the form of Amitriptyline, Doxepin. They contribute to better noise tolerance, but at the same time provoke a number of adverse reactions manifested in weakness, nausea, increased blood pressure, drowsiness
  3. Antihistamines. The use of these medications is relevant if reactions occur allergic type, causing fluid stagnation in the auditory organs. Good effect achieved by taking “Promethazine”, “Hydroxyzine”.

Hardware treatment

In this case, resort to using special devices, called noise maskers. Such devices are designed to suppress their own internal noise.


This type of massage is performed on the eardrum during the development of diseases inflammatory in nature affecting the middle ear. The procedures help reduce noise disturbances, restore hearing, and promote active blood flow.

Removing wax plug

When noise and ringing in the ears are caused by sulfur accumulations, it is advisable to remove them. To do this, the outer ear canal is washed using special solutions that help destroy the cerumen plug.

Treatment at home

It seems possible to cure humming and ringing in the ears at home, where you can use following methods combating these manifestations:

1. Vegetable drops

  • The beets are boiled, which are subsequently grated to obtain juice.
  • A whole onion is baked in the oven, from which the juice is then squeezed out.
  • From finely chopped raw potatoes and a small amount of honey, you need to make a kind of compress, which is placed in the ear canal at night.

2. Viburnum with honey

Viburnum is rubbed with a small amount honey, the mixture is wrapped in a gauze bandage. The resulting tampon is inserted into the ear overnight. This must be done extremely carefully to avoid additional injury to the ear.

3. Melissa tincture

The tincture should be made as follows: part of the dried herb is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1:3. The resulting mixture should be infused for a week in a dark place. The use of the tincture consists of instilling 3 drops into each ear canal, after which cotton swabs are inserted into the ears.

4. Medicinal plants

TO good results leads treatment using plants that have healing properties. For example:

  • Currant leaves, black elderberry and lilac petals are taken in equal quantities.
  • The herbal mixture in the amount of 2 tablespoons is poured with a couple of glasses of water, after which the mixture is boiled for 20 minutes
  • After the specified time has passed, the broth is left to infuse for 15 minutes, after which it is decanted
  • You need to drink the tincture in an amount of 70 ml.

Ringing and noise in the ears or the sensation of a hum or other sounds that are not actually there is not a diagnosis, but only a symptom, so the task of finding out what disease it relates to falls entirely on the shoulders of the doctor. Approximately 30% of the population have experienced this phenomenon to one degree or another. To find out the reasons for its appearance, a series of examinations should be carried out and an anamnesis of the disease should be collected. In medicine, the term tinnitus is used to refer to ringing in the ears.

Tinnitus can be bilateral or unilateral. In some cases, it may be completely physiological and not indicate any pathology. If tinnitus occurs in complete surrounding silence, it may be caused by the movement of blood in the small vessels of the inner ear.

Pathological noise occurs in various diseases: diseases of the auditory nerve, inner ear, poisoning, and while taking certain medications. The sound nature of the noise can be similar to ringing, whistling, hissing, or humming. The noise may vary in sound intensity. All these nuances are very important for determining pathology, establishing a diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Tinnitus may be accompanied by hypersensitivity to sounds, hearing loss, which in the absence proper treatment can lead to complete deafness. Tinnitus may be the main symptom, but is often associated with painful sensations of different origins and localization, sound aberrations, photophobia and other symptoms.

Typically, tinnitus indicates pathologies of the hearing organs, but in 10-16% of cases it is caused by disorders cerebral circulation, which are diagnosed during age-related changes, after injuries, from stress and nervous overload, with increased arterial and intracranial pressure. The cause of tinnitus may be vertebral artery syndrome, which gradually develops as osteochondrosis intensifies.

In 90% of people, multiple tinnitus can be classified as normal. Constant noise in the ears and in the head is important symptom in 80% of patients with hearing impairment. This syndrome most often develops in age group 40-80 years. In men, noise occurs more often, as they are more often exposed to industrial noise. Thus, the provoking factors for the appearance of tinnitus are smoking, head injuries, coffee abuse, overwork, stress, long-term external production noise, old age.

The symptom must be diagnosed and not left to chance. This sensation can be accompanied by a feeling of stress, anxiety, fear, can lead to insomnia, it increases fatigue, impairs performance, and interferes with concentration and hearing other sounds. From a prolonged uncomfortable state, people can develop depression and other unpleasant mental symptoms.

What are the types of tinnitus?

Sufferers of tinnitus may be disturbed by sounds of different types:

  • monotonous - hissing, buzzing, wheezing, humming, rhythmic clicking, whistling;
  • complex - bell ringing, music, voices - usually these sounds are caused by drug intoxication, psychopathology and auditory hallucinations.

Tinnitus can also be divided into:

  • objective noises - both the patient and the doctor hear them (a very rare pathology);
  • subjective - audible only by the patient himself.

In addition, noise can be divided into:

  • vibrational - sounds produced by the hearing organ and its system (these are the sounds that both the patient and the doctor can hear);
  • non-vibrational - sounds are caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the central auditory tract, the inner ear. These sounds can only be heard by the patient himself.

Usually noises are non-vibrational subjective and are a consequence of pathology of the central or peripheral auditory pathways. Therefore, an important goal of diagnosis is examination to identify or exclude diseases of the auditory tract.

Tinnitus caused by medication

Some medicines may cause tinnitus:

  • drugs that suppress the action of the central nervous system - antidepressants, haloperidol, tobacco, aminophylline, marijuana, caffeine, levodopa, lithium;
  • anti-inflammatory - quinine, mefevamic acid, prednisolone, indomethacin, naproxen, salicylates, zamepirac;
  • diuretics - furosemide and ethacrine;
  • cardiovascular - digitalis and B-blockers;
  • antibiotics - vibramycin, metronidazole, clindamycin, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines and sulfonamides;
  • organic solvents - methyl alcohol and benzene.

Diseases that may cause tinnitus

  1. Pathologies of the body's metabolism - diabetes mellitus, pathologies thyroid gland, hypoglycemia.
  2. Inflammatory diseases - purulent, acute, chronic otitis external and middle ear, exudative otitis media, influenza, ARVI, hepatitis, auditory neuritis, labyrinthitis. Otorhinolaryngological pathologies, such as eustachitis or otitis, lead to the accumulation of fluid in the auditory tube. Because of this, ringing sounds appear that resemble clicking, and the speed also changes sound waves, therefore mixed sounds are formed that can be mistaken for noise.
  3. Vascular diseases - cerebral atherosclerosis, aneurysms carotid artery, insufficiency aortic valve, fever, anemia, venous noise, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc. Atherosclerotic changes neck vessels lead to changes in the lumen of the vessel. During its movement, blood encounters lipid plaques along the path of the blood flow and is subject to turbulence (vortex). This results in a sound effect similar to hissing. At the same time, a pulsating noise is observed, because when blood is ejected from the left ventricle, a vortex flow is observed in the narrowed lumen of the vessel.
  4. Neoplasms—meningioma, brain stem tumor, or temporal lobe, tumor of the cerebellopontine angle, tympanic membrane, epidermoid tumor. Hidden neoplasms, such as acoustic neuroma, can lead to the fact that a person begins to hear prolonged and ringing sounds, with a gradually increasing intensity.
  5. Degenerative pathologies - atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, osteochondrosis, Meniere's disease. Osteochondrosis, which results in overgrowth bone tissue and squeezing nerve fibers and vertebral artery leads to a narrowing of the cross-section. As a result, the flowing blood initiates sound vibrations, which are transmitted to auditory receptors.
  6. Head and hearing injuries, barotrauma.
  7. Anemic conditions.

Also, the cause of tinnitus may be: cerumen plug or foreign body, osteomas, exostoses, stenosis of the external auditory canal, blockage auditory tube. Also, ringing in the ears can be one of the manifestations of toxicosis in pregnant women. Also, neuroses, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine and other types of nervous system imbalance can be the causes of tinnitus.

Several years ago, Austrian researchers came to the conclusion that the risk of developing tinnitus increases the constant use of a mobile phone. 100 volunteers suffering from tinnitus and 100 healthy people. It turned out that tinnitus bothered people more than 70% of the time if they used mobile phone more than 10 minutes a day.


For some diseases, it is very important to immediately consult a doctor. For example, cochlear neuritis is accompanied by a subjective sensation of noise against a background of gradual hearing loss. If neuritis is not treated within a week, then the likelihood of full recovery hearing

To diagnose the cause of noise, auscultation of the skull with a phonendoscope is used:

  1. the pulsating noise is vascular, possibly the result of a tumor, arterial aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation and other similar diseases that require surgery to treat;
  2. The clicking noise is a muscular noise produced by contractions of the middle ear and soft palate. In this case, treatment with anticonvulsants is indicated.

If the noise cannot be heard during the examination, then it is subjective noise. Subjective noise is not measured by audiometric tests. Therefore, the doctor must conduct a thorough history taking. An ENT doctor can send the patient to an audiologist, neurologist, cardiologist and additionally prescribe examinations such as:

  • Doppler ultrasound of the carotid and vertebral arteries,
  • biochemical blood test,
  • X-ray of the cervical spine with functional tests.


After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment, which depends on the diagnosis. For complications after ARVI, drops are prescribed: Albucid, Otinum, Sofradex, Otipax, etc. To relieve inflammation, solutions of polymyxin, rivanol, risorcinol, etonium are used. For otitis media, chloramphenicol, cefuroxime, ceftriaxone, and augmentin are prescribed.

Drug treatment consists of metabolic, vascular, antihistamine drugs:

  • nootropic - Omaron, Phezam, Cortexin;
  • psychotropic drugs are prescribed after consultation with a neuropsychiatrist;
  • anticonvulsants are prescribed for tinnitus, which occurs due to clonic contraction of the muscles of the middle ear or soft palate - carbamazepine (Finlepsin, Tegretol), phenytoin (Difenin), valproates (Convulex, Depakin, Encorat);
  • slow blockers calcium channels— Cinnarizine, etc.;
  • antihypoxic - active substance Trimetazidine (Trimectal, Preductal, Angiosil, Rimekor, etc.);
  • antihistamines are prescribed only when allergic reactions in which there is stagnation of fluid in the ear;
  • drugs that activate cerebral circulation - Betaserc, Vinpocetine, Cavinton.

Except drug treatment Physiotherapeutic treatment is considered effective - endaural electrophonophoresis, laser therapy. For otitis and inflammatory diseases, pneumomassage of the eardrum is indicated. Sometimes sessions of hypnotherapy, meditation, yoga, affirmations and other self-hypnosis techniques are prescribed. You can use massage and hydrotherapy.


If an adult or child experiences noise in the ears in the absence of external stimuli, this indicates the presence of certain diseases. On medical language This condition is called tinnitus and is accompanied not only by background noise, but also by sharp, buzzing sounds. If tinnitus is accompanied by pain, dizziness, or decreased hearing acuity, you should immediately contact an ENT specialist. Once you know the cause of the phenomenon, it is easier to deal with it effectively.

Causes of noise in the right and left ear

Rumor plays in our lives important role. By influencing various functions, it helps us remember information and navigate in space. So when we hear extraneous sounds, then we immediately try to identify the pathology. There can be many reasons, because the organ is located close to the brain, and there are many nearby blood vessels, nerve endings and arteries. It can be difficult for a specialist to find the cause of tinnitus, but we will name the main ones:

  • sudden increase in blood pressure;
  • sulfur plug;
  • concussion;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • vascular failure;
  • brain tumor;
  • neurology;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • nasal congestion;
  • weakness during pregnancy;
  • neurosis.

What causes the pulsating noise?

Constant pulsating tinnitus is a sign of atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension or arteriovenous malformation. The most common disease with ear pulsation is arterial hypertension, when high blood pressure promotes narrowing of small blood vessels in the brain. Due to this, the brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen, reacting sharply to these changes. With atherosclerosis, blood vessels accumulate cholesterol, reducing their diameter, blood flow slows down, hence pulsation, headaches, memory deteriorates, and hearing decreases.

With arteriovenous malformation, the correct plexus of blood vessels is disrupted, so the blood, bypassing the capillaries, immediately enters the veins, causing the pulsating noise to increase. After a concussion, the ears often hear pulsating sounds and drumming with increasing volume. This condition is a harbinger of vomiting or dizziness, especially when bending over.

Tinnitus with headache

If the noise is accompanied by dizziness and headache, then this condition is most likely provoked by one of three factors:

  1. Auditory nerve disease.
  2. Atherosclerotic plaques.
  3. Concussion.

If the headache is accompanied by nausea and vomiting after a blow to the head or a fall, and there is periodic noise in the ears, then this is a concussion and it needs to be treated urgently. When atherosclerosis is detected, work deteriorates vestibular apparatus, and the noise is constantly increasing, especially in the evening. With such symptoms, it is necessary to urgently examine the blood vessels of the brain.

With dizziness

The noise, which is accompanied by constant dizziness, may occur due to changes in the cervical spine, because over time, thorns or growths appear on it. The normal height of the discs is significantly reduced, so the vertebrae become closer together. I don't agree with these bone growths vertebral artery. She begins to get irritated and spasm, not letting required quantity blood to the brain. This is where instability occurs when walking, tinnitus, and blurred vision.

Idiopathic murmur

A common condition that occurs in 45% of cases when the doctor does not determine a clear cause of tinnitus is called idiopathic tinnitus. Research shows that many patients complaining of tinnitus are people between 40 and 80 years old. This is due to the use of medications, age-related changes, and normal physiological noise associated with the movement of blood in the inner ear.

Methods for treating tinnitus

Treatment for tinnitus depends on the cause. Tinnitus is not just a noise in the head, but a large complex of social, mental and emotional problems. About 5% of the world's population suffers from chronic tinnitus, which leads to stress, fear, and impaired concentration. Tinnitus itself is not an independent disease, but rather a symptom another disease or hearing loss.

Tinnitus often occurs when diabetes mellitus or with kidney disease. When examining a patient, an ENT doctor should pay attention to his general condition, find out whether he is taking medications and, first of all, identify the presence of cerumen plugs that cause noise and ringing in the ears. If tinnitus is caused by age-related changes, there is no cure. The patient has to adapt to new problem, and the doctor will only be able to advise medications to reduce the severity of senile changes in the inner ear.

Drug treatment for noise that sometimes occurs in the ears is not indicated in all cases. Tinnitus often appears and disappears suddenly, and if it happens only briefly and once, then doctors say that there is no need to worry. You need to contact a specialist if:

  • noise and ringing in ears regular;
  • discomfort from ringing is significant and interferes with work;
  • you know about the disease that causes tinnitus.


There are certain medications that reduce tinnitus, but the results depend on the cause of the discomfort. Tricyclic antidepressants help some, but these drugs sometimes cause side effects such as dry mouth, blurred vision, or problems with heart rate. Anti-vascular drugs, such as Gabalentin or Clonazepam, also sometimes reduce noise, and some can reduce the sound with painkillers, sedatives, and even antihistamines, such as Betaserc.

List of the most common antibiotics that cause painful tinnitus:

  • antimalarial drugs;
  • some cancer drugs Vincristine or Mechlorethamine;
  • diuretics: Furosemide, Ethacrynic acid, Bumetanide;
  • in large doses “Aspirin”;
  • some antidepressants;
  • antibiotics: Erythromycin, Polymyxin B, Neomycin, Vancomycin.

Folk remedies

Unwanted tinnitus can only be eliminated after investigating the root cause, so before resorting to folk remedies, you should consult a doctor, especially if your child has hearing problems. There are several folk recipes to get rid of this ailment:

  • Onion juice

To do this you need 2 small onions grind on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice through gauze and drip 2-3 drops into your ear. The procedure should be repeated 2 times daily until the ringing stops. If the child has a problem, then the onion juice should be diluted with water 1:1.

  • Earplugs made of honey and viburnum

For this medicine, take 3 tbsp. fresh viburnum, add water and put on fire. After boiling for 5 minutes, drain the water, and add 3 tbsp to the berries mashed with a spoon. l. honey, stirring the mixture thoroughly. Make 2 knots from the bandage, fill them with the prepared mixture and insert them into your ears at night before bed. Repeat the procedure every night until full recovery.

  • Dill infusion

Pour boiling water over three teaspoons of fresh dill, then leave for 1 hour. You should drink the infusion 100 ml daily 3 times before meals until complete recovery.

How to treat tinnitus during colds and ARVI?

Often during an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold, the ears hurt and noise or ringing is often heard. The cause of the disease is often swelling of the auditory tube and when you try to inhale through the nose inside the middle ear it immediately occurs. negative pressure. To alleviate the patient’s condition, the doctor writes vasoconstrictors. Yawning or imitating chewing movements can help balance ear pressure. If treatment is not provided in time, then after a cold there will be more serious illness ear – otitis media, which increases the risk of losing hearing altogether.

Treatment is carried out with warm compresses and drops in the ears. The drops must contain painkillers and antibacterial components. These are drugs such as Otipax, Sofradex or Albucid. If the ear is festering, then you need to use solutions of “Etonia”, “Rivanol” or “Olimixin” to cleanse and relieve inflammation of the ear.

After otitis

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear, which is caused by a general decrease in immunity and penetration pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment methods directly depend on the location of infection: external, middle or inner ear. Medium or external ear inflammation can be easily eliminated on your own at home, but if otitis has progressed deeply, then the patient is referred to inpatient treatment, since there is a risk of brain inflammation.

For inflammation of the outer part of the ear canal, doctors usually recommend the following course of therapy:

  1. Burying boric alcohol, and in case of severe pain, you should take a pain reliever, for example, Ibuprofen.
  2. Instillation of drops into the ears that provide an antibacterial effect (Neomycin, Ofloxacin).
  3. Turundas with tetracycline or lincomycin ointments.
  4. If an abscess occurs on the outer ear, it is removed surgically.

Which doctor should I contact for diagnosis?

To find out the cause of ringing in the ears, you need to consult a therapist or neurologist. These specialists are required to order an examination to identify the exact cause of the problem. Vascular ultrasound is usually prescribed, general tests, and as a last resort - MRI of the brain. A visit to an ENT doctor is also prescribed, because ringing in the ear can be caused by an ordinary cerumen plug, which an ENT specialist can deal with in 5 minutes.

Video: how to cope with tinnitus at home

If a person experiences a sensation of sound in his ears, the first thing he does is try to get rid of the problem on his own. Neurologist M. Shperling from Novosibirsk will tell you how to properly help yourself get rid of the problem and not cause harm. Watch the video:

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Tinnitus is an extremely common symptom. It accompanies a variety of diseases, appearing in combination with other signs of the disease or separately (this is much less common). Tinnitus refers to almost all unpleasant sounds and sensations that arise in the ear: from humming, crackling and whistling to ringing, hissing or changes in sensitivity to sound volume.

In medicine, there are two types of noise: objective and subjective. As the name suggests, the first is a noise that is noticed not only by the patient, but also by the doctor during an examination. This is rare; most often the occurrence of objective noise is associated with physiological changes in the structures of the inner or middle ear.

Subjective noise occurs many times more often - this is noise that only the patient hears. In this case, the cause of the pathology can be dozens of diseases, and the patient’s task is to consult a doctor in time, and the specialist’s to determine the real reason discomfort.

Most often the noise is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness, less often – unsteady gait.
  • Nausea, less often – vomiting.
  • Headache .
  • Unpleasant or even painful sensations in the ear.
  • Discharge from the ear.
  • Increased body temperature, weakness.

The presence of any of the listed accompanying symptoms should be reported to the doctor at the first examination - this will facilitate the correct diagnosis.

Main reasons

There can be many reasons. Conventionally, they can be divided into several categories.

External reasons

External means not directly related to the patient’s health status. This category includes professional problems(for example, people who work in noisy industries). Such problems may also arise for those who often listen to music at inappropriate volumes or work at concert venues.

Sound conduction pathologies

According to statistics, the most common reason for hearing loss accompanying tinnitus - this is cerumen plug. This pathology is sometimes accompanied by pain in the ear, discomfort that worsens after water procedures. It interferes with the normal conduction of sound. Sometimes the presence of a plug leads to an inflammatory process.

The second most common cause is otitis media. Inflammation can occur in the middle, outer or inner ear. More common otitis media. Fluid accumulates in the ear cavity, formed due to the inflammatory process. As a result, extraneous noise occurs. Sharp pain in the ear, discomfort, and decreased hearing occur.

Pathologies of sound perception

The most common is labyrinthitis, an inflammatory process affecting the structures of the inner ear. Due to the structure and physiology of a person, often the inflammatory process negatively affects the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, which leads to the appearance additional symptoms like dizziness and nausea.

One more possible reasonpathological condition, in which too much fluid collects in the inner ear. As a result, the functioning of receptor structures is disrupted. Associated symptoms: hearing loss in one ear, dizziness, which occurs and goes away spontaneously.

Hearing loss caused by damage to nerve pathways or auditory receptors also falls into the category of sound perception pathologies. Accompanied by severe hearing impairment in combination with noise.

Other pathologies

This includes diseases not related to hearing aid. Thus, the cause of tinnitus can be cervical osteochondrosis, a disease that is characterized by damage to the cervical vertebrae and leads to prolonged compression of the arteries that supply blood to the ear.

Atherosclerosis is another disease that, when developed, leads to damage or narrowing of blood vessels. This means that the hearing organs do not receive enough blood.

Diseases associated with increased or decreased blood pressure, despite different mechanisms development, may present with the same hearing symptoms.

Dangerous symptoms

Often patients are careless about the fact that they have noise in their ears. There are a number of symptoms that should not delay a visit to the doctor.


A headache itself can appear for completely different (and often harmless) reasons. You should be concerned if the pain is always accompanied by tinnitus or if these symptoms appear and develop in parallel. If the pain does not go away within a few days, it’s time to make an appointment with a doctor.

Increased body temperature

If the noise appears along with an increase in body temperature, you can suspect infectious process. In most cases, the body is able to cope with viruses or bacteria on its own.

A doctor's help is required in the following cases:

  • General weakness has appeared, there is intoxication.
  • Symptoms are accompanied by loss of appetite and nausea.
  • There is insomnia or drowsiness.
  • A headache occurs.
  • There are visual impairments.

Also considered dangerous sharp increase body temperature - if within 2-3 hours it rises above 38.5 degrees.

You should also consult a doctor if the temperature is low, but lasts longer than 3 days in a row.

Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain that is accompanied by tinnitus may indicate serious poisoning or inflammation of the appendix. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. It is especially dangerous if the pain does not go away within an hour and is not relieved by painkillers. Sometimes, such symptoms do not require help - for example, on the first day menstrual cycle or if you have chronic gastrointestinal problems. In other cases, calling a doctor is required. In this case, you need to inform the specialist about taking analgesics - since the absence or masking pain syndrome may interfere with diagnosis.

Cerebrovascular accident

The most serious thing that noise in the ear can indicate is a violation of blood circulation in the brain. If typical symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor within a few days, especially if there are no prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease. Very often typical symptoms appear in those who abuse alcohol or smoke a lot, long time uses aspirin, does not monitor the amount of salt in food, or consumes excessive amounts of coffee and energy drinks. The main signs of cerebrovascular accident are dizziness, severe loss of coordination of movements and tinnitus. If symptoms do not go away within half an hour or progress, you need to call an ambulance.

Heart rhythm disturbance

Tinnitus may accompany cardiovascular diseases. You should consult a doctor if you have chest pain or shortness of breath. These are typical symptoms for blood pressure disorders. Changes in heart rhythm, sweating and a feeling of tightness in the chest are also considered dangerous.


This is what is called baldness - or simply put, hair loss. This symptom, combined with tinnitus, may indicate the presence of thyroid disease. It is best to immediately contact an endocrinologist. And only if this doctor does not detect any pathology, can the hair loss be treated by a trichologist. Hair loss is diagnosed if the patient loses more than 100 hairs per day or if visibly bald patches appear on the scalp.

Change in urine color

At first glance, it is difficult to associate this symptom with ear diseases, but this set of symptoms is characteristic of some chronic and acute diseases. If the change in urine color is not related to food intake or medication, you should visit a doctor.

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Diagnosis and treatment

If the main worrying symptom is tinnitus, then you should make an appointment with an otolaryngologist. First of all, this specialist will conduct initial examination and inquiry, and will decide whether the matter is within its competence. The second option is to contact a neurologist, who will then refer you to the necessary specialists.

Noise in the ear is accompanying symptom many diseases, so you may need to consult a variety of highly specialized specialists: from a cardiologist to an endocrinologist.

Some standard diagnostic procedures:

  • Audiometry.
  • Vascular ultrasound.
  • Laboratory tests.
  • Tomography and X-ray examination.

In some cases, tinnitus goes away on its own - in this case specific treatment not required. If a specific disease is identified, then in the vast majority of cases doctors manage to relieve the patient of all symptoms. As a rule, recovery requires treatment of the underlying disease.

It is important to understand that if there is uncharacteristic symptoms, the diagnosis may take a long time, and you will have to visit doctors who are no longer related to the hearing organs. This is a typical situation, as tinnitus can be caused by dozens of various diseases– even this article does not list all pathologies.

If difficulties arise in making a diagnosis, it is recommended to undergo all examinations in one place, so that it is easier for doctors to navigate the test results. More complex treatment provided for chronic diseases or for changes related to professional activity. If changes in the ear are irreversible, then there are methods that can reduce the severity of tinnitus and improve the patient’s quality of life.

If diagnosed inflammatory disease– then the first step is to prescribe drugs to relieve inflammation. Then the pathogen or cause is determined pathological process. Usually the most severe pain It is inflammation that causes inflammation - but modern medications can cure otitis media fairly quickly.

Pass full diagnostics and pick up effective treatment possible in multidisciplinary clinic CELT. Professionals in their field are always guarding your health. It's fast, simple and convenient - all specialists are gathered in one clinic.