Amantadine sulfate instructions for use. Dosage forms and costs

Amantadine is an antiviral, antiparkinsonian drug. It was synthesized in 1967 and was initially used as a remedy against the A2 influenza virus, but a year later its antiparkinsonian effect was revealed. Today, according to the instructions for use, Amantadine is used as a single drug and as part of complex treatment for parkinsonism, neuralgia, influenza A, and other viral infections.

General information

The active ingredient is amantadine sulfate. Chemically it is tricyclic aminoadamantane. In its pure form it looks like a white crystalline powder, white-yellow color, bitter taste. Soluble in water, ethanol, insoluble in ether. Amantadine is produced in three main variations active substance: sulfate, hydrochloride or glucuronide.

Used as an antiviral agent for influenza and eye infections. Used primarily orally or intravenously ( infusion therapy). At eye infections used aqueous solution for instillation into the conjunctival sac.

Drug group, INN, scope of application

Amantadine is included in drug group dopaminomimetics, antiparkinsonian drugs, antiviral drugs. INN – Amantadine.

Scope of application includes:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • parkinsonism, including secondary;
  • unidentified influenza virus;
  • influenza A;
  • acute viral infections.

The drug is effectively used as local remedy for eye infections.

Dosage forms and costs

Available in the form of tablets and solution for infusion. The price of Amantadine is lower than that of many antiparkinsonian drugs. Average prices in Russia are presented in the table.


The active ingredient is amantadine sulfate and other variations. For tablets additionally used:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • starch;
  • gelatin without any additives;
  • povidone;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • stearic acid;
  • talc;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • E171;
  • butyl methacrylate copolymer;
  • E110.

The solution contains additional substances sodium chloride, water for injection.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The mechanism of action is based on stimulation of dopaminergic transmission in the basal ganglia. Enhances the process of dopamine release and helps block the uptake of this substance. Increases the susceptibility of dopamine receptors to the mediator. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The antiviral effect of Amantadine is provoked by the substance’s ability to block the penetration of the influenza A virus into living cells. A similar effect on other viruses has been proven. Has a neuroprotective effect on the central nervous system.

Most often used for oral administration. This is due to rapid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Afterwards there is an intensive release of the active substance. The maximum concentration in the blood occurs on average after 4 hours. The half-life is up to 15 hours (in older people this period increases to 24-29 hours). Antidiskinetic activity appears after 48 hours. If it gets into the blood active substance penetrates the blood-brain barrier, placenta, and into breast milk. It is excreted by the kidneys almost unchanged (up to 90%).

Indications and contraindications

Amantadine is most often used as an antiparkinsonian medicine, less often as an antiviral. Main indications:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • rigid or akinetic forms of parkinsonism (provoked by taking antipsychotics and similar drugs);
  • neuralgia as a symptom of herpes zoster;
  • loss of consciousness caused by TBI;
  • long recovery from anesthesia;
  • stereotactic manifestations after surgery;
  • chemical prevention, treatment of influenza A;
  • adnoviral conjunctivitis;
  • epidemic keratoconjunctivitis.

It is also used to relieve side effects from the use of antipsychotics in extrapyramidal pathologies, as well as as a prophylactic for hepatitis A. It is urgently used as a way to urgently remove a patient from general anesthesia.

Absolute contraindications:

  • individual hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • epilepsy;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • schizophrenia, other mental and psychological illnesses accompanied by aggressive behavior;
  • liver failure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • pregnancy (especially 1st trimester);
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 14 years.

If use is necessary during lactation, a decision is made to interrupt breastfeeding. Do not take simultaneously with medications such as triamterene or hydrochlorothiazide.

Use with caution when:

  • congestive heart failure;
  • hypotension;
  • twilight confusion;
  • mental disorders;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • allergic dermatitis.

The medication has serious negative reactions, therefore used only under medical supervision.

Instructions for use

Amantadine is used, gradually increasing the dosage. Oral use of the drug for adults:

  • initial dose of 100 mg per day;
  • then gradually increase the dose to 200 mg over 7 days;
  • the maximum dose is 400 mg per day.

It is recommended to take after meals every day, without allowing breaks. The approximate duration of treatment is from 2 to 4 months. The drug has a stimulating effect. It is recommended to take the last dose no later than 16:00.

Patients over 65 years of age and with chronic diseases kidney dose is reduced. It is also recommended to increase the interval between doses. The dosage regimen is determined individually depending on the characteristics of the disease and associated health problems.

You should not abruptly stop the course of treatment to avoid side effects during withdrawal. The dose is reduced gradually, according to the schedule recommended by the doctor. The amount of the drug should be reduced every day.

It is administered intravenously only by infusion, 200 mg 1-3 times a day. The infusion rate is small, up to 50-60 drops per minute. Total time administration 3 hours.

For the treatment of influenza A, tablets of 200 mg per day are prescribed. The approximate course is up to 10 days. When treating viral eye diseases, a 0.5% aqueous solution is used. It is introduced into the cavity of the conjunctival sac by instillation. At the beginning of treatment, the frequency of use is up to 5 times a day, at the end it is reduced to 1-2 times. The approximate course is up to 14 days.

Possible side effects and overdose

  • headache, dizziness, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, unmotivated aggression,
  • mental disorders;
  • HF, cardiac dysfunction, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension;
  • nausea, dry mouth, dyspepsia, anorexia;
  • with prostate hypertension, urinary retention, polyuria, nocturia, and the appearance of peripheral edema are possible;
  • dermatosis, possible coloration of the skin of the hands and feet in a gray-blue tint;
  • general malaise, anorexia, loss of appetite, swelling of the ankle joints.

Symptoms often do not require changing the medication and disappear after 3-5 days of treatment. An overdose occurs if the dose exceeds 0.4 g. In case of an overdose, the following are observed:

  • motor and mental arousal;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • confusion;
  • convulsions;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • malignant tachyarrhythmia;
  • increase in temperature;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • pulmonary edema.

Minimum lethal dose– 1 g of active substance.

In case of overdose, therapy is used: physostigmine intravenously to eliminate the main symptoms. Hemodialysis is not performed due to low efficiency. The acidification of urine promotes the rapid elimination of amantadine. No specific antidote has been found.

As an emergency medical care will need an appointment activated carbon or other sorbents. You need to drink as much as possible more water. Then induce vomiting to empty the stomach. Then immediately contact medical assistance, since Amantadine is a potent drug.

Pharmacological interactions and special instructions

Other antiparkinsonian drugs enhance the effect of Amantadine. This feature provides a beneficial effect in the treatment late stages Parkinson's disease. In combination with thiazide diuretics, there is a risk of toxic effects of the drug. Possible reduction in renal clearance.

In combination with central nervous system stimulants, signs of its excessive excitation appear. Together with quinine, quinidine, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, impaired renal clearance occurs, an increase in plasma concentration, and a decrease in the rate of excretion in urine. Anticholinergic drugs increase the risk of potentiating anticholinergic effects.

Combination with alcohol causes dizziness, confusion, and orthostatic hypertension. Before prescribing a medication, you should undergo a mandatory allergen test. If a reaction to the constituent components has previously occurred, Amantadine is contraindicated.

For the prevention and treatment of influenza, Amantadine is compatible with Rimantadine. At the same time, the risk of side effects is greater. The medication affects processes related to reaction speed and concentration. During the course of treatment, it is undesirable to drive vehicles or other mechanisms.


Analogues for the drug Amantadine are selected by the doctor in accordance with the diagnosis and concomitant diseases. The most common analogues:

  1. (antiparkinsonian medicine, for the treatment of neurodegenerative pathologies of the brain).
  2. Pramipexole Orion (used to treat idiopathic Parkinson's disease or restless legs syndrome).
  3. Parlodel (prolactin inhibitor, effective in complex therapy prolactin-dependent diseases, does not correct the level of other pituitary hormones).
  4. (can be used both as monotherapy for parkinsonism and together with levodopa).
  5. Bromergon (antiparkinsonian drug, does not affect the production of other pituitary hormones).

Replacing the original medicine with any of its analogues can only be done as prescribed by a doctor.

Preparation Amantadine- antiparkinsonian and antiviral agent, tricyclic symmetric adamantanamine.
Blocks glutamate NMDA receptors and thereby reduces the excessive stimulatory effect of cortical glutamate neurons on the neostriatum, which develops against the background of dopamine deficiency. Amantadine inhibits NMDA receptors of neurons of the substantia nigra, reduces the entry of Ca2+ into them, which reduces the possibility of destruction of these neurons. It has a greater effect on stiffness (rigidity and bradykinesia).
Inhibits the penetration of influenza A virus into the cell.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the drug Amantadine are:
- Parkinson's disease, parkinsonism syndrome (rigidity, tremor, hypokinesia).
- Neuralgia in herpes zoster caused by the Varicella zoster virus.
- Prevention (including in combination with vaccination) and treatment of influenza A.

Directions for use

Amantadine for oral administration, a single dose is 100-200 mg.
IV in the form of infusions of 200 mg over 3 hours.
The frequency and duration of use depend on the indications, the patient's response to treatment, and the epidemiological situation.
Maximum dose: when taken orally - 600 mg/day.

Side effects

From the central nervous system: headaches, depression, visual hallucinations, motor or mental agitation, convulsions, irritability, dizziness, sleep disorders, tremor, mental disorders accompanied by visual hallucinations, decreased visual acuity.
From the outside cardiovascular system: development or worsening of heart failure, orthostatic hypotension; rarely - arrhythmia, tachycardia.
From the outside digestive system: rarely - anorexia, nausea, constipation, dry mouth.
From the urinary system: in patients with prostatic hyperplasia - difficulty urinating; polyuria, nocturia.
Dermatological reactions: dermatosis, the appearance of a bluish coloration of the skin of the upper and lower limbs(livedo reticularis).


Contraindications to the use of the drug Amantadine are: liver failure, chronic renal failure, psychosis (including a history), thyrotoxicosis, epilepsy, angle-closure glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, arterial hypotension, chronic heart failure stage II-III, state of excitation, predelirium, delirious psychosis, first trimester of pregnancy, lactation period, simultaneous administration triamterene and hydrochlorothiazide, increased sensitivity to amantadine.


Use during pregnancy Amantadina It is possible only under strict indications and under the supervision of a doctor. Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.
If it is necessary to use it during lactation, the issue of stopping it should be decided. breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs

When used simultaneously Amantadina possible enhancement side effect antiparkinsonian drugs.
When used simultaneously with thiazide diuretics, the possibility of developing toxic effects of amantadine (ataxia, agitation, hallucinations), probably due to a decrease in its renal clearance, cannot be excluded.
A case of acute confusion in an elderly patient with simultaneous use of co-trimoxazole is described.
When used simultaneously with quinine or quinidine, it is possible to reduce the excretion of amantadine in the urine.


Overdose data Amantadine are missing.

Release forms:
Amantadine - film-coated tablets weighing 100 mg.


Use with caution in patients with impaired renal function, when used simultaneously with other antiparkinsonian drugs, as well as in the elderly. In such cases, adjustment of the amantadine dosage regimen is required. In patients with hyperreflexia, treatment should be withdrawn gradually.
Information on the effectiveness of amantadine to reduce extrapyramidal disorders during treatment antipsychotics(drug-induced parkinsonism) are controversial.
Avoid drinking alcohol during treatment.
Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery
During the treatment period, you should not engage in activities that require high concentration attention and rapid psychomotor reactions.

Basic parameters


By medical use drug

Registration number in the Russian Federation:

Trade name:

International nonproprietary name:


Dosage form:

tablets, coated film-coated


Active substance: amantadine sulfate 100 mg
lactose monohydrate 108.4 mg
microcrystalline cellulose 70 mg
potato starch 19 mg
gelatin 10 mg
povidone 9 mg
croscarmellose sodium 6.6 mg
talc 6 mg
colloidal silicon dioxide 0.5 mg
magnesium stearate 0.5 mg
talc 3.115 mg
butyl methacrylate copolymer 2.121 mg
titanium dioxide 1.192 mg
magnesium stearate 1.055 mg
Sunset yellow dye (E 110) 0.917 mg

Description: round, biconvex tablets, odorless, orange film-coated, scored on one side.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

antiparkinsonian drug

ATX code: N04BB01

Pharmacological properties

Amantadine has an indirect agonistic effect on striatal dopamine receptors. Increases the extracellular concentration of dopamine by both intensifying its production and blocking the reuptake of dopamine by presynaptic neurons. At therapeutic concentrations, amantadine slows down the production of acetylcholine and thereby has an anticholinergic effect.

After oral administration peak plasma concentration is reached after 2-8 hours. When taking 200 mg per day, a steady-state plasma concentration of 400-900 ng/ml is achieved on days 4-7. Total clearance is 17.7 ± 10 L/h in healthy volunteers; The half-life is from 10 to 30 hours, with an average of about 15 hours. Amantadine is approximately 67% bound to plasma proteins. Penetrates the blood-brain barrier. Excreted by the kidneys almost unchanged (90% of a single dose); a small amount is excreted in feces. Dialysis is ineffective (about 5% per procedure).

Indications for use

Parkinson's disease (muscle rigidity, tremor, hypo- or akinesia).
Extrapyramidal disorders caused by taking antipsychotics or other drugs (dyskinesia, akathisia and parkinsonism).
Neuralgia due to herpes zoster (Herpes Zoster).


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug; severe congestive heart failure (class IV according to the New York Heart Association scale), cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, atrioventricular block II and III degrees, bradycardia with a heart rate less than 55 beats/min, prolongation of the QT interval more than 420 ms, ventricular arrhythmia (including including ventricular flutter), pregnancy and breastfeeding, low levels of potassium and magnesium in the blood, simultaneous use with drugs that prolong the QT interval, severe renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 10 ml/min), childhood(up to 18 years), hereditary galactose deficiency, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption, phenylketonuria, sucrose-isomaltose deficiency, hereditary fructose deficiency, psychosis (history).

With caution
Prostatic hyperplasia, narrow-angle glaucoma, renal failure varying degrees severity (there is a risk of drug accumulation), agitation, delirium, central depression nervous system, exogenous psychosis (including a history), combined use with memantine, triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, after meals with a small amount liquids, preferably in the first half of the day. The first 3 days - 1 tablet per day, then increase the dose to 2 tablets per day, and a further increase in the dose by 1 tablet per week is possible. The usual effective dose is 1 to 3 tablets twice daily. Maximum daily dose– 600 mg. In case combination treatment it is necessary to determine the dose individually. It is recommended to take the last dose in the afternoon no later than 16-00.
In elderly patients, in particular in patients suffering from a state of agitation and confusion, predelirium and delirium, a lower dosage is required.
For renal dysfunction:

Side effects

From the nervous system, sensory organs and psyche: Common: insomnia, psychomotor agitation, paranoid exogenous psychosis, accompanied by visual hallucinations (in predisposed elderly patients), dizziness, decreased visual acuity. Very rarely: epileptic seizures(usually after taking a dose higher than recommended), peripheral neuropathy, temporary loss of vision, myoclonus.
From the cardiovascular system: Very rare: arrhythmia, tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, prolongation of the QT interval, development or worsening of heart failure, orthostatic hypotension. Common: syndrome marble leather combined with swelling of the ankles and legs.
From the gastrointestinal tract: Common: nausea, dry mouth.
Other: Often: urinary retention in patients with prostate adenoma. Very rare: allergic skin reactions, photosensitivity, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, corneal edema, reversible after stopping the drug. Overdose


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, increased excitability, tremor, ataxia, decreased visual acuity, lethargic state, depression, dysarthria, epileptic seizures, arrhythmia.
Treatment: gastric lavage, taking activated carbon, symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of amantadine and drugs that cause an increase in the OT interval is contraindicated, in particular:
- some antiarrhythmic drugs of class I A (for example, kinidine, disopyramide, procainamide), and class III (for example, amiodarone and sotalol);
- some antipsychotic drugs (for example, thioridazine, chlorpromazine, pimozide);
- some tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants (for example, amitriptyline);
- some antihistamines(eg astemizole, terfenadine);
- some macrolide antibiotics(eg, erythromycin, clarithromycin);
- some gyrase inhibitors (for example, sparfloxacin);
- antifungal agents azole group, and other drugs, in particular bidupine, halofantrine, co-trimoxazole, pentamidine, cisapride and bepridil.
Concomitant use of diuretics that are a combination of triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide may lead to increased plasma concentrations of amantadine. When co-administered with other antiparkinsonian drugs (such as levodopa, bromocriptine, memantine, trihexyphenidyl), it may be necessary to reduce the dose of the concomitant drug, or both drugs, to avoid undesirable consequences, in particular psychotic reactions.
Anticholinergics, sympathomimetics and memantine: increase side effects.
Central nervous system stimulants (including psychostimulants) and ethanol increase the risk of side effects.

Special instructions

Treatment with PK-Merz should not be stopped suddenly, as this may lead to a worsening of symptoms. Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases should be under constant medical supervision when prescribing the drug PK-Merz. Alcohol intake is contraindicated during treatment. Use with caution when working for drivers vehicles and people whose profession is associated with increased concentration.

Release form

Tablets 100 mg. 10 tablets per blister made of PVC/aluminum foil; 3 blisters are placed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not higher than 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

5 years.
Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

According to the recipe.

Manufacturing company

Ursafarm Artsneimittel GmbH & Co. KG"
Industrialstrasse, D-66129. Saarbrücken, Germany

Packer (primary packaging), packer (secondary packaging) and releasing quality control
Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaL" D-60318, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Send claims to:
Merz Pharma LLC
123317, Moscow. Presnenskaya embankment 10,
Business center "Tower on the Embankment", block S.

The drug "Amantadine" is an antiviral and antiparkinsonian drug. Due to the pronounced effect on the central nervous system, before taking it, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications, and also find out which medications it should not be combined with. As a rule, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of parkinsonism in complex therapy. As antiviral agent used less frequently. Usually other medications are chosen that have fewer possible side effects.

How does the drug work?

The action of "Amantadine" is aimed at glutamate receptors. By blocking them, the effect on the neostriatum is reduced against the background of dopamine deficiency - this is how an antiparkinsonian effect is achieved. Antiviral effect is that the drug prevents the penetration of the virus (influenza A) into the cells of the body's tissues.

Route of administration: oral. Next, "Amantadine" is absorbed into digestive tract and enters the blood, where its maximum concentration is observed after 4 hours. It should be noted that the drug can penetrate the placental barrier, which has an adverse effect on the fetus. "Amantadine" (instructions for use - below) is contraindicated not only for pregnant women, but also during breastfeeding.


The active ingredient is amantadine sulfate, but the composition contains other auxiliary components. They are especially worth paying attention to if you have an allergic reaction. The drug contains lactose monohydrate, gelatin, talc, starch and cellulose. Also contains magnesium and titanium stearate, polyethylene glycol.

When is Amantadine used?

This is used to treat influenza A as well as preventatively. In addition, it can be used for herpes zoster (it is caused by a virus to reduce neuralgia. Another indication is parkinsonism.

"Amantadine": instructions for use

How to take the drug? Amantadine tablets (the price depends on the place of purchase - 130-150 rubles) are recommended to be used in the first half of the day, as excessive activation of the central nervous system is possible, and consequently, the occurrence of insomnia and other side effects (dizziness, headache). Single dose depends on the disease and the desired effect. It is determined only by the attending physician, taking into account individual characteristics patient and clinical case. For parkinsonism, in the first week, as a rule, 100 mg of the drug per day is prescribed, and then the dose is increased (maximum - 400 mg).

The treatment plan is adjusted depending on whether the patient has concomitant diseases, for example, when renal failure and in old age the dosage should be reduced. For a pronounced antiparkinsonian effect, the drug is combined with other drugs. Monotherapy is ineffective. You should not abruptly stop taking the drug, as there is a risk of increased symptoms of Parkinson's disease, including akinetic crises. This should especially be taken into account when pronounced side effects are detected - withdrawal from the drug should occur smoothly, the dose should be gradually reduced.

Antiviral therapy consists of taking the medicine every 12 hours. As a rule, the doctor prescribes 1 tablet (100 mg), but for elderly patients the dose is reduced (maximum daily dose - 100 mg). Treatment should begin immediately after the first symptoms appear; the course of therapy is usually 5 days. For prophylaxis, you should take 100 mg/day, the duration of administration is from 2 to 4 weeks.

Caused by H. zoster, lasts about 14 days, and therapy should be started immediately after diagnosis.

Side effects

"Amantadine" (instructions for use - included) has big list side effects, which is mainly due to its ability to penetrate and affect the central nervous system. These include anxiety, headaches and dizziness, nervous excitement, hallucinations (rare). Decreased attention and confusion are common, so during treatment with Amantadine you should not drive or perform any activities. dangerous work which requires high concentration. Other side effects- leukopenia, nausea, diarrhea, urinary disturbances, skin rashes, edema (especially in patients with heart failure).


Before taking the drug, you should carefully read the list of contraindications. Among them:

  • allergy to components;
  • renal failure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What drugs cannot be combined with Amantadine?

The medicine is usually combined with other drugs for the treatment of parkinsonism, and a mutual enhancement of the effect is observed. However, combining this drug and Levodopa is not recommended, as there is a risk of increased effects on the central nervous system (psychosis, hallucinations, nightmares). For the same reason, Amantadine is not taken simultaneously with Memantine.

It is necessary to stop drinking alcohol, as this entails an increased toxic effect on the central nervous system. In addition, the simultaneous use of Amantadine with diuretics is not allowed, since in this case the elimination of the antiviral agent is disrupted, and therefore its concentration in the blood can reach a toxic level.

"Amantadine": analogues. What should you buy?

Among the drugs that contain amantadine as an active ingredient (the instructions for using analogues are different), one can highlight "PK-Merz" and "Neomidantan". The latter is available in the form gelatin capsules filled with white powder. "PK-Merz" - coated tablets orange color. The list of indications for this drug is more extensive. "PK-Merz" is also used for traumatic brain injury, endogenous intoxications, disorders cerebral circulation, dementia, Huntington's chorea.


Chemical properties

This product is antiviral and at the same time antiparkinsonian preparation. In my own way chemical structure substance is tricyclic aminoadamantane .

Amantadine is available as sulfate , glucuronide or hydrochloride . The hydrochloride is white or white with yellow tint coarse crystalline powder. The compound is highly soluble in water and alcohols, practically insoluble in on air .

First time as antiviral drug Amantadine was used in 67 of the 20th century. After some time, its effectiveness in treatment was discovered. There is a known case when using this medicine it was possible to cure ( Milwaukee protocol ). The patient was put into an induced coma and 7 days later tests showed the absence of the virus.

Pharmacological action

Antiviral , antiparkinsonian .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The mechanism of action of Amantadine is not fully understood. It is assumed that the drug stimulates the processes of elimination from its neuronal depots, thereby increasing the degree of sensitivity of specific receptors to this neurotransmitter . As a result, if there is a decrease in production intensity dopamine V basal ganglia x, the drug creates conditions that normalize neurophysiological processes . There is an opinion that additional lek. the drug can inhibit generation nerve impulses V motor neurons central nervous system, acting as a weak antagonist NMDA receptors .

The antiviral effect of the drug is explained by its ability to block penetration processes virus A into a living cell.

After oral administration, the active substance is well and quickly absorbed into gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of Amantadine in blood plasma can be noted within 4 hours after administration. The remedy overcomes hematoencephalic And placental barriers , excreted from breast milk. The half-life of the drug is about 15 hours. The substance is excreted unchanged through the kidneys.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed:

  • at ;
  • for treatment rigid And akinetic forms of parkinsonism ;
  • in case of loss of consciousness as a result of TBI;
  • to eliminate extrapyramidal disorders associated with taking medications (for example, antipsychotics );
  • with , accompanying shingles ;
  • if the patient needs to be slowly brought out of anesthesia;
  • as prophylactic at influenza A ;
  • for treatment influenza A as part of complex therapy.


The medicine is contraindicated:

  • if available allergic reactions on the active substance;
  • if the patient has previously had psychoses ;
  • sick;
  • at ;
  • patients with;
  • at ;
  • pregnant women;
  • at serious illnesses liver and kidneys;
  • while breastfeeding.
  • when treating patients with congestion heart failure ;
  • sick allergic dermatitis ;
  • with strong psychomotor agitation;
  • patients with renal And liver failure ;
  • at and .

Side effects

During treatment with Amantadine, the following may occur:

  • headache, convulsions , psychomotor agitation;
  • dizziness, blurred vision, increased irritability and sensitivity;
  • decreased blood pressure, heart failure;
  • constipation, nausea, dry oral mucosa;
  • nocturia , retention and difficulty urinating, polyuria (for prostatic hyperplasia);
  • dermatosis , blue tint to the skin on the extremities;
  • rarely - anorexia , .

Amantadine, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug is prescribed orally. After eating.

Initial daily dosage for adults is 0.1 grams. According to indications, 7 days after the start of treatment, the dosage can be increased to 0.2 g per day. Maximum quantity a drug that can be taken during the day – 0.4 grams.

Due to the fact that the medicine can stimulate the central nervous system, it is not recommended to use it later than 4 pm. At renal failure the dosage must be reduced and the interval between doses increased.

Most often, therapy is carried out in combination with other medications ( alpha-dopa And anticholinergics ). The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

For the prevention or treatment of influenza, 0.2 mg of the drug is prescribed for 10 days.

The substance is administered intravenously at 0.2 grams several times a day. The infusion rate is low, no more than 50-60 drops per minute, the procedure is carried out over 3 hours.

For treatment viral diseases eye A 0.5% aqueous solution is instilled into the conjunctival sac 5 times a day, gradually reducing the dose to 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 15 days.


There are no data on overdose.


When combined with the drug, side effects may increase when using other medications for.