How to treat nicotine stomatitis. Stomatitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Tokareva Anna Alexandrovna

Reading time: 6 minutes


Enough common disease oral cavity is stomatitis.

Smoking provokes dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity. This promotes the development of stomatitis.

Initial forms are treated at home with the help of medications and folk remedies, and use significantly reduces the possibility of recurrence of the disease.

What is stomatitis?

For your information! Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa that affects the cheeks, tongue, palate and throat.

This disease is caused by pathogenic microbes, the herpes virus, special cases– staphylococci and occurs as a result of trauma or irritation of the oral cavity.

The disease brings discomfort to a person, he loses the desire to talk, his appetite disappears, his immunity decreases, and his temperature rises.

Symptoms of "smoker's stomatitis"

It's no secret that smoking- not only a bad habit, but also one of the main causes of most body diseases

Among them widely known nicotine stomatitis (leukoplakia), which subsequently may lead to the formation cancer cells .

This damage to the mucous layer occurs due to exposure toxic substances released by tobacco.

Pay attention! Main symptoms nicotine type diseases:

When the first signs of illness are detected You should immediately consult a doctor.


Frequent causes of this disease are associated with negative influence infectious diseases and bacteria that lead to mouth ulcers.

However, it should be taken into account that for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms it is necessary to additional factors, causing development diseases.

Keep this in mind! When determining the main causes that provoke the onset of the disease, experts identify the following factors:

Is it possible to smoke with stomatitis?

At the first symptoms of the disease Doctors advise you to quit smoking, because cigarette smoke is an irritant for the inflamed mucous membrane.

Under the influence harmful substances and hot air normal microflora dies, and in its place resistant ones appear pathogenic microorganisms, causing stomatitis and sore throat.

Worth noting! The smoke contains salts of heavy metals and resins; most of them settle not in the oral cavity, but in the lungs, which increases the risk of complications and can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

What consequences might you face?

Most often the disease goes away within two weeks, but with complicated pathology, the disease can lead to dangerous consequences.

Most common are considered:

Remember! The most dangerous consequence disease - fungus. When it enters the bloodstream, it spreads harmful microorganisms throughout the body.

Treatment approach

Treatment of this pathology is not difficult. It based on several points.

First- eliminate the irritant, that is quit smoking. If this is not possible, then try to reduce the number of cigarettes and direct forces to strengthen .

Second - temporarily stop eating hot and spicy foods, hot foods and drinks.

Remove from menu sour foods, sugar, ice cream. Gradually, the inflamed mucous membrane will begin to return to normal.

However, you need to approach the treatment of the disease thoroughly, for this there are two ways to eliminate the disease - this is drug treatment and folk methods.

Drug treatment

Popular remedy in the treatment of stomatitis is antiseptic "Chlorhexidine"— it carefully cleanses mucous membranes and has a disinfectant effect.

The drug "Cholisal" effectively relieves pain thanks to tsetalkonium and choline in the composition. The product is applied in the form of compresses to the inflamed areas at least twice a day.

Stay informed! Gel "Alveolite" - reduces the intensity of inflammation, anesthetizes the surface of the mucous membrane.

Oxolinic ointment– eliminates the symptoms of infection. The product is applied not only to ulcers, but also to the entire oral cavity.

Traditional methods

The best folk remedies for treatment of illness early stages are herbs and plants(calendula, chamomile, yarrow, anise, sage, oak bark, flax).

In addition to herbal decoctions, folk remedies suggest usage raw potatoes, honey, garlic, cabbage and carrots.

These ingredients are used to make ointments to reduce pain.

Folk remedies It is also used for oral administration. For example, rosehip decoction - it destroys pathogenic bacteria, improves immunity and fights inflammation.

On average, treatment of stomatitis occurs within 5-8 days, depending on the degree of the disease. The ulcers heal well and there are no marks left at the wound site.


Basic prevention the onset of the disease and its relapse there will be a conscious cessation of smoking.

You should know! It is important to strengthen the immune system with vitamin and mineral complexes, eat right, lead an active lifestyle and maintain good hygiene.

People who have had stomatitis once have a high chance of getting it again. Some suffer from this disease three times a year, others - immediately after the disappearance of previous ulcers.

(tongue, cheeks, gums, lips, throat, etc.). Can contribute to the development of the disease various factors: poor hygiene oral cavity, diseased teeth, oral dysbiosis, poorly equipped dentures, diseases gastrointestinal tract, drinking hot food and drinks, drinking alcohol and smoking, drinking various medications, oral infections, allergic reactions, lack of vitamins and microelements, etc.

The mechanism of the occurrence of stomatitis itself has not been fully studied, but, clearly, the occurrence of stomatitis is associated with immune reaction tissues of the oral cavity to irritants. In addition to the fact that smoking leads to dysbiosis in the oral cavity (a factor contributing to the development of stomatitis), it can have a strong irritating effect. Toxic components tobacco smoke regularly deposit in the mouths of smokers, causing constant irritation mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Despite the fact that there can be quite a few reasons for the occurrence of stomatitis and smoking “helps” each of them, there is a type of stomatitis called nicotine stomatitis. The cause of this stomatitis is regular smoking. Most often, the lesion in nicotine stomatitis is on the soft and hard palate. This happens because a stream of hot smoke, entering the mouth, first of all (or in greater concentration) collides with this part of the oral cavity. This impact of concentrated hot smoke (especially when smoking a pipe) leads first to chronic irritation of the soft and hard palate. It becomes inflamed and red. Next, how defensive reaction body to constant irritation, a change in the structure of the tissue of the palate occurs - the mucous membrane is replaced by dense keratinized epithelial tissue white with pronounced roughness. In some cases, the resulting focus of inflammation is not replaced by compacted tissue, but is covered with ulcers formed on it. But most often, nicotine stomatitis, for a long time, proceeds painlessly, accumulating, over time, potential danger development

But such pathological processes can occur not only in the sky. Manifestations of nicotine stomatitis can appear in any, as well as in several areas of the oral cavity. Quite large areas of the oral cavity and even almost the entire oral cavity can be affected by nicotine stomatitis. The entire mouth may become covered with white and red spots, characteristic of stomatitis. Salivary glands may also become inflamed. They swell, the openings of the ducts turn red.

Nicotine stomatitis is not formally considered precancerous disease, however, oral cancer is very likely against the background of nicotine stomatitis. Besides, external manifestations Nicotine stomatitis is very similar to the manifestations of oral cancer. Therefore, even with minor changes in the mouth (redness or whiteness, abrasion, roughness, etc.), you should immediately consult a doctor. You definitely need to quit smoking.

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The herpes virus is transmitted by contact and by airborne droplets, so most often herpetic stomatitis Children who tend to share goodies with each other and play with common toys get sick.

The disease is characterized by fever, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Blisters appear in the mouth, which later turn into small ulcers. As a rule, ulcers heal and disappear after 3-4 days, and the disease as a whole can last 1-2 weeks.

Aphthous stomatitis

This type of stomatitis is characteristic of, dangerous for relapses, long course and exacerbations. Aphthous stomatitis most often occurs against the background of decreased immunity. As a result, aphthae appear - small round or oval formations. They can be single or multiple; the formation, as a rule, has a bright red border, and a yellow-gray coating is present.

Allergic stomatitis

One of the severe types of diseases that is provoked by an allergy to medications, certain products and the materials from which the prostheses are made. Symptoms allergic stomatitis is itching, burning and discomfort in the mouth. Often the patient cannot not only chew without pain, but also swallow air.

Catarrhal stomatitis

This type of stomatitis is the mildest and is caused by poor oral hygiene, dental plaque and dental disease. The main symptom is a painful and dry oral mucosa.

Fungal stomatitis

This type of stomatitis is typical, but also occurs with weakened immunity. The second name of the disease is candidomycosis. Infection occurs through household items or when direct contact with a sick person. You can recognize the disease by a “cheesy” white coating on the inner surface cheeks, palate or tongue.

Nicotine stomatitis

Long-term smoking provokes chronic irritation of the palate (soft and hard), leading to the formation of multiple ulcers. Nicotine stomatitis can develop into oral cancer.

How to treat stomatitis

Any stomatitis requires examination by a doctor. Depending on the type of stomatitis, treatment will be prescribed:

Bacterial - treated with antibiotics;

Viral - antiviral agents;

Stomatitis caused by decreased immunity - vitamins, changes in diet and lifestyle in general.

In addition, the doctor will treat the aphthous elements and mucous membrane with painkillers and antiseptics.

To prevent stomatitis, you can treat the mucous membrane with propolis-based ointment, rosehip oil or sea buckthorn. These same agents accelerate the restoration of damaged mucous membranes.

Smoking is not only bad habit, but also the cause of most diseases in the body. Smokers, without knowing it, discover widest spectrum diseases. Among them is widespread nicotine stomatitis.

What is it?

Stomatitis is a disease of the mouth and its parts. The tongue, throat or cheeks may be affected. The causes of the disease are both poor hygiene and various viral infections.

Smoking stomatitis is a type of keratosis that develops on the oral mucosa of smokers. It occurs as a result of constant trauma to the roof of the mouth, cheeks and tongue, like irritation from a cigarette or pipe.

Despite the fact that stomatitis is considered by many to be a safe disease, it is this type of stomatitis, caused by many years of smoking, that leads to the formation of cancerous tumors.

Stages of development

Smoking causes most problems and diseases that require immediate intervention. So, than older age smoker, the high probability lesions from nicotine stomatitis, and the more acute its form.

In smokers, stomatitis affects the hard/soft palate, because the smoke stream hits exactly that place. As a result, the tissue structure changes: the oral mucosa becomes hard, rough and white. Thus, areas of inflammation appear on the palate.

Symptoms of the disease

In most cases, this disease is painless, but there are following symptoms. With stomatitis caused by smoking, the palate becomes inflamed, roughness and inflamed papules appear. The sky is covered with white and reddish spots. The resulting papules are raised above the mucosa, and the mucosa itself acquires a grayish-white cloudy tint. In most cases, the papules do not grow together, but are located close to each other. With this type of stomatitis, swelling of the salivary glands may occur.

The presence of stomatitis prevents operations in the oral cavity and prosthetics. This is due to the fact that the inflamed oral mucosa reacts painfully to mechanical influences, therefore, before starting the procedures, it is necessary to cure the disease.

How to treat?

Fortunately, treating this type of stomatitis is not difficult. It is based on several principles. The first is to quit smoking, that is, eliminate the irritant. You should avoid hot food and drinks. As soon as a heavy smoker quits smoking, the inflamed oral mucosa begins to reversible process and returns to normal.

Remember, if you quit smoking, then hope for full recovery stupid. It is, of course, necessary to consult a doctor. Doctors do not recommend using folk remedies. They are inclined to treat the disease by rinsing the mouth and taking medications, because their action and effect have been tested.

If the patient quits smoking, the healing process will speed up.

Can “smoker's stomatitis” develop into cancer?

Do not think that this disease, caused by heavy smoking, is immediately a harbinger cancer. In most cases, its development into cancer occurs only in smokers “with fire inside”.

The proliferation of cancer cells in heavy smokers has also been observed. regular cigarettes or cigars. This is caused by the poor quality of the raw materials from which the cigars/cigarettes are made. Thus, the chemicals contained in cigarettes and released with smoke can damage the mucous membranes of the mouth and create favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria.

Stomatitis is a common inflammatory disease, in which ulcers appear on inside cheeks, lips, palate and tongue. They are quite painful and cause a lot of pain discomfort to the patient. You can see how they look in the photo below. Illness appears when performing protective function immune system body. Children are most susceptible to this disease, but in lately Diseases have also become more frequent in adults.

Causes of stomatitis in adults

The causes of stomatitis in adults include:

Types and symptoms of the disease

The causes of the disease vary. Depending on this they distinguish following forms stomatitis:

For any type of disease, treatment should begin as early as possible. Time incubation period stomatitis lasts from several days to two weeks, depending on the pathogen. In adults, as a rule, the disease proceeds without elevated temperature. In the photo you can see what stomatitis looks like. Main features:

Features of treatment of the oral mucosa

How to get rid of stomatitis? The first signs of stomatitis in adults are a signal for immediate action. Go to the doctor immediately.

The first thing that is needed for successful therapy is to eliminate the provoking factors. Treatment of stomatitis is prescribed depending on the causative agent of the disease.

Apply here medicines, ointments, rinses. For some forms of stomatitis, it is advisable to use a laser. In addition, it is necessary to follow a diet and improve the quality of oral hygiene. In addition to the main treatment, you can use proven recipes traditional medicine.


Drug treatment includes the use of several types of medications:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • narrowly targeted drugs (antifungals, antihistamines, antivirals);
  • painkillers.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for bacterial and traumatic stomatitis. This group of medications has antimicrobial effect, relieves all symptoms, promotes fast healing sores. Such drugs include Hexaliz, Imudon, Hexoral Tabs.

In the treatment of viral, herpetic and candida form diseases are usually prescribed medications local action. For allergies - antihistamines, such as “Fenistin”, “Loratodine”, “Cetrin”, “Tavegil”, etc. Drugs such as “Anetesin”, “Hexoral Tabs” will help relieve pain in all types of stomatitis.

Effective topical products

Therapy of any type of stomatitis is not complete without topical medications. Let's list them:

  1. "Iodinol", "Lugol". They are used to dry and heal ulcers. They must be applied carefully, precisely to wounds, as they can cause burns to the mucous membrane.
  2. "Metrogil Denta". The main component is chlorhexidine. Relieves pain and alleviates other symptoms of the disease. Apply the gel twice a day directly to the sores.
  3. "Acyclovir". Renders local antiviral effect. Used for herpetic stomatitis.
  4. "Kamistad gel". Universal remedy, used in the treatment of all types of diseases. Acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  5. "Instillagel". Prescribed only to persons over 18 years of age. Disinfects well. Apply directly to wounds in the mouth and on the inside of the cheeks.
  6. “Nystatin” and “Candide” (we recommend reading: instructions for use of Candide for children). Fungal forms of stomatitis are treated if other drugs have had no visible effect (we recommend reading: how and how to treat stomatitis in pregnant women at home?).


Another type of means for effective treatment oral cavity - these are preparations for rinsing. To cure acute stomatitis on the cheek, tongue and gums, usually prescribed:

  1. “Stomatofit” (we recommend reading: instructions for use of Stomatofit). Used for any type of stomatitis. Based on natural ingredients. Before use, the drug is diluted in a ratio of 10 ml of product to 50 ml of water.
  2. "Romazulan". The drug is based on chamomile infusion, so it is absolutely safe for both adults and babies and nursing mothers with oral stomatitis. Eliminates symptoms of the disease. Before rinsing, 2 tablespoons of the product must be diluted in 1 liter of water.
  3. "Chlorophyllipt". Created based on eucalyptus leaf extract. To rinse, dilute 1 spoon of medicine in 300 ml of water.
  4. "Stomatidin", "Hexoral". Are good antiseptics. They are used to treat even the most advanced stomatitis. The drugs are sold ready for use.
  5. "Miramistin", "Chlogexidine". These drugs are used to rinse for stomatitis, as well as to wipe inflamed areas of the mouth. Good relief from all signs of stomatitis.

Using a laser

The use of laser against stomatitis in adults is a new and very successful method. He is practiced in many large clinics around the world. Why is he so popular? It's simple - the procedure is completely painless, and the ulcers heal quickly after it. Laser is wonderful disinfectant and treats all types of stomatitis. It acts only on the affected areas of the mucous membrane, ridding them of all nerve endings and, thereby, helping to remove painful sensations. At the same time, healthy areas remain untouched. The course of treatment consists of 2-3 sessions of 5 minutes each.

Laser treatment has a number of other advantages:

  • symptoms of the disease disappear after the first session;
  • All microbes and viruses are eliminated from the affected areas of the oral cavity during stomatitis;
  • the likelihood of recurrence of frequent stomatitis is minimized.

How to get rid of pathology using folk remedies?

Traditional medicine recipes always complement drug treatment well and strengthen the immune system:

In addition, honey and propolis - unique anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents(we recommend reading: can honey be used to treat stomatitis?). They can be applied directly to the inside of the sores in the mouth and cheek, having previously been treated with hydrogen peroxide. A solution based on propolis has also proven itself to be effective: dilute a teaspoon in a glass of warm water.

Diet and hygiene

A gentle diet is the first aid for stomatitis. The fact is that some foods can irritate the mucous membrane, causing pain, and reduce the effectiveness of treatment. In case of severe stomatitis, the following foods should be removed from the diet:

  • fruits and vegetables with high content vitamin C (citrus fruits, apples, etc.);
  • spicy food with a lot of spices;
  • pickled and salty foods;
  • sour and salty sauces;
  • sweets;
  • coffee;
  • hard and rough food.

In addition, for stomatitis of the oral mucosa, it is necessary to follow some more rules:

  • all food should be thoroughly chopped;
  • Meat and fish are best consumed in the form of cutlets or meatballs;
  • food should be warm, because hot and cold strongly irritate the mucous membrane;
  • after eating, rinse your mouth with warm water or herbal decoction;
  • if mouth ulcers do not allow you to eat, they should be smeared with special pain-relieving gels (we recommend reading: how to treat mouth ulcers in an adult: medications and folk remedies).

Possible complications

Most people suffering from stomatitis do not pay due attention to this disease. They try to recover at home on their own, without visiting a doctor. The result of such behavior can be very disastrous. The reasons for this are simple - when the ulcers disappear, the person is sure that the disease has passed, but in reality this is not the case. Left in their place infectious foci that provoke relapse.

As a result, the disease may progress to chronic stage, which is much more difficult to cure. What does it look like chronic stomatitis, can be seen in the photo.

In addition, without effective treatment of stomatitis, the following consequences may occur:

  • periodontal disease;
  • tooth loss;
  • deterioration of tooth enamel;
  • laryngitis;
  • weak immunity;
  • spread to other areas of the mucous membrane (eyes, genitals);
  • intoxication of the body (when infection enters the blood).


Acute stomatitis can quickly develop into chronic form. That is why after recovery it is necessary to constantly carry out some preventive measures, especially in the first six months after illness. It's about about enhanced oral hygiene, balanced diet And healthy way life.

Complete oral care is not complete without the following procedures:

  • brush your teeth morning and evening for 2-3 minutes;
  • during cleaning, treat the cheeks, tongue and gums (it is on them that harmful bacteria multiply);
  • use soft toothbrush and replace it regularly;
  • apply dental floss to get rid of leftover food;
  • use special rinses that do not contain alcohol (for example, saline solution).

It is also important to visit the dentist regularly, promptly treat oral diseases, and remove plaque and tartar.

Prevention of stomatitis necessarily involves proper nutrition. It is necessary to follow a balanced and gentle diet:

  • increase consumption of foods containing calcium, B vitamins, iron;
  • exclude sour, spicy and salty foods from the diet;
  • Consume solid food only in crushed form, avoid crackers;
  • reduce the amount of sugar and sugar-containing products, the consumption of which is one of the main causes of frequent stomatitis;
  • Drink purified water regularly to moisturize the mucous membranes.
  • quit smoking and drinking alcohol (especially with nicotine stomatitis);
  • avoid stress and overexertion;
  • do hardening;
  • carry out the prevention of diseases that can provoke stomatitis in adults (diseases of the liver, kidneys, ENT organs).