What kind of porridge can you feed a Scottish cat? Photo gallery: permitted food products for Scottish cats

Scottish fold or Scottish straight is the embodiment of aristocracy, which is combined with calmness and gentleness. The appearance of this cat in a family is truly an event. Having prepared everything required for him, it’s time to decide on the daily routine and menu. When and what to feed a fold-eared kitten - these are probably the most current issues its happy owner.

Pedigree fold-eared cats, as a rule, are under the care of their mother for at least 2 months. Breastfeeding ensures the development of adorable fluffies immune system. Moreover, complementary foods must be introduced long before the animal is weaned from mother's milk.

If for certain reasons the cat cannot feed the offspring, then the kitten’s nutritional balance literally goes on by the clock.

It is advisable to follow a clear schedule:

  • once every 2-3 hours you need to feed kittens under 14 days old with milk formula;
  • until one month is completed - once every 3 hours. A one-month-old flop-eared kitten on artificial feeding will already need water. Complementary foods can be introduced at the same time;
  • what to feed a Scottish kitten for 2 months? At the age of 2 months, kittens should eat 7 times daily, and at night they usually sleep. At this age, they ideally still receive milk from their mother, but they can also eat complementary foods with pleasure. At this time, the kitten needs approximately 150 grams. food a day. If you decide to feed with ready-made food, then this should be done starting from this age. Why do you need to buy special products for kittens, taking into account age? When it is dry food, it is imperative to soak it first, since the small cat is not yet able to digest this solid food;
  • 3 months becomes a turning point for kittens. The mother no longer has milk, but needs to be fed at least 6 times daily;
  • at 5 months the amount of food consumed is reduced to 5;
  • at 9 – 4 meals a day is enough;
  • By one year, a fold-eared cat must already get used to the “adult” daily routine: 2-3 times a day.

What is forbidden to feed?

Whatever the fate of the baby - breastfeeding or with his mother, there are certain prohibitions on the use of certain categories of products in his daily menu. Since the formation of all organs in the body and the immune system continues for almost a year. This fact dictates that we carefully weigh what to feed a Scottish cat.

In this list prohibited feeds are:

When the owner loves mushrooms, this does not mean that the animal can eat them: the body may not be able to cope with this source of protein; cats do not produce enzymes to digest them.

Determining your cat's nutritional type

Most often, nurseries or Scottish Fold breeders kittens are given to a new family at the age of approximately three months.

New pets already have their own eating habits, have good manners and are fully socialized. You just need to ask about them. Moving to a new place of residence can be stressful, and it is advisable to feed Scottish kittens as before. It is necessary to change your usual diet to a new one slowly, and choose it wisely.

Naturally, natural nutrition has certain advantages:

  • Diet variety.
  • Full confidence in the quality of food.

But it’s quite difficult to feed the Scottish Fold with a diet compiled by yourself:

  • Several times every 7-14 months during natural feeding fold kitten will need a course of minerals and vitamins.
  • It takes a lot of time to cook.

Natural nutrition implies presence in the daily diet of a Scottish kitten:

You need to carefully measure portions and feed only fresh food daily. Cannot be left in a bowl. You also need to take care of water, it must always be available.

Industrial feed

When there is no time to search delicacies and using them to prepare the next meal for a fold-eared cat, you can take a closer look at ready-made food.

They can be wet or dry, designed specifically for kittens. The pack must describe in detail the frequency of feeding and consumption rates per kilogram of weight, as well as the composition.

Please note that canned food is not always balanced and can only serve as a treat for daily feeding.

Wet food eliminates the problem of saturating the body with moisture, since some Scots hardly drink. But this is a more expensive way of eating. You cannot leave food in the bowl; only a fresh portion is always required.

Wet food is best used to feed fold-eared kittens during the transition from breastfeeding to normal. After the owners As a rule, they are transferred to dry food. Any change must be gradual and smooth.

The most important thing is that the feed is of original production and professional quality. No need to purchase economy options. There is nothing in them except raw materials of dubious origin and ballast substances.

Dry quality food has undoubted advantages:

  • ease of use for the owner: it is easy to measure the daily requirement, the food is economical, and has a long shelf life;
  • prevention of tartar formation;
  • guarantees your pet a balance of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and nutrients. No additives required.

The most important thing in feeding dry food to a Scottish kitten is the availability of water. Always accessible and clean.

Mixed feeding

Owners often combine natural products and ready-made feed. If we look at it in terms of diversity, then this is quite justified.

Further difficulties are likely– It is difficult to establish the daily intake rate. A very low calorie content leads to dystrophy, and a high calorie content leads to obesity. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the Scotsman’s condition: the kitten must be cheerful, agile and active. Anything else is a sign of imbalance.

During mixed meals Certain rules must be followed:

  • Scottish kitten When combining different feeds by origin, fortification is additionally required. The rules should be discussed with your veterinarian.
  • It is forbidden for a Scottish kitten to be fed a portion of natural food and ready-made food at the same time. This is due to differences in the process of digesting food, which has undergone completely different processing.

Features of feeding during adolescence

For Scottish Fold cats up to 8-10 months, a special food is selected, indicating “for kittens”. Then you can gradually switch to “adult” feeding.

By this period, you need to decide on the time of castration or include it in the breeding program for your Scottish fold or Scottish straight.

When the kitten will not take part in breeding, then castration is the only way for a purebred pet to live a happy and long life. But before the operation, he needs to be switched to food for castrated animals. Gradually and gently so as not to cause stress. In the future, feed only special diets, taking into account the characteristics of mature cats, but lacking the main instinct.

During natural feeding transition period differs in the ability to feed the animal more fermented milk food. After 10 months, the exterior has already stabilized and the ears have formed. Therefore, calcium will only be beneficial.

General principles of feeding

General rules how to feed a Scottish fold kitten or any other animal are actually the same. Cats are carnivores and require animal protein. Even the touching and affectionate Scots.

The daily menu must be based on meat. Ready-made food or natural food: you need to pay close attention to the quality and composition of the raw materials.

Dyes, spices, artificial additives, stabilizers, salt, sugar and flavorings are prohibited. By excluding these products, you will ensure good animal health and natural development. The Scotsman must be provided with water. This is the basic rule during feeding.

Make sure the food is the correct consistency and at room temperature. Up to 3 months Scottish kittens It is advisable to give crushed food. Closer to six months, pets are switched to large pieces that ensure normal development of the jaw muscles.

The Scots, along with the British, have long dictated the rules of home etiquette. Not only its health will depend on how carefully you pay attention to feeding your kitten, and then the adult cat. Satisfied animal A person who is satisfied with the contents of the bowl will be a source of well-being and peace in your family.

How to properly feed a Scottish cat? The diet of an adult Scottish Fold and Straight-eared cat per day is 200-250 grams of food. Portions must be calculated individually: daily dose equal to 3-5% of the animal’s weight. Translated into energy terms, a cat's diet has a value of 335 kilojoules. This is an average figure, because cats have different levels of activity. So, kittens, pregnant and lactating cats, as well as cats during the breeding period need 10% of their weight. For castrated, overweight, elderly and inactive cats, 2-3% is enough.


We figured out how much a cat should eat. Now let's figure out what and how to feed a Scottish and British cat at home. If in the case of ready-made food you need to follow the instructions, then you will have to balance natural food yourself.

Let us immediately note that cat nutrition is a very young science: it is only about 15-20 years old. Therefore, there are many unexplored issues in this topic, and even enlightened people (breeders, veterinarians and zoologists) can argue among themselves with foam at the mouth about what should be added to the cat’s diet and what should not be added, and in general about what it is like. - proper feeding. However, there are basics, which we will talk about in this article. We will not say everything that can be said, but we will give guidelines.

An excursion into the physiology of cats

The main mistake of many owners is that they believe that the human and cat organisms are very similar. In fact, humans are omnivores, while cats are obligate (“obligate”) carnivores. This means that her diet consists mainly of animal products. The stomach and short intestines of cats (2.1 meters long) easily digest proteins and fats of animal origin, but they hardly need carbohydrates.

To quickly break down proteins and destroy bacteria, a pH of 1-2 is maintained in the stomach of cats, that is, the environment is much more acidic than in the stomach of omnivores. Proteins of animal origin are considered complete for cats (containing all essential amino acids), and proteins plant origin- inferior. Animal proteins are found in meat and dairy products, as well as eggs. A cat's protein requirement is 40-60% daily ration.

Fats in a cat's diet are an important component: the recommended fat content is on average 15% of the daily diet, the minimum acceptable threshold is 5%, the maximum acceptable threshold is 20%. Cats, unlike humans, do not have cholesterol problems and do not suffer from heart disease due to higher level animal fats in food. They need fats to obtain energy and supply fatty acids to the body (in particular, Omega-3 and Omega-6). Lack of animal fats in the diet leads to a huge number health problems. But vegetable fats are almost useless for cats in terms of absorption of nutrients. However, they can be added drop by drop to food.

As for carbohydrates, it is worth knowing: cat saliva does not contain the amylase enzyme necessary for their digestion. And there are no enzymes at all: food through oral cavity passes very quickly and is swallowed. In order for the carbohydrates that enter the body to be broken down, the pancreas has to work. They are broken down by its enzymes in the small intestine to glucose and other monosaccharides. If there are too many carbohydrates in the diet, then the pancreas is forced to work to the limit. But this does not mean that if you put 50% carbohydrates in your food today, your cat will get sick tomorrow. The feline body has high compensation capabilities and unbalanced diet leads to consequences only if the cat sits on such a diet for a long time.

It should be noted that some breeds react less critically to an imbalance of substances in the diet, others more so. So, for example, a purebred Briton (with no Scots in his family) belongs to the first group of animals, and Scots, who often have problems with the absorption of microelements, belong to the second group.

Although a cat’s body can almost completely do without carbohydrates (it can get energy from fats and proteins), in a home-based diet you need to provide your pet with a small amount of them. First of all, this is necessary for easy energy production (rice and potatoes are good - it’s permissible to add a pinch to a meat portion) and the formation of stool (cellulose from vegetables and bran helps remove hair and toxins from the body and creates a feeling of satiety). Also in carbohydrate products(greens, brewer's yeast, cabbage (you can give a pinch of grated cabbage if the cat does not have gas from it) contain prebiotics that help the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.

An experiment was conducted in which the tailed animals were asked to choose any of the proposed products. On average, cats chose the following ratio: proteins - 52%, fats - 36%, carbohydrates - 12%. That is, the cat fat indicator recommended by scientists has been slightly overdone, but it is worth considering that the numbers are averaged and are given as a rough guide.

Thus, a cat's physiology requires a diet consisting almost entirely of animal proteins and fats. For those who will counter-argument that cats have been living with humans for a long time and should already have evolved to suit their type of diet, here is the opinion of zoologists: the physiology of domestic cats has changed little since domestication and is not very different from the physiology of their wild counterparts.

Natural and ready-made food

While you don’t know what Scottish Fold and Straight-eared cats eat, as well as British cats, we will say a few words about the two types of food. You should choose one of them that is closer to your lifestyle and strictly adhere to it.

The first type is natural food. But this is not food from the master's table. This is separately prepared food for the cat from certain types of meat, vegetables and dairy. Products are served without salt and spices, which are prohibited for cats. Natural nutrition must be balanced so that it contains all the necessary substances. And when natural, it is advisable for cats to take courses of vitamins: this guarantees that all the microelements they need will enter the body, even if the owner has not compiled the diet quite correctly. Although, if everything is done correctly, and useful organic supplements are offered for food, then there is no need for synthetic vitamins. Moreover, they are absorbed worse than natural ones.

What else can you feed your Scottish cat? The second type of nutrition involves the use ready-made feed- in canned food, bags and dry pads. Stern high quality They are made in factories from similar products that we use at home. But the food is adapted for long-term storage, so you cannot call it flawless: long-term storage requires the addition of preservatives and not entirely useful substances. In addition, many feed manufacturers, in an effort to save money, use products of dubious quality.

EXPERT COMMENT: Yulia Prishchepa, presenter of the YouTube channel about cats “Athena-TV”

What to choose - natural food or ready-made food?

Natural food is most suitable for a cat, but you need to clearly know what can be given and what absolutely cannot be given. Also, with a natural feeding scheme, it is difficult to balance foods. For example, you need to know that if you feed a cat only raw meat, then this may lead to serious violations health. Therefore, if you are a busy person or have many cats, a ready-made balanced food will suit you. If you have 1-2 cats and have time to study the intricacies of dietary nutrition, you can choose natural ones.

Scottish cat menu

Below is a menu of natural food, which is preferable. Let's list the foods that an adult cat's diet should consist of.

Meat (obligatory and main product)

For Scottish and british cats Low-fat meats are suitable, because... The pancreas cannot cope with excess fat, resulting in pancreatitis. Lean meats include chicken, rabbit, quail, horse meat, turkey, and some parts of beef. The ideal meat for cats is poultry and rabbit. You shouldn't give pork.

Breeders also recommend chicken. At the same time, the MURKOTIKI website, after consulting with nutritionists, does not recommend chicken that you are not sure about. According to doctors advising the site, chicken, especially broilers, contains many hormones that are fed to poultry in factories and even in households. Plus others harmful substances. Therefore, it is better to prefer turkey meat to chicken as a more environmentally friendly product. If you have access to environmentally friendly chicken, then you can and should use it.

Meat is given raw (preferred option) or boiled, but in no case fried or smoked. Should I feed the Scottish or british cat raw meat, each owner decides for himself. On the one hand, cooking kills many beneficial substances. On the other hand, raw meat sometimes contains worms, which do not always die during the obligatory three-day freezing in the refrigerator before serving to the cat. Feeding without freezing, that is, fresh meat, is prohibited.

It is worth noting that meat grown on an industrial scale most often does not contain worms. According to experts, animals in factories are prevented and fed special food, so the risk of infection is minimized. But if you give your cat hunting or farm meat, there is a possibility of infection. Not every farmer regularly prevents their animals, and they sometimes eat food that may be contaminated. Of course, this does not apply to all farms.

It is advisable to place the meat in a bowl in the form of pieces and large pieces so that the animal strengthens its chewing apparatus.

Bones are also regularly added to the diet. They are useful because cats use them to brush their teeth, and also because in the process of eating meat from a bone, or just a large piece of meat, the tailed cats develop their jaw muscles. In addition, bones contain useful substances. For this reason, an adult cat does not need to be constantly given minced meat or small pieces of meat, because... this will lead to muscle atrophy. In addition, adult cats love meat in tangible pieces more. "MURKOTIKI" has prepared information on how to feed cats meat with bones, because... This is an important issue: failure to follow the rules can lead to the death of the animal!

Cats on a natural diet usually go to the toilet once a day or once every 2 or even 3 days - these are normal options. But you need to monitor the stool: if the cat is prone to constipation, add up to 5-10% vegetables and (or) bran to the meat (some add porridge, but this is wrong). A cat's complete digestive cycle takes 24 hours.

If for any reason it is necessary to reduce meat consumption (for example, due to a number of diseases), vegetables can be poured with jellied meat or meat broth at some meals so that they acquire a pleasant smell for the cat, and less meat can be added. However, in case of any disease, the cat should not be completely confined. vegetarian diet or a diet dominated by vegetables and cereals.

Mixes are recommended as daily food for cats: pieces of meat, offal, oatmeal, raw vegetables (carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini, etc.), herbs, raw quail eggs. This mixture is prepared in advance, then frozen in the freezer in separate portioned bags, after which it is defrosted as needed, brought to room temperature and served to the pet. The meat in this mixture is raw.

Mixes are an alternative to monofeeding, when different types of meat are not mixed in one meal. Instead, they are served at different meals. This should not be confused with constantly feeding one type of meat: this is not considered a balanced diet.According to veterinarians, both mixes and monofeeding have a right to exist. The advantages of monofeeding are a happy pet, rapaciously devouring whole pieces of meat, as well as the confidence that gastrointestinal tract will not be confused by incorrectly selected ingredients (for example, a cat may be allergic to one of the ingredients in the mix). The advantages of the mixes are that the cat receives all the necessary nutrients in every meal and there is no need to draw up and keep a nutritional schedule in mind.

Porridges are not a recommended food for carnivores, because... They are practically not absorbed and even interfere with the absorption of nutrients from other foods. With frequent consumption of grains (porridge), cats are at risk of diabetes, urolithiasis, problems thyroid gland. It is better to prefer bran to porridge.

Cats and fish are an established stereotype that has become the basis of more than one commercial. But, in fact, fish should not be a frequent guest on the cat’s table: once a week - no more. If there is an excess of fish food, kidney problems may develop, and the cat will also begin to prefer only fish products, neglecting healthier food.

It is important to choose the right type of fish. It should not be overly oily. And it is worth considering that many types of fish (carp, pike, bream, whitefish, smelt, minnow, chub, catfish, gukuchan, ide, herring, herring, capelin, sardinella, smelt, crucian carp, perch, tench, burbot, chebak, sprat , sprat, anchovy, sorog, bream, Argentina) contain the enzyme thiaminase, which destroys vitamin B1. You can eat such fish, but not often. But you should not feed fish from the cod family, because develops from it iron deficiency anemia and depigmentation of fur. Salmon fish (salmon, pink salmon, trout), as well as hake, catfish, mackerel, sawfish, tuna, etc. are good for cats.

Seafood (as a treat)

Many cats happily eat squid, shrimp, mussels and rapana. Such food is not particularly easy for the cat’s body to digest, so it should not be the rule, but an exception in the form of a treat: once or twice a month is enough.

Low-fat fermented milk products(kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, unleavened cheese, whey, cottage cheese) are good for the health of cats: they contain a lot of protein, calcium and vitamins, and also help good digestion. It is undesirable to consume fatty dairy products, such as sour cream, in large quantities, because... this can negatively affect pancreatic health.

Let's talk separately about milk. It is not advisable to give it to adult cats. From about 3 months they develop lactose intolerance. If you want to please your pet, because... he loves this product, buy special milk or cream for cats. Read.

Eggs (a must)

Chicken yolk, as well as quail yolk and white, should be a mandatory element of the Scottish cat’s diet approximately once a week. Chicken yolk should be given raw (if you are sure of its purity) or boiled; the protein is thrown away, because It's not good for cats. But a quail egg can be given whole and raw.

Raw eggs are an excellent source of vitamins (in particular, vitamins A, D, E and group B), as well as calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron and other trace elements.

Vegetables are also good for your pet: they contain fiber, which helps avoid constipation, and vitamins. B vitamins are especially important in vegetables; cats are very easily deficient in them, since they do not accumulate excess vitamins but excrete them daily. That is, every day B vitamins should be supplied to sufficient quantity. Veterinary expert Maria Dorosh recommends including vegetables in your cat’s diet, although this is not necessary.

Vegetables can be served raw or cooked. It is necessary to take into account that vitamins are destroyed during cooking, therefore, from the point of view of saturating the body with vitamins, it is better not to cook vegetables. But the starch of boiled vegetables is better absorbed, so cooking is recommended for cats who have problems digesting food: for them, boiled vegetables are a gentler option. Once your digestion returns to normal, you can switch to raw and lightly cooked vegetables. To make them easier to digest, they are added in small pinches and first grated.

Particularly useful are carrots (it is better to boil), beets (you need to boil, but this product can cause diarrhea and vomiting), cucumbers (give raw), zucchini (can be boiled and given raw), pumpkin, broccoli (lightly cooked), white cabbage(on the one hand, it is not recommended because it causes flatulence, on the other hand, it is an excellent prebiotic, so you can periodically add a pinch of shredded cabbage).

Most often, cats refuse to eat vegetables separately, so they can be mixed with meat and sprinkled with meat broth to add flavor.

Cats benefit from parsley, dill, lettuce and other green foods. Sometimes cats eat them without anything. Sometimes they play with them and eat them as prey. Sometimes they are preferred instead of grass on the windowsill. Experiment.

You can add bran and meal (buckwheat, flaxseed, etc.) to the main diet. A pinch with food helps intestinal motility.

Dried kelp cleanses the body of toxins, helps to go to the toilet and enriches it with iodine. It is enough to periodically add a pinch to food.

Vegetable oils (hemp, sesame, sea buckthorn, olive, pumpkin, but not sunflower) deliver vitamins to the body and help digestion. But we repeat, they are practically not digestible, so it is better to prefer animal fats. However, many owners note positive changes in the coat when adding vegetable oils to the diet.

An important food additive is fish oil(it contains important for the cat’s body fatty acids, including Omega-3 and Omega-6). You can purchase it as a supplement. Just keep in mind that fish oil quickly loses its properties after contact with air. beneficial properties, so it’s better to buy it in capsule form and open one at a time before adding it to your food.

Attention, life hack! It happens that you have run out of frozen meat, but you haven’t had time to prepare new meat. Then you can buy deep-frozen meat at the supermarket, defrost it and serve it to your cat.

Prohibited Products

And now about what is absolutely forbidden.

Sweet It is not allowed in any quantities. If your cat asks for sweets, it means that he is interested in something else in the product, because cats do not have receptors that recognize sweet taste. Don't buy into your cat's requests, because he can quickly develop diabetes.
Salty We don’t add salt to our food at all. We also don’t serve salty products from the store. Salty foods can cause cats to develop kidney and bladder problems, which Scots are already prone to.
Spicy Kittens are not allowed any spices at all. They upset digestion.
Onion-garlic Garlic and onions can cause serious problems with digestion.
Chocolate Even if your chocolate is not sweet, as it should be according to the classics, it is still under no circumstances allowed for a cat: for an animal it is poison.
Coffee Just like chocolate, coffee is poison. If your cat asks you for coffee, he may be attracted to the milk you add to the drink.
Milk Cats are supposed to eat fermented milk, but whole milk, which contains lactose, causes gas and stomach upset. Owners often don’t notice this, but in fact the animals don’t feel well after drinking milk. If you really want to feed your cat milk, pay attention to goat milk or a special milk replacer for cats.
Marinades Cats are not allowed pickled food. This applies to any conservation.
Smoked Just remember that it is poison.
Bold Fatty and fried foods, no matter whether it is meat or not, are not allowed. The pancreas cannot withstand such nutrition.
Pork Cats should not eat pork, except that very rarely a small piece of the lean part is allowed. The fact is that pork is stuffed with hormones and itself is too fatty.
Canned food Any canned product is always generously supplied with salt, spices and preservatives. This in itself is harmful even for humans, not to mention the cat’s digestive and urinary system, which is much worse adapted to such food than ours.
Citrus As a rule, cats themselves cannot stand lemons, oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits. But there are also exceptions. The fact is that citrus fruits contain harsh essential oils, which greatly affect the cats’ keen sense of smell. Plus, eating them can cause indigestion.
Fruits The digestive system of cats is not adapted to eating fruits and berries, so they can cause stomach upset. But there are cats who love fruit. If nothing bad happens to them after this, you can periodically allow them to eat this.
Mushrooms Mushrooms are too heavy and not healthy food for cats.
Potato Potatoes are pure starch, which is difficult to digest and is not absorbed by cats.
Beans Peas, lentils, soybeans and other legumes are prohibited because... These are too heavy foods, plus they cause fermentation.
Flour All flour products, including bread, are harmful to cats and have no nutritional value. Instead, it is better to purchase special yeast for cats in the form of a supplement.

Do not under any circumstances repeat what is shown in the video. Mistress's sake funny video fed the cat sweet ice cream.

About gluten intolerance in cats

Some people and cats suffer from gluten intolerance - gluten from wheat, rye, oats (sprouted oat grass does not count) and barley. For some, gluten can cause diarrhea, for others - constipation, for others - inflammation of the intestinal walls, and others. unpleasant symptoms. It is not easy to make a diagnosis, because... diagnostic methods ineffective. It’s difficult for people to give up gluten, because everyone loves baking, but for cats it’s very easy.

The MURKOTIKI website recommends that cat breeders make allowances for the possibility of gluten intolerance in their pets and do not initially accustom them to products containing it. In particular we're talking about about wheat, because it contains more gluten. That is, no bread or pasta in the diet. In addition, it is harmful even to cats that do not have gluten intolerance.

If you are using ready-made factory feeds, please note: manufacturers have already come up with gluten-free lines. Such foods are marked “no grain”, “gluten free”, “grain-free”, “does not contain gluten” and the like. Such a line of feed is available, for example, from Farmina ND, 1st Choice, Acana, Orijen, Trainer. This is a super premium and holistic food.

In the case of natural nutrition, everything is much simpler: do not add porridge from wheat, rye, oats and barley, as well as bread, to the meat. Actually, this is not recommended in any case.

Diet of a stud cat

A stud cat has an important function - to pass on high-quality genetic material to future generations. Therefore, such a cat needs high-quality, abundant nutrition, rich in proteins and vitamin E, which increases fertility.

Also, food should include many additional microelements and carbohydrates, which provide the quick energy necessary to build up sexual appetite and realize it.

Diet for aging cats

Aging cats have their own diet. As a rule, its features are associated with the fact that from 8-12 years of age the animal (each in its own way) decreases general activity- and fewer calories are required. Typically, aging cats spend 60-65 kilocalories per 1 kg of body weight per day, so the diet should be reduced taking into account energy costs.

Proper food for an aging cat should be easy to chew and digest, but be rich in microelements, especially taurine, since its deficiency leads to the development of cardiomyopathy, to which, for example, Scottish cats are already prone.

If your cat has problems with teeth and gums, you need to serve ground or even liquid food.

Often, by old age, cats already have some kind of chronic diseases - the diet needs to be adjusted to take them into account.

But when a cat becomes inactive and its sexual function has faded, food often becomes the only entertainment. That's why aging cats love to eat, although they need to do it in limited quantities. What is the way out of the situation? How not to deprive an animal of the last joy in life? Firstly, at this time it is advisable to switch the cat from eating twice a day to eating in fractional portions, for example, 3 times a day. You can add more vegetables to your food, because... their volume is larger, but their calorie content is lower. But this is only in case of insatiable appetite.

And give the cat more affection, because... often older tailed animals like to eat more often also because they receive attention at this time. Let your cat associate acts of affection with more than just food.

If your cat, despite its age, is healthy, active and playful, then no dietary restrictions are required.

Diet of sick cats

Sick and injured cats need special nutrition, which depends on the type of pathology.If you have a fatty liver, you need to provide your cat with fractional meals in small portions, otherwise the disease will worsen. And if the animal has heart failure, it is recommended to transfer it to salt-free diet(that is, not only do not add salt to foods, but also select foods that initially contain less salt: for example, give up fish).

But first, you should consult with a veterinarian, who will recommend a specific diet in your case, because sometimes an animal suffers from two diseases at once and you need to correctly combine diets.

Feeding neutered cats and female cats

Castrated animals often suffer from the fact that they move less, and since they also lose interest in sexual hunting, the only joy in life remains food. They also disrupt the production of hormones that affect the feeling of satiety. Such animals cannot be overfed, otherwise they will become obese. But depriving them of joy is also not good, so you need to find a middle ground: you can feed a castrated cat and a sterilized cat 2-3 times a day, but in smaller portions.

The animal can also be switched to low-calorie food. If this is a natural diet, add more vegetables and cereals to the meat so that the volume of fiber filling the stomach is greater. If you feed your cat with ready-made products from a factory, select special food for sterilized animals.

Also, the diet of castrated and sterilized animals should contain practically no fish, because... its use increases the risk of urolithiasis, to which Scottish cats are already prone, and especially neutered ones.

In conclusion

The topic of natural cat feeding does not end there. We have given only guidelines that will help to increase knowledge further, including with the help of our articles in the “Nutrition” section. We advise you to introduce new foods into your cat’s diet gradually and see how he reacts to them. Some cats love potatoes very much and tolerate them well, while others have problems with them. Some animals treat kidneys very well, while others are embarrassed by the smell of urine - they don’t even approach such offal. And someone is allergic to chicken. So everything is individual.

If you have read this long article to the end, it means that you will succeed and are able to absorb a large amount of information for the sake of your cat. But don’t be alarmed by the fact that balancing your diet is difficult. We have it for you good news: It doesn’t matter if you can’t properly balance your diet in the first weeks - cats’ bodies are for the most part strong and can adapt to any conditions, and therefore an imbalance of substances will not immediately cause health problems. It takes months to accumulate them. By that time, you will have time to obtain the necessary knowledge and, through trial and error, arrive at the best option. Periodically visit the “Nutrition” section and find out new information.

This article has been checked and approved by expert felinologist, owner of the Scottish cattery Kristal Rose*RU Elena Shabaeva. The nursery is registered with WCF. To ask a question to an expert or get acquainted with additional information about him go to his personal page on the website of Scottish and British cats "Murkotiki". ⇒

There is no need to grab your head when you see straight ears on a newborn Scottish. This is not a disease, but the most common thing: they are born this way, but after three to four weeks their ears will begin to “curl up into a tube.” If folding still does not occur, you should be seriously wary and consult a veterinarian. This, like short crooked paws, a too thick and motionless tail in a kitten can be a harbinger of chondroosteodystrophy - a complex genetic disease, characteristic of the Scottish. This disease of the musculoskeletal system can further provoke pain in the animal, making it difficult or impossible for the pet to move. Another genetic disease of the “Scots” is hemophilia, or a bleeding disorder. Alas, like chondroosteodystrophy, it cannot be cured, so such cats need constant therapy to eliminate or mitigate the symptoms.

To avoid these ailments, mating Scottish Folds cannot be carried out with representatives or representatives of the same breed - this will absolutely lead to illness in the offspring. As a rule, they are crossed with Scottish Straights or British Shorthairs.

Sometimes Scottish dogs can also suffer from calcium deficiency and rickets, leading to problems with the joints and spine. IN in rare cases this happens heart disease as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Otherwise, the health of Scottish Folds is not bad and, in the absence of genetically determined diseases, they are no more susceptible to common cat diseases than cats of many other breeds. Preventive examinations from a veterinarian, timely vaccination and proper nutrition- the key to your pet’s well-being and longevity: the life expectancy of Scottish Folds is usually 15 years.

What food should I feed my Scottish Fold cat?

"Scots" are strong cats with a moderate appetite. But they are not averse to enjoying something like this, so carefully monitor your pet’s diet; you should not feed a Scottish Fold cat from your table, even if his eyes are full of prayer and hope for a piece of sausage or that tube of custard. In addition, they tend to be overweight, so the number and volume of their portions should be strictly observed.

You need to feed your Scottish cat either ready-made dry and canned wet food, or only natural food, in no case combining them. Ready-made food should be chosen from premium brands; there is no need for additional vitamin supplements. Supplements should be given to a Scottish cat if it is on a natural diet. It should consist of lean meat (fresh or lightly boiled beef, boiled chicken, turkey), offal (lung, kidneys, heart), fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt, etc.), stewed vegetables and porridge (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat). Once a week you can give a little boiled liver, low-fat fish. Nice addition to daily dietgreen grass, that is, sprouted grains of oats or other cereals. It contains many useful microelements and helps remove hair “eaten” by the cat from the body.

The most important changes occur in the body of cats in the very early age, starting from birth. Therefore, in the first stages of your pet’s development, it is very important to decide what to feed your Scottish cat. fold cat. However, it is worth approaching these issues no less seriously throughout the cat’s life. The food should be balanced at any age, and basic health care should be taken, even if nothing bothers your pet. Then you and your furry pet will be happy that you have each other.

Any pet needs a balanced diet enriched with all necessary minerals and vitamins. You can feed your Scottish Fold kitten both natural food and ready-made food.

  • Natural diet. This type is considered traditional. It has a big advantage - the animal receives natural and delicious products. But this type of feeding also has a disadvantage - it is very difficult to balance correctly. Natural food suitable for pets of all ages.
  • Ready-made feed. This product is completely balanced and looks like hard small crackers. Dry food varies in composition and quality; premium brands are suitable for Scots, super premium and holistic. This type food will do as the main diet for both small kittens and older and older animals.
  • Mixed diet. With this feeding method, the cat receives both dry food and natural food.

Rules for feeding natural products

basis natural diet is meat (up to 50% of the total daily value). Suitable for Scottish Fold kittens: veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken. Also, once or twice a week the baby is given fish (pink salmon, salmon, chum salmon and others) marine species). Meat or fish are pre-frozen, and before feeding they are scalded with boiling water or lightly boiled.

INTERESTING! From time to time, meat can be replaced with offal. For the Scots, kidneys, liver, and hearts are more preferable.

Scottish Fold kittens must be given cottage cheese, preferably calcined, throughout the entire growth period. You can also offer your baby kefir, fermented baked milk, and low-fat cheese. It is not recommended to give milk to adults and small Scots, as it can cause diarrhea.

The menu must include eggs: quail or chicken. They can be fed to cats either raw or boiled. Some pets like omelettes, but they should be prepared with minimum quantity milk and without using butter.
The kitten gets carbohydrates from cereals. Most preferred: buckwheat, brown rice, wheat. They are added to the Scots diet in the amount of 20-25% of the daily value. To ensure that your pet eats them well, you can make a mixture of minced meat or finely chopped meat and cereal.

Vegetables and fruits are also sources of carbohydrates and vitamins. They are fed to cats raw or boiled. You can puree them, grate them on a fine grater, or simply cut them into small pieces.

Among the vegetables, the pet is offered carrots, green beans, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower. From fruits, you can give the Scot apples, pears, some plums, peaches.

REFERENCE! If your pet refuses to eat cereals, but enjoys eating vegetables and fruits, you can only use them as sources of carbohydrates.

Ready-made dry food as a kitten's main diet

– These are ready-made balanced foods intended for the daily nutrition of cats.

Such products are divided into four classes:

  • Economy The cheapest food. The composition is based on cereals (wheat, corn, etc.). There is a very small percentage of animal protein in such diets, and it is obtained from various waste products from meat processing plants. Economy class feeds include Whiskas, Kitiket, Darling and other products, the cost of which does not exceed 60-80 rubles. per kilogram. Breeders recommend avoiding such foods.
  • Premium To prepare such diets, both meat and offal are used, but plant ingredients still make up the majority. The composition includes vitamin and mineral supplements. Such diets can be used as the main menu, but only if the animal feels great and has no health problems. Premium foods include: Happy Cat, Sheba, Brit Premium, Cat Chow, etc.
  • Super premium. Such products are made from high quality raw materials. They contain a large amount of animal proteins. Carbohydrates are represented by vegetables and cereals with high digestibility. Super premium food is enriched with minerals and vitamins and contains fruits, berries and other healthy additives. The most popular brands: Fitmin, Brit Care, Blitz, Savarra, etc.
  • Holistic. These foods are made from fresh and dried high quality meat. Manufacturers also use sea fish fillets as a source of proteins. The holistic product does not contain cheap sources of plant protein. Potatoes, vegetables, rice, peas, lentils, carrots, apples, etc. act as carbohydrates and fiber. Many holistic products include probiotics. The most popular foods are: Acana, Orijen, Farmina, Grandorf, Applaws, etc.

Read also: How to easily train a cat to use the litter box?

Dry diets should not be combined with natural food. If you want to pamper your pet with something tasty, it is better to offer him wet food of the same brand as dry food. If it is necessary to transfer a Scotsman from the diet of one manufacturer to another, do this gradually, over 7-10 days.

Approximate natural menu by age

The number of feedings and serving size directly depend on the baby’s age. Small kittens under 2-3 months of age eat more often. By six months, Scots are transferred to two meals a day. Let's look at a sample menu by age.

Up to a month

From birth to a month, the babies are fed by the mother with her milk. Once small Scottish Folds are 3 weeks old, they can begin to be offered their first complementary foods. To do this, use raw scraped or very finely chopped meat.

REFERENCE! At 3-4 weeks, kittens just begin to try “adult” food. They can be given rabbit, veal, turkey or chicken. You can also start complementary feeding not with meat, but with fermented milk products (cottage cheese, low-fat fermented baked milk, yogurt).

1 month

The Scottish Fold eats about 120 grams of food per day, including mother's milk. Babies are offered food up to 7 times a day.

Kittens happily eat shredded raw meat. Porridge and vegetables are contraindicated for children at this age.

2 months

They begin to separate from their mother. These babies are fed up to 6 times a day, with the daily food intake being about 180 grams. You can add some grated vegetables and bran to pieces of meat (this product has a beneficial effect on digestion).

3 months

The Scots begin to leave for new homes and are separated from their mothers. The basis of the diet of such children is still meat, but the menu already includes fermented milk products (cottage cheese, stale kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.), vegetables, and chopped fruits.

A kitten aged 3-4 months eats up to 240 grams of food per day. You can start introducing the kitten to cereals. The meat is given to the pet raw. It is cut into fairly large pieces.

From 4 to 6 months

The volume of food consumed can be increased to 300-320 grams, but this only applies to very large Scottish Folds. For a medium-sized kitten, 280-300 grams of food is enough. At this age, the pet begins to be introduced to sea ​​fish. It is fed to the baby scalded or boiled 1-2 times a week.

Also, at 4-6 months, a Scot will begin to be given sprouted greens. At this age, the kitten is already actively eating fruits and vegetables, and happily eats meat cut into large pieces.

REFERENCE! The number of feedings at 4-6 months is reduced to 3.

From 6 months to 1 year

From 6 months, the kitten begins to be switched to a 2-meal diet. The average daily intake is 180-230 grams. This figure can be calculated using the formula: 3-5% of the animal’s body weight.

At the age of 6 months to 1 year, the lop-eared pet eats all foods: raw meat, fish, cereals, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, vegetables, fruits, herbs. You should not offer bones to the animal, as their sharp fragments can pierce the stomach.

Vitamins and mineral supplements

Vitamin supplements are necessary for kittens that eat natural food. If a Scotsman receives dry food of at least super premium class as his main diet, vitamins and supplements enriched with minerals may not be given.

From the first days of the appearance of a Scottish Straight kitten in your home, you must competently approach the choice of diet and organization of the nutrition system. If you prefer this breed, let's consider what to feed a Scottish straight-eared kitten, what diet to choose for your pet, and what should absolutely not be included in your pet's menu.

To provide furry pet comfortable existence, choose a diet and nutrition systems, the owners must have an idea and know the characteristics of the breed.

Scottish Straight cats are one of the most popular breeds. They quickly become attached to members of their family, need affection, attention and are happy to share the interests of their beloved owner. They do not like to be alone for a long time. Prolonged separation from a beloved owner can cause stress.

Despite the well-developed hunting instinct, representatives of the breed are somewhat phlegmatic and even lazy. Although up to a year old, inquisitive kittens learn about the world around them with interest and are quite active.

The Scots are absolutely not vindictive. They don’t do it out of spite, but they can be offended by the owner for a long time due to disrespectful attitude. Cats do not tolerate rudeness or careless boorish behavior.

Scottish kittens can be considered one of the easiest breeds to care for and maintain. Take care of your pet’s hygiene, think over its diet, pay attention to health (vaccination, deworming), purchase everything necessary for a favorable life for your cat.

Scots get along well with children and get along well with other pets, especially if they grow up together. Kittens quickly adapt to new living conditions.

At proper care With a balanced diet, straight-eared Scottish cats live 14-16 years.

Choosing a place and dishes

Set up a place for eating, buy 2-3 bowls for food and water. It is best for a Scottish straight-eared kitten to use not too deep, but wide ones.

While eating, the kitten's whiskers should not come into contact with the sides of the dishes. For water, the bowl should be deeper. It is placed away from food bowls.

For feeding, buy bowls from:

  • high-quality plastic;
  • ceramics;
  • clay;
  • stainless steel

Kitten bowls should be stable and not make noise when the kitten eats. We do not recommend using aluminum cookware, as aluminum releases harmful chemical compounds upon contact with warm food.

If there are other animals in the house, the bowls are placed on a raised surface (bedside table, window sill). The kitten should not feel stressed while eating.

The choice of place and dishes depend on the age, individual, breed characteristics of your pet, as well as on the conditions of its maintenance and your financial capabilities.

What to feed a Scottish Straight kitten

To feed Scottish Straight kittens, you can choose one of the existing diets. Each has its pros and cons. Starting from three months, you must decide what kind of food your pet will receive. What to feed a Scottish Straight kitten?

Nutrition, frequency of feedings, portion sizes for Scots are selected taking into account their age. Small kittens eat often and in small portions. Teenage and adult cats can be fed once or twice a day.

Feeding frequency, portion size depending on the age of the Scot:

  • From the first days to two weeks, the kitten eats 9-10 times a day without breaks. night sleep. Feed them every two hours at artificial feeding. The baby should drink about 3-4 ml of milk at a time.
  • From two weeks to 18 days - 8-9 times a day without a break for night sleep. Babies are given 5-8 ml of milk formula, cat milk substitutes.
  • From 19 days to a month - seven to eight times a day plus one night feeding. Feed 10-12 ml of mixture.
  • From one month to two - six to seven times a day.
  • From 2 to 3 months, Scots are fed 6-7 times a day.
  • From three months of food. The mixture is given 5-6 times a day.
  • From 4 months, the kitten needs to be fed 4-5 times a day.
  • From 5-6 months – 3-4 times.

Important! Do not forget to follow the regime and routine for. Cats need to be fed at the same time every day. Failure to adhere to the schedule leads to eating disorders, problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural products can be introduced into the kitten’s diet gradually, starting from 2.5 months of age. Used for complementary feeding special mixtures, boiled minced meat, fermented milk, dairy products.

Read also: Why does a cat bite its claws: physiological or psychological problems. How to help your pet?

They are also introduced to ready-made food gradually, starting from three months. Initially, if you plan to keep your pet on a ready-made diet, the kitten is given pates, mousses, and food for kittens. That is, wet food or canned food. The drying is first soaked in water, milk, kefir.

When choosing a diet for a Scottish Straight kitten, take into account his taste preferences, age, health status, and availability of free time.

Natural diet

Natural diet - feeding Scottish Straight kittens natural products. This diet, according to experienced breeders and veterinarians, is ideal for the digestive tract of animals.

Advantages of natural food;

  • a varied menu for your pet;
  • lower financial costs than when keeping kittens on ready-made industrial feed;
  • complete confidence in the freshness and quality of the products.
  • You can always choose food based on your pet’s taste needs.

Food should be at room temperature before serving. Cold food slows down metabolism and leads to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract of kittens.

Products that are used in the preparation of a natural diet for Scottish Straight kittens:

  • Lean meat. Contains animal fats, essential amino acids, useful minerals. Meat products- the basis of the natural diet of the Scots, since cats are natural predators. Their share in general diet should be at least 85-90%. Kittens can be given boneless poultry, veal, and lamb. Meat products are boiled. Stew or, after freezing, scald with boiling water.
  • Dairy, fermented milk products. Milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, skim milk, natural yoghurts without additives, and other products contain healthy fats, calcium, and other beneficial substances for the growth, development and health of Scots. Fermented milk products are given to kittens every other day in pure form or mixed with cereals.
  • Cereals. Cereals contain healthy carbohydrates and B vitamins that improve metabolism and digestion. Cereals in the diet should include rice, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal. You can also use a mix of 2-3 cereals for feeding. They are given to kittens well boiled or steamed. Porridges are cooked in milk, water, fish or meat broth.
  • Chicken and quail eggs. Scottish Straight kittens are given one boiled or raw chicken yolk once or twice a week, if you are confident in the freshness and quality of the eggs. Quail eggs You can give it to your pet whole.
  • Fish. It is allowed to feed Scots only boiled, baked, stewed, lean, boneless fish (tuna, telapia, salmon). Freshwater, river fish It’s still better not to include furry pets in your diet for up to a year. Fish is a source of phosphorus, but it is given no more often than once every 7-9 days.
  • By-products (chicken, veal stomachs, hearts, lungs). They are introduced into the kitten’s diet from 6-7 months. Before serving, boil or wash and pour over boiling water, cutting into pieces. By-products have a lower nutritional value and calorie content than natural meat. Therefore, the serving size is increased by one and a half times. Give your pet offal 1-2 times a week.
  • Vegetables, herbs, fruits. Be sure to enrich your Scots diet with vegetables and herbs. Offer your kitten unsweetened fruits and berries. As a rule, kittens themselves determine what they like. Vegetables, fruits, greens contain vegetable fibers, fiber for metabolism and digestion, vitamins and minerals. Vegetables can be stewed or boiled. Let's get some greens fresh. Grate raw vegetables on a fine grater and season with 2-3 drops vegetable oil. They can be mixed with porridge, minced meat or meat.

Advice! To cleanse the stomach of hairballs, experts recommend planting special grass for cats or germinating oat seeds in special containers, which can be purchased at pet stores and veterinary pharmacies in the city.

Natural products are always supplemented with vitamin and mineral complexes and supplements. For better digestion, the pet is given probiotics and enzymes.

Ready diet

Many breeders prefer ready meals. It's fast, convenient and generally useful. A ready-made diet involves feeding the kitten industrial ready-made dry, wet (pieces of meat in sauce, jelly), semi-moist food, pates, mousses, canned food, and meat mixtures.

Advantages of ready-made feeding:

  • minimum time spent preparing a menu for your pet;
  • ready-made food, especially dry food, has long term storage and can be left in a bowl;
  • A wide variety of flavors allows you to choose the optimal diet taking into account the cat’s taste preferences.

Read also: How much water should a cat normally drink?

With a ready-made diet, it is convenient to calculate the daily volume of servings, since manufacturers indicate this aspect on the packaging for different age groups of cats.

Advice! It is best to use ready-made food for feeding Scottish kittens, which are designed specifically for representatives of this breed.

The best ready-made food for Scottish kittens:

  • Hill's
  • Royal Canin.
  • Acana.
  • Advance.
  • 1st Choice Kitten.
  • Orijen.

They have low nutritional value. Made from low-grade, low-quality raw materials. Contain dyes, salt, soy, flavor enhancers and other ingredients that can lead to problems with digestion and the genitourinary system.

Kittens should not be given exclusively dry or only wet food. Combine dry, semi-moist and dry food in your diet. Diversify the menu with canned food, pates, meat and vegetable purees. Use products from the same brand.

The only downside to a ready-made diet is its cost. Stern higher categories cannot be called cheap products.

Mixed diet

Mixed diet (combined nutrition) – not best option for feeding a Scottish Straight kitten.

Mixed nutrition often leads to disorders, chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders. When feeding, you can use only canned, wet, semi-moist food and dry food at the same time.

Sample menu by age

Here is a sample menu by age for Scottish Straight kittens:

Up to a month

Kittens up to 2-2.5 months receive all useful substances and antibodies from their mother’s milk and colostrum. This is the main food for kittens. But if a cat cannot feed her offspring, dies during childbirth, or does not have milk, breeders take care of the newborn kittens. Buy necessary nutrition, tools and utensils for feeding orphaned kittens.

Industrial artificial formulas are used to feed Scottish Straight kittens. Their composition is similar to that of breast milk and contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients for health, weight gain, and development.

Infant formulas with zero sugar content and no additives are also suitable for feeding Scots up to a month. But they are bred several times more water than the manufacturer indicated in the instructions.

Important! Whole cow's milk is not absorbed by the kitten's digestive tract, so it is not suitable for feeding Scots.

But if you did not have time to purchase a substitute or special food, take 500 ml of homemade milk, dilute it half with water, add a teaspoon of sugar or 3 drops of glucose, one raw yolk. It is best to use goat's milk.

You can also prepare your own milk formula (Scott's formula, Tyling's formula for kittens).

Approximate calculation of portions:

  • 1 week – 30-32 ml per 100 g of kitten’s weight;
  • 2 weeks – 34-37 ml per 100 g of weight;
  • 3 weeks – approximately 40 ml per 100 g of weight;
  • 4 weeks – 48-53 ml per 100 g of kitten weight.

You can feed babies only with freshly prepared mixtures at room temperature. After eating, massage the base of the kittens' abdomen for several minutes to normalize metabolism.

Use a sterile cotton pad soaked in warm water to wipe the kitten’s genitals, since the first weeks of life the fluffies do not defecate on their own.

1 month

Scottish Straight kittens should receive dairy nutrition. Scots can feed themselves starting from 7-8 weeks. At this age, complementary foods can be introduced.

During artificial feeding, Scottish kittens continue to be fed with cat milk substitutes, milk formulas, and formulas for infants. Feeding frequency – 7-8 times a day.

2 months

Scottish kittens can already be given their first complementary foods. You can use special mousses, pates for kittens, fermented milk products ( calcined cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk). All products are introduced gradually into the diet, constantly monitoring the condition of the pets and stool.

Gradually increase the serving size. Feeding frequency – 4-5 times a day.

3 months

Scottish kittens can be picked up from the breeder. Before deciding on a diet, be sure to find out what the kitten ate and what the breeder used for complementary feeding. At first, the pet should receive the same nutrition. This will avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Transition your kitten to a new diet gradually. Give new foods and feeds in small portions initially.