Public bath as a business. Calculation of costs for the construction and equipment of a bathhouse

The bathhouse is actually a multifunctional establishment. Some people like to take a steam bath in it with brooms, others get together with a close group of friends and drink beer while talking, others get the healing effect, and there are also those who visit the baths to maintain prestige.

Simply put: a private bathhouse is a profitable business! But where to start a bath business? This is already an interesting question.

What is in greatest demand today?

In Mother Russia the following are considered popular today:

The most labor-intensive and expensive to build is, of course, the Turkish “Hamam”.
This is because traditional wood is replaced by stone.

From the point of view of benefits, the most promising solution is the construction of a whole bath complex, where there will be all the buildings listed above or at least several Russian baths. However, this option is only suitable for established cities.

Private bathhouse - a “delicious” idea for business

Are you seriously interested in putting together a profitable business with your own hands? In this case, the advice collected in this article, based on the real experience of successful entrepreneurs, will be very useful to you. So, the idea has already matured, and this is a solid foundation for further work. So let's not waste time and move on...

Organizational and legal nuances

Let's assume that you will open and run your business as an individual entrepreneurship. This is the most acceptable option for UTII taxation, and this area exactly fits it, as stated in the explanatory letter from the Ministry of Finance.

A private bathhouse as a business falls into the OKVED group 93.04 “Physical and recreational activities”, since this includes: “ entrepreneurial activity in order to improve physical health people and providing them with comfort, for example, through solariums, mineral resorts, massage treatments, saunas, baths, etc. establishments." The number of this section according to OKUE is 019100.

Important information!
As for the fire requirements for saunas and baths, they are explained in detail in SNiP 05/31/2003, clause 6.3.9.
And relations with sanitary authorities will have to be regulated on the basis of SanPin 2.1.2.

Search for a place of "dislocation"

First of all, you need to think about the location of the future bath complex. As a rule, it should be close to the city, but away from the bustle of the “concrete jungle”. Therefore, you should decide on the purchase or rental of a suitable plot for the further construction of new buildings or reconstruction of old ones.

Some savvy entrepreneurs practice this option: they purchase a house with land plot of the required area - the building is rented out, but the free land is used for development.
Consider this solution to a pressing issue.

Construction, layout and purchase of equipment

We will not write out a whole business plan now, because when drawing it up it takes far more than 2-3 pages.

We just want to talk about the main points that are the starting points and main “points” in creating a bathhouse business:

  1. It is best, of course, to build buildings for baths and saunas from scratch, because when redeveloping existing buildings and carrying out repairs in them, you will certainly encounter many different problems.
    By the way, using premises that previously had a bathhouse or sauna to open a bathhouse complex is also not very profitable - high humidity will increase the cost of repair work several times over.
  2. Selecting a bathhouse project, a developer and resolving all issues with regulatory authorities and utility services immediately before the start of construction.
    It should be noted that finding a bona fide developer is a very responsible mission, which is one of the main conditions for the success of a bathhouse business. Therefore, you need to choose specialists who have been tested by time and clients. Then with this construction company We have to discuss the material for the construction of the building - this is also a big topic of conversation.

For your information!
The average construction time for a bathhouse is from 3 to 6 months.
The price here depends on the chosen layout and material, i.e. everything is calculated individually.

  1. You can start developing a private bath business with an area of ​​100 m², a five-meter pool and a steam room of 13 “squares”.
    Usually establishments this kind divided into the following sectors: general washing area and private rooms. In turn, the rooms are standard, junior suite and luxury.
    The difference between them lies in the available infrastructure:
    • An ordinary room is equipped only with a shower, toilet and barrel, and the pool is located outside;
    • The “junior suite” has a steam room with a wood-burning stove and stone;
    • The deluxe room has a dressing room, a steam room, a relaxation room, and the common room is zoned separately.
  2. As an example, let’s try to plan a bathhouse with a common washing room and steam room, without losing sight of anything. Let's assume that we have a building for a bathhouse in the range of 60-120 m².
    Does the SNiP instruction prescribe the presence of any compartments in it?
    • Wash room. There should be benches, a font for 5 people or more, wooden basins, a tub, and pouring buckets.

Pay attention!
Many owners of private baths install shower stalls in washrooms - this step significantly saves space and increases the hygiene of the establishment.

    • Hallway - hanger under outerwear, a shoe stand, a couple of chairs/armchairs/benches and a small cabinet. This set will be quite sufficient.
    • The restroom has a sink, several reliable shelves for personal hygiene items, a mirror and, most importantly, a sturdy toilet.

    • Rest room. Here strict regulations No. Everyone arranges it the way they want. What attributes can be placed? Table, sofa, armchairs, cupboard, refrigerator, TV with DVD system and karaoke, billiards, table tennis and similar things for comfort and entertainment.

  1. Equipment for a private bath. Let's say right away that the costs here will be quite serious.
    Conventionally, they are divided into two types:
    • One-time purchases of stoves, furniture, decor, equipment for a swimming pool, a relaxation room, etc.
    • Consumables - brooms, steamers, disposable slippers, steam room hats, sheets, felt or cardboard mats, mittens.

To get started, an amount of approximately 400-600 thousand rubles is enough.

These figures do not include the cost of the building.

Competent staff

Perhaps, the success of any started business depends mainly on well-selected, and subsequently consistently well-performing personnel. You cannot do here without a professional administrator with a pleasant appearance and experience in similar fields.

After all, he will be the link between potential clients and the establishment. His responsibilities primarily include: receiving guests, communicating with people by phone, and recording orders.

In addition to the administrator, it would be nice to have a bath attendant on your staff - an expert in his field. By the way, the reputation of your establishment will also largely depend on his skills and ability to maintain a conversation with clients.

Of course, you can’t do without a cleaner and 1-2 general workers (chopping firewood, servicing stoves, etc.). Don't forget about safety! You can use the services of private security guards or a security agency.


There are quite a few ways to develop the considered business. For example, you can expand the range of services provided on the territory of the bath complex - massage, SPA treatments, solarium, gym, mud baths, relaxation programs, aromatherapy, etc. Or you can move towards expanding the territory and the number of baths.

One way or another, you shouldn’t dream about the immediate arrival of dividends. At first, you won’t know what a big and stable income is. Moreover, for several months the establishment will operate, as they say, “at zero” or even “at a slight minus.”

And finally, we want to give you one more piece of advice. The bath business is a very interesting and profitable business, as people like to have a good rest. But in the first couple of years it is still important not to go too far, but to establish an acceptable pricing policy.

And when you have formed your own client base, you can gradually increase the cost of services. Then the income will start to trickle in. In addition, we suggest watching the video in this article, which will also help you organize your own profitable business!

Long gone are the days when bath and laundry factories were mandatory attributes of the harsh Soviet reality. But, despite the fact that the opportunity to produce hygiene procedures Everyone has a home, many of us, you see, under certain conditions will not deny ourselves the pleasure of visiting a bathhouse or sauna.

Connoisseurs who are willing to pay for such pleasure argue that finding a steam room to your liking is not so easy: a fairly saturated market still does not satisfy the demand. Consequently, there is a prospect of succeeding in the bathing business by opening a private sauna.

Opening a family-type sauna is a great option

Doubles in major cities are present in the assortment. Almost every time sports club there are baths, many beauty salons have mini-saunas, there are also VIP establishments with an expanded list of services (and Thai massage is a mere trifle compared to the services offered there).

But in all the listed examples, the “steam room” itself only accompanies the main business, is part of the “program”, and there is no point in considering it as a separate item of income. Another thing is a family-type sauna, a kind of cultural and health club, where both young and old will find something to do, where it is customary for the whole team to go regularly, with teas, aromatic oils and brooms. Experienced bath attendants say this is not easy to find. It's even harder to get there: everything best time(Friday evenings and weekends), as a rule, have long been “staken out” by regular clients, and fitting into a busy schedule is problematic.

In one of the saunas they say that especially persistent clients leave their numbers mobile phones, so that employees can inform them about an accidentally formed window.

Additional services and arrangement of sauna, bathhouse

According to experts, in such a sauna, in addition to the steam room itself (which should be counted on for at least six people), a shower room and a changing room, there must be a large room for relaxation. It is ideal when in the same room there is, for example, a billiard table, as well as a TV, so that the company does not break up and everyone finds activities of interest. It is advisable to equip a small pool (at least 3 by 3 meters); it would be nice to find a place for a couple of sports equipment. The presence of a jacuzzi is also of great interest to the public (in some baths this is included in the rental price, in others it is customary to pay additionally for the use of the service).

As for massage (it is believed that this type of health treatment goes perfectly with a steam room), it is better, of course, to provide for such an opportunity and purchase at least a specialized couch, since many avid bathhouse attendants themselves possess the necessary skills. Another option is when sauna owners enter into a service agreement with a practicing massage therapist, whose work is paid, naturally, by clients.

Many consider a bar to be another indispensable attribute of a bathhouse establishment. Owners of private saunas say that selling alcohol does not always bring big profits, but you still have to sell strong drinks - otherwise clients come with their own alcohol (which, in fact, can be negotiated). But we remind you that this type of service requires licensing.

Baths and saunas are a good business to start

According to experts, baths are not a very difficult business to start, and with a successful set of circumstances, it can pay for itself in two to three years. Experts say that when opening a family-type bathhouse, you should start with a cost of $1,000. for every sq. meter of area (a modest establishment can be placed on fifty square meters). It is not at all necessary to open a bathhouse in a pass-through place in the center (after all, people don’t come here by chance on the way). It is best to rely on a specific microdistrict.

Any bathhouse (whether Finnish or Russian) requires very significant technical equipment. For a Russian sauna, a wood-burning heater is best suited, but stoves can be electric or gas. A swimming pool is perhaps the most expensive pleasure. To equip it you need approximately ten different devices: pumps, filtering devices, heaters, transformers, illuminators. Generators, specialized ceramic heating systems, and special thermal curtains may also be needed. You will also have to fork out for water drainage and air ventilation systems. However, if it is difficult to reduce the costs of special equipment, then it is quite possible to save on the interior - the main thing is that everything is hygienic and functional. Pleases and minimum quantity staff: mandatory administrator and cleaning lady, as well as additional steamer and massage therapist.

You should be aware that the sauna is an energy-intensive institution, and the cost of electricity is ultimately greater than the cost of water - the main resource of the bath (about one hundred liters are required per visitor).

Bath business: the story of one entrepreneur

As entrepreneur Oleg Savchenko says, a bathhouse built, as they say, “for oneself” can eventually turn into a profitable business. "My best friends became my business partners, and we initially organized the sauna specifically for “internal use,” because everyone has relatives and godfathers. It is located in the basement of a house in one of the quiet residential areas, and, to be honest, it would be simply a shame to sell what was there originally: uncovered communications, drips, dampness. Over time, of course, we changed everything here, made repairs, equipped a relaxation room, a massage room, and installed a billiard table. We even have a fireplace, and it’s not a fake one,” says the businessman.

According to the entrepreneur, today it is almost impossible to get into his sauna “from the street” - all the time is scheduled by the hour (at the same time there is no claim to a VIP level, only a Finnish steam room is offered and even the services of a massage therapist have long been abandoned). With an abundance of saunas in big cities, family-type establishments where you can truly relax culturally are sorely lacking. A separate problem is to explain to people that this is a sauna where people take steam, and not a veiled “dating house” (brothel). “The point is to invest money in this business; it’s better to immediately position your business correctly and create an appropriate reputation for it,” says the businessman-bathhouse attendant.

Profit and costs

Considering that average price per hour in the steam room today is about 600-800 rubles for 4-6 people per hour (“extra” people are paid additionally - 100-150 rubles per person), and many saunas today operate around the clock and seven days a week, the total income will theoretically be approximately 150 000-180,000 rub. per month. Net profit will be approximately a third of this amount.

Well, it’s difficult to judge how quickly the start-up costs pay off - each owner has his own ideas about what the interior should generally be like, and accordingly, the initial costs of arranging the premises can vary greatly.

author: Oleg Minnullin, for the site

It is believed that a bathhouse installed on the site of a country house is more a whim of the owner than a necessity. In the village, such a building is rather a necessary attribute of everyday life, since it serves a whole series functions. For a long time they washed, washed, received medical treatment, told fortunes here, and sometimes lived here when the house was being built. A floating sauna is more of a luxury than a necessity, but such buildings look truly impressive.

In ancient times, baths were installed near reservoirs, which significantly accelerated the time for collecting water. At the same time, floating buildings were rarely built, because the discharge of dirty water would quickly turn a picturesque reservoir into a sewer, and our ancestors knew a lot about good water. Nowadays, modern materials make it possible to build floating buildings on rafts or pontoons without fear of polluting the water.

It is the floating bath that will be the topic of this article.

Features of the construction of floating baths

If you are interested in a floating bathhouse, then before developing a project, you should consider the following aspects:

  1. There is environmental legislation prohibiting the construction of such buildings in an environmental zone. Depending on the type of natural reservoir, this zone can occupy from 50 meters (for river sources) to half a kilometer (if we're talking about about large lakes).
  2. Placing a building on a raft will only be possible if the dirty water is discharged outside the water protection zone, arriving ashore, or the design provides for a multi-stage purification system.

Advice! If you are the owner of an artificial reservoir that is built on your site, then in this case construction can be carried out without any approvals.

  1. In the case of your own pond, you should think about cleaning or draining dirty water long before creating the project. Otherwise, a small picturesque pond will quickly turn into a swamp.

Design features of a bathhouse on a pontoon

The construction of floating baths with your own hands requires a radically different approach than the construction of traditional buildings.

And the changes concern both the foundation and the building itself:

  1. , columnar, pile or monolithic. It all depends on the type of soil on the site.

Here the pontoon can be of two types:

  • Plastic.

  • Wooden.

Buildings on plastic pontoons are most common. And if you live in a region with not very severe winters, and water bodies do not freeze in winter, then you will not have any special problems with the operation of such a building.

Advice! If there are frosts in your region, then you will have to either remove the bathhouse from the pontoon with a crane and disassemble it, or pull the entire structure ashore, since wintering in ice is contraindicated for plastic pontoons.

Some experts install non-self-propelled barges under such baths. They are considered a watercraft, therefore such structures are not subject to the rules for placement in a water protection zone.

Naturally, the price of both the barge and the construction of a bathhouse on it will be very high. However, if you initially planned to build a bathhouse as a commercial project, then they will not offer you anything better.

  1. The materials for constructing walls are usually logs, bricks, beams or wall blocks. For floating baths, only wood or frame technology should be used as a material, since the dead weight of such a structure should be small.

Due to the limited carrying capacity, the number of people on board at one time must also be strictly regulated.

Create a project

Let's consider the project of such a bathhouse, which includes:

  1. Plastic pontoon.
  2. Removable housing, which includes a shower, steam room and toilet.

The following instructions will help you take into account all the features of such buildings when planning:

  1. Let's start with the pontoon. It must have the declared load capacity and have fastenings for installing the housing on top.

The pontoon itself can be of three types:

  • We use pipes and braces. Pipes are driven into the bottom, to which the pontoon is attached using braces. For this method, you should use pipes that can not only withstand the effects of water, but also the effects of ice in winter.

  • The simplest option is to use chains and weights. We drop concrete blocks into the water, which have eyes with welded chains. Such a pontoon will rise and fall depending on the water level. For the winter, the weights must be removed from the water, the metal chains and pontoon are inspected and treated to prevent rust.
  • Using shore anchorage. Concrete blocks are installed on the shore, and the pontoon is secured to them using chains. A fairly durable option, but it excludes installation of the structure far from the shore.

  1. Regarding the building itself, you can make the usual layout of rooms in it. The easiest way to drain dirty water is to collect it through drain holes into special containers, from which it is then poured into settling tanks on the shore. You can, of course, install a full-fledged cleaning system, but it costs a lot, and it can cause quite a lot of hassle.


In this article we looked at key features such a structure as a floating bathhouse. If you like such exoticism, you can safely take on the development of the project. Just remember to take into account all the above-described aspects () when designing.

You can learn more about floating structures from the video in this article.

The history of the appearance of baths goes back at least two millennia; they appeared all over the world in different types among many peoples they are still a very popular form of recreation. Baths have become a part of human life and have long ceased to be an attribute rural areas. Almost all cities in the world have them at their disposal.

For many, the bathhouse is a place where the body and soul rest, and for some it is also a business. The business model of the bathhouse is quite simple, but at the same time it requires preparation, because not a single person starting a business in this industry wants to receive a loss instead of the treasured profit.

Types of baths

It is necessary to begin the analysis with the types of baths and how they differ.

  • , also known as a steam sauna, is the most common and popular type of bath. In such a bath there is a fairly high temperature (from 45 to 80 degrees Celsius) with high air humidity (from 70 to 100%), due to this, high degree warming up the body. Steam condenses on the body in the form of water droplets, so the Russian bath is not only a good place to relax, but also helps to wash the body much better than taking a shower or bath, which makes it one of the best places to maintain personal hygiene.
  • or as it is more often called a sauna, it differs from the Russian one in its higher temperature (about 100°C) and low air humidity (from 10 to 30%). Finnish baths are common in Western countries and are almost as popular as Russian ones. They are fully a place for relaxation; they do not provide for the presence of steam brooms, due to the risk of getting burned; instead, in most cases they use natural or artificial reservoirs near the steam room.

  • Hammam or Turkish bath- common in the Middle East, its distinguishing feature This is a very mild indoor climate, the bathhouse is heated by pipes with heated water running inside the floor, walls and even sun loungers. They spend more than one hour in such baths, achieving maximum relaxation; they employ staff to carry out various procedures, such as massage. Temperatures rarely reach 50°C, with low humidity. Often such baths are used in spa centers.

  • - looks a little like a bathhouse in our minds, this is a room in which there is a wooden barrel filled hot water, heated within 60°C and a couch on which a person sits after taking a bath.

  • A separate species is worth mentioning saunas on wheels. These are increasingly popular, compact baths located inside the back of a truck. This type of sauna attracts with its mobility and unusualness, and in fact this type of sauna is in no way inferior to others.

Other types of baths are essentially the ones listed above, but differ in the way they are taken, so it makes no sense to disassemble them.


It is necessary to find out the profitability of certain types of baths before the start of a business project. Based on the principles of popularity, cost of construction and complexity of implementation, the most profitable will be Russian and Finnish baths.

The Russian bath with its high humidity is difficult to implement in urban areas; in addition, many people associate the Russian bath with outdoor recreation, dousing with water, rolling in a snowdrift, and so on. We can conclude that it is best to base your business on a Russian bath in the countryside.

The Finnish one requires lower installation costs due to the absence of the need to install a steam generator, the price of which is quite high. At the same time, the Finnish bathhouse competes on equal terms with the Russian one.

In the long term, the commercial use of a bathhouse brings more profit than a small cafe. This is ensured by low costs for service personnel, hourly wages, and income from the sale of goods.

In theory, the bathhouse can be maintained by its owners themselves, which will significantly reduce initial costs, helping to quickly recoup the cost of its construction. Hourly payment guarantees a profit from each client, and often people go to the baths big companies. Selling goods in such establishments implies more high prices than in stores. It is up to the owner to decide whether to sell alcohol or not, but it is worth remembering that then customers will bring it themselves, which will take part of the establishment’s income.


Choosing and maintaining the climate in the bathhouse is the basis of the future layout, so first of all it is necessary to find out what the climate in the future bathhouse will be like.

The climate will depend on several factors:


Two development paths: either you build the stove yourself, or purchase a ready-made stove.

Purchasing a stove affects future heating costs. Electric, wood or gas - this is the choice offered by stove manufacturers. The most popular and reliable are Finnish stoves.

An electric oven is the easiest to use; it only requires proper settings.

Gas, like electric, is more economical in terms of costs, but requires careful monitoring to ensure safe use.

A wood-burning stove is the least suitable option for use in a bathhouse for commercial purposes, due to the constant need to maintain a fire inside the stove using wood.

Prices for these types of stoves start from 12,000 and reach millions of rubles. Of course, everything depends on the scale of your project; for a middle-class bathhouse, a stove costing about 40,000-60,000 rubles is suitable.

When building a stove manually, whether to order or on your own, it is important to remember that brick stoves have a much greater heat capacity and maintain heat in the bath longer than their metal counterparts. In general, the cost of materials for the construction of a furnace will not exceed 6,000 rubles.

Manual construction is not too labor-intensive and difficult, but the right approach you can be 100% sure that the constructed stove will last a really long time.

An important element in a Russian bathhouse; without it, the bathhouse will in fact be Finnish due to the lack of steam. The cost of steam generators is an order of magnitude higher than the cost of furnaces. A middle-class steam generator costs about 60,000-80,000 rubles. Of course, there are cheaper ones, but such steam generators are intended more for private baths than for permanent job in commercial.

Ventilation and chimney

An important condition for a quality bath is ventilation. Ventilation ensures air circulation and prevents stagnation inside the room. Sometimes the lack of ventilation can be dangerous to health and sometimes life. It helps in drying the room after use and maintaining the same temperature and humidity levels.

A chimney is a must if you are using fuel combustion to generate heat. Without this, the room will be smoky, and the danger will be the presence carbon monoxide in the air.

Construction of a bathhouse

Before planning a bathhouse, you should ask yourself: what material will the bathhouse be built from?

Material selection

Type of material and cost:

  • Profiled timber From 18,000 rub. per cubic meter.
  • Rounded log From 6,000 rub. per cubic meter.
  • Simple log From 3,500 rub. per cubic meter
  • Brick (red) From 400 rub. per m²/rub.

Using a special calculator you can calculate the approximate amount of brick needed. With a masonry width of one brick, a structure of 2.3x6x5 meters (excluding walls inside the building), the construction will take about 4,848 bricks. If the price of one brick is 8 rubles. then the cost of bricks for building walls will be 38,784 rubles.

When building a bathhouse from timber, with the same dimensions, at the price of profiled timber 100x100mm. - 18,000 rub. per cubic meter, the total cost will be 91,080 rubles (you can calculate it using this calculator At the same time, wood, in comparison with brick, warms up faster and does not require external and internal finishing .

It should be noted that bathhouses built from wood are very attractive to a potential client, due to people’s prevailing ideas about its appearance.


This is the approximate layout of a small bathhouse, which provides for the presence of three rooms:

  1. Steam room.
  2. Washing room.

The layout of the bathhouse is possible without the presence of a washing room, with the addition of a staff room in front of the entrance to the rest room. It is best to discuss the layout with experts in the field.

When using a bathhouse as a business, it is recommended to equip the rooms with various equipment that attracts customers and expands the functionality of our bathhouse. For example: installing a pool table or solarium. This will bring additional profit by attracting more affluent clients. To do this it is necessary large area rest rooms.

Example of a commercial bath:

This layout includes a washing room and toilet, a large relaxation room, a terrace and a steam room.


The construction of the bathhouse is divided into several stages:

  • Foundation installation;
  • Construction of walls;
  • Roof installation;
  • Pouring the floor;
  • Installation of equipment and interior finishing.

You can learn more about all this from various articles about the construction of baths, such as on the Internet huge amount, from the simplest and most understandable, to the construction of multi-storey bath house projects.

Each stage must be thought out at the bathhouse design stage in order to avoid problems during construction.

Construction of a bathhouse, depending on the complexity, will take from three weeks to three months. The average cost of hiring a construction team is 2000 rubles/day.

The cost of hiring workers will depend on several factors:

  • Worker qualifications;
  • Region;
  • Timing and length of the working day.

Calculation of costs for the construction and equipment of a bathhouse

Bathhouse design price: approximately 10,000 rubles.

Let's take into account the design of a 12x8 meter bathhouse, with a steam room, a staff room and a relaxation room. The height of the walls will be 2.5 meters. Equipment will include a table for 8 people, a billiard table, a steam generator, and an electric oven.

A brick building with an external wall width of one and a half bricks and an internal wall width of one brick, with a joint thickness of 5 mm, will require approximately 21,000 bricks and 5.7 cubic meters of mortar.

The price of the solution is 2,300 rubles / cubic meter

Brick price: 400 rub./per square meter or 8 rubles/brick

Calculation of the estimated cost: (8x21000)+(2300x5.7)=168000+13100=181100 rub.

Construction from timber at a cost of 18,000 rubles. a cubic meter with the same parameters will cost approximately 210,000 rubles.

The cost of construction from a log is 6,000 rubles. three times cheaper and will be approximately 70,000 rubles.

The cost of a roof, according to approximate estimates, ranges from 25 to 50 thousand rubles; let’s take the average figure of 37,500 rubles.

The average cost of equipment when building a bathhouse is about 150,000 rubles.

The cost of hiring a construction team will be about 120,000 rubles.

Total: the estimated cost of a complete building from design to installation of equipment, when built from rounded logs, will be: 567,500 rubles. To begin with full-fledged business this is a fairly low cost. The cost of construction can be either lower or significantly higher, reaching millions of rubles. But still, in most cases, the cost of building a bathhouse as a business project will vary from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

Revenue optimization

After building the bathhouse, you need to start starting it commercial use. Here you need to set visiting rates and work on increasing the income from the use of your bathhouse by clients. This is primarily necessary to increase the rate of return on investment for this business project, but in addition, high income will improve the quality of the services offered and ensure stable operation.

An internal mini-store that will sell various ready-made snacks, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, etc. will significantly increase profitability due to inflated prices and high demand.

Self-service of the establishment will allow you to initial stage save on hiring an administrator, allowing you to invest more money from income on promotion and increasing the quality of services.

Improving the quality of services provided will increase the profitability of the establishment by increasing the cost of visiting. A simple bathhouse will offer its services for about 200 rubles per hour per person, and a bathhouse with billiard tables, hookahs, a large number places and offered snacks will cost about 500 rubles per hour.

It is not recommended to save on everything; this can lead to a significantly reduced quality of service and loss of reputation. Savings are required, but in acceptable quantities. Rational use budget is often much more useful.

Calculation of profit per month

The most enjoyable activity for any entrepreneur is counting profits. The need to calculate profits in advance is one of the foundations for future entrepreneurship. Without this, there will simply be no incentive to start moving towards this goal. Therefore, below you will be presented with the estimated profitability from the commercial use of the future bathhouse.

First you need to calculate the number of visitors per day. The work of the bathhouse mainly occurs in the evening and at night, so from 24 hours it is worth immediately removing the morning and daytime 12 hours. There are 12 hours left during which the bathhouse will be open, but not all of them will be profitable due to the lack of visitors. The average number of “working” hours per day for most baths is about 3-4 hours. Most often, the bathhouse is visited by groups of two or more people. If we take the average number of visitors as 3, it turns out that approximately 9-12 people will visit the bathhouse per day. This value will decrease or increase depending on many parameters, such as the popularity of the establishment or the day of the week. So we can calculate that about 300 people can visit the establishment in a month.

A middle-class bathhouse, the cost of construction of which was calculated above, uses an hourly payment from each client in the amount of 500 rubles per hour.

If you do not take into account the costs of purchasing products and public utilities, then the net profit is about 150,000 rubles. A very good business that, with the right approach, will recoup the costs of its start in less than a year.

There is a common type of bathhouse in which people can simultaneously stay large number different people, such baths use lower prices, but receive a more stable and larger influx of visitors. More often, such baths perform better when located near large shopping or sports centers. In such baths, each person pays up to 300 rubles for entry and is with other visitors in one large steam room.


From such a broad topic, several important conclusions can be drawn.

  1. A bathhouse can be a source of good profit. The lack of bathhouses in the everyday life of the urban population forces them to go to paid saunas and baths. This allows you to receive visitors without special advertising costs. Relatively low costs of maintaining a business after starting and high profitability of the services provided provide scope for the development of this establishment.
  2. Low capital investment is a very big plus in favor of starting a business in this industry. In related industries, capital investments often exceed several million rubles, while here they rarely exceed the 1,000,000 mark.
  3. Pleasant competitive environment - firstly, the competition here is not as developed as it might seem, almost all saunas provide the same range of services, which means there is room for imagination. Secondly, the competitive environment itself attracts visitors, people not only go to different bathhouses in search of a better one, they may also not be able to get into one bathhouse and then they may urgently need to find another, which may be yours.
  4. Simplicity of the business model. Visitors pay for the time spent in this establishment, this is a very simple and at the same time effective key to making a profit.
  5. Awareness. All people know from childhood what a bathhouse is, so there is no need to once again explain to the client about the service provided to him, he himself knows everything.