Gynecological office in a sanatorium. Sanatorium treatment for infertility

Before going to the sanatorium, you need to get a referral from a gynecologist. You will also need the therapist's conclusions about the patient's general condition and health problems not directly related to gynecology. The gynecologist must indicate the characteristics of the disease - its stage and form. Thanks to this, the sanatorium for gynecological diseases will be able to provide you with the desired assistance.

Before the trip, you will have to take tests and undergo all the necessary examinations:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • general urinalysis;
  • tests to determine hormonal levels;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • fluorography;
  • gynecological smears;
  • colposcopy to assess the condition of the cervix.

When wondering where to treat gynecological diseases, you need to understand that modern sanatoriums are equipped with new equipment created on the basis of the latest scientific discoveries. You need to choose the place that the gynecologist will suggest to you after listening to your wishes.

Below is the list chronic pathologies, at which it will be effective spa treatment. Important point— diseases must be monitored by a specialist and be in remission!

So here's the basic list:

  • parametritis and pelvic cellulitis.

In addition to these diseases, the procedures will be useful for menstrual irregularities, genital infantilism, infertility, and menopause.

Sanatoriums with treatment gynecological diseases We do not accept patients who may have the following pathological conditions:

  • neoplasms of both benign and malignant nature;
  • abortion and recovery period after it, until menstruation begins;
  • postoperative period due to tumor removal;
  • the presence of cervical erosion of unknown etiology;
  • diseases that require surgical intervention;
  • fistulous lesions of the vagina or intestines.


The main treatment methods are climatotherapy, mud therapy, and balneotherapy.

If estrogen levels drop, balneotherapy is indicated - treatment using mineral water from natural sources. This includes sulfate, sulfide and chloride waters. In addition, mud therapy helps to increase estrogens - warm baths or applications of healing mud, which includes sediments from reservoirs, peat bogs and other formations found in nature.

The mud is plastic and homogeneous, it is applied like an ointment. Thanks to mineral and organic matter its benefits to the body are priceless. If the amount of estrogen is too high, balneotherapy with waters rich in iodine, bromine and radon is used.

Sanatoriums with the treatment of gynecological diseases are always ready to offer wide range physiotherapy methods. Now let's take a closer look at each method.


Climatotherapy is a set of techniques based on the use of the climatic conditions of the selected area. Treatment of gynecological diseases in sanatoriums implies a change in climate, because most resorts are located in ecologically clean and green areas of the planet.

Climatotherapy is very effective if there are disturbances in work endocrine system. It is important to note that when high level estrogen, a woman should avoid direct contact with the skin sun rays long time. It is better to choose sanatoriums that treat gynecological diseases that are located in the middle zone. In case of inflammatory processes, resort healing takes place in the warm season.


The peloidotherapy method is based on procedures using mud in the form of applications or tampons. There is an even more complex option - galvanic mud, which combines the action of dirt and electric current, as well as diathermoinductive mud.

We have already mentioned how mud is beneficial for a woman’s body, so let’s add one more thing: important property. Mud contains substances whose action is similar to that of hormones, and they can also cope with bacterial infections. Having an effect both locally and on the entire body as a whole, mud is considered a powerful biogenic stimulant.

Treatment of gynecological diseases in sanatoriums specializing in mud therapy is most effective for inflammatory processes of the ovaries and uterus, as well as for adhesive problems and diagnosed infertility.

Mud will help:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • soothe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • eliminate adhesions;
  • smooth out scar tissue;
  • get rid of fibrous elements in the inflamed area.

If peloid therapy is indicated for you, then choose the sanatoriums of Khmelnik in the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine, Belokurikha in the Altai region of Russia, Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol region of Russia, Stary Russ in the Novogrod region of Russia.

Sanatorium for gynecological diseases - best place to combat infertility. After passing all necessary procedures a woman gets rid of ailments that prevented her from realizing her most cherished dream - to become a mother.


Balneotherapy is the fight against various diseases with the help healing power mineral waters from natural sources. The method has been tested for decades. It is practiced in the cities of Pyatigorsk, Khmelnik, Belokurikha, which we have already mentioned in the context of mud therapy. You will also be offered hydrotherapy in the Russian southern resort Anapa, in the famous village of Ust-Kachka, located in the Perm region of Russia.

Baths with iodine bromide water help relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process. This reduces the risk of bleeding and restores ovarian function. Considering that bromine and iodine have a beneficial effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, waters containing them help with menopause.

Treatment of gynecological diseases in sanatoriums where radon irrigation or baths are practiced will allow you to improve your health with polycystic ovarian changes, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, during menopause, and also if you cannot conceive a child due to impaired functioning of the endocrine system or due to pathology of the fallopian tubes.

Radon-based thermal baths normalize ovarian function at the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Radon water also inhibits the production of excess estrogen, relieves inflammation and strengthens the immune system.

Sulfide water therapy helps regulate the menstrual cycle, improve blood circulation, and normalize metabolism. This water is effective for pain And various kinds inflammation. With its help, you will increase the level of estrogen, get rid of endocrine pathologies and infertility.


The sanatorium for gynecological diseases, as already mentioned, always offers patients physiotherapy.

Magnesium-iodine electrophoresis will help with endometriosis. From severe pain used during menstruation pulse therapy with the participation of current different frequencies from 50 to 100 Hz and in different feed modes. It's called diadynamic therapy. There is also galvanization, when the body is exposed to direct current. Of course, for relaxation and maintenance good mood You will be offered baths with aromatic oils.

When going to the sanatorium, you must take with you a referral from your attending physician and a compulsory health insurance policy. If you are taking medications, you must not forget them either. Before booking a trip, discuss with your doctor which sanatoriums for the treatment of gynecological diseases are suitable for you, based on your diseases and preferences.

After a course of treatment in a completely different climatic zone you will receive a double benefit: you will get rid of the disease, and also recover psycho-emotionally.

The gynecological office is equipped with modern equipment. The examination is carried out on a modern gynecological chair, which has additional devices for changing body position in three directions. This device is convenient for patients who have heavy weight, short stature, arthrosis - arthritis of the knees and hip joints, as well as for additional diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

The office has a colposcope, which allows examination of the external genitalia and cervix under magnification, and a special cabinet that ensures heating of gynecological instruments to a temperature of 37°C.

A portable liquid nitrogen cryodestructor is used for treatment genital warts, papillomas, cervical lesions and other pathologies.
The following treatments are provided at the Podmoskovye sanatorium:

  • Chronic inflammatory diseases uterus, appendages, pelvic peritoneum and tissue,
  • Postoperative adhesions in the pelvis,
  • Infertility,
  • Genital infantilism,
  • Menstrual dysfunction (with the exception of organic nature),
  • climacteric syndrome,
  • Urogenital disorders of the postmenopausal period and other pathologies.

The maximum effectiveness of sanatorium-resort therapy in gynecology is observed when the duration of the pathological process is short. Timely treatment allows you to achieve the greatest effect, and also prevents the development of chronic diseases in the future.

Before prescribing treatment, a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination is carried out.
Gynecological examination includes:

  • Gynecological examination
  • Examination of the mammary glands,
  • Colposcopy,
  • Examination of smears for flora,
  • Cytological examination of the cervix for oncopathology,
  • Blood test for tumor markers,
  • Determination of hormone levels,
  • If necessary, aspirate (pipel) from the uterine cavity for cytology,
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs and mammary glands.

The resort gives preference non-drug methods treatments: hardware physiotherapy, balneotherapy, laser therapy, mud therapy, Transair (electrosleep), massage, exercise therapy, psychotherapy, etc.

Directly in the gynecological office you can get next treatment: cryotherapy (freezing liquid nitrogen) erosion of the cervix and vaginal condylomas, as well as external genitalia; vaginal baths and tampons with medications; mud tampons, including in combination with physiotherapy; insertion and removal intrauterine devices etc.

Gynecologist, knowledgeable hormonal pathology, will make a correction hormonal disorders, will pick up hormonal contraception, will prescribe hormone replacement therapy (systemic or local) for the treatment of menopausal syndrome and urogenital disorders.

Good results have been achieved in the treatment of hormonal infertility caused by hyperprolactinemia (non-tumor nature), hyperandrogenemia, metabolic disorders, including stimulation of ovulation with clostilbegide. For effective use While in the sanatorium, it is advisable to have with you the results of a hormonal examination conducted at your place of residence.

The gynecologist's office is located in the Lux building.

If necessary, observation and treatment by a gynecologist at the Podmoskovye sanatorium can be continued on an outpatient basis.

Obstetric and gynecological care is one of the areas of work of the Podmoskovye sanatorium. The appointment is conducted by a doctor obstetrician-gynecologist highest category with more than 30 years of experience in the specialty - Valentina Vladimirovna Obukhova. She has repeatedly completed specialization courses in gynecological endocrinology. For 12 years he has been a member of the Association of Gynecologists-Endocrinologists.

Diseases of the female reproductive system form quite big list. Poor nutrition, nervous disorders, emotional background, stress - all this significantly affects the health of the fair half of humanity. In the treatment of such an important profile, not only doctors can help, but also sanatorium-resort recovery, where they offer not only healing from ailments, but also a set of preventive programs useful for women's health.

Gynecological sanatoriums in the Moscow region provide a different range of procedures, selected individually for each patient according to medical indications, general condition health, age, presence of hormonal disorders, etc.

Treatment methods used in gynecological sanatoriums

  • climatotherapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • balneotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • hydrotherapy;

Mud therapy has become particularly popular among medical procedures. It is the mud, saturated useful substances, minerals and trace elements, penetrate deeply into the body, thereby helping to cope with various ailments.

In addition, each health resort offers comfortable accommodation, balanced healthy nutrition, health course necessary procedures and the care of the staff. All sanatorium institutions located in ecologically clean, picturesque corners, which allows you to combine treatment with walks and relaxation in the fresh air.

Indications for treatment in gynecological sanatoriums

  • infertility;
  • uterine diseases, fallopian tubes, ovaries;
  • underdevelopment of the genital organs;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • incorrect position of the uterus;
  • uterine hypoplasia;
  • menopausal syndrome;
  • violations menstrual cycle;
  • frigidity;
  • menopause;
  • miscarriage;
  • colpitis;
  • metroendometritis;
  • cystitis.

There are a number of contraindications for traveling to gynecological sanatoriums:

  • malignant tumors, polyps, cysts;
  • bleeding;
  • consequences of tumor removal operations;
  • cervical erosion;
  • post-abortion period;
  • mastopathy;
  • endometriosis;
  • fibroids, uterine fibroids;
  • fistulas

Vouchers from a proven and reliable health resort center

Our experts put main goal of our work is not just to sell a trip to the client, but to offer him an option taking into account his medical indications. We have in our state qualified specialist, which will help you find a health resort to treat your specific disease. We personally check all the options presented in the catalog, inspect medical base, we test the procedures on ourselves, and, what is important, the photographs presented on our website correspond to reality. Consultation medical specialist by choosing a health resort or rehabilitation center absolutely free.

We offer affordable tours to gynecological sanatoriums in the Moscow region, which is confirmed by reviews from our satisfied clients.

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  • Gynecological rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums

    A woman facing problems with her reproductive system is ready to go to great lengths to restore her health. This especially applies to situations where, due to complications that have arisen, it is not possible to create a child. Fortunately, these days it is not difficult to find a specialized sanatorium or rehabilitation center in which the treatment of female diseases is one of the main profiles.

    We will help you choose from a huge list of them the most suitable one in each specific case. Women's sanatoriums differ not only in their location and pricing policy, but also the methods of therapy used, which is important when choosing a health resort.

    Characteristics of pathologies of the reproductive system

    If most ailments occur, it makes sense to go to a sanatorium to diagnose and eliminate them. Women's diseases that can be cured there are conditionally divided into three groups:

    • Infectious;
    • Hormonal;
    • Oncological.

    Depending on the detected illness, the attending physician may identify a number of contraindications that may make it unacceptable to visit a particular sanatorium. Treatment of female diseases, especially those related to oncology, requires detailed diagnostics.

    When turning to specialists for help in choosing a health resort, the patient must collect and provide a comprehensive set of documents and opinions. Nowadays, every woman should have a personal gynecologist. They begin to choose a sanatorium or boarding house based on his recommendations, and then look for the most suitable one from the proposed options.

    What methods do sanatoriums use to treat female infertility?

    Regular general health improvement is necessary for every person; for this it is recommended to go to a sanatorium. Female infertility - one of the main fears of the fair half of humanity - arises from various reasons, and therefore its treatment involves comprehensive restoration health.

    There are several main areas of medical procedures:

    • Balneotherapy using various baths;
    • Mud therapy;
    • Physiotherapy.

    Going to eliminate in a sanatorium women's diseases, the patient can receive a referral for other restorative procedures. Don't forget the benefits dietary nutrition, moderate physical activity and climatotherapy. If possible, you should choose the best sanatorium in the region. Women's health has no price, because the continuation of the family depends on it.

    In our age of unfavorable ecology, girls begin to face gynecological problems from an early age. Polycystic disease, adhesions, erosion - unfortunately, they have become frequent companions of the fair half of humanity. We offer effective treatment infertility in the sanatorium "Yurmino" Saki, Crimea.

    Ignoring even the most harmless gynecological diagnoses can lead to very serious consequences. The presence of erosion, for example, often causes miscarriages or premature birth. In some cases, it can lead to infertility or even cancer. Almost the same consequences are typical for polycystic ovary syndrome.

    The danger of gynecological diseases is that they often do not manifest themselves externally. An attentive woman can notice the presence of problems in this area by rare, scanty or painful menstruation, as well as by their complete absence. Pain in the pelvic area and unexpected spotting, including after sexual intercourse.

    None of these symptoms can indicate a specific disease - rather, it is a signal about an upcoming visit to the gynecologist. An experienced doctor, having diagnosed polycystic disease, cervical erosion, infertility or another gynecological disease, will most likely prescribe complex therapy that combines drug treatment With preventive measures. Exactly integrated approach gives best results in the treatment of female ailments, and also avoids surgical intervention.

    Sanatoriums for gynecology in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, that is, sanatoriums treating gynecological diseases and infertility in women.

    • infertility due to chronic inflammatory processes uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, appendages, vagina (perisalpingitis, chronic salpingo-oophoritis, colpitis, metroendometritis, perimetritis)
    • hormonal infertility
    • menstrual dysfunction
    • underdevelopment of the genital organs
    • ovarian hypofunction
    • adhesions in the pelvis
    • deviation of the uterus

    Indications for treatment in sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk.

    • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area
    • Uterine fibroids
    • Endometriosis
    • Adhesive disease of the pelvis
    • Fibrocystic mastopathy
    • Menstrual irregularities
    • Infertility
    • Rehabilitation after gynecological operations

    Sanatorium-resort treatment helps restore the hormonal levels of women with both hypo and hyperestrogenism (low and increased production female sex hormones) due to the fact that doctors have radon water in their arsenal, which reduces the production of hormones, as well as therapeutic mud and sulfide thermal water, which increase the production of hormones.

    Female infertility can be caused by many factors, such as cycle disorders and chronic ovarian disease. To fully find out the cause, the woman is examined for a whole month. If the diagnosis is very serious, then not one treatment method, but several may be used. Endometriosis, a serious disease of the female genital area, is successfully treated with natural radon waters in the sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk. Infertility caused by endometriosis is diagnosed in approximately 30% of women suffering from this disease.

    The mechanism of the effect of endometriosis on infertility is not completely clear, however, it can be stated that areas of endometriosis in the tubes and ovaries prevent normal ovulation and the movement of the egg. Endometriosis can be treated in sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk. Treatment in a sanatorium helps you forget about it for many years.

    Treatment of endometriosis includes a whole range of procedures - gynecological radon irrigation, gynecological massage, mud treatment with tampons, various electrical procedures. All this together gives good result and the woman has a long-awaited pregnancy. Sanatoriums for women, helping to solve many women's health issues, are located in the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Our table helps you choose a sanatorium for women.

    Infertility sanatoriums are popularly called sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk for their successful treatment woman's reproductive organs. Menstrual dysfunction, menopausal syndrome, cervical erosion, all these gynecological diseases are successfully treated in the sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk. Disorders of the male reproductive system are dealt with very successfully in the sanatorium “Rodnik and in the sanatorium” and “Pyatigorsk Narzan” after a sanatorium-resort complex of procedures

    sanatoriums Healing Narzan in Kislovodsk, sanatorium 30 years of Victory in Zheleznovodsk.

    Diseases of the genitourinary system and female infertility are treated at the Rodnik sanatorium in Pyatigorsk and treated with radon irrigation.

    • Diseases of the female and male genital area (salpingitis, oophoritis, prostatitis, endo (myo-) metritis, parametritis, vaginitis, vulvitis, uterine fibroids, uterine hypoplasia, endometriosis, infantilism, ovarian dysfunction, menstrual dysfunction, menopausal syndrome, cervical erosion) .
    • Chronic pelvic plexitis, pelvic peritoneal adhesions, abnormal position of the uterus; infertility - male and female.
    • Chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, neuromuscular dysfunction of the bladder.

    Treatment and health program


    The “Women's Health” program No. 1 was developed with the aim of treating chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area and restoring impaired reproductive functions.

    Program director: Ulyanova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, gynecologist of the highest qualification category.

    Infertility treatment in a sanatorium:

    • drinking mineral water;
    • diet therapy;
    • mineral baths;
    • mud therapy with mud tampons;
    • Expected effect: decrease or disappearance clinical manifestations illness, improvement of general well-being.

    Diagnostics is carried out using modern ultrasound scanner ALOKA ProSonno AIpbo6 Premier allows you to work in 3D format. The “Androgin” device and the “Magnetoturbotron – Eol Lux” device for general magnetic therapy are used for treatment.

    Sanatorium "Victoria" Essentuki also offers infertility treatment by drinking mineral water; diet therapy; mineral baths; mud therapy with mud tampons; gynecological massage; gynecological irrigations; physiotherapy (if mud therapy is contraindicated); laser therapy; exercise therapy; health path;

    ​Sanatorium "Moscow" Kislovodsk

      Gynecological diseases: - gynecological sanatorium. Provides treatment;

      – chronic salpingitis, sophoritis, infertility, endometritis, parametritis, pelvic commissures of the peritoneum, ovarian dysfunction, infertility resulting from inflammatory diseases, menopausal syndrome.

    Gynecological sanatorium. Provides treatment;

    Gynecological diseases

    • Sanatorium "Krugozor" Kislovodsk. gynecological sanatorium. provides treatment

    • Inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system

      Treatment: gynecological narzan irrigation, vaginal mud tampons and ozonated olive oil: consultation with a gynecologist,

      Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, ELISA diagnostics of STDs, smear for cytology.

      Specialized program “Women’s health”

    Attention!!! The effectiveness of spa treatment of gynecological diseases depends on the right choice resort. When choosing a resort for the treatment of gynecological and extragenital diseases, women should be guided by research data on background hormonal activity. Many Russian and foreign resorts and sanatoriums indicate the profile: “Treatment of gynecological diseases” without mentioning hormonal background Therefore, when choosing a health and wellness tour without consulting a doctor, carefully look at the information about the natural healing factors of the resort.

    With unchanged ovarian function and in the presence of hypoestrogenism (reduced estrogen content), mud and balneotherapeutic resorts with sodium chloride waters, sulfide, sulfate waters are indicated. For gynecological diseases accompanied by hyperestrogenia (increased estrogen content), as well as a combination of extragenital diseases with uterine fibroids, endometriosis, fibrocystic mastopathy, not currently required surgical treatment, the choice is always limited to resorts with radon and iodine-bromine waters.

    If these diseases are present, resorts with therapeutic mud and sulfide waters are contraindicated, including for treatment concomitant diseases peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, skin diseases. Sanatoriums for women are sanatoriums with radon irrigation and other procedures.

    Mud treatment for infertility in a sanatorium

    Sanatoriums for the treatment of infertility have long used mud therapy in gynecology as part of complex therapy. It has been proven that healing mud has positive influence in the treatment and prevention of female diseases. Sanatoriums of Crimea since the times Soviet Union successfully practice the treatment of infertility and other gynecological diseases.

    One of the most powerful healing muds today is Saki mud. They include unique set elements and minerals (iodine, copper, selenium), which has a beneficial effect on women's well-being. Sanatoriums for the treatment of infertility in Saki offer a variety of methods in the field of gynecology based on healing mud.

    The most important thing is that the result is not temporary, but permanent, and the effect of the sessions is cumulative. As a result, at the end of the course you will really notice positive changes, but the full effect of using the mud will become visible in 2-4 months. If your goal is effective infertility treatment, come to Saki!

    Infertility treatment at the Yurmino sanatorium has become the hallmark of the institution. Treatment of infertility and other gynecological diseases in our sanatorium is carried out using a complex of therapeutic, preventive and diagnostic measures, such as:

    • gynecologist examination
    • laboratory diagnostics
    • express methods for detecting TORCH infections
    • mud treatment (applications in the form of “mud panties” or “mud trousers”)
    • vaginal irrigations and vaginal mud tampons with medicines
    • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultrasound, magnetic therapy, SMT therapy, Androgin)
    • medicinal baths
    • cleansing enema (before using rectal tampons) - as prescribed
    • sigmoidoscopy
    • hydropathy (healing showers)
    • hydroturbation with medications, vaginal magnetic therapy, paracervical blockades

    The optimal course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.

    • Cervical polyps
    • Bleeding erosions
    • Endometriosis
    • Uterine bleeding
    • Fibroids, ovarian cyst (non-inflammatory origin)
    • Polycystic
    • General contraindications for mud balneotherapy.

    In our sanatorium you can spend complex treatment inflammatory tumors uterine appendages (hydrosalpinxes, cysts), uncomplicated erosions.

    Our doctors pursue three main goals when treating infertility in the sanatorium:

    • Activation of immune and hormonal status;
    • Stimulation of blood circulation in genitourinary system to eliminate inflammatory and adhesive processes in the genitals and abdominal organs;
    • Restoring the quality of the menstrual cycle, and, as a result, restoring reproductive function.

    Infertility treatment in Crimea at the Yurmino sanatorium is a truly effective method of combating infertility, polycystic disease, erosion and other “female” diseases!

    Our services are often searched for: Sanatoriums Saki gynecology, Sanatorium infertility treatment, Saki infertility treatment, Female infertility treatment.

    Infertility treatment in Saki is based on the use of mud healing techniques. Therapeutic mud is used in the form of applications and intracavitary tampons, and the healing itself is carried out on the basis of mud baths and hydropathics. In the treatment of infertility in Crimea, silt deposits are actively used, which are brought to a certain temperature.

    As mentioned above, dirt can be used in various ways. In the city of Saki, treatment of infertility and other gynecological diseases is most often associated with the use of the mud “panties” procedure, where heated mud is applied to bottom part abdomen, hips and lower back. The duration of this procedure is 15-20 minutes, the temperature of the mud is from 37 to 46°.

    At the end of the procedure, the patient is washed in the shower, after which a rest of at least half an hour is necessary. The procedure is usually performed every other day, the total number of procedures is from 10 to 15. An auxiliary agent in treatment female infertility are brine baths, and brine also serves for washing after a mud procedure.

    Treatment with baths alternates with mud treatments. In Saki, infertility treatment can be done at any time of the year and, if in summer, it can be combined with beach holiday, then in the off-season with excursion trips and historical tourism. Sanatoriums for the treatment of infertility in Saki are the calling card of not only the resort itself, but also the entire peninsula.

    Treatment of infertility with mud depends on the patient’s age, severity of the disease and concomitant diseases, and the course of procedures is prescribed individually. In the treatment of infertility in women, galvanic mud is widely used; the doctor can prescribe up to 15 manipulations. All therapy is carried out every other day, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on subsequent relaxation and rest.

    Treatment of male infertility is carried out using a similar technique. Today, mud therapy in gynecology is considered quite effective and is very popular. Many undergo healing at home using packaged Saki mud. And yet, experts recommend undergoing infertility treatment in sanatoriums, where recovery takes place under the close supervision of medical personnel.

    Besides, gynecological treatment It is advisable to supplement mud with other restorative procedures. To achieve positive result all means are good: a calm environment heals nerves and relieves tension (after all, neuroses and stress can be the causes of gynecological diseases), climatic therapy the sun, sea, sandy beaches and salt lake resources have a beneficial effect physiological effects, stimulating the body's internal forces to fight the disease. Mud therapy for infertility has been proving its effectiveness for several centuries.

    Typical indications for mud therapy in gynecology: - deviation of the uterus; - bacterial vaginosis; - menstrual dysfunction; - infertility due to chronic diseases tubes, uterus, vagina, appendages; - perimetritis; - underdevelopment of the genital organs; - salpingo-oophoritis; - chronic hormonal infertility; - perisalpingitis; - adhesions in the pelvis; - ovarian hypofunction; - metroendometritis; - frigidity; - menopause; - miscarriage; - colpitis.

    The main contraindications to mud therapy: - bleeding; - uterine dysfunctional polyps of the cervix; - bleeding erosions; - endometriosis; - general, not related to the profile of the disease, contraindications for mud therapy. Treatment of infertility with mud is prescribed only by a specialist; self-medication can only do harm.

    A gynecological sanatorium is a place where patients’ health is not using medicinal methods, in an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Gynecology sanatoriums are widespread throughout Russia and are quite effective. Health improvement in a medical institution has no side effects.

    There are sanatoriums for the treatment of infertility in many regions of Russia, but often preference is given to world-famous health resorts, even if they need to be reached by air or other means of transport. So infertility treatment in a sanatorium where mud and other healing resources are used such as: mineral water, baths, sea bathing, climatotherapy - more effective.

    In Crimea, sanatoriums for the treatment of infertility in the autumn, winter and spring are in demand among patients who, in addition to gynecological diseases, have cardiovascular problems; in the summer, a gynecological sanatorium will be useful for patients who, in addition to the underlying disease, have problems with the skin or respiratory system.

    Gynecological sanatoriums in Crimea provide recovery in peace and quiet, which again has a positive effect on the result of treatment. Infertility treatment in the city of Saki is suitable for women different ages, and the gynecological sanatoriums of Crimea are well known and are popular not only among Russian citizens, but also among residents of non-CIS countries.

    Sanatoriums for the treatment of infertility are also in demand because recovery occurs thanks to the internal forces of the body, which are activated due to the influence of silt mud, and the effect of the procedures lasts even after completion of the course of treatment. It is often said about the Saki resort that this is a place where Mother Nature brings back the joy of motherhood.

    Let us add that Crimean sanatoriums with a swimming pool are good not only for health improvement, but also for relaxation.

    In the sanatorium, the procedure for introducing vaginal tampons has proven itself to be effective in the treatment of infertility and other gynecological diseases. To do this, the healing mud of Lake Saki is heated in thermostats to a temperature of 40-48 °C. Using a special syringe or a disposable individual tube with a tip, dirt is introduced into the vagina.

    The session lasts from 10 minutes to 25 minutes (as prescribed by the doctor). The optimal course of treatment is 12-18 procedures every other day. Typically, 200-300 g of dirt are used for vaginal tampons. The tampon is removed by traditional douching on a special couch - irrigation with brine solution (pre-prepared saline solution a certain concentration).

    Treatment is especially effective when combining mud tampons with local applications to the bikini area, as well as the abdomen and pelvic area.

    Excellent results are also achieved gynecological baths. The procedure is as follows: the patient sits on a gynecological chair and raises the pelvis. A mud solution is injected into the vagina in a concentration of 1:3. The solution temperature should be 38-39 °C. The entire procedure lasts from 15 minutes to half an hour.

    Galvanic mud therapy has also proven its effectiveness. It is performed both vaginally and rectally.

    Important! Our doctors not only do not prohibit sex life during the treatment period, but it is highly recommended. During sexual intercourse, vaginal tissues are stimulated, blood flow to them is activated, which has a beneficial effect on the entire therapeutic complex. You should also not neglect healing exercises, gynecological massage, therapeutic microenemas and other procedures recommended in our sanatorium. This way, you will get the most out of the entire course of gynecological spa treatment.