Basic methods of treating and stopping children's cough. Attacks of dry cough in a child: how to relieve, what to do, how to stop

A small child's cough always causes concern for parents, especially if it occurs at night. Such regular attacks deprive the patient, his baby, his mother and father of full-fledged deep sleep. To help their child, parents use antitussive syrups, unconventional methods and what’s even worse – antibiotics. However, to provide full assistance it is important to know the cause of this condition.

Cough in children and its types

With the help of a cough reaction, the respiratory organs are reflexively cleared of microorganisms, dust and foreign substances. The causative agents of this condition can be viruses, bacteria and allergens.

The most common attacks are:

  1. Dry cough – response to irritation of the respiratory mucosa.
  2. Wet – with the accumulation of mucus (phlegm) in the bronchi.

There are several forms of cough reaction:

  • Physiological , which arises when there is a need to clear the respiratory system of foreign particles or mucus. In small children this state is considered normal and can appear when crying, changing position during sleep, or after feeding.
  • "Coughing" - a response to prolonged irritation of the respiratory tract, may be a signal of the development of laryngitis or laryngitis-tracheitis.
  • Sharp - occurs when acute inflammation trachea, bronchi and lungs.
  • Bi-tonal – change in cough tone due to impaired air circulation due to inflammation of the adenoids and bronchi.
  • Convulsive – after frequent coughing shocks, a loud inhalation occurs, the vomiting center is irritated, and as a result, vomiting occurs after the attack. Most often occurs in the evening and at night.
  • barking – for inflammation vocal cords and larynx. Characteristic of whooping cough, croup, laryngitis, tracheal tumor, hysterical attack. Hoarseness and aphonia are observed.
  • Periodic – typical for respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, pneumonia.
  • Constant – observed in chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory system and circulatory disorders.

Coughing attacks are divided into parts of the day:
  1. Morning – for chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
  2. Evening , not disturbing throughout the day - with pneumonia and.
  3. Night - arises due to physiological feature tone vagus nerve(bronchospasm).

Causes of regular dry cough in a small child at night

Coughing attacks in a baby can be a symptom of many processes, such as:

  1. – New bedding, pillows or even furniture can cause hypersensitivity. If, in addition to coughing, the baby has skin rashes, swelling of the nose and eye - it is necessary to urgently find and remove the allergen.
  2. Infection with harmful bacteria - with many viral infections sputum accumulates in the bronchi of the child, which is difficult to remove supine position. At night, blood circulation in the body is passive, mucus almost does not liquefy, which is why the cough reflex becomes more intense than during the day.
  3. – with rhinitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis or sinusitis, the baby breathes through the mouth, which leads to dryness oral cavity and larynx. As a result, an attack of dry cough is provoked.
  4. Heartburn attack (gastro-food reflux) - it is very difficult to determine; not all children can explain their sensations.
  5. Teething – during this process, active secretion of saliva occurs, which, in a supine position, can flow into the larynx and irritate the receptors. Avoiding the problem is very simple - raise the head of the baby.
  6. Whooping cough - Very dangerous illness, which affects the upper respiratory tract and stops normal breathing. Frequent coughing attacks (every 30-40 minutes) are characterized by whistling and protruding of the tongue, and they can end with intense vomiting. To stop the child’s suffering, urgently seek the advice of a qualified specialist!
  7. Bronchial asthma serious pathology and another reason to start examining and treating the child. The disease is rapidly gaining momentum, cough can appear at any time of the day.

Night cough may also cause too dry or cold air in the children's room.

How to get rid of a baby's dry cough at night?

It is important for concerned parents to remember that all medications must be prescribed qualified specialist after examining and examining the baby!

To alleviate the child's suffering and provide him with good sleep you need to calm the cough center.

This can be done using traditional methods:

  1. Wet cleaning and ventilation children's room before bed.
  2. Additional air humidification in the apartment – you can use special factory-made devices, or you can simply pour water into a container or place wet towels near the heating devices.
  3. Give your child extra fluids throughout the day – herbal decoctions ( breast training No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3), fruit drinks, fortified teas, still mineral soda water.
  4. Before going to bed, rinse your nose with a warm, mild saline solution. (1 teaspoon per 300 grams of water).
  5. When the first cough appears You can give your baby a coffee spoon natural honey and give him warm milk, to which soda is added at the tip of a knife.
  6. Compress – mix boiled mashed potatoes, dry mustard powder, honey, 70% alcohol and vegetable fat. Apply all ingredients to a gauze cloth, lay it on the back, cover with wax film and insulate. The procedure lasts about 60 minutes.
  7. Inhalations – you can breathe in the vapors of potato or herbal (from sage, pine cones, birch buds) decoction, chlorophyllipt, propolis, star balm, soda solution(2 tablespoons per 500 ml of water) or alkaline mineral water.
  8. Rubbing – put a soft mitten on your hand and gently rub the baby’s chest and back with warming ointment.
  9. Hot foot baths - everyone knows that with hypothermia lower limbs spasm of the upper respiratory tract occurs. By steaming your baby's feet, you can prevent or remove this process by adding a pinch of dry mustard to the bath. At the end of the procedure, be sure to wipe your feet dry and put on warm socks.
  10. Diet therapy – inclusion in the diet: salad of grated black radish with sour cream; oatmeal porridge With vegetable oil; mashed potatoes with milk; cranberries, persimmons, citrus fruits, rosehip decoction, cranberry juice with honey, grape juice.
  11. Classes breathing exercises – Experienced specialists will help you choose individual exercises. You can independently blow air and soap bubbles with your child - this helps improve pulmonary ventilation.

IN home medicine cabinet you can store the set medicines, which can be applied before contacting a children's consultation:

  • Combined antitussive drugs – Tussin plus, Bronholitin, Marshmallow syrup, Stoptussin.
  • Drugs that suppress irritation of cough receptors in the respiratory tract – Libexin, Levopront.
  • Non-narcotic antitussives – Glauvent, Sinekod, Tusuprex.

Whatever method parents choose to combat a dry cough, the most important thing is to ensure that it turns into a wet cough, so that it becomes easier for the baby to cough up phlegm.

A child’s night cough prevents him from sleeping and gives no peace to his parents. They immediately have disappointing assumptions about the nature of the disease. They try to alleviate the suffering of their baby, not knowing what actually caused it. They begin to stuff him with unnecessary mixtures, which can only aggravate the situation rather than prevent it. Therefore, you first need to find out the diagnosis, and then eliminate the causative agent of the disease.

What does it come from?

For effective treatment disease, you need to understand that cough is only a symptom of the disease, and the causes of its occurrence can be the most various factors. A more complete picture will be drawn if you listen to the child and determine what kind of cough is bothering him, after which it will be easier to find out the source of infection.

Dry cough

He is characterized by a disease of the larynx. It may also be without fever. If he is not present large number sputum, which means that inflammation occurs in the larynx, pharynx or trachea. The cause of a rough and severe cough is inflammatory process trachea.

With a dry “barking” cough, the larynx will most likely be inflamed and these are symptoms of laryngitis. It is dangerous because in the event of a severe complication, laryngeal stenosis can occur - swelling of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to a narrowing of the lumen between them and it becomes difficult to breathe. In this case, you must immediately call a doctor; under no circumstances should you treat the baby with folk recipes. You can familiarize yourself with the symptoms of laryngitis in adults.

A dry cough can occur with mild asthma. Or maybe it’s all about the cold air of the room in which the child sleeps. During rest, it irritates the laryngeal mucosa and causes a cough.

The child developed a runny nose during the day, and during sleep, mucus began to accumulate in the nasopharynx. Because it has nowhere to go, it slides down to the larynx and provokes a cough reflex.

If the baby feels a constant sore throat and tingling, this indicates the occurrence of pharyngitis, which usually provokes a dry cough.

Constant attacks of dry cough at night can occur as a result of a fairly rare (due to vaccination) disease - whooping cough. Bouts of bawling occur at regular intervals and are very severe at night. Perhaps a dry cough at night indicates gastric reflux. Older children may describe a sensation similar to heartburn.

Wet cough

The most common include:

  • pneumonia;
  • infectious diseases of the upper larynx;
  • any type of runny nose;
  • lung abscess;
  • tuberculosis.

How to stop or ease

When it comes to food, you need to switch to light, low-calorie foods; if the baby refuses, then pamper him with a milkshake, jelly, and after a while, game form Offer puree or light soup. Can't be canceled for the little one breastfeeding, nothing bad will happen if he drinks less milk for a few days. The main thing is to make the child drink a lot of warm liquid during this period. It will help thin the mucus and remove the infection.

All measures for treating babies under one year of age should be aimed at removing sputum from the body. The room must be constantly ventilated. Increase its humidity using improvised means:

  • spray bottle;
  • wet towels placed on radiators if the baby gets sick during the heating season;
  • humidifier.

To eliminate a severe cough, drugs are used to reduce the viscosity of sputum and promote expectoration (ivy-based syrups are most often purchased). You can use natural expectorant mixtures:

  • plantain juice;
  • decoction of wild rosemary, mother-and-stepmother or elecampane;
  • thyme, marshmallow, anise or licorice extract;
  • black radish with honey;
  • suitable essential oils.

Inhalations can also be used, but their composition is indicated by the doctor. Pediatricians approach the treatment of babies under one year of age in a comprehensive manner, prescribing syrup, mixtures and inhalations. Some recommend doing a massage, which consists of lightly massaging the baby's chest, for better phlegm removal. You can massage your feet using tapping movements; your baby will probably like this and will be useful for him.

In children one year old and up to three years old

For treatment one year old child and children under three years old will be used antihistamines: Suprastin, Cetrin, Claritin, Kestin and others. For such children, they choose medicines in the form of syrup and maintain the dosages recommended by the attending physician. IN in some cases Tablets may also be prescribed. You should not delay seeing a doctor; at this age, the disease can quickly take hold. acute form. Sometimes attacks of night cough can be accompanied by fever, in which case it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs.

You can apply mustard plasters to the baby’s feet, which will cause blood flow and reduce pain in the larynx. For a severe cough, the doctor may prescribe: Mucaltin (you can read how to drink Mucaltin), Herbion, Ambrobene, Gedelix or Alteika. He may also advise doing inhalations. The most common is considered to be a soda solution. To prepare it you need four teaspoons. soda per liter of water. For a dry cough, inhalations based on alkaline mineral waters such as “Borjomi” or “Esentuki-4” will help.

Treatment of children from three years of age, how to calm (relieve, cure, get rid of) night cough

Dry cough helps to clear up the following drugs: Glaucine, Levopront, Tusuprex, Sinecod, but they should be prescribed by a doctor for the corresponding symptoms. And to eliminate wet cough used: Pectolvan C, Pectusin, Abrol, Carbocysteine, ACC-100, Doctor Mom cough syrup for children. You will find a list of syrups for children. At the same time, do not forget about drinking plenty of fluids (such children and teenagers can already drink herbal tea).

By folk recipes Children can be given a teaspoon of buckwheat honey to suck. You can also dilute a quarter teaspoon. soda in a glass of warm milk. wonderful healing effect Tea with raspberry jam helps relieve coughs. If you have a strong night cough, prepare a burning pill. Her recipe is simple: you need to take and fry one tbsp. spoon of sugar until brown, then add half a liter of warm water to it, stir and cool slightly. Then add a few drops of aloe juice there. For night coughs, give the child one tsp.

Breastfeeding can cause expectoration and help heal and stop exhausting the child. They are sold at the pharmacy. They can be selected depending on the disease.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion about the causes of severe attacks

According to him, when you have a cold, an excess amount of mucus is produced in the lungs, and the body removes it through coughing. The reasons for its occurrence are:

  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic diseases;
  • viruses, bacteria or unsatisfactory air conditions (for example, the room is hot or dusty).

If bacteria accumulate in the mucus, complications will arise and pneumonia will follow. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease in time and begin.


The video explains what will help stop a coughing attack.

You can’t argue with the words of Dr. Komarovsky. After all, the sooner a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed correct treatment, the faster the baby gets rid of the cough and recovers, and this is what any parent wants. Therefore, you should strictly follow the recommendations of doctors and the doses of prescribed medications; you should not self-medicate so as not to cause complications. With regular use of medications and following the instructions, the baby will soon forget about the annoying thing.

Cough is a very common manifestation of illness in children. It can vary from a barely noticeable cough, which generally does not affect the baby’s well-being, to a painful attack, strong and frequent, combined with painful sensations, anxiety and sleep disturbances.

Attack children's cough may represent serious problem for the child himself and his parents.

Stopping a child's cough if it gets worse can help with essential oils, especially cedar oil. IN extreme situation- in case of choking, you should bring the baby to hot water so that he inhales the steam.

This will moisten the airways and stop coughing.

Night cough

If a coughing attack begins during sleep, you should first wake up the baby if he does not wake up on his own.

You need to sit him down and give him some warm liquid to drink. It could be milk herbal decoction or mineral water. If these measures are ineffective, the child should be allowed to walk.

Honey and butter can also help stop a cough.

The baby just needs to suck them. However, it is important not to overdo it with their quantity - the best option there will be 1 teaspoon. More high dose can lead to nausea or even vomiting. In addition, allergic reactions that may occur if used should be taken into account. folk remedies.

Occurred before bedtime

If your child coughs before going to bed, you can rub the baby’s chest with vodka, immediately cover him with a warm blanket and put him to bed.

You can also put paraffin on for half an hour (but not hot), which warms up the bronchi and eliminates soreness. It is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods that can irritate the mucous membrane (spicy and very salty).

Did you know what a “cough cake” is? We invite you to familiarize yourself with its properties, preparation and use in the article.


Allergic cough can be effectively treated only under the supervision of a doctor. The allergist prescribes medications, discontinues them on time and chooses more suitable means in case of replacement. Self-medication is unacceptable in such a situation.

There are few ways to stop an allergic cough in a baby at night. A child with allergic reactions needs special care.

There should be exclusively hypoallergenic materials on his bed. Feather pillows and wool blankets promote the proliferation of allergens. Such bedding items harbor mold and dust mites, which can lead to an unexpected coughing attack at night.

Effectively combat this cause of disorder baby sleep impossible with home remedies. For parents who are looking for effective method quickly stop a child's dry allergic cough at night, you should purchase bed sheets, suitable for a child. This will lead to a reduction in the frequency and severity of allergic cough attacks.

Allergic reactions will stop under conditions of timely wet cleaning, support normal level humidity and timely elimination of allergens from the child’s diet. For effective fight With allergies, parents should be as disciplined, attentive and purposeful as possible.

It is possible to relieve a severe night cough that occurs in a child in the form of attacks with the help of enterosorbents. They are used in the form of tablets and syrups.

Enterosorbents absorb substances that lead to an allergic reaction and cause a night cough attack.

In case of regular relapses of night cough, an allergist may prescribe inhalations with drugs that relieve pathological reactions. Such inhalations are carried out using a nebulizer.

Causes of children's cough

Cough in children can be caused by very for various reasons, among which:

  • allergy;
  • hit foreign body to the respiratory organs;
  • tuberculosis;
  • brain tumor;
  • whooping cough;
  • infected mucus that drains down the nasopharynx in case of a viral infection respiratory organs;
  • reflux of food into the esophagus from the stomach;
  • proliferation of adenoids;
  • dry air.

How to stop a sudden coughing attack in a child?

If the cough is caused by an allergy, it is necessary to give the child antihistamine to prevent swelling of the mucous membrane.

A coughing attack, which is caused by irritation of the walls of the respiratory organs, can be temporarily stopped with the help of any warm drink.

  1. Granulated sugar is poured into a hot frying pan, stirred, brought to brown, 100 ml of water is poured in, brought to a boil, then removed.
  2. The resulting product is poured into a clean container and cooled to a temperature of +40. It is given to the baby in the amount of 3 tbsp. spoons

The following drinks also help relieve an attack:

  • sweet tea with mint and lemon;
  • hot milk;
  • mashed potatoes cooked in milk;
  • tea with honey.

Too strong persistent cough suggests that something is stuck in the respiratory system. In this case, you need to tilt the child down and gently but firmly pat him on the back.

At the same time, tap the edge of the hand several times on the baby’s ribs, moving from bottom to top. Thus, sputum is directed to exit the lungs. This massage ends with stroking movements directed along the lateral lines from bottom to top.

Prevention of development

If indoors reduced level humidity, this leads to dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. As a result, pathogenic microflora actively multiplies.

Its resettlement in respiratory system leads to irritation of the mucous membrane, which provokes coughing as a natural reaction of the body.

Therefore, the room must be ventilated before going to bed. An open container of water should be installed near each heating device. This water will evaporate and humidify the air.

Another simple method of humidification is to place wet towels over the radiators.

It is very important to control the inside of the room heated by convectors. For parents who have small child, you should choose your heater very carefully.

Convection heating often causes a dry night cough, even in adults. There is a high probability of contracting ARVI after sleeping even for one night in a room in which a convector is installed, provided that there is a person sick with ARVI in this room.

Immune system small child is quite weak, therefore there is a risk that the baby will begin to suffocate in a room with convection heating, and will constantly suffer from a dry cough at night.

Fans can spread dust containing pathogenic bacteria throughout the room. To prevent this process, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the evenings where the child will sleep.

In addition, you need to place a cup filled with water in front of the convector (if you have one) and hang wet diapers around the room.

Many people do not know what a cough is and what the nature of its origin is. Actually it's normal physiological phenomenon, or rather the body’s reaction to some irritants.

Many parents wonder how to stop a child’s cough because it can occur at the most inopportune times. The problem prevents them from sleeping and eating properly, and children become capricious. Below we will look at what can be done in this situation.

What is a cough?

This is a reflex of the body, and it is complex. It occurs due to contraction of the respiratory muscles and appears in the form of an expulsion of air from the lungs.

The problem is provoked by irritants; they act on the trachea, larynx, and bronchi. The escaping air masses remove many pathogenic microorganisms from the body.

Depending on the causes of cough, it can be of several types:

  1. – appears in patients with tracheal and bronchial dyskinesia. Bodies that have entered the respiratory tract, as well as developing diffuse processes, can also cause its occurrence.
  2. – appears when fluid accumulates (pus, blood, or mucus). Once the unnecessary fluid is eliminated, the problem will disappear.

It is also customary to classify cough depending on the time of its manifestation:

  1. Morning– this is the first signal that an inflammatory process is beginning to develop. Smokers encounter it most often. It can appear with a lung abscess (a gradual inflammation of the lung tissue occurs).
  2. Evening– appears most often in those who suffer from pneumonia or bronchitis. Moreover, a night cough may not indicate the development of the disease at all. The reason for its appearance in this case is the increased tone of the vagus nerve, which provokes bronchospasm. The horizontal position enhances the movement of sputum.

The cough can be divided depending on its manifestation, in this case the names may be as follows:

  1. - the first symptom indicating an inflammatory process in the larynx and vocal cords. Possible diseases– laryngitis, croup, whooping cough. This type differs in that the voice becomes hoarse, and attacks of aphonia are disturbing.
  2. Convulsive – most often disturbing at night. Sharp coughing tremors. A gag reflex and vomiting may occur.
  3. Bitonal - most often found in people suffering from bronchoadenitis. A narrowing of one bronchus occurs, the air speed changes, and the cough tone changes.
  4. Sharp – present in patients with tracheobronchitis pleural disorders.
  5. Coughing indicates prolonged irritation of the cough receptor. His character is weak and short. Present in people suffering from pharyngitis and tuberculosis.
  6. Physiological – cleanses the airways, does not relate to pathological.

If a child coughs without stopping, his condition becomes weakened, it is necessary to go to the hospital or call a doctor at home. The video in this article explains in more detail how cough develops in children.

First aid

Sometimes a child suddenly develops a cough without stopping and parents simply do not know how to stop it and what actions to take.

Can actually be used simple remedies, which every home probably has:

  • alkaline drinking;
  • butter;
  • inhalation;
  • syrups.

But how can you stop a child’s cough urgently?

Below are simple instructions:

  1. If your child starts coughing while sleeping, be sure to wake him up, ask him to sit up and give him something to drink. The ideal drink in this case: decoction pharmaceutical chamomile, warm milk, alkaline mineral water, to which a spoonful of soda is first added. These products soften the mucous membrane, the soreness goes away, and the cough subsides.
  2. Butter or honey can relieve an attack. It is enough to give just a teaspoon of one or another remedy, ask the child to slowly dissolve everything, as if it were sucking candy. But be careful, before giving honey you need to make sure that there is no allergy to it, otherwise the condition may worsen greatly.
  3. If all the measures taken do not lead to improvement and the child continues to cough, give inhalation. IN in case of emergency, for example, in case of choking, turn on the hot water in the bathroom and carefully bring the child so that he can breathe over the steam. In addition, the humidity level in the room will increase, the airways will be moistened, which means that the cough will gradually begin to recede. As for inhalations, they can be carried out using essential oil.
  4. A child's cough can be relieved without stopping with baby syrups. They contain a large number essential oils, which during attacks help get rid of the problem. However, if the cough is more than just dry, call ambulance. Interesting! Parents should understand that it is not always possible to stop coughing attacks at home on their own.
  5. If during an examination a specialist recommends hospitalization, there is no need to refuse it. Sometimes a cough that seems harmless at first glance can be a consequence of the development of laryngitis, which, if left untreated, will turn into false wheezing. Important! When the disease worsens, the lumen of the larynx narrows, and the child may die because of this.

First aid only temporarily alleviates the child’s condition; the problem itself will not go away and it must be addressed.

Treatment methods

Depending on the type of cough that worries the child, dry or wet, treatment methods depend. For example, a dry cough should be converted into a productive, that is, wet, thus the healing process will be accelerated. It is allowed to use abundant alkaline drinking, bronchodilators and warm compresses.

Important! cure wet cough simpler - expectorants and mucolytics help. Used as a supplement traditional medicine and other methods.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for treatment

If an inflammatory process develops in the respiratory tract, it can be eliminated with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. The healing process will be accelerated, pain and other unpleasant sensations will disappear.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  • Gerbion, ACC;
  • Ibuprofen, Mucaltin;
  • Fluditec, Ambroxol.

Instructions for use are given by your doctor.


Expectorants are used to remove mucus from the lungs. Main active ingredients, included in their composition: alkaloids and plant saponins. Under their influence, mucus becomes liquid and its quantity increases.

The following medications can help relieve a cough:

  • potassium iodide;
  • syrups – Doctor Mom, Askoril, Prospan;
  • Gerbion syrup with plantain – a preparation made from herbal ingredients;
  • marshmallow root syrup, as well as licorice root.


Mucolytics can also help remove phlegm; thanks to them, a dry cough becomes moist.

The drugs listed below may be prescribed:

  • tablets - Bromhexine;
  • effervescent solutions - Fluimucil;
  • syrups – Ambrobene, Lozolvan.

To restore the activity of the cells of the bronchial mucosa, mucoregulators are recommended, for example, Mucodin, Mucopront.


To get rid of painful coughing attacks, antitussive drugs are used, but only a doctor can prescribe them. The reason is possible stagnation of sputum, secretion of mucus into the respiratory tract. The main indication for the use of such drugs is whooping cough, insomnia due to constant attacks.

Interesting! For the treatment of children similar drugs are rarely prescribed; due to the viscous secretion, the drainage function of the lungs worsens, and the likelihood of re-infection increases.

Antitussive drugs can have several actions - central, peripheral. May be assigned combination drugs, for example, Lorraine, but preschoolers are not allowed to take them.

Treatment with bronchodilators

Bronchodilators are medications intended to expand the lumen of the bronchi, as well as relax smooth muscle. If you have symptoms chronic inflammation Berodual and Atrovent are prescribed.


Many people use it to treat coughs in children. homeopathic remedies. The choice of drug depends on what type of cough is bothering you and what are the reasons for its occurrence.

  • Rumex – for the treatment of severe dry cough;
  • Arsenicum album – relieves coughs that irritate the larynx.

Remember that only the attending physician has the right to prescribe such drugs for treatment. The photo below shows an example of drugs for treatment.

Cough rubs

You can rub and massage a sick child only if he does not have a fever. The ointments presented below are recommended for rubbing against allergies, whooping cough, and false croup:

  • Pulmex, Eucabal, Badger - have a warming effect, use for children under 2 years is prohibited;
  • Doctor Mom - with menthol, turpentine oil, thymol.

Children over 3 years old can rub their chest with badger or goose fat, massage must be performed extremely carefully.


Coughing without stopping in a child can be stopped with inhalations. They are done with nebulizers, inhalers, or simply using vapors hot water. IN the latter case The procedure is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

The following solutions can be used at home:

  • calendula extract;
  • medicinal herbs – mint, raspberry, sage decoction;
  • ACC, Ambrobene, Lazolvan.

In the absence of the drugs listed above, you can use a soda solution.


Compresses are effective for treating cough in children. The fabric is soaked in medicines or tinctures, then applied to the chest, throat, back, and fixed on top with a warm cloth. For treatment colds It is recommended to do compresses before going to bed.

Popular and effective recipes are presented below:

  • mix butter, flour, vodka, honey, form a cake, apply it to your throat for several days;
  • mix vodka, sunflower oil, honey, heat everything in a water bath, cover the neck and the area between the shoulder blades, carry out the procedures every other day;
  • Boil the potatoes in their skins, mash with butter, apply to your chest;
  • dilute dimexide with water in a ratio of 1:3, warm it up, apply it to the heart area for 40 minutes before going to bed, can only be used if there is no fever.

You can also soak a napkin in saline solution and apply it to the skin, previously moistened with baby cream.

Mustard plasters

A dry cough with difficult to clear sputum can be treated with mustard plasters.

Important! Cannot be carried out with high temperature body, children under one year of age, with psoriasis. Do not apply to the area of ​​the spine and heart. For the treatment of small children, it is recommended to place mustard plasters through gauze.

The exposure time depends on age: children under three years old for two minutes, up to seven years old for three minutes, up to twelve years old for five minutes. Immediately after the procedure, wipe the skin with baby cream.

Traditional methods of treatment

How to stop a child's cough traditional methods?

The recipes presented below will help with unobtrusive attacks:

  • up to five times a day, give a tablespoon of carrot or onion juice with honey;
  • let the child drink warm milk, fruit drinks;
  • bake the radish with sugar, strain the juice, give a few teaspoons throughout the day;
  • mix hot milk and Borjomi in equal proportions, let's drink with honey.

You can heat the salt in a frying pan, then wrap it in a cotton sock and quickly warm the baby’s chest.

Treatment of cough in an infant

Up to a year old, infants may cough because they are teething or developing a cold.

If you see that your child’s cough does not stop, you can use the following methods to eliminate it:

  • ventilate the room, install a humidifier if possible;
  • let your child drink more, do light massage backs, but neatly;
  • carry out rubbing using animal fat, walk in the fresh air as often as possible;
  • give mucolytics - Prospan.

You can stick a patch on your chest - Nozzle.

If your child coughs incessantly, do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Thanks to timely treatment You can get rid of many complications and improve the baby’s health.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Cough treatment

Tell me, how can I get rid of a dry cough?

Typically, a dry cough begins to appear at the onset of a cold. Doctors recommend using antitussives, they improve the expectoration process and relieve spasms - Stoptusin, Libexin. In order to soften the cough, you can use traditional methods, let your child drink as much fluid as possible.

Drugs for treatment

The child’s cough has not gone away for two weeks now. After the examination, we were prescribed Gedelix and Erispal. Tell me, can we take the drugs at the same time?

Taking them together is not only possible, but also necessary, since the drugs complement each other’s action.

A child’s severe paroxysmal cough always worries parents. And that's right. Although it may not only be a symptom of a viral disease, it can be very irritating to the larynx and can cause a sore throat and even damage to the vocal cords. Therefore, treatment is necessary, but first the cause that caused the attack must be established.

TEST: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

The cough can be described as:

You characterize the cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (to understand this, type more air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing attack you feel pain in your stomach and/or chest(pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel dull ache in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the source of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do shortness of breath bother you (during physical activity Do you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

Non-infectious causes

  • allergic reactions - children have a narrower lumen of the larynx than adults and they cough even with weak exposure to the allergen;
  • chemical or physical irritation – causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and a reflex cough, dry and barking;
  • dehydration - when the temperature is too high or the air humidity is too low, the mucous membranes of the nose and throat quickly dry out, the baby begins to cough;
  • foreign body - this happens especially often in young children during teething, when everything that comes to hand is put into the mouth;
  • chronic diseases - bronchopulmonary, heart failure, some gastrointestinal diseases.

Attacks of a dry cough in a child for the reasons listed above are not accompanied by fever or other symptoms characteristic of respiratory diseases. It’s not difficult to deal with them - just eliminate the irritant and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, if present.

An allergic cough can be easily stopped by taking antihistamines.

If a child’s severe cough is accompanied by fever, runny nose, weakness, or lack of appetite, it is necessary urgent treatment. These symptoms clearly signal that there is an infection in the body and the disease is developing in full swing. On early stages You can try to cure it with home remedies.

How to relieve an attack

There are several ways to relieve a coughing attack in a child, and each of them is good in its own way. Once the cause of the problem is known, this is easy to do. But while it is being figured out, one often has to act at random. Moreover, if the attack occurred at night, and there is no opportunity to consult a doctor or buy fast-acting pharmaceutical drugs.

In any case, there is no need to panic. Here is the simplest algorithm for what to do if an attack occurs suddenly:

It is not recommended to relieve an attack with antitussive drugs unless they are prescribed by a doctor. Even with a large accumulation of mucus, the cough can be dry, without sputum production. This happens when the mucus is too thick and the child simply cannot cough it up. Antitussives inhibit the cough reflex and in this case only worsen the situation, promoting stagnation of sputum.

When the cough has calmed down, it is necessary to measure your body temperature. If it is above 38, give the baby antipyretic drugs: Panadol, Paracetamol, Aspirin. It is advisable to consult a doctor in the morning. He will examine the child, prescribe tests if necessary, and tell you how to treat the cough in your particular case.

Folk remedies

When used regularly, folk remedies help not only quickly relieve a child’s coughing attack, but also prevent it. reappearance. They are natural, safe and suitable for children of any age. However, when infectious diseases need to be monitored closely general condition child and if it begins to worsen even a little, consult a doctor immediately.

  1. Gargling. It is better to use pharmaceutical antiseptics: solutions of chlorophyllipt, furatsilin. You can use herbal decoctions or saline solution with the addition of iodine.
  2. Warm milk with fat. Cocoa butter, goat butter or badger fat at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of milk. You can add a pinch of soda.
  3. Ginger tea. Peel 2-3 cm of fresh ginger root, finely chop and pour boiling water over it, add a slice of lemon with peel. When it cools down a little, strain, add a teaspoon of honey and drink warm in small sips.
  4. Honey with ghee. Combine in equal proportions, mix well, form a small candy out of it and give it to the child as a lollipop.
  5. Onion syrup. You will have to prepare it in advance. Peel 3-4 large onions, chop well, add a glass of sugar. After 1-2 hours, when the onion releases its juice, put on low heat and simmer until the sugar thickens and acquires an amber color. Strain and give by teaspoon.
  6. Inhalation with cedar oil. It has the most powerful antiseptic properties of all coniferous plants. Pour a few drops into a container with hot water and sit the child down to breathe the steam. Not suitable for children under one year old!

Good healing effect provide warming: rubbing, compresses, salt bag, honey cake, paraffin therapy. Such procedures can only be done when the body temperature is below 37.2 and there is no blood and/or pus in the sputum.

Helps to cough up accumulated mucus faster drainage massage. It is performed with tapping movements when the child lies on his stomach with his head down. Sometimes pieces of mucus literally fly out of the bronchi after it, making breathing easier and speeding up the healing process.

Self-medication is prohibited

If a cough of an infectious nature cannot be cleared up quickly, it means that the child has a weakened immune system or you have chosen the wrong treatment methods. The disease cannot be left untreated – it can lead to very serious complications. You should immediately stop self-medication and go to the doctor if the following symptoms appear:

They can be signs of serious diseases: pneumonia, purulent bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, tuberculosis, emphysema, diphtheria, croup, etc. Incorrect treatment or its absence in this case can even lead to death.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to pay attention to all the symptoms of the disease: control the temperature, frequency of attacks, color and consistency of sputum, and the amount of mucus secreted. All this will help the doctor when making a primary diagnosis. He will deliver the final one only after necessary tests and laboratory tests.

Drug therapy

If the baby’s body cannot cope with the infection on its own or with the help of folk remedies, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs. Most often these are antibiotics wide range actions: “Amoxiclav”, “Augmentin”, “Cefazolin”, “Clarithromycin”, “Cefpirom”. Their dosage is calculated based on the weight, age of the child and the degree of development of the disease.

A dry paroxysmal cough is quickly relieved by antitussive drugs. They are prescribed in cases where there is no sputum, and the cough is caused solely by irritation of the larynx: with pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc. Not used in combination with mucolytic agents.

Cough syrups for children are varied and have a gentle effect. This is an excellent remedy to stop a coughing attack, relieve inflammation and sore throat. They thin mucus and help remove it from the body. It's best not to give these medications right before bed to give your child time to clear their throat.

Antihistamines (Diazolin, Tavegil, Claritin, etc.) help not only with allergic cough. They are able to reduce the amount of mucus secreted and relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, thus significantly facilitating breathing. They are often prescribed in conjunction with antibiotics to prevent possible allergic reaction on them.

Immunomodulators (“Interferon”, “Anaferon”, etc.) are most effective in viral diseases. They activate immune system and help her cope with viruses faster, without destroying beneficial microflora. They can also be given to a child for preventive purposes during the massive spread of respiratory diseases.


Simple preventative measures often help prevent very serious illnesses, For example, bronchial asthma. It is rarely congenital, but generally develops gradually, with prolonged irritation or inflammation of the larynx, from chronic bronchitis. So what needs to be done to prevent the disease:

And most importantly, do not start coughing attacks. If your baby still gets sick and you couldn’t get rid of it with home remedies in a few days, seek qualified help.

Remember also that residual cough passes within a maximum of 2-3 weeks. If it continues, further examination and, possibly, an additional course of treatment are necessary. You bear full responsibility for the health and life of the child, so be attentive to even the smallest things until complete recovery.