Which side is best for pregnant women to lie on? Correct sleeping positions during pregnancy

The period of bearing a child is accompanied by many restrictions. A woman needs to stop drinking alcohol, a number of foods, and avoid physical activity. In addition, some sleeping positions are prohibited. While expecting a child, a woman undergoes changes in her body and her belly increases in size; accordingly, the question of how to sleep during pregnancy, whether it is possible to rest on your back and which side is preferable to lie on becomes relevant.

How to sleep during pregnancy. What is the correct sleeping position?

Each of us has a favorite sleeping position, in which we spend a significant part of the night. But pregnancy in most situations forces the expectant mother to abandon her usual body position during rest, adapting to her condition. Certain positions can be harmful to the fetus, and some may simply become uncomfortable.

During the first 12 weeks after fertilization, a woman still has the luxury of not having to think about how she needs to sleep during pregnancy. You can rest in any position for now. But very soon the expectant mother will have to control the placement of her body in her sleep. Who would have thought that a position could both help the baby develop, and also be an obstacle to his normal growth.

Pregnant? A woman in this position has a rather modest choice - during pregnancy it is necessary to sleep on her side, and, if possible, more on her left. When the mother rests in this position, the baby receives the optimal amount of nutrients, since in this case there are no obstacles to good blood circulation. Lying on her left side, the pregnant woman does not compress the liver and allows her heart to work optimally. Of course, sleeping only on your left side during pregnancy is quite difficult, so during the night you need to turn from left to right and back a couple of times.

How to fall asleep quickly during pregnancy

The optimal duration of sleep for a woman in the position reaches 8 - 10 hours a day, longer is possible, but less is not. Include 30-minute rest breaks during the day. Lack of rest instantly affects the general well-being of the pregnant woman: appetite is lost, mood becomes depressed, immunity goes down.

In order to sleep well at night, the expectant mother must prepare in the morning. The quality of rest is determined by the lifestyle and daily routine of a pregnant woman.

Here are some important rules to follow during the day:

  • limit physical activity and don’t get nervous over trifles. Severe fatigue can lead to insomnia instead of sound sleep;
  • Difficulties falling asleep can sometimes be resolved by giving up daytime rest. In order to enter the correct mode, it is necessary for some time not to organize pauses for sleep after lunch;
  • “calm” types of physical education will help you quickly find yourself in the arms of Morpheus during pregnancy: fitness for expectant mothers, swimming, walking;
  • Dishes that are difficult for the stomach are not a good option for dinner. In addition, during pregnancy, it is advisable not to drink a lot of water before bed in order to minimize the number of trips to the restroom at night. If an annoying feeling of hunger prevents you from falling asleep, you can refresh yourself with a sandwich with a slice of boiled lean meat;
  • You should not schedule stressful conversations, big business or watching a depressing movie in the evening;
  • When blood sugar levels drop, pregnant women usually find it difficult to fall asleep: there is weakness, rapid heartbeat and lightheadedness. A piece of sugar or a sweet drink (in particular, tea with sugar and lemon) will quickly relieve an attack;
  • as a way to combat insomnia, you can try a relaxing bath, rubbing your back and legs, or sex before bed (if not prohibited for health reasons);
  • If the expectant mother has to count sheep every now and then in order to fall asleep, the problem is solved with the support of a doctor using medication. Typically, in such cases, Glycine, tincture of valerian or motherwort are prescribed.

How to organize a night's rest during pregnancy

The expectant mother's sleep will become healthy and deep if you prepare for this event in advance:

  1. In warm weather, you should sleep with the window open, and in winter, be sure to ventilate the living room half an hour before going to bed.
  2. Dreams will be surprisingly pleasant if you guarantee yourself the greatest comfort during sleep: wear loose, comfortable and soft clothes, insulate your feet with socks when they are cold.
  3. You shouldn’t burden your stomach with extra food in the evening, but a simple snack won’t hurt.
  4. A comfortable mattress is considered a prerequisite for a good rest. You should approach its purchase very responsibly.

So, we have established that the sleeping position, when a woman rests on her left side, is the safest and healthiest from a physiological standpoint. In the early stages of pregnancy, some expectant mothers also curl up into a ball - such placement guarantees a cozy and restful sleep.

As the duration of pregnancy increases, the ability to pull the legs to the chest decreases: the uterus seriously increases in size, the curvature of the spine in the lumbar region also increases, so the woman involuntarily straightens up during rest. What to do when constantly lying on your side triggers hip pain?

  1. Try not to take a position directly on your side, but lie on your side and at the same time lean back a little. To create a stable and comfortable pose, place a cushion of rolled blanket under your back.
  2. Bend your knees slightly, spread them and place a moderately soft small sofa cushion between them.
  3. To make the mattress extremely comfortable, you can cover it with a thick blanket or a soft mattress.
  4. Some pregnant ladies sleep sweetly only when they lay a leg or hand on their husband lying next to them.

Harmful positions during pregnancy

Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy? This question worries many expectant mothers, mainly those for whom this position is their favorite. At first, of course, there can be no prohibitions - at the initial stage of pregnancy, resting on your back is comfortable and safe. However, after 22 weeks of an “interesting” situation, you need to give up this habit.

The uterus and spine are surrounded by the most impressive vessel in our body - the inferior vena cava. It carries blood from the body and lower extremities to the heart. During pregnancy, the vena cava is under pressure from the growing fetus and uterus together with amniotic fluid, for this reason there is a high probability of the formation of the so-called inferior vena cava syndrome, when the vessel is significantly compressed. In this case, the amount of circulating blood decreases sharply, and the body perceives this situation as acute volumetric blood loss and responds with the corresponding symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • a single weakness;
  • inability to take a full breath from the chest;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • position close to hypovolemic shock.

This position of the mother’s body becomes dangerous for the baby’s intrauterine development: the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen and its general condition, naturally, deteriorates. Obviously, you should not rest on your back during pregnancy. When a lady is awake, she is able to change her body position in time if she feels unwell (for example, during an ultrasound scan). However, during a night’s rest, a person’s protective reactions also “sleep,” and therefore sleeping on one’s back during this period is unsafe for the health of the woman and her child.

In case of a proven multiple pregnancy or a large volume of amniotic fluid, lying on your back should be abandoned already at the start of the 2nd trimester. When the baby's head is placed too low and there is a possibility of spontaneous abortion, this recommendation is equally valid.

Is it okay to sleep on your tummy during pregnancy? Lying in this position is very comfortable, and some people rest this way. The expectant mother can allow herself this luxury until the 12th week of pregnancy. During this period, the uterus is hidden in the pelvic niche and covered by the pubic bones. At the end of the 12th week, it is advisable not to put additional pressure on the pregnant belly; moreover, after a short time this will be completely unsafe for the child.

If you rest on your stomach after the 20th week of bearing a child, the inferior vena cava is compressed insignificantly, while the vessels feeding the placenta experience powerful pressure. This is even more dangerous for the fetus than the mother lying on her back.

Some pregnant women, especially first-time mothers, cannot sleep on their stomachs due to the sensitivity of their breasts.

After the 28th week, the point until which period of pregnancy it is possible to sleep on the stomach disappears on its own: sleeping in such a position becomes absolutely uncomfortable.

Pillows for sleeping during pregnancy

Almost all expectant mothers are helped to get comfortable and fall asleep faster by placing them under their sides, lower back, neck, and legs.

The main obstacle to long night sleep at the stage of expecting a child is considered to be a growing belly. With the help of pillows, a lady can find a comfortable position, regardless of this physiological feature. Try, for example, placing one pad under your tummy and the other between your knees. If you lie down on your left side, straighten your left leg and, on the contrary, bend your right leg. There can be two or many more pillows, and over time you will certainly find a position that suits you completely.

An excellent way out of a difficult situation will be special pillows for expectant mothers. This bedding accessory is made taking into account the special needs of pregnant women, so it is very comfortable. For example, a pillow made in the shape of a horseshoe will allow you to take a number of comfortable positions and fall asleep in a minimum amount of time.

If your difficulty getting a good night's sleep doesn't relieve you as your pregnancy progresses, don't give up and continue to look for ways to improve your sleep. Do not forget that the baby will soon appear and will require enormous energy expenditure. Caring for a baby will completely deprive you of the ability to sleep at night, so you need to get enough sleep in advance.

The ability to get enough sleep at night is a guarantee of a woman’s strong psychological state and the harmonious intrauterine development of her child. To eliminate one or another difficulty that interferes with sleep, sometimes it is enough to simply neutralize the reason that prompted it: adjust the daily routine or diet, increase or decrease the time of walking before bed. If the expectant mother is being prevented from falling asleep by restless thoughts about childbirth, it may be worth talking to a psychologist about this topic or taking specialized courses for pregnant women. When all the unnerving factors have been eliminated and fears have been dispelled, a peaceful sleep will immediately return to the expectant mother.

Pros and cons of pregnancy pillows

Supportive pillows for expectant mothers are very helpful for pain in the back, neck, and hip joints.

Nowadays there are a dime a dozen such goods on the market. And the models are different, and the fillers are different, and different models differ in the degree of rigidity and flexibility.

You should approach the choice of this item seriously, since the pillow belongs to the category of goods that cannot be returned or exchanged. In a word, before you buy such a thing, you need to spend time and thoroughly understand which model is best for you.

Why is sleep disrupted in pregnant women?

Pregnant women's sleep becomes weak and intermittent for various reasons. The most common of them are:

  • frequent urge to urinate – the uterus puts pressure on the bladder;
  • fetal movements - the period of greatest activity in the fetus is observed from 19.00 to 4.00 in the morning;
  • night cramps of the lower extremities - more often with a lack of calcium and magnesium;
  • heartburn – it is in a horizontal position that heartburn intensifies, since the enlarged uterus further props up the stomach, changing the position of the esophagus. Because of this, the acidic contents of the stomach are refluxed into the esophagus, which is manifested by a burning sensation;
  • nausea – more often in the morning the feeling of nausea intensifies;
  • numbness of body parts during prolonged uncomfortable positions;
  • lower back pain due to the enormous load on the spine;
  • heaviness in the legs - the outflow of lymph is difficult in a stationary position. To improve lymphatic drainage and relieve heaviness in the legs, it is advisable to lie down with your legs elevated, for example, on a pillow.


If at one point you fall into despair due to constant lack of sleep and chronic fatigue, remember: almost all pregnant women go through similar tests. You, too, will withstand them, because nature has made the female body very resilient and resilient. It won't take long before you get used to sleeping in a new position. Let sleep come in fits and starts, but even with frequent awakenings, you will learn to get enough sleep. Just go to bed early and get up later if possible, and also get more rest so that the body has time to recuperate and not work for wear and tear. After all, serious work awaits you - childbirth and caring for a newborn. Therefore, pregnancy is your last opportunity to sleep and relax in the coming months.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

The expectant mother has to go through many transformations: her body, lifestyle, diet and habits change. Changes do not affect a woman’s rest, so you need to know how to sleep during pregnancy in order to feel comfortable and for the baby to develop safely.

Dependence of sleep quality on gestational age

In the first trimester, many women complain of constant fatigue and drowsiness, which is completely normal for this period, because hormonal levels are changing. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about this, but simply try to give your body as much rest as it requires.

As for the second half of the term, here the situation changes in the opposite direction. Very often, expectant mothers begin to suffer from insomnia. Anxiety about the upcoming birth, a big belly and a kicking baby keep you from falling asleep. And if in the first case there is no need to cope with excessive sleepiness, then in the second you should look for solutions and understand how to sleep during pregnancy.

Let's figure out how a pregnant woman should sleep correctly and how to organize your schedule so that you can sleep sweetly and soundly at night.

The most important point is the daily routine. If the body gets used to falling asleep and waking up at the same time, then problems with insomnia and falling asleep are unlikely to arise.

First months of pregnancy

If we are talking about the first months, then there are practically no restrictions. Doctors do not prohibit pregnant women from sleeping on their back, left or right side until about 12 weeks. The only thing is that it is better to avoid the position of lying on your stomach. The fact is that this is how the expectant mother squeezes her rapidly growing and painful breasts. And in general, it’s better to immediately get used to sleeping on your side.

  • You can have as many pillows of different sizes with you, with their help it will be much easier to get comfortable and find the ideal position for yourself. For example, it is very convenient to place one pillow under your stomach, another under your knee, and another one near your spine so that you don’t accidentally roll over on your back while sleeping.

Benefits of sleeping on your left side:

  1. The baby receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, as blood circulation in the placenta improves.
  2. There is no pressure on the liver.
  3. The pose promotes the functioning of the mother's cardiovascular system.
  4. Legs and arms do not swell.
  5. There is no stress on the back and pelvis, and accordingly, there is no discomfort.
  6. Kidney function is not impaired.

But how to sleep during pregnancy in one position all the time? The fact that sleeping on the left side is most beneficial does not mean that you will have to lie in one position all night. After all, first of all, this is difficult to do physically, and doctors advise turning over from left to right side 3-4 times a night. Sleeping in one position can cause deformation of the abdomen, and as a result, the intrauterine space itself, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

If you can’t lie down comfortably, then you can sleep half-sitting, placing a lot of pillows under your back, the main thing is to get comfortable. In this position there is no load on the spine, and therefore it is quite acceptable for a pregnant woman to sleep this way.

To summarize, we can say that the optimal sleeping positions are lying on your left side or half-sitting, but you should not sleep on your stomach or back. Also, for a good night's sleep, do not forget about the routine and proper preparation for a night's rest.

Everyone knows that during sleep the human body rests and gains strength before a new day. Especially it is necessary to say about the benefits of sleep for pregnant women. Sleep during pregnancy is very important. With such rest, the functionality of the cells is restored, which is very important for the health of the expectant mother and baby.

It is worth noting that night sleep is especially important during pregnancy. Agree that during pregnancy, a woman’s body must withstand a double load, which affects the functioning of all organs and systems. Some women complain of insomnia in the first trimester. At different times, sleep may be disrupted due to various reasons.

Research confirms the fact that insomnia occurs against the background of hormonal changes that occur in the body of any pregnant woman. Often the “peak” of sleepiness occurs in the second trimester. Then women get tired very quickly and sleep is necessary for them.

But from the third trimester, insomnia is associated with a growing tummy. Then the woman has difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position.

So in the first months of pregnancy, the causes of insomnia are excessive impressionability and other aspects of a psychological nature. The woman begins to gradually get used to the idea that she is pregnant. But at the same time, she is afraid of her future life and responsibility for the baby. When a woman finally falls asleep, she often has nightmares related to pregnancy or the upcoming birth.

In the middle of pregnancy, women suffer from insomnia due to physiological reasons. During pregnancy, the female body undergoes restructuring. Very often, women feel a deterioration in their health due to bloating or difficulty breathing. It may also happen that insomnia prevents you from falling asleep due to inflammatory skin diseases. An expanding fetus can interfere with sleep, causing pain in the back and lower abdomen. Among other things, pregnant women very often want to go to the toilet at night. The thing is that the uterus grows, and at the same time there is pressure on the bladder. With a lack of calcium in the body, the expectant mother may experience cramps in her sleep.

Another serious problem that prevents a woman from falling asleep peacefully is the lack of a comfortable sleeping position. After all, the stomach makes it very difficult to lie down the way a woman wants. Doctors note that women should not sleep on their stomachs, because this will put a lot of pressure on the fetus, which will not benefit the health of the unborn baby. In the later stages, you should not sleep on your back, because then the pressure will affect its internal organs and impede blood circulation in the tissues.

When the baby's movements become noticeable, it can also interfere with a woman's restful sleep. If the baby pushes hard, this indicates that the mother has chosen the wrong sleeping position.

Positions in which you can sleep during early and late pregnancy

Pregnancy time imposes its own limitations - habitual sleep positions during pregnancy can harm the fetus and be simply uncomfortable. Therefore, you need to understand what sleeping positions are acceptable during pregnancy.

Up to twelve weeks after conception, the expectant mother can sleep in her usual position, without wondering how to sleep properly during pregnancy. However, after a couple of months, restrictions are imposed.

What is the best sleeping position during pregnancy? Doctors advise sleeping on your side during pregnancy, preferably on your left. Sleeping in this position will be the best option. Try to develop this habit at the very beginning. In this position of the body, the legs should be bent. This pose is very comfortable, and it also promotes normal heart function.

You may find it comfortable to sleep on your left side. This is how you can protect the liver from pressure from the fetus. In addition, sleeping on the left side will improve blood circulation and also increase blood flow to vital organs and, of course, to the fetus.

Of course, not all people can spend their entire sleep in one position, so at night you can also roll over onto your right side. Closer to the third trimester, the body will finally be able to adapt and sleep in the desired position will be more comfortable.

If regular pillows are not conducive to comfortable rest, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women.
If you still wake up at night and realize that you can’t sleep anymore, then try to do something to distract yourself from the thought of sleep. You can look at photos in an album or just listen to calm music.

How can you not sleep during pregnancy?

Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy? Is it possible to sleep on your stomach? These questions often concern expectant mothers.

In the early stages, up to 12 weeks, you can sleep on your stomach, but later this position will be unsafe for both the fetus and the expectant mother.

It’s unfortunate, but you can only sleep on your back during pregnancy until the 24th week, so you need to give up this sleeping position. In some cases, you can't sleep on your back even earlier. This is due to the fact that the fetus and amniotic fluid put pressure on the inferior vena cava and can compress it, which will impede blood circulation and nutrients will not be able to be transported throughout the body, which can create problems for the woman and the fetus. This phenomenon is called inferior vena cava syndrome and is accompanied by general weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, low blood pressure and other unpleasant symptoms.

How much sleep do you need during pregnancy?

If we talk about the duration of sleep for pregnant women, then this figure should be at least 8-9 hours a day. With a lack of sleep, a woman becomes irritable and gets tired quickly.

It is best to go to bed at 10-11 pm so that sleep continues until 7 am. Sleep at this time best restores the body. Of course, not all women manage to get enough sleep. About 70% of all pregnant women complain of restless sleep. They may wake up frequently or suffer from lack of sleep.

In order to get rid of insomnia, you can try to follow simple rules.

    It is better not to fall asleep during the day, because falling asleep at night will be very problematic. Even if you decide to take a nap during the day, your sleep duration should not exceed 1.5 hours. If you notice that you sleep very restlessly at night after a nap, do not fall asleep at all during the day. You can just lie down, but don't fall asleep.

    A woman will fall asleep faster when her body feels some fatigue. Similar fatigue occurs after exercise or walking in the fresh air before bed. It should be taken into account that physical exercises should be performed in the morning and after lunch. But in the evening, your body should prepare for sleep. Those women who want to do a set of exercises in the evening should know that it will not benefit the body. Doctors do not recommend exercising in the evening because it takes a very long time for the body to calm down after such activities.

    Emotional outbursts, especially in the evening, do not contribute to healthy sleep. There is also no need to worry during the day. Even if it happens that you are upset, try to calm down as quickly as possible. You need to get rid of anxious thoughts from your head during the day, tell your loved ones about your experiences, so that in the evening you can sleep peacefully.

    Don't overload your brain too much before going to bed. The fact is that when the brain works hard, it needs some time to start resting. That's why you don't need to read serious books or solve problems. The best option to promote sound sleep is listening to pleasant music.

    It is not recommended for a pregnant woman to overeat before going to bed. Often it is overeating that causes insomnia. When the stomach continues to work, process food, and at this time a person cannot sleep. For dinner, it is better to eat some fruits or vegetables. The main thing is that the food is not heavy and is quickly absorbed by the body. In order to speed up the process of falling asleep, you can drink a glass of warm milk. After it you will fall asleep very quickly.

    You will not wake up often at night and go to the toilet if you can limit your fluid intake starting at 4-5 pm. The list of prohibited drinks includes tea, coffee and cocoa.

    A warm shower will help calm the body and set it up for sleep. It should be taken approximately 20 minutes before bedtime.

    Fresh air also promotes sound sleep. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to walk in the fresh air every day and sleep in a room with an open window. During the cold season, frequent ventilation of the room will help.

    Among other things, you need to take care of the comfort of the bed. It should not be too hard or too soft. Sleep only on comfortable pillows. The blanket should allow air to pass through well, which will help the body breathe while sleeping.

    You can improve your sleep with aromatherapy. Use healing herbs designed to calm the body and promote sound sleep. So you can put a bag near the pillow with lemon balm, laurel leaves, rose petals, etc. sewn into it. Lavender essential oil is a good remedy for insomnia. It should be applied to the temples before bed.

    Remember that you should not take any sleeping pills during pregnancy. This is because medications can have an extremely negative impact not only on the fetus, but also on the health of the pregnant woman. The liver and kidneys are especially affected by such drugs. If you really cannot sleep, resort to using herbal preparations - motherwort or valerian.

    Sound sleep is possible only if you follow a rest regime. That is, you must train yourself to get up and go to bed at the same time.

    If your sleep is disturbed due to lower back pain, ask for a back massage along your spine. If you have leg cramps, you need to slightly pull back your big toe and give a light massage. In order to prevent the occurrence of seizures, it is necessary to take microelements such as calcium and magnesium. It is because of their deficiency that night cramps occur.

    Very often, women cannot sleep because they are disturbed by the active movements of the baby. In this case, you need to change the position, because the child is thus trying to say that he does not have enough oxygen. But even if you change your position and the baby is still tossing and turning, wait a little until he calms down.

    Try to find a comfortable sleeping position. Doctors advise sleeping on your side. But at the same time, you should additionally use pillows that will relieve the load on the spine. The first pillow should be placed under your head, the second between your knees, and the third under your stomach. There is also the option of placing a cushion under your lower back. Those women who are used to sleeping on their back should understand that this position can cause dizziness due to impaired blood flow to the heart and brain. All this is caused by the enlargement of the uterus and its pressure on the inferior vena cava.

    Don't take a hot bath before bed. Even though hot water seems to help relax the body, during pregnancy it is better not to abuse this remedy. A pregnant woman taking a hot bath runs the risk of disrupting blood circulation in her body.

Sleep during pregnancy is very important. Choose the right sleeping position and remember: healthy sleep directly depends on your good mood. Therefore, you should not be upset over trifles. You need to enjoy life and then your sleep will be healthy and sound.

The good health of the expectant mother is the key to the birth of a healthy child. It’s not difficult to choose a sleeping position, you just have to listen to your body. Many women are tormented in search of an answer to the question: how much sleep do you need during pregnancy? Let's look into these issues.

How to choose a comfortable sleeping position, and in what position you should not sleep

Adequate rest is an integral part of every person’s health. At night, the body restores energy and prepares for a new day.

During pregnancy, a woman’s usual lifestyle changes, and sleep disturbances often occur.

During such a happy period of waiting for the baby, she is faced with some restrictions, including the question of what position to fall asleep in correctly.

How much sleep does a pregnant woman need per day?

Drowsiness accompanies pregnancy if the woman’s body does not receive vitamins and the level of immunity is significantly reduced. During a normal pregnancy, a woman can sleep from 10 to 12 hours a day. If you are not used to resting during the day, then be sure to develop this habit. This will also be needed during the period when you need to lie down with your baby during the day.

The most optimal rest time for a pregnant woman is from 22.00 to 7.00. And also a daytime nap from 13.30 to 15.30.

How to sleep correctly for a pregnant woman in the early stages

In the first weeks of pregnancy, you are allowed to sleep in any comfortable position. You need to learn to fall asleep correctly right away so as not to feel discomfort in the last weeks. Finding a convenient and safe option takes a little time - it’s just a matter of habit. The position on the right and left side is considered the most optimal for mother and baby.

Until what week can you sleep on your back?

Falling asleep on your back, putting a significant load on the lower spine, is allowed no longer than 14-15 weeks. After the 15th week, it becomes a real danger to remain in this position for a long time.

You feel dizzy, your pulse quickens, your blood pressure rises. Women who suffer from toxicosis do not have the desire to sleep on their backs. Nausea intensifies, internal organs shrink, and discomfort occurs.

Which poses are best not to choose?

Harmful and dangerous sleeping positions, especially in the last months of pregnancy, are considered to be: turning over on your stomach or on your back. A pregnant woman should avoid these poses; they are absolutely not suitable. Just lying on your stomach from the 10th week is not worth it, this is a threat to the baby’s health, although he is protected by a layer of muscles and the walls of the uterus. This situation can provoke her hypertonicity.

Why you can't sleep on your stomach for a long time

Any pressure is undesirable for a developing child. When looking for a convenient and comfortable sleeping position, try different positions: on your side, on your back, half-sitting.

What is the best position for a woman to sleep in the second trimester?

The tummy becomes more noticeable and the breasts become larger. At this stage of the baby’s development, he should be protected more carefully. The position for sleeping on the stomach is not suitable, and it becomes uncomfortable to fall asleep in this position. The baby is protected only by amniotic fluid and the walls of the uterus.

Which side can you sleep on?

Doctors disagree on which side is recommended for expectant mothers to sleep on. Here you need to proceed from the convenience of the woman herself. Some people find it comfortable to sleep on their left side. This pose relieves swelling from the lower extremities and facilitates the functioning of the kidneys. But when you stay on the left side for a long time, pressure occurs on the heart muscle, shortness of breath and lack of oxygen occur. Therefore, a position lying on the right side is allowed.

You can sleep on both your right and left sides. During the night you have to change your body position several times; it is impossible to sleep for 9 hours in one position.

What positions are more comfortable?

Everyone chooses a comfortable position on their own, but a more useful position is on the side. Maternity pillows are especially helpful in achieving comfortable sleep.

Some women prefer to fall asleep half-sitting. The main thing is to control that there is no pressure on the lower spine. To do this, you need to turn a little on your side. You can place a bolster or pillow under your feet. This way you can avoid swelling in your legs.

Things to remember

Healthy sleep is ensured when nothing disturbs you. It is impossible to sleep all night in one position; you have to roll over.

You should remember some conditions for a comfortable sleep:

  • Set up a daily routine: wake up and go to sleep at the same time.
  • Ventilate the room, cool the room in hot weather.
  • Get yourself exercise throughout the day. If you just lie on the sofa near the TV, it will be much more difficult to fall asleep.

How to sleep in the last months of pregnancy

In the third trimester, the tummy becomes large, and more often you want to lie down and take a comfortable position. At this stage, heartburn, nasal congestion, and heavy breathing become a frequent companion of pregnant women. You need to lie down on a high pillow so that the upper body is raised.

What positions are prohibited for sleeping?

It is forbidden to fall asleep on your stomach after 27 weeks. Firstly, this will be an uncomfortable position in the future, due to the rapidly growing belly. Secondly, the pressure on the child is so strong that it can make negative adjustments to his development.

When you lie on your back, blood circulation is impaired, as well as excessive stress on the spine. In this position, the intestines begin to work unstably, which can result in constipation. In order not to harm your body and your developing baby, sleeping on your back and stomach is not recommended.

How many hours is best for sleep?

  1. Adjust your rest and wake schedule.
  2. Sleep at night from 22.00 to 7.00 - this is 9 hours of good rest.
  3. Daytime rest should last 2 hours.
  4. Let your body rest as much as possible.

What poses to choose for comfort

The position in which a woman was used to falling asleep before she was pregnant often becomes uncomfortable in her new state. In an uncomfortable position, cramps and numbness of the limbs may occur. You have to look for a comfortable position.

  • Try lying on your left side.
  • Place several small pillows under your knee, lower back, and under your head.
  • Roll over to the other side when you experience pain in the lower back and hips.
  • Place a large pillow under your back so that your upper torso is well above your legs.

Additional comfort during pregnancy while sleeping: which pillows will help you sleep

Hormonal changes in the body are accompanied by a desire to sleep, but it is impossible to choose a comfortable position. For a pleasant sleep, pregnant women are offered various accessories in the form of bolsters. Maternity pillows have different shapes: U (horseshoe), C (Bagel), G (letter g). Not everyone understands their role, but it will be an excellent assistant when feeding your baby in the future.

This pillow will add comfort during rest and sleep, because it has a comfortable shape, pleasant to the touch, and hypoallergenic. In addition, the pillow evenly distributes the load on the spine.

Many expectant mothers neglect the rules of proper nutrition, and in the last weeks of pregnancy they cannot deny themselves cakes, pies and sweets. Weight is growing before our eyes, volumes are increasing, and at the same time it is becoming harder to breathe and walk.

Try to adhere to healthy eating rules. Excessive overeating in the evening puts a strain on the digestive system, disrupts sleep, and accumulates fat deposits.

Don't overeat at night. Heaviness in the abdomen makes breathing difficult. At night you need to go to bed a little hungry, then a sound sleep is guaranteed.

Recommendations for eating before bed:
  1. Don't overeat at night.
  2. Organize your last meal 2 hours before bedtime.
  3. You can't eat sweets and flour.
  4. The chocolate will be deposited in the fat.
  5. Nuts, dried apricots, prunes are too high in calories for an evening snack.
  6. If you feel hungry, you can eat cottage cheese.
  7. Do not eat fatty, salty foods.
  8. Eliminate spices.

During the day, the volume of liquid consumed by a pregnant woman should not exceed 3 glasses. Before going to bed, it is best to give up liquids.

If you drink a large amount of liquid before going to bed, the bladder puts pressure on the uterus, so the frequent urge to urinate will not give you the opportunity to fully rest.

  1. Drink green tea 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Do not drink mineral salt water.
  3. The volume of liquid before bed should be no more than ½ glass.
  4. You can drink a glass of kefir.
  5. A glass of milk with half a teaspoon of honey will help you sleep.
  6. If you have insomnia, drink chamomile tea.
  7. Coffee and black tea disrupt sleep.

Take a walk in the park before going to bed, ventilate the room, choose a comfortable sleeping position - all this together will help you have a good rest. Pregnancy doctors recommend organizing a stable daily routine: going to sleep at the same hours every day, falling asleep on your left side and, if necessary, using accessories for pregnant women.

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During pregnancy, a woman faces various difficulties and changes in her life. The expectant mother must choose special clothes for herself, monitor her diet, and maintain physical activity. In addition, a pregnant woman's sleep also plays an important role. The time you are waiting for your baby should be spent entirely taking care of your health and emotional state. This is the only way to ensure the safety and health of the unborn baby.

During pregnancy, as is known, various hormonal changes occur in the body. Because of this, many processes are disrupted and changed. The same applies to the sleep patterns and quality of a pregnant woman. In the first months, due to various changes, the routine gets lost, and when the belly grows, it becomes increasingly difficult for the expectant mother to find the most comfortable sleeping position. Many people begin to worry about how to sleep properly during pregnancy, what position is best to choose, whether you can sleep on your back, stomach or side.

Sleeping in the first trimester

During this period, the nervous system is suppressed to a greater extent. The woman becomes tired and often wants to sleep. You can't resist this, it's better to let yourself sleep. It is important to remember that now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for your future baby.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, you can choose the most comfortable position for sleeping. But sleeping on your stomach will most likely be uncomfortable, as your breasts become sensitive during this period. In the early stages of pregnancy, it is advisable to start getting used to sleeping on your side or back, since you will soon have to sleep in this position.

Sleeping in the second trimester

In the second trimester, the woman begins to feel better. She no longer feels nausea or frequent mood changes. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes have already occurred. However, other difficulties that are associated with weight gain and abdominal growth have not yet begun. The pregnant woman still has to endure these inconveniences. But at this time, the issue of posture during sleep becomes more acute.

During this period of pregnancy, you should no longer sleep on your stomach. The abdomen increases in size to such an extent that there is a risk of crushing the child. To sleep peacefully and soundly, you need to choose other positions. After all, it will be uncomfortable for a woman to lie on her stomach.

The best option for a pregnant woman to sleep during these months is on her back. The baby still weighs a little, so the woman will be quite comfortable. Her organs will not be compressed. But when you feel that the baby is moving, the position will need to be changed. Sleeping on the side in this case will be both the safest and most comfortable for the woman and the baby. It is advisable to sleep on your left side. But in the middle of pregnancy, you can sleep on the right one.

Sleeping in the third trimester

In the third trimester, the belly will already be quite large. This leads to new problems and discomfort. It becomes increasingly difficult for the expectant mother to get enough sleep. To sleep better in the third trimester of pregnancy, you need to follow these tips.

  • It is necessary not only to prepare for bed yourself, but also to create a suitable environment in the room. Before going to bed, the bedroom should be ventilated. To do this, it will be enough to open the window for about 15 minutes. If it's summer, then it's better to open the window all night.
  • It is necessary to choose a nightgown, as well as all underwear, exclusively from natural materials. It will be much more comfortable to sleep in them.
  • It is very important to choose the right pillow. It should be elastic. The height of the pillow should be such that you can easily support your neck in a comfortable position. You can also place a pillow under your back. This will reduce the strain on your back and help relax your muscles. There are special pillows for pregnant women. With their help, you can make a kind of comfortable “nest” for your growing belly. This will help a pregnant woman sleep more peacefully and comfortably during these difficult months. Instead of a special pillow, you can take just a few ordinary ones, which will differ in size. They can be placed under any part of the body to make your position more comfortable.

Which side is best for a pregnant woman to sleep on?

In recent months, doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep exclusively on their left side. This advice is explained by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the female body. More precisely, by placing the inferior vena cava. After all, it runs on the right side of the uterus. If you sleep lying on your right side, this can lead to the child squeezing this vein. After all, in these last months the baby already has quite a lot of weight. This is why it is necessary to sleep on your right side during pregnancy. In this way this situation can be avoided. This vein takes part in the outflow of blood that comes from the legs and internal organs located in the pelvic area.

If a pregnant woman lies on her right side while sleeping, this important vein will be compressed. Subsequently, this will lead to the development of varicose veins. In this case, the blood supply to the baby itself may also be disrupted. As a result, he will suffer from a lack of oxygen supplied through the placenta. At such moments, the woman usually feels that the baby begins to move more actively.

But in recent months, even lying on your side can be very uncomfortable. In such a situation, you should place a pillow under your leg. At the same time, the child will receive the oxygen he needs, which will contribute to his proper development. The woman’s kidneys will work better, which is a very important point during this period. Sleeping in this position will prevent the development of swelling of the extremities. In addition, there will be no pressure on the liver. The wife will not experience pain in the back and pelvic area. The heart will work optimally.

There is a situation when it is better for a pregnant woman to sleep on her right side. This is recommended if the baby's head is located on this side. If you sleep on your right side during pregnancy, it will be easier for your baby to get into the required position.

  • If you can't sleep, you don't need to take sleeping pills right away. They are used only in exceptional cases and with a doctor’s prescription. A woman should be careful with such products during this period. After all, any drug can negatively affect the health of the baby.
  • Before going to bed, you should not drink drinks that contain caffeine. It is important to remember that this component is also present in tea.
  • It is necessary to try to avoid drinking water with gas. It is better not to consume anything for several hours before going to bed. This applies to both drinks and food. If you suffer from toxicosis, you can drink kefir with crackers.
  • You can take a walk before going to bed. But you shouldn't do gymnastics before bed.
  • It is important to maintain a sleep schedule. At the same time, it is best to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Indeed, during this period, a woman already suffers from a lot of stress and changes.
  • If you wake up because you feel a cramp, you should immediately get out of bed with your feet pointing down. So you need to stand for some time. Such attacks indicate a lack of calcium. Therefore, it needs to be consumed in larger quantities. And during pregnancy this is extremely important.
  • Sometimes pregnant women sleep poorly simply because they are afraid of childbirth. Special courses and advice from experienced friends and relatives will help with this.

By getting proper sleep during pregnancy, you will make yourself and your baby healthier.