What products are profitable to sell on the market. What is profitable to sell now? How to start successful trading on the collective farm market

The state decided to help the unemployed registered on the Labor Exchange. He gives them 58,800 rubles, or even more, “initial capital” free of charge if they provide some kind of formal business plan for their business idea.

Most often, the thought comes to the minds of such novice businessmen: I’ll start trading in the market (in the sense, in the bazaar). Of course, before this, a person dealt with markets only as a buyer. An aspiring entrepreneur walks around the markets, takes a closer look, asks traders, negotiates with the administration about renting a place. The idea of ​​trading on the market becomes more and more firmly established in the head and finally comes true.

At the same time, most newcomers to market labor make 10 typical “strategic” mistakes and go broke. Most, but not all. About 1-2 out of ten trade successfully. It's a shame, they could have done everything.

The first mistake: you look at what the traders already working there trade in the market, how they trade, what sells more successfully, and you want to be like them, trade the same and in the same way.

An increase in the number of sellers, for example of sausage, will not increase the number of sausage buyers and the money in their pockets. Before you, there was a balance between the number of retail outlets for specific products and the consumer flow of the market. You will only ride on the same consumer flow, “biting off” a share of the revenue of the old merchants.

Your share will not be large, because you have not yet “grown” enough regular customers. As a result, the proceeds will not even be enough to pay for the rent of the retail space. Moreover, the old merchants will do petty mischief.

It is necessary: ​​to trade not what is already being traded, but what is missing in this market for buyers who regularly come here. To do this, ask customers, observe and think, think.

Three attractive stereotypes in relation to retail markets (bazaars):

  • you can find everything here
  • Here you can safely bargain (discount immediately)
  • here for each product there is a “own” seller you can trust

And in this “find everything” there may be voids. Look for them. But remember: just because something is not on the market, this does not mean that you should immediately trade it. Perhaps the old sellers tried it and it didn’t work. Having found a promising void in the assortment, carefully find out whether they have already tried to sell this here?

And one more thing: do you want to be “like everyone else,” becoming part of the “general pattern,” or to stand out, to be different from everyone else? Guess 2 times: who will buyers pay more attention to?

Second mistake: you want to trade what you like: “I want to trade elite teas, sweets, cookies - it’s so beautiful! My display (assortment) will be better than those of these traders.”

Trading what you personally like is like death. You need to trade what market visitors like. In this case, see “First mistake”.

Third mistake: you want to trade something that, in your opinion, is not on the market, or is very little represented.

The decision should be based on the customers' opinions, not yours. To do this, you need to study the buyer, get to know him, and observe him (see “First mistake”). You may not personally like the wishes of buyers. What do you want: income or satisfaction of your opinion?

Fourth mistake: you do not adequately assess the location of the retail space that you were offered for rent on the market.

There are “passage” places: usually closer to the entrances, on the central passages; and “non-passable”: in side aisles, along the periphery of the market, in dead-end aisles. The central aisles may also be impassable, but at the end shopping row. Buyers are no longer coming. Passage places are always occupied. You, a beginner, will be offered only impassable ones.

Goods for everyday use (gastronomy, bread, cigarettes, for example) or “impulse demand” (household items, stationery, etc.) cannot be sold in closed areas. But you can trade, and successfully, with goods of “special” demand and a narrow range. For example, "only hunting knives", or "everything for dog lovers", etc.

But remember that in order to form the primary flow of “specialized” clients to your “specialized” place, additional advertising will be required already on the streams: a wall poster, a “folding bed”, etc., but it’s better not to be lazy and distribute simple leaflets with advertising at the entrances for a week your product and location. There is a plus: off-the-beaten-track locations have low rents.

Fifth mistake: you start trading without making deep and detailed calculations on fixed costs.

Fixed costs are not just rent for trading place. There is a lot more: fees for various market services - use of a cart, or permission to enter your car for unloading; payment to the veterinary laboratory, for the rental of commercial equipment.

Don’t forget about the imputed tax once a quarter. This is how you accumulate a decent amount of little things. Plus fines if payment is late for something.

Fixed costs do not depend on your revenue level. Even if you didn’t make a sale, pay. Will your revenue be enough in the first month?

Sixth mistake: you focus on optimistic (and even rosy) forecasts for revenue and turnover.

Having surveyed or somehow found out the level of revenue and turnover of traders already working in the market, you plan for yourself the same or even higher. Because you think that you will trade better (see “Second mistake”).

When planning any business, always consider “pessimistic” forecasts when calculating revenue, turnover and the level of fixed costs. In most cases, in the first three months (promotion of the place, acclimatization) the net profit is zero. But you have to pay fixed costs.

Have a reserve of primary capital for this case. Persistent traders sometimes also get another job (in the evenings, weekends) in order to pay fixed costs from their salaries while their place in the market is being developed. And they do it right.

Seventh mistake: you do not adequately assess the cyclical nature of trading to start your activity.

For any product during the year there is a cyclical nature of trade turnover (according to demand). In some months there is very high revenue, in others, on the contrary, there is even a loss. You need to focus not on monthly income, but on the results of the year. For some types of trade, 2-3 months “feed the whole year.”

For example, fresh flowers. Experienced traders set aside part of their proceeds " good months" to pay fixed costs in " bad months" When planning your trading, carefully learn about the cyclical nature of this product.

As a rule, opening trade at the end of spring at the beginning of summer is not profitable. But at this time it is easier to get a good (passing) place on the market and endure it with low trade until it picks up in the fall. It is useless for a newcomer to give up the hope of getting a “good” place in the fall.

Eighth mistake: you are a beginner, you are opening your trading place on the market for the first time, but you are not trading yourself, but hiring a seller.

This is also like death. Firstly, you will never learn to understand the intricacies of market trading. Secondly, the hired salesperson is poorly motivated to “catch buyers” when promoting a new place, and generally keep a smile on his face.

The percentage that you promised him means nothing if the seller simply does not have the ability to promote a retail location. And sellers with abilities have long been employed. Thirdly, there is a whole business: hiring such new people in order to steal decently and disappear.

Ninth mistake: you do not calculate the amount of required working capital taking into account Paret’s law.

Don't know this law? Paret's Law states: of all your products, only 20% of the assortment will bring the main (80%) revenue. The remaining 80% of the assortment provides only 20% of revenue and can take a very long time to sell. But there is a paradox: without this supposedly unnecessary “ballast” in the form of 80% of the assortment, the profitable 20% of the assortment will not be sold. Abstruse?

Read carefully several times. Experienced traders explain this simply: in order to successfully trade, for example, only potatoes, you also need to put on the counter a wide range of other things, including nuts and bottled juice. But only potatoes are not traded.

So, enough working capital is needed to purchase both the main product and “for the assortment.”

Tenth mistake: You are starting a trading business alone.

Without the support and participation of your entire family, or at least one person who loves you, you will not cope. It is in this main reason successful work in the markets of traders of “other nationalities” - in the participation of the whole family, from small children to distant relatives.

This is a real business plan.

If you find solutions that allow you to avoid making the listed mistakes specifically in your case, then these solutions will be the true business plan for you. It would be good to write down these decisions (how to avoid making mistakes) and constantly look at the notes, correct, supplement. And then everything will work out for you.

During a crisis, many trading enterprises suffer serious financial losses, as the purchasing power of the population decreases sharply, and many goods remain unclaimed. But despite this, experts believe that economic instability is the most best time to open your own profitable business. To receive good income, you need to know what to trade during the 2018 crisis. This will be discussed in this publication.

Anti-stress products

When thinking about what is best to trade during a crisis, many entrepreneurs for some reason forget about goods that help relieve stress. To avoid getting depressed because financial problems, people use different methods, which allow them to relax and forget about all the troubles for a while.

Some citizens prefer to relieve stress with alcohol, while others buy sweets to cheer up. There are also people who buy various sedatives. If you cannot decide which product to trade during a crisis, try to focus on such products.

Funeral paraphernalia

This sounds sad, but funeral services in our country are in demand in any economic conditions. People see off their loved ones to last path, regardless of their financial situation, so the trade in funeral accessories does not freeze even in times of crisis.

When choosing an assortment of what to sell during a crisis, give preference to goods from the economy segment. Fancy funeral supplies are too expensive, making them too costly for beginners. At the stage of business formation, they can be completely excluded from the range.

Eco-friendly products

IN lately Many people try to buy only natural, environmentally friendly products. On this addiction, residents rural areas can build a profitable and sufficient promising business. So, what to trade during a market crisis?

Experts have compiled a list of the most popular home-made products:

  • Meat;
  • Dairy products;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Pickles and preserves.

This is the best-selling product during a crisis in any region of our country. If you are looking for sources additional income, choose any products from this list and feel free to go to the market with them.

Real estate

Many citizens who have additional living space are thinking about: Experts believe that a crisis is not the best time to sell real estate, but if you see no other way out, you can try to make money from it.

Let's talk in more detail about how to sell real estate during a crisis and get a decent income from it? First of all, try to sell your apartment as profitably as possible. Invest the proceeds in the purchase of housing in new buildings during the construction phase. When the house is put into operation, the cost square meters will rise by 20–30%, respectively, the sale of an apartment will bring you good profit. You can also buy housing in disrepair and make it major renovation and sell for much more.

Online trading

Recently, online trading has become very popular. Beginners often wonder what is profitable to sell online during a crisis?

You can trade any product online:

  • Food;
  • Household appliances;
  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Children's products;
  • Flowers;
  • Auto parts and more.

At first, select 2-3 product categories and gradually expand the range. For example, you can add watches or jewelry to an online store of shoes and clothing. This will allow you to increase the profitability of your business.

Children's products

Parents try to give their children the best. They make every effort to provide for their child comfortable life. Therefore, children's toys and clothing are goods for which demand never falls.

If you are attracted to this market segment, before opening a store, you need to decide what is profitable to sell during a crisis. Experienced businessmen do not advise focusing on children's clothing, since in difficult economic conditions people try to save money, so they often buy second-hand items. In addition, babies wear clothes after their older sisters or brothers. Therefore, in the assortment of a children's goods store, clothing should not occupy more than 10% of the total volume of products.

Hot baked goods

You can’t decide what to trade during a crisis small town? Everything ingenious is simple. The simplest option is street vending hot baked goods. Such a business does not require large financial investments and is highly profitable.

In order to open one stationary retail outlet, you will need 1–2 thousand dollars. The main cost is the purchase of equipment. From one point per month you can get 300–500 dollars of net profit. If you start trading on holidays in places of mass public celebrations, you can get a month’s profit in one day. This is an excellent idea that can be implemented during the summer holiday season.

Second hand

Cheap used clothes are the most... best option for people who cannot decide what to sell during a crisis. Such a business is characterized by high profitability and quick payback.

In order to open a second-hand store, you do not need large financial investments. Rent a small space, purchase a small batch of goods and get to work. To understand what is profitable to sell in a small town, at first buy a cheap product and sell it by weight. Over time, you can add several expensive items and open up stock. Competent pricing policy is a guarantee of the success of your enterprise.

Coffee machines

During the crisis, many people save money, so they try not to visit cafes and other establishments catering. They prefer to drink a cup of coffee from a coffee machine located near their place of work or school. Coffee machines are the easiest and most profitable option for trading during a crisis.

To open such a business, you need to purchase vending machines. If your financial capabilities do not allow you to make such a purchase, at first you can rent equipment. In addition to the coffee machine, you will also need assorted coffee, sugar, dry cream and disposable tableware. The next important step is choosing a location. The coffee machine can be installed in shopping center, any educational institution, clinic, hospital, etc.


Since our country’s economy has recently focused on import substitution, before deciding what to trade during a crisis, pay attention to domestically produced products, in particular pasta. These are inexpensive and delicious products food that almost all citizens of our country buy. The greatest demand is for products in the mid-price segment. Typically, buyers are not tied to any particular trademark. Much for them quality is more important and affordable price. Buy pasta from the manufacturer and sell it in bulk at your own markup to supermarkets, canteens, cafes and companies that prepare and deliver hot meals. According to experts, it can bring decent profits, especially if we're talking about about inexpensive food products.

Educational courses

During a crisis, many people lose their jobs, so they are forced to look for other sources of income. To do this, they have to learn new professions that are in demand during periods of economic instability. In this regard, the demand for various educational courses begins to grow. If you are wondering what is profitable to sell during a crisis, try offering your knowledge to consumers. Courses foreign language, playing the guitar or cutting and sewing are always enjoyed in great demand, so you won’t be left without income.

Place advertisements in print or online and wait for customers to call. In addition, you can offer your services to acquaintances and friends who may become your first students. Educational courses are one of the most important ones that open up great opportunities for beginners.

Products from China

Previously, many people believed that any Chinese products- this is consumer goods that are no different high quality. But the situation has changed and now you can build on goods from China profitable business. As you know, in the Middle Kingdom you can buy products 50% cheaper than in our country. Everything is produced here, from clothing and children's toys to high-tech medical equipment. Before you start doing business with China, you need to decide what to trade in a crisis.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise paying attention to the following groups goods:

  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Electronics;
  • Accessories;
  • Textile;
  • Children's toys;
  • Mobile phones.

The easiest way to make money by reselling goods from China is dropshipping. This great option for those who are looking for... Create your own online store, place photos and descriptions of products from Chinese sites in it and wait for buyers. When the client pays for the purchase, use this money to buy the product from suppliers in China at a lower price and send it to the buyer’s address. The price difference is your net income.

Don’t forget that the best-selling products during a crisis are essential products. Expensive goods that are not in great demand may long time remain unclaimed, so they will not bring you good income.


Everyone knows that medicines are essential goods. Any person who feels unwell goes to a doctor who prescribes him necessary medications. After that, he goes to the pharmacy and even uses his last money to buy medications to improve his health. Therefore, if you are wondering what to sell during a crisis, open your own pharmacy.

Sales in difficult economic conditions medicines don't fall. On the contrary, they may even increase if you replace expensive drugs with cheap domestically produced analogues. Thanks to this, consumers will be able to save money, and you will receive a good profit.

Naturally, opening a pharmacy is not easy. It is necessary to obtain activity permits (trade license medicines), and also register your type of activity.

It will be quite problematic for beginning entrepreneurs to open such a business due to the large start-up capital required to implement this idea of ​​​​earning money. The way out of the situation is to search for investors. You can read about how to find an investor on our website.

Business in the trade sector in most cases is a win-win option, because selling products is always easier than producing them. And in order to organize a profitable business, it is not at all necessary to start with the wholesale sale of large quantities of goods - a beginner can initially rent a tent at the local central market. And having decided on the place, it is worth deciding what is profitable to trade on the market. Trading on the market is profitable! Large flows of people are observed here every day, which, if there is a demanded product and a good location of the tent, will have a positive impact on final profit entrepreneur. And before you start trading on the market, it is important to conduct marketing research to understand which products are in high demand in a particular market, how much competition there is and how much consumers are willing to pay for quality product. The answers to these questions will help you decide what is best to trade on the market.

Selection of goods for sale

It is not difficult to select a product for further sale, based on an analysis of a specific sales market. And a novice entrepreneur should take into account several important criteria:

  • demand,
  • location point of sale,
  • tent size,
  • starting capital,
  • seasonality,
  • reliable suppliers.

Main - right choice goods 🙂

Demand is the most important criterion. An entrepreneur needs to walk around the market and identify those categories of goods that are clearly lacking here given high consumer demand. The principle is simple. Buyers constantly crowd around the only stall with deli meats? Then it would be better to sell meat at a specific market. A big mistake entrepreneurs make is to trade in what only they like. Here we need a different approach - focus on the product in which you are interested big circle consumers.

Many experienced sellers, answering the question of what is needed to trade on the market, unanimously answer - the “right” place. And when selecting goods for further sale, you also need to strictly adhere to this rule. As a rule, the territory of markets is divided into certain zones. And if you managed to profitably rent a tent that is located in the area where it is offered for sale outerwear, selling vegetables here is completely impractical, since people will go to other sections of the market for food. It turns out that vegetables will not be in good demand here. The “bread” places in the markets, as a rule, have been occupied for a long time, and therefore, novice entrepreneurs, as a rule, get tents somewhere on the periphery or in dead ends. But with a quality product it is quite possible to short terms develop your client base.

When deciding what can be traded on the market, a businessman should also take into account the size of the rented space. If all you managed to “get” is a tent of 3-5 m2, then sell large auto parts here or fur coats It will be unprofitable - it will not be possible to offer customers a full range. But trading fish, tea or cigarettes will be convenient and profitable.

The size of the available starting capital has a direct impact on what goods are profitable to trade on the market. As practice shows, it can be expensive to sell things, electrical equipment, and fast food. Therefore, an entrepreneur should look at things realistically and evaluate his financial capabilities so as not to burn out in the first months of work.

Is it profitable to sell the same fur coats on the market? In the autumn-winter period - definitely yes. But in the summer you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be practically no demand. Therefore, when choosing a product for sale, it is worth taking into account the seasonality of trade. Not wanting to be “idle,” you need to give up seasonal goods. There is another option - depending on the time of year, change the assortment.

Once you have established contacts with a reliable supplier of a sought-after product, you can start your business by “adjusting” to it. A high-quality product, in most cases, is the key to success, and therefore it is better to sell just such products, and at an affordable price. And in order to avoid future downtime, it is important to establish uninterrupted supplies of goods.

How to make a business profitable?

Having made a firm decision “I want to trade on the market” and having already chosen a product for sale, you can begin to implement your plans.

Even in the case of a small business, it is important not to overestimate your abilities. And the important rule here is the development of a business plan. If the activity does not require borrowed funds, the project can be drawn up purely schematically, just for yourself. In the future, this will help calculate expenses and income and develop the business.

There are not too many organizational issues here, compared to some other areas. It is unlikely that it will be possible to trade on the market without an individual entrepreneur, but the registration of all necessary documentation will not take much time from the entrepreneur. Having ordered a certain amount goods from the supplier, and having filled the shelves with products, you can begin your activities.

How can you learn to trade in the market correctly?

What nuances need to be taken into account when driving own business in the central markets of cities?

  • At first, you should not purchase too large volumes of goods for sale - if it fails, you may incur large expenses.
  • Having rented a place on the market that is not very successful, you need to take care of advertising - a prominent sign, handing out leaflets, offering discounts. Otherwise, profits will be small.
  • To save money, you can stand behind the counter yourself. But if you don’t know how to attract clients, it’s better to entrust this task to an experienced seller - this way the profit will be greater.

And do not forget about the importance of accounting - all expenses and income must be clearly recorded. In the field of trade, everything cannot be left to chance, and therefore, every figure must be reflected in the balance sheets.

From time immemorial, people selling various goods have been helped by conspiracies and signs for trading. Not only professional sellers resort to magic, but also ordinary people who want to sell some things. After all, as it says folk wisdom- Each product has its own merchant. And any merchant dreams of a buyer for his products appearing as soon as possible.

Sometimes when selling a quality product at affordable price people pass by, and other sellers simply have no end to buyers. Big role Talent, experience and sales skills play a role in successful trading. But if you urgently need to sell something at a good price, they will help folk signs. Trading subject to compliance simple rules will improve and financial situation will become stable.

What are the signs of good trading?

The first thing you need to do when you come to the market or store in the morning and start laying out the goods on the counter is to say:

“The product is my face and I myself am great.”

To attract buyers, bring some salt from home and say:

“Walkers, travelers, come here, here is a place for you, food and water. Money for me, goods for you. Amen".

Throw the salt right hand over the left shoulder.

After selling any product, in its place place the thing that you have been wanting to sell for a long time. In general, try to hang things that will be on sale for a long time in front so that they are clearly visible to buyers. This will greatly increase the chances of selling them faster.

It’s good if the first buyer is a man. It promises successful trading for the whole day. If a woman makes the first purchase, then it is better to give change with her money rather than keep it for yourself. Otherwise, trading will be bad.

Often sellers, with the money received from the first buyer, spend on the remaining goods, thus attracting new sales. You can do this too.

It is believed that you need to give in to the first buyer, in which case you will sell more. Argue with your first client - bad sign, promising shortages.

If the first bill traded is large, then the day will be successful. But you shouldn’t pick up loose change that has fallen on the floor or ground, because it will cause losses.

Those who sell goods by weight can put a coin under the scales, which will attract money.

Do not let other sellers iron your goods with your hands. It is believed that they will take all the luck, then you certainly won’t have to wait for good trading.

The popular saying “You are greeted by your clothes” is familiar to us from childhood. This rule also applies to trade. To attract as much as possible more buyers, you must choose the right wardrobe. Clothes should be clean, neat and not flashy, but bright and provocative things are best worn for another occasion. Each seller also has lucky clothes, which they wore on those days when trade was especially brisk. People try to wear these wardrobe items to the market as often as possible, in the belief that they will attract more buyers.

If you finished trading at the end of the day, then it is better to leave the recalculation of profits until the morning, because counting money in the evening is bad omen. At this time, the day is waning, and any financial transactions may cause losses. That is why after sunset you cannot lend, give away or count money.

Signs for successful trading say: when returning home from the market and meeting a beggar on the way, be sure to give him alms, saying to yourself: “May the hand of the giver not fail.” Remember that the good you do will definitely return.

If you want to always have money, then three days before the full moon, put the most money under the carpet. large bill, which one you have in the house. Let it lie there until the moon begins to wane. Then you need to get the money and take it to the others.

Conspiracies for good trading

Not only trading signs for the seller, but also special conspiracies will help you increase sales. There are many rituals to improve trading, but you should not resort to their help too often. Reading conspiracies while drunk or bad mood it is forbidden.

On Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday you can read the spell for grain. On this day, at least one of the items in your wardrobe should be yellow. Take a handful of any grain in your hands, slowly pour it into a prepared saucer, while saying:

Pour the grain three times, reading the plot each time. Don't throw away the cereal, but give it to the birds.

A scarf spell is also considered effective. In the morning, when washing your face before going to the market, wipe your face with a handkerchief and recite the spell by heart:

You need to take the scarf with you to where you trade.

There are also trading conspiracies that need to be read every day. For example, every morning, upon arriving at workplace, first of all say:

“I’m starting to trade, convening money merchants.

Cash buyers will come and take all my goods.

I will not know shortages and losses,

I will always have plenty of money.

My wallet will be filled with money,

And luck and fortune are knocking on my house. Amen".

So that conspiracies and prayers for good trade gave results, remember that you need to live according to your conscience. Don’t envy other people, look at all events that happen positively, let anger and hatred never settle in your heart.

Video: signs for successful trading

We bet that you have ever visited a local bazaar or collective farm market? Or maybe you dream of opening your own outlet there? And what? It's warm, light and flies don't bite. You are your own boss—trade whether you like or not. Complete independence and independence from the employer. Moreover, the state can help you with this with money - in the amount of 58 thousand rubles. How? Read carefully!

The site has already written about that. In this article, due to numerous requests from readers, we will give several useful tips and give full instructions- how to do it.

So, if you decide to start working for yourself for the first time, then you are entitled to help from the state - a subsidy for Federal Targeted Employment Program. According to the program, everyone who wants to start their own business is paid free financial assistance in the amount of 12 months of unemployment benefits. In 2018, state financial assistance to a start-up entrepreneur is 58,800 rubles. This first step on the way to its own market independence.

How can an entrepreneur get a subsidy to develop his own small business?

Before applying for this subsidy, you must be officially unemployed. For a period of at least a month. This requires registration with your local State Center Employment of the Population (PPE). During the unemployed month, reject all vacancies offered by the center. Let's make a reservation right away. Unfortunately, this instruction does not work for people who have violated the registration rules of the employment center; having a criminal record; receiving an old-age pension; full-time students at a university; dismissed from their previous place of work by court decision; completed entrepreneurial activity less than 6 months ago. For the rest, as we say in Russia, “welcome to the club.” In other words, in Russian - welcome, dear citizen!

Having resolved all the formalities with the Entertainment Center, you can begin to receive a subsidy. According to federal program, in most regions it is the central control center that is responsible for financial assistance entrepreneurs.

To do this, you should contact the center’s specialists to find out what targeted assistance programs exist in the region and what is needed to participate in them. You may have to take a short test to identify entrepreneurial knowledge.

After clarification, as a rule, you need to describe your own project in detail in a small business plan. This is where it comes second step to their own market independence. Yes, yes. In the business plan submitted to the Employment Center, you need to write about what the point of sale will be, assortment, ways of promotion, expected profit and other details. If you can’t handle it yourself, then knowledgeable intermediaries will arrange good plan for a small cost.

A business plan, a statement of desire to receive a subsidy and other documents must be submitted to the Center for Significance. Where within 10 days, after consideration of the application, the final decision will be made. You may have to defend your own project before the city commission. If the decision is positive, you need to move on to third step. Registration of an individual entrepreneur (you can do this automatically using the link) and opening a current account. It is to this account that the subsidy will be transferred in the amount of 58,800 rubles.

This amount will be used to rent retail space at the local market and purchase the initial batch of goods.

How to organize proper and profitable trading in the local market

Of course, if an entrepreneur had just taken the first steps towards trading, then he was on the market only as a buyer. And has own presentation about market trading. Most often, the ideas are somewhat erroneous or too ideal. The market, like any other trading establishment, functions according to laws and established traditions.

1. More sellers - fewer buyers. Having made a purchase, we think: at a certain purchase price, how much does the seller earn if he serves 10 customers in a day? What if there are 20 buyers? Stop. Unfortunately, we forget that the purchasing flow has its ceiling. Demand is not flexible, increasing the number of offers does not increase sales. Therefore, when deciding on the assortment, you should not stand in a row where all merchants have the same type of product. It turns out that the number of buyers has not increased, but there are more offers. Who will be left without profit?

The market has not been open for the first time, the number of sellers dealing with a similar assortment has self-balanced - there are extra ones, with poor performance profits, changed their trading orientation. Do you want to follow their path?

To organize your own retail outlet, you need to think about the product range. Ideally, find something that is in demand, but is not yet on the market.

2. Demand creates supply. Not the other way around. Everything is simple here. If the product does not work, it needs to be changed. None - I like it, which means my customers will like it too. The winner in the market is the one who satisfies the buyer, not his own ambitions.

Pareto principle: 20% of effort gives 80% of the result. That is, in relation to trade, 20% of the assortment brings 80% of the profit. You need to find that 20% and focus on it. Not forgetting about the rest of the range. The buyer does not go to an empty shop.

3. It’s not the place that makes the man. It determines the range of sales. The market has an entrance and a general trading area. Those trading at the entry level can expect impulse selling. That is, a product with everyday demand and random demand. Food, groceries, household utensils and the like. In places not located on the aisle, these are exactly what they are given to beginners ( good places occupied for a long time), such goods sell poorly. There you should sell what the buyer will come for - special, narrowly targeted and characteristic goods. For example, a pavilion with yarn and fabrics; everything for fishermen; cosmetics and more.

The main disadvantage of this approach is that it is necessary to constantly attract buyers. Advertising at the entrance, banners, announcements over the local public address system - prerequisite successful trading.

4. Money loves counting. When starting your own business, you need to evaluate everything possible risks. Product without demand, increase rent, taxes are expenses independent of income. That is, the primary risk. Without compensation capital, when the month may end in negative territory, it is not worth starting such a business. As a rule, this amount should be enough for 3 months of the existence of a retail outlet without profit. That is, payment of all risks must come from this reserve amount.

5. “First you taste...”. The main mistake of all beginners is that without experiencing all the “charm” of trading, they immediately hire sellers. Thus, they completely lose control over demand and do not study all the subtleties, for example, the influence of location on sales volume. An employee works for a salary. The owner is down to business. That is, without trying yourself in trading, you cannot draw conclusions about its success. It's better to do this with someone you trust (a friend or relative). But not with a hired worker.

How to get started successful trading at the collective farm market

Undoubtedly, government assistance is a big plus for those who want to open their own business and choose the most affordable option - opening a retail outlet on the market. Subsidies, preferential loans and other local programs, depending on the region of residence, remove the last barriers between unemployment and a person’s financial independence. All that remains is to increase this capital: rent retail space, find a product range, attract buyers.

The key feature of a business when opening a retail outlet is that the seller works with market visitors, that is, he simplifies the consumption pattern as much as possible; other problems with the functioning of the premises are not his responsibility.