How a cervical biopsy is performed and what it reveals, discharge after the study. Biopsy of the cervix with a radio wave scalpel What to take when taking a biopsy with a radio wave

Annual results medical research have very alarming indicators: almost every second woman, regardless of age and lifestyle, has a predisposition to one or another type of cervical pathology.

This figure cannot be comforting, especially considering that cervical cancer is in second place, right behind the leader among female cancers - breast cancer.

Oncological diseases today have long ceased to be a final verdict; they are treatable, up to full recovery, or at least until further growth stops cancer cells. Examination by a doctor, standard set of laboratory tests, if necessary additional examinations- the arsenal of any sensible woman who monitors her health.

Therapy in the early stages of cancer has a higher success rate, which is why it is so important timely diagnosis, one of her most effective methods is a method of radio wave biopsy of the cervix.

What is the essence of radio wave biopsy of the cervix

Modern gynecology recent years increasingly prefers minimally invasive and non-traumatic methods of diagnosis and therapy various types diseases. One of them is radio wave surgery, which is used both for performing a biopsy of the cervix and for treating pathological processes occurring in it.

Method radio wave biopsy consists of evaporating tissue under the influence of high-frequency waves, and it is non-contact, since the tool for its implementation is a radio loop, which eliminates physical contact with the tissue area. When cells evaporate, low-temperature steam is formed, which helps coagulation blood vessels. Radio wave biopsy of the cervix is ​​a method that allows painless surgical intervention, preserving the integrity of both the pathological tissues taken for analysis and the surrounding healthy tissues, with a minimal risk of subsequent bleeding.

When performing a biopsy using radiocoagulation, the likelihood of tissue burns, swelling and inflammatory processes, characteristic of invasive methods, due to the fact that the radio knife (radio wave loop) has antiseptic effect, the risk of developing infections in the area of ​​the mucosal surface from which the fragment was removed for histological analysis is reduced. Postoperative period devoid of pain, healing occurs without discomfort and in as soon as possible, since restoration of tissue integrity occurs much faster than after surgical interventions using a scalpel.

Due to the fact that this method The study does not have such consequences as the appearance of postoperative scars, scars and deformations of the cervical walls, which can interfere with conception, it is ideal for women planning to become pregnant in the future. Radio wave biopsy of the cervix is ​​performed without the use of anesthesia (the absence of pain is explained by the fact that radio waves do not affect the stimulation of nerve receptors and muscle contraction), in outpatient setting, does not require hospitalization of the patient and has minimum quantity complications.

Row preparatory activities for radio wave biopsy is no different from standard diagnostic minimum required for any type of biopsy: consultation with a doctor and examination in a gynecological chair, colposcopy (regular or extended), laboratory tests cervix for cytology, smears for pathological flora and undiagnosed infections, bacteriological culture from the vagina, general analysis blood tests for HIV infection, viral hepatitis, blood coagulogram, sometimes ultrasound diagnostics organs of the female reproductive system.

The first phase of the menstrual cycle, 5-10 days after the first day of menstruation, is optimal period for performing a cervical biopsy. Epithelization, i.e. complete healing of the wound surface is completed in about a week - this is twice as fast as after other, more traumatic methods. For two to three days after the biopsy, scanty bleeding from the vagina may be observed. If their duration does not exceed this period, they are not accompanied by pain and do not become more abundant - this is the norm.

The advantages of radio wave biopsy are:

  • short manipulation time;
  • low probability of bleeding due to vascular coagulation;
  • minimal risk of scar formation after healing;
  • no pain during and after the procedure;
  • fast healing wounds;
  • minimizing the risk of wound infection due to the antiseptic property of the radioknife;
  • absence of damage to the cells of the removed material, which is especially important for increasing the reliability of histological analysis.

Surgitron radio wave surgery device

For performing radio wave surgical interventions, including cervical biopsy, in modern medical practice The Surgitron device is used. Made in the USA by the latest technologies, this innovative device latest generation instantly gained popularity, justified by its ease of use, high effectiveness and safety of use.

The essence of the operation of the Surgitron device

The operating principle of the Surgitron device is based on a certain effect of high-frequency radio waves on tissue human body. Radio waves converted from electric current are directed using a microwire (electrode) to the areas of tissue required for removal for the purpose of further analysis. Concentrated radio wave energy destroys the structure of cells, causing them to evaporate. A dry surgical field is created through the coagulation process.

Advantages of the Surgitron device:

  • absence mechanical impact on fabric;
  • no thermal damage to the tissue;
  • absence of destruction of the removed cells and those adjacent to the excision site;
  • no risk of necrotic damage to surrounding tissue;
  • minimal keratinization of seams;
  • absence of infection and swelling;
  • painless manipulation;
  • absence discomfort during the recovery period.

Contraindications to radio wave biopsy of the cervix

Radio wave biopsy of the cervix is ​​a method of histological examination that has virtually no restrictions on its use. The only contraindication is if the woman has a pacemaker installed. A biopsy of this type, which is accompanied high level electromagnetic interference may adversely affect the function of this equipment.

A cervical biopsy is mandatory procedure upon detection of the slightest suspicious signs of a woman having diseases such as erosion, cervical dysplasia, benign or malignant neoplasms. This is the only method to diagnose early stage pathology of an oncological nature, which is extremely difficult to recognize due to the absence of symptoms. The results of examining the histological material obtained during the biopsy process help the doctor determine final diagnosis and prescribe competent tactics for further therapy.

Video of radio wave biopsy of the cervix:

After the biopsy

Complications after radiowave biopsy are rare. In the first week after surgery, clear or sanguineous discharge from the genital tract is common, due to tissue restoration after surgical trauma.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience purulent discharge or scarlet blood: in the first case, this is a sign of infection of the surgical wound, and in the second, bleeding from damaged vessels.

Reviews about radio wave biopsy

Some patients misunderstand the mechanism of action of radio waves, which is why you can find many negative reviews about this manipulation. Another part of the women notes the speed of execution and practically complete absence discomfort during the operation.

When I arrived at the hospital, I couldn’t stand on my feet—it was so scary. The nurse took me to the operating room, I lost track of time due to my nerves, but they released me quickly. As it turned out, not even 5 minutes had passed. Girls, the most unpleasant thing in this whole story is when they introduce a mirror, nothing else. There was no pain, only when I pinched off a piece I felt a slight soreness. After the biopsy, I felt dizzy, my vision somehow became dark, but after coffee everything fell into place)) the more afraid you are, the more unpleasant it is.

Victoria, 25 years old, Krasnoyarsk

I don't have a story, but an anecdote. I came for a routine colposcopy to my old gynecologist. He poked around there and poked around, I asked if they found something, but he said no, everything is fine. Before leaving, he asked me to sign a consent for a biopsy - I didn’t even know what it was then. I came home and climbed on women's forums, read a lot of horror stories, cried all night, couldn’t sleep! I came the next day and asked the gynecologist if it hurt, what complications, etc., and he laughed. It turned out that he then took it for me - first he cut it off, and then asked me to sign the consent)) so don’t panic, fear has big eyes)

Maria, 29 years old, St. Petersburg

Biopsy price

The average cost of a radio wave biopsy of the cervix in Russia as of 2019 is about 8,000 rubles. The price may vary depending on the region, the level of the clinic and the specific disease of the patient.

Treatment in Israel

Israeli gynecologists have significant experience in treatment various diseases uterus Applying modern technologies, doctors at the Top Ichilov clinic accurately determine the likelihood of malignant degeneration of tumors and carry out their excision using minimally invasive methods.

To find out more detailed information regarding your case, fill out the form below.

For non-surgical treatment in Top Ichilov use the latest drugs, the effectiveness of which exceeds 90%, and advanced techniques: brachytherapy, photodynamic therapy, radiotherapy using installations TrueBeam last generation and many others.

If there is no choice left and you need to surgical removal tumors or even the uterus, Top Ichilov often uses a robotic surgical unit Da Vinci. This operation completely eliminates the possibility medical error and prevents complications.

Or in a smear for oncocytology. In practical gynecology, the most common indications for cervical biopsy are:

  • Background processes: erosions, polyps, ectropion.
  • Precancerous changes: cervical dysplasia, atypical endocervical hyperplasia, erythroplakia, leukoplakia.
  • Colposcopic signs of PVI(in combination with laboratory detection of highly oncogenic types of papillomavirus).
  • Unsatisfactory Pap test results(corresponding to smear class 3–5 or low and high degree intraepithelial changes according to the Bethesda scale).
  • Suspicion of relapse tumor process (with a previously confirmed histological diagnosis).


Diagnostic cervical biopsy is not performed for acute inflammatory diseases genital organs and exacerbation of chronic local infectious processes, pronounced coagulopathies. When an infection is detected, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory treatment is first carried out, and if the control result is good, a biopsy is prescribed.

The use of radiosurgery is not indicated in patients with a pacemaker. For nulliparous women and women planning repeat pregnancy, it is recommended to perform more gentle biopsy methods (puncture, radio wave), which have a minimal risk of cicatricial deformation of the cervix.

Types of biopsy

  • Conchotomic (forceps) biopsy. It is performed with special biopsy “nippers” under colposcopy control. To clearly determine the location of the biopsy, the cervix is ​​treated with an iodine-containing solution (Schiller test). A biopsy is performed from iodine-negative areas of the surface of the cervix, including normal tissue.
  • Knife biopsy. The material for histological examination is pathologically altered tissue of the vaginal surface of the cervix and the epithelium of the mucous membrane cervical canal. It can be performed either with or without scraping the mucous membrane of the cervical canal.
  • Targeted puncture biopsy. It is carried out using a thin needle connected to a syringe under visual colposcopic control. The formation of the cervix is ​​punctured (pierced) with a needle and, by pulling the syringe plunger towards itself, tissue cells or the contents of the tumor node are obtained.
  • Radio wave biopsy. It is performed using the Surgitron radiosurgical device (radio knife). Allows for non-contact tissue cutting and coagulation using high-frequency radio waves (3.8-4.0 MHz). The tissue is cut like a scalpel tip, but completely bloodless.


Before performing a cervical biopsy, a preliminary examination is necessary, including a consultation with a gynecologist with an examination on a chair, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, smear tests for flora and hidden infections, bacterial culture from the vagina, blood tests (clinical, coagulogram, for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C). The biopsy is preceded by an extended colposcopy, indicating the location of suspicious areas for material collection and a cytological smear.

A cervical biopsy is performed immediately after the end of menstruation - on days 5-7 of the cycle. This is necessary so that the healing of the resulting wound surface occurs before the start of the next menstruation. A few days before the procedure, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse and the use of intravaginal dosage forms(except those recommended by a doctor). On the day of surgery, pubic and genital hair should be removed and the intimate area should be cleaned.


In most cases, a cervical biopsy is an outpatient procedure. Surgical types of biopsy that require curettage of the cervical canal may require hospitalization for one day. The manipulation is performed in a small operating room. The patient is placed on a gynecological chair. Puncture, radio wave and conchotomic biopsies are performed without anesthesia (or using local anesthesia lidocaine), knife - requires total intravenous anesthesia.

After exposing the cervix with vaginal speculum, it is fixed with bullet forceps by the front lip and brought down to the entrance to the vagina. Biopsy material is taken from the most suspicious areas of the cervix using one of the following methods. If multiple and colposcopically heterogeneous pathological foci are detected, it is recommended to take several tissue samples. If after taking fabric material a bleeding wound has formed, it is cauterized or individual catgut sutures are applied. The next step, according to indications, is inspection and curettage of the cervical canal using a small-diameter curette.

After the biopsy

In the post-biopsy period, minor symptoms may be observed for 3–5 days. nagging pain in the lower abdomen, for 5–10 days - moderate bleeding. Some restrictions must be observed: abstain from sexual intercourse for 14 days, exclude physical activity, thermal procedures, douching and using tampons. A follow-up examination is carried out 2-4 weeks after the cervical biopsy.

Possible complications of a cervical biopsy (heavy spotting, bleeding from the genital tract, fever, unusual discharge and pain due to infection at the biopsy site) are quite rare.

When prescribing a radio wave biopsy of the cervix, a gynecologist does not always explain what it is and how the procedure is performed. A woman has to find information on her own, and this information is not always reliable.

So that the information received by word of mouth does not plunge you into panic and disorientation, we will analyze all the nuances of a biopsy using the radio wave method in great detail.

Why is this research needed?

Radio wave biopsy is a diagnostic procedure during which, using the Surgitron apparatus, a piece of tissue is cut out from the pathological area (in our case, the cervix), which is subsequently examined under a microscope. This can be either a pathologically changed area suspected of having cancerous or precancerous cells, or (in this case, the removed tissue will also be sent to histological examination).

The operation of the device is based on the impact electric shock. It, entering through the tip of the device to the tissues of the cervix, is converted into high-frequency radio waves, which instantly evaporate the connections between selected cells, but do not heat up the living tissue.

Since tissue heating does not occur, the intervention occurs painlessly and without the formation of scars. At the same time, radio waves, without carrying any harmful radiation, have such excellent properties, such as sealing of vessels that fed remote areas of tissue, and an antiseptic effect on the surgical field. That is, the biopsy is almost bloodless and without introducing additional infection to the cervix.

Thus, radio wave biopsy of the cervix with the Surgitron apparatus is one of best methods, allowing you to quickly and painlessly obtain a biopsy from the area between the vagina and the uterus itself.

When is the procedure scheduled?

The indications for radio wave biopsy are determined by the gynecologist during the procedure, which was done in in a planned manner, or based on the result of a smear. A study is prescribed if, when examining the cervix with a colposcope, changes are detected that require histological examination.

These could be:

  • areas that were not stained with Lugol's solution during colposcopy;
  • atypical cervical vessels identified by ultrasound with Doppler ultrasound performed vaginal sensor;
  • (changes in the structure and properties of the cells of the inner membrane lining the area between the vagina and the body of the uterus);
  • cervical polyps;
  • inflammation of the endocervix - the inner lining of the cervix;
  • Condylomas are growths on the cervix caused by the human papillomavirus.

In case of erosion, radio wave biopsy of the cervix is ​​prescribed to women who have not yet given birth. The biopsy specimen is examined under a microscope, which allows us to determine the most accurate diagnosis: in 90% of cases it is still erosion, but in the remaining 10% it may be chronic inflammation cervix (endocervicitis), metaplasia or dysplasia of the epithelium (precancerous degeneration of the cells of the inner lining).

Advantages of the radio wave method

Removal of a section from the cervix may be performed in various ways: surgeon’s scalpel, electric current, laser. Radio wave biopsy is a method that avoids the disadvantages of other methods.

Its advantages are the following:

  • Firstly, it does not burn the cervical tissue: upon contact with current, radio waves are formed, and they, destroying the connections between cells, form low-temperature steam. Therefore, after this manipulation there are no scars left - that is, you can subsequently give birth through natural ways and not worry that scar tissue will interfere with the passage of the baby through the birth canal.
  • Secondly, radio waves contribute to the sealing of vessels damaged during the removal of a piece of tissue. Therefore, if everything is in order with blood clotting, there will be no bleeding.
  • Thirdly, the technique (not circular) is painless: radio waves do not damage nerve receptors and do not contract the muscles of the cervix.
  • Fourthly, the emitted radio waves have antiseptic properties. Therefore, if the cervix was not infected at the time of the procedure, infection with other microorganisms will not occur during the biopsy.
  • Fifthly, radio waves are safe for the fetus, therefore, if indicated, a biopsy can be performed during pregnancy. In order not to provoke a miscarriage, the manipulation is performed only in the second half of pregnancy: if stimulation of the cervix causes labor, the child will be born viable. If the biopsy can be postponed until the postpartum period (if we're talking about not about cancer), the procedure can be performed after stopping postpartum discharge.
  • Sixth, radio wave method ensures rapid tissue healing after manipulation.
  • Seventhly, high diagnostic accuracy, which is explained by the fact that the tissues are not injured during the procedure.

Radio wave surgical device "Surgitron"


In order for the collection of cervical tissue samples performed with a radio knife to proceed without complications, you must first be examined:

  1. Take a Pap test - a special smear from the vagina that will show the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells. It is needed to determine the volume of the upcoming radio wave biopsy: if at least one of these cells is found (Papanicolaou class 3-4), not a targeted, but most likely a circular radio wave biopsy will be performed. With a Pap test grade 2, when there is evidence of inflammation in the cervix, it must be treated before any biopsy is performed. Often (if there are signs that the inflammation is bacterial), for this you will also need to take a smear for bacterial culture from the vagina - so that you can decide what antibiotics are needed for treatment.
  2. Submit a smear for bacteriological and PCR testing for human papilloma viruses, herpes, myco- and ureaplasma, chlamydia from the cervical canal. The results must show that the contents are sterile, otherwise the procedure will have to be rescheduled. This is important, otherwise a radio wave biopsy, like any other, can cause infection to spread to neighboring areas and even to the entire cervix.
  3. Ultrasound reproductive organs and regional lymph nodes - to determine their condition, as well as possible availability metastases.
  4. General blood test - to determine the level of inflammation, diagnose a decrease in hemoglobin or platelet levels. The latter situation requires correction before a radio wave biopsy is performed (few platelets - risk of bleeding).
  5. Coagulogram is a blood clotting test. If its indicators do not correspond to the norm, the manipulation is not carried out.
  6. Blood test for HIV and hepatitis.
  7. Colposcopy – mandatory research, without which radio wave excision is not carried out.

Immediately before the biopsy, you need to abstain from sex and douching for two days. Healing candles can only be administered if prescribed by the gynecologist who will perform the biopsy.

Before the manipulation, take a shower in the evening, and before going to the clinic, carry out the procedure intimate hygiene.

If a circumferential biopsy is performed, or psychological attitude women such that it is planned to undergo general anesthesia, epidural or spinal anesthesia, for three days before the manipulation it will be necessary to exclude gross, rich in fiber food, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. You do not need to drink for 4 hours before the procedure, and stop eating food 6-8 hours before.

How is the manipulation carried out?

Circular radio wave biopsy of the cervix

A radio wave biopsy is performed in the first 10-13 days of the menstrual period (that is, 10-13 days from the day when menstruation began) - when blood is no longer released from the vagina, but also inner shell The uterus and its cervix have not grown much.

A woman comes to the clinic, fills out the appropriate documents, then she is allocated a place (ward or room) where she can change clothes and leave her things. After this, she is taken to the operating room and placed on a gynecological chair or, when performing manipulations, under general anesthesia, on the couch. The same speculums that are used during examination are inserted into the vagina; the cervix is ​​treated with a spray (less often, several injections are made) with lidocaine. Next, under the control of a colposcope, the biopsy itself is performed, which lasts several minutes and strong painful sensations not accompanied. No stitches are required.

A radio wave circular biopsy of the cervix may be performed. Then, using an electrode emitting radio waves, not just the cervical area is cut out, where a formation was discovered that requires microscopic examination. This procedure involves cutting out a circle, in the center of which (or closer to the center) the cervical canal will be located.

A circular radio wave biopsy is justified when the formation either occupies a significant area, or is located inside or not far from the cervical canal, and at the same time, with its uneven edges or uneven coloring, signals danger. Therefore, the doctor must remove not only the formation itself, but also the healthy tissue around it, capturing at least 1/3 of the cervical canal.

Unlike targeted radio wave manipulation, circular manipulation is carried out in a hospital, under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. Recovery from this procedure takes longer.

After a cervical biopsy, a piece of tissue taken is analyzed


Radio wave biopsy is not performed in the following cases:

  • installed pacemaker;
  • increased bleeding;
  • early dates pregnancy;
  • microbial inflammation of the cervix.

The period after manipulation: what can be normal and what can be a complication?

A normal consequence of radiofrequency biopsy of the cervix is ​​pain in the lower abdomen pulling character, which occurs in the first 2-3 days after manipulation, and bleeding reminiscent of menstrual bleeding.

Bloody discharge After a radio wave biopsy, the cervix is ​​normally observed for up to 4 days. Afterwards, the secreted mucus has yellow, and can be observed on the gasket for about another week. After a circular biopsy, “periods” can last up to a week and a half, but they should only be thin and bloody for the first 5-7 days.

If blood is released for longer than 5 days, clots, scarlet blood or other discharge appears, if it worsens general condition, the temperature has risen or the pain above the pubis has become cramping in nature, urgently visit the gynecologist who operated on it.

After an outpatient (without a hospital) manipulation, the woman will either have to go to work immediately, or she will be given a sick leave certificate for 1-2 days. If a circular biopsy was performed using the Surgitron device, then sick leave is opened for the entire time you are in the hospital plus 3-4 days after it.

A repeat examination in a gynecological chair is performed 4-6 weeks after the procedure.

To minimize complications, certain conditions must be observed. This excludes lifting weights over 3 kg, visiting a sauna or swimming pool, or taking blood thinning medications for a month. You should not use tampons or douche until the discharge stops.

Sex life after a radio wave biopsy of the cervix, performed using the excisional method, can be started after 2-3 weeks. If the radioknife has removed a circular area involving the cervical canal, sexual intercourse can be resumed after 6 weeks or later.

Healing after radio wave biopsy depends on the method used to perform the manipulation. So, if only a piece of tissue was taken (excisional biopsy), complete epithelization (coating the wound with the top layer - epithelium) occurs in 3 weeks. For a circular biopsy, this period is indicated as 4-6 weeks.

Carefully! A lot of letters! If anyone is interested in how I came to live this way, you can poke me in. Or scroll down to Biopsy or even PROCESS.

(Review first. Understand and forgive, if anything happens)) Or better yet, advise how it should be done.)

Before going under the knife for surgery, I read a lot of reviews on the topic. The girls' impressions are very different. And most were operated on under painkillers. And this makes it very difficult to get reliable impressions, wouldn’t you agree? So, for the sake of truth, I went through it without pain relief!!! I hope my review will help you get an adequate idea of ​​the procedure.


Actually, today I went for an execution called radio wave coagulation of cervical erosion. I was determined that today everything connected with her - with erosion (which, as a diagnosis, does not even exist) - would finally end. But that was not the case!

The smart plant horseradish knows how many years it bloomed on my neck, only until March 2017 not a single gynecologist noticed it on me. Why? Was she hiding? And you decided to open up to the world in the person of your local gynecologist during pregnancy registration? Be that as it may, they called her tiny and decided not to touch her until the birth. Like, let it bloom, let it bloom, and suddenly it will resolve spontaneously. (Well, well)

On scheduled inspection after giving birth, my “rosebud” winked and sent blowing kisses gynecologist. I miss you. We haven't seen each other for a year.

They took a smear for oncocytology. (Normal.) It was decided to get to know each other better through a colposcope.

And with the song “It’s fun to walk together...” I went for a colposcopy.

Colposcopy. In colors)) And spotlights.

It was terrible, it was terrible! I read reviews about the hellish pain during the examination, I took a lot of painkillers... And this is bad! A regular inspection on mirrors only with special effects))) With lighting (very warm, even too hot, it was really hot), through a “microscope” and with coloring. They sprayed it with something, smeared it with something... and my tiny little erosion bloomed wildly in those places where, without special effects, there was “naturally healthy epithelium.” “Shtosh, I’ll ask you a few intimate questions, not out of idle curiosity, but for purely professional purposes,” said the head sticking out between my legs, “when did you start having sex? Just don’t lie, it’s in your own interests!” (Yes, yes, would you try to lie to a person who is poking around your vagina during interrogation? This is worse motivation than an oath!) At 17, I say. Auntie chuckles. You can see in his eyes that he doesn’t believe a single word.

Have you changed sexual partners?

Ummm... When? (I frantically remember when last time changed. It's been a while.)

- (Why do you need this information? Just the morality police!) Actually, yes, I did change it.

(Well, yes, everything is clear with me. I’ve had a good time, that means. And take out of me everything that you put in me!)

Now I will explain. (And I will listen. Fortunately, I’m no longer wearing a raskoryak and dressed.) /draws a circle with a tilde (~) in the center and a hash mark (#) on top of it. And three centers of erosion: 1 above the tilde and two below, like a triangle./ This is your erosion. Without testing for STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and HPV (human papillomavirus), I can’t say anything more.

(She explained it, she explained it like that! Everything became clearer.) I immediately drag myself with the piece of paper to the gynecologist for, I hope, more intelligible comments.

Well, it turns out that the “pink bud” is not a bud, but a full-fledged flower “in its very juice”, which has been blooming for a long time and is not going to fade. And we need to get acquainted with our closest relatives, since we have such a long-term relationship - to identify HPV of oncogenic types. (The most extensive analysis for the detection of HPV of all varieties and colors)

Familiar (painfully) gynecological office. There are so many lines as a result of the analysis. And not a single “next of relative” has been identified. During my pregnancy, I took all kinds of tests for STDs, other infections, and flora - there are no “saboteurs” in my body and never were. I don’t even know what thrush is. In a word, I am almost sterile! And erosion is what it is. Gynecology only shrugged its shoulders, suggesting the so-called. "true erosion". This is when mechanical injury inflamed. Only this is not a diagnosis, but guesswork... There is nothing to do, we need to treat. (It’s not known why, really. But we will treat it!) They took a smear and sent me to donate blood.

And then go for a repeat colposcopy to track the dynamics of improvements.


Panavir intimate spray 2 times a day, 2 sprays. In the evening in an hour Metromicon neo 1 candle 1 time per day x 14 days. After Genferon - 10 days.

Well, I think it's cool! But I read that... or rather, THAT Metromicon is used to treat:

Vaginal candidiasis;

Trichomonas vaginitis and vulvovaginitis;

Bacterial vaginosis;

Mixed vaginal infection.

It’s not that I’m somehow biased towards genital infections and their treatment... I’m just for expediency. But I don’t have any of the above. Curtain. But who am I (an architect) to argue with a specialist? Got treatment.

And again that same familiar office... And, out of the blue, a statement from the gynecologist:

Plans change, let's burn it right away!

(Wait! Why do I need all these candles..?) Yes, yes, sanitation. (But one could have said right away...)

And at the same time we will perform a biopsy. (Great, I think, I’ll get through it in one go!)

Cauterization. Biopsy. Preparation.

For the procedure you need:

Total bikini (you can just shave);




Copies of passport, honey. policy, pension.

I had my last dinner (this item is optional)))). Dinner. Not the last. Hope.)

Today at 15:00 I arrived at the appointed office, sat down by the door, sipped some coffee, chattered my teeth...

They called. The paperwork, signing the consent to intervene, preparing the apparatus, going to the toilet, and attempting to escape delayed the moment by 20 minutes. During the process, it turned out that it was not a fact that cauterization would take place. It will depend on the “scale of the disaster.” Uh.... And the doctor told me that cauterization.... (They fooled me again) At 15:22 I stood in front of the door to the “operating room”, stripped to the waist. From below. (You never know who presented what.) At 15:38 I left the consultation and went outside.

That is, 16 minutes. Five of which I wore socks))). It took two minutes to climb onto the chair, three minutes (and three cotton wool) were spent pushing in the mirrors, treating the “material” with a disinfectant, a reagent (They said it would sting. It didn’t sting) and again with a disinfectant. Apparently, erosion did not like the reagent. The surgeon said, “Oh, how white she turned!” At this point I became curious: is the “hero of the occasion” great? Which I didn’t fail to ask. Great, he says. All over the neck. (The whole neck, Karl! My tiny erosion! My three dots in a triangle! I’m embarrassed to ask, what did you look at before?) And the neck, for a second, is about 4.5 by 3.5 cm. So, I ask, we’ll cauterize ? We won’t, we’ll take three fragments for a biopsy. There you will see what to do. Don't conize him. You still have to give birth... We spent another 4 minutes talking.

And, in fact, myself PROCESS.

I am lying on a regular gynecological examination chair, under my back there is a plate - an electrode in a case. (Cold) To my left, at waist level, stands an assistant, ready to hold me and help the surgeon in her difficult task. Where it should be - the surgeon and the dilator (there is also a rubber tube - an exhaust hood). There is no colposcope anywhere. (How does she see anything there at all? Or am I not seeing it?) The manipulator of the coagulator (ultrasonic knife) looks like a pencil with a two-pronged fork (in Y shape) instead of a lead. The surgeon inserts it into the vagina and warns, “now it will be unpleasant, the main thing is not to twitch.” I expect unimaginable pain and I also warn you. “Yes, I am flint! But I’m afraid of pain and I’ll scream.” No, I didn't yell. And she didn’t twitch. I listened to my feelings. It's tolerable. For those who have given birth, the analogue of sensations is like a contraction of average intensity. This is not one of the first, but about 2 centimeters. It just doesn’t feel as piercing. It's kind of deaf. Like sound through water. For those who have not given birth, you have probably kicked something with your little finger at least once. It's very similar. If it’s not very strong and you don’t cut the skin. And, again, not so obvious. This is not sharp pain, and dull on the verge of sharp. Only the little finger hurts, pulsatingly, in waves, but here there is only one “surge”. It begins with a feeling of warmth and tingling, then it gets warmer, warmer and turns into a simultaneously squeezing, bursting and tingling wave, spreading like a cone from the place of pain up and deep into the uterus. In the case of a finger, along the foot. The further from the top of the cone, the weaker it is felt. If you imagine the intensity of pain in color, where red is intense pain, and yellow is not pain, then the top of the cone is red, the base is yellow and between them there is a stretch from red through orange and to yellow. This imaginary cone feels about 7 centimeters high. And all this is not felt by the foot, but by the very depths of the “soul”. The top of the cone is approximately in the middle of the imaginary line between the tailbone and the navel. The base faces the buds. And 10 centimeters in diameter. Lasts 3 seconds, well, maybe 5, it seems, of course, longer. (It’s like standing in a queue. Unpleasant seconds seem like minutes.) Even a bruised finger hurts for 15 seconds. And here it’s only 3. It releases exactly at the moment when the impact stops. Another analogy, though not of the level of pain, but of its nature: you squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, say, your hand at the wrist, increasing the compression force (just don’t overdo it, you never know, you have very strong fingers), and then suddenly release. This is how it grows dull ache, only harder than you can squeeze your hand. I repeat once again, this is not an acute pain. Quite tolerable. If you relax, don’t twitch or tense, you can easily survive it. It’s reasonable to note that it’s easy for me to talk after... Only I didn’t panic during it, didn’t tense up, but quietly waited for the hellish pain and did NOT wait. I've read reviews about radio wave coagulation. And they were so different in terms of stories about sensations that, for the sake of the purity of the experiment, I didn’t even take painkillers)) To know for sure what it felt like. And I don’t like to feel pain from words at all. But, for the sake of reviewing the procedure, I decided to try everything out for myself. If you go with anesthesia, I don’t know what you will feel exactly, but it will probably be easier than for me)))

And, to consolidate (repetition, motherfucker, teaching))), you need to relax. This is more than tolerable. Poking your finger while donating blood is more painful. It just takes a little longer. But it’s not as exhausting as contractions))) And not even as exhausting as a finger. Accept that you will be hurt, and you WILL have to endure it. Well, really, why flutter around, since it’s inevitable? Yes, it’s scary because it’s unknown. I tried to describe it to you as best as possible. So you know what you're getting into. Wait for the pain in a relaxed manner and then be surprised that it almost didn’t happen)))

The assistant aunt diligently blocked the picture of the crime with her body, but I managed to see this supposedly tiny piece of flesh - a tissue sample for a biopsy. It was slightly larger than a penny! And three times thicker than a plate of sun-burnt skin. That is, this is a tangible loss! (They’ll pinch off a little, ah-ha.) There is, of course, a possibility that I was deceived here too, they cut off the erosion, and they said it was just a biopsy. After everything they told me before (for good, yes), I wouldn’t be surprised at all. Meanwhile, I once again felt how I kicked the corner of the chest of drawers with my cervix... I didn’t see the second piece, but judging by the slightly longer manipulation, the fragment was larger.

Maybe we shouldn't cut off the third piece? - I ask.

We will somehow decide this ourselves, without you. Uh, it's bleeding. The vessel was hit. - no longer paying attention to my protests, the surgeon, communicating with the assistant, treated the affected area with something. I have no idea what exactly it was. Probably cotton wool soaked in something. It wasn't felt at all.

The third approach to my vagina by the manipulator was justified by “sealing” the bleeding vessel. The tip was changed from a “fork” to a ball the size of a pinhead. And again I felt almost nothing.

Well, that's it. It remains to be processed. (Puts in another piece of cotton wool, takes it out, examines it) And we’ll take the third piece after the results of the biopsy, if necessary. (Takes out the expander)

All manipulations with the cauterizer, boltology and processing took another 3-4 minutes.

The assistant asks if everything is okay with me, if I’m dizzy, if I’m going to faint? For the sake of order, he’s interested, it’s clear that I’m not going to. He asks if I can get up. Naturally I can! He instructs, lower your legs first, and I’m already standing on the floor. In socks. He offers to help me get there, but I’ve already teleported to my things. And in general, everything is fine with me exactly from the moment the dilator was removed from me.

The surgeon gives c. u. for the time before menstruation:

Do not put foreign objects into the affected area: tampons, syringes, penis;

Do not take a bath inside, only shower seriously;

Do not lift weights more than 5 kg (a nine-kilogram child is not considered heavy and I am not entitled to sick leave);

See a gynecologist after 3 weeks, regardless of your cycle. Find out the results of the biopsy, get the following c. u. and diagram further treatment, and find out for sure whether a biopsy was performed or all the erosion was removed.

Feelings after.

Eight hours after cutting out pieces of epithelium from me, I do not feel (and have not felt) any pain, discomfort or malaise.

After 3 hours, a droplet of potassium permanganate colored liquid leaked out of me.

And that's all for now.

With a feeling of accomplishment, I go to bed. It's late.

I hope my experience will save at least one nerve cell at least one innocent girl doomed to be biopsied with an electromagnetic knife.

I’ll definitely write what happened (and for me now, what will) further. I'm waiting and worried.

In another 8 hours.

I found a miniature puddle of transparent yellowish mucus on my pantyliner with dark inclusions - grains the color of old potassium permanganate. The photos are not for squeamish readers (sorry if you are disgusted). But I would be interested. Therefore, I’m posting it for people like me)))

Second day

The morning greeted me with a small puddle of a gentle ocher hue on my daily planner. Already without grains, but with a barely noticeable smell of scorch. After changing the pad (every day), the puddles appeared again, but without any foreign smell. The amount of these secretions did not exceed a teaspoon in half a day. In the evening, a pulling sensation appeared in the lower abdomen. More than tolerable. Even ignored ones.

For the faint of heart, please refrain from opening

Third day

When I woke up, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to jump today. A heavy ball “settled” in the lower abdomen, which, as if rolling, pressed intensely, now on the left, now on the right, now in the center, and tingled from time to time. Sometimes a shooting sensation was added to the bursting sensation. (Probably when wound surface As a result of an awkward movement, the cervix came into contact with the walls of the vagina.) By lunchtime this chaos was over. Then it only grew worse and occasionally a pulsating distension was felt. This is all also tolerable and causes discomfort, nothing more.