Airplane tickets for group 2 disabled people. Benefits of purchasing air tickets

Traveling by plane is often an expensive pleasure even for ordinary citizens, not to mention people with disabilities and limited means. Therefore, it would be a good idea to find out what discounts are available on air tickets for disabled people in 2018.

According to statistics from the Federal Air Transport Agency, Russian airline carriers served more than 105 million passengers in 2017. An increase of 18.6% indicates the leading position of air transport among competitors. There is a trend of occupancy of places up to 83%, an increase in cargo turnover by 15.5%. 5 domestic airlines are characterized by an increase in the pace of economic activity:

  • Russia - 11.1 million (+37.7%);
  • Ural Airlines - 7.9 million (+23.7%);
  • Aeroflot - 32.8 million customers (+13.3%);
  • Utair - 7.3 million (+9.6%);
  • S7 - 9.9 million (+4.9%).

Subsidies for air travel

In 2018, the list of regional flights that are subsidized includes 108 destinations. Regions provide co-financing 65. Preferential air tickets, a share of the cost of which is paid by the state, operate in the Far East and Crimea, the Volga Federal District and the Kaliningrad Region.

Available to pensioners, children under 12 years of age, citizens of the Russian Federation under 23 years of age, disabled people and their accompanying persons.

2018 is characterized by the continuation of the federal program to subsidize flights for retirees. There are 12 airlines participating in the program. Validity period: from April 1 to October 31.

Subsidized benefits reduce the cost of an air ticket by 50%. In addition, companies offer additional promotions, thanks to which beneficiaries receive discounts from 10 to 30% on flights. To receive a discount, a pensioner indicates his status when booking a ticket. Upon receipt of the booked air ticket, present a pension certificate and a passport with regional registration. The benefit is available upon provision of the specified documents.

To take advantage of your right to travel with privileges, plan ahead. Usually, by the departure date of the flight, there is an increase in the ticket price.

Persons of retirement age have the right to buy air tickets only in economy class.

The government program guarantees a discount on the purchase of an air ticket. Based on the cost of the trip, which is set in a private company, a discount is given.

How does the benefit work?

Depending on the flight direction, as well as the season, airlines sell discounted tickets for certain categories of citizens. Disabled people can also purchase such tickets at a reduced cost.

It is important to note that the provision of transportation benefits depends on the specific disability group. For air travel, a 50% discount is given to disabled people of groups 1 and 2 when traveling by plane, but at a specific time. No restrictions on the number of trips.

Particular attention is paid to free travel for disabled people of group 1 to the place of treatment (the offer is valid only once a year). The benefit applies to the person accompanying the disabled person.

People under 23 years of age and citizens of retirement age can fly from cities in the Far East on discounted tickets. Disabled people with the first disability group can use this benefit. A person accompanying a disabled person has the right to use a discounted ticket under the same conditions.

If a child under 12 years of age travels with a disabled person, a 25% discount is added to the reduced fare. When planning to take advantage of discounted tickets for a flight, it is important to take into account the limit on the number of discounted seats for any flight. It is useful to take care of booking your flight tickets in advance.

Citizens can take advantage of such discounted tickets when flying from Kaliningrad and Saratov. Air travel to Crimea is subsidized. Therefore, in addition to previous destinations, Crimea is now flown on relatively cheap air tickets. And although direct flights to Crimea are available only to residents of 32 Russian cities, discounted tickets to the peninsula can be purchased in 42 cities.

The cheapest tickets to Crimea are purchased in Samara and Lipetsk. In these cities, ticket prices start from 2,200 rubles. And from Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk, an air ticket to Crimea will cost 3,750 rubles at a reduced rate. It is worth noting that discounted tickets for disabled people and their accompanying persons are available all year round.

But for ordinary citizens, the benefit will only apply during the summer holidays. After October 1, the normal tariff is established, since government subsidies do not apply during this period.

If there is a person on board with physical or mental disabilities

It is important to note that:

  • strollers, stretchers, special chairs are transported in the luggage compartment without charging a fee, the disabled person is offered a company stroller;
  • You are allowed to take into the salon: crutches, an oxygen cylinder, a cane;
  • do not forget about medications;
  • A guide dog is transported free of charge, documents are required;
  • certificate on the appropriateness of traveling by plane for a disabled person.


  • disabled passengers board first;
  • placed in comfortable places (not in the first place or near the emergency exit);
  • leave the salon after everyone else;
  • They return the equipment they received and receive their own in return.

Having studied the rules of accommodation, transportation, as well as preparation for the flight, there will be no questions about how to facilitate the transportation of a disabled person on an airplane.

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  • airplane benefits;
  • benefits for public transport;
  • discounts in some stores;
  • prescriptions for free purchase of medicines;
  • preferential terms of medical care;
  • free vouchers to sanatoriums, etc.

Airplane benefits for disabled people of various categories

Airplane benefits can be provided to disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 and disabled children.

If earlier (until 2005), under Article 30 of the law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation,” 50% discounts on air tickets for disabled people were provided, now the legislation has changed somewhat and monetization of benefits has been carried out, and discounts for various categories of disabled people on air tickets are supposedly compensated monthly cash payments (MCP), which includes a social package. The social package includes:

  • provision of necessary medications according to doctor’s prescriptions;
  • provision, if there are medical indications, of a voucher for sanatorium treatment;
  • free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.

In the context of our conversation about benefits for air tickets for disabled people, we may be interested in the last point of the social package. Discounts for people with disabilities (if treatment is required) may be provided on air tickets to the place where this treatment is carried out. Disabled people can count on the listed benefits only if they have a fully developed social package. Next, you need to find out the details at the pension fund branch, where, at a minimum, you need to get a certificate that a set of social services has been issued to the disabled person, and he has not refused it. We also draw your attention to the fact that conditions for discounted tickets for disabled people may vary in different parts of Russia. The discounts in question for travel to the sanatorium are provided by airlines participating in the discount program, so we recommend contacting the airline to clarify the possibility of receiving benefits and details of the further procedure for purchasing air tickets “on demand”.

Transportation of disabled people by air

Transporting disabled people by air may seem like a difficult process if you are not aware of the special rules. All Russian and global companies have long ago developed special conditions for transporting people of this category. How to transport a disabled person on an airplane?


  • when buying a plane ticket for disabled people, provide information about the disabled passenger (a request is sent notifying the need to create special conditions for a certain flight);
  • You need to purchase a ticket in advance (so that you have time to receive a response to your request);
  • When transporting a disabled person on a stretcher on an airplane, you will have to discuss certain accommodation conditions.

Pre-flight procedures:

  • passage is carried out out of turn;
  • strollers, special chairs, stretchers (if available) are transported in the luggage compartment (free of charge), a disabled person is provided with an airline stroller;
  • You are allowed to take into the salon: crutches, an oxygen tank, a cane;
  • you should take medications to the salon;
  • transportation of a guide dog with documents is free of charge;
  • When transporting disabled people by air, they also require a certificate of admissibility of the flight.


  • Such passengers enter the cabin first;
  • place them in convenient places (not in the first places and not next to the emergency exit);
  • disabled people are the last to exit the plane;
  • the equipment received is handed over, and they get theirs back.

Having studied all the rules for accommodation, transportation, and preparation for the flight, you will not have any questions about how to transfer a disabled person on an airplane. It is important to remember the rights of people with disabilities and, if necessary, demand discounts and benefits so that the rights of such people are strictly observed.

Transport discounts and preferences Citizens of the described category are provided with the following benefits:

  1. They provide free travel in urban and rural transport (except for taxis and private minibuses).
  2. Once a year, tickets to the place of spa treatment (round trip) are issued without payment. To obtain them you must have a voucher.
  3. Exemption from payment of transport tax for a car with special devices (power no more than 100 hp).

Transport preferences are issued at the Pension Fund branch. To do this, you must have with you documents confirming your preferential category and identification. Other benefits Disabled people of the 2nd group enjoy a number of benefits in the provision of services, taxation and others.

Discounts for disabled people on air tickets


Article 38-1 of this law establishes the right of disabled people to buy train and plane tickets with a 50% discount. The text of the law reads as follows: Disabled people, disabled children and persons accompanying disabled people of the first group or disabled children (no more than one accompanying disabled person or disabled child) have the right to a 50% discount on the cost of travel on internal lines (routes) of the railway, water, air and road transport in the period from October 1 to May 15.”

The same applies to an accompanying disabled person of group 1 (there can only be one person). You can purchase these discounted tickets from any company providing transport services on the territory of Ukraine, regardless of their form of ownership and subordination.

This is stipulated in the law “On Transport”, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in 1994.

Discounts and benefits on air tickets for disabled people

  • Determination of disability
  • Disorders leading to the establishment of disability of the 2nd group
  • Diseases leading to disability
  • Criteria for group assignment
  • Procedure for conducting ITU
  • Package of documents for passing the ITU
  • Contents of the protocol
    • Medical and social examination report
    • Re-examination for disabled people of the 2nd group
  • Benefits and preferences granted to this group of citizens
  • Pension provision
  • Discounts on housing and communal services
  • Housing
  • Medical benefits
  • Transport discounts and preferences
  • Other benefits
  • Responsibilities of employers

State social guarantees apply to people who fall under one of the established benefit categories.

Air travel for preferential categories of citizens of Russia and Ukraine

Also there, you need to get a certificate that a set of social services has been issued to the disabled person, and he has not refused them. In addition to the benefits approved by state law, there are other opportunities for people with disabilities to purchase cheaper air tickets.


To do this, you need to check with the airline whether it participates in a preferential program and whether additional benefits are provided for people with disabilities. Do they have additional social programs?

Some tips
  • When purchasing an air ticket for disabled people, provide information (in the form of a request) about the need to create special conditions for the flight of a disabled person.

Benefits for disabled people of group 2

These include:

  1. Exemption from property tax for individuals.
  2. Reduction of land tax.
  3. Exemption from paying state duty when going to court (if the claimed damage is less than 1 million rubles).
  4. 50% discount on notary fees.
  5. Non-competitive enrollment in universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, subject to successful passing of exams.
  6. Children raised in families where both parents have disabilities receive two free meals a day at school.

Preferences and discounts are provided only if you have documents confirming the category. Responsibilities of employers Working disabled people of the 2nd group enjoy a number of benefits established by law.


  1. They are given a shortened working week (35 hours).

Compensation for air tickets for a disabled child and accompanying person

Annual travel allowance for disabled people Separately, local authorities provide an additional travel benefit - an annual travel allowance for disabled people. So, for example, in the Sverdlovsk region, local governments adopted Resolution No. 1426-PP dated December 30, 2008, which provides for the payment of an annual allowance for travel through the region by all types of public urban and suburban transport.
Thus, the amount of the annual travel allowance was:

  • · for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 – 825 rubles;
  • · for disabled people of group 1 and disabled children – 1650 rubles.

Please note that the amount of travel allowance for disabled people is established “on the spot” by local authorities, so their availability and size must be clarified separately.
If the court sides with the officials, then feel free to contact the Strasbourg court. You have no other choice! If disabled people in Russia go to court in unison and demand legal compensation for the benefits in kind taken away from them in 2005, then our legislators will immediately deal with Federal Law-122 and open the door to an active life for disabled people.


DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RF No. 1157 DATED 02.10.92. “On additional measures of state support for people with disabilities” In order to strengthen state support for people with disabilities in the context of the transition to market relations and increase the role of authorities in solving the problems of people with disabilities, I Decree: Disabled people are served out of turn at all organizations providing services to the population, and also enjoy the right of priority admission by managers and others officials of organizations. Previously, at post offices, banks, hospitals, pharmacies, traffic police and other institutions there were kind announcements: - Disabled people are served out of turn.

Benefits for disabled people of group 2 in 2018

Transport benefits for citizens with varying degrees of disability The size of the travel benefit depends on the degree of the assigned disability group - first, second or third. Travel benefits for disabled people of group 1. Disabled people of group 1 have the right to free travel:

  • all types of public transport (except for private minibuses and taxis);
  • in rural areas - in public vehicles;
  • all types of suburban public transport (again, with the exception of taxis);
  • providing a 50% discount on the cost of travel on international lines by all modes of transport (rail, air, road and river), but only during a certain period:

— from October 1 to May 15 (there are no restrictions on the number of trips); - at other times of the year, but only once.

The ESPB can only be used by the citizen who is registered in it. Therefore, when presenting it, you must additionally provide identification (passport).

Please note that without presenting a single travel ticket, payment for travel is carried out on a general basis. To obtain the ESPB, you need to contact the social protection committee at your place of residence with the following list of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport of a disabled person or a copy thereof;
  • certificate of medical and social examination.
  • birth certificate (for disabled children);
  • passport of the accompanying person (for citizens accompanying disabled people).

The processing time for your application is 20 calendar days.

The cost of a travel ticket for 2018 is 375 rubles.

Compensation for flights for disabled people of group 2

Nomad Higher Reason (193687) 6 years ago, almost all Russian airlines provide benefits to schoolchildren, pensioners, the disabled, and students. Moreover, they provide benefits that did not exist under the Soviets, for example, family discounts. In addition, there are special web tariffs. For example, the permanent web tariff for the Samara-Moscow flight (and back) of the S-7 airline is cheaper than the cost of a compartment train ticket.

Rossiya Airlines is currently running a promotion to sell tickets at special web rates. For example, a flight on the Samara-St. Petersburg-Samara route can cost only 5,080 rubles (this is for two people there and back). So, benefits and discounts really exist. In some cases they will tell you about them, but in many cases you need to find them yourself.

Moreover, the number of such travel documents for each flight is limited. Subsidies for air tickets are provided by air carriers that have signed a special agreement with Rosaviatsiya, which specifies a specific tariff for air tickets, taking into account seasonal factors. Therefore, discounted plane tickets can only be purchased at certain times of the year. So, in Central Russia they are bought from May to September, and in the Far East - from November 1 to March 31. However, prices for air tickets for pensioners and air tickets for schoolchildren have been reduced throughout the year. Who can purchase a discounted plane ticket? Please note that only a few categories of Russians, including the “least protected segments of the population,” have the right to subsidized tickets.

Is there a discount on air tickets for group 2 disabled people?

Asked 2011-05-25 10:30:48 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection” What is the difference between benefits for housing and communal services for a disabled person of group 2 - a labor veteran and for a widow of a disabled veteran. — What is the difference between benefits for housing and communal services for a group 2 disabled person - a labor veteran - and for the widow of a disabled veteran. more 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 2097 times. Asked 2013-02-16 15:20:09 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection” What benefits are provided for the guardian of a group 2 disabled person.

— What benefits are provided for the guardian of a group 2 disabled person. more 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 671 times. Asked 2011-12-02 13:02:20 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection”

  • 1 answer.
    Moscow Viewed 1010 times. Asked 2012-06-05 06:37:38 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection” I want to fly to Tajikistan with 2 bottles of cognac at 0.5 each without a tax stamp.

Discounts and benefits on air tickets for disabled people

We also draw your attention to the fact that conditions for discounted tickets for disabled people may vary in different parts of Russia. The discounts in question for travel to the sanatorium are provided by airlines participating in the discount program, so we recommend contacting the airline to clarify the possibility of receiving benefits and details of the further procedure for purchasing air tickets “on demand”.

Transporting disabled people by plane Transporting disabled people by plane may seem like a difficult process if you don’t know about the special rules. All Russian and global companies have long ago developed special conditions for transporting people of this category.

Discounts for disabled people on air tickets


Each carrier participating in the state program for subsidizing air travel has individual rules in these matters. Please note that in 2017, discounted air tickets can only be purchased from 18 airlines:

  1. Aeroflot
  2. AkBarsAero
  3. Alrosa
  4. Vim-Avia
  5. Grozny Airlines
  6. Mirny Aviation Enterprise
  7. Nordavia
  8. Red Wings
  9. Russia
  10. Siberia
  11. Taimyr
  12. Transaero
  13. Ural Airlines
  14. UTair
  15. Yakutia

We emphasize that each private carrier sets its own tariff, so the final cost of the document, even taking into account a 50% discount, may differ significantly from analogues.

Even before purchasing a ticket, we recommend comparing the cost of flights to a specific city from different carriers and choosing the most profitable one.

Air travel for preferential categories of citizens of Russia and Ukraine

The same applies to an accompanying disabled person of group 1 (there can only be one person). You can purchase these discounted tickets from any company providing transport services on the territory of Ukraine, regardless of their form of ownership and subordination.
This is stipulated in the law “On Transport”, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in 1994. In order to purchase a discount ticket, you must present the established form of identification to the cashier.

  • Expected prospects Despite the fact that the law on preferential tickets for disabled people in Ukraine is still in effect, the Verkhovna Rada is already considering a bill designed to replace benefits for pensioners and disabled people with targeted assistance.

    It is expected to be adopted at the end of 2014. In a word, monetization awaits Ukraine. We can only hope that there it will proceed more gently and calmly than in Russia in 2005.

Also, disabled people of the first group, disabled children of the second group, disabled people of the third group and people who accompany them can take advantage of this opportunity. In this case, a person applying for a discounted flight must be registered in one of the following regions:

  • Transbaikalia;
  • Far North;
  • Kaliningrad region;
  • Far Eastern region.

Since the state pays for the cost of the flight from budget funds, flight directions are limited.


As a rule, flights between subsidized regions, to Moscow, and also to St. Petersburg are permissible. Discounts are valid from April 1 to October 31. The procedure for purchasing cheap air tickets In order to have time to buy a ticket at a discounted price, you must make a reservation and purchase a week, two or even three weeks before the planned flight, since the offer is limited by quotas.

Discount air tickets for pensioners

True, there is another 100 rubles for a trip to the sanatorium. Also, working pensioners receive a 50% discount (non-working – 100%) on travel to and from the sanatorium. So, potentially, if there is no other way to the sanatorium other than air travel, disabled people are entitled to discounts here too.


Also, if a disabled person of group 1 travels with an accompanying person, he is entitled to the same discounts.

  • Moscow and the Moscow region In 2009, the Moscow government issued Resolution N 755-PP, regulating the procedure for providing free sanatorium and resort treatment for certain categories of citizens. The list also includes disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3.

Thus, Muscovites and residents of the region can still count on free travel or even a flight, but not of their own choice, but exclusively to the location of the sanatorium and back. The text of the resolution itself looks like this: “3.

Discounts for disabled people on air tickets

At my enterprise, a short-time work schedule has been established for disabled people. time, although when studying this issue I did not find a mandatory shortened day for disabled people, here is some information Quote: According to paragraph 6 of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR On measures to further improve the use of labor of pensioners and disabled people in the national economy and related additional benefits, shortened working hours of 6 hours a day (36 hours a week) are established for disabled people of groups I and II who work in enterprises, workshops and areas intended for the use of the labor of these persons. This benefit does not apply to disabled people of groups I and II who work in all other enterprises, as well as to disabled people of group III.

Rules, tariffs and conditions for purchasing subsidized tickets

The legislation of Russia and Ukraine is known to support people with disabilities. The logic of support is as follows: people with disabilities have the right to preferential living conditions, treatment, work and housing costs.

This list also includes discounts on the purchase of air tickets. So what kind of discount does a disabled person have the right to demand when buying a plane ticket? The legislation of Ukraine and the Russian Federation answers this question differently.

Benefits for disabled people in the Russian Federation

  • General benefits throughout Russia Until recently, in the Russian Federation, people with disabilities had the right to purchase plane tickets with a 50% discount, and once a year - free to and from the place of treatment. This right was certified by Article 30 of Federal Law No. 181 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.”

    In 2005, this article became invalid.

For long flights the price cannot exceed 12 thousand rubles, for short distances - no more than 4.5 thousand rubles. For example, a round-trip flight from Kaliningrad to St. Petersburg or the capital will cost about 3 thousand rubles.

The discount on the purchase of a travel document can reach up to 50%. For WWII veterans and other special categories of citizens there are 50% discounts on flights.

In addition, once a year you can take advantage of the right to a free flight to the place of treatment and back if there is no other way to get to the place of treatment. Discount air tickets for pensioners are offered in limited quantities. You need to book or buy them long before your trip. Additional discounts from carriers When purchasing tickets, you must check with the airline about the availability of additional discounts for pensioners on air tickets.

Documents for air tickets for pensioners and disabled people of group 2

And “children of war” receive a 50 percent discount when purchasing seats on planes flying between municipalities, and WWII veterans and concentration camp prisoners can count on free economy class tickets. There are also discounts for students on air tickets - twice a year, young people under 23 years old, whose relatives live in the Far East, can fly at a special rate. There are also promotions for citizens from other regions of the Russian Federation who were invited to the region for an anniversary or funeral. There are special year-round airline benefits for pensioners, subsidies for children, large families, students, military and other categories of benefit passengers in Siberia, the Kaliningrad region, and a number of other Russian regions. According to general statistics for major airlines in the Russian Federation, at least 17% of all tickets are subsidized under one or another flight program.
The promotion is valid from mid-May to mid-September. Airlines participating in this program: Transaero, Russia, Aeroflot, Siberia, Yakutia and Mirny Airlines. Discount tickets can be purchased by the following citizens of the Far East: young people under 23 years old, men over 60 and women over 55 years old, disabled people of group 1 and their accompanying persons, as well as disabled children and their accompanying persons. Discount tickets can be purchased upon presentation of a passport with registration.

  • Special benefits for individual airlines A number of airlines provide different categories of citizens with preferential rates for flights. Thus, UTair Aviation OJSC provides the right to one free flight per year (possibly in one direction, or “round trip”). To receive the benefit, you must present a passport and a WWII veteran ID.

The social package includes:

  • provision of necessary medications according to doctor’s prescriptions;
  • provision, if there are medical indications, of a voucher for sanatorium treatment;
  • free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.

In the context of our conversation about benefits for air tickets for disabled people, we may be interested in the last point of the social package. Discounts for people with disabilities (if treatment is required) may be provided on air tickets to the place where this treatment is carried out. Disabled people can count on the listed benefits only if they have a fully developed social package. Next, you need to find out the details at the pension fund branch, where, at a minimum, you need to get a certificate that a set of social services has been issued to the disabled person, and he has not refused it.

Is there a discount on air tickets for group 2 disabled people?

disabled people of the second group

  • disabled people of the third group
  • disabled people of the second and third groups since childhood, as well as those accompanying a disabled child

As part of state support for people with disabilities in the Russian Federation, discounts on air tickets for people with disabilities can be provided only if they must fly to the place where the necessary treatment will be carried out. Depending on the region of travel, the amount of benefits may vary. Please note that disabled people can take advantage of the discount on purchasing air tickets once a year and only with a fully completed social package.
Also, if a disabled person needs to be accompanied to a place of treatment, the accompanying person cannot always count on compensation. It is better to check detailed information about benefits for air tickets for disabled people at the pension fund office.

Discounts and benefits on air tickets for disabled people


Asked 2011-11-24 11:59:12 +0400 in the topic “Other questions” What are the benefits for obtaining or purchasing an apartment from a disabled person of the second group who has a minor child? — What are the benefits for obtaining or purchasing an apartment from a disabled person of the second group who has a minor child? more 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 76 times. Asked 2013-04-02 10:21:24 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection” The size of the pension for a disabled person of group 2. Enter the monthly amount in hryvnia. — Amount of pension for a disabled person of group 2.

Enter the monthly amount in hryvnia. more 0 answers. Odessa Viewed 110 times. Asked 2013-01-18 14:21:21 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection” Write the specific amount of pension for a disabled person of group 2, in hryvnia, for the last month. — Write the specific amount of pension for a disabled person of group 2, in hryvnia, for the last month. more 0 answers. Odessa Viewed 36 times.

Discounts for disabled people on air tickets

Thus, during the promotion, the level of their prices for preferential air tickets for pensioners is comparable to the cost of subsidized travel documents. Permanent benefits for pensioners on air tickets to the Russian Federation Amount of discount on a ticket Categories of beneficiaries Special conditions 100% Disabled pensioners of groups 1 and 2 going for treatment A special high discount on a ticket is calculated automatically for those living in the Far North, Sakhalin, Chukotka, the Far East, and Transbaikalia , Kaliningrad region, Magadan region. 50% For working pensioners of 3 disability groups; For persons accompanying a disabled pensioner of groups 1 and 2 10-50% Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, their widows, siege survivors, Chernobyl liquidators Special flight conditions for residents of the Far East in 2017 In 2017, residents of the Far Eastern region can buy tickets for domestic flights at a special rate - three times lower than the market price.

Air travel for preferential categories of citizens of Russia and Ukraine


Very often, carriers carry out promotions in order to attract passengers. Promotions may be relevant for a specific route or during a certain period. To purchase a cheaper ticket, you will need to agree to the existing restrictions, which may be the following:

  • no luggage (except hand luggage);
  • lack of food on the plane;
  • inability to change the purchased ticket to another date;
  • If the ticket is returned to the client, the airline will return its partial cost.

The best offers for WWII veterans are valid in May.

The promotion allows for free flights in any direction, leaving prices at the same level with discounts on air tickets for pensioners.
Answer As such, our legislation does not provide for discounts for pensioners and disabled people of group 2 on air tickets after 2005. Therefore, unfortunately, it won’t be possible to go to any airline at random and buy a ticket for the chosen flight. But every rule, and this too, has its exceptions. Firstly, the airlines themselves can set benefits, and different companies have these benefits may differ from each other. Sometimes benefits are available during certain seasons and for certain holidays on certain flights.
This happens rarely, but it still happens. Therefore, you can find out which airlines operate the flight you need and look for information on the website of a specific airline or on the hotline. Perhaps you will be lucky, and preferential promotions will appear at exactly the time you need. Benefits also depend on the direction and geography of the flight.

Discount air tickets for pensioners

These include:

  • discounts on air tickets for pensioners;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • young people under 23 years of age;
  • mothers of many children (5 or more children);
  • disabled people of the 1st group, disabled children of the 2nd, 3rd groups and persons accompanying them;
  • military personnel

Let us remind you that a ticket for a child under 2 years old on domestic flights in the Russian Federation is provided free of charge, since he is not provided with a separate seat on the plane. And air transportation of children under 12 years old costs on average 25 - 50% cheaper than regular tickets “for adults”. In addition, almost all airlines include in the concept of “air travel subsidies” a special tariff schedule, providing significant discounts on tickets for schoolchildren, for command staff or groups of children, subject to collective booking.

Discounts for disabled people on air tickets

Society is moving at an incredible pace, technology is advancing. However, the success of development is best judged by social programs. Caring for socially significant categories of the population is an important indicator.

People who cannot take care of themselves should have the opportunity to live a full life and rest as well. Until recently, or rather until 2005, people with disabilities were entitled to a 50% discount on the purchase of air tickets. These benefits were provided by law in the thirtieth article of the law on social protection of the population, but were canceled after the release of a new law on the monetization of benefits.

The monthly allowance includes compensation for various items. There is a clause in the social package under which a disabled person can be given a discount if he goes to the place of treatment. You can take advantage of this opportunity only if you have a fully completed social package.

Rules, tariffs and conditions for purchasing subsidized tickets

  • Discount on air tickets to the Far East and back Since 2009, especially for residents of the Far East, discounted fares have been available for flights to the European part of Russia and back in economy class cabins. These fares are set by different airlines as part of the current government program to subsidize air travel for residents of the Far East to the European part of the country and back. The fare is fixed at 50% of the actual ticket price.
    The promotion is valid from mid-May to mid-September. Airlines participating in this program: Transaero, Russia, Aeroflot, Siberia, Yakutia and Mirny Airlines. Discount tickets can be purchased by the following citizens of the Far East: young people under 23 years of age, men over 60 and women over 55 years old, disabled people of group 1 and their accompanying persons, as well as disabled children and their accompanying persons.

What awaits the employer when using the work of a group 2 disabled person without registration. there is a guardian who has not given consent. more 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 71 times. Asked 2012-07-11 15:10:17 +0400 in the subject “Labor Law” Group 2 disabled person, is housing provided? — Group 2 disabled person, is housing provided? more 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 1209 times. Asked 2012-06-02 12:11:21 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection” What benefits does a disabled person of group 1 have? - What benefits does a disabled person of group 1 have. more 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 345 times. Asked 2012-02-19 09:28:19 +0400 in the topic “Pensions and social protection” Benefits of an 80-year-old pensioner with a 3rd group disability - Benefits of an 80-year-old pensioner with a 3rd group disability. more 1 answer. Moscow Viewed 281 times.

Documents for air tickets for pensioners and disabled people of group 2


Department of Social Protection of the City of Moscow: 3.1. Provide:3.1.1. Organization of work to provide sanatorium-resort treatment and travel to the place of treatment and back on intercity transport to certain preferential categories of citizens in accordance with the approved provisions.” Thus, “intercity transport” is promised, which includes airplanes.

  • Discount on air tickets to the Far East and back Since 2009, especially for residents of the Far East, discounted fares have been available for flights to the European part of Russia and back in economy class cabins.

These fares are set by different airlines as part of the current government program to subsidize air travel for residents of the Far East to the European part of the country and back. The fare is fixed at 50% of the actual ticket price.

How can you buy a discounted air ticket in Russia? Ticket benefits apply only to Russian citizens and only after they present documents confirming their identity, age and right to a subsidy (passport, birth certificate for a child under 14 years old, pension or student ID, certificate ITU on disability, military ID). Purchasing subsidized tickets at the carrier's tariff is possible online on specialized Internet resources, on the websites of the companies themselves, as well as at official sales offices. Not all carriers allow passengers to make advance reservations and book subsidized air tickets - in many cases, the subsidized document must be paid for immediately (via the Internet - usually within 20 minutes). Moreover, it does not matter whether there is a special bank card issued jointly with the air carrier - bonuses and miles for a preferential flight are not awarded.