How to give Anaferon to children 3 months old. Taking anaferon during illness

It is a homeopathic medicine. It is an aid in the fight against colds, flu, ARVI, including laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, and helps reduce the required doses of anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs that are harmful to the body.

Instructions for use:

The drug is used for secondary immunodeficiency conditions of various etiologies, cytomegalovirus and herpetic infections, as well as for prevention possible complications for viral infections.

Anaferon is used for safe treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI, is effective when the first symptoms of the disease appear, in the advanced stage of the disease, in the stage of complications, as well as during the period of prevention. Important Feature the drug is the possibility of its use in patients at risk. The effectiveness of Anaferon is combined with safety and absence side effects.

Important: The description of the drug Anaferon is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor.

Pharmacological properties

With preventive and medicinal use the drug has immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

The effectiveness against influenza viruses (including avian influenza), parainfluenza, viruses has been experimentally and clinically established herpes simplex Types 1 and 2 (labial herpes, genital herpes), other herpes viruses ( chicken pox, infectious mononucleosis), enteroviruses, virus tick-borne encephalitis, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (PC virus).

The drug reduces the concentration of the virus in the affected tissues, affects the system of endogenous interferons and associated cytokines, and induces the formation of endogenous “early” interferons and interferon gamma.

Stimulates the humoral and cellular immune response.

Increases antibody production (including secretory IgA), activates the functions of T-effectors, T-helpers (Tx), normalizes their ratio. Increases the functional reserve of Tx and other cells involved in the immune response.

It is an inducer of a mixed Txl and Th2 type of immune response: it increases the production of Txl (IFN, IL-2) and Th2 (IL-4, 10) cytokines, normalizes (modulates) the balance of Th1/Th2 activities. Increases the functional activity of phagocytes and natural killer cells (EK cells). Has antimutagenic properties.

Indications for use of Anaferon

Prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections viral infections(including influenza).

Complex therapy of infections caused by herpes viruses:

  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • chicken pox;
  • labial herpes;
  • genital herpes).

Complex therapy and prevention of relapses of chronic herpes virus infection, including labial and genital herpes.

Complex therapy and prevention of other acute and chronic viral infections caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus, enterovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus.

Application in composition complex therapy bacterial infections.

Complex therapy of secondary immunodeficiency states of various etiologies, including prevention and treatment of complications of viral and bacterial infections.

Directions for use and doses

Inside. For one dose – 1 tablet (keep in mouth until completely dissolved - not during meals).


Treatment should begin as early as possible - when the first signs of an acute viral infection appear according to the following scheme - in the first 2 hours the drug is taken every 30 minutes, then during the first 24 hours three more doses are taken at equal intervals.

If there is no improvement, on the third day of treatment with the drug for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, you should consult a doctor.

At acute manifestations for genital herpes, the drug is taken at regular intervals according to the following scheme: days 1-3 – 1 tablet 8 times a day, then 1 tablet 4 times a day for at least 3 weeks.


During the epidemic season of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, the drug is taken daily for prophylactic purposes, once a day for 1-3 months.

To prevent relapses of chronic herpesvirus infection - 1 tablet per day. The recommended duration of the preventive course is determined individually and can reach 6 months.

Immunodeficiency conditions

When using the drug for the treatment and prevention of immunodeficiency conditions, in complex therapy of bacterial infections, take 1 tablet per day. If necessary, the drug can be combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents.

Features of application

The drug contains lactose, and therefore it is not recommended for use in patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose malabsorption syndrome, or congenital lactase deficiency.

Side effects

When using the drug for the indicated indications and in the indicated dosages, no side effects were identified. Manifestations of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug are possible.

Interaction with other drugs

Cases of incompatibility with others medicines has not been identified to date. If necessary, the drug can be combined with other antiviral, antibacterial and symptomatic agents.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.


No cases of overdose have been reported to date. In case of accidental overdose, dyspepsia may occur due to the excipients included in the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

The safety of Anaferon in pregnant women and during lactation has not been studied. If it is necessary to take the drug, the risk/benefit ratio should be taken into account.

Pregnant women should take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor and very carefully. When taking the drug with various antipyretics and painkillers, the dosage of the latter can be significantly reduced, the drug can reduce the likelihood of various severe complications.

Taking Anaferon during pregnancy is allowed in very low doses starting from a period of six months, when the main internal organs the unborn child is fully formed. Due to the excipients in the drug, minor allergic reactions are possible.


Children and persons under 18 years of age are advised to use the drug Anaferon for children.

Anaferon, taken in small doses, acts on the child’s body very carefully, without causing toxic effect and other side effects. Therefore, the drug is recommended for children to take for prevention during epidemics of influenza and ARVI.

Children's Anaferon reduces the number of viral cells in diseased tissues, stimulates the work immune system, helping her cope with pathogens.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you must immediately give the child Anaferon. In this case, you need to drink the drug every 30 minutes for the first 2 hours. Then, within 24 hours, the child should take 3 more tablets with an interval of 8 hours between each dose.

On the second and subsequent days, children are given medicine three times a day. It is necessary to take the tablets until all symptoms of the disease disappear completely. If the child’s condition has not improved after three days of treatment, then it is necessary to urgently show the patient to a doctor.

If the child’s immune system does not work well enough and he often gets sick, then during epidemics it is recommended to use Anaferon as a prophylactic agent. IN in this case The medicine is taken daily, 1 tablet for 1-3 months.

Anaferon price

Price 175–208 rub.

Anaferon's analogues

Most effective means The following drugs are considered to have an antiviral effect:

  • Kagocel;
  • Arbidol;
  • Aflubin.

The composition of these drugs is not identical.

Anaferon for children contains affinity-purified antibodies to human gamma interferon (a combination of homeopathic dilutions C12, C30 and C200). The composition contains inactive components: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate

Release form

Anaferon for children is produced in the form of tablets for sublingual use, in a foil package - 20 such tablets, in a pack - 1 package.

Pharmacological action

The abstract indicates that Anaferon for children is a drug that stimulates antiviral . When used for treatment and prevention, it provides antiviral And immunomodulatory impact. In the process of experimentation and clinical use effectiveness against viruses has been determined , herpes simplex and other herpes viruses, rotavirus, tick-borne virus , coronavirus, adenovirus, calicivirus, PC virus.

Reduces the concentration of the virus in tissues, induces the process of production of endogenous “early” and interferon gamma. Provides stimulation of cellular and humoral immune response. Activates production , increases the function of the activity of phagocytes, as well as natural killer cells.

Anaferon for children also provides antimutagenic effect .

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

There is no data on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug Anaferon for children.

Indications for use

It is advisable to use Anaferon for children in the following cases:

  • for treatment and prevention, as well as;
  • for complex treatment and prevention of genital and labial , other diseases caused by herpes viruses;
  • for the purpose of complex therapy, as well as prevention of viral infections (in acute and chronic form), which were caused by exposure to coronavirus, virus tick-borne encephalitis , rotavirus , calicivirus , enterovirus ;
  • for the purpose of complex treatment of secondary immunodeficiency conditions of various origins;
  • for the prevention and treatment of bacterial and viral infections.


It is contraindicated to take this medicine if strong sensitivity to any of its ingredients, as well as to pregnant and nursing mothers.

Side effects

When using the drug at the indicated dose, no side effects developed. Individuals may develop signs of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of this medication.

Anaferon tablets for children, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The official instructions for the use of Anaferon for children stipulate that the medicine must be absorbed until completely dissolved. Take one tablet separately from meals. The drug can be prescribed to children from 1 month of age.

If the doctor has prescribed the drug for use by children aged 1 month to 3 years, it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in warm water.

Treatment with Anaferon for children flu , , neuroinfections , herpes virus infections , intestinal infections it is necessary to start immediately after the first signs of the disease are noticed. The treatment regimen should be as follows: in the first two hours, children should be given 1 tablet. every 30 minutes, after which the child should take three more tablets on the same day. Starting from the second day of illness, you need to give the child 1 tablet. three times a day until symptoms disappear.

If there is no improvement during treatment, you should consult your doctor. For prevention during an epidemic, a child should take 1 tablet every day for 1-3 months.

Patients with V acute form prescribed from days 1 to 3, 8 tablets. per day in equal periods time, then for 4 weeks, 1 tablet 4 times a day.

To prevent relapses of herpesvirus infection in chronic form, you need to dissolve 1 tablet. per day. The doctor individually determines the duration of the preventive course; it can last up to six months.

Use of medicine in complex treatment immunodeficiency conditions, bacterial infections involves taking 1 tablet per day.

Your doctor will tell you in detail how to take this medicine in each specific case.

If there is such a need, you can combine this medicine with other symptomatic and antiviral drugs.


So far, no overdose of this drug has been recorded. There is a possibility of developing dyspeptic symptoms if you accidentally take large doses. Such manifestations may be associated with a reaction to the components of the drug.


There is no information on interaction with other drugs. There is no evidence of incompatibility with other medications.

Terms of sale

You can buy Anaferon for children without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Keep Anaferon for children away from moisture, light, and away from children.

Best before date

Anaferon for children can be stored for 3 years.

Special instructions

You should consult a doctor if after three days of treatment there is still no improvement in your health.

Treatment of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in children should not only be effective, but also safe. Many homeopathic medicines can achieve this effect, a prominent example of which is Anaferon for children. Today we’ll talk about its instructions for use, price and reviews from patients who have tried the medicine.

Chemical composition of the drug

Anaferon drops and tablets are a specially developed medicine that was created taking into account all the characteristics of the child’s body. They included a combination of homeopathic compounds (C-12, C-30, C-50 - 3 mg). Additional components include cellulose, magnesium stearate, and lactose. Due to the lactose content, it is not recommended to prescribe the medication in any form of release to children suffering from lactose metabolism disorders, as well as diabetes mellitus. Anaferon for children in drops and tablets is approved for use in children from 1 month.

Anaferon is a Russian product that is produced by the company " Materia Medica Holding". There is no INN.

Release form and description

The medicine is produced in two forms. The tablets have a white tint, no odor and no visible inclusions. This form of Anaferon is intended exclusively for sublingual administration, that is, under the tongue for resorption. Cardboard packaging contains 25 tablets. The drops are liquid, transparent, odorless. The solution is produced in glass bottles, painted in a dark shade, 25 ml each. Each package contains an insert with instructions for use. Candles and syrup are not available.

Articles written

Action of Anaferon

Pharmacological action tablets and drops Anaferon is to stimulate children's immunity for various diseases. Often the medication is used during treatment and prevention as an immunomodulatory agent that helps cope with most viruses.

According to data medical research, the effectiveness of Anaferon for children has been proven against pathogens causing influenza, herpes, rotavirus infection, tick-borne encephalitis, adenovirus and many other diseases.

The mechanism of action of the drug lies in its ability to enhance local and humoral immunity, catalyze the synthesis of antibodies to foreign microorganisms, enhance the activity of phagocytes and the production of natural killer cells.


To date, there is no information about tablets and drops of children's Anaferon regarding pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.

What does the drug help with? Anaferon drops and tablets for children are used taking into account the instructions for use among infants and older children for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • colds, flu;
  • acute respiratory and viral infections;
  • diseases caused by herpes viruses (genital and labile herpes);
  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • enteroviral disease;
  • rotavirus;
  • diseases, the course of which is complicated by the addition bacterial infection;
  • chronic course of any infectious pathologies.

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Anaferon is prescribed to children by the attending physician after diagnosis. Newborns from one month old are usually prescribed medicine in the form of drops.

Children over 3 years old can use tablets. At this age, they can be given to the baby for resorption or diluted with water.


According to reviews from specialists and parents who have used Anaferon drops and tablets to treat children, the drug is well tolerated by young patients. The medication is not prescribed to infants under one month of age. After 1 month, it is allowed to use the product, provided that the child does not have an individual intolerance to any components included in its composition. In addition, the annotation for the medicine states that it is not recommended to prescribe Anaferon in the form of tablets and drops to children suffering from lactose intolerance.

Possible side effects

As a rule, the medication rarely causes side effects or complications. IN in rare cases an allergy to the components of Anaferon is registered. This reaction of the body can manifest itself in the form skin itching, watery eyes, rashes on the body, nasal congestion and some other signs. What to do if allergies develop? If you notice such symptoms, you should stop taking the medication and consult your doctor. The doctor must prescribe another antiviral drug. Usually the allergy goes away on its own and does not require additional treatment. No cases of overdose have been reported.

How to take the medicine and how many drops and tablets to give to the child? IN official instructions For the use of Anaferon, it is indicated that the medication in tablet form must be kept in the mouth until the tablet is completely dissolved. The medicine should be taken before or after meals. Doctors usually prescribe 1 tablet to newborns. To make it easier for infants to take the medication, you can dissolve the tablet in small quantity warm water. From the age of three, children can usually dissolve the drug on their own. The drops are also intended for oral administration only. The dose is selected by the doctor, taking into account the age, weight and severity of the disease in the young patient.

To achieve the best therapeutic effect, treatment of viral infections with elevated temperature body should begin from the moment the first symptoms are detected in the child. If therapy is carried out correctly, the chances of speedy recovery increase significantly. To do this, during treatment you should adhere to the following regimen: for the first 2 hours, one tablet every thirty minutes, then three more tablets for the remaining 24 hours. From the second day of illness, 1 tablet three times throughout the day. The course of treatment with Anaferon in the form of tablets and drops should last up to complete passage signs of the disease. Typically this time takes from 7 to 14 days.

For genital herpes, the child is prescribed 8 tablets during the day at equal intervals. After this, the little patient should take 4 tablets per day. The duration of treatment is usually 1 month.

In accordance with the instructions for use, for herpesvirus infections with chronic course a specialist can prescribe therapy for up to six months. In this case, a treatment regimen of 1 tablet per day is used. The same principle is used to treat diseases caused by immune deficiency.

In cases where, after starting treatment with Anaferon tablets and drops for children, therapeutic effect missing, you should consult your doctor to review your prescription.

This information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a reason for self-medication. Before taking Anaferon, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

The instructions for use indicate that, if necessary, you can take Anaferon tablets and drops in combination with other medications. There is no data on the interaction of the drug with other medications.

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How can I replace Anaferon and are there cheaper analogues? The list of RLS drugs includes the following drug substitutes:

  • Arbidol;
  • Ergoferon;
  • Cytovir;
  • Viferon;
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Grippferon;
  • Kagocel;
  • Aflubin.

Your doctor should tell you how to take these medications. The difference between analogues lies in the composition and method of administration. In addition, the difference lies in cost.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women in all trimesters and mothers with breastfeeding It is allowed to use Anaferon in the form of tablets and drops as prescribed by a doctor. According to the instructions for use, for viral and colds on the first day of illness you need to take 1 tablet every half hour for two hours, then 4 more tablets until the end of the day. On subsequent days of therapy, three tablets at equal intervals. When breastfeeding, the drug is prescribed if the expected benefit outweighs the risks for the woman and the newborn.

The instructions for use of Anaferon drops and tablets indicate the following: special instructions to use the medicine:

  • if after three days of using the medication healing effect absent, you should visit a doctor to adjust therapy;
  • It is prohibited to use Anaferon for children in cases of lactase deficiency, galactasomia, or impaired glucose absorption;
  • Before starting therapy, you should make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the product.

On some forums you can find information that Anaferon causes cancer.

Experts refute this opinion. No study has confirmed this information.

Shelf life after opening drops and tablets

The instructions for use indicate that the tablets should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 23 degrees in dry rooms. Shelf life is three years. After opening, the drops should be stored in a cool place, protected from the sun. After opening, the medication should be used within six months. After the expiration date, the use of the medicine is strictly prohibited.

How much does the drug cost?

The price of Anaferon tablets, drops or syrup can be found in the table.

You can buy the product at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The exact cost should be checked with the seller.

You can see what the original packaging looks like in the photo.

Additional information

Many parents are interested in information about Anaferon, which is not in the instructions for use. We will try to answer popular questions about the medication.

Can an adult give Anaferon to a child?

Treatment of young patients should be carried out using the drug in the pediatric form, since drugs for adults have a higher concentration active substance, which can trigger the development of some side effects, including allergies.

Is it possible to use Viferon and Anaferon at the same time?

The instructions for use state that the medication can be used simultaneously with other antiviral and immunostimulating drugs. There are no data on interactions with other medications.

What is the difference between children's Anaferon and adults?

The drugs differ in quantity active ingredient. Medicine for adults has an increased concentration of the active substance.

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When should you start taking medication?

In accordance with the instructions for use, the best therapeutic effect of the medication is observed when it is used from the first day of illness. That is, it is recommended to start treatment when the first symptoms appear.

Antibiotic or not

Anaferon for children in the form of drops and tablets is a homeopathic, antiviral, immunomodulatory agent. The drug is not an antibiotic.

How often can it be given to children?

The dosage for children with certain diseases should be selected exclusively by a specialist, taking into account the instructions for use of the drug, as well as weight, age and type of disease. Usually, during the first day, the patient is prescribed 6-8 tablets, subsequent treatment - three tablets until the symptoms disappear.

Which is better, drops or tablets

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. It all depends on the age of the child. For infants it is better to use drops. Tablets are suitable for children aged three years and older. The composition of both forms of the drug is identical.


In one of his lessons, the popular pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky spoke about the principle of operation of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents. This video will help you learn more about the effects of such medications.

Anaferon is effective homeopathic medicine, which has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.

This medicine allows you to quickly increase immunity, and its action is aimed at blocking the activity of viruses. Under the influence of the drug, cellular and humoral immunity, as a result of which the disease progresses in more mild form and is quickly eliminated.

On this page you will find all the information about Anaferon: full instructions on application to this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used children's Anaferon. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug that activates antiviral immunity.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means over-the-counter.


How much does children's Anaferon cost? Average price in pharmacies it is at the level of 280 rubles.

Release form and composition

The product is produced Russian company Materia Medica is only available in tablets that need to be dissolved. They are characterized by their white color as well as their flat cylindrical shape. On one side of the tablets there is a line mark and the inscription MATERIA MEDICA, and on the other side there is no line mark and the word ANAFERON KID is written. One blister pack includes 20 tablets, and one cardboard pack can contain one, two or five such blisters, that is, you can purchase from 20 to 100 pieces per box. Other dosage forms Anaferon, such as syrup, ointment or capsules, is not produced.

The active component in children's Anaferon are antibodies to human interferon gamma. During the production process, they undergo so-called affinity purification, as a result of which they are applied to lactose monohydrate in an amount of 0.003 grams per tablet. The antibodies themselves are diluted with water and alcohol to 10-16 nanograms per gram of active substance . It is the degree of dilution that is the main difference between children’s tablets and adult Anaferon.

In addition to lactose, tablets for children also contain magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose. Such ingredients make the drug hard and sweet in taste.

Pharmacological effect

Anaferon for children is a single drug, that is, it is based on one active ingredient is antibodies to human interferon. The dose of the active ingredient is 3 mg per tablet. Simple fruit sugars are used as forming agents.

Nature has laid in man protective system, which produces antibodies in response to the penetration of any pathogen. They stimulate the immune system, which leads to the destruction of foreign microorganisms. In children, this system is poorly developed, especially in the first three years of a baby’s life. Therefore, the child’s body begins to fight the disease, but cannot quickly cope with it due to weak immunity.

Humans' main natural assistant in the fight against infection is interferon. It has a powerful antiviral effect. The drug Anaferon is designed to stimulate its production, and this leads to the rapid suppression of active viruses.

As a result of the influence of the drug, a triple positive effect occurs:

  • destruction of the virus;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • acceleration of recovery.

Indications for use

What does it help with? It is advisable to use Anaferon for children in the following cases:

  1. As part of complex therapy of bacterial infections;
  2. Prevention and treatment (including influenza);
  3. Complex therapy and prevention of relapses of chronic herpesvirus infection, including labial and;
  4. Complex therapy of infections caused by herpes viruses (labial herpes, genital herpes);
  5. Complex therapy of secondary immunodeficiency states of various etiologies, including prevention and treatment of complications of viral and bacterial infections;
  6. Complex therapy and prevention of other acute and chronic viral infections caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus, enterovirus, coronavirus, calicivirus.


The drug has only a few contraindications:

  • neonatal period ( childhood up to 1 month);
  • individual hypersensitivity to components.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Anaferon for children during lactation and pregnancy has not been studied. When prescribing a drug, the benefit/risk ratio must be taken into account.

Instructions for use Anaferon

The instructions for use indicate that Anaferon for children is taken orally, and the tablet must completely dissolve in oral cavity. An interval of 30 minutes should be observed. regarding food intake. 1 tablet is for 1 dose.

  • Children's Anaferon is prescribed to children from 1 month. Children under 3 months are allowed to dissolve the tablet in 15 ml of chilled boiled water.

Prescribing the drug as an antiviral immunostimulant during therapy various diseases caused by exposure to exogenous agents viral and bacterial nature, you must follow the recommended dosage regimen for Anaferon for Children, which is presented in the table below:

Treatment should begin as early as possible - when the first signs of an acute viral infection appear. If there is no improvement, on the third day of treatment with the drug for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, you should consult a doctor.

If necessary, the drug can be combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents.

Side effects

When using the drug in accordance with the instructions and in recommended doses, side effects in connection with its use, as a rule, do not occur.

Manifestations of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug are possible.


Cases of overdose with Anaferon for children have never been reported. However, if it does occur, it will certainly manifest itself as the presence of dyspeptic symptoms due to the excipients included in the drug.

Special instructions

The drug contains lactose, and therefore it is not recommended for use in patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose malabsorption syndrome, or congenital lactase deficiency.

  1. The safety of Anaferon in pregnant women and during lactation has not been studied. If it is necessary to take the drug, the risk/benefit ratio should be taken into account.
  2. No cases of incompatibility with other drugs have been identified to date. If necessary, the drug can be combined with other antiviral, antibacterial and symptomatic agents.
  3. When using the drug for the indicated indications and in the indicated dosages, no side effects were identified. Hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

No cases of overdose have been reported to date. In case of accidental overdose, dyspeptic symptoms are possible due to the fillers included in the drug.

Drug interactions

No cases of incompatibility with other drugs have been recorded. It is allowed to combine Anaferon for children with symptomatic drugs and medicines whose action is aimed at combating bacteria and viruses.


Based on the reviews of many parents, it can be determined that they consider this medicine effective both for the treatment and for the prevention of viral diseases.

For the treatment and prevention of acute viral infections, as well as numerous respiratory diseases leading experts in world pharmaceuticals and pharmacokinetics have developed universal remedy- Anaferon for children. The medicine contains numerous active components for the production of antibodies to human gamma (affinity-purified). Such a complex name requires some decoding.

Let's start with antibodies to human interferon gamma. This is the name of a certain set of antibodies that stimulate the production of interferon gamma in the cell. Interferon gamma itself is a derivative of a complex molecule affected by the virus. Having been revived, gamma interferon instantly scatters throughout numerous cells organism, giving them the signal “to fight.” To prevent infection from spreading throughout the body complex system cells “accelerates”, producing numerous types of gamma interferons, and they, in turn, prevent the development of the virus.

A complicated concept - affinity-purified - is explained as follows: thanks to them, antibodies are free to move, which ensures instant defense of the body and prevention various types diseases, such as a virus.

Anaferon for children also helps the child’s body thanks to special excipients. This includes: magnesium stearate, glucose and lactose. For prophylaxis during therapeutic use on the human body, the medicine is used as an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect that regulates the immune system.

  • Acute respiratory diseases;
  • Influenza viruses;
  • Immunosuppression due to inflammatory processes in the body, radiation-chemotherapy;
  • Herpes viruses, a general complex of therapy to eliminate infections (genital and labial herpes, smallpox, mononucleosis);
  • (that is, with ordinary ), ;
  • Secondary immunodeficiency conditions;
  • Bacterial type infections;
  • Complex entero-corona-rota-caliviruses.

Children's Anaferon belongs to the pharmaceutical base of drugs sold without a prescription.

Instructions for use

At what age can children take this drug? Anaferon is released in the format chewable tablets, which also taste sweet. For this reason, they will appeal to any child with a sweet tooth. It is customary to give children under six months 1 tbsp. spoon of boiled water, dissolving 1 tablet of Anaferon. Children's dosage regimen: 20–30 minutes after (or before a meal), take 1 tablet orally for one dose (keep under the tongue until dissolved). Chewing or immediately swallowing the medicine is not recommended.

The drug Anaferon is not available in the form of suppositories or syrup, although most parents prefer similar drugs for treatment.

Regarding influenza, encephalitis and herpes viral diseases, it is very important to start treatment as soon as possible early dates. When the first symptomatic signs of an acute viral disorder appear, take one tablet within 2 hours, alternating them every half hour. After two hours, take three more doses of one tablet at equal time intervals. After carrying out operational preventive measures, Anaferon should be given 1 tablet. 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and evening).

If you comply preventive measures to combat the epidemiological season, the medication is taken 1 tablet per day for the next 1–3 months. In case of illness, if improvement does not occur by the 3rd day, this is a mandatory signal to consult a pediatrician.

Combination of Anaferon with others antiviral agents allowed if necessary. But we recommend discussing a preventive course for recovery from a herpes virus infection with a specialist. Usually prescribed 1 tablet per day for the next 6 months.

Contraindications and side effects

Any medicine that closely interacts with the internal clinical environment of the human body may have contraindications for it. However, the instructions for use of Anaferon for children say little in the contraindications column:

  • The drug is not suitable for use by people with individual hypersensitivity to the components prescribed in the composition;
  • In addition, due to insufficient clinical data, the medication is only allowed for children from 6 months of age;
  • Among side components are lactose monohydrate, for this reason the drug is strictly contraindicated for patients with congenital galactosemia.

Taking the drug according to the dosage indicated in the prescription is not capable of causing dangerous side effects. Individual intolerance to the unique components of the drug is possible, rare. Overdoses of this drug as an emergency have not yet been recorded. Some dyspeptic symptoms are possible.

Anaferon can be safely combined with other symptomatic, antiallergic drugs and prophylactic agents, since no cases of incompatibility have been found so far.


Anaferon for children acts as a kind of barrier to the development of numerous viral diseases in human body. There are many similar drugs similar to it: Ergoferon, Remantadine. However, so far the structural active substance Children's Anaferon does not have twin drugs.


People of the twenty-first century, thanks to the numerous opportunities that the Internet in all its diversity and revealing educational television shows give them, are already addicted to the concept of “saving.” If they want to buy expensive medicine, they will enter the desired query into a search engine and find an analog drug with a similar pharmacokinetic composition, available at a relatively lower cost. Also, reviews of satisfied (sad) customers are always available to people, necessary information on supplies, sources of goods. All this is easily tracked and allows you to determine for yourself whether there are savings here.

However, if the issue concerns the health of children, no one thinks about saving. Fortunately, Anaferon in different regions and major cities Russia is no more expensive than other drugs containing components aimed at maintaining the human immune system. 200 rubles is the minimum cost of children's Anaferon in the Russian Federation. The price is relatively small, considering that other drugs that have a repulsive or suspending effect on viruses cost from 500 rubles.

What is the difference between the adult form and the child form?

Many people will probably be wondering whether a child can take a drug marked 18+, and, conversely, adults can take a children’s medicine? What is the difference between them? At first glance, it seems that the “children’s” mark is a direct limiter in the composition of the medicine. If you look into the structure of the drug, you discover this: for adult Anaferon, homeopathic mixtures are produced in the composition: C12, C30, C200, and for children: C12, C30 and C50. The conclusion from all of the above is that only the composition of the last dilution has changed. Well, in addition to this, children's Anaferon is distinguished by the fact that it is diluted with lactose, aerosil, cellulose from small crystals and calcium stearate.

Numerous comments from the forums demonstrate how people have repeatedly given adult Anaferon to their children. Some cases were successful: indeed, after an adult child took Anaferon, the disease stopped and even went away. Individual cases talked about rare allergic complications on children's skin.

One way or another, it has already been clearly stated that Anaferon for children, when used properly, is practically incapable of causing harm to the body, but the benefits of the drug remain in question. Not in all 100% of cases of regular use of the drug by children, the virus faded into the background. Research carried out by the St. Petersburg Influenza Research Institute, as well as the Siberian State medical university(SSMU) presented in their reports big picture clinical trials of preschool and school age, where it was noted that in 10 cases out of 10 children were cured of viral diseases.

However, experts did not clearly define the age aspects of the tests. Which plays a significant role in preventing the development of respiratory and viral diseases by a group of immunomodulators. Thus, in general clinical trials specialists did not provide detailed interpretable descriptions, which casts doubt on the high effectiveness of Anaferon for children.

The decision to start treatment with Anaferon rests solely with the parents. The medicine is available without a prescription, but if you wish, you can contact a pediatric specialist. In any case, this homeopathic drug has repeatedly confirmed its pharmaceutical profitability in mass examples, which should significantly reduce your doubts, because the composition of Anaferon is a direct key to provoking an immune response, which is always able to suppress a malicious virus.