My hands go numb during the day. Numbness of the right hand: temporary and chronic causes, when it is necessary to sound the alarm

Hands going numb is a condition in which sensitivity is lost and “syndrome” appears. wooden hand"(movements are made, but not felt), may be accompanied by tingling, pain, burning. Sensitivity returns painfully with tingling and burning.

The reasons why hands and fingers go numb, what is the reason, what to do are determined by the anamnesis (individual characteristics), frequency, duration, time interval of occurrence.

Why does my hand go numb and what should I do?

In the crook of the hand is wrist bone, tendons, branches off the muscles responsible for the work of the fingers.

A common reason why arms go numb is overexerting them without changing position. Such activities include computer work, manuscript writing, and handicrafts that require monotonous movements. At first, the discomfort begins to bother you in the morning, gradually the duration increases. It is impossible to ignore this phenomenon when your fingers go numb, because this serious illness- carpal tunnel syndrome. May ultimately lead to dysfunctional hand disorder.

Carpal tunnel syndrome, the cause is pinched nerves that occur with swelling and inflammation of the tendons and arm muscles that go numb.

Other reasons for numb hands:

Preventive measures if your hands go numb

  • Don't indulge in alcoholic drinks tobacco products, salty and spicy foods, if you don’t know what to do when your fingers go numb.
  • During the cold season, wear warm gloves and long sleeves.
  • Every 30-40 minutes, take a break after working at the computer, stretch your hands, if there is a reason why they are numb, do massage, gymnastics.
  • Eat more plant-based, fresh foods, limit fatty and fried foods.

Gymnastic exercises

Press your hands if they feel numb and the reason is not clear, inside to each other, clench your fist and after 5-10 seconds. Unclench.

Interlace the fingers of both hands with each other, stretch and bend your fingers.

Place your palms on a flat surface so that the hand hangs down. Trying not to raise your fingers and palms, move your brush up and down.

Clench and unclench your fists forcefully, then extend your fingers. Repeat 5-10 times on each hand.

Pull thumb and alternately touch it with others. Repeat 5-10 times. Now you know what to do.


Posture: Lying on your back, extend your arms up, straighten your fingers, and then clench your fists.

Lying on your back, stretch your arms, which are numb, along your body, rhythmically clench and unclench your fists.

Rise on your toes, raise your arms up, straighten your fingers, stand for about 1 minute. Repeat 5 times.

Stand facing the wall, clasp your hands, hold the pose for 1-2 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times.

If the provocateur is that your hands are numb, the reason is stress, neuroses, you need to take a course sedatives(“Novopassit”, “Persen”), attend psychotherapy courses, avoid stressful situations. It is quite clear what to do in such a situation.

If osteochondrosis is the culprit, attend physiotherapy courses (underwater hydromassage, manual therapy, ultrasonic irradiation and magnetic resonance irradiation, medicinal baths), follow the doctor’s recommendations, take medications (antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs and blood circulation stimulants).

Why do my fingers go numb and what to do?

Have you accidentally noticed that your fingers have become foreign, that colic and pain have appeared? We urgently need to find the reason why our hands are going numb.

Reasons why your hands go numb and what to do:

With corporal canal syndrome, which occurs when the fingers and hand are overstrained, inflammation occurs that compresses the nerve roots. Symptoms other than numbness - itching in the palm, improper motor skills of the fingers, weakness in the hands, difficulty making a fist or grasping an object. What to do? Smear your hands with Capsicam, Nicoflex, and go to physical therapy prescribed by your doctor. If the disease is severely advanced without surgical intervention can't get by.

Raynaud's disease - fingers lose sensitivity on all hands, turn pale, become cold, and cannot warm up. The disease is caused by poor circulation. It affects not only the fingers, but also the little toes. What to do? Treat with vasodilators:

Polyneuropathy is the destruction of the muscles, tendons of the hand and fingers. In most cases, it develops as a secondary disease after diabetes, acute, infectious diseases, anemia, lack of vitamins and calcium.

What to do? Attend physical therapy courses, monitor blood sugar levels (for diabetes), use ointments, do exercises physical therapy.

Why do both arms and legs go numb at the same time?

Sometimes, instead of affecting individual limbs, numbness is noted in all at once. How to recognize the cause?

You're sitting wrong. What to do? Choose correct posture. The position at the computer should be with a straight back, hands should touch the surface of the table, feet should lie on the floor. Under no circumstances raise your hands or try to sit on your heels.

Vitamin B12 deficiency. It is responsible for the correct, productive work of muscles and nerve fibers, its deficiency causes numbness, cramps, and muscle weakness.

A compressed nerve or nerve root. It is necessary to get rid of not the effect, but the cause - diseases of the musculoskeletal system, inflammation of muscles and tendons.

Carpal tunnel syndrome. It worries people who systematically sit at the computer incorrectly. What to do? See a doctor, be treated with ointments, medications, and devote time to physical therapy. Gymnastics and correct position - best prevention.

Neuropathy. Manifests itself due to a malfunction in the nervous system, damage to nerve fibers, psychological problems. Requires complex treatment, which must be determined by a specialist.

Hyperventilation. With shortness of breath, attack strong fear, blood supply to all extremities is limited.

A harbinger of stroke, heart attack. If the arm goes numb from the shoulder, strong painful sensation from the sternum to the hand, the heart should be checked urgently.

Incorrect posture, compression of a limb.

Numbness of hands - serious problem, which cannot be attributed to everyday trifles. Visit your doctor and follow complex therapy, rest regularly after long work and such an illness will never bother you.

Lately, more and more patients have been appearing in my office who are worried about one single symptom: at night they have to wake up several times due to numbness in their hands. The unpleasant sensations that accompany these phenomena are all described in a fairly similar way: a sharp awakening from pain in the hand, tingling, burning, “crawling” in combination with stiff fingers.

Usually people blame everything on the pillow (and change it more than once), the peculiarities of the posture during sleep (and they come up with various “limiters” so as not to turn on their side or on their stomach), “a weak heart” (and they buy unnecessary medications in order to “ heal")...

In the end, exhausted, they come to a neurologist so that the doctor can find in their body what is bothering them. good rest, and eliminated the inconvenience. And the doctor again walks in a vicious circle: pillow-pose-heart. And makes me do gymnastics. And he prescribes a bunch of studies that will take a lot of time. Couldn't it be faster? No, you can't!

Where does such a misfortune come from?

If previously similar complaints were made more often by people whose professional activity was associated with sedentary work and strain of hands (computer operators, drivers, assembly line workers), now schoolchildren, students, and pensioners come. After all, computers have entered the lives of almost everyone. And almost everyone, starting from school, is faced with the “syndrome computer mouse"(carpal tunnel syndrome), when mechanical compression of the nerves and blood vessels in the wrist regularly occurs, causing numbness in the fingers. Usually, wearing an orthosis and well-planned position of the keyboard and mouse quickly eliminate the problem, but with numbness at night, not everything is so simple.

Of course, most often the cause of numbness is quite banal - in 90% of cases it is compression of the neurovascular bundle along its entire length: from spinal cord and the aorta to the very tips of the fingers. But there are another 10% of cases when disruption of blood circulation and innervation occurs at a more subtle level - when the most small vessels and nerve endings.

This ten percent includes diseases such as polyneuropathy and vasculitis. In order to exclude these pathologies, the doctor gives the night sufferer a long list of tests and examinations. These can be banal blood tests (general and biochemical), tests for hormonal background, electroneuromyography, duplex scanning vessels, rheovasography, electrocardiogram, neuroimaging (x-ray of the neck, shoulder joints, CT and MRI). The doctor decides what to do and to what extent on an individual basis.

- Doctor, is it still possible somehow easier and faster?

Well, I’ll tell you what your “faster” usually looks like.

Stupid self-medication

And so we decided to save time and money on tests, because “we definitely feel that there is nothing serious,” and we enthusiastically take on treatment. On the Internet there are a lot of “folk” recommendations on the topic “how to cope with numbness of the hands”, and at the same time “”. This includes sleeping with a potato in your hand, and massaging your arm joints and neck. in various ways, and also make baths, compresses and rub in strong-smelling (probably to deter the disease) tinctures.

Does all this help? Yes and no. If one of folk remedies, applied in any form, accidentally affects the cause of the disease - then everything is wonderful. But usually, for some reason, it is after somersaults with Internet advice that patients get worse. Maybe there are those who were cured once and for all by anointing parts of their bodies with turpentine, and no longer go to doctors? Alas, I doubt it...

Your own diagnostician

To figure out for yourself whether there is reason for concern or whether you are simply “tracking” your hands in your sleep (and then just change your position), here are a few simple tests.

Try raising your arms above your head and holding them for 30 seconds. Do you feel tingling? Going numb? Dress for the weather - and go to the neurologist. Do your joints hurt? Make an appointment with a rheumatologist. Place the blood pressure cuff on your arm below the elbow. Increase the pressure in the cuff to 130–140 mmHg. If no unpleasant sensations appear within a minute, then there is no reason to worry. What if they appeared? And it's also numb left hand when nervous? Go ahead - to the cardiologist! Do both hands go numb at once when you're nervous? You may need to consult an endocrinologist. Well, what if there are none of the above symptoms? Then search again. Joke..

First, pay attention to sleep hygiene.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol before bedtime. Nicotine and ethanol promote short-term vasodilation. Their narrowing will be just in time for the sweetest dream and will provide you with an unforgettable night. Also, don't overeat. The body, which is busy digesting food, simply will not notice the catastrophe on the periphery, in the limbs. No need to fall into bed immediately after a heavy physical work or strength training. Any athlete and loader will tell you how, in this case, overworked muscles ache, spasm to the point of cramps, swell and hurt. And how gratefully they respond to relaxing water procedures And light massage! And less water before bed. Patients with diabetes and pregnant women are especially sensitive to this. Swelling of tissues disrupts metabolism in them and causes irritation of nerve endings. And then numbness and convulsions may occur...

Secondly, you should not sleep in one position all night. Toss and turn! But at the same time, do not put your hands under your head, do not put them under the pillow. Try not to throw your arms and legs over your bedmate at night. If the fair half has the habit of falling asleep on the chest of a loved one, it is worth learning another habit - to crawl away no later than half an hour of being pressed down, no matter how brave the person being pressed is. For those who like to hug someone in their sleep, there are special C-shaped pillows. Try it - very convenient!

Thirdly, the pillow should be comfortable so that your neck does not bend when lying on your side and does not arch when you lie on your back or stomach. By the way, not everyone likes orthopedic pillows. Many people prefer a “forming” pillow, which you want to roll out “into a pancake”, but if you want, it’s knocked into a ball. Plus a light blanket and comfortable, non-squeezing and non-restrictive clothes to help you sleep sweetly! But it’s better to remove jewelry - it’s better for both safety and health.

The population's excessive enthusiasm for mattresses that are too hard (“for back health”) is not at all useful and unnecessary. To experiment, let your pet choose soft or hard bedding - and animals know a lot about good sleep! - and you will immediately understand what I mean.

Well, fourthly, move! During the day, try to change your working position, twirl your arms, neck, bend and straighten. Do not hold the telephone receiver between your neck and shoulder, either at work or in the car (talking on the phone is also prohibited by traffic rules), or before going to bed, or in bed at night. Move - it revitalizes! If you carry heavy bags on your shoulders, buy those with the widest handles. If your breasts are larger than B, the bra should have straps +1–2 cm wide for each size. If your neck aches in the evenings, you can put on a Shants collar and walk around in it for 1 to 1.5 hours a day for 2 weeks. Massage also helps a lot.

Well, if all these tricks still don’t lead to the desired relief, make an appointment with a doctor. Helps. Verified.

Valentina Saratovskaya



Medical practice shows that almost every second patient turns to medical institution with complaints of periodic decrease in sensitivity upper limbs. This condition is considered to be a symptom of latently developing internal processes requiring supervision by a competent specialist.

Why do my fingers go numb?

It is important to know that limbs are lost typical functions not without reason. Usually, if their hands go numb, patients prefer to ignore such “signals” from the body about problems in its functioning. In most cases, loss of sensitivity is associated with professional costs. However, you should not constantly blame uncomfortable working conditions, which are of secondary importance in the development of pathology.

A trivial explanation for numbness in the hands is pinching of nerve endings due to a local circulatory disorder. In such a situation, you just need to restore circulation biological fluid in vessels. In addition, it is very interesting that each finger is able to “tell” about problems certain body or systems:

  1. Numbness of the little finger and ring finger left hand often indicates diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Middle finger reflects insufficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  3. If it goes numb index finger, then this signals pathologies of the spine, possibly a hernia.
  4. The thumb projects the state cervical region spine.

Numbness of hands during pregnancy

The period of bearing a child in the life of every woman is marked by numerous new sensations. Sometimes such changes cause expectant mother It’s a completely understandable feeling of anxiety, especially if your hands go numb during pregnancy. Usually there is no diagnosis of any serious pathologies, and it all comes down to the accompanying interesting situation ladies symptoms. However, a pregnant woman’s hands may go numb for other reasons, including:

  • Increased swelling. This pathology develops due to excess salt consumption. The most effective method To combat edema, it is considered to be the complete exclusion of sodium chloride from the pregnant woman’s diet.
  • Osteochondrosis. The sedentary lifestyle of the expectant mother puts her at risk of developing of this disease, which manifests itself frequently acute pain in different parts of the spine. As a rule, it is not difficult for a doctor to understand why a pregnant woman’s hands are numb.
  • "Tunnel" syndrome. This manifestation of the disease is typical for women who work at the computer for a long time. Due to the constant static load on the fingers, the nerve endings can be completely “switched off” for a while, as a result of which at first the person does not feel the tips of the fingers, and then the entire hand. There is no need to worry if your hand is numb due to tunnel syndrome. Symptoms of the disease disappear quickly if the patient minimizes the stress on the fingers.
  • Anemia. Iron deficiency has a detrimental effect on the quality of the blood of the expectant mother. Reduced hemoglobin indicates that oxygen ions are not distributed with the proper intensity throughout all vessels, which provokes numbness of the limbs.
  • Chronic diseases. Arms may be lost due to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes mellitus, dysfunction thyroid gland. During pregnancy you should special attention take good care of your health and undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner.

Why does my left hand go numb?

The upper extremities may become numb in multiple ways primary bases. The left hand goes numb in most cases due to cardiovascular and neurological pathologies. With a lack of vitamins A and B, damage to the nerve sheaths and decreased sensitivity of the limbs occur. Functionality may be lost completely in the entire arm or in both of them; only the elbow, palm, or hand may become numb. Spinal diseases such as pathologies of the intervertebral space are a common cause of the disease.

Why does my right hand go numb?

There are no significant differences between typical situations of loss of functionality of the upper limbs. However, decreased sensitivity right hand often characterized by a lung problem or hypercholesterolemia. Clinical picture the latter is manifested by impaired blood flow. With lung pathology, gas exchange suffers, which leads to saturation of the body carbon dioxide. As a result, the areas of the body farthest from the heart become numb. High cholesterol is a common cause of numbness due to insufficient supply of nutrients to the tissues.

What causes your hands to go numb during sleep?

Many patients complain of loss of sensation in their limbs when they sleep. Usually a person wakes up because his hands go numb at night. As a rule, then aching pain appears, gradually turning into tingling. At the same time, often a person does not even wonder why his hands go numb in his sleep. The most harmless reason for decreased sensitivity in this situation is the notorious incorrect body position. Symptoms disappear with the onset of morning.

If your hands go numb at night, you need to pay attention to your bedding and evaluate the degree of its comfort. It is recommended to sleep on an orthopedic pillow, which relieves stress from the cervical spine. An excellent addition to a comfortable bed would be a fragrant bag of soothing herbs: recipes for herbs can be borrowed from the tips traditional healers. As a means of relaxation, it is recommended to use aroma lamps with your favorite essential oils.

Why do my hands go numb?

Loss of sensation in the upper extremities is often associated with neurological pathologies. Hands may become numb due to lesions median nerve. The disease leads to a decrease functionality phalangeal part of the fingers, then the patient notes that his entire hand hurts greatly, then the syndrome spreads to the entire limb. Ignoring these symptoms may lead to negative consequences, one of which is the patient’s complaint that his hands go numb at night. People who constantly work at a computer are at risk.

Video: why your hands often go numb

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Many people experience numbness in their arms and legs. Sometimes it is accompanied by a slight tingling sensation (pins and needles), decreased sensitivity, and nagging pain. The combination of these characteristics is called paresthesia. In most cases, these unpleasant phenomena are caused by physiological reasons and leave on their own. In some cases, they are manifestations of diseases and require clarification of the cause that caused them, followed by treatment.

Table of contents:

Possible causes of numbness in arms and legs

First, let's remember the problems that are familiar to each of us. Purchase new shoes when first worn, it often results in “chafing” of the legs, to which it is attached unpleasant feeling numbness that goes away when you take off your shoes or change into worn ones. In order to avoid this trouble, you should carefully and slowly select shoes when purchasing. A similar situation can occur when wearing tight and dense clothing.

A situation where a person is in an uncomfortable position for a long time, standing, sitting, or even while sleeping, often ends in numbness different parts body, most often the arms and legs.

The physiological cause of numbness in the hands and feet is often exposure to air or water at low temperatures. In this case, emergency warming of a frozen limb is required.

Pathological causes of numbness

Most common reason sensations of dumbness in the arms and legs - diseases nervous system . Inflammatory changes nerve trunks, pinching and others pathological processes often cause paresthesia.

Numbness occurs when:

Please note:neurological processes that cause numbness in the hands often occur in people who are busy specific types activities that require constant tension of the hands and shoulder girdle. Professions may be unrelated in nature to each other. Thus, seamstresses, violinists, pianists, people who spend a lot of time at the computer keyboard, etc. suffer from numbness.

How does numbness in the hands and feet manifest?

Numbness in the arms and legs is often accompanied by additional painful symptoms, depending on the cause.

Thus, the most common companions of paresthesia of the extremities are:

  • pain manifestations;
  • rise in body temperature (local and general);
  • redness or paleness of the skin;
  • mental disorders - fear;
  • autonomic disorders – rapid heartbeat and breathing, spasms, sweating, unsteady gait.

Numbness can occur isolated in one limb, or on two on one side. Sometimes the limbs on opposite sides of the body go numb. For example: left arm and right leg. Both arms and legs may become numb. Sometimes this unpleasant sensation occurs in combination with other parts of the body (face, back, stomach, etc.).

Diagnosis of the causes of numbness in the arms and legs

When visiting a doctor great value has a poll. Sometimes a conversation with the patient is enough to understand the origin of the attacks of numbness. But in most cases, diagnosis requires examination of the patient, as well as additional methods diagnostics Sometimes consulting assistance is required narrow specialists- neurologist, endocrinologist, surgeon.

During the examination, the doctor takes into account skin color, its temperature, and checks tendon and skin reflexes.

If necessary, the survey is supplemented with data:

  • and blood tests (urine if necessary);
  • blood pressure measurements;
  • Dopplerography, angiography;
  • r and ;
  • encephalography and myography.

Treatment of numbness in hands and feet

If the numbness is long-lasting and bothers you often, then without hesitation, you should consult a neurologist about this problem.. If the sensation occurs for the first time, or for reasons that are clear to you, you can try to cope with it yourself. Numbness that occurs due to an uncomfortable position can be removed by warming up, just walking and rubbing the numb limbs.

Elimination of numbness in the arms and legs due to diseases consists of treatment main reason ailments.

Timely and correct therapy, diseases of the spine, neurological pathology, blood diseases and rheumatic diseases will remove this unpleasant symptom.

Competent therapy and recovery of post-stroke complications relieves most patients of numbness and other associated symptoms.

Treatment can be carried out both on an outpatient basis and in inpatient conditions. Sometimes you have to resort to surgical methods impact.

Often used: reflexology, massage, exercise therapy.

Important: for any cause of numbness, the intake should be eliminated alcoholic drinks, limit or completely eliminate smoking (especially with obliterating entereriosis).

Treatment of numbness at home using traditional medicine methods

Please note: numbness in any disease should be treated by a doctor . Before using any type traditional treatment, you should definitely consult with him. Sometimes the doctor will tell you more effective ways these types of assistance. It is worth remembering that independent use of any type of therapy is unacceptable.

Traditional medicine recommends using milk and salt (especially sea salt) for numbness in the hands and feet. The medicinal composition is prepared as follows - a liter of milk is mixed with 50 - 100 g of honey and 0.5 kg sea ​​salt. The thoroughly mixed mixture should be heated over low heat to 60° C. Then add 1 liter to the solution ordinary water the same temperature and pour everything into an enamel basin. IN medicinal composition immerse numb hands or feet. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. It should not be repeated more than once a day. The course consists of 10 – 15 procedures. After warming up, do not overcool.

Please note: in pregnant women later There is also often a feeling of numbness in the arms, and especially in the legs. The best way its removal - walks on fresh air, correct alternation of activity and rest modes.

Diet therapy

Patients with numbness in the arms and legs are advised to take a protein and fortified diet. Very helpful fresh vegetables– cabbage, carrots, greens, and salads made from them. You should add legumes to your diet more often.

It is necessary to refrain from coffee and cocoa. Herbal tea is better, especially with the addition of mint. Recommended low-fat varieties meat and sea ​​fish. You should not overuse fried and smoked foods. Chicken eggs 2-3 per week is quite enough. It is advisable to limit cakes and sweet products.

Prevention of numbness in hands and feet

To avoid problems of numbness, you should monitor correct selection clothes and shoes, sleep on a comfortable bed without excess pillows and feather beds. The surface of the bed should be moderately smooth and soft.

Timely detection of diseases and their treatment will quickly get rid of the main cause of numbness.

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist

Update: November 2018

Sound sleep is the most pleasant and necessary state of the body, when the body rests and recovers from daily physical and emotional stress. Long sound sleep- speaks of a calm human nervous system and it is very important that sleep be like this every night.

However, many people sometimes wake up at night from discomfort that comes from the left or right hand - this is numbness of the hands at night.

This manifests itself as aching pain, tingling, and when you move your hand, the tingling becomes even stronger, then after some time the tingling and pain calms down and the numbness goes away. Why do my hands go numb at night? This serious violation or just an awkward sleeping position?

It is believed that the main cause of numbness in the hands at night is poor circulation in the extremities. What other disorders or maybe diseases lead to such night discomfort?

If my hands are numb at night, should I consult a doctor?

In cases where numbness appears due to an uncomfortable posture, compression occurs blood vessels or nerves, that is, the person simply rested his hand; if this does not happen all the time, then there is no need to worry. But if your hands constantly go numb during sleep, every night, interfere with sleep and cause anxiety, a doctor’s consultation and examination are simply necessary. Depending on clinical manifestations, the nature of the numbness of the hands, the doctor will make a diagnosis:

  • If your hands go numb both day and night
  • If numbness lasts long or short-term
  • If both hands become numb
  • If your right hand goes numb
  • If your left hand goes numb
  • The hands suddenly go numb, and the condition is accompanied by mental disorders.

The answers to these questions are very important, since the cause of a violation of the blood supply to the limb depends on whether one arm goes numb, or both, whether only the hand or the entire arm goes numb, for example:

Why do both hands go numb at night? If your hands go numb at the same time, or either the right or the left, this indicates a disorder in the peripheral or central nervous system. Often the reason for this is cervical osteochondrosis, or polyneuropathy.

If your left arm goes numb at night, this disorder is usually associated with changes in cardiac activity. Therefore, immediate and mandatory consultation with a cardiologist is required.

If the left hand goes numb during the day, this may be a sign of a serious malfunction of the heart, up to a pre-infarction state, as well as a harbinger of an equally serious disease - or.

Why does my right arm go numb at night? Cardiac problems in this case can most likely be excluded. If the hand goes numb, then the reasons may be carpal tunnel syndrome, arthrosis or cervical osteochondrosis, with a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels of the neck, but it can also be a harbinger of a stroke.

1 reason - Hands become numb at night from incorrect body position or from the pillow

  • The most harmless reason, not associated with any serious diseases or disruption of systems and organs, is a person’s prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, in tight, constricting clothes while sleeping.
  • Another reason is that people whose jobs require them to repeatedly raise their arms above heart level or who experience excessive physical strain from lifting heavy objects also have an increased risk of arm numbness during sleep.
  • Incorrect position of the body during sleep, as a rule, when the arms are thrown back behind the head, also provoke numbness of the arms at night. This is explained by the same violation of the blood supply to the extremities, cardiovascular system at night it works in a weakened mode, so the blood in full does not reach the arms and especially the hands.
  • Another reason that is quite easy to eliminate is the wrong pillow, which creates an incorrect position for the neck during sleep. A pillow that is too high, not an orthopedic one, forces the spine to bend in the cervical spine, which can cause the neck to become stiff, disrupting the blood supply and nutrition of the nerves of the cervical spine. Due to poor blood circulation in the compressed limbs, discomfort, tingling, and aching unpleasant pain occurs, which is why the hands go numb during sleep.

Reason 2: Hands go numb at night from carpal tunnel syndrome

One of the reasons why your hands go numb at night is... This syndrome occurs from constant overstrain of the tendons of the hand; usually this disease affects those who work with their fingers every day, intensively, for many years - who does a lot of typing on the computer, seamstresses, painters, musicians, those people who make thousands of similar movements with their hands and fingers throughout the day.

On the human hands there is a narrow channel through which a mass of tendons and a nerve pass, which controls the movement of the fingers and the sensitivity of the entire palm. These tendons and the nerve are protected, however, when overstrain occurs, pressure on the nerve occurs, swelling of the tendon occurs - which is the cause of numbness in the hands, throbbing pain and tingling.

Such signs of carpal tunnel syndrome occur at night and most often towards the morning. If left untreated, the muscles of the thumb may even die. In this case, a person cannot independently clench his fist tightly and bend his thumb completely. Most often women over the age of 40 suffer from this disease.

Some people have to change jobs and professions because of this. To relieve symptoms and mitigate this syndrome, doctors prescribe soothing baths, a special set of exercises to relieve tension, and vitamin therapy.

Reason 3 - Spinal diseases

In addition to the above reasons, a special place is occupied by violations associated with various diseases spine. If a person not only has numb hands at night, but also periodically experiences dizziness, unexplained headaches, and even... then this is a good reason to be examined by an osteopath or neurologist, since not only osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but also intervertebral hernia are the reasons various violations in the limbs.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a very capacious name for a whole complex of various deviations in metabolic processes bone and cartilage tissue spine. When destruction of the vertebrae already occurs, the roots spinal nerves are compressed, leading to various ailments, pain, and numbness.

The modern lifestyle of a person, a schoolchild, or an office worker, forces us to lead a mostly sedentary, sedentary image life, at a desk, at a computer desk, drivers behind the wheel of cars. More often than not, few people follow correct posture and the condition of the spine, and with prolonged static load, the neck muscles become overstrained and spasm. At the same time, your hands go numb not only at night, but also during the day.

Reason 4 - Hands go numb at night due to vascular disorders

One of the most dangerous reasons development of numbness of the extremities is ischemic stroke. If a circulatory disorder occurs in one of the areas of the brain, in addition to numbness of one part of the limb, high blood pressure, dizziness, detachment, etc., then this is one of the signs of a stroke or micro-stroke (). Most often, this occurs from overvoltage, stressful situation, a sharp jump in blood pressure.

5 reason Other diseases

If a person’s hands constantly go numb at night, this may be the result of a number of diseases:

  • Chronic circulatory disorders
  • Hypertension
  • Various forms of anemia
  • Coronary heart disease and other heart diseases
  • Inflammatory, hereditary diseases nervous system
  • Lack of B vitamins and microelements
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, which affects the nerves when joints become deformed.
  • Various manifestations of disorders of the autonomic nervous system (see obsolete name of the disease).

My hands get numb at night - what to do?

  • Firstly, you need to find the exact reason why your hands go numb at night. Or make sure that the cause of such discomfort is in the pillow or tight clothing during sleep. You should also pay attention to how you sleep; if you raise your hands behind your head in a dream, then most likely the reason lies in an uncomfortable position. Change your pillow and try to change your sleeping position.
  • Secondly, if this is not the reason, then you should consult a therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, osteopath, take a blood test using 18 parameters, blood for glucose (), do an MRI of the entire spine (), an ECG and consult with these specialists.
  • Thirdly, based on the examination and established diagnosis, follow all the doctor’s recommendations.