What is Karsil used for: instructions and reviews from people. Liver tablets

To successfully treat the liver, doctors prescribe the patient oral hepatoprotectors, which have a herbal composition and specifically act on the site of pathology. Many people are interested in what is better: Phosphogliv or Liv 52, but the answer to this question can only be answered by the attending physician. In both cases, positive dynamics of the underlying disease is ensured by strictly following all recommendations.

Comparison of drugs

Phosphogliv is a hepatoprotector that restores damaged liver cells. The drug has pronounced immunostimulating, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, phospholipids successfully fight against intoxication products and are an excellent prevention of cirrhosis and the formation of foci of fibrosis.

Liv 52 is also a hepatoprotector, which is an effective herbal medicine. A typical medication regenerates hepatocytes, protects parenchyma cells from oxidative processes, and ensures restoration of liver function. It has practically no contraindications, protects the “human filter” and the body from intoxication products.

Main differences

Both medicines protect the liver and restore its natural functions, they act on an identical principle, but have minor differences. For example, the use of the drug Liv 52 provides a systemic effect in the body, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract - increases appetite, normalizes digestion. Phosphogliv has a local effect and is designed to restore liver cells. Other differences are presented below:

  1. When taking Phosphogliv drug interactions is absent, while another medication reduces the therapeutic effect of tetracycline antibiotics.
  2. Phosphogliv must be consumed during the next meal, while Liv 52 tablets should be taken mainly on an empty stomach, without chewing.
  3. Side effects of Phosphogliv extend to the respiratory system, represented by a dry cough, impaired nasal breathing. The second medication causes signs of dyspepsia.

  4. Liv 52 can be prescribed to patients from 6 years of age, while taking a second medication is appropriate for patients older than 12 years of age.
  5. The cost of the hepatoprotector Phosphogliv is higher than the price of Liv 52. The first medication will cost about 450 rubles, the second - no more than 350 rubles.

Reviews of Phosphogliv

Before giving consent to the use of a specific medication, it is necessary to obtain feedback from a competent specialist. It wouldn’t hurt to study the comments of patients who have already taken advantage of this appointment. Here's what former experts write:

The hepatoprotector acts effectively, without side effects. Helped me save my liver from poisoning. I took it for 10 days and saw improvement on my face. I took note of this medicine.

— I was prescribed this drug for fatty liver. I took Phosphogliv for 3 months, the pain went away, but the disease itself did not cure.

Reviews about Liv 52

This treatment is no less productive; side effects from Liv 52 are extremely rare. Instructions for use should be studied first when prescribing, but it is also important to follow the prescribed dosages, go through full course. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, here's what you can expect:

“My liver is inflamed, the pain is aching and endless. I took this hepatoprotector and felt better already on the 2nd day. I continued the course and forgot about the health problem on the 7th day.

— This drug was not suitable for me, since liver pain was accompanied by nausea and vomiting from the treatment. I had to choose an analogue - Karsil capsules act gently, without complications.

Which is better?

Studying the list of hepatoprotectors, doctors choose two medications - Phosphogliv and Liv 52. It is difficult to make a final choice, it all depends on the characteristics of the body, age and disease of the patient. Essentially, Phosphogliv is good analogue the drug Liv 52, but is not suitable for all patients. Statistics show that Liv 52 acts more gently, and sometimes you have to wait a month for the desired effect.

The action of Phosphogliv is more radical, but the patient, in addition to therapeutic effect In the first days of oral administration, systemic side effects may occur. Therefore, if weak point the body is stomach or prone to allergies, it is better to choose a second medication for intensive therapy.

What is more effective?

Patients facing liver problems have tried many medications. Among these are Essentiale Forte, Essliver Forte, Heptral. If the characteristic pathology predominates on early stage, it is advisable to take Liv 52. The drug acts in a gentle mode, but on cellular level, has a moderate choleretic effect. Liver cells are restored after 10-14 days, positive dynamics are observed, the course is repeated after 2 weeks.

If chronic liver disease is diagnosed in an advanced stage, the therapeutic effect of Liv 52 is weak, mediocre, and provides short-term results. The full course drug Phosphogliv becomes an effective hepatoprotector for the patient. However, it is better not to violate the prescribed daily doses; an overdose is dangerous to health.

Both medications are effective in their own ways pharmacological properties, contribute to the productive restoration of the liver and the functions of the affected organ, and a long-term improvement in overall well-being.


When are hepatoprotectors needed?

In Russia there is a huge selection of hepatoprotectors, and these drugs are used very often. Moreover, the cost of the course of treatment costs patients large amounts of money, and many do not feel the result. Disputes about the need and advisability of such therapy have been going on for a long time; in our country, a doctor can prescribe hepatroprotectors in the following cases:

  • Viral hepatitis (see symptoms of chronic hepatitis) - they are prescribed if they do not help antiviral drugs or for some reason antiviral treatment is not possible. In this case, hepatoprotectors can be used to prevent liver cirrhosis in complex treatment.
  • Alcoholic hepatitis, threatened by cirrhosis of the liver - in this case, you should avoid alcohol, these drugs do not have a significant effect. If alcohol intake continues, whether the patient uses hepatoprotectors or not is not important. No, even the best medications for the liver will help if a person continues to drink alcohol.
  • Fatty liver disease (non-alcoholic) - in obese patients or in diabetes mellitus Type 2 fat cells are also formed in the liver, which leads to its destruction (see symptoms of fatty liver hepatosis). In this case, hepatoprotectors are needed to accelerate the effect only with an integrated approach to therapy - a diet that promotes weight loss, increased physical activity, antidiabetic drugs, cholesterol reduction (see how to reduce cholesterol without drugs).

  • Drug-induced hepatitis (toxic), primary biliary cirrhosis - certain hepatoprotectors are prescribed in complex therapy.

It should be understood that it is impossible to restore the liver with medications alone; you should follow a diet, limit alcohol intake, quit smoking, and also treat concomitant diseases, since the patient often has impaired functions of other organs involved in digestion - the gallbladder, pancreas.

Why are hepatoprotectors as a class of drugs available only in Russia and the CIS countries?

The class of drugs “hepatoprotectors” exists only in Russia and the CIS countries; most of them are not registered in Europe, North America, or Australia. They are not included in the list of tablets for the treatment of liver diseases due to the fact that their therapeutic effectiveness has not been proven and clinical significance has not been confirmed.

Very rarely, some of them are used in the USA and Europe for narrow indications, used as dietary supplements (that is, their use does not guarantee effect). The French company Sanofi, one of the manufacturers of Essentiale, sends 99% of its production to Russia and the CIS countries, since no one in the world needs this drug.

It is worth noting that the pharmaceutical market in the 21st century is a very profitable business, in which competition is as fierce as in any sector of the market economy. And today it is very difficult to determine how effective a particular drug is, since research (very expensive) is funded by interested parties.

Liver preparations - essential phospholipids

  • fatty liver degeneration
  • liver cirrhosis
  • chronic hepatitis
  • toxic hepatitis
  • alcoholic hepatitis (see symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis)
  • radiation syndrome

Is this really true? Below we present two points of view, one - these instructions for essential phospholipids and known studies of effectiveness, and the other - other information about studies that contradict the advertising campaign of this group of drugs.

Positive opinion - What do the instructions for using these capsules say? Essential phospholipids (derived from soy) are components of the cell wall of hepatocytes. The effect of phospholipids is that they penetrate the lipid layer of the walls of damaged cells, improving their functions.

Many believe that essential phospholipids are capable of restoring liver cells; this is not entirely true, since their action only improves the condition of the cell walls. When taking phospholipids, the energy costs of the liver are reduced, enzyme activity increases, and the physicochemical properties of bile are improved. To obtain noticeable results, these tablets should be taken for a very long time (up to six months). The greatest effect is achieved with intravenous administration of Essentiale Forte.

By the end of 2001, 186 clinical trials had been conducted, including more than 11,000 patients, which allow conclusions to be drawn about the effectiveness of these drugs. Essential phospholipids increase the likelihood of a response to α-interferon (in the treatment of hepatitis C), are well tolerated by patients, and reduce the frequency of relapses after completion of α-interferon therapy.

Negative opinion - Essential phospholipids were initially thought to be effective as a “drug cover” for hepatotoxic drugs, alcoholic and viral hepatitis, and hepatic steatosis of various origins.

However, a 2003 US study of veteran medical centers, did not reveal any positive action of these drugs on liver function. In addition, it was found that against the background of viral hepatitis, both acute and chronic, taking essential phospholipids contributed to the activation of inflammation, since it provoked stagnation of bile. Based on these studies, their use in the treatment of viral hepatitis is not advisable.

Moreover, it is known that various B vitamins that are added to some products (Essliver Forte) are not recommended to be taken at the same time (see the dangers of synthetic vitamins). According to some sources, liver tablets like Essentiale hardly reach the liver, but are distributed and metabolized throughout the body, which calls into question their effectiveness. But the cost of treatment with these drugs is very high - just for a month’s course of treatment (in capsules) an adult needs more than 3,000 rubles.

Conclusion: Now in clinical practice Essential phospholipids are widely used for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, toxic liver damage, and as a cover-up for hepatotoxic drugs, but the effectiveness remains in doubt. In addition, when active hepatitis their use requires caution or refusal to use, since this may increase the activity of the process and intensify cholestasis.

  • Essentiale N, Essentiale forteN

Composition: essential phospholipids

Average price in pharmacies: 30 pcs. 480 RUR, 5 amp. 800 rub. 100 pcs. 1400 rub.

  • Essliver Forte

Ingredients: essential phospholipids, vitamins (B1, B2, B6, E, PP, B12)

Price: 30 caps. 250 RUR, 50 caps. 350 rub.

Ingredients: Lipoid C100, Silymarin (milk thistle extract)

Price: 30 caps. 300-400 rub.

Ingredients: essential phospholipids, vitamin E

Price: 30 caps. 230-280 RUR, 120 caps. 900-950 rub.

Ingredients: phospholipids, trisodium salt of glycyrrhizic acid (antiviral and immunomodulatory effects)

Price: 50 caps. 450-500 rub. powder for injection 5 pcs. 1300-1500 rub.

Composition: Lipoid PPL 600, which contains: medium chain triglycerides, phospholipids, glycerol mono/dialconate, soybean oil, vitamin E.

Price: 30 caps. 360-400 rub., 50 caps. 600-700 rub.

Liver tablets of animal origin

Positive opinion: There are literally two such tablets for the liver - Sirepar and Hepatosan, they are not used for prophylaxis; they are dispensed according to doctor's prescription, used only for the treatment of liver diseases according to indications (cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty liver hepatosis (treatment), drug-induced and toxic hepatitis). They are produced from pig liver cells (Hepatosan) and from cattle liver hydrolysate (Sirepar), contain amino acids, cyanocobalamin, low molecular weight metabolites and fragments of liver growth factors. It is believed that these liver tablets have a hepatoprotective effect, detoxification, antioxidant properties, and stimulate the regeneration of liver parenchyma.

There is also complex drug Progepar (composition: inositol, cyanocobalamin, liver extract KPC N (liver hydrolysate), cysteine ​​hydrochloride), improves blood flow in the liver tissue, restores the structure of hepatocytes, stops the formation of connective tissue in the liver, improves functional indicators of liver function, increases diuresis. It is used in the complex treatment of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, radiation sickness, and drug intoxication.

Negative opinion: There is no evidence base confirming their clinical effectiveness and safety. Moreover, taking these drugs is potentially dangerous:

  • They should not be prescribed to patients with active forms of hepatitis, since the phenomena of immunopathological, mesenchymal-inflammatory and cytolytic syndromes may increase.
  • These drugs have a high allergenic potential, so before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine whether there is an increased individual sensitivity to the drug.
  • The use of cattle liver hydrolysates increases the risk of contracting a patient with prion infection, which causes spongiform encephalopathy (fatal neurodegenerative disease - Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease). At the end of the 20th century, interest in this pathology arose when iatrogenic transmission of prions by administration of contaminated gonadotropin was demonstrated in 250 patients with spongiform encephalopathy.

Due to their potential danger and unproven effectiveness, it is not advisable to use drugs in this group for the treatment of liver pathologies.

Composition: solution for injection - hydrolyzed liver extract with a standardized amount of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12, fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates)

Ingredients: dried liver cells from a donor pig. Contraindicated: children under 1 year of age, acute hepatitis, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity.
Price: 10 caps. 340-400 rub.

  • Hepatamine is a dietary supplement

The composition of the biological food additive is cattle liver.

Price: 360 rub.

Complex drug, contraindicated for children.

Price: 50 tablets 970 rub.

Liver treatment with amino acids

  • Ademethionine - Heptral, Heptor

Positive opinion - Amino acids, for example, ademetionine, take part in the synthesis biologically active substances and phospholipids, has regenerating and detoxifying properties. By the end of 1 week of use, Heptral also exhibits a pronounced antidepressant effect, breaks down fats and promotes their removal from the liver. These medications are used for fatty liver hepatosis (fatty degeneration), chronic hepatitis, toxic hepatitis, withdrawal syndrome, depression.

Analysis of clinical studies conducted indicates the clinical effectiveness of ademetionine and indicates a pronounced hepatoprotective effectiveness in alcohol and drug-induced liver damage, cholestatic liver diseases (primary biliary cirrhosis), chronic viral hepatitis. It has choleretic and cholekinetic effects, antioxidant, neuroprotective and antifibrosing properties.

Negative opinion - Heptral is registered as a medicine in Germany, Italy, and Russia. In Australia it is registered as a drug for animals (veterinary), in other countries as a dietary supplement, since studies have shown a dubious effect.

Practicing doctors - gastroenterologists, infectious disease specialists, hepatologists know that this drug very effective, but only with intravenous infusions, since only a small part of the drug is absorbed when taken orally. Therefore, Heptral in tablets for serious liver pathology is an almost useless waste of money, in contrast to intravenous use.

  • Ornithine aspartate - Hepa-Merz

Positive opinion - Ornithine helps reduce high levels of ammonia, is used for disorders of brain function associated with impaired liver function, as well as for fatty degeneration and toxic hepatitis. This medicine is practically not used for prevention because it is very expensive.

The effectiveness of Hepa-Merz has been proven in a randomized multicenter study in patients with liver cirrhosis with increased level ammonia in the blood. It is prescribed for various types hepatitis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, especially with hepatic encephalopathy and liver cirrhosis.

Negative opinion - this drug has been widely advertised, but in case of alcoholic liver damage it has practically no effect; there is no point in using it for prevention, protection, or restoration of the liver. The only time its use produces a noticeable effect is during hepatic coma for a short-term recovery from it, since ornithine binds components in the blood that are toxic to the brain.

Price: 20 tablets or 5 fl. 1500 -1600 rub.

Ingredients: active ingredient ademetionine

Price: 20 tablets 800 RUR, 5 fl. 1200 rub.

Ingredients: active ingredient Ornithine

Price: 10 pack. 700-600 rub., 30 packs. 1500-1700 rub, 10 amp. 2500-2700 rub.

Herbal medicines for the liver

Medicines for the liver with milk thistle - Legalon, Karsil, Gepabene, Silimar

Positive opinion: - these drugs are widely used and really effective (see instructions for use of milk thistle). When asked which medicine is best for the liver, the answer is milk thistle preparations. Silymarin is the collective name for the biologically active substances in the fruits of milk thistle and is a strong antioxidant (and the only antidote for poisoning with toadstool). According to indications, it is prescribed for hepatitis and other liver diseases for a course of at least 3 months, helps reduce the intensity of progression of liver cirrhosis. Preparations with the active ingredient silymarin are a good medicine for restoring and maintaining the liver, as it stimulates the growth of new cells and restores the destruction of cell membranes.

For more effective treatment It’s better not to save money, but to take Legalon with a purer chemical substance and a higher dosage (70 and 140 mg) or Carsil Forte (90 mg) than simple Carsil (35 mg).

Pharmacy chains have enough wide choice preparations with milk thistle, both medicines and dietary supplements. Among Karsil's analogues one can highlight Silymar tablet, Legalon, Silibinin, Silymarin, among dietary supplements - milk thistle meal, milk thistle oil, capsules.

Negative opinion: Despite the safety of this drug, the clinical effectiveness of silymarin in alcoholic liver damage and acute hepatitis has not been confirmed due to the lack of adequate research. In acute viral hepatitis B, there was no improvement in liver function tests between the placebo and silymarin groups (see interesting facts about the placebo effect). Data on the effectiveness of its use in acute hepatitis C have not yet been obtained; there are only descriptions individual cases, when milk thistle extract reduced aminotransferase activity in chronic hepatitis C. Summarizing today's data evidence-based medicine Based on its effectiveness, it can be stated that today a lot of experimental data have been accumulated to recommend further study of the effectiveness of silymarin in chronic diseases liver (including with fatty hepatosis).

  • Karsil (35 mg) and Karsil Forte (90 mg)

Price: Karsil 80 pcs. 230 rub., Karsil Forte 30 pcs. 280 rub.

Price: 20 caps. 250-300 rub. 60 caps. 140 mg. 600 rubles, 70 mg. 400 rub.

  • Gepabene (milk thistle and smokeweed)

Price: 30 caps. 350-400 rub.

  • Silimara tablets

Price: 30 pcs. 80 rub.

  • Milk thistle tablets (extract) - dietary supplement

Price: 20 pcs. 80 rub.

  • Milk thistle meal (crushed plant)

Price: 30-40 rub.

Artichoke - a plant used to treat the liver

Positive opinion: Artichoke is a plant that has been used since ancient times in folk medicine to reduce joint pain and treat jaundice, as it improves metabolism, helps reduce bad cholesterol, and has a diuretic, choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. In artichoke preparations, the main active ingredient is cymarin, which has properties similar to silibinin. Among the preparations with artichoke, one can highlight Hofitol, among the dietary supplements - Cynarix, Artichoke Extract. They are used to relieve alcohol intoxication, for the treatment of cholecystitis, hepatitis, and cerebral atherosclerosis. The drug is low-toxic and is indicated for liver cirrhosis and toxic hepatitis.

Negative opinion: As a hepatoprotector, artichoke leaf extract has wide application, but no evidence-based studies of effectiveness have been carried out, and it is not recommended for use in acute hepatitis, cholelithiasis and cholestasis syndrome.

Medicine for the liver - Liv 52, as well as dietary supplements

Positive opinion - the manufacturer of Liv 52 claims that the extracts included in the drug medicinal herbs protect the liver parenchyma in case of toxic damage (drugs, alcohol), normalizes the protein-synthetic function of the liver, has a choleretic effect, stimulates the restoration of liver cells, has a minor antioxidant effect, restores the ratio of some phospholipid fractions. Used for hepatitis, anorexia, for the prevention of liver diseases, cirrhosis. Studies conducted in Russia have shown the effectiveness of using Liv 52 in the treatment of hepatitis A in children; the results were published in an article by experts from the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery.

Negative opinion - however, according to the results of various US studies, the declared effects of Liv 52 are not noted. For example, in case of viral hepatitis, taking Liv 52 did not lead to a reduction in treatment time, but a decrease in bilirubin in the blood and a reduction in severe weight loss in patients were observed. In the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis, neither antitoxic nor restorative effects were found. Moreover, the results of one of the clinical studies conducted in the USA led to the withdrawal of this drug from the country's market. In the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis when taking Liv 52, the survival rate in the placebo group was 86%, and in the group taking Liv 52 - 74%. In acute liver pathologies, the use of these liver tablets aggravated the severity of the inflammatory syndrome.

As for the use of dietary supplements intended for the treatment of liver diseases, cleansing it, normalizing digestion - this remains the patient’s choice, whether he believes the manufacturer’s assurances or not. Since the safety and quality of each series of food additives can only be confirmed by the manufacturer - a “piece of paper” (quality certificate), and what will be written there and whether it corresponds to reality is on his conscience. However, there are dietary supplements whose manufacturers, taking care of product promotion, confirm their medicinal properties and positive effects on health through various laboratory and clinical studies, but there are only a few such manufacturers.

Among the dietary supplements containing extracts of medicinal herbs, one can highlight Hepatotransit, Milona 10, Ovesol, Dipana, Hepatrin.

This is a dietary supplement containing aqueous extracts of 10 plants. Price: 48 pcs. 220 rub.

  • Liv 52

contains extracts of 7 medicinal plants. Price: 100 pcs. 200-250 rub.

This is a dietary supplement containing silymarin, lecithin, vitamins E, B6, B1, B2, essential phospholipids. Price: 30 pcs. 200 rub. 60 pcs. 350 rub.

this is a dietary supplement, dandelion roots, burdock, elecampane, artichoke extract, immortelle flowers, corn silk. Price: 400 rub.

This is a dietary supplement containing oat herb, turmeric, herb and roots, immortelle sandy, peppermint. Price: 150-200 rub.

Pumpkin seed oil

Positive opinion: Pumpkin seed oil preparations contain polyunsaturated and unsaturated fatty acids with high percentage oleic, linoleic acids - phytosterols, vitamins C and group B, beta-carotene, essential oils, niacin, which has a hepatoprotective effect. Large quantity tocopherols and carotenoids in the composition of the preparations have an antioxidant effect, the presence of essential phospholipids slows down the process of damage to hepatocyte membranes and provides an additional membrane-stabilizing effect, accelerates the recovery of liver cells. Pumpkin seed oil (Tykveol, Peponen) is recommended for use in chronic diseases liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis).

Negative opinion: There is no evidence base regarding the clinical effectiveness of pumpkin seed oil preparations. To judge the real hepatoprotective activity of this drug, additional research is required.

Tablets - bile acids

Ursodeoxycholic acid is a bile acid preparation. Used for the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract and liver, uncomplicated cholelithiasis. It has a hypoglycemic and choleretic effect, therefore it is contraindicated in the presence of X-ray positive (with a high calcium content) gallstones(see also what you can eat with cholecystitis), reduces the saturation of bile with cholesterol (until cholesterol stones are completely dissolved), causes an increase in pancreatic and gastric secretion. Affects immunological reactions in the liver - reduces the number of eosinophils, affects the formation of interleukin-2, the number of T-lymphocytes.

Since drugs containing ursodeoxycholic acid have a number of serious contraindications (acute inflammatory processes in the intestines, gallbladder, severe dysfunction of the pancreas, kidneys and liver, gallstones), and also have an immunomodulatory effect - their Use without doctor's advice is dangerous. These drugs are used for biliary reflux gastritis, for symptomatic treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis, for dissolving cholesterol stones in the gall bladder, alcohol, toxic liver damage, acute hepatitis, and hepatopathy in pregnant women. UDCA is the most effective means for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Pathogenetic therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid is carried out for patients with viral hepatitis with aggravating factors - during pregnancy, alcoholic viral liver damage, hemophilia, in adolescence, with oncohematological diseases, drug and substance abuse.

Price: 10 caps. 250 RUR, 50 caps. 1000 rub. 100 caps. 2000 rub., susp. 1300 rub.

Price: 10 caps. 200 rub. 100 caps. 1400 rub.

  • Urosliv

Price: 10 capsules. 160 rub., 100 capsules. 1300 rub.

Price: 100 caps. 900 rub.

Price: 100 caps. 1000 rub.

Price: 50 pcs. 300 rub. 100pcs. 900 rub.

Homeopathic medicines for the liver

Positive opinion: Among homeopathic medicines, we can highlight Hepel (Germany) and Galstena (Austria). It should be remembered that any homeopathic treatment to obtain a noticeable effect must be under the control of a homeopath and long enough. Monopreparations that are particularly tropic for liver cells - May celandine Chelidonium majus and milk thistle Carduus marianus, according to homeopaths, cover most of the symptoms that arise from liver diseases; they are also used as medicines that support the liver.

Negative opinion: Homeopathy has both its supporters and its ardent opponents (they consider their effectiveness to be simply a placebo effect). Homeopathic remedies have not undergone proper clinical studies, so there is nothing to say about the effectiveness of these drugs for the treatment of liver diseases.

In conclusion

Many patients consider herbal preparations and nutritional supplements absolutely by safe means and sometimes they are taken without the knowledge of the doctor and without restrictions. This is a big mistake. During treatment, you should tell your doctor about all dietary supplements, herbs and medications you are taking, as they may be hepatotoxic and interact with other medications you are taking.

All medicinal plants have a complex composition and contain, although minimum doses, but toxic (poisonous) substances. For example, many Chinese herbs have hepatotoxic properties, leading to acute liver failure. Moreover, control over such plant products ( food additives) even in the USA, where the safety of drugs and products is strictly controlled, is not carried out to the proper extent. What can we say about Russia? Therefore, the use of any herbal remedies should be treated with caution, keeping in mind their possible hepatotoxicity.

So, drugs with proven effectiveness (in varying degrees) are considered hepatoprotectors:

  • Ursodeoxycholic acid
  • Amino acid preparations (ornithine aspartate, ademetionine)
  • Silymarin preparations are hepatoprotectors with supposed but unproven effectiveness, used for certain conditions
  • Essential phospholipids - the effectiveness of their use in capsules remains controversial; intravenous administration is more preferable

Cattle liver hydrolysates should not be used due to the potential danger to the human body. Other herbal remedies cannot yet be recommended for widespread use in chronic liver diseases, since their effectiveness has not been properly proven.


Medicines for the liver - mechanism of action of hepatoprotectors and their classification

The best medications for the liver should provide the following: therapeutic effect:

  • help cleanse the liver of accumulated ballast substances and toxins;
  • accelerate regeneration and restoration of damaged cellular structures;
  • stimulate intracellular metabolism;
  • activate the processes of synthesis of protein compounds and enzymes in liver cells;
  • improve bile separation;
  • stop the inflammatory process;
  • protect liver cells from harmful factors.

All drugs with a hepatoprotective effect that promote liver restoration are divided into the following groups:

  1. Essential phospholipids (Essentiale Forte, Essliver Forte, Phosphogliv, Rezalut);
  2. Amino acid derivatives (Heptral, Gala-Merz);
  3. Bile acids (Ursofalk, Ursoliv, Ursosan, Urdoxa);
  4. Herbal preparations (Karsil, Gepabene; Silimar, Hofitol, Tykveol);
  5. Medicines of animal origin (Progepar, Sirepar, Hepatosan);
  6. Homeopathic remedies (Galstena, Hepel);
  7. Dietary supplements (Liv-52, Hepatril, Ovesol).

As a rule, taking medications from any drug group carried out for a long time, usually throughout the entire period during which there is an adverse effect on the liver certain factor. It should be borne in mind that an ideal means for quickly and effectively restoring a damaged organ has not yet been created. Hepatoprotective agents only complement the scheme complex treatment liver and their one-time intake after a heavy feast, alcohol poisoning or treatment with toxic drugs will not give the desired result.

Therefore, you should not self-medicate; you should take medications only after a full examination and a correct diagnosis. In this case, you will have to completely change your lifestyle: give up bad habits(alcohol, smoking), follow a gentle diet, avoid overeating and promptly treat concomitant diseases associated with dysfunction of other digestive organs(gall, bladder, pancreas, intestines).

The best medicines that treat the liver - a list with names

Let us dwell in more detail on the properties and features of the use of the most popular drugs for liver treatment.


Essentiale Forte(Essentiale N). A bright representative of the group of essential phospholipids. The unique composition of this drug is based on highly purified phospholipids, which are integrated into the structure of the liver, help restore cell membranes, and normalize protein-fat exchange and prevent the replacement of hepatocytes with connective tissue.

The drug is indicated for diseases such as fatty hepatosis, toxic and alcoholic hepatitis, initial stage cirrhosis. In addition, this medication is used as adjuvant therapy for radiation syndrome, psoriasis, used as prophylactic, preventing the formation of gallstones.

The drug is produced in the form of solid gelatin capsules, which in addition to the main substance (phospholipids from soybeans) contain a complex of auxiliary components. For liver damage, Essentiale Forte should be taken for a long time (from 3 to 6 months) in a dose of 4 to 6 capsules twice a day.

Considering that the drug is quite expensive, the costs will be significant. A monthly course of treatment with this remedy will cost approximately 3,000 rubles. At the same time, the use of Essentiale in the form of injections for intravenous administration gives the most pronounced therapeutic effect. The drug is completely safe and can be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. The only contraindications are hypersensitivity to its components and children's age (up to 12 years). IN in rare cases may cause allergic reactions, abdominal pain, diarrhea. The average cost of the drug ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles.

Essliver Forte

A combined product, the composition of which, in addition to phospholipids, is supplemented with B vitamins, vitamins E and PP. Phospholipids from soybeans actively restore the structure of liver cells and improve it functional state, lipid and protein metabolism, support detoxification functions, slow down the formation of connective tissue in place of hepatocytes.

The complex of vitamins acts as a catalyst for metabolic and energy processes, improves cellular respiration, and exhibits antioxidant properties. Indications for use are the same as for Essentiale; the duration of therapy is 2-3 months. During this time, you should take 2-3 capsules up to three times a day. The price of the drug is from 250 to 650 rubles.

This medicine for the liver has all the therapeutic properties of phospholipids and additionally has immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. Thanks to this unique action, the drug is widely used in the treatment of cirrhosis and hepatitis of various etiologies (viral, toxic, alcoholic, medicinal).

As an adjuvant, the drug is used in the treatment of neurodermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. The hepatoprotective agent is produced in the form of capsules and lyophysate, intended for the preparation of solutions for intravenous injection. In addition to phospholipids, the combination drug contains sodium glycyrrhizinate. This combination of components ensures stabilization of liver cell membranes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, suppresses the proliferation of viruses, activates the production of interferons and promotes regression of the disease.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are children's age (up to 12 years), pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity. Phosphogliv can cause adverse reactions (allergic rashes, swelling, dyspepsia), which quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drug. The average price of Phosphogliv is from 500 rubles.

Preparations based on herbal ingredients

A drug for restoring liver function based on milk thistle extract (equivalent to silymarin). Can be used for the purpose of prevention during long-term use of toxic drugs, chronic alcoholism, and when working in hazardous industries. The drug is effective as part of the complex treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver steatosis.

The medication is well tolerated and rarely causes adverse reactions. But its use is prohibited during pregnancy and in children under 12 years of age. Carsil should be prescribed with extreme caution for pathologies of the female genital area associated with hormonal disorders(endometriosis, uterine fibroids). The average price of Karsil tablets is from 300 rubles.

A herbal remedy based on milk thistle extract and fume grass, used in the treatment of the liver and biliary tract. Combination drug simultaneously has hepatoprotective and choleretic effect. Prescribed for chronic and toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, biliary dyskinesia.

Plant components contain specific alkaloids - fumarin and silymarin. Fumarin exhibits choleretic and antispasmodic effects, silymarin prevents the destruction of liver cells, normalizes metabolic processes and exhibits pronounced regenerating and restorative properties. The drug has a minimum of contraindications (age under 18 years, hypersensitivity, acute inflammatory process in the liver and biliary tract) and practically does not cause side effects. The cost of Gepabene is from 400 rubles.

The most inexpensive medicine for the liver based on natural plant materials. It is a powder made from the cake remaining after processing milk thistle seeds. Herbalists consider this remedy to be the most effective in the treatment of kidney pathologies. The meal contains a complex organic matter(silymarin, flavonoids, plant mucilages, tannins, oils, trace elements), which exhibit powerful hepatoprotective properties and promote liver restoration in case of toxic lesions, hepatitis and cirrhosis.

This remedy should be taken with caution and after consultation with a doctor, as there are a number of contraindications, including pregnancy, childhood, and cholelithiasis. Milk thistle meal can be purchased at a pharmacy from 40 rubles per package.

Medicines for the liver with bile acids

Drugs in this group are used to treat the liver and biliary tract. They have choleretic, immunomodulatory and hypoglycemic effects. They are used for biliary cirrhosis of the liver, acute hepatitis, drug and alcohol damage to the liver. Prescribe medications that treat the liver, which contain bile acids, the doctor should, since they have many contraindications.

The drug in capsule form contains ursodeoxycholic acid, the main function of which is to prevent the formation of stones in the bile ducts, reducing cholesterol production and protecting liver cells. Ursosan is included in the complex treatment of biliary cirrhosis, acute hepatitis, alcoholic or toxic liver damage.

The drug has a number of serious contraindications ( acute cholecystitis, inflammatory processes in the intestines, pancreas, kidneys), so using the medication without a doctor’s prescription is dangerous. The cost of Ursosan is from 250 rubles.

Amino acids

A medicinal product based on ademetionine, with pronounced neuroprotective, antioxidant, detoxifying and regenerating properties. Wide range The therapeutic effect allows the drug to be prescribed for a variety of toxic liver lesions, fatty degeneration, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and alcohol intoxication.

This remedy also helps well in cases where liver pathology is accompanied by depressive states, encephalopathy and other related ailments. However, the drug should be taken with caution, since it can provoke many side effects from the digestive, nervous, musculoskeletal system. motor system or cause allergic reactions. Representatives of amino acids are among the most expensive drugs for liver treatment. So, the cost of Heptral is about 1,500 rubles.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy is a special field of medicine, therefore all medicines for liver pain must be taken under the supervision of a homeopath. In the course of therapy, single-drug drugs are used, which are particularly tropic towards liver cells, help cleanse it and relieve characteristic symptoms diseases. But such remedies must be taken for a long time, the full course of treatment may take more than a year.

A combined agent that has hepatoprotector and cholekinetic properties. Inexpensive and effective medicine for the liver is made from natural plant materials (milk thistle, dandelion, celandine) and is used to treat the liver and gall bladder. The homeopathic remedy is available in the form of drops and sublingual tablets.

The drug protects liver cells from toxic substances, helps restore cell membranes, has a positive effect on the tone of the bile ducts and improves the process of bile discharge. Additionally, the medication exhibits anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.

Galstena helps restore liver function in cases of toxic, alcoholic and viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatosis, and alleviates the condition of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. The medication has few contraindications - individual sensitivity and chronic alcoholism. The question of using the drug during pregnancy and lactation is decided by the doctor on an individual basis. The average cost of Galstena is 250 rubles.

dietary supplements

Medicine for liver Liv-52

A combined product based on extracts of medicinal plants (chicory, capers, nightshade, tamarisk, emblica, yarrow, terminalia, etc.). The drug is used for various types of hepatitis (drug-induced, toxic, viral), fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis, fibrosis, and pathological processes in the liver associated with impaired bile outflow (cholangitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia).

The medicine is prescribed to prevent alcoholic liver damage and to protect the organ when exposed to chemical and radiation factors. Liv-52 has a pronounced hepatoprotective effect, helps regenerate liver cells, restore its functions and additionally exhibits anti-inflammatory, choleretic and antitoxic effects.

This is completely herbal remedy, which is often prescribed to protect the liver when needed long-term treatment toxic medications. At the same time, it is not completely safe and has a number of contraindications (childhood, pregnancy, lactation, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc.) and can cause allergic reactions. The cost of Liv - 52 is on average 200 rubles.

Biologically active additive from the company Evalar, with a specially selected herbal composition. This is a medicine for cleansing the liver based on extracts and extracts from oats, turmeric, immortelle, mint, and aloe vera. Ovesol exhibits anti-inflammatory and reparative effects, has an antitoxic effect, and has antispasmodic and choleretic properties.

The main advantage of the drug is its safety. Since all the components are natural, the product has no contraindications (except for individual intolerance) and can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Ovesol price - from 150 rubles.

It is also worth mentioning the recently appeared and proven medicine for the liver - Leviron Duo. You can learn more about the product here - https://glavvrach.com/leviron-duo/

Preparations of animal origin

Medicines in this group are used only for medicinal purposes and are prescribed for fatty hepatosis, hepatitis and cirrhosis. They are produced from pork liver cells or hydrolyzate isolated from cattle liver. Such drugs are taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor, since they have a high allergenic risk and can cause serious complications.

The drug contains cattle liver hydrolysate, inositol, cyanocobalamin. This is a good medicine for pain in the liver, which is prescribed as part of complex therapy for chronic and toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver. The drug is contraindicated in childhood, during pregnancy and with hypersensitivity to its components.

May cause allergic reactions. The course of treatment is selected by the doctor individually. The price of Progepar is quite high; a package of the drug costs on average from 1000 rubles.

Medicines for the liver after alcohol

Almost all hepatoprotectors can be taken to prevent and treat alcoholic liver damage. The attending physician should decide which remedy to give preference, taking into account the severity of the condition, individual characteristics patient and availability concomitant diseases. In addition to the main course of treatment, you can use drugs to cleanse the liver, which should be taken simultaneously with hepatoprotectors.

Such funds include:

  1. Holosas syrup,
  2. sodium thiosulfate,
  3. Magnesia,
  4. Sorbitol or drugs with absorbent properties (activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel).

Before taking medications, consult a doctor who will help you choose the optimal treatment regimen for cleansing the liver after alcoholic libations.

"Karsil" - tablets created for the treatment of the liver based on herbal components. The main active ingredient of the drug is silymarin, which is a combination of flavonoids that are effective in the treatment and prevention of liver diseases. Taking Carisil helps protect the organ from the harmful effects of antibiotics and other potent drugs. Analogues include “Gepatrin”, “Phosphogliv”, etc.

"Karsil" is a drug based on natural ingredients that is used for liver therapy.

Release form and composition

The hepatoprotector is produced in the form of tablets, which are covered with a brown coating. The dragee contains dried milk thistle extract. Povidone, talc, sorbitol, bicarbonate and other ingredients are used as auxiliary components. Among the shell components are: sucrose, gelatin, macrogol, special dye and other components. The cardboard package contains 80 tablets.

Pharmacological effects

The medicine acts as a hepatoprotector. The mechanism of action of the drug has not been thoroughly studied. Experts have found that hepatoprotectors interact competitively with toxic substances. The medication affects the course of metabolism and other processes due to the suppression of the pentalipoxygenase pathway, which binds to free radicals. The drug helps accelerate regeneration processes by stimulating protein synthesis in damaged hepatocyte cells.

Taking Karsil is appropriate for toxic liver damage, cirrhosis, and hepatitis.

Indications for use

Doctors prescribe Karsil treatment to patients for the development of toxic liver damage (alcohol abuse, drug use, hydrocarbon poisoning, etc.), cirrhosis (as one of the components of therapy), and chronic hepatitis. In addition, the drug helps balance lipid metabolism. When taking other medications, "Karsil" or "Hepatrin" is prescribed for the treatment of hepatitis, hyperlipidemia, mental disorders, hyperchylomicronemia, cirrhosis, liver fibrosis, hyperglyceridemia (high cholesterol), fatty hepatosis and hypercholesterolemia.

In particular, the treatment strategy for a disease such as fatty hepatosis involves eliminating negative factors that caused the development of the disease, restoration of the metabolic process, improvement of tissue renewal, elimination of liver intoxication. Therefore, “Karsil”, in the presence of fatty hepatosis, works more effectively than many other drugs (for example, “Hepatrin”), restores the liver and copes with most of the above tasks. A special role in case of fatty hepatosis must be given to giving up bad habits of the patient and changing the diet. In addition, fatty liver disease is treated through the use of antioxidant medications.

"Karsil" is consumed before meals, but not more than 0.24 g of the drug per day.

Liver treatment with Karsil

Before taking the medicine, you must visit a doctor - he will tell you in detail how to drink Karsil. The instructions for the drug say that the dosage should be 105-240 milligrams per day. The dose is determined depending on the course of the disease and is divided into several doses. When your liver hurts, medicine Consume before meals and wash down with water. Medical practice shows that the use of medication in most cases does not have a negative effect on the patient’s body. “Karsil” perfectly protects and cleanses the liver from harmful substances when taking antibiotics, fatty hepatosis and other ailments.

Side effects, contraindications

In rare cases, people taking Karsil experience nausea, possible diarrhea, dyspepsia, itching skin, rashes. Sometimes patients complain of an exacerbation of existing dysfunctions vestibular apparatus, alopecia. In general, the drug is well tolerated, therefore side effects occur infrequently and are temporary: they disappear after the drug is discontinued. Contraindications include the age of children under 12 years of age and the individual sensitivity of the patient to the components of the drug.

"Karsil" is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, as well as for hormonal imbalances.

When using the medication, an estrogen-like effect of silymarin may occur, therefore, patients who are diagnosed with hormonal imbalance, tablets are prescribed very carefully. The drug "Karsil" contains one of the excipients - wheat starch, which can adversely affect the condition of patients with celiac disease. In addition, another component of the product is glycerol, which, when the dosage increases, can cause headaches or irritate the mucous membranes. abdominal cavity. If we talk about contraindications to the use of the drug, these include bearing a child and breastfeeding.

Interaction with other medications

When using Karsila simultaneously with contraceptive drugs used for hormonal treatment, a decrease in the therapeutic effect may occur. Silymarin, which is part of the drug, can enhance medicinal effect medicines such as Lovastatin, Diazepam and a number of others. Therefore, when treating certain diseases, it is better to consult a doctor before starting a treatment course.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The drug "Karsil" is effective even against snake bites and is compatible with alcohol.
  1. “Karsil” protects liver cells from destruction and can improve human health in case of poisoning with potent poisons, long-term treatment with antibiotics, etc.
  2. The drug is effective against snake bites.
  3. Tablets significantly contribute to improving the well-being of patients after acute form hepatitis, preventing the disease from becoming chronic.
  4. In the presence of advanced hepatitis, “Karsil” perfectly helps in restoring liver cells. It is prescribed along with a diet plan and medications.
  5. The product is one of the few medications that can be combined with alcoholic drinks. That is why “Karsil” is primarily prescribed to restore the liver structures of people who drink excessive amounts of alcohol.

However, the product has disadvantages, which include adverse reactions (diarrhea, vomiting, etc.). It must be remembered that the drug should not be used for more than 3 months. For this reason, doctors recommend treatment with special medications, and use Karsil as an auxiliary medication. Other disadvantages include the incompatibility of such a medication with a number of other drugs. In particular, it should not be prescribed for the treatment of liver diseases (for example, fatty liver disease) with simultaneous use contraceptive medications.

What is different about Karsil Forte?

“Karsil” and “Karsil Forte” belong to a group that includes hepatoprotectors containing an ingredient with the same effect - milk thistle extract. These drugs differ in the dosage of the active component. Both remedies cleanse the liver from the negative effects of antibiotics, toxins and alcohol, help treat cirrhosis, hyperglyceridemia (which increases cholesterol) and other diseases.

“Gepatrin”, “Silimar”, “Phosphogliv”, “Essentiale” are drugs similar in action to “Karsila”.

The liver is an important gland that performs many functions. Parenchymal organ synthesizes various substances, participates in hematopoiesis, preserves reserves of certain vitamins and energy substances, neutralizes and removes toxins. But alcohol abuse, long-term use medicines, poor nutrition, stress and genetic diseases disrupt the functioning of the gland. Various drugs are used to restore the functioning of the organ.

The best medicines for the liver are hepatoprotectors. Today, products such as Liv 52 or Karsil are often used. To determine which of these drugs is better, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the medications.

The hepatoprotector is produced in the form of tablets. The leading components of the drug are plant extracts (chicory, yarrow, nightshade, cassia). Substances protect the gland membrane and promote its restoration.

This drug is used for liver dysfunction:

  • Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Hepatosis
  • Cholecystitis.

Liv 53 tablets are taken orally 30 minutes before meals. For the purpose of prevention, the medicine is taken twice a day, 2 pills.

When treating children, the dosage does not change. If adult patients are being treated, take up to 3 tablets three times a day.

After taking a hepatoprotector, it is possible to develop adverse reactions in the form of allergies and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications to taking Liv 52 are blood diseases, hypersensitivity, pregnancy and lactation.

Dragees differ in plant composition. The main component of the hepatoprotector, milk thistle, has an antioxidant, detoxifying and regenerating effect.

Can be used to treat cirrhosis, toxic lesions and chronic inflammation occurring in the liver.

Instructions for use:

  • 1 tablet three times a day.
  • The average treatment time is 30 days.

Possible side effects of Karsil are frequent urination, digestive disorders, shortness of breath, allergies, vestibular disorders. Contraindications – age under 12 years, acute poisoning.


It is difficult to make a choice between the drug Karsil and Liv 52. Both drugs are equally effective at protecting the liver from harmful substances.

But hepatoprotectors have some differences. Thus, the therapeutic effect of Liv 52 may decrease with its joint use with a number of medications. The advantage of Karsil is that the tablets can be combined with any medications.

However, Karsil increases the effectiveness of Diazepam. Therefore, before combining drugs, you should consult your doctor.

There are many analogues that can replace Liv 52 and Karsil. These are Maxar, Hofitol, Heptral, Legalon, Essentiale, Rezalut, Gepabene, Ursofalk, Phosphogliv, Ursosan. To understand which of these hepatoprotectors is better, it is necessary to compare them.

To find out what doctors think is better, Maxar or Heptral, you need to read the doctors’ reviews. The opinions of hepatologists vary. The drug Maxar is a strong hepatoprotector, but it is not sold in pharmacy chains. You can only order the medicine on the Internet, which raises doubts among many doctors about the therapeutic effect of the drug.

When choosing between Heptral or Essentiale, it is worth considering the fact that hepatoprotectors belong to various categories. The first remedy is used to treat severe liver disease. In view of powerful action medicines, it is prohibited to use it under 18 years of age.

Essentiale has a milder effect. The main functions of the tablets are restoration and maintenance of the gland. Therefore, the drug can be prescribed from the age of three.

Doctors know which is better: Heptral or Phosphogliv. Hepatologists prefer the latter drug, which not only restores hepatocytes, but also relieves inflammation. When choosing between Phosphogliv or Heptral, it is worth considering that the latter remedy has many more contraindications and adverse reactions.

When comparing Gepabene or Essentiale, doctors say that the latter drug is better. Essentiale has a much larger list of indications. In view of this, gastroenterologists consider the medicine to be more effective than Gepabene.

When comparing Heptral or Ursosan, hepatologists draw attention to the fact that the drugs have different active ingredients - S-adenosylmethionine and ursodeoxycholic acid. The first drug is contraindicated for children, and the second can be taken from the age of three.

Phosphogliv or Karsil, which is what hepatologists know best. Doctors recommend choosing the first medicine. Phosphogliv effectively treats liver diseases, relieves inflammation, restores the organ and prevents the development of diseases in the future.

Rezalut or Heptral are also often compared. Both drugs are quite effective, so the choice must be made by the attending physician based on the patient’s particular body.

Ursosan or Essentiale: which is better to take? Most people with liver disease are convinced that ursodeoxycholic acid is much more effective than herbal components. Therefore, patients prefer Ursosan, the price of which is much lower than Essential.

Doctors do not know which is better than Legalon and Phosphogliv, since the drugs have almost the same effectiveness. In this regard, doctors often recommend taking these drugs alternately.

Hofitol and Karsil have a plant composition. But the artichoke-based drug has many more contraindications. The cost of drugs is approximately the same.

People suffering from cirrhosis or hepatosis, and their treating doctors, do not know which is better than Hepabene or Essentiale Forte. Both hepatoprotectors are effective and safe, which makes them one of the best remedies in the fight against liver diseases.

Ursofalk and Heptral: which is better for the treatment of cirrhosis and severe gland pathologies? Reviews say that the first drug is much more effective, but it can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Heptral is a less effective remedy, and its cost is too high.

If we talk about which is better Phosphogliv or Liv 52, then doctors pay attention to different groups drugs. The first remedy is an essential phospholipid, and the second is a plant hepatoprotector. In terms of effectiveness, Phosphogliv is considered stronger, which allows it to be used to treat advanced forms of liver diseases. Liv 52 is prescribed for mild disorders of the gland. It is also used as a support agent when taking toxic medications.

One Liv 52 tablet contains: 65 mg of root powder prickly capers, 65 mg seed powder common chicory, 33 mg iron oxide, 32 mg powder black nightshade, 32 mg bark powder arjuna terminalia, 16 mg seed powder Western Cassia, 16 mg herb powder common yarrow, 16 mg powder Gali tamarix.

The specified ingredients are treated with steam extract from a mixture of the following medicinal raw materials: Philanthus niruri, radish sativum, berhavia, Tinospora cordifolia, Ceylon giltweed, Eclipta alba, Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, Embelia currant, Fumitaria officinalis.

Additional substances: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, croscarmellose sodium.

One milliliter of Liv 52 K contains: 17 mg of prickly caper extract, 17 mg of seed extract common chicory, 8 mg extract black nightshade, 8 mg bark extract arjuna terminalia, 4 mg seed extract Western Cassia, 4 mg herb extract common yarrow, 4 mg extract Gali tamarix.

These ingredients are steamed with an extract from a mixture of the following medicinal raw materials: Philanthus niruri, radish sativum, Tinospora cordifolia, Berhavia prostrata, Ceylon sulphate, Eclipta alba, Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, Embelia currant, Fumitaria officinalis.

Additional substances: sodium propylparaben, sodium citrate, sucrose, sodium methylparaben, water, peach flavor.

Pharmacological action

Hepatoprotective, choleretic action.

Combined herbal medicine. It has antitoxic, hepatoprotective, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antianorexic, antioxidant effects. Promotes the absorption of food and stimulates the digestion process. The hepatoprotective effect is due to the membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant properties of the drug components. The drug increases the content endogenous tocopherols in liver cells and concentration cytochrome P450. Stimulates the production of phospholipids and proteins. Helps restore hepatocytes, inhibits fatty, degenerative and fibrotic changes, activates intracellular metabolism.

The drug normalizes plasma protein levels blood regulating the attitude globulins And albumin. Provides normalization of concentration triglycerides, cholesterol, plasma transaminases, suppressing manifestations dyslipidemia. Lowers the level alkaline phosphatase And bilirubin. Increases the liver's ability to store glycogen.

In case of alcoholic damage to liver tissue, the drug lowers the level ethyl alcohol in urine and blood; enhances activity acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which accelerates the decrease in concentration acetaldehyde; stops the reaction acetaldehyde with cell proteins, accelerates its evacuation from the body. Preventing damaging effects acetaldehyde on liver cells, the drug reduces the risk of “hangover” syndrome.

Improves colloidal indicators of bile, prevents the production of gallstones. Stimulates gallbladder peristalsis and hematopoiesis.

The following are indications for use of Liv 52:

toxic, infectious and medicinal hepatitis acute and chronic; fatty hepatosis; cirrhosis in adults; anorexia; prevention of toxic changes in the liver (caused by anti-tuberculosis drugs, antibiotics, antipyretics).

Side effects

Skin reactions: edema skin, rash, hyperemia, itching, skin reactions, including epidermal toxic necrolysis. Digestive reactions: nausea, dyspeptic symptoms, loose stools. When using the drug, it is possible to develop hypersensitivity reactions.

Instructions for use of Liv 52 (Method and dosage)

The drug should be taken orally regardless of meals.

Liv 52 tablets, instructions for use

For preventive purposes, the medicine is taken 2 tablets twice a day. For therapeutic purposes, children over 6 years old take 1-2 tablets three times a day, and adult patients take 2-3 tablets up to three times a day.

How to take the drug in the form of drops?

The drug in the form of drops is taken for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Children over 2 years old are recommended to take 11-20 drops twice a day, adults - 82-160 drops (1 or 2 teaspoons) twice a day.

There are no data on cases of drug overdose.

Peculiarities pharmacological interaction have not been studied with other drugs.

Over the counter.

Keep away from children. Store in a dry place at room temperature.

It is recommended to prescribe the drug with caution to patients with acute diseases digestive organs.
Liv 52 does not contain ethyl alcohol and is approved for use in children with lesions of the biliary tract and liver.

Liv 52 in bodybuilding

The drug is often used in bodybuilding as hepatoprotector with long-term courses of drug and hormonal stimulation of muscle growth and athletic capabilities.

Most available analogues: Karsil, Bonjigar, VG-5, Hepa-Merz, Hepatoxan, Heptrong, Cryomelt MN, Laennec, Metrop GP, Gemaxol, Thiotriazolin, Phosphogliv, Hofitol, Silibinin, Silimar, Legalon, Essentiale.

Which is better: Karsil or Liv 52?

Karsil, like Liv 52, is a herbal preparation with similar pharmacodynamic parameters and indications for use. Patients have mixed opinions about which drug is best, and there is no credible research comparative effectiveness these funds do not exist. The choice must be made based on the doctor’s recommendations and individual sensitivity.

For therapeutic purposes, children over 6 years old take Liv 52 1-2 tablets three times a day.

For therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, children over 2 years old take Liv 52 K, 11-20 drops twice a day.

The drug is contraindicated for use during these periods.

Patients characterize the drug Liv 52 extremely well. And reviews from specialists, mainly reviews from hepatologists and gastroenterologists, are less optimistic and indicate a weak evidence base and the presence of an effect only in cases of unexpressed liver disorders.

The price of Liv 52 (tablets) No. 100 is 245-310 rubles. This is the standard price for Russia.

The price of Liv 52 of the same release form in Ukraine is approaching 114 hryvnia.

Buying this drug in the form of drops will cost approximately the same price.

Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine

Liv 52Himalaya (India)

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PLEASE NOTE! Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before use medicinal product Liv 52, be sure to consult your doctor.

The medicine "Liv.52" is a complex product of natural origin, which is produced from extracts of medicinal plants. Thanks to the properties of natural components, the therapeutic effect of the drug “Liv.52” is achieved. Reviews from doctors and patients about this medicine are mostly positive. In this article we will look at the drug in more detail.

The medication “Liv.52” is produced (indications for use will be described below) in the form of tablets or drops for oral administration. The medicine has the following composition: common chicory, prickly capers, iron oxide, black nightshade, terminalia arjuna bark, western cassia seeds, common yarrow herb, Gali tamarisk, as well as steamed extracts of plants such as eclipta alba, philanthus niruri, berhavia spreading .

The drug also contains excipients: MCC, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, croscarmellose sodium.

chronic hepatitis;

chronic fatty hepatosis;

liver cirrhosis;

biliary dyskinesia;

This drug is used for:

liver dysfunction due to toxic and viral hepatitis;

chronic hepatitis;

chronic fatty hepatosis;

liver cirrhosis;

biliary dyskinesia;

liver dysfunction in children;

decreased appetite and weight in children.

The drug "Liv.52" is used for prophylactic purposes in chronic diffuse diseases liver. It is effective against medicinal, chemical and radiation damage to this organ.

To increase the body's resistance to hepatotoxic lesions, to speed up recovery after suffering severe illnesses or surgical interventions the medicine “Liv.52” is also used. Reviews from doctors and patients confirm its effectiveness. The following advantages of the drug are noted:

it has anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects (helps prevent and eliminate liver dysfunction);

has an antitoxic and choleretic effect, the effect of the drug is aimed at improving appetite and digestion, under its influence the passage of gases from the intestines is facilitated;

if the liver is damaged by alcohol, the drug accelerates the elimination of acetaldehyde;

in case of chronic alcoholism, the medication will prevent the infiltration of lipids into the liver and provide its protection from carbon tetrachloride;

in pre-cirrhotic conditions, the medicine stops the development of liver cirrhosis and prevents further damage to the organ;

the action of the medication is aimed at regenerating liver cells, restoring its functional properties, stimulating protein synthesis;

when the body is exhausted, the drug increases body weight and stimulates hematopoiesis.

In addition, due to the influence of the drug "Liv.52", the amount of plasma proteins in the blood is normalized, the ratio of globulin and albumin is regulated. Under the influence of this drug, the level of plasma transaminases, triglycerides, and cholesterol reaches normal values, manifestations of dyslipidemia decrease, alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin levels decrease, and the liver is able to deposit glycogen again. The colloidal properties of bile are improved, the formation of gallstones is prevented, and the contractile function of the gallbladder is normalized.

For therapeutic purposes, take the medication “Liv.52” before meals. Adolescents over 14 years of age and adults should take 2 tablets up to four times a day or 1-2 teaspoons of drops up to 3 times a day. Children from 5 to 14 years old take 1-2 tablets or 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day three times a day. How long the course of treatment will last is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the type and severity of the disease.

If the liver is damaged by alcohol, take 2 tablets up to 3 times a day for a month, then take 1 tablet three times a day for 6-12 months.

For prevention, use the medicine “Liv.52” after meals, twice a day, 2 tablets.

Reviews from doctors and patients indicate effectiveness this drug, however, it can also have a negative effect on the body, which is manifested by disorders digestive tract, allergic reactions. With the development of any adverse reactions it is necessary to consult a specialist regarding further treatment.

With prolonged use and exceeding the doses indicated in the instructions, the medicine does not have a toxic effect.

The drug "Liv.52" is not used to treat children under five years of age and in the presence of individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

For women while pregnant or breastfeeding Taking Liv 52 is contraindicated, since there is no data regarding the safety of using this medication during this period.

Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking any medications and discuss the possibility of using Liv 52.

The combined use of this medicine and ibuprofen leads to a delay in the absorption of the latter and a decrease in its level in the body. When used simultaneously with drugs such as Doxycycline and Tetracycline, the bioavailability of antibiotics decreases.

Be sure to consult a specialist before taking Liv.52. Reviews from doctors confirm the safety of this drug: it does not contain narcotic substances and ethyl alcohol; It has no effect on concentration, reaction speed, or the ability to drive vehicles or other machinery.

In almost every pharmacy you can buy the medicine “Liv.52”. The price of the drug is in the range of 180-250 rubles per 100 tablets. The drug is sold without a prescription.

The medicine "Liv.52" should be stored in a cool and dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children. The air temperature in the room where the medication is located should be within +10-30 °C. Drops should not be frozen.

The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years. After the period indicated on the package, the medicine cannot be used. IN best case scenario taking it will not have the desired effect, and at worst will cause serious harm to the body.

Unfortunately, there are situations when it is impossible to do without the use of pharmaceuticals, and with the environmental situation deteriorating every year, the modern rhythm of life and the presence of bad habits, one has to resort to the use of medications quite often. However, never self-medicate by prescribing yourself this or that medication. This can only make the problem worse. Any medication, including the Liv.52 medication, should be prescribed only by an experienced specialist, based on the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease.

Liv-52 is a multicomponent drug that has a hepatoprotective effect, which is determined by the individual properties of each herbal ingredient included in its composition. What components are included in this complex drug?

Tablet form:

Chicory (dry extract); Caper bark; Nightshade; Terminalia arjuna; Cassia occidentalis; Tamarix gallicis; Yarrow seed; Iron oxide. Chicory seed extract; Caper bark; Nightshade; Terminalia arjuna; Cassia occidentalis; Tamarix gallicis; Yarrow seed.

What does Liv-52 help with? As a hepatoprotector, the drug protects hepatocytes from damage and promotes their active regeneration. In addition, Liv-52 increases the activity of the biosynthetic function of liver cells, inhibits the oxidation of lipid components, protecting cell membranes from the negative effects of oxidation products on them. The action of the drug is also aimed at binding toxins and other harmful substances that have entered the body and negatively affect the functions of hepatocytes. The drug Liv-52 successfully combats congestion in the biliary tract, eliminating dyskinesia and normalizing the digestive process, increasing the patient's appetite. To the above properties of the drug you can also add choleretic, antioxidant and mild diuretic effects.

Contraindications to taking the drug

Contraindications to treatment with Liv-52 are hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug, pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is not recommended for use in children under five years of age.

If during treatment with Liv-52 any allergic manifestations are observed - rashes, itching, skin hyperemia or diarrhea, then you must immediately stop using the drug and consult your doctor about the possibility of further continuing the course.

Tablets: Adult patients are recommended to take two to three tablets 3-4 times a day. For children over six years of age, the dosage is one or two tablets, also 3-4 times a day. Like everyone else homeopathic remedies Liv-52 is taken either half an hour before meals or an hour after it. For the purpose of prevention, it is enough to take the drug twice a day, two tablets.

Liquid: for adult patients, take 80 to 160 drops of the drug (1-2 teaspoons) twice a day. Preventive dose – 80 drops per day at a time. Children from six years old – 10-20 drops twice a day.

Before starting treatment with Liv-52, you must carefully read the instructions for its use in order to prevent adverse events in the form of adverse reactions of the body to this drug. The following factors should be taken into account:

The combination of Liv-52 with ibuprofen reduces the therapeutic effect of the latter; Using the drug together with tetracycline antibiotics reduces their effectiveness; Drinking alcohol is not recommended during the course of treatment.

The price of Liv-52 ranges from 280-350 rubles. You can get accurate information about how much the drug costs immediately before purchasing from the pharmacy chain in your locality.

In any case, due to certain factors, the patient has the opportunity to choose for himself a suitable analogue of Liv-52:

Hepatophyte; Gepabene; Karsil; Essentiale; Rezalut about; Antral; Enerliv; Heptral and others.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Liv 52. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Liv 52 in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications were observed and side effects, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Liv 52 in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver diseases in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the drug.

Liv 52- combined herbal preparation. It has hepatoprotective, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antioxidant, antianorexic effects. Helps improve the process of digestion and absorption of food.

The hepatoprotective effect of Liv 52 is due to the antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing properties of its constituent components. The drug increases the level of endogenous tocopherols in hepatocytes and the level of cytochrome P450. Liv 52 stimulates the biosynthesis of proteins and phospholipids. Promotes the restoration of hepatocytes, reduces degenerative, fatty and fibrotic changes, enhances intracellular metabolism.

The drug regulates the level of plasma proteins in the blood, normalizing the albumin/globulin ratio. Provides normalization of the level of plasma transaminases, cholesterol, triglycerides, reducing the manifestations of dyslipidemia. Reduces bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase levels. Increases the liver's ability to store glycogen.

Improves the colloidal properties of bile, prevents the formation of gallstones. Improves the contractile function of the gallbladder.

Stimulates hematopoiesis.

In case of alcoholic liver damage, the drug reduces the level of ethanol in the blood and urine; increases the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which helps reduce the level of acetaldehyde; prevents the binding of acetaldehyde to cell proteins and accelerates its elimination. By preventing the damaging effect of acetaldehyde on hepatocytes, the drug reduces the risk of developing a “hangover” syndrome.


Prickly caper root powder + Chicory seed powder + Iron oxide (mandur basma) + Black nightshade powder + Terminalia arjuna bark powder + Western cassia seed powder + Yarrow herb powder + Tamarix Gali powder + Steamed extracts from a mixture of medicinal raw materials: eclipta white, Philanthus niruri, Berhavia spreading, Tinospora cordifolia, Radish sativum, Emblika officinalis, Ceylon giltweed, Currant embelia, Terminalia hebula (myrobalan tree), Fumyana officinalis + excipients (Liv 52 tablets).

Prickly caper root extract + Common chicory seed extract + Black nightshade extract + Terminalia arjuna bark extract + Occidental cassia seed extract + Common yarrow herb extract + Tamarix Gali extract + Steamed aqueous extract (1:10) from a mixture of medicinal raw materials (taken in equal quantities of 0.64 mg): Eclipta alba, Philanthus niruri, roots of Berhavia spreading, stems of Tinospora cordifolia, seeds of radish, fruits of Emblica officinalis, roots of Ceylon sulfur, fruits of Embelia currant, fruit peel of Terminalia chebula, fumaria officinalis + excipients (Liv drops 52 K).


The therapeutic effect of Liv 52 is due to the combined action of its components, so kinetic observations are not possible.


  • acute and chronic infectious, toxic and medicinal hepatitis;
  • liver cirrhosis in adults;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • anorexia;
  • prevention of toxic liver damage (caused by antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, antipyretics).

Release forms


Drops for oral administration Liv 52 K (sometimes mistakenly called syrup).

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

For preventive purposes, the drug is prescribed 2 tablets 2 times a day.

WITH therapeutic purpose Children over 6 years old are prescribed 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, adults - 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day.

The drug in the form of drops is prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for children over 2 years old, 10-20 drops 2 times a day, for adults - 80-160 drops (1-2 teaspoons) 2 times a day.

Side effect

  • allergic reactions;
  • dyspepsia.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Use in children

For therapeutic purposes, children over 6 years of age are prescribed 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

The drug in the form of drops is prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to children over 2 years old, 10-20 drops 2 times a day.

Special instructions

The drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with acute diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Liv 52 K (dosage form - drops) does not contain ethyl alcohol (alcohol) and can be used in children with diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Drug interactions

Drug interactions with Liv 52 have not been described.

Analogues of the drug Liv 52

Structural analogues according to active substance the medicine Liv 52 does not have.

Analogues pharmacological group(hepatoprotectors):

  • D, L-Methionine;
  • L-Methionine;
  • S-Adenosylmethionine;
  • Alpha lipoic acid;
  • Antraliv;
  • Berlition;
  • Betaine citrate UPSA;
  • Brenziale forte;
  • Vitanorm;
  • Gepa Merz;
  • Hepatosan;
  • Hepatofalk planta;
  • Heptor;
  • Heptral;
  • Geptrong;
  • Glutargin;
  • Glutargin alkocline;
  • Cawehol;
  • Karsil;
  • Karsil Forte;
  • Cryomelt MN;
  • L-ornithine-L-aspartate;
  • Legalon 140;
  • Legalon 70;
  • Livodex;
  • Livolife Forte;
  • Lipoic acid;
  • Lipoid PPL 400;
  • Lipoid C 100;
  • Maxar;
  • Methionine;
  • Metrop GP;
  • Mylife;
  • Molixan;
  • Octolipen;
  • Ornitsetil;
  • Result Pro;
  • Silegon;
  • Silibinin;
  • Silimar;
  • Silymarin;
  • Silymarina Sediko;
  • Sirepar;
  • Thiolipon;
  • Thiotriazolin;
  • Tykveol;
  • Urdoxa;
  • Urso 100;
  • Ursodez;
  • Ursodeoxycholic acid;
  • Ursodex;
  • Ursolive;
  • Ursor;
  • Ursosan;
  • Ursofalk;
  • Phosphonciale;
  • Hepabos;
  • Choludexan;
  • Betaine Citrate Bofur;
  • Exhol;
  • Erbisol;
  • Espa Lipon;
  • Essentiale N;
  • Essentiale forte N;
  • Essential phospholipids;
  • Essliver.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.