What is better Glycine or Tenoten or Glycine Forte? Glycine or tenoten - which has a better effect on the psycho-emotional state.

Glycine and Tenoten are nootropic drugs for use in adults and children with seemingly identical characteristics. The actions of the drugs are so similar that it can be difficult not only for patients, but also for doctors to choose between them. It is especially difficult to decide when the doctor indicates both drugs in the prescription, leaving the patient to decide for himself how to treat himself. So is there a difference between what to take: Glycine or Tenoten, and which is really better?

Glycine and Tenoten: similarities of drugs

Glycine and Tenoten are Russian-made drugs.

Both drugs are considered safe enough that they are allowed for most adults without any restrictions. Children can use Tenoten or Glycine from the age of 3 years.

The only contraindications are individual intolerance to the components contained, as well as pregnancy and lactation. But in the latter case admission is not recommended due to precautions not to harm the fetus and child, since no one can guarantee complete safety in this case.

Is the same dosage form medications: Glycine and Tenoten are available in the form of sublingual (i.e., sublingual) tablets that must be kept in the mouth until they disappear completely.

The attractiveness of the drugs is that they do not contain substances with toxic properties, so they practically do not cause side effects, with the exception of individual reactions in children and adults with increased sensitivity of the body.

Differences between drugs

The main difference between Glycine and Tenoten is in properties active substances. In the first preparation therapeutic effect determines glycine, in the second - specially purified antibodies to a brain-specific protein, which are identical in properties to the cells of the central nervous system and brain proteins.

Manufacturers of Glycine have not provided a separate drug for children. Therefore, the same dose is prescribed for children as for adults, but only in a different dosage. The developers of the second product thought about the possibility of use in pediatrics, so they released good option Tenotena is a medicine in pediatric dosage.

Both drugs, despite their differences, can replace each other if necessary. When prescribing both drugs, there should be no doubt whether Glycine and Tenoten can be taken together - the drugs combine well without causing unwanted effects.

A drug that improves metabolic processes in the central nervous system. It also relieves psycho-emotional disorders and improves brain performance. The mechanism of action is achieved by influencing glycine-sensitive receptors.

Tablets are prescribed for:

  • Improved mental performance
  • Elimination of cell damage after stress
  • Treatment of diseases of the nervous system with accompanying increased nervousness, mood lability, sleep disorders, vegetative-vascular phenomena
  • Treatment of the consequences of ischemic stroke
  • Treatment of sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, etc.).

Glycine is also used in narcology as an adjuvant therapy to eliminate disorders caused by alcoholism or drug addiction.

The dosage regimen and duration of therapy are determined by the doctor on an individual basis. On average, it is recommended to dissolve 0.5-1 tablets 1 to 3 times a day. If for some reason the patient cannot take the medicine in this way, then it is recommended to give Glycine in crushed form.

As a result, after taking a course of Glycine therapy, patients not only improve their brain activity, but also their psycho-emotional state.

The drug has an anxiolytic effect (relieves anxiety), as well as a sedative, antihypoxic and antidepressant. Restores damaged neural connections and cells after hypoxia, damage due to acute cerebral circulatory disorders.

Indications for the use of Tenoten are the following:

  • Neurosis-like and neurotic conditions
  • Psychosomatic pathologies
  • Disorders in cells due to stress, oxygen starvation
  • Mild and moderate forms of organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Tenoten for children, in addition to these indications, is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Features of combining Glycine and Tenoten

Doctors often prescribe simultaneous use of Glycine with Tenoten. This scheme is especially recommended for children. Why is this being done?

After taking Glycine, the patient may develop drowsiness or, conversely, increase vitality - it all depends on the individuality of the body and even biorhythms. Therefore, depending on personal characteristics, some patients take the medicine in the evening, others - in the morning, in order to more actively join the working rhythm.

Knowing this feature of Glycine, doctors can prescribe Tenoten to balance its effect. Tenoten is prescribed for children with attention deficit disorder and high activity, to improve learning ability, since the drug combines well with glycine and enhances it sedative effect and doesn't call negative reaction body. However, it must be borne in mind that you cannot give children two medications on your own; you must first consult with a pediatrician.

Although Glycine and Tenoten are not directly calming tablets, such an effect is present. Medicines improve brain activity and eliminate the consequences of damage to the nervous system. How to take the drugs - together or separately - should be determined by a specialist.

Nootropic drugs are approved for use in children and adult patients. Often, a specialist gives patients a choice: tenoten or glycine, prescribing both drugs on the prescription form. Both medications have much in common in their characteristics, but there are also small differences that should not be forgotten.




What do glycine and tenoten have in common and how do they differ?

Both drugs belong to the pharmacological subgroup of nootropics and anxiolytics and are produced locally pharmaceutical companies. The drugs are intended for sublingual administration and are manufactured in tablet form.

The main difference lies in the component ingredients of the drugs. Glycine contains the substance of the same name in a volume of 100 mg; there are variants of the drug with dosages of 250 or 1000 mg. Key elements tenoten are antibodies to S-100, a protein localized in cellular structures CNS. In the medicine, its amount corresponds to a homeopathic dilution of 10 to 15 g per gram.

Only tenoten has a children's version of the drug. The component composition in it is no different from the adult product, but the concentration of the key ingredient is 10 times weaker.

Difference in Action

Differences in the spectrum of effects depend on the drug. What is better, tenoten or glycine, is determined by the doctor.

Glycine improves metabolic processes in the central nervous system. With its help, symptomatic signs of psycho-emotional disorders are suppressed and brain activity is improved. The operating mechanisms are similar in the light of the effect on receptors sensitive to the active component. The drug is recommended in the following cases:

  • to increase mental performance, get rid of cell damage after a stressful situation;
  • during therapeutic procedures aimed at treating the nervous system with clinical manifestations of nervousness, lability of the psycho-emotional state, sleep problems, symptoms of vegetative-vascular abnormalities;
  • in the treatment of the consequences of past ischemic stroke;
  • for the treatment of sleep disorders - with stable insomnia, difficulties falling asleep.

In drug treatment practice, Glycine is used as an additional component of treatment when it is necessary to relieve the consequences of dependence on alcoholic beverages or drugs.

The duration of the course of therapy and dosage are prescribed by the attending physician for each patient individually. The average dose of the drug is 0.5-1 tablet three times a day. If the patient has problems with swallowing, then glycine can be taken in pre-crushed form.

The result of the procedures performed is an improvement in performance brain activity, stabilization of the psycho-emotional background.

Tenoten has an anxiolytic spectrum of effects, suppresses anxiety, calms, reduces negative signs of depression and hypoxia. With its help, the restoration of damaged neural connections and cellular structures resulting from oxygen starvation, various damage - as consequences of the acute course of dysfunction cerebral circulation.

  • for neurotic and neurosis-like conditions;
  • psychosomatic diseases, abnormalities in cellular structures that arise after insufficient oxygen supply or during severe psycho-emotional shock;
  • with light and medium flow organic diseases CNS.

For the children's version of tenoten, in addition to the above indicators, there are additional recommendations for use - the drug is used for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Is it possible to take them together?

When undergoing glycine treatment, various reactions from the body can be recorded: increased activity, persistent drowsiness. Impact depends on individual characteristics general condition the patient, the type of his nervous system, the level of influence of daily biorhythms on the body.

For some patients, it is better to take the drug in the morning - during this period a person shows maximum activity and performance. Others feel calm after taking it and fall asleep better.

When receiving a prescription form from a specialist, patients wonder: can tenoten and glycine be taken together and how their combination affects the body. Tenoten goes well with other medications without causing unwanted side reactions. Together with glycine, it increases the sedative effect and improves its nootropic effectiveness.

Important! Neurological and psychosomatic disorders cannot be treated independently, especially in childhood. The medications should be recommended by the attending physician, taking into account the problems encountered.

What is better in childhood?

Tenoten and glycine can be prescribed simultaneously to children with increased excitability, attention disorders, excessive activity. The remedies allow you to eliminate anxiety that worsens at night and get a good night's rest.

Taking into account the two options for the effect of Glycine on the child’s body, it is impossible to make a choice between two drugs before starting the procedures. Pediatric neurologists categorically prohibit making independent diagnoses and self-medicating, especially when the child has increased anxiety.

Initially, treatment consists of undergoing consultations with a psychologist, and only in the absence of positive dynamics from therapy is the question of the need to use medications raised.

Difference in contraindications and costs


  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Children's age - each drug has different age restrictions.

Special instructions: Tenoten contains lactose. The effect of tenoten during pregnancy and breasts. feedings have not been studied; during these periods it can only be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

In terms of price, glycine is an affordable drug. A package of tablets (50 pcs.) costs only about 35 rubles. A package of homeopathic remedies (40 pcs.) is approximately 6 times more expensive.

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There are quite a few life situations when it may be necessary to use drugs that support the activity of the nervous system. And today you can find many such drugs in the pharmacy. It is quite difficult to choose the right one in a particular situation, so you should not rely on intuition and self-awareness, it is better to trust a competent specialist. Just such medications include Glycine, Tenoten and Glycine Forte, which we will consider best on this page “Popular about health” further.

Glycine or Tenoten - which is better??

Both and are representatives of anxiolytics and belong to nootropic drugs. These medications are produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies and are intended for sublingual use. They contain different active substances and have slightly different effects on the body.

So Glycine is a source of glycine, which is known as an amino acid normally produced by our body. One tablet contains 0.1 g of active substance; you can also find on sale versions of drugs with a higher dosage (0.25 g or 1 g).

Tenoten is a source of antibodies to the S-100 protein, which is found in the cells of our central nervous system. Such antibodies are present in the medicine in a minimal (homeopathic) dilution - 10-15 ng/g. There is also a special children's Tenoten on sale, the concentration of the active substance in it is ten times less.

Glycine is an important non-essential amino acid that takes part in many processes occurring in our body. In addition, it plays the role of a regulator of the functions of the central nervous system. Additional consumption of glycine has a number of positive effects, including nootropic, anti-stress, antidepressant, anabolic, anti-anemic and anti-ischemic. In addition, this amino acid can reduce the accumulation of fats, it has antioxidant and neuroprotective qualities, and also has an antitoxic effect. Glycine also has a positive effect on memory processes, memorization and reproduction of information.

As for Tenoten, the antibodies in its composition bind selectively to proteins in the brain (S-100 proteins), activating their activity. And doctors more than fifty years ago came to the conclusion that such proteins take an active part in almost all areas of the central nervous system. Therefore, Tenoten has an anxiolytic, neuroprotective and nootropic effect, perfectly stimulates metabolism, activates energy metabolism and has antitoxic properties. There is evidence that such a remedy can improve the patient’s ability to learn; it has a positive effect on the mechanisms of memorization and volitional regulation of behavior.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to compare Tenoten with Glycine, since they are characterized by different mechanisms actions. Sometimes such medications are prescribed to patients together; in this case, doctors are confident that Tenoten combines well with other medications and does not cause any side effects, but at the same time enhances the sedative qualities of Glycine and adds to the severity of its nootropic qualities.

It is also worth noting that the effect of Glycine and Tenoten on the body (including in childhood) directly depends on individual characteristics. Thus, Glycine is known to affect both inhibitory and excitatory receptors, so it can add activity (and improve mental abilities), or, conversely, to calm down.

In some situations, patients do not notice the positive effects of such medications at all.
Only a qualified neurologist can choose the appropriate remedy in each specific case.

Glycine or Glycine Forte - which is better??

The main difference between these drugs is that they are representatives of different pharmacological groups. Glycine is a medicine that has a nootropic effect, and Glycine Forte (from Evalar) is a dietary supplement. Both products are produced in Russia and are intended to be absorbed under the tongue.

The main component of both medications is the non-essential amino acid glycine, which takes part in many processes occurring in our body. Among other things, it performs a neurotransmitter function, having a dual effect on neurons located in the spinal cord and brain (both inhibitory and excitatory).

In addition to glycine, Glycine Forte contains three more components. These are B1, B6, and also B12. All of them are extremely important for the full functioning of the central nervous system. This leads to a decrease in attention and learning abilities, causes fatigue and emotional depression. With a lack of vitamin B6, proper metabolism in the body, including the brain, is disrupted. And it is fraught with disturbances in the growth, energy and nutrition of nerve cells and during metabolic processes. In addition, Glycine Forte 300 contains three times more glycine, rather than classic Glycine.

Thus, Glycine Forte is more effective medicine to correct disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, it also saturates the body with additional amounts of B vitamins, the deficiency of which many face modern people.

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If we translate “anxiolytic” and “nootropic” from the Greek and Latin names, we get “dissolving anxiety” and “turning the mind.” Indeed, under conditions of stress or a severe psychosomatic condition, it is so important that the mind switches to a constructive solution to the problem, and the emotional background does not go off scale with anxiety and fear.

Both are included in the pharmacological group of anxiolytics and nootropics and are produced on domestic pharmaceutical sites. Tenoten is a homeopathic product from the company Materia Medica Holding, and Glycine is produced by BIOTICS MNPC. (in pharmacies you can also find many pharmaceutical equivalents produced by other Russian companies, for example, Forte, Bio, etc.).

Available in tablet form for sublingual (sublingual) use. Active ingredients The drugs vary. The drug Glycine, as the name suggests, contains glycine in a dose of 0.1 g. Among its pharmaceutical equivalents, there are drugs with an increased dosage of up to 0.25 or 1 g.

The active ingredients of Tenoten are: antibodies to protein S-100 contained in the cells of the central nervous system. The preparation contains them in a homeopathic dilution of 10-15 ng/g.

There is no separate glycine-containing drug for children, but Tenoten for children does exist. The composition of the components in it does not differ from the drug for adults, but the concentration of the homeopathic dilution of the active substance is 10 times stronger.

Difference in Action

Proteins consist of amino acids, which are divided into essential (come only from outside) and non-essential. Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that is produced by the cells of our body. It is known that about 45 g of it is synthesized in the body, and 3-5 g is supplied daily with food. Then a reasonable question arises: why do you need to take it in tablet form?

The fact is that this is a very popular “biochemical building block” of our body. It participates in the reactions:

  • interconversion of amino acids,
  • protein formation,
  • synthesis of porphyrins,
  • synthesis of purine nucleotides,
  • creatine formation,
  • formation of bile acids,
  • glutathione synthesis.

In addition, glycine itself is a regulator of central nervous system functions. Here it plays a dual role: an inhibitory neurotransmitter (acts on receptors of the same name) and an excitatory neurotransmitter (acts on NMDA receptors together with glutamate).

In general, at the body level, glycine exhibits the following effects:

  • nootropic,
  • anti-stress and antidepressant,
  • anabolic,
  • antianemic,
  • anti-ischemic,
  • reducing fat accumulation,
  • antioxidant,
  • neuroprotective,
  • antitoxic.

The nootropic effect is associated with NMDA receptors. They play in the central nervous system key role in the processes of neuroplasticity, generation of breathing rhythms and motor skills, as well as learning, memory and processing of incoming information.

In order to trigger the process of memory formation, activation of NMDA receptors through glutamate and glycine is necessary.

By binding to NMDA, these substances trigger the opening of a special ion channel and the appearance of nerve impulse, which subsequently forms the basis for the formation of synaptic “memory traces”.

It is difficult to say unambiguously which of the drugs is better, since the active substances in them are different in nature.

Tenoten contains a specific protein (antibody) that selectively binds to S-100 brain proteins and activates their functions.

Moreover, the use of the verb “contains” in in this case quite conditionally, since the drug is homeopathic. This means that the antibodies in the drug are diluted to ultra-low doses and have an activated-potentiated form.

In the 60s of the last century, it was found that proteins of the S-100 family are involved in almost all the main functions of the central nervous system:

  • maintaining membrane potential,
  • generation and transmission of nerve impulses,
  • modulation of synaptic activity,
  • neuronal plasticity,
  • ability to learn, remember and volitionally regulate behavior.

According to the manufacturer, Tenoten exhibits the following effects:

  • anxiolytic,
  • neuroprotective,
  • nootropic,
  • stimulating metabolism
  • activating energy metabolism,
  • antitoxic.

When taking glycine, you can see different reactions - both activity and drowsiness, depending on the individual condition a person, the type of his nervous system and even daily biorhythms. Indeed, some people are better off taking it in the morning, then they feel a “working mood” and intellectual activity. Others, on the contrary, after taking glycine calm down and fall asleep better.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that in order to achieve a “balancing” effect, some doctors prescribe Tenoten together with Glycine, especially for children.

Due to its ability to combine with others medicines, without causing unwanted side effects, potentiates the sedative effect of glycine and enhances its nootropic effect.

However, given the complex profile of neurotic and psychosomatic disorders, especially in children, the timely prescription of drugs requires mandatory medical consultation.

What is better in childhood?

They can be prescribed to children with excessive excitability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Eliminating anxiety that gets worse at night with these remedies helps you achieve restful sleep.

For example, according to the results of a study conducted by the Sleep Research Society, taking glycine improved sleep quality, reduced drowsiness in daytime and increased performance on mental tasks.

However, given the dual effect of glycine depending on the individual reaction of the child, it will not be possible to clearly choose one of the two before use. Even reviews from parents on forums on the Internet vary in completely opposite ways.

I would like to warn against conducting independent “experiments” and leave the choice to the pediatrician.

Moreover, with regard to anxiety, it is quite possible that the effect of a session with a child psychologist will be much more effective and faster, and only a very good professional can correctly diagnose ADHD.

Difference in contraindications and costs

In terms of price, Glycine is an affordable drug. A package of tablets (50 pcs.) costs only about 35 rubles. A package of homeopathic remedies (40 pcs.) is approximately 6 times more expensive.

Show review for the drug “,”author”:”ÐвÑоÑ: Kliwi”,”date_published”:”2018-08-27T00:00:00.000Z”,”lead_image_url”:”https://4.bp .blogspot.com/-PCEdDPGlnVA/V-NjABsZhGI/AAAAAAAAFOI/PKPVx4tfTJAT-dxOpBJexTlXyOZuex-_ACLcB/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/tenoten-glittsin.jpg”,”dek”:null,”next_page_url”:null,” url”:”https://www.kliwi.ru/2016/09/glitsin-ili-tenoten-chto-luchshe.html”,”domain”:”www.kliwi.ru”,”excerpt”:”С RESEARCH ¸Ð½ и Ð ÐºÐ°ÐºÐ°Ñ Ð¼ÐµÐ¶Ð´Ñ Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð¸ ÑазниÑа в ÑоÑÑаве и Ð´ÐµÐ¹Ñ Ñвии. › › › оÑен д What's wrong? → и ÑÑо обойдеÑÑÑ…” ,”word_count”:816,”direction”:”ltr”,”total_pages”:1,”rendered_pages”:1)

Source: https://www.kliwi.ru/2016/09/glitsin-ili-tenoten-chto-luchshe.html

Glycine and Tenoten are nootropic drugs for use in adults and children with seemingly identical characteristics. The actions of the drugs are so similar that it can be difficult not only for patients, but also for doctors to choose between them.

It is especially difficult to decide when the doctor indicates both drugs in the prescription, leaving the patient to decide for himself how to treat himself.

So is there a difference between what to take: Glycine or Tenoten, and which is really better?

Glycine and Tenoten are Russian-made drugs.

Both drugs are considered safe enough that they are allowed for most adults without any restrictions. Children can use Tenoten or Glycine from the age of 3 years.

The only contraindications are individual intolerance to the components contained, as well as pregnancy and lactation. But in the latter case, use is not recommended due to precautions not to harm the fetus and child, since no one can guarantee complete safety in this case.

The dosage form of the medications is also the same: Glycine and Tenoten are available in the form of sublingual (i.e., sublingual) tablets, which must be kept in the mouth until they disappear completely.

The attractiveness of the drugs is that they do not contain substances with toxic properties, so they practically do not cause side effects, with the exception of individual reactions in children and adults with increased sensitivity of the body.

Differences between drugs

The difference between Glycine and Tenoten is in the properties of the active substances. In the first drug, the therapeutic effect is determined by glycine, in the second - specially purified antibodies to a brain-specific protein, which are identical in properties to the cells of the central nervous system and brain proteins.

Manufacturers of Glycine have not provided a separate drug for children. Therefore, the same dose is prescribed for children as for adults, but only in a different dosage. The developers of the second product thought about the possibility of use in pediatrics, so they released a good version of Tenoten - a medicine in a pediatric dosage.

Both drugs, despite their differences, can replace each other if necessary. When prescribing both drugs, there should be no doubt whether Glycine and Tenoten can be taken together - the drugs combine well without causing unwanted effects.


A drug that improves metabolic processes in the central nervous system. It also relieves psycho-emotional disorders and improves brain performance. The mechanism of action is achieved by influencing glycine-sensitive receptors.

Tablets are prescribed for:

  • Improved mental performance
  • Elimination of cell damage after stress
  • Treatment of diseases of the nervous system with concomitant increased nervousness, mood lability, sleep disorders, vegetative-vascular phenomena
  • Treatment of the consequences of ischemic stroke
  • Treatment of sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, etc.).

Glycine is also used in narcology as an adjuvant therapy to eliminate disorders caused by alcoholism or drug addiction.

The dosage regimen and duration of therapy are determined by the doctor on an individual basis. On average, it is recommended to dissolve 0.5-1 tablets 1 to 3 times a day. If for some reason the patient cannot take the medicine in this way, then it is recommended to give Glycine in crushed form.

As a result, after taking a course of Glycine therapy, patients not only improve their brain activity, but also their psycho-emotional state.


The drug has an anxiolytic effect (relieves anxiety), as well as a sedative, antihypoxic and antidepressant. Restores damaged neural connections and cells after hypoxia, damage due to acute cerebral circulatory disorders.

Indications for the use of Tenoten are the following:

  • Neurosis-like and neurotic conditions
  • Psychosomatic pathologies
  • Cellular disorders due to stress and oxygen deprivation
  • Mild and moderate forms of organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Tenoten for children, in addition to these indications, is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Features of combining Glycine and Tenoten

Doctors often prescribe simultaneous use of Glycine with Tenoten. This scheme is especially recommended for children. Why is this being done?

After taking Glycine, the patient may develop drowsiness or, conversely, increase vitality - it all depends on the individuality of the body and even biorhythms. Therefore, depending on personal characteristics, some patients take the medicine in the evening, others - in the morning, in order to more actively join the working rhythm.

Knowing this feature of Glycine, doctors can prescribe Tenoten to balance its effect.

Tenoten is prescribed to children for attention deficit disorder and high activity, to improve learning ability, since the drug combines well with glycine, enhances its sedative effect and does not cause a negative reaction in the body. However, it must be borne in mind that you cannot give children two medications on your own; you must first consult with a pediatrician.

Although Glycine and Tenoten are not directly sedative tablets, such an effect is present. Medicines improve brain activity and eliminate the consequences of damage to the nervous system. How to take the drugs - together or separately - should be determined by a specialist.

Source: http://lekhar.ru/lekarstva/preparaty-dlja-nervnoj-sistemy/glicin-i-tenoten-sovmestimost/

As stress levels rise, people are increasingly turning to sedatives. Their use allows not only to alleviate the condition, but also has a strengthening effect, thanks to the additives.

One of these drugs is Glycine, numerous analogues of which can cause difficulty in selecting a drug and confusion for the average person.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a lot of products that have a similar effect, having different characteristics and compositions. The choice is not obvious, let's try to figure it out.

Properties and principle of action of the drug

Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that takes part in the regulation of the nervous system. It increases the efficiency of metabolism in the brain and has a sedative effect. As a result, concentration increases, stress levels decrease, and performance increases.

The drug has an antioxidant effect, reduces the level of toxins, has an adrenergic blocking effect and regulates the functioning of glutamate receptors. This leads to normalization of sleep and activation of mental activity.

Thanks to its action, Glycine reduces the manifestations of vegetative-vascular pathologies and facilitates the restoration of brain activity after injuries and strokes.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Since the drug has a pronounced effect, it is widely used to restore the functioning of the nervous system and normalize psycho-emotional sphere. The main indications for use are:

  • increased level of anxiety;
  • long-term stress;
  • decreased efficiency thought processes;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • decreased emotional stability;
  • recovery after an ischemic stroke;
  • relief of alcohol or nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

The drug is unable to penetrate the placental barrier, and therefore it is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. Can be used in childhood.

The only contraindication is individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. There are practically no side effects when using it. Most often they are an allergic reaction to the components.

According to reviews of the drug Glycine posted online, many patients note increased performance and normalization of sleep. Reduced headaches and improved memory are also mentioned.

At the same time, among the negative effects noted by patients are the following:

  • attacks of sudden weakness;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • stimulating effect;
  • sudden lack of therapeutic effect.

The first three points can be attributed to the characteristics of the individual reaction of the nervous system. The last point can be explained by excessive uncontrolled use and emerging resistance to the action of the drug.

Variety of shapes and types

When visiting a pharmacy, you may encounter great variety types of Glycine, they all have the same active ingredient, but differ in dosage and auxiliary components; which one to choose and which drug is better in a particular situation is determined by the attending physician based on the patient’s needs.

Which Glycine will help you decide better? comparative characteristics medications:

  1. Concentration of the active substance in one tablet Glycine Forte is 300 mg, which is 3 times higher than in regular Glycine. Also contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Is biologically active additive(dietary supplement), and therefore studies on the interaction of other active components with glycine have not been conducted.
  2. Glycine BIO has a composition similar to original drug. The dosage of the active substance is absolutely identical. It contains Povidone, which is an enterosorbent. Clinical trials did not go beyond the standards.
  3. Cure for Canon Forte. The prefix “Forte” usually means a prolonged, more pronounced effect. The dosage of the active ingredient in the drug is 2.5 times higher than in the original. This composition makes it effective in complex treatment disorders of the nervous system. At the same time, a higher dosage means more wide list side effects and restrictions on use.
  4. Glycine- Vis. Not a medicine. The drug itself is enclosed in a gelatin capsule, allowing the active substances to act at the site of absorption. One capsule contains 0.3 g of glycine and 1 mg of vitamins B1 and B6. It also contains vitamin B12 - 3 mcg in each capsule. In addition to regulating the functioning of the central nervous system, it affects the functioning of the heart due to the presence of cyanocobalamin in the composition.
  5. Glycine MHFP. A nootropic drug with a dosage similar to the original one. excipients is also completely identical, and therefore this drug can be used as an equivalent substitute for the main one.

Selection of analogues - what does the market offer?

Like any other active component, Glycine has analogues in the group of nootropic drugs. They have different active ingredients, but the principle of their action is similar.

Important: Despite similar action, replacing the drug with a similar one may reduce the effectiveness of treatment or even worsen the patient’s condition. Therefore, when selecting an analogue, you must first consult with your doctor.

Synonyms of the drug:

  1. Antifront. Suppresses individual response to meteorological changes. Prescribed for migraines, joint pain, nausea, and poor health.
  2. Armadin. A broad-spectrum drug used for neurological disorders. Helps relieve symptoms of withdrawal syndrome and can be used as complex therapy for abdominal pathologies.
  3. Glutamic acid. Prescribed for organic brain damage. Used for congenital defects development (Down syndrome, cerebral palsy) or myopathies.
  4. Instenon. Used in the treatment of vascular pathologies of the brain and disorders caused by age-related changes. Used for recovery after a stroke and for functional disorders brain.
  5. Intellan. Used to treat cerebral circulatory disorders. Promotes recovery in asthenic conditions. Prescribed in case of decreased efficiency of intellectual processes.
  6. Mexidol. Helps restore brain activity after suffering circulatory disorders. Used as an aid to relieve symptoms of withdrawal symptoms.
  7. Neurotropin. Prescribed for dyscirculatory pathologies of the brain. Helps alleviate symptoms of withdrawal symptoms. Reduces anxiety levels.
  8. Tryptophan. Is an amino acid. Used in the treatment of depressive disorders and anxiety states. Facilitates the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, reduces the level of alcohol withdrawal.
  9. Cebrilisin. It is used for neurological and psychiatric pathologies. Used for depressive disorders in the event that there is no reaction to other drugs. Promotes restoration of brain activity after discirculatory damage.
  10. Elfunat. Used to restore blood supply to the brain after traumatic or ischemic injuries. Widely used to treat withdrawal symptoms and to restore cognitive functions.

Comparison of popular means

When choosing nootropic drug patients can often succumb to the recommendations of friends and acquaintances. This leads to a lack of the desired effect and a decrease in therapeutic effect.

Therefore, before choosing an “absolutely identical” drug, it should be compared with the one prescribed in order to determine what is better to take in a particular situation for a particular person, so among supposedly complete analogues Glycine, often recommended as a replacement by both doctors and friends, should be noted as follows:

  1. Tenoten. It has a wide range of applications and shows high efficiency both in traumatic injuries brain, and with dyscirculatory disorders. Can be used for neurotic pathologies and conditions. Helps restore emotional background and prevent the worsening of depressive conditions. Unlike Glycine, no research has been conducted on taking Tenoten during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, you should refrain from taking it during this period.
  2. Biotredin. It is actively used to relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome. It also helps restore cognitive processes, increase concentration and improve memory. Glycine, unlike Biotredin, has more broad action and promotes recovery metabolic processes.
  3. Eltacin. It is an antioxidant drug. Has combined action. The composition includes synthetic analogues of glycine, cystine and glutamic acid. The antioxidant effect helps restore the functioning of the heart muscle. It is used mainly for heart pathologies. Compared to Glycine, it has a less wide spectrum of action.
  4. Afobazole. Sedative, used to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Used both for alcohol withdrawal syndrome and in the treatment nicotine addiction. Reduces symptoms of anxiety. Use during pregnancy and lactation is strictly contraindicated, unlike Glycine, which can be used in such conditions.
  5. Glitsed. The most common analogue of Glycine. Has a similar composition. Reduces psycho-emotional stress, normalizes sleep, reduces general anxiety. Also used for functional and organic disorders brain activity.
  6. Piracetam. Efficiency enhancing drug capillary circulation cerebral cortex. This helps restore the efficiency of thought processes and memory. Requires systematic use over a long period of time. Unlike Glycine, it does not have an antidepressant effect and is not used to treat psychological disorders.

Interaction with other drugs

When used together with antipsychotics, it reduces the occurrence of side effects. It also suppresses the occurrence of side effects when taken in combination with antidepressants and sleeping pills. Increases the effectiveness of the use of anticonvulsants and anxiolytic drugs.

Read more

Source: http://NeuroDoc.ru/lekarstva/glicin-analogi.html


Tenoten is a homeopathic remedy that affects the nervous system. It is characterized by sedative, anti-stress and anxiolytic effects. Taking the medicine normalizes susceptibility to psychological problems.


Tenoten is characterized by a sedative and anti-anxiety effect. Does not have a negative hypnogenic effect. The medicine is characterized by nootropic, neuroprotective, antihypoxic, antiasthenic and antidepressant effects.

In conditions of oxygen starvation, intoxication, and in conditions after changes in cerebral blood circulation, it narrows the affected area, normalizes learning processes, and strengthens memory. Suppresses lipid peroxidation processes.

Tenoten is not an antibiotic, but it is possible to use the medicine with this group of drugs. Tenoten is used for up to 90 days. You can take the memory drug both before and after meals. The medication is dispensed only with a doctor's prescription.

The drug to improve brain function can be taken on menstrual days. HIV-infected people are also allowed to take Tenoten. An increase in dosage may be required.

It is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment with Tenoten, as it medicinal properties are significantly reduced. Taking the medication does not have an inhibitory effect, so it can be taken while driving. The medication does not affect blood pressure in any way.

Release form and composition

The product is available in tablet form. Designed for resorption. One tablet contains 3 mg of the main substance. A pack contains 20, 40 or 100 tablets.

Additional components are lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.



Representative office: NPF MATERIA MEDICA HOLDING LLC (Russia).

Indications for use

Tenoten is prescribed for:

  • neurotic and neurosis-like pathologies;
  • psychomatic illnesses;
  • stress disorders with excessive nervous excitability, anxiety, irritability;
  • mildly manifested organic pathologies of the central nervous system, accompanied by decreased memory, autonomic disorders.


Tenoten for memory is not prescribed for:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the medication;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • children under 18 years of age.

You should not use the medicine while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Side effects

Tenoten is usually very well absorbed by patients, but in some situations allergic reactions may occur. When taking the drug before bed, insomnia may occur, which is caused by the effect on the nervous system.

Benefits and harm to the body

The drug has a herbal composition, which generally has positive impact on the human body. After taking it, there is a strengthening of memory, restoration of concentration, and increased ability to work. Blood flow in the brain improves, which affects human performance.

If the medication is used incorrectly and the dosage is exceeded, it can cause harm to health.

Instructions for use and dosage (adults, elderly, during pregnancy and lactation, children)

Tenoten is designed for oral use. Place the tablet in your mouth and wait until it dissolves. Do not chew or swallow it. Adults drink 1-2 tablets at a time, twice a day, regardless of food consumption.

If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 4 doses per day. Duration of therapy is from one to three months. The maximum course of therapy is six months. A repeated course of treatment can be started no less than a month after the completed course.

Take the medication 2 hours before bedtime. If there is no active improvement in a person’s condition within four weeks, you should consult a specialist. Since the composition contains lactose, the memory drug is not recommended for use in case of chronic lactose deficiency.

Children under 18 years of age should not take the drug to improve brain function. In this case, Tenoten for children is prescribed. Also, you should not use the medicine during pregnancy and lactation.

Elderly people take the drug in the same dosage as adults.

Analogues, substitutes and generics

Analogues of Tenoten are:

  • Antifront;
  • Armadin;
  • Glycine;
  • Glycised;
  • Glutamic acid;
  • Instenon;
  • Intellan;
  • Keltican;
  • Mexidol;
  • Neutrotropin;
  • Tryptophan;
  • Cytoflavin.

Important! Each analogue has its own number of contraindications, so consult a doctor before taking it.

Drug comparisons

There are many medications that have similar action. Below is a comparison of the drugs.

Tenoten or Glycine

Both medications are nootropics, but there is a difference in action. Glycine is a nonessential amino acid that is produced by body cells. Glycine acts as a regulator of central nervous system functions.

Many specialists prescribe simultaneous use of the drug. The difference between memory drugs is in contraindications and cost. Tenoten is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children. But both medications improve brain function and memory. Only a doctor can tell you which drug to choose. There is no need to self-medicate.

Tenoten or Glycine Forte

Glycine forte is the same Glycine, which is simply a pharmaceutical equivalent. Therefore, the choice of drug remains with the doctor.

Tenoten or Motherwort Forte

Motherwort forte is a sedative. It is not prescribed to combat central nervous system disorders. Tenoten is prescribed for memory impairment, which is provoked by central nervous system disorders. But Motherwort Forte costs a penny. You can drink it to calm your nerves.

Tenoten or Afobazole

Both drugs can be used simultaneously as complex therapy. Tenoten has no contraindications for combined use with other medications. Afobazole should not be taken with other anxiolytics.

Since Tenoten is homeopathic medicine, then you will need to strictly adhere to the dosage of the second drug. Combined use is prescribed to improve attention and performance. The reception improves the functioning of the brain. You can also solve problems with insomnia. Afobazole is three times more expensive than Tenoten.

Tenoten or Persen

The action of both drugs is aimed at combating neurological symptoms. The similarity of the drugs is that both drugs are prescribed for anxiety. But the products have different components in their composition. The main difference between the first drug is that it is not a medicine, but a homeopathic one.

Which drug to choose depends on whether the patient trusts homeopathy. The advantage of Persen is its naturalness. The prices are almost identical.

Tenoten or Phenibut

Both drugs are characterized by nootropic, anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. Medicines help get rid of feelings of anxiety and fear, increase productivity, strengthen memory and mental activity person. But the difference is that Tenoten can be taken on early stages pregnancy. It has a calming effect and does not harm the fetus.

To enhance the results of Phenibut, it should be taken as part of general therapy with others psychotropic drugs. When used with other medications, the dosage should be reduced. The price of Phenibut is slightly higher.

Tenoten or Pantogam

Pantogam is a nootropic drug that can be taken by children. It is also produced in the form of syrup. This medication helps the child cope with heavy workloads and overcome stress. After taking this remedy, memory improves.

Tenoten does not provide this effect in all cases and will require long-term use. The second drug very gently improves memory without unnecessary nervousness. The drug normalizes blood circulation in the brain.

After taking it, resistance to oxygen deficiency increases. If you choose between two medications, then you should give preference to the second one. But only a doctor can replace the product.

Pantogam costs three times more.

A modern, highly effective remedy that has a pronounced anti-anxiety and calming effect on the structures of the human nervous system - Tenoten tablets. What does the drug help with? The drug significantly improves tolerability psycho-emotional stress, which is relevant today. Instructions for use for Tenoten indicate that the drug creates antidepressant, stress-protective, neuroprotective, as well as antihypoxic and antiamnestic, antiasthenic and nootropic effects.

Release form and composition

“Tenoten” is currently presented in the pharmacy chain as lozenges. Their packaging is 20 pcs. in blister packs. There are 1–2 pieces in a consumer pack.

The manufacturer does not provide other forms of the drug.

The attached instructions indicate the following composition:

  • 3 mg of affinity purified antibodies to the specific protein S-100 - a combination of dilutions C12, C30, and C 200;
  • There are also other components - the purpose of which is to maintain and enhance the effect of the active component.

The composition of the homeopathic medicine for the pediatric category of patients is similar; only the volumes of the components are subject to revision.

Produced pharmacological effects

The homeopathic medicine "Tenoten", the instructions for use informs about this, due to its composition it has pronounced effects:

  • neuroprotective;
  • antiasthenic;
  • antidepressant;
  • anti-anxiety;
  • antihypoxic.

The medicine has the ability to normalize the functional activity of the S-100 protein. Against this background, a pronounced correction of inhibitory mechanisms occurs, as well as activation of central nervous system structures. Metabolic processes will also be adjusted. Thanks to taking the medication, the activity of the nervous system is strengthened, concentration of attention is significantly increased, and memory is significantly improved.

In addition, the active component of the drug has the ability to maximize the resistance of the central nervous system in moments of hypoxia, severe stress, and also during intoxication. Sedative effect while taking the drug "Tenoten" is not observed. The homeopathic medicine is characterized by the highest safety, which makes it stand out among similar means. Quantity side effects reduced to a minimum.

Experts recommend the medicine when hypoxia occurs in patients, for example, after circulatory disorders in the brain structures, and also as an effective neuroprotector. The drug helps to adjust memory parameters and learning abilities. When taken, the area of ​​damage in the brain is reduced. There are reviews from people that when the medication is included in complex therapy, the craving for alcohol and drugs is significantly reduced.

Tenoten tablets: what the medicine helps with and when it is prescribed

According to the attached instructions, the use of the drug "Tenoten" for adult patients will help with negative conditions:

  • being in a severe stressful situation;
  • hyperirritability;
  • neurotic conditions of various etiologies;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • feelings of uncontrollable anxiety.

In addition, there are indications for taking the medication, such as organic lesions structures of the central nervous system, provoked by injuries or blood flow disorders.

IN pediatric practice homeopathic medicine has also found its niche. It is recommended to be taken by children who have moderately severe organic or functional damage to the central nervous system, accompanied by excessive anxiety or restlessness, as well as irritability and a significant deterioration in concentration and memory parameters. There is experience of use for apathy or hyperactivity of the central nervous system in children.

The need to take Tenoten should only be determined by a specialist. Despite the high safety of the medication, self-medication is not acceptable.

Absolute and relative contraindications

The homeopathic medicine Tenoten has a number of absolute and relative contraindications:

  • congenital galactosemia;
  • malabsorption of glucose and galactose;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • individual hyperreaction to the components of the drug "Tenoten", from which the tablets can cause side effects.

In pediatric practice, they are afraid to prescribe medication to children under 3 years of age. Clinical trials of taking the medication during pregnancy have not been conducted. In most cases, specialists are guided by the appropriateness of such therapy - an assessment of the risks and benefits of taking the drug.

The drug "Tenoten": instructions for use and dosage

Directly when purchasing the homeopathic medicine “Tenoten” in a pharmacy chain, it is recommended that you carefully read the attached instructions. As a rule, in pediatric practice the medication is taken sublingually. No relationship with food intake has been established.

It is recommended to keep the tablet under the tongue until it is completely dissolved. There is no need to chew or crush in any other way. If children need to use the medicine, preliminary dissolution in a small volume of water is permissible.

Optimal doses are selected individually. They often rely on the recommendations included in the instructions:

  • children from three years old 1 pc. three times a day.

The total duration of the treatment course is determined by the severity negative symptoms, can be up to 1–3 months. If necessary, the homeopathic remedy can be taken longer, or the course is resumed after a short break. The last dose is no later than 2 hours before the night's rest.

For adult patients, administration is also oral sublingual. No direct relationship with food intake. As a rule, the instructions provide for doses of 1–2 pcs. 3–4 r/s. The general course of treatment is 1–3 months. If a person’s well-being remains without pronounced positive dynamics, it is recommended to carry out repeat consultation specialist The course may need to be repeated.

Side effect

When taken before bedtime, insomnia may occur. In case of individual sensitivity, the drug may cause allergic reactions. In other cases, the tablets are well tolerated by patients and do not cause side effects.

Analogues of the drug "Tenoten"

There are no complete analogues. Analogs have similar nootropic effects:

  1. "Ampasse."
  2. "Anvifen".
  3. "Amilonosar."
  4. "Aminalon".
  5. "Bilobil."
  6. "Gleazer."
  7. "Gliatilin".
  8. "Glycine".
  9. "Gamma-aminobutyric acid."
  10. "Gammalon".
  11. "Gingium".
  12. "Ginkyo."
  13. "Ginkum".
  14. "Hopantenic acid".
  15. "Glutamic acid."
  16. "Gopantam."
  17. "Demanol".
  18. "Deletite".
  19. "Intellan".
  20. "Idebenone."
  21. "Cortexin".
  22. "Mexiprim."
  23. "Memotropil."
  24. "Mexipridol."
  25. "Nootropil"
  26. Neuromet.
  27. "Pirabene".
  28. "Piracetam."
  29. "Pantogam".
  30. "Picamilon".
  31. "Stamin."
  32. "Phenotropil".
  33. "Phenibut."
  34. "Cerebrolysate".
  35. "Cerebrolysin".
  36. "Cebrilyzin".
  37. "Ceraxon."
  38. "Encephabol."


Tenoten tablets, the price of which in Moscow is 225 rubles, can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. In Kyiv, the drug costs 85 hryvnia. The price in Minsk and Kazakhstan reaches 6-9 bel. rubles and 795 hryvnia, respectively.

Tenoten tablets– homeopathic medicine. This is one of the best antidepressant, antiasthenic and anti-anxiety drugs. Tenoten tablets contain special antibodies to the protein - S-100. Thanks to this, they, without exerting a sedative effect, help normalize metabolic mechanisms and processes in the central nervous system.

Indications for use of Tenoten tablets

Tenoten tablets are indicated for brain injuries and various violations cerebral circulation. They limit and reduce the area in which there is damage, restore and improve memory, and quickly reduce the manifestations of hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

Also, indications for the use of Tenoten tablets are:

  • organic changes in the brain that occur after;
  • severe depression;
  • psychosomatic diseases;
  • neuroses with severe anxiety;
  • neurosis-like and neurotic states;
  • various organic lesions of the central nervous system of a moderate nature.

This drug can be used in the fight against stress disorders with nervous tension, anxiety and irritability. Tenoten tablets will help, even if it is accompanied by vegetative reactions.

This medicine does not cause lethargy or daytime sleepiness. It not only has an excellent calming effect, but also has a nootropic effect. Thanks to this, this remedy improves concentration.

How to use Tenoten tablets

Tenoten soothing tablets for mild neurosis-like disorders are taken 1 tablet once a day. The dosage can be increased with severe conditions or pronounced manifestations of the disease. For example, for severe anxiety and depressive disorders, Tenoten can be taken 6 times, 2 tablets per dose. The tablets should be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. They should not be crushed or chewed. It is best to take this medicine in the morning (on an empty stomach) or in the afternoon. In the evening, the intake should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

The course of treatment with Tenoten should not exceed 3 months. Symptoms of the disease have decreased, but full recovery has not yet occurred? You can extend the course for 6 months. Positive effect from the use of the drug persists for at least 30 days after the end of therapy. If necessary full course can be repeated after 30-60 days.

Tenoten does not cause drowsiness or addiction. It can be taken even while driving vehicles. Drinking alcohol has absolutely no effect on the effect of this drug. This tool does not interact with other medications, so it is often used in complex therapy.

Side effects of Tenoten tablets

Tenoten sedative tablets are a homeopathic remedy and contain very little active ingredient. There have been no cases of overdose with this drug. But it can cause various side effects, for example:

Contraindications to the use of Tenoten tablets

Before taking Tenoten tablets, make sure that you do not have any contraindications to its use. This medicine should not be taken by people who have individual intolerance to certain ingredients of the drug. Also, such tablets should not be used in treatment for those who suffer from lactose deficiency, malabsorption syndrome and galactosemia. It is not recommended for women to take Tenoten during pregnancy and lactation.

Often, excessive activity and restlessness harm the baby’s development. Medicines come to the rescue to help relieve excitability and calm the child. One of these medications is the drug for children “Tenoten”.

Description of the medicine

There are two forms of the product, which differ only in the dosage of the active ingredient. The drug "Tenoten" is available for adults and children in tablet form. Tablets are intended for dissolution in the oral cavity.

Tablets of both dosages are whitish in color. They have a cylindrical impression and flattened surface edges with a dividing strip. The children's tablet is stamped with MATERIA MEDICA on one side and KID TENOTEN on the other.


The active role of the drug is due to antibody proteins to the brain-specific protein type S100, which are affinity purified. Their physical form is a water-alcohol mixture, providing stability and bond strength.

The protein structure S-100, found only in the brain, transmits signals between departments, protects brain cells from damaging influences and reduces the negative effects of stressful conditions. This protein is of a brain-specific type.

The drug for children "Tenoten" contains a non-protein molecule; it contains antibodies that are obtained using biotechnology. To isolate the desired particles, their affinity is used. It determines the strength of the connection between the antibody molecule and the antigenic protein molecule. The finished fraction is introduced into the aqueous-alcoholic medium. In the children's form of the drug, the concentration of the active component is equal to 10 -16 nanograms per 1 gram.

Inactive components in the form of lactose molecules, cellulose microcrystals and magnesium stearate are added to the finished liquid, which form the structure. Each tablet contains 3 mg of diluted antibodies.

How it works

The medicine for children "Tenoten" is an anxiolytic with a nootropic effect. The drug exhibits sedative and anti-anxiety effectiveness without unnecessary hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Under the influence of pills, mental and emotional stress is better tolerated.

The drug provides stress-protective, nootropic, antiamnestic, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, antiasthenic, antidepressant activity.

In case of intoxication, lack of oxygen, with acute change blood circulation in the brain, the drug promotes neuroprotective effects, reduces the area of ​​damage, and normalizes the development of the information storage function.

Under the influence of the tablets, peroxide transformations of lipid molecules are inhibited, the role of S 100 protein particles, which create synaptic and metabolic relationships in brain regions, is modified.

When taking the drug, mimetic and neurotrophic effects are exerted on GABA receptor formations, which increases the activation of the stress-inhibitory system and restores processes associated with neuronal plasticity.

What is being treated

Reviews for children about the drug "Tenoten" and instructions state the following. It is usually used for neurotic and neurosis-like disorders, which are accompanied by high arousal, irritability and anxiety, and disrupted behavioral processes.

Tablets are used to treat vascular-vegetative dystonia in combination with other medications.

The product is used for children from 3 years to 18 years of age.

How to take

The tablet should be dissolved in the mouth under the tongue until it dissolves, as advised by the instructions for use for children included with the Tenoten medication. Reviews show that not all children are able to do this. In this case, it is allowed to dissolve the tablet in a small volume aquatic environment warm, always boiled. After preparing the solution, the child should drink the liquid.

The medication is taken a quarter of an hour before eating, or after. Children with neuroses and neurosis-like conditions are given the medicine 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day for 30-90 days.

If necessary, therapy is extended to six months. Repeated courses of treatment are allowed, observing an interval, the duration of which is from 30 to 60 days.

Attention deficit syndrome and increased child activity require the use of 2 tablets for children (Tenoten) 2 times for 30-90 days. Other diseases should be treated with a daily dosage of 1 tablet of medication 1 or 3 times until a lasting improvement in well-being appears and anxiety, depression, irritability, and hysterical attacks are relieved.

The medicine is discontinued after memory and attention are normalized. With continuous use for about a month, positive dynamics should appear. If this does not happen, then stop using the medication and contact a neurologist.

Features of treatment

A characteristic feature of therapy with this remedy is the activation of the child’s nervous system. That is why the last use of the medicine is not carried out late in the evening, so that there are more than two hours left before going to bed.

When it is contraindicated

Not everyone can be given the drug “Tenoten for children” (tablets). Reviews indicate that it is impossible for children who have a congenital form of galactosemia, glucose or galactose molecules, or congenital deficiency of the lactase enzyme to take the medicine. This feature is explained by the presence of milk sugar in the composition of the medicine.

Use in children

Officially, the instructions allow taking the drug starting from three years of age. If the child is under 3 years old, using the pediatric form of the medicine is contraindicated.

However, children need to be treated with something, so neurologists practice prescribing Tenoten to children under three years of age.

Usually the doctor prescribes a half or quarter tablet for a single dose, thinking that lowering the dosage makes the medication acceptable and safe. In fact, the contraindication is related to the level of development of the child’s brain, the formation of which occurs at this age, and any intervention can only do harm.

Positive activity active ingredient The medication only affects the baby’s brain cells after 36 months. This is due to the formation of numerous neural connections and nerve pathways transfer of impulses between departments.

You can find reviews of the drug "Tenoten" for children 2 years old. It is noted that they behave restlessly, constantly cry, and sleep poorly. Exhausted parents of such children go to neurologists and ask them to somehow help their child. Doctors prescribe medications, including Tenoten tablets. For some kids last cure helps you fall asleep faster in the evening, night crying stops, babies begin to behave calmer.

Treatment of schoolchildren

Parents of first-graders always worry about their child, especially if their son or daughter has problems of a nervous nature, suffer from headaches, shy and secretive.

Going to first grade puts a lot of stress on a child’s psyche, as they need to adapt to a new environment, teacher, and responsibilities.
For such children, psychologists and doctors advise using the children's form of the drug Tenoten. Reviews for children school age indicate its effectiveness, which manifests itself after several weeks of treatment. First-graders become calm, stress is relieved and autonomic disorders, perseverance and concentration appear when doing homework.

A positive feature of these tablets is the absence of side effects such as drowsiness and inhibition of thinking. After course use, children sleep better and become more interested in school.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active ingredients: 0.003 g of antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100, affinity purified.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate (lactose), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Tenoten® is a sedative with a stress-protective effect. Tenoten® is indicated for all people with symptoms of anxiety: patients with anxiety disorders And healthy people in a situation of stress. Tenoten® calms, relieves anxiety, irritability, nervousness, and evens out mood. Unlike other sedatives, it does not have unwanted side effects and does not have a sedative or muscle relaxant effect. In the therapy of somatic and neurological diseases Tenoten® has a vegetative stabilizing and nootropic effect.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. The drug has a calming, anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effect without causing unwanted hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Improves tolerance to psycho-emotional stress. It has stress-protective, nootropic, antiamnestic, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, antiasthenic, antidepressant effects.

In conditions following an acute cerebrovascular accident, it has a neuroprotective effect, limits the area of ​​damage, and normalizes learning and memory processes in the central nervous system (CNS).

Inhibits lipid peroxidation processes.

Modifies the functional activity of the S-100 protein, which couples synaptic (information) and metabolic processes in the brain. Providing a GABA-mimetic and neurotrophic effect, it increases the activity of stress-limiting systems and helps restore the processes of neuronal plasticity.

Indications for use:

Neurotic and neurosis-like conditions, psychosomatic diseases; stress disorders with increased nervous tension, irritability, anxiety and autonomic reactions.

Moderately severe organic lesions of the central nervous system, including those of traumatic and dyscirculatory origin, accompanied by instability of the emotional background, irritability, memory loss, and autonomic disorders.

Directions for use and dosage:

Inside. For one dose - 1 or 2 tablets (keep in mouth until completely dissolved - not during meals). Take 2 times a day; if necessary - up to 4 doses per day. The course of treatment is 1-3 months; if necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to 6 months or repeated after 1-2 months.

If there is no sustained improvement within 3-4 weeks after starting treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Features of application:

The drug contains lactose, and therefore it is not recommended for use in patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, or congenital lactase deficiency.

Due to the presence of activating properties in the drug Tenoten, the last dose should be taken no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Pregnancy and lactation period. The safety of Tenoten in pregnant women and during lactation has not been studied. If it is necessary to take the drug, the risk/benefit ratio should be taken into account.

Side effects:

When used for the indicated indications and in the indicated dosages side effect not identified.

Individual hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

Interaction with other drugs:

No cases of incompatibility with other sedatives have been identified.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, childhood up to 18 years old; children and persons under 18 years of age are advised to use the drug Tenoten for children.


No cases of overdose have been identified to date.

Storage conditions:

At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children. During the period of use of the drug, store the blister pack in a cardboard box provided by the manufacturer. Shelf life - 3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Vacation conditions:

Over the counter


Lozenges. 20 tablets each in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum foil. 1 or 2 blister packs along with instructions for medical use placed in a cardboard pack.

Tenoten I was prescribed, or rather recommended, by my therapist due to my extremely negative emotional background(death of a dear and close person after a serious and long illness). I would not say that I had a feeling of detachment from the world around me, but loss of appetite, sleep, tearfulness, and a feeling of anxiety were present.

IN Hoping that this drug would alleviate my condition, I bought it at the pharmacy on the way home. They are not very expensive - 170 rubles for 40 lozenges. I started taking 1 tablet in the morning and evening.

T Tenoten tablets are round and not very large. The taste is sweetishly neutral, somewhat reminiscent of calcium gluconate. They also dissolve in a strange way: as they dissolve, they simply decompose into small particles, slightly drying out the tongue like chalk. I want to drink water as soon as possible. I would like the tablets to be smoother and dissolve more slowly, after all, this is also soothing.

E I didn’t notice any effect from taking it as such, but a slight calm after taking it, and if you drink it 2 hours before bedtime it starts to make you sleepy. AND THAT'S ALL!!! My anxiety has not gone away. I myself am the kind of person who worries about every reason and without, against the backdrop of this I always have cold and wet hands, and this remedy is simply not able to cope with me. In addition, after a week of taking it, my hands began to shake and my heart rate increased, which began to cause even more anxiety. It’s good that everything went away within 2-3 hours. I had exactly the same effect after taking Afobazole, which raised my pulse above 100 beats per minute and caused discomfort in the heart area. So I gave it up homeopathic remedy, although the instructions do not list side effects (more precisely, they say that they are absent). Perhaps the drug just didn’t suit me.

B More effective for me are sedatives based on the herbs Motherwort, Novo-Passit, sedative herbal mixtures, which do not cause side effects for me and are well tolerated. Unlike Tenoten, these drugs have several release forms from which you can choose a convenient one: motherwort - tablets and tincture, Novo-Passit - capsules and syrup.

Instructions for use of Tenoten

Composition, indications for use, contraindications:

X I would like to pay attention to the composition. As we can see, the active substance is some antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100. What is this? So I don’t know, I haven’t found any clear information on the Internet, all the links lead to some kind of research on Tenoten. I also found a drug with exactly the same composition and this Proprothene-100, which is taken to treat alcoholism!

Proproten-100 is a homeopathic medicine intended for the treatment of withdrawal symptoms in persons suffering from alcoholism. The drug reduces the severity of both mental symptoms(excitement, anhedonia, irritability, aggressiveness), and neurological ( headache, dizziness), in addition, the drug has an effect on symptoms associated with changes in blood volume (increased heart rate, sweating, arterial hypertension). These properties of the drug are due to its ability to regulate the level of biologically active substances and neurotransmitters in the brain. The drug reduces cravings for alcohol, thereby increasing the duration of remission in chronic alcoholism.

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E If you have a problem that has turned your whole life upside down, then the drug Tenoten is unlikely to help, it simply will not cope with you. For easy reassurance, it will do: “Now I’ll take the course and the anxiety will go away!” Please note that the course lasts from 1 to 3 months, by which time in most cases the cause of anxiety will disappear on its own. Besides, why buy Tenoten when you can immediately buy Proproten-100 with a similar composition, especially since it costs less!