Pulsates in the temples for no reason. Causes of shooting pain in the left temple area

Headache is one of the common symptoms that characterizes temporary or long-term pathological disorder human life support systems. It has a different location and etiology; during short-term and mild attacks it does not cause concern and is relieved with an anesthetic. Pulsating pain in the temples, which takes on a protracted nature, requires clarification of the reasons for its development from specialized doctors and a timely response to eliminate them.

Causes of throbbing headaches in the temples

The appearance of pulsation in the temples can be caused by many reasons, including both external stimuli and internal deep pathological processes.

External stimuli of a short-term nature are:

  • improper diet, which is dominated by large number seasonings and offal saturated with monosodium glutamate;
  • poisoning from medications, alcohol, chemicals, spoiled foods;
  • a strict diet for an organism weakened by anemia;
  • a change in the usual environment, including diving under water or into earthen caves, climbing mountains and flying by air;
  • fatigue caused by physical or mental stress;
  • uncomfortable head position during sleep;
  • excitement at the time of sexual intercourse;
  • change in atmospheric pressure and weather conditions.

More significant reasons causing pulsation in the temporal region are:

  • hormonal imbalance in teenage girls;
  • temporal arteritis;
  • ARVI, sore throat, influenza and other viral infections;
  • vascular dystonia of the autonomic system;
  • consequences of brain or skull injuries;
  • pheochromocytoma.

The factors of the first group are temporary, so the feeling of discomfort in the temples goes away after they are eliminated. The causes of the second group require attention from specialists, since they act as pathological processes and, in the neglected stage, can lead to complications.

What medications will help relieve headaches?

  1. Analgin and amidopyrine. Substances with a universal spectrum of action, used in most painkillers. They dull pain impulses by affecting nerve cells the body, in addition to pain relief, they also relieve fever and have an anti-inflammatory effect. IN modern medicine People try not to use analgin because of its side effects, but in some cases its use is necessary and effective.
  2. Acetylsalicylic acid. The analgesic effect, complemented by the anti-inflammatory effect, makes the substance the most effective and potent drug. It inhibits the inflammatory process, prevents the occurrence of edema and blocks the sending of pain impulses to the brain structures. Preparations with acetylsalicylic acid are prescribed for neuritis, joint inflammation, and sore throat.
  3. Paracetamol. Compared to those described active ingredients paracetamol is more of an antipyretic drug and is significantly inferior to them in anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. However, it is the safest of them, so .
  4. Ibuprofen. An effective substance with analgesic and antipyretic effects, helps relieve almost all manifestations of pain. Minimum side effects allow .

The substances described are the main components of the following common drugs that help get rid of headaches:

Is something bothering you? Illness or life situation?

  • Citramon. The main substance in the drug is acetylsalicylic acid, supplemented with components such as phenacetin and caffeine. It has a wide range of effects, so it effectively relieves cephalgia of various etiologies. For mild pain, take the drug once, 1 tablet. If the pain is severe and does not subside, then the dosage is increased to 3 times a day, 1 or 2 tablets each. , as well as children under 3 years of age.
  • Solpadeine. Paracetamol, supplemented in the drug with codeine phosphate and caffeine, acts as an anesthetic with an anti-inflammatory effect. For pain caused by infections such as ARVI or influenza, it is necessary to take 1 or 2 tablets in 4 divided doses per day.
  • Tempalgin. A chemical drug based on analgin and tempidone quickly relieves antispasmodic pain, therefore it is used to relieve dental, muscle, headache, kidney, neurological pain and intestinal colic. It is taken in 3 doses, 1 tablet each.
  • Nurofen. A safe and effective pain reliever based on ibuprofen, recommended for pregnant women, children over 3 months of age and nursing mothers. In addition, it is effective means to relieve inflammation and fever. The recommended doses are indicated in the instructions and depend not only on the etiology of the attack, but also on the age of the patient.

Non-drug methods for treating throbbing pain in the temples

For mild throbbing pain in the temples, you do not need to immediately take chemical painkillers. It is worth trying to relieve an attack using non-medicinal methods, including certain manipulations and folk remedies:

  • Massage the temporal reflex points. For this thumbs you need to press the button 10-12 times symmetrical points in the region of the temporal artery.
  • Brew and drink tea with lemon balm, chamomile, valerian or lemon, depending on the cause of the pulsation.
  • Go for a walk or open a window to ventilate the room.
  • When pain occurs against the background of decreased blood pressure You can drink weak natural coffee.
  • Take a strong antioxidant - vitamin C in the form of chewable tablets.
  • Make a contrast compress from warm or cold water on the painful area. After a fifteen-minute procedure, the throbbing pain should go away.

Play a big role in preventing pulsation in the temples preventive measures based on a correct daily routine and optimal nutrition. If there is a predisposition to developing a throbbing headache in the temples, you need to ensure good sleep(at least 8 hours), and sufficient rest during the day for the eyes in cases where work activity associated with excessive stress optic nerves(PC operators, drivers).

Do we need a doctor?

The appearance of mild and infrequent attacks of throbbing pain in the temporal region is often associated with a change weather conditions or temporary irritating factors, when eliminated, the pain also disappears. In these cases, the condition can be alleviated folk remedies, self-massage or painkillers.

A different situation arises with pain caused by hidden diseases which present with severe symptoms. The patient should contact medical specialists if the pulsation in the temples is aggravated by the following pathological signs:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of cramping pain when tilting the head and turning it to the sides;
  • change in the nature of the pain syndrome;
  • increase in temperature;
  • the appearance of signs of intracranial hypotension or hypertension;
  • physical activity lead to intense attacks;
  • Painkillers do not alleviate the condition, and the pain does not stop for more than 3 days.

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A detailed diagnosis by a neurologist and other specialized doctors will reveal real reasons pathological condition and coordinate efforts to eliminate them. For this, the patient may need to study the cerebral vessels and cervical spine on an encephalograph, MRI of the brain and cervical region, lipid profile, as well as radiography of the facial region to exclude diseases such as sinusitis.

And 70% of people who turn to specialists with such symptoms complain of pain in the temple on the left. But we can say with confidence that these statistics do not reflect the full picture and do not reveal the seriousness of the problem, since not everyone goes to the hospital with severe pain in the temporal lobe. So why are these symptoms dangerous, what is the reason for their appearance, what are the consequences? What needs to be done to get rid of this disease?

Types of pain in the temples

Pain in the temple on the left is divided into two types. The first is when her symptoms fully reflect clinical picture diseases. This type is called primary; it is not associated with structural changes in the brain, but signals the presence of a disease. Usually these are manifestations of migraine, cluster pain and tension pain.

The secondary type refers to signs of another disease.

During the examination of the patient special meaning has carefully collected information about the degree of intensity, frequency of occurrence, dynamics of development, types of temporal cephalgia. Based on this data, the degree of danger can be determined almost immediately. For example, its sudden appearance is a signal that the patient’s health and life are in danger. If the pain appears periodically, then it is usually chronic.

Diseases with pain in the temple

Why does my left temple hurt, what is the cause? Experts name more than 40 diseases in which pain is localized in the temporal region. Here are just a few of them:

1. Migraine is an independent disease characterized by very noticeable pain in one part of the head, concentrated in the temporal region. The duration of such attacks is from half an hour to several days, and if the migraine is not treated, then it can end in a migraine stroke. For some women, it goes away after the birth of a child, while others suffer from it until menopause.

2. Tension pain is a widespread disease. A hard day at work, physical activity, uncomfortable static posture, stress, depression, spinal scoliosis - these are the causes of tension-type headache. The muscle tone of the shoulders, neck, and face increases and the blood supply to the muscles worsens; histamines accumulate, which accompany inflammation. The muscles ache, and the pain is projected onto the head in the temporal part, pressing in the temples, the head seems to be squeezed by a hoop.

3. Cluster pains characterized by unbearable pain attacks concentrated in the temples. They can start unexpectedly and last from 15 minutes to several hours, dying down and returning again. Paroxysmal attacks torment a person up to 8 times a day. Series of pains sometimes do not remind you of themselves long time, but it happens that every month the patient suffers from attacks. At such a moment, a person begins to sweat, his nose is stuffy, his face swells, and his eyelid droops.

4. Severe pain in the temples may be a symptom of a rare artery disease. With inflammation of the walls of blood vessels temporal arteries severe pain is felt, radiating to the eye, and even a light touch causes suffering to the patient. It occurs more often in older people over 50 years of age.

5. With intracranial lesions of an infectious nature (meningitis, encephalitis), sharp pain, radiating to the temple.

6. When it is compressed, severe pain occurs in the temples and back of the head when chewing, swallowing, talking, laughing.

Causes of pain

There are many reasons why the left temple hurts, and in order to get rid of the painful feeling, you need to identify and eliminate its source:

  1. In young people, such pain can be an indicator of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  2. Some infectious diseases accompanied by fairly severe headaches in the temples (ARVI and influenza).
  3. Upper and lower pressure manifests itself as active pulsation in the temples.
  4. During periods of hormonal surges, young girls may experience severe pain.
  5. Also, with changes in hormonal levels with the onset of menopause, women sometimes complain of regular temporal headaches.
  6. There are also nervous headaches that are psychogenic in nature. They are accompanied by irritability and fatigue.
  7. Disruption of the activity of the nerves of the brain and spinal cord.
  8. With pathology of the temporomandibular joint, pain radiates not only to the temple, but also to the back of the head and shoulders. The convulsive clenching of the teeth causes the facial muscles to become very tense, which is what causes headaches.
  9. People who are weather dependent also have pain in their left temple due to weather changes.
  10. Some foods containing monosodium glutamate can cause headaches. These are canned goods, dry soups, sausages, smoked meats, ready-made salads, chips, sauces, hot dogs. Chocolate is sometimes a headache trigger, because it causes sharp increase blood sugar.
  11. Intoxications associated with food poisoning, medications, alcohol, diseases of the organs responsible for withdrawal toxic substances from the body (kidneys, liver).
  12. Sometimes the pain radiates to the temple completely healthy people and does not depend on the condition of the blood vessels. Shoots in the temples appear from poisoning carbon monoxide. His high concentration in the air is dangerous to human life, therefore the removal of its toxins from the body must be carried out in medical institution. Sometimes if a person does not have breakfast and does not have time to have a snack at lunch, he may experience pain in the temporal lobe. It also happens when some people overdo diets without taking into account their balance, or during a strict fast. The brain lacks nutrients, and it lets you know about this by vasospasm.
  13. The same symptoms may appear with developing anemia.
  14. Climbers can also talk about pain in their temples, because high in the mountains the air is thin and there is not enough oxygen in it. People on regular flights and scuba divers experience the same feelings; this is the reaction of blood vessels to pressure drops.
  15. Too active sex life can also be the cause of pain in the temples.
  16. It happens that the origin of the pain cannot be determined, and this is not surprising, because even the presence of worms and a sudden cessation of coffee intake can cause their appearance.

Types of temporal pain

When you have an unbearable headache, it seems that the pain comes out through the temple from the brain, but in fact this is not the case. In it pain receptors are absent, but they are located in some parts of the lining of the brain, tissues covering the skull, in the arteries of the base of the skull and located outside it. This complex is responsible for various types temporal pain, depending on where the damaging effect is located. Therefore, the pain can be pulsating, lightning fast or constant, sharp, dull, pressing, tingling, burning, of varying depths and localization.

The pain throbs in the temples, as if small hammers are knocking on them, preventing distraction. Most likely, these are the consequences of stress. However, this may also indicate that the upper and lower blood pressure increased, about the beginning of a migraine, spasms of cerebral vessels. At times, with pulpitis (inflammation of gum tissue), pain is reflected in the temporal region.

Sharp pain in the temples, shooting, may indicate inflammation trigeminal nerve, less often about changes in the walls of the temporal arteries (temporal arteritis). In this case, the person feels weak throughout the body, powerless, and does not sleep well. Sometimes the pain spreads to the back of the head, eyes, jaw and entire face. The painful manifestations are vivid, and even a light touch causes severe discomfort.

At increased irritability, feelings of anxiety, rapid fatigue, pain of a psychogenic nature occurs. It is not clearly expressed, as if spread over the temple, it constantly aches in this place, and this irritates even more. But sometimes such pain is also characteristic of problems with intracranial pressure, so with such types of pain it should not be left to chance.

The consequences of a previous traumatic brain injury or stress cause suffering from dull ache in the temples. If it haunts a person for several days, and almost every morning he wakes up with it, then it is classified as psychogenic or nonspecific.

Pressure in the temples quite often if there is cervical osteochondrosis spine. There is a disruption of the normal blood supply to the vessels of the brain due to compression of one or both vertebral arteries. As a result, changes occur in the blood vessels, disturbances in nerve plexuses and, as a result, localized pain.

In the temples it may indicate the fact of atherosclerotic changes and the threat of stroke.

Drug treatment of pain

To eliminate headaches in the temples, treatment is usually carried out with analgesics and non-steroidal painkillers. After taking them, the pain impulse is blocked, and the body decreases the production of hormone-like biological regulators that stimulate the synthesis of prostaglandins. Well-known and affordable medications that are in any medicine cabinet are “Aspirin”, “Pentalgin”, “Codeine”, “Ibuprofen”, “Paracetamol”.

What does it help with? last drug? It affects the brain and thermoregulatory centers. This medicine has analgesic properties and a slight anti-inflammatory effect. It cannot cope with severe pain, but it is quite capable of moderate and weak manifestations of it. The result of using the drug in tablet form occurs 30 minutes after administration, and if you drink its syrup or suspension, its effect will be noticeable after 15 minutes. But we must not forget that although this medicine is considered the least toxic, its uncontrolled use is unacceptable. It tends to accumulate in the body, and in this case its effect increases significantly. This is very dangerous for the body. People with kidney, liver, blood diseases and alcohol addiction Paracetamol is contraindicated.

What does Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) help with? People all over the world use it as a pain reliever. The tablet is taken immediately after meals in 3 doses per day. A reasonable dose per day is 1 g, maximum 3 g. It is contraindicated to use Aspirin for people suffering from bronchial asthma, pregnant women, with stomach ulcers, with a lack of vitamin K, children under 3 years of age.

For migraines, Citramon is often used. This affordable medicine helps after 20 minutes after swallowing the pill. The effect is achieved by the presence of caffeine in its composition, acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol. The medicine gives you tone. You can take no more than 6 tablets per day, dividing them into 3 doses, but this is only in as a last resort. You should not get carried away with this medicine: it can harm the stomach, liver, and cause allergies.

At unbearable pain It is better to use more serious medications. The most powerful painkillers are Tempalgin, Solpadein, Nurofen.

"Tempalgin" is combination drug. It contains analgin and tempidone. Antispasmodic properties have also been added. You can take no more than 3 tablets per day.

"Solpadenine" is based on paracetamol, caffeine and codeine. You can use it up to 4 times a day, 1 capsule.

"Pentalgin" contains 5 components: analgin, codeine, amidopyrine, caffeine, phenobarbital. People call it that way - “five”.

In moments unbearable pain When there is a strong knocking in the temples, it is recommended to take ibuprofen-based medications. They relieve severe pain well, relieve nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and photophobia. They do not have as pronounced side effects as Analgin, and one-time use does no harm. But if there are diseases of the liver, stomach, duodenum, then this medicine should be used with caution.

It is permissible to take analgesics for no more than 15 days per month, and if the drugs include a combination of several components, then 10 days for such drugs is the limit. They can be addictive, and some of them can be addictive. Accumulating in the body, they negatively affect internal organs and the hematopoietic system.


For manifestations of cephalgia in the temporal region, physiotherapeutic treatment has proven positive. For pain caused by overwork, stress, psycho-emotional overstrain, fatigue, mud wraps help well, water treatments and massage. For problematic vessels, ozone and magnetic therapy, ultrasound and impulse currents. For osteochondrosis of the neck, medications are prescribed that penetrate the skin using electrophoresis.

When to see a doctor immediately

If your head hurts with constant regularity, then the first thing you need to do is go to the doctor, and not make a diagnosis yourself and not take medications recommended by friends. But there is special cases when delaying contacting a specialist can significantly worsen the condition, and sometimes even cost the patient’s life:

  • unusual, uncharacteristic pain appears in the temple;
  • if the pain continues continuously for more than 3 days, and the strongest painkillers do not help;
  • one gets the impression that a small grenade has exploded in the temple and sudden pain is accompanied by impaired vision, speech, coordination of movements, and general weakness;
  • from attack to attack, the throbbing pain in the temples manifests itself more and more clearly, gradually intensifying;
  • pain is accompanied by vomiting;
  • the pain gets worse during physical work or playing sports;
  • with increased temperature and aching neck, inability to turn or tilt the head;
  • upper and lower pressure increases excessively.

After asking the patient about the types and frequency of pain, the doctor may prescribe additional examination:

  • you will need a general and detailed blood test;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • electroencephalography of the vessels of the neck and head;
  • lipid profile;
  • consultation with an ophthalmologist, therapist, psychiatrist, neurosurgeon, angiosurgeon.

Of course, such examinations are not cheap, but our health is also priceless, so saving in this case is inappropriate.

Consequences of pain in the temples

Very often a person does not pay attention to the periodic pain in the temple area and tries to get rid of it on his own. By setting the dosage without taking into account side effects and contraindications, he uncontrollably suppresses it with analgesics. Of course, these drugs temporarily eliminate the symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of their occurrence. Gradually, the disease progresses, and the result of such inattention to oneself can be disastrous.

The nerve endings are connected directly to the organs of hearing and vision, and if the cause of pain is in them, then, as a consequence, constant ringing in the ears, deafness or blindness is possible.

And even if the origin of the pain lies not in dangerous diseases, then frequent pain negatively affects the quality of life. Their manifestations spoil the mood, irritability appears, and performance decreases. Outbursts of aggression may appear, the person seeks privacy and withdraws into himself. Therefore, a trip to the clinic and advice from a professional will help cure the disease and relieve the patient from a debilitating illness.

Folk remedies

If the pain in the left temple is mild, caused by stress or nervous excitement, then simple folk methods aimed at relaxation and achieving calm also help eliminate painful sensations.

You can also relax in a warm bath prepared with essential oils lemon, grapefruit, chamomile, juniper, lavender. A few drops of St. John's wort and rosemary oil can be diluted with a massage cream and massaged in the area of ​​the seventh vertebra.

Massaging the entire head is considered an effective remedy. Using circular movements, starting from the neck, you should massage your head, gradually reaching your temples. The duration of this procedure is about 15 minutes, this is enough to improve blood circulation and relieve tension. The same effect can be achieved by combing your hair slowly. It is necessary to apply a comb made of natural material at least 100 times.

Another type of massage also helps reduce pain, but the points located in the hollows of the temporal region are massaged. The procedure is carried out using the pads of the index fingers, while gentle pressure is applied in a circular motion. It is better to carry out manipulations in a quiet, semi-dark room. After they are done, you need to lie down for at least half an hour and try to sleep. Rest stops the attack well, and, upon waking up, the person forgets about it.

Among the herbs, infusions of lemon balm, oregano, and peppermint are popular. The recipe for their preparation is the same and quite simple. You need to take a tablespoon of any of the named herbs, put it in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Insist in closed 30 minutes and strain. They drink half a glass of oregano and mint 3 times a day, and stretch out lemon balm throughout the day, drinking a sip at a time.

Very relaxing green tea with a slice of lemon and a spoon of honey. You can brew it with a pinch of mint or lemon balm.

You can put a napkin moistened with a solution on your aching temple. apple cider vinegar. It will be enough to dilute one tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water. If there is no reaction to odors, then a compress with a towel soaked in cool water with essential oils will bring relief.


To prevent pain in the temple on the left from returning again, you must adhere to a daily routine, sleep at least 8 hours, do not overwork yourself, and be on the fresh air, move actively, taking into account age and physical condition, eat rationally.

It is necessary to have breakfast; it must be present in the diet healthy products: cereal porridges, boiled meat and fish, kefir, cottage cheese, bread with grain additives, natural fruit juices. In order to benefit your health, you need to give up spices, spicy and overcooked foods, and reduce your intake of salt and sugar.

Smoking and alcohol are provocateurs of various diseases, high pressure, brain. They also influence hormonal background, especially in women, so their presence in a person’s life must be completely excluded.

Morning exercises, physical therapy, playing sports - all this helps improve health, improves new level quality of life, improves mood. If you adhere to the basics of a healthy and correct lifestyle, you can minimize the possibility of headaches.

Most of us sincerely believe that if you have a headache, then high or low blood pressure is always to blame. This is a fallacy, says Marina Vladimirovna RYABUS, candidate of medical sciences, neurologist at the Moscow Headache Clinic of Professor Alexander Vein.

Many people naturally have constant moderate high or low blood pressure, but never complain of headaches. They feel great and sometimes perform better than those with normal blood pressure.

- But why then can those with hypertension have a headache?

Patients suffering from high blood pressure are usually susceptible to acute and chronic stress. They painfully endure conflicts in the family and at work. They are painfully experiencing their own internal problems. And on this negative emotional background headaches occur, which are often combined with tension in the muscles of the neck, back, and symptoms of osteochondrosis. In other words, they are complex in nature and do not disappear even after normalization of blood pressure.

Typical headaches with hypertension are of a pressing nature and occur in occipital region, are often accompanied by swelling, redness of the face, and discomfort in the heart area. As a rule, they appear in the morning. They intensify after physical activity. This type headache is directly related to an increase in pressure, but mainly lower pressure - more than 120 mm Hg.

Hypotonic patients often complain of “throbbing temples,” “heaviness in the back of the head,” and migraines. They experience fainting. How do neurologists evaluate similar conditions?

None of these conditions are directly related to low blood pressure. Although it has been noted that migraines, tension headaches and others autonomic disorders often combined with low blood pressure. Currently, a close connection between hypotension and the syndrome has been identified chronic fatigue, depression. By the way, education plays an important role. For example, if a mother constantly associates her headaches with low blood pressure, then when her daughter grows up, she will also blame pressure changes for all her ailments.

With hypotension, a throbbing headache may occur due to excessive stretching. blood vessels. And pressing from the inside on the back of the head is due to poor outflow of venous blood from the cranial cavity.

- How can such people cope with their problems?

In our clinic, we first of all establish the cause of the headache and assess the degree of disorders cardiovascular system. Moreover, our technical capabilities allow us to carry out daily measurement of the patient’s blood pressure by the hour and even by the minute. Taking into account the data obtained, we decide what kind of drugs - long-term or short-term - the patient needs, and at what time of day to schedule their maximum intake. This helps to effectively treat both primary headaches and headaches that occur with hypertension and hypotension.

To the program complex treatment We definitely include non-pharmacological methods - psycho-, reflexology, physiotherapy, biofeedback sessions, sessions in the SanSpectra-9000 health and rehabilitation system.

- How should you behave in everyday life if you have high or low blood pressure?

I advise those with hypertension to evenly distribute physical activity throughout the day and carry out relaxing procedures. Get up, stretch, ventilate the room. Throw your head back, sit quietly in a chair, restore your breathing, relax the muscles of your face and body. This has a positive effect on the whole vascular system pressure, and thus you can achieve a slight decrease in blood pressure.

Hypotonic patients, on the contrary, need stimulating procedures. In the morning - pleasant contrast shower, hot or warm tea with aromatic additives, slightly sweetened. During the day - massage of the cervical-collar area, fractional and timely meals. I emphasize that their brain should under no circumstances lack active nutrients.

And one more thing. All hypertensive and hypotensive patients like to associate their condition with changeable weather, magnetic storms, solar activity. Of course, they are susceptible to weather factors, especially during the border period - from winter to summer. But to a greater extent, their malaise depends on the “weather” in their own body. The one who copes with his psychological problems, reacts less to the weather outside the window. Believe me, it's proven neurological practice.

"Women's Health"

  1. Severe, sudden pain that came “out of nowhere.”
  2. Pain associated with loss of consciousness, attention and perception; confusion, blurred vision, and other neurological changes are present.
  3. Recurrent pain selectively affects one area, for example, it is localized orbitally, in the temple, in the back of the head.
  4. Recurrent pain with increasing intensity and frequency.
  5. Pain associated with heat and stiff neck.
  6. Pain that awakens one from sleep.
  7. Any unexplained changes in the intensity and frequency of cephalalgia.

  1. Migraine.
  2. Cluster headache.

The most common type of cephalalgia, which is directly related to stretching and contraction of muscles and stress. The pain is dull and constant. Usually localized in the temples, forehead, neck or back of the head.

Treatment includes massage to relieve pain, hot shower, relaxation techniques, or any activity that may help ease the attack. Over-the-counter analgesics often help. At very severe pain it is recommended to enter more strong drugs. These substances can cause slow reflexes and dizziness, so they should not be prescribed to people whose work requires increased attention. These medications should not be taken for more than a few days.

This disease is a rare variant of the disease that appears suddenly and is characterized by short-term painful attacks. More often affects men. Treatment uses drugs that are administered to early stages attack.

This type of pain is associated with inflammation of the nasal cavity and sinuses. The pain is usually dull and can move with the movement of the head. Relief occurs after the administration of decongestants or conventional analgesics.

Every person suffers from headaches from time to time. In the USA, for example, 20 million people visit a doctor every year with complaints about this problem. Although headaches can be very unpleasant, they are usually not associated with more serious illness and subsides after resting in a quiet, dark room and taking over-the-counter analgesics such as Aspirin or Paracetamol. Some types of headaches, however, require more strong drugs(NSAIDs, dopamine antagonists, corticosteroids, opiates), and some of them may, in combination with other symptoms, indicate the need for a comprehensive examination.

Migraine is recurrent,throbbing headache, manifesting itself mainly unilaterally (may hurt and pulsate in the frontal and temporal region, less often in the back of the head). Migraines generally begin in early childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood.

Migraines are caused by a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels of the head and brain. As a result of this phenomenon, it leads to painful irritation of the nerve endings in the walls of blood vessels. Often the pain affects the blood vessels and the surface (skin) of the head.

The following phenomena and substances have been found to be involved in the formation of migraine:

  1. Hunger.
  2. Cheese.
  3. Weather changes.
  4. Nuts.
  5. Physical effort.
  6. Avocado.
  7. Hormonal contraception.
  8. Chocolate.
  9. Menstrual cycle.
  10. Nitrates in food (fast food).
  11. Emotional stress.
  12. Nutritional supplements(monosodium glutamate).
  13. Alcohol.

It is not known why some people suffer from migraines and others do not.

There are many forms of migraine. The two main types include classic migraine with aura and simple migraine without aura.

Pain attack preceded by prodromal symptoms (aura). For example, visual impairment. A person may see bright circles or zigzag lines in front of their eyes. For many people, a migraine attack is preceded by double vision or temporary partial blindness. Changes in vision are usually accompanied by numbness and tingling of the lips, face and arms on one or even both sides, weakness in the arms and/or legs, painful sensations when moving, slight confusion of thoughts. Each migraine sufferer may have only one or a few of these symptoms, which usually occur each time an attack approaches.

Symptoms usually last for 5 to 15 minutes or longer. After the disappearance of these manifestations, a one-sided pulsatingheadache in the temples, forehead or back of the head,its intensity gradually increases. If the pain is very severe, the person often suffers from nausea and vomiting, and becomes sensitive to noise and light.

Throbbing pain begins suddenly, without warning. Localization pain may vary: appear on both sides of the head, or only on one side. Pain often causes nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and noise. This type of migraine is very common in children, who therefore have no warning of the approach of an attack in the form of a prodrome. Along with pain, many children also experience abdominal pain, which intensifies after vomiting.

Migraines can last from several hours to several days.

Treatment consists of two main points:

There are many ways to relieve pain, and each person can benefit from something different. The patient must determine for himself what helps him and, accordingly, apply various therapeutic methods.

  1. Apply heat to the area of ​​the head where the pain is most severe. You can use a towel heated in microwave oven, or a special kit. Some people, however, benefit from applying ice packs to the painful area.
  2. Rest in a quiet, dark room.
  3. Many people feel relief after using various meditation and relaxation techniques. Focus on positive thoughts and slow, deep breathing.

Some people need pain medications. Doctors usually prescribe the following medications:

  1. Analgesics – reduce migraine pain.
  2. Ergot preparations – prevent excessive stretching of blood vessels in the head, thereby reducing pain. It is important that medications are administered at the first sign of an attack.

Since migraine can persist for many years and massive pharmacotherapy can have many serious side effects, key role Prevention plays a role in disease management.

  1. The occurrence of migraines should be carefully monitored, taking into account dietary habits. Sometimes eliminating a migraine attack can prevent a migraine attack. certain products or additives (for example: nuts, cheese, avocado, chocolate, bacon, ham, hot dogs, etc.). If the causative agent of migraine is hunger, you need to eat regularly and in small portions. Women who experience attacks before menstruation should limit salt intake in their diet to reduce water retention, which has been linked to attacks. In addition, it is necessary to avoid alcoholic drinks. Alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, which can lead to pain.
  2. If the causes of migraines are stress or emotional imbalance, you need to find ways to cope stressful situations and reduce them to a minimum. Particularly effective is staying in the fresh air and light exercise (swimming, cycling, walking), as well as various methods relaxation (yoga, meditation). Exercise and relaxation not only reduce stress, but also reduce the intensity and frequency of pain. An experienced psychologist can help in identifying stress and solving stress-related problems.
  3. Fatigue can also be a trigger. In this case, you need to ensure that you get regular, adequate sleep and make it a habit to rest during the day.
  4. Women with a history of migraine should consider hormonal contraception, and consult with a specialist about alternative methods contraception.

Common myths about migraines

Many people think that migraines only affect women, which is not true. But the fact remains that among women this disease occurs four times more often than among men. It is also a myth that all severe headaches are migraines. Tesional cephalalgia can be as serious as migraine. There are many causes of headaches that are not migraines.

Several reasons to visit a doctor if you suspect you have a migraine:

  1. Headaches lasting more than two days.
  2. More than three attacks of pain within a month.
  3. If at the onset of pain the prodromal symptoms do not disappear.
  4. Significant changes in pain intensity.
  5. Vague symptoms that a person experiences.

Pain is pathological condition organism, which disrupts the normal rhythm of life. Pain in the head is the most common location. More than 80% of people experience throbbing pain in their temples.

There are 2 groups: internal and external factors.

The reasons that lie in the body itself are as follows:

Influence of the external environment:

  • Long stay in a stuffy, hot room. In rooms that are additionally heated by convectors and fan heaters, the air is dry. Consequently, all mucous membranes dry out, and headaches occur. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to place vessels with water in the room.
  • Malnutrition, starvation. All strict diets lead to weakening of the body. All organs and systems do not receive enough glucose, protein and other nutrients. The immune system and nervous system suffer. This is the reason why pain occurs; people say that their temples are pulsating. By the way, fasting associated with religious rituals affects the body in the same way as fasting for the purpose of losing weight.
  • Sudden changes in weather conditions: temperature changes, the change of sun to clouds and vice versa cause pain in the temporal region.
  • Climbing the mountains. In the mountains atmospheric pressure low because of this, there is a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, a knocking in the temple, and nausea. Divers also often get headaches. This is due to diving to depth. However, altitude affects the condition of blood vessels more.
  • Lack of sleep and overwork. More often observed in office workers. The fast pace of life, long periods of time in front of a computer monitor, workload with household responsibilities - all this negatively affects the work of the central office. nervous system. If you go to bed late and get up early, don’t be surprised that you periodically have a headache and pounding in your temples. The body does not have good rest. If you sleep less than 8 hours, the brain and other organs and systems do not have the opportunity to recover.
  • Trouble in personal life, pressure at work, stressful situations.
  • Poisoning with carbon monoxide, methyl alcohol, barbiturates, construction paint, varnishes, solvents.

Everyone gets a headache from time to time. However, if you are a victim of frequent pain in the temples and back of the head of a spasmodic nature, identify the causes and take action.

What examinations should you undergo?

First of all, contact your family doctor. He will conduct a survey and collect data on your life history and illness. Will examine skin, check reflexes, measure blood pressure. Based on the data received, the doctor will think about why you are worried about pain, what tests and studies should be prescribed for you.

  1. General analysis blood. It will show the level of hemoglobin, ESR (if erythrocyte sedimentation is accelerated, you can think about inflammatory process). Change leukocyte formula, the presence of young cells indicates oncopathology.
  2. Biochemical blood test for cholesterol.
  3. Computed tomography.
  4. Dopplerography – ultrasound examination vessels of the brain and spinal cord.

The doctor prescribes tests according to indications.

How to treat throbbing pain in the temples?

The simplest method is to massage pain points. For several minutes, press on your temples and stroke them. The procedure can be repeated intermittently throughout the day. Also try to rest your eyes. Sit in a dark, noise-free room and close your eyes. If you work at a computer, try taking breaks - blink frequently, look out the window and keep your gaze at the farthest point.

If the above methods do not help you, try the following:

  • Drink a cup of coffee (only for those who do not have high blood pressure) or tea.
  • Some people report improvement after use acidic foods, for example, lemon, orange. Mint drops or lollipops also tone blood vessels well.
  • Dream. Adequate rest helps improve the condition of the nervous system.
  • Moderate physical activity - walking in the fresh air, swimming.

All of the above methods can be used if the headache is not associated with pathological processes and serious illnesses.

Medicines to treat throbbing pain

  • If the cause is high blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are indicated - enalapril, farmadipin, lozap, furosemide.
  • To eliminate vascular spasm, you can drink an antispasmodic, for example, no-shpa or drotaverine.
  • Migraine attacks are relieved with sumatriptan, dihydroergotamine, and indomethacin.
  • Stress headaches are treatable sedatives– phytosed, valerian, tincture of peony, motherwort, novopasit, bifren, etc.

Remember that everything medicinal substances Only a doctor has the right to prescribe. You should not self-medicate. The cure for poison differs only in the dose!

Which specialist should I contact?

Seek help from a therapist first. In general, headaches are the area of ​​work of a neurologist. If throbbing pain is caused by brain tumors, contact your oncologist immediately.