Chinchillas are big. Variety of chinchilla breeds and colors

There is a generally accepted opinion that the only chinchilla color is gray. However, this is far from the case. For decades, breeders have been trying to develop fluffies with interesting colors. This article contains useful information about what colors of chinchillas can be found in nurseries.

Varieties of chinchillas

These animals come in two types, which differ in the size of the body and the size of the tail:

  • Large short-tailed chinchillas (Peruvian) are native to Bolivia and some areas of the Argentine Andes. The fur of this chinchilla breed is so valuable that you will no longer see them in the wild. Today, such animals are raised only on farms. The short-tailed chinchilla has a strong body of 40 cm, weight 800 g. The tail is short with hard hair.
  • Common, long-tailed (shore) chinchillas are still found in the Chilean Andes. They have a small body and an elongated tail covered with fur. Weight does not exceed 700 g.

Both chinchilla breeds are endowed with a gray color. Through selection of the Lesser Longtail, over 40 different colors of magnificent fur coats have appeared.

Angora chinchilla

The Royal Angora Chinchilla is a subspecies of the long-tailed chinchilla. It is interesting that it was not specifically bred. It was nature itself that gave us an animal with such a beautiful long coat.

The first rodents with this mutation were noticed in the 60s of the last century. However, the standard was described in 2001. Breeding the subspecies is extremely difficult. A pair of Angoras is likely to give birth to ordinary babies with short hair. Therefore, breeding such rodents requires high professionalism when selecting pairs.

Angora has a long silky coat, which is decorated with a luxurious tail. Another distinctive feature is the long fur on the head and paws. The muzzle is flattened, so these chinchillas have another “folk” name - Persian. The rarest individuals have the colors of black velvet, blue diamond, and violet.

Angora chinchilla is the most expensive. The cost of one copy can be several thousand dollars. The fur is so valuable that the high cost of the animal has been maintained for several decades.

Dwarf chinchillas

A natural genetic mutation caused the birth of mini chinchillas with a small body, short legs and a bushy tail. Weight does not exceed 300 g.

The dwarf chinchilla produces cubs of the same size as those of normal females. The miniature mother is having a hard time giving birth. Often newborns do not survive. During pregnancy, the female is under the supervision of specialists. The colors of these cute fluffies can be varied.

Color options

In the wild, animals have many enemies. An inconspicuous and dim grayish fur coat is one of the shields. Rodents are less noticeable against the background of rocks.

Since people became interested in animals, white, black and beige breeds have been brought into the world. The result of many years of breeding research is rare colors. Today it is difficult to imagine that nature originally endowed this fluffy with only one color.

The entire palette of fur coats can be divided into the following groups:

  • gray or agouti, which are considered standard;
  • white with varying saturation or an admixture of pink, beige;
  • brown or pastel, available in all colors, including chocolate;
  • black with varying degrees of saturation;
  • original fur coats in purple, sapphire and pink colors.

Animal colors are:

  • Dominant, which are visible from birth.
  • Recessive, when the rodent is only a carrier of the gene that is responsible for a certain fur color.

For breeding work, it is important to know what recessive color a rodent has.

Standard gray

Gray chinchillas exist in nature and in captivity.

There is a division by shade and depth:

  • light;
  • average;
  • dark;
  • moderately dark;
  • extra dark.

This is the native color of wild chinchillas and their ancestors. Darker color on the back. The sides are light, the belly is snow-white. Color distribution on the hair: from gray-blue at the base to black at the crown.

What distinguishes individuals with gray colors is their excellent “wild” health. They begin to bear offspring early. You can cross with any subspecies. The fur is pleasant and soft to the touch.


A light gray fur coat with a silver tint looks very impressive. In such animals you can observe a light shirtfront, abdomen, and paws.


It is considered the typical and most common color. The body is a uniform gray color, lighter on the belly, chest and paws.


Gray fur with a blue tint and lighter coloring on the belly and chest makes rodents stand out from the general gray mass.

Moderately dark

Such animals have a dark gray coat that turns into spectacular ash on the paws, face and sides. Their belly is bluish-white.

Extra dark

Many fans have charcoal-gray chinchillas with light sides and chest. Their bellies are light beige.

Breeds with white fur

White chinchillas look elegant and representative. They have their own nuances.

White Wilson

Rodents, called white Wilson, are “dressed” in a white coat with possible admixtures of grayish or beige colors:

  • Silver mosaic. The animal has a white coat with a silvery tint and dark fur on the head and base of the tail.
  • Light mosaic. Rodents have light gray spots on a pure white coat. The scruff and ears are dark gray.

White chinchillas are not uncommon in nurseries. Breeders are willing to raise it, the color is in demand


Animals are not identified as a separate breed. An albino is an animal that lacks color pigment at the genetic level. Has milky fur and red eyes.

A representative of an interesting variety of chinchillas is the White Lova. He has a white coat with a cream tint. Beautiful eyes the color of dark ruby.

White velvet

Rodents are bearers of a pleasant light velvet coat, which can be beige or silver. It is distinguished by expressive gray spots on the front legs and head.


The milky coat of the rodent, which has black eyes and pinkish ears, produces a stunning effect. An individual with a pink back looks even more interesting.

Animals with beige color

Beige chinchilla (pastel) may have variations in shades. The older the animal, the darker its coat will be. It can be red, beige, brown. Animals are allowed to crossbreed.

Beige homozygous

Homobeige rodents with uniformly colored light beige fur have pink ears. The fur has no shading zoning; single hairs with dark “tops” are acceptable.


Heterobeige, on the contrary, has uneven color. The entire fur is beige, and the undercoat and ends of the hairs are dark brown.

A heterobeige chinchilla with yellowness indicates a deterioration in breed qualities.

When choosing an animal, you must definitely consider the color line between the belly and the rest of the body.

Beige Tower

An animal with a coat color ranging from light to dark beige in combination with a brown ornament on the back looks intriguing.

Wellman's beige

A gentle little animal with light beige fur, delicate light ears and, as a contrast, black beady eyes.

Sullivan Beige

The rodents that bear such a beautiful name have a rich beige coat and red eyes.

Brown velvet

These types of chinchillas have beige fur as a base, and their back and head are chocolate. The abdomen is sand-colored, sometimes almost white.

Ebony breed

The main difference between this chinchilla breed is not the color, but the quality of the fur. It shines extraordinarily and shimmers in the light. The color palette can be varied.


Black ebony is a rare type of color. The animals have a coal-black coat and black eyes. The second name for animals is charcoal.


The shiny dark coat of heteroebony rodents combines two palettes: black and gray. Both options are great and eye-catching at exhibitions.

There are chinchillas with a shining snow-white coat, which is given a special charm by black coating at the ends of the hairs. The paws, head and beginning of the tail can be gray or beige.

Breeds of chinchillas with dark fur coats

Among the homoebony with rich black fur, the “black velvet” breed is distinguished.

Black velvet

The contrast of black and white is always mesmerizing. Fluffies with black fur on the body and tail combined with a light belly look amazing. The clearer the border of contrasts, the more valued the breed is.

The variety was bred in the 60s of the last century. It is believed that dark fur indicates the high quality of the breed. Black Velvet is distinguished by its markings: light stripes on its paws, charcoal mask, darkened fur on its head. The older the animal, the more clearly the breed characteristics are expressed. Breeders warn: the gene is lethal. Crossing “velvet” animals is prohibited. This will end badly for the mother and cubs.

Rare breeds

The most expensive chinchillas have a rare and amazing color. Breeders have developed interesting breeds of animals that cause genuine delight.


The fabulous light lilac fur of the body contrasts with the white belly. There is a purple impurity on the nose and ears.

The lavender color is passed on through the first and second generations. Rodents become sexually mature late. The ability to produce offspring occurs by one and a half years.


Bluish-gray or light blue fur with a graphite veil in combination with a white belly and pink ears looks simply stunning. The eyes are shiny black. Sapphires are one of the most expensive and sought after chinchillas.

Color appears by 7–8 months. It is better to purchase younger rodents with a declared sapphire color in specialized nurseries.

Blue Diamond

Pedigree chinchillas with light blue fur, a metallic tint and a dark pattern on the ridge and head are more valuable than sapphire ones.

White and pink diamond

Animals with a pearl coat and a shade of rose are considered rare. Ears are harmonious pink.

Animals have a lethal gene, so they cannot be paired together. They will make an excellent pair with rodents of other coat colors.

Crossing chinchillas

The variety of colors is a boon for skilled breeders. The process of crossing is very exciting, since there is always the possibility of the manifestation of a recessive gene of one of the parents in the offspring.

There is a serious limitation when making a pair. You cannot combine two lethal genes: white and black. This will lead to the death of newborns. The female may also die during the period of bearing babies.

To successfully crossbreed rodents, breeders are issued animal passports. The document officially states which genes the pet is a carrier of. The possible color of the cubs is calculated using a color calculator.


These fluffies can become the object of a profitable business. A description of the chinchilla breed with a photo and name will help in choosing the animals. When breeding these rodents, you need to take into account that gray and beige rodents are easier to breed, but they are more common. They cost less. Sapphire and violet are rare colors, more expensive, but much more difficult to breed. The breeder will need to study many nuances and strictly adhere to them. Therefore, to maintain the financial well-being of the farm, you need to take into account a reasonable balance between breeding different species of this beautiful and amazing animal.

Work on breeding new species continues. Scientists from different countries are studying this issue. The animal is of great interest as a pet and for industrial purposes.

Keeping chinchillas at home is viewed favorably. They become attached to the owner tenderly and for a long time. Of great interest is keeping animals in pairs, when you can observe love and friendship that can be envied.

Chinchilla colors are one or a combination of primary (base) colors. There are 12 known mutations of standard color: 9 recessive and 3 dominant, as well as 10 combinative (including various mutations) forms. Due to the intensive activity of breeding work with chinchillas, these numbers are constantly growing.

The standard color chinchilla is the wild natural color of the chinchilla.
One might say the most beautiful and mysterious color.
Chinchillas of this color have thick fur, even color distribution and a clear belly line.

White velvets are either white or dark (black), if the white velvet is dark, then its distinctive feature is a completely white tail. The main color of the fur is white, and there is an almost black “mask” on the head. A chinchilla's front legs have black or dark gray diagonal stripes. Often, all signs of velvet are revealed by 2-3 months.

Chinchillas of this color may differ in fur color, but they still have dark gray or black eyes, gray or almost black ears, and a black “ring” at the base of the tail. The peculiarity of the white Wilson is that the tip of her tail will remain white. The color of the animal's fur varies from snow-white to dark silver. The presence of yellowness in the color of a white Wilson fur coat indicates a decrease in the quality and purity of the breed.There are also mosaic (White Mosaic), they are brighter and less, the extreme arrangement of dark ones is valued more spots

This is a very favorite color among breeders, it is beautiful and carries the white, beige, and standard gene. The fur of the animal can be white-pink or almost white with small beige splashes. The more interesting the distribution of spots, the more valued this color is. Chinchilla ears are pink, sometimes with freckles. The eyes are red or dark ruby. The chinchilla's fur can be white with a beige "veil" (colored tips of the hairs)

The fur of a chinchilla is pure white, since there is no pigment in the animal’s body. The pet's eyes are red. Chinchilla skin is pink.

The color of the fur is gray in different shades with a pronounced blue tint (unfortunately, it is quite difficult to convey it in the photo), the belly is white, the eyes are black. As is known, many colors change the color of the fur with age (as a rule, they darken), but sapphire retains its color throughout its life. the same color he had at birth.


Beige chinchillas come in both homozygous and heterozygous forms.Heterobeiges have slightly darker fur than homobeiges. Heterobeiges are characterized by an uneven pattern and a play of brown-beige-white colors. The beige gene, in addition to coloring the fur, gives color to the eyes and ears. The eyes of these chinchillas are bright ruby ​​or pink. Fur color ranges from light beige to dark beige. The breast is white. The ears of this color are pink with brown or black pigment spots. This color carries the standard gene and beige, and is therefore considered hetero-beige. As for homobeige, they can only be obtained from a couple in which both parents carry the beige gene. Externally, they can be distinguished from hetero-beige chinchillas by their lighter fur, very light ears, lack of zonal coloration and light pink eyes. The color of such chinchillas is uniform. Eyes red or light pink. Like any beige fur color, it can be darker or lighter.

In different lighting conditions, these chinchillas look different: when they are light gray, when they have a very delicate purple tint, and when they have a white belly. There are two variants of violet: light (Afro) and German, which is darker with a brownish tint. There are white and beige representatives of this breed, in which gray-violet hairs are evenly distributed over the skin, which gives the fur a lilac tint.

The white violet may have whole spots of different shapes and sizes on its fur coat with a violet tint, which are more clearly visible at the tip of the tail.

This is the result of crossing black velvet and beige chinchillas. Very beautiful color and quite rare. Similar to black velvet, except for the color, it can also be deep dark brown or light brown, the belly is white. The eyes, like all chinchillas with the beige gene, are ruby, pink, or brown with a red tint.

Today, chinchillas have firmly taken a leading position in the ranking of pets. A little earlier, people were interested in them only as a source of unusually beautiful fur. In principle, they are still studying and improving their quality characteristics. A significant improvement in the livestock is planned in the near future. This is facilitated by the fairly strong popularity of black chinchilla fur for clothing.

Among all the color variations of these exotic rodents, the black color of chinchillas is one of the most valuable and popular. In addition, carriers of this genome are often used to improve other color variations of these funny animals.

Origin of black chinchillas

The appearance of this color goes back to the mid-50s of the last century. The first black velvet chinchilla was born in 1955. It happened on a farm in the United States.

This girl was born from a pair of standard color. Her unusual appearance led to the nickname Dirty Pug. The following year, the herd with a unique girl was sold to Davenport (Washington). Their owner was farmer Gunning, who has been breeding chinchillas since the 40s. It was he who became the founder of fur production in Washington state. Gunning was also considered one of the best world judges at chinchilla shows at that time.

To the great regret of all lovers of the described animals, in 1955 a fire destroyed the entire herd along with a unique girl - the black velvet chinchilla. Over the next year, the farmer was actively purchasing animals for a new herd.

From that time on, Bob worked intensively to develop the mutation present in the unusual girl. A little later, an unusual boy was born on the farm. Outwardly, it resembled a standard color. The only peculiarity of the baby was that he had a small black mask on his face. The chinchillas produced healthy offspring and within a few years they had several litters. Most of the babies were of a standard color, only a few of them were distinguished by the presence of a black mantle.

Selection of black velvet chinchillas

It was the selection of this color that Gunning took up. After some time, when selecting the best dark pairs, he managed to breed animals in which the dark color had already spread through the neck to the entire back. As a result, only the stripe on the abdomen remained light in the animals.

By 1960, a new mutation of chinchillas was introduced to the world - black velvet. At that time it was called gunning black velvet. It is this color variation of the black velvet chinchilla that we see in our time.

Genomic features

Connoisseurs of black animals affectionately call them “a touch of velvet” or “black velvet.” The black chinchilla, the characteristics of the genotype of which have already been sufficiently studied, has some genetic characteristics. This color is considered heterozygous, that is, two genes are present in one allele - dominant (black) and recessive.

Black chinchillas have one negative feature - their color contains the so-called “lethal gene”. This leads to the fact that as a result of crossing two chinchillas with the black gene, the embryos either die during development or do not develop at all.

Description of black chinchilla

The black chinchilla is effectively used to improve the richness of other colors of its fellows. As a result of this, animals are successfully crossed with chinchillas of any color, with the exception of velvet.

Description of the black velvet chinchilla has some distinctive features. These include:

  • Clearly defined mask on the muzzle.
  • Gloves are clearly drawn on the paws with diagonal stripes.
  • The fur is rich black.
  • Highlighted areas around the eyes are not allowed.
  • The black pigment should be distributed evenly from the ridge to the sides.
  • Scorches and ripples are not acceptable.
  • Light transitions from the dark back to the white belly are unacceptable.
  • Clear low tummy line.
  • The muzzle is round.
  • The animal's bones are knocked down.
  • The paws are wide.

One of the main anatomical features of the black chinchilla is the hump on the nose.

Crossing black chinchillas

Black velvet babies are a lighter shade of color at birth and darken as they age. Quite often, the black velvet chinchilla is mated with individuals of other colors. As a result, different color variations of the planned puppies are obtained. The most common variations of matings are the ones shown in the table below.

Popularity of black chinchilla in production

Black velvet chinchilla is extremely popular in the fur industry. This is facilitated by the clear decorative contrast of the black color of the back and white belly. The velvety texture of black chinchilla is very pleasant to the touch.

Red shades are not allowed in fur production. Cool blue tones have the advantage. The pure white belly of the animals is no less important. Fur with a clearly defined color transition between dark sides and white belly is also considered to be of the highest quality.

The black velvet chinchilla, reviews of which are mostly positive, is popular not only in the fur industry, but also as a pet. Some, however, believe that velvet individuals are not very sociable, but in practice it becomes noticeable that the complex character of individual animals does not depend at all on the color of the fur.

Few people know that the chinchilla's skeletal structure allows it to shrink vertically. Thus, the animal can crawl into unusually narrow crevices.

In addition, the black velvet chinchilla does not shed at all. Moreover, in case of stress or danger, animals can shed their fur when nervous.

Many people are accustomed to thinking that these furry rodents are exclusively gray in color. But in fact, the colors of chinchillas are quite diverse, because for decades experts have carried out breeding work with them, achieving new colors and shades of their stunning fur.

There are only two types of these animals: the small long-tailed chinchilla and the large short-tailed chinchilla (or Peruvian). They differ from each other only in size and tail length.

And some areas of the Argentine Andes, but in natural conditions these animals are no longer found, as they were completely exterminated due to their valuable fur. Now short-tailed chinchillas are bred on special farms. Representatives of this species have a strong body, from thirty to forty centimeters long, and their weight ranges from five hundred to eight hundred grams. The short tail is covered with coarse hairs.

They are called coastal ones, and they are still found in the wild, mainly in the highlands of the Chilean Andes. Rodents differ from their larger relatives in their smaller size (body length from twenty to thirty centimeters) and a long tail covered with luxurious fur. The animals weigh no more than seven hundred grams.

Important: both of these types of chinchillas have almost the same gray color, but as a result of breeding work with the small long-tailed chinchilla, breeds with more than forty colors and different shades of fur were bred.

Angora chinchilla

Angora chinchilla is the most expensive chinchilla in the world

The Angora or royal chinchilla is a subspecies of the common long-tailed chinchilla. As in the case of dwarf rodents, long-haired animals appeared due to natural mutation, and not targeted selection, although chinchillas with long fur have long been the ultimate dream of many breeders.

Although the first mentions of these animals date back to the sixties of the last century, it was only in 2001 that the Angora standard was established.

Angora chinchilla has the fluffiest tail

The fact is that their breeding is difficult, since even a pair of long-haired parents can produce babies with normal short hair.

Angora chinchilla color violet

Features of the appearance of Angoras:

  • The main distinguishing feature of these animals is, of course, long silky fur. The angora chinchilla has a very fluffy luxurious tail and elongated hair on the legs and head;
  • Angoras also differ from their relatives in having a more flattened and short muzzle, which is why they are also called Persian;
  • long-haired rodents are smaller in size compared to their regular relatives.
Angora chinchilla color blue diamond

Important: the most expensive chinchillas in the world are representatives of the Angora breed. Their price can vary from one to several thousand dollars. Moreover, the more rare and unusual the animal’s color (blue diamond, violet, black velvet), the higher the cost of the rodent.

Angora chinchilla color black velvet

Dwarf chinchillas

Many people mistakenly think that dwarf chinchillas are a separate breed, but this is not the case. Miniature furry animals appeared as a result of a natural genetic mutation and the only way they differ from their counterparts is their small size. Mini chinchillas have a small compact body, short legs and a short, very bushy tail. only three hundred to four hundred grams and can fit entirely in the palm of a person.

Few breeders decide to start breeding dwarf chinchillas, as they consider this business troublesome and unprofitable. Mini chinchilla babies are born the same size as those of ordinary rodents, so miniature females experience difficulties during the birth process, and there are often cases when they die. The babies of such females are born weak and many die in the first days of life.

As for colors, the color palette of small fluffy creatures is very diverse and in this they are no different from their large fellow tribesmen.

What types of chinchillas are there: color options

In their natural habitats, these animals have many enemies, and nature itself took care of their survival, giving them an inconspicuous and inconspicuous coat of grayish color. Indeed, thanks to the gray color of their fur, the furry animals blend into the surrounding rocky terrain, thus hiding from predators.

But since these creatures began to be bred in nurseries and on farms, breeders have set out to develop animals with new colors, resulting in individuals with white, black and beige fur. In the course of many years of breeding work, animals with such unusual and interesting colors as purple, sapphire and white-pink were bred.

What colors are chinchillas?

  • gray color, also called agouti, is considered the standard for chinchillas;
  • white fur color with varying degrees of shade saturation and interspersed with pinkish and beige tones;
  • brown color or pastel, which ranges from light beige shades to rich chocolate;
  • black color of the fur coat with different depths and saturation of shade;
  • unusual and original colors such as purple, sapphire and pink.

Important: the colors of these rodents are divided into dominant and recessive. The dominant color is the one that appears immediately upon birth of the animal. In the recessive variant, the rodent does not have a specific fur color, but is a carrier of the gene responsible for a certain shade, and when crossed, can pass it on to its descendants.

Standard gray color of chinchillas

A gray coat is characteristic of both wild individuals and domestic chinchillas. But depending on the shade and depth of color, the gray standard is divided into moderately dark, light, medium, dark and extra-dark.


Rodents with this color are characterized by light gray fur with a silvery tint. The belly, chest and paws are painted in a light, almost white tone.


This is the most typical and common fur color of animals. The animals have a coat with a uniform gray tint, but with a lighter color on the stomach, legs and chest.


The animals have a gray-black coat with a blue tint, a coat that is lighter in color in the belly and chest area.

Moderately dark

Chinchillas have a dark gray coat with an ash tint on the paws, face and sides. The fur on the belly is bluish-white.

Extra dark

The animals' fur has a rich charcoal gray color, turning into a lighter shade on the sides and chest. The belly is colored light beige.

Breeds of chinchillas with white fur

Rodents with snow-white coats look very beautiful and aristocratic.

White Wilson

Representatives of this type have white fur, which is sometimes interspersed with grayish or beige shades. Chinchilla white Wilson comes in two varieties: silver mosaic and light mosaic.

White chinchillas of the first type have a white coat with a silver tint and darker hair on the head and base of the tail.

Animals with a light mosaic color have light gray spots scattered on their snow-white coat, and the scruff and ears are colored a darker gray.


Strictly speaking, these rodents cannot be called a separate breed. Indeed, among chinchillas, as among many animals, there are albinos, which are characterized by the absence of color pigment in their genes. These animals have a milky white coat and red eyes.

White Lova

A recently developed breed characterized by a creamy white coat and dark ruby ​​eyes.

White velvet

These are animals with a light coat, iridescent with a beige or silver tint and with spots of rich gray color on the front legs and head.


The animals have milky white fur, pink ears and black eyes. Sometimes the fur on the back has a pinkish tint.

Animals with beige color

This color is also called pastel. Representatives of this breed have fur colored in all shades of beige, brown and red.

Interestingly, the fur coat of animals of this type becomes darker with age.


The animals have uniformly colored fur that is light beige, almost sandy in color. The ears have a pinkish tint.


Heterobezh differs from the previous version in its uneven color. The animals' fur coat is beige, but the undercoat and tips of the hairs are darker brown.

Beige Tower

The color of the rodents' fur varies from light to dark beige. On the back there is a pattern of rich brown shades.

Wellman's beige

The animals have light beige fur, very light ears and black eyes.

Sullivan Beige

Rodents have a rich beige coat and bright red eyes.

Brown velvet

The main color is beige, but the back and head of the animals are chocolate color. The belly is colored light sandy and sometimes white.

Ebony breed

This type is not distinguished by the color of its coat, since the color palette of ebony chinchillas is presented in various colors. Animals of this species have extremely shiny and iridescent shiny fur.

There are also several ebony options that differ from the standard.

Homoeboni (or charcoal)

It is considered one of the rarest and most valuable colors. The animals have a coal-black coat and black expressive eyes.

Chinchilla color charcoal


These animals are characterized by dark shiny fur, combining black and gray colors.

White ebony

The animals have a snow-white coat with black coating on the ends of the hair. On the paws, head and base of the tail the fur is darker, gray or beige.

Chinchilla breeds with dark colors

In addition to homoebony, which has a rich black coat, one can also distinguish a breed of chinchillas with a dark color, which are called “black velvet”.

Black velvet

These are amazingly beautiful animals, with black fur on their back, sides, tail and head creating an incredible contrast with their light belly. The more pronounced the contrast between dark and light fur, the more valued chinchillas of this type are.

Rare chinchilla breeds

Breeders have managed to develop breeds with unusual and rare colors, such as purple or blue.


The animals have an amazing coat of light lilac or lavender color, contrasting with a white belly. There are dark purple blotches on the nose and ears.


One of the rarest and most beautiful breeds. The bluish or light blue coat color is combined with a white belly and pink ears.

Blue Diamond

Rodents of this type are even rarer than representatives with sapphire color. The animals have light blue fur with a metallic sheen and a dark pattern on the head and back.

Breeds, types and colors of chinchillas

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