Motherwort baths for a 5 year old child. Motherwort (photo): properties and applications

Bathing a baby is an important and useful procedure. It helps in hardening and strengthening the child's body. Many children enjoy swimming and love water activities. However, if the baby feels uncomfortable and scared during the first bath, there is a chance that he will refuse and resist in the future.

This is why it is so important to follow all the rules of procedure. We will talk in more detail about the features of the process itself in the article below.

It is especially useful to bathe a newborn in a bath with the addition of sea salt or herbs. Baths with sea salt have a positive effect on the child’s body and often eliminate neurological problems in infants.

  1. Has a calming effect.
  2. The child falls asleep faster and sleeps more soundly.
  3. Colic appears less frequently.
  4. Reduces sweating.
  5. Reduces the frequency of regurgitation.
  6. Improves skin condition.
  7. Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Salt baths are beneficial and allowed from three weeks of age. However, before use, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the pediatrician. Such baths are effective for diaper rash and diathesis, and also have a positive effect on the endocrine system of the newborn.



Prescribed for rickets, birth injuries, hypertension and neurological diseases, diaper rash and dermatitis. Contraindicated if you are prone to allergies. Prolonged bathing may cause dryness and sores.

Attention: Bathing in a bath with sea salt is limited in time (no more than 7-10 minutes) for children under one year old.

The salt concentration is checked with the pediatrician. Usually this is no more than 5 tbsp. spoons for a full bath. How to prepare a sea salt bath:

How to bathe a newborn:

  1. During bathing, make sure that the child does not swallow water and avoid getting it in the eyes.
  2. Bathing time in such a bath is no more than 10 minutes.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the child is rinsed with clean warm water and wrapped in a towel.

Normally, after bathing the skin is not treated with anything.. However, if you notice dryness, you can use a baby moisturizer. The bath course is selected individually. Usually this is 15-20 procedures, 2-3 times a week.

Choose salt without aromatic or other additives to avoid allergies.


Allowed, but it is worth considering that sea ​​salt contains many more beneficial minerals. It will be more effective. Table salt is poured into a fabric bag and suspended under running water (at the rate of 5 tablespoons per bath).

How to bathe:

You should not take salt baths for cuts or other skin injuries.. If the child begins to cough or the color of his skin changes, the procedure must be interrupted.

Benefits of herbal baths

Important: The herbs are an effective natural remedy for the treatment of heat rash, diaper rash and colic. It is wise to use them from the first days of life.

Pediatricians recommend bathing in herbal baths from two weeks of age. You need to start bathing with one herb. This way you can easily track an allergic reaction. Over time, it is allowed to make an infusion from 4 types of different herbs. It is better to give preference to pharmaceutical herbs. They are guaranteed to be safe and tested.

By using some herbs, you can notice their calming effect and beneficial effect on a child’s sleep. Herbs are natural antispasmodics, such as lavender. Some have a disinfecting effect - chamomile, string, calendula. A decoction of bearberry will help with colic.

Don't expect quick results from herbs. Usually improvements are noticeable on day 5 of the procedure. If this is not observed, it makes sense to change the raw materials. Remember, not all herbs are beneficial. It is not recommended to use mint and oregano, as they cause allergic reactions..

Baths with herbs such as calamus, celandine, adonis, wormwood, thuja, tansy, broom are prohibited. It is not recommended to use citrus infusions before three years of age due to their allergenicity. If a child has neurological problems, only a specialist can select herbs. This rule also applies to skin diseases.


With motherwort

A bath with motherwort is used for hyperactivity and nervous excitability of the baby. Effective for:

  • Problems with sleep.
  • Excitability.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Vascular diseases.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications indicated in the instructions. It should also be remembered that this type of bath is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis.

How to prepare a motherwort bath for a newborn:

Let's look at how to properly bathe a newborn in a bath with motherwort:

  1. Before bathing, an allergic reaction is checked by applying a drop of decoction to the skin on the elbow side. If no reaction is observed after a couple of hours, you can start swimming.
  2. Add the prepared broth to a bath of water (temperature 37 degrees) and immerse the baby. At the end of bathing, the child is lightly dried with a towel.
  3. The procedure lasts 10-20 minutes.
  4. Usually a course of 10 baths is prescribed. Your doctor will give you precise recommendations.

This procedure will be especially effective before bedtime.

With celandine

Baths with celandine are traditionally used to treat:

  • Children's urticaria.
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Heat rash and eczema.
  • Dermatitis and diathesis.

Contraindications: Celandine, like any other herb, can cause allergies, so please test on skin before use. It is important not to exceed the time spent in such a bath.

How to prepare a bath with celandine for a newborn:

  1. For the procedure you will need 4 tbsp. spoons of grass and 0.5 l. boiling water
  2. The broth is infused for 40 minutes and passed through several layers of gauze.

If the child is sensitive to grass, it is advisable to use 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials.

Let's learn how to properly bathe a newborn in a bath with celandine:

  1. The bathtub is cleaned with mild, chlorine-free cleaning agents.
  2. The water temperature is about 37 degrees.
  3. Half of the broth is poured into the bath and the child is immersed.
  4. At the end of the procedure, pour the remaining broth over the baby and wrap him in a towel.

Advice: Procedure time from 5 to 15 minutes. For the first time, 3 minutes will be enough. These baths are recommended 2-3 times a week. The first procedure is once a week. After the bath, your baby's skin can be treated with special baby oil.

If the baby experiences anxiety or vomiting during the bath, the procedure must be completed. Remember not to mix herbal and soap baths.

What else can you add?

To stimulate the immune system and relieve fatigue, you can add pine extract to the bath. It is combined with sea salt and a couple of drops are added to the entire bath. Although this procedure is useful, it is difficult to tolerate, so the time is limited to 10 minutes. Doctors often prescribe a course of 15 procedures, which is repeated after 3 months.

Such baths have contraindications:

This procedure is not performed on children under 1 month of age. The water level when swimming should not be higher than the heart.

One of the most popular bathing products is potassium permanganate. The solution is added for disinfection and to heal the umbilical wound. The danger is that the concentrated solution can cause burns to delicate skin, cause rashes and peeling. Therefore, when using this product, you must read the instructions.

Attention: Be sure to strain the solution so that no undissolved crystals remain. Focus on pale pink color. For daily bathing, you can add various cosmetics to the water. These include foams, gels and liquid soap.

You need to approach the choice of cosmetics for swimming responsibly. Children's bathing products are marked with a note indicating the age at which they are allowed. There are starch baths for infants.

They are indicated for certain types of diathesis and can dry out the skin. 100 gr. starch is diluted in 10 liters of water and the resulting solution is added to the bath (water temperature 37 degrees). This procedure is prescribed by a doctor and is first checked for allergies.

  1. If a child does not like the smell of a certain herb, it can be replaced with another with similar properties.
  2. A baby may cry because the water in the bathroom is too hot or cold. Try to select a comfortable temperature. Focus on 37 gr. If the bathroom is cool, prepare it by pre-warming it.
  3. Bathe your baby in a small bathtub or basin. An adult bath can be scary for a child.
  4. Be careful not to get water into your nose or ears. This may frighten the baby.
  5. Do not squeeze the child with great force.
  6. Do not bathe immediately after feeding. It is recommended to wait 1.5 or 2 hours. It is also unwise to bathe hungry, because the baby will cry and be capricious during the bath.
  7. Monitor the child's condition. If the baby is tired or wants to sleep, it is better to reduce the bathing procedure or eliminate it altogether.
  8. Bathing time for newborns is 10-20 minutes. By 6 months the procedure is increased to 30 minutes.
  9. After the bath, I leave the baby to lie without a towel for 5 minutes. This is how hardening occurs. The temperature in the room should be 23-25 ​​degrees.
  10. Until the umbilical wound has healed, it is recommended to boil the water for the bath.

Bathing should be comfortable for the baby:


Bathing babies is a fun process and a pleasant bedtime ritual. When following the rules, it is important not to overdo it so that this process does not turn into torture for the little man. All procedures must be approached wisely and carefully and be sure to consult with specialists. Then swimming will bring only positive emotions.

Motherwort is a plant that has great healing powers. Few people know that this plant can be used not only as decoctions, medicinal teas and tinctures, but also in the form of baths.

We usually perceive a bath as a pleasant hygienic procedure, but by and large, even a bath filled with ordinary warm water is not such. After all, a bath is not only cleanliness, but also relaxation, pleasure, and... treatment. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, it’s treatment. Because by adding decoctions of various herbs to water, you can not only relax your soul and body, but also improve your health.

When you are tired, physically and mentally exhausted, irritated and just looking for an excuse to quarrel, clench your teeth, count to ten and rush to the bath. Lie down for a few minutes in the fragrant warm water - and soon you will see that your soul becomes lighter and your ailments recede. Because the bath is not only a hygienic procedure, during which more than 100 million bacteria are killed, but also a form of cosmetic and mental therapy.

And even if in everyday life you are content with a shower, give yourself a holiday once a week and take a bath. And if you add a decoction of medicinal herbs to the bath, then taking such a bath will also become a very pleasant therapeutic procedure.

Each bath has a beneficial effect on the body, but depending on what components are added to the water, what temperature the water in the bath will be, how long you spend in the water, a bath can refresh, relax, calm the central nervous system, and stimulate blood circulation, and make your body more beautiful and elastic, and save you from a number of diseases.

But no matter what kind of bath you are going to take, you must always follow a few rules.

Rule 1

Despite all the usefulness of the recommended baths, it should be remembered that such a bath is not an ordinary hygienic procedure, but a therapeutic agent. Therefore, before you start regularly taking baths with certain herbal decoctions, you should first consult with your doctor and make sure that the baths will not harm you.

Rule 2

Before taking a bath with healing ingredients, you must first take a shower. By taking a shower, you wash off all the dirt from yourself, open the pores, that is, prepare your own body for the healing compounds to act on your body as best as possible.

Rule 3

Under no circumstances should you take a bath immediately after eating. After you have eaten, your body works hard - it is busy processing the food you have eaten: digestive juice is released in the stomach, the intestines contract, nutrients enter the blood and are distributed throughout the body. So the body now has “no time”; it simply cannot simultaneously digest food and absorb healing substances through the pores of the skin. When 2-3 hours have passed after eating, then you can rush to the bath.

Rule 4

You should not take a bath that is too hot, especially if you have a weak heart. If you have a serious heart condition, it is best if you take a bath without immersing the heart area. A hot bath can also greatly reduce blood pressure, which is, of course, harmful to the body.

Rule 5

Before taking a bath, be sure to lie down, relax, and be warm for at least a few minutes. This way you will allow your body to get used to the warmth, and a sharp change in temperature, when, having come from the cold, you immediately rush into a bath filled with water and herbal decoctions, is very harmful to your health.

Rule 6

It is best to postpone taking a bath with medicinal herbs until the evening. It’s good when you go to bed immediately after taking such a bath. Your body will rest well overnight and better absorb healing substances, so the treatment will be more successful.

Rule 7

You cannot take a bath with healing decoctions more than once a week, with the exception of baths taken with severe acne, then the bath can be taken once every three days; or some other baths, the frequency of which is specified below.

Rule 8

Bath time should be limited. You cannot stay in the water for more than 30 minutes. Basically, the time spent in water should be even shorter - 15–20 minutes.

Healing baths with motherwort decoctions are indicated for many diseases.

They give an excellent effect for diseases such as ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION. This disease is characterized by the fact that the patient's blood pressure is constantly elevated. Currently, medications that lower blood pressure are recommended for the treatment of hypertension. But, however, such drugs do not normalize carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Their action mainly extends only to the temporary regulation of water-salt metabolism and the expansion of the peripheral vascular system. But all these beneficial changes occur in the body only for a few hours, which means that then the medication has to be repeated. In addition, the use of certain medications may have unwanted side effects.

Using a bath with motherwort infusion, you can, firstly, improve capillary blood circulation, and secondly, normalize metabolic processes in the body.

With this disease, the use of hyperthermic baths with motherwort infusion will have an excellent effect on the body.

Hyperthermic baths must be taken before bedtime. If the bath is taken during the day, then the patient should rest after the bath for at least three hours. Also, such a bath should be taken at least 1.5 hours before meals.

Water is poured into the bath, an infusion of motherwort is added (how to prepare it will be discussed below) and the temperature of the water in the bath is determined using a thermometer.

The initial temperature should be 36–37 degrees. The patient should immerse himself in such a bath. Then gradually over 10–15 minutes the temperature of the water in the bath is raised to 41–43 degrees. At this temperature, you should stay in the water for 4–5 minutes, and then get out of the bath, wrap yourself in a bath sheet and blanket, go to bed, cover yourself with another blanket and lie there for half an hour.

After taking a bath, be sure to drink some hot drink - tea with honey or raspberry jam, hot chamomile infusion. The patient will definitely sweat. Half an hour after taking a bath, you need to wipe your body from sweat, change clothes and go to bed. You should rest in bed for at least 2 hours.

You can prepare the decoction in this way: pour 100 g of dry motherwort herb into 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, then close the container with a lid and leave the decoction for another half hour. The decoction should be filtered and added to the bath water.

Some of our readers may doubt the safety of such a procedure as a hypothermic bath. This is completely baseless. If this procedure is carried out correctly, that is, the temperature of the water in the bath rises gradually - by about 1 degree every 2 minutes, then the unpleasant sensations will be eliminated. In addition, there are absolutely no harmful changes in the activity of the cardiovascular system. If the patient feels too uncomfortable in a hot bath, then the upper limit of the water temperature can be reduced to 39–38 degrees.

In addition, you need to remember that if a sharp change in temperature is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, then gradual warming in the bath, on the contrary, causes a decrease in blood pressure, because the capillaries of the skin and the capillaries of the internal organs expand.

If hyperthermic baths are carried out correctly, they will have a positive effect on patients with hypertension, improve the functioning of the heart muscle, metabolism in the body, increase body temperature, and therefore bactericidal blood.

Do not forget that motherwort has a sedative effect, three times greater than that of valerian, which means that baths with motherwort decoction will definitely help with cardiovascular nervousness, insomnia, calm you down after a hard day, and relieve nervous tension.

It is best to take such baths in the evening, when a hard day is behind you and you simply need to relieve nervous tension. If you want to get rid of insomnia or calm the central nervous system with the help of baths with motherwort decoction, you can advise taking a warm bath.

First, prepare a decoction of motherwort. Take 50 g of dry motherwort herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water, put on low heat and boil for 10 minutes, then close the container with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. The broth must be filtered and added to water. The temperature of the water in the bath should not be too high; it is best if it is 37–38 degrees. You can take a bath for 20–30 minutes, and then you should definitely rest. Half an hour after taking a bath, you can drink a glass of warm milk or a little warm decoction of motherwort, valerian, dill, and peppermint herbs.

Sometimes a nervous condition is due to the fact that a woman has entered the CLIMATERIC PERIOD. This is a period that begins in women between 45 and 50 years old and is caused by changes in the body. Gradually, women stop menstruation, the activity of the uterus and ovaries fades away. During this period, women may experience symptoms such as a feeling of heat, headache, irritability, insomnia, and a sharp decrease in performance. Age-related changes in the body can last even several years. How strong certain disorders are depends on the organism itself.

In women who lead a sedentary lifestyle, who have an extremely unstable psyche, who suffer from some diseases, the menopause can be complicated. Indeed, during this period, existing diseases may worsen or new ones may arise. A woman's emotional state may also be upset. For example, a woman can become very upset over trifles, and then suddenly, against the backdrop of a bad mood, causeless cheerfulness arises, which can also quickly be replaced by causeless fears or anxiety.

During this period, a woman especially needs support from loved ones. She herself needs to develop a reasonable attitude towards her condition; she should not be led by her mood, but it is better to remain calm in any life situations. Also, a woman should be especially careful about her health. You can try to alleviate your condition with the help of medical procedures.

During this period, it is especially important to maintain a daily routine, not to overwork, spend more time outdoors, and go on a diet that will eliminate the consumption of large quantities of tea, coffee, and alcohol, and will include more fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Walking before bed, contrast showers, rubbing with cool water, and medicinal baths are also useful.

Therapeutic baths with motherwort decoction will help a woman relieve strong excitement of the nervous system, unreasonable fears, and sudden changes in mood.

You can prepare decoctions for baths simply from motherwort, or you can use motherwort as a component of herbal teas for decoctions.

Motherwort decoction: take 70 g of motherwort, pour boiling water (1 liter), boil for 10 minutes, and then lower the bowl with the infusion into another, large saucepan in hot water. Leave for 1 hour. Then strain the broth and use it as a bath additive.

A decoction of motherwort herb and lovage roots: take 300 g of lovage roots, pour 1 liter of cold water and leave for several hours. It is best to leave it to steep overnight. Then put the infusion on low heat, add 50 g of dry motherwort herb and boil for 30 minutes. Cool the broth under the lid. Add at least 1 glass to the bath.

This decoction can be used during menopause; it also helps well with diathesis, neuroses and eczema. It is better to take a bath at night, and if you decide to take a bath during the day, then you should rest for at least 3 hours after it. The temperature of the water in the bath should not exceed 37–38 degrees; you should take a bath for 20–25 minutes. The course of treatment is quite long - 16–18 baths, once a week.

A decoction of the roots of the cinquefoil and motherwort herb: chop the roots of the cinquefoil (40 g) and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour, and then put it on low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Cool the broth, strain and use as a bath additive. This bath is taken not only during menopause, but also for neuroses, obesity, and Graves' disease. A bath with such a decoction can be taken at any time of the day; you should rest for 1 hour after the bath. The water temperature in the bath should be 37 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 20–30 minutes. Baths should be taken regularly, 1–2 times a week, the course of treatment is 12–15 baths.

A decoction of motherwort herb and wormwood herb and roots: chop the wormwood herb along with the roots (50 g), add water to cover the herb, and leave for 3 hours. Then add another 1 liter of water, add 30 g of motherwort herb, put on fire, boil for 20 minutes, and then strain and add to the bath water. This decoction is used to prepare healing baths for menopausal disorders, gout, neuroses, and insomnia. You must take a bath with this decoction at night, no more than 2 times a week. The water temperature should be 36–37 degrees. You should stay in the water for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10–15 baths.

Instead of dry motherwort herb, you can add motherwort tincture or extract to the bath, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Some mixtures using motherwort can also help in treating children. Children suffering from rickets or simply developing poorly physically can be bathed in a bath with the following decoction. To prepare such a decoction, take 100 g of ground calamus rhizomes and pour 2 liters of cold water. Leave for 3 hours, and then add 50 g of dry motherwort herb, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Cool the broth, strain it and add to the bath. Calamus contains some essential oils, tannins, which have a strong effect on blood circulation, and motherwort soothes and softens the effect of calamus. The temperature of the water in the bath should be 37–38 degrees, and the time spent in the bath should be 20 minutes. You need to take such baths once a week. The course of treatment for children is 10 baths. Exactly the same bath can be recommended for people who have non-healing, very festering wounds. After several procedures, you will see that the patient will feel much better.

A decoction of the same herbs can be prepared in another way, and then, using it as an additive to baths, you can successfully treat scrofula in children, rickets or nervousness in adults. Also, a bath with this additive helps well with nervous stress in children. So if your child does not want to go to kindergarten and throws tantrums for many hours, (which means he is very tired from intense study) you see that he is about to “break down”, just when he just started school (and this is such a stress!), do not rush to stuff your child with medications. It will be much better if you bathe your child several times in aromatic water with this additive.

Take 200 g of calamus grass and rhizomes and 50 g of motherwort grass, chop everything and fill with cold water (2 l). Immediately put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for half an hour. Then strain the broth and pour it into the bath. The temperature of the water in the bath should be 36–37 degrees, and the child’s stay in the bath should be 15–20 minutes.

Baths with motherwort decoction can also be useful for various skin diseases. But motherwort is used here as a component of medicinal preparations.

Healing baths will be extremely useful for PUTENTAL SKIN DISEASES: furunculosis, impetigo, acne.

Pustular skin diseases are caused by pyogenic microbes - staphylococci and streptococci.

These microbes are almost always found on the surface of human skin, but in order for them to cause pustular disease, appropriate conditions must be created. The development of pustular diseases can be caused by constant skin contamination, injections, cuts, overheating or hypothermia, excessive sweating, and metabolic disorders.

Small inflamed blisters appear on the skin, which are filled with pus; after a few days, the blisters burst and shrink into crusts. A deeper skin lesion - furunculosis - is characterized by the formation of large cone-shaped nodes that have a necrotic core. Remember that with furunculosis it is not recommended to wash, squeeze out the boil or cut it off - there is a danger of spreading the infection to other places. But when the acute process is eliminated, then taking baths with healing decoctions will be extremely useful.

Pustular skin diseases are contagious diseases, so ulcers need to be treated with alcohol for disinfection.

The following decoctions can be prepared for medicinal baths for these diseases.

Decoction 1

Grind celandine and motherwort herbs (50 g each), add cold water and leave for at least 1 hour. Then put on fire, boil for 20 minutes and strain. Add a similar decoction to your bath. The water temperature in the bath should be 37 degrees. Such a bath will also be useful not only for pustular diseases, but also for eczema. The course of treatment is 8–12 baths. Baths should be taken once every 5 days.

Decoction 2

Grind walnut leaves and motherwort herb (50 g each), pour 1 liter of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 20 minutes. After this, remove the container with the broth from the heat, cover tightly with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the broth and pour into the prepared bath with a water temperature of 36 degrees. Bath time is 20 minutes. This bath is good for pustular rashes on the skin and acne.

Decoction 3

This decoction is prepared from the roots of burdock and motherwort. Take 50 g of crushed burdock roots and pour 1 liter of cold water, leave for 2 hours. Boil the broth for 30 minutes. Separately, prepare a decoction of motherwort: pour 30 g of herb with 2 glasses of water and boil for 10 minutes. When preparing a bath, strain the decoctions and add to the water. The temperature of the water in the bath should be 36–37 degrees, the bath time should be 20 minutes. It is better to take a bath at night. This bath is good for eczema, pustular skin diseases, lichen, and baldness. The course of treatment is at least 12 baths.

For FUNGAL DISEASES of the feet, baths with motherwort will alleviate the patient’s condition, and if you undergo a full course of treatment with baths, they will completely get rid of the fungal disease.

Factors that contribute to infection: sweating feet, abrasions, scratches, weakened body.

The fungus can affect both skin and nails. First, peeling appears on the skin, then bubbles filled with liquid, the bubbles open, forming red, weeping areas. Then the skin becomes loose and separates in layers. Nails affected by fungus become dull, yellow spots appear in their thickness, they thicken and separate in layers.

In the treatment of fungal diseases, both medications and medicinal herbs are successfully used. For example, you can advise taking the following bath if you have fungal infections of your feet.

Grind the roots of the common centipede (50 g), add 1 liter of cold water and leave for 2 hours. Then pour 50 g of dry motherwort herb into the infusion, put it on the fire and boil for 20 minutes. Strain the finished broth and add to the water when you take a bath. The water temperature can be whatever is pleasant for the patient. Bath time is 20–30 minutes. Exactly the same decoction can be used for local hand or foot baths. You should take such baths regularly, once a week. The course of treatment is 10–12 baths.

Motherwort will also be useful for DERMATITIS. Dermatitis is an inflammatory process in the skin that occurs from a variety of irritants: chemicals, high or low temperature, radiation, substances of animal and plant origin.

When dermatitis appears, the skin swells, turns red, and there is a feeling of heat and pain. Naturally, each type of dermatitis needs to be treated in its own way, but baths with the addition of motherwort decoction will be useful for all types of dermatitis. It is good to take a bath with an infusion of nettle and motherwort herbs.

Grind dry herbs (50 g of each type), pour in 1 liter of boiling water, close the container with a lid and let it brew in a warm place for 30 minutes. Then strain the infusion and add to the prepared bath water. You can take a bath at any time; the recommended water temperature is 36–37 degrees, but if desired, it can be slightly increased or, conversely, decreased.

For skin irritation and allergic dermatitis, a bath with this decoction will be useful: take 2 handfuls of chamomile, linden blossom and 1 handful of motherwort herb, pour boiling water (2 liters) over everything and boil over low heat for 20 minutes. After this, tightly cover the container with a lid and leave the broth for another 3-4 hours. Then strain and pour the broth into the bath. The water temperature should be 37 degrees. Bath time is 20–30 minutes. You can take a bath once when dermatitis appears, or undergo a course of treatment with similar baths - at least 10 baths 1-2 times a week.

Few people know that with the help of baths you can cure a COLD. On the contrary, many believe that you should never take a bath in this state - they say, it will only get worse. This is a completely false statement. If you have chills, a runny nose, and are ready to fall into bed, do not rush to swallow pills. Better take a hot bath with motherwort, pine needles, peppermint and nettle. Take equal amounts of all the herbs - 30 g each. Grind the herbs, pour in 2 liters of boiling water, put on low heat and simmer until the volume is reduced by a third, about 30 minutes. Strain the broth and add it to the water prepared for the bath. The water temperature in the bath should be 38–40 degrees.

You can first lie in a bath with water at a temperature of 36 degrees, and then gradually over 10 minutes bring the water temperature to 40–42 degrees. You should stay in the bath for 20 minutes. After this, wrap yourself in a bathing sheet, cover yourself with a blanket and drink hot raspberry tea. You also need to take vitamin C or replace it with hot tea with lemon or linden blossom infusion. You must definitely sweat. After 30 minutes, wipe the sweat from your body, change clothes and go to bed. This bath should not be taken during the day. It will have the best effect on the body if you stay in bed for at least 3-4 hours after taking a bath.

Motherwort is also widely used for various tonic baths. If you want to recover after a busy day or when you have an event coming up where you need to mobilize all your mental strength, where you need to look fresh and be in a good mood, a relaxing bath will help you.

An excellent remedy for preparing such a bath would be the following collection: lavender flowers, motherwort herb, pine needles. Take 50 g of all herbs, chop, place in a linen bag (it can be sewn specially for such cases). Fill it with the herbs you need, and when filling the bath, hang it on the faucet so that a stream of hot water flows directly onto it. When the bath is one third full of water, carefully wring out the bag and hang it again under running hot water. Such a bath will bring a calming effect. You should take such a bath from time to time; it is not recommended to do this procedure constantly.

You can also take a bath with motherwort and hay dust as a tonic. Pour 500 g of hay dust and 100 g of chopped motherwort herb into 2 liters of boiling water, put on low heat and boil for 20 minutes. A bath with such a decoction will quickly bring you back to normal, relieve fatigue, and improve metabolism in the body.

Baths with the following herbal decoctions have a good effect on the skin: thyme, linden blossom, peppermint, motherwort (take 30 g of all herbs), chop, pour boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, strain and pour into the bath. Such a bath not only tones, but will also have a wonderful effect on the body. In exactly the same way, you can take baths with decoctions of the following herbs: St. John's wort, motherwort, chamomile, string.

As you can see, thanks to its healing qualities, motherwort copes well with a number of different ailments, and its effect on the body is quite gentle. There are practically no restrictions on taking baths with motherwort infusion.

Motherwort directly for babies is a completely safe medicine that has a calming effect. It is used both in the form of tinctures and in the form of decoctions. But it is best to use the herb for baths.

How does motherwort affect babies?

This herb has many beneficial properties. She, in particular:

  • provides a general strengthening and relaxing effect;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • reduces heart rate;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • eliminates cramps and spasms;
  • has a sedative effect on the nervous system;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • speeds up kidney function.

When does a baby need motherwort?

Dry herb or tincture is used for:

When it comes to infants, motherwort is usually prescribed for:

  • hyperactivity;
  • increased nervous excitability.

The first problem arises against the background of serious disorders of the central nervous system. Accompanying her:

  • excessive activity;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • concentration disorder;
  • excessive emotionality.

All this in the future often becomes the cause of delayed intellectual development.

Restless child syndrome is diagnosed very often these days. According to doctors, high nervous excitability occurs in approximately 50 percent of children. In infants, this problem is clearly indicated by the Moro reflex. In front of him, the child, for no apparent reason, throws up his hands with his fingers outstretched.

Other symptoms are:

  • increased muscle tone;
  • restlessness while awake;
  • sleep disorders;
  • tremor of the limbs and chin at rest.

For children older than one year, the characteristic signs are different:

  • excessive talkativeness;
  • abnormal activity.

For example, they constantly turn their heads and move their arms and legs aimlessly, even while sitting or lying down.


Despite the safety of motherwort, there are situations when it cannot be used.

Reasons for refusal of the drug are considered:

  • slow heartbeat;
  • hypotension;
  • taking medications with a sedative effect;
  • allergic reaction to grass;
  • stomach diseases (especially those accompanied by increased acidity).


As noted at the beginning of the article, motherwort in tablet form should not be given to children. In general, manufacturers recommend using the herb itself orally only from 12 years of age. At the same time, the pediatrician has the right to individually prescribe it in short courses (no longer than a month).

Alcohol tincture is not given to children under 3 years of age. The thing is that the ethanol contained in it has an extremely negative effect on the child’s liver. Therefore, even for older children it is added to sweet tea in an amount of no more than 2 drops per glass. Frequency of administration – maximum three times a day.

The best option for infants is a bath. It quickly relieves nervous excitement and relieves restlessness. The dosage is easy to calculate - take 20 drops of motherwort tincture per liter of water.


Children can drink the decoction only as prescribed by a doctor. It is allowed from 2 years of age. It is prepared from 1 teaspoon of motherwort and a glass of hot water. The product is kept for an hour and used before bedtime. A safe dose is 2 teaspoons. If the child does not like the taste, then it is permissible to dilute the drug with a sweet drink.

For infants, it is better to use the herb for preventive purposes (as in the previously described case) for baths. Here, take one glass of decoction per liter of water.

How to make a baby bath with motherwort

In order to strengthen the child’s nervous system, as well as for colic, baths with the addition of various medicinal herbs are often used.

In all cases, parents must follow a number of mandatory rules. First of all, it is recommended to make sure that the baby is not allergic to the herbal medicine. To do this, apply a few drops of the prepared decoction (from the inside) to the elbow. Intolerance will be indicated by the following after 2-3 hours:

  • redness;
  • rash;

In the absence of these undesirable manifestations, baths are permitted.

For water procedures, an infusion is prepared from:

  • 3 tablespoons of herbs (if you use tea bags, take 6 pieces) and 500 milliliters of boiling water;
  • the composition is kept warm for about half an hour and then added to the bath.

Motherwort can be used in a mixture with other herbs. The optimal choice is:

  • nettle;
  • bearberry;
  • St. John's wort;
  • hop cones.

It is best to take a bath just before going to bed. Medicinal herbs help you relax and calm down. It is not recommended to take bathing for too long - the optimal time is 15-20 minutes. An additional massage after the procedure also gives a good effect. The skin of infants should not be dried with a towel - it must be blotted with gentle movements.

A bath with motherwort tincture or decoction is the safest therapeutic and preventive measure that ensures the normalization of the nervous system in children under one year of age.

In order to reduce risks, experts advise that before starting to use baths, be sure to consult with your pediatrician. He also determines the exact dosage.

It should be borne in mind that often nervous disorders are just a reaction to a certain stressful situation. Treatment with motherwort is justified only when the problem occurs no more than 2 times a month. Systematic attacks require other methods.

Do not buy herbs at the market - it is better to take them from pharmacies. Only the raw materials supplied to them undergo mandatory certification.

Traditional methods, tried by thousands of women, are a good alternative to chemicals and drug therapy. Especially in those special cases when it comes to the fragile, sensitive body of a newborn baby.

Our great-grandmothers added herbs to children’s bathing water. The people knew well the effect of each plant, so even the most serious ailments were treated with decoctions. Of course, then this was also explained by the fact that medicine could not boast of significant achievements. But even in our time, medicinal plants have not lost their popularity. They are cheap, accessible, have a huge list of healing properties, but at the same time are as harmless as possible.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Security measures

I would like to immediately remind young parents that any drug must be approved for use by your treating pediatrician. Even such an innocent remedy as a herbal decoction. You need to use decoctions especially carefully in cases where your baby suffers from allergic rashes from birth, if he has atopic, sensitive skin prone to redness.

Healing herbs are usually not added to bathing water if:

  1. Your treating pediatrician or neonatologist at the maternity hospital did not advise this.
  2. When a child suffers from severe allergic rashes or itching from the very first days of his life.
  3. If there are extensive pustular areas on the baby’s skin, very severe diaper rash, open wounds.
  4. In case of individual intolerance.

But don't be scared! This is just common sense information that any mom should know. Most children, from the very first days of life, bathe in infusions from various plants.

Many experts recommend adding decoctions to water, because this is the best prevention of all common problems. For example, with the help of special herbs you can soothe your baby’s irritated skin and get rid of heat rash faster. Or relieve redness on the newborn’s body caused by diaper dermatitis.

Decoctions will help cope with restless and interrupted sleep, and will immediately come to the rescue if the baby is suffering from intestinal colic.

How to properly brew herbs for bathing a newborn?

Preparing such decoctions is very simple. For this, the infusion method is used. When the required amount of the dried plant (or its inflorescences) is poured with hot boiled water, and then infused under the lid for an hour. Remember that you should not boil herbs in boiling water, as this will destroy all the unique beneficial substances contained in them.

For a standard baby bath, use one or two handfuls of dry herbs. The resulting tincture is filtered through cheesecloth, and then only added to the bathing water. To save your time, you can buy ready-made herbal infusions at the pharmacy, which are already distributed in disposable paper filter bags (like regular tea). It's very convenient!

You can use either a single plant or combine components. For example, you can add succession leaves to chamomile flowers. The resulting infusion helps to cope well with problem skin, has an antiseptic effect, and soothes irritation on the baby’s body.

Useful properties and types of decoctions

The most versatile and widely used plant for decoctions is, of course, chamomile. The line lags behind her a little. Often this is where the fantasy of young parents ends. But there are a number of other useful plants, whose names completely unfairly remain in the shadows.

Let's take a closer look at the types of medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the body of babies, and also learn about their main properties.


It is not for nothing that people love it so much, because chamomile flowers and their extract are widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. The anti-inflammatory effect of the plant can help with colds and in the fight against skin imperfections. Chamomile tea is allowed to be given even to babies, and a decoction of it, added to a baby bath, will have a mild soothing effect not only on the baby’s skin, but also on his nervous system.

Chamomile tinctures will quickly cope with irritation and diaper rash on a child’s body, because it has a pronounced antibacterial effect. This plant goes well with other herbs.


This is an indispensable and first assistant in the treatment of childhood skin diseases. The line is used for bathing children whose bodies often develop diaper rash, prickly heat, or various types of dermatitis. It is even successfully treated with.

The plant has an immunostimulating effect and strengthens the children's body. To enhance the healing effect, many parents also use succession oil. It is applied to the affected areas of the skin, thereby accelerating the healing process.

This is interesting: many parents still believe that this herb can scare away evil spirits and protect the child from damage and the evil eye. In the old days, superstitious mothers placed dried leaves and flowers of the string in small bags, and then hid them near the baby's cradle. The line could be found in every village house. Decoctions from it were taken internally to get rid of colds.

You should not boil herbs in boiling water.


This aromatic tincture will come to the rescue if your baby is bothered by wounds on the skin when diaper rash does not heal for a long time. If a child has been severely bitten by mosquitoes in the summer, then an evening bath with a decoction of lavender will help him get rid of the unpleasant itching, and scratched and bleeding wounds will begin to heal much faster.

The plant also has a sedative and analgesic effect, which will be very important if the baby is bothered by inflammation on the skin.

St. John's wort

Another irreplaceable and emergency assistant in the fight against most skin diseases. Unlike the previous ones, its most important property is to significantly increase the regeneration of the skin. In other words, regularly bathing your baby in water with St. John's wort tincture will help to heal faster:

  • abrasions,
  • wounds,
  • injured areas.

Severe diaper rash will begin to heal more actively. And besides this, St. John's wort will also disinfect the skin to prevent bad bacteria from multiplying and prevent new inflammations.


A decoction of it will save you in situations where a child is tormented by regular intestinal colic or severe digestive problems.

It has successfully established itself as an effective folk medicine for combating gastrointestinal disorders. It is consumed not only internally, but also added to bathing water. A tincture from this plant will be an excellent addition to a relaxing baby tummy massage.


It not only has a specific pleasant aroma, but also calms the nervous system well, relieving muscle tone, relaxing the baby’s muscles. This tincture, used for bathing before bedtime, will put the baby in a peaceful mood and have a mild sedative effect.

In addition, mint improves appetite and helps reduce nausea. A bath with mint infusion is indicated for children suffering from underweight who are reluctant and eat poorly.

Peppermint has a sedative effect.


This herb with beautiful lilac flowers is used for colic in babies and helps relieve pain. Like mint, oregano has a pronounced ability to have a sedative effect and relaxes the child’s muscles.

It is especially recommended for bathing nervous, easily excited, poorly sleeping and often crying children. In combination with other drugs, baths with oregano help with hypertension and are used to treat childhood neuroses.

For many parents, bathing a baby causes anxiety. They will help make the process easier. Their purchase is especially important for parents who bathe their babies alone.
How to prepare for the first water procedure, and what should be the water temperature for bathing a newborn. This knowledge will make the task easier for parents.

Pine extract

Baths using it are popular among those parents whose children have increased nervousness.

The healing properties of pine needles help to even out the functioning of the heart, eliminate nervous excitement and neuroses. After pine baths, children sleep better and longer, and their brain activity improves. Pine needle extract also helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases and has a strengthening effect on the baby’s upper respiratory tract and its immune system.

Watch a video on how to brew herbs for bathing babies:

This is interesting: in the old days, to prevent respiratory and cold diseases, it was customary to walk with children in a coniferous forest, if it grew nearby. In cases where the child did get sick, fresh spruce branches were brought into the house so that the baby’s body could cope with the illness faster and the airways would be cleared.

And finally...

Nature has given us everything we need to keep us and our loved ones healthy. Learn to use traditional healing plants wisely. Remember that the human body’s ability to fight diseases begins in early childhood!

Text: Irina Sergeeva

Baths for children - soothe and lull

Soothing baths for children best done before bed. Collections intended for soothing baths for children are sold at any pharmacy. For example, a collection of motherwort herbs, lemon balm leaves, valerian root, and string herbs. In addition, this infusion disinfects and has a multifaceted effect on the skin and the entire body as a whole. Stimulates the release of substances, toxins and other substances harmful to the body through the skin during various allergic diseases in children, in particular during diathesis. Such baby baths can be prepared from different herbs and can be used either separately or mixed. And then the procedure will simultaneously have a calming, antiseptic, antiallergic and restorative effect. However, it is worth noting that such a magical effect can only happen if the baths are done in a course and not once.

Soothing baths for children include pine baths, pine-salt baths, baths with herbs: valerian root, sage, motherwort, mint, nettle. They have a good calming effect and improve sleep. Their total temperature is no more than 36.5C. Check with a thermometer!

Soothing bath recipes for children

Soothing herbal bath for children. In proportions 1:1:1, mix motherwort, knotweed, sedative collection No. 2 (sold in pharmacies). 3 tbsp. the mixture of these herbs should be poured with a glass of boiling water (0.5 liters is possible), let it brew for 30-40 minutes and then strain. Dilute with 10 liters of water. The child should lie in the bath for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 12-15 times every other day.

Soothing bath for children with poor sleep and irritability. If the baby is nervous and reacts sharply to everything, you can make a soothing bath for him with a decoction of real bedstraw - 5 tbsp. of this plant per 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, dilute with 10 liters of water. Time spent in the bath is 10 minutes.

Soothing bath for children with poor sleep. You need 50g of calendula, oregano and mint flowers, infuse in 3 liters of boiling water, then strain. The infusion is ready. All that remains is to add it to 10 liters of water. You should take this bath before bed for 10 minutes 3 times a week, for a total of 5-7 procedures.

At the slightest hint of discomfort or redness, you should immediately stop bathing; if the redness does not go away after a bath, consult a doctor.