How to open a private bathhouse on your own property. Competent staff

The accelerated pace of life in modern megacities and heavy workloads lead people to look for opportunities to maintain their health, relax and receive positive emotions. One of best places, where you can have a good rest, get emotional release and engage in healing procedures are baths. Therefore, baths have been and remain a profitable type of business, despite the fact that new establishments are constantly opening in big and small cities this kind, offering wide range services.

Which bathhouse is more profitable to open in 2019?

In Russia today the Russian bathhouse is popular, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam and Japanese ofurro. But the first two types are more common, since the latter, especially the Japanese one, are relatively new on the service market.

The most in demand are baths that have expanded functionality - bath complexes that include a swimming pool, bar or cafe, billiard room, massage parlors, etc. IN recent years A new trend is gaining momentum - establishments with bedrooms, often located in attics or the second floor, combining the functions of a bathhouse and a guest house. Baths with an expanded terrace area are also in demand. But you need to take into account that large bath complexes quickly pay for themselves only in megacities. For small town A small bathhouse that includes a minimum range of services is more suitable. This is the most profitable option for opening an establishment from scratch.

Our business plan is designed to open an establishment with minimal investment in 2017.

What documents are required to open a bathhouse?

When opening a bathhouse, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur and select UTII for taxation. The OKVED code is needed 93.04, since this section includes activities aimed at improving health, physical condition and providing comfort, which includes Turkish baths and saunas, as well as steam rooms. OKUE number - 019100

After registration, a package of documents is prepared:

  • copies of constituent documents;
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate;
  • permits from SES and State Fire Supervision;
  • passport from the BTI;
  • premises rental agreement or property documents;
  • a copy of the letter from Goskomstat;
  • a copy of the registration card;
  • contracts for waste removal, water supply, heating, electricity.

Approximately 25,000 rubles will be required for paperwork.

What should a bath room be like?

You can either look for a room for a bathhouse in a non-residential building or build one. The second option is preferable for two reasons:

  1. refurbish existing premises for required sizes quite difficult;
  2. When building a bathhouse, the choice of all areas and materials remains with the customer.

A small bathhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters is suitable. m. with a swimming pool (6 sq. m.) and a steam room (12 sq. m.). The bathhouse will also have a common room, a locker room, a relaxation room, a spa and massage room, and a terrace.

If the bathhouse is built from brick, it will require about 1,700,000 rubles. But we will focus on a more economical option - a room made of timber, which will cost 700,000 rubles. When finishing, special attention should be paid to technical and aesthetic characteristics. The walls are covered with wood, which must be treated with special substances that protect against overheating and fire. Each owner decorates the rest room according to his own taste. But, it is desirable that there be benches, a table and a TV.

After completion of construction, it will be necessary to connect gas, water, sewerage, electricity, which will require additional funds and time. Setting up all communications can take up to six months, and the cost will average 160,000 rubles.

Equipment and furniture. What is needed and how much will it cost

In recent years, a lot of special equipment for baths has appeared. In order to choose the right one, you need to take into account not only prices and the manufacturer, but also the factor that a modern bathhouse should be as functional as possible. Professionals advise to first draw up a plan of all the premises of the bathhouse with the equipment that can be located there. For the bath you will need:
  • a stove that has a heater and a tank for heating water;
  • shower cabins:
  • pool equipment;
  • ventilation equipment;
  • lighting fixtures;
  • equipment for massage room.

In addition, you will need lockers for clothes, tables, benches, and a TV. It is also necessary to purchase brooms, mittens, slippers, bathrobes. They can be rented or sold, thereby increasing income.

Furniture, equipment and bath accessories will require 700,000 rubles/

Bathhouse business plan: staff recruitment

It has a big advantage in terms of recruitment, since it does not require so many specialists, and, therefore, wage costs will not be high. Another thing is that with low wages, staff turnover is possible. To retain employees, you can introduce incentive payments, small but regular.

To work in the bath you need:

  • Administrator - 20,000 rubles;
  • Accountant - 15,000 rubles;
  • Cleaning lady - 10,000 rubles;
  • Massage therapist - 15,000 rubles;
  • Bath attendant - 15,000 rubles;
  • It will cost approximately 75,000 rubles per month to pay.

You can save money if the functions of administrator and accountant are taken over by the owner of the bathhouse or members of his family. Then only 40,000 rubles will be spent on wages.

Bath business: how much you can earn

How much does it cost to open a bathhouse in 2017? Let's try to calculate how much money it will take to open a bathhouse from scratch:

That is, to launch a bathhouse you need 1,675,000 rubles.

The profitability of a business depends on a number of factors, including the range of services that your establishment will provide. Services can include pre-booking, massage therapist and bathhouse attendant services, rental and sale of bath accessories. Prices for customers should not be too high, but they should not be too low either. On average, the price can be 200 rubles per hour per person, or when renting the entire complex 1000-1500 rubles. On weekends, the workload should be 80%, on regular days - 25%. If the bathhouse operates for 12 hours, then the monthly profit will be up to 86,000 rubles. The project should pay off within 1.5-2 years. After which you can think about expanding your business.

Download ready business bath plan

Long gone are the days when bath and laundry factories were mandatory attributes of the harsh Soviet reality. But, despite the fact that the opportunity to produce hygiene procedures Everyone has a home, many of us, you see, under certain conditions will not deny ourselves the pleasure of visiting a bathhouse or sauna.

Connoisseurs who are willing to pay for such pleasure argue that finding a steam room to your liking is not so easy: a fairly saturated market still does not satisfy the demand. Consequently, there is a prospect of succeeding in the bathing business by opening a private sauna.

Opening a family-type sauna is a great option

Doubles in major cities are present in the assortment. Almost every time sports club there are baths, many beauty salons have mini-saunas, there are also VIP establishments with an expanded list of services (and Thai massage is a mere trifle compared to the services offered there).

But in all the listed examples, the “steam room” itself only accompanies the main business, is part of the “program”, and there is no point in considering it as a separate item of income. Another thing is a family-type sauna, a kind of cultural and health club, where both young and old will find something to do, where it is customary for the whole team to go regularly, with teas, aromatic oils and brooms. Experienced bath attendants say this is not easy to find. It's even harder to get there: everything best time(Friday evenings and weekends), as a rule, have long been “staken out” by regular clients, and fitting into a busy schedule is problematic.

In one of the saunas they say that especially persistent clients leave their numbers mobile phones, so that employees can inform them about an accidentally formed window.

Additional services and arrangement of sauna, bathhouse

According to experts, in such a sauna, in addition to the steam room itself (which should be counted on for at least six people), a shower room and a changing room, there must be a large room for relaxation. It is ideal when in the same room there is, for example, a billiard table, as well as a TV, so that the company does not break up and everyone finds activities of interest. It is advisable to equip a small pool (at least 3 by 3 meters); it would be nice to find a place for a couple of sports equipment. The presence of a jacuzzi is also of great interest to the public (in some bathhouses this is included in the rental price, in others it is customary to pay additionally for the use of the service).

As for massage (it is believed that this type of health treatment goes perfectly with a steam room), it is better, of course, to provide for such an opportunity and purchase at least a specialized couch, since many avid bathhouse attendants themselves possess the necessary skills. Another option is when sauna owners enter into a service agreement with a practicing massage therapist, whose work is paid, naturally, by clients.

Many consider a bar to be another indispensable attribute of a bathhouse establishment. Owners of private saunas say that selling alcohol does not always bring big profits, but you still have to sell strong drinks - otherwise clients come with their own alcohol (which, in fact, can be negotiated). But we remind you that this type of service requires licensing.

Baths and saunas are a good business to start

According to experts, baths are not a very difficult business to start, and with a successful set of circumstances, it can pay for itself in two to three years. Experts say that when opening a family-type bathhouse, you should start with a cost of $1,000. for every sq. meter of area (a modest establishment can be placed on fifty square meters). It is not at all necessary to open a bathhouse in a pass-through place in the center (after all, people don’t come here by chance on the way). It is best to rely on a specific microdistrict.

Any bathhouse (whether Finnish or Russian) requires very significant technical equipment. For a Russian sauna, a wood-burning heater is best suited, but stoves can be electric or gas. A swimming pool is perhaps the most expensive pleasure. To equip it you need approximately ten different devices: pumps, filtering devices, heaters, transformers, illuminators. Generators, specialized ceramic heating systems, and special thermal curtains may also be needed. You will also have to fork out for water drainage and air ventilation systems. However, if it is difficult to reduce the costs of special equipment, then it is quite possible to save on the interior - the main thing is that everything is hygienic and functional. Pleases and minimum quantity staff: mandatory administrator and cleaning lady, as well as additional steamer and massage therapist.

You should be aware that a sauna is an energy-intensive institution, and the cost of electricity is ultimately greater than the cost of water - the main resource of the bath (about one hundred liters are required per visitor).

Bath business: the story of one entrepreneur

As entrepreneur Oleg Savchenko says, a bathhouse built, as they say, “for oneself” can eventually turn into profitable business. "My best friends became my business partners, and we initially organized the sauna specifically for “internal use,” because everyone has relatives and godfathers. It is located in the basement of a house in one of the quiet residential areas, and, to be honest, it would be simply a shame to sell what was there initially: uncovered communications, drips, dampness. Over time, of course, we changed everything here, made repairs, equipped a relaxation room, a massage room, and installed a billiard table. We even have a fireplace, and it’s not a fake one,” says the businessman.

According to the entrepreneur, today it is almost impossible to get into his sauna “from the street” - all the time is scheduled by the hour (at the same time there is no claim to a VIP level, only a Finnish steam room is offered and even the services of a massage therapist have long been abandoned). With an abundance of saunas in big cities There is a catastrophic shortage of family-type establishments where you can truly relax culturally. A separate problem is to explain to people that this is a sauna where people take steam, and not a veiled “dating house” (brothel). “The point is to invest money in this business; it’s better to immediately position your business correctly and create an appropriate reputation for it,” says the businessman-bathhouse attendant.

Profit and costs

Considering that average price per hour in the steam room today is about 600-800 rubles for 4-6 people per hour (“extra” people are paid additionally - 100-150 rubles per person), and many saunas today operate around the clock and seven days a week, the total income will theoretically be approximately 150 000-180,000 rub. per month. Net profit will be approximately a third of this amount.

Well, it’s difficult to judge how quickly the start-up costs pay off - each owner has his own ideas about what the interior should generally be like, and accordingly, the initial costs of arranging the premises can vary greatly.

author: Oleg Minnullin, for the site

Sometimes people come up with simply unique and original solutions seemingly pressing issues. An example is a floating bathhouse. From time immemorial, it has been customary that after visiting a steam room, people jump into a snowdrift or douse themselves cold water. In general, the most logical thing to do if you love such procedures would be to build a bathhouse not far from a pond. But popular thought went further and more and more often options began to appear when a floating bathhouse was built. It is how to make a water bath that will be discussed further.

General aspects of building and maintaining a bathhouse

If you decide to build such a room, you should know that before starting work you need to be clearly aware of a number of things:

  • Reservoirs are most often federal property and are subject to environmental legislation. In accordance with these regulatory documents, construction should be carried out, if it takes place at all. This especially applies to cases when we're talking about on the construction and use of similar structures in nature reserves or seasonal fish spawning areas. It is worth noting that in private, obtaining a construction permit and the subsequent use of a floating bathhouse can cost quite a decent amount, so in most cases only organizations involved in leisure activities dare to take such a step.
  • In addition, it is worth thinking about the fact that building a bathhouse on the water will not solve the problem. The bottom line is that the operation of such a building requires constant attention. It is necessary to tirelessly monitor the serviceability of all node connections and, in general, the overall buoyancy of the bathhouse. The very combination of these words hints at the unusual nature of the problem, and therefore double caution must be taken to bath procedures did not turn into an operation to rescue people from a sinking ship.
  • It should also be noted that, due to potential danger structures, all work must be carried out either by specialists or independently, but with strict adherence to all rules and, mainly, safety precautions.

Preparation and design

If the decision to build a floating bathhouse is finally made, then it is necessary to carefully study all stages of construction and subsequently carry them out as carefully as possible.

First of all, there is a preparation stage. It is necessary to decide on which pontoon the bathhouse will be built on, and also to draw up a detailed drawing of the future building. The bottom line is that, by and large, the construction of a floating bathhouse is not much different from the construction of a regular one. The main problem is to make the bathhouse stay afloat. This is usually achieved by installing it on a floating pontoon, which can be of three types:

  • Metal pontoon. This may be a factory-made design or a custom-made one. This option cannot be called cheap; in addition, constant maintenance will be required - cleaning and painting the body.
  • Plastic pontoon. This option is lighter in weight, which means it can withstand greater loads. It is also worth considering that in this case we are talking about a factory-made version, so you can predict the final result with some accuracy.
  • Wooden pontoon. This option can be found more often than the previous one. The fact is that in areas with a temperate continental climate there are distinct seasons, and water bodies most often freeze in winter, which makes the use of plastic pontoons impossible.

Pontoon installation

If the issue with the type of pontoon used is resolved, then you can proceed to its installation.

The plastic version is simply assembled according to the instructions. If we are talking about a wooden pontoon, then there is a little more work to be done. The main question is what to use as floating elements. An example is metal barrels. You can also use thin-walled large-diameter pipes that are welded at both ends. These “floats” must be connected together in such a way as to form a kind of raft, with the difference that it can withstand impressive loads. The base is attached to the shore or pier with metal chains.

Construction of a bathhouse

When the pontoon is made, you can proceed to the construction of the bathhouse itself. Here everything is basically the same as in the land version, but it is better to use materials that have as little weight as possible. For example, the frame of a bathhouse can be made not from oak logs, but from metal profile pipes, which are then covered with clapboard. Or you can keep it simple and use a ready-made version of the bathhouse, which can simply be assembled on a pontoon.

At this point, the issue of making a floating bathhouse can be considered considered. Of course, this is just general description, but you can get an idea of ​​the essence of the work and its general principles.

The following articles will help you get the job done:


In this video you can watch how people spend their holidays in a floating sauna:


Good day! Today I’m writing another one for my business portal.

I was asked to write this business plan by one of the subscribers of the VK group “ Business secrets for a beginner ”.

And so, next in line business plan for a private bathhouse, or rather even step-by-step instructions for opening a private bathhouse as a business.

Considering the Yandex search engine on the topic of opening a private bathhouse, you can get nervous tic. Check for yourself, the last one that just killed me was the business plan for a private bathhouse in 2017, I received a business plan for 2005... further without words.

How to open a private sauna step by step

We traditionally start a business plan for a private bath with the official registration of our future business, for this we need to choose.

Choosing a form of ownership for opening a private bathhouse

To open a private bathhouse, you should pay attention to two forms of ownership:

  • (Individual entrepreneurship);
  • (Limited Liability Company).

There are several reasons why I chose an LLC rather than an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Image LLC. Whatever you say, the image of a limited liability company is an order of magnitude higher than that of a business. Having opened your private bathhouse, be prepared to work not only with ordinary people (individuals), but also with organizations ( legal entities) quite often corporate events are held not in stuffy halls of establishments, but in the open air with a bathhouse, barbecue, etc.;
  2. Insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs. If you don’t know, then an entrepreneur, in addition to taxes, must pay so-called taxes for his activities, and it does not matter whether you are in business or not. This is a definite disadvantage of IP;
  3. Payment of 1% to the Pension Fund for individual entrepreneurs. Another disadvantage for an individual entrepreneur is that he must pay 1% to the Pension Fund on a turnover exceeding 300,000 rubles per year, which doesn’t seem like much. But counting for the year, let’s assume that the monthly turnover of a private bath was 100,000 rubles, for the year we get (1,200,000 - 300,000) = 900,000 and 1% is 9,000 rubles of additional expenses to the fixed contributions of the individual entrepreneur - undoubtedly a minus;
  4. . Just a couple of years ago I would have been making up step by step instructions opening a private bathhouse, I would choose an individual entrepreneur as the most simple form ownership in business. On at the moment I choose an LLC for one good reason: in the case when the sole founder of the LLC is also its director, he does not receive a salary and, as a result, does not pay 13% and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and Social Insurance Fund. The reason is quite banal - a person cannot conclude an employment contract with himself, but no employment contract, then there is no salary or insurance premiums.

This is actually the reason why I chose the LLC form of ownership for the private bathhouse.

Even if for some reason you don’t run your own business, you won’t pay anyone anything, unlike an individual entrepreneur.

In order to open an LLC, you will need types of activities from.

Since last year OKVED2001 was replaced by OKVED2014 (OKVED2), the Internet turned out to be a complete mess and they all got mixed up and only a knowledgeable person can determine which OKVED is needed.

Here you are lucky, since I belong to the category of people who can easily choose the necessary types of activities:

96.04 - Physical education and health activities (includes steam baths).

This type of activity will be the main one.

If you have any questions, please ask them either in the contact group or directly in the comments to the article.

Happy business! Bye!

The benefits of baths for beauty and human health have long been proven. Gone are the days when people visited the bathhouse solely to wash themselves. People come here for health and wellness and cosmetic procedures, for communication, and just to relax and “wash away” the burden of worries after a busy work week. That's why The bath business in Russia is gaining momentum, and every year the number of a wide variety of baths is growing.


Different baths undoubtedly differ from each other, but they have general features, thanks to which the entire process of starting a business can be divided into several stages.

  1. Development of a business plan.
  2. Search for a place and premises. You can either rent a room or buy it. In the first case, initial costs are significantly reduced, but the tenant runs the risk of becoming dependent on the owner.
  3. Consultation with the fire service. The bathhouse is considered a fire hazard, so this point is simply necessary. The quality of materials, ventilation system, water supply systems - the safety of others largely depends on all these factors.
  4. Business registration. Not everyone pays attention to this stage. For example, owners of small bathhouses in private sectors avoid it.
  5. Obtaining a license to sell alcoholic beverages if there is a bar.
  6. Renovation of premises, and in some cases, the work of a designer who will help create a special atmosphere.
  7. Purchase of equipment and inventory (stove, steamers for brooms, sheets, benches, ladles, dishes, etc.).
  8. Personnel search.
  9. Advertising placement.

But the owner’s concerns do not end with where to start a bath business. Such an establishment requires regular updating and maintenance, the cost of which depends on the size and functions of the bathhouse. Changing the casing, stones for the stove, minor repairs to the stove, updating furniture - you will have to think about this from time to time. A every 3-6 years any bathhouse needs major repairs.

Bathhouse layout

A standard bathhouse includes about 10-15 rooms. But these numbers can change both up and down. It all depends on the initial capital, target audience and location. The list of required premises includes:

  • hall;
  • wardrobe (dressing room);
  • steam room (2-2.4 m high and 5-8 sq. m per person);
  • washing room;
  • toilet with sewerage.

Additional premises:

  • massage therapist's office;
  • spa treatment rooms;
  • solarium;
  • Turkish, Roman, Finnish or Japanese bath;
  • rest rooms of various categories;
  • children's playroom;
  • pool;
  • billiards.

This list can be supplemented further, because everything depends solely on the imagination of the owner. For example, some arrange an artificial pond or bathing area directly under open air, as well as a summer gazebo for relaxation.


Often, it depends on the staff, their training and ability to communicate with the client whether the bathhouse will be successful as a business, whether a person will visit this establishment again or prefer another. Many owners of private baths do not pay attention to this issue special attention. Visitors are left to their own devices, and the owners do all the minor work themselves or use 1-2 assistants, usually family members.

But for bathhouse business owners who have large bathhouses or entire chains at their disposal, competent staff is a must. The main staff of the bathhouse consists of an administrator, a steamer, and a washer. As practice shows, the most difficult thing is to find a professional bathhouse attendant whose clients would be satisfied. Often you have to rely on recommendations from friends and acquaintances.

If the establishment provides additional services, appropriate personnel are required: massage therapist, cosmetologist, waiter, etc. A large bathhouse cannot exist without technical personnel: a cleaner and an electrician. It can be incoming, which makes it possible to significantly save on wages. Some entrepreneurs enter into contracts with companies specializing in the provision of relevant services.

Types of business: sale of bath brooms

Opening a bathhouse is a process that in most cases requires considerable effort and expense. The business of bath brooms is not so profitable, but its promotion requires much less effort. But you shouldn’t think that for this it’s enough to go to the nearest forest park and cut branches there. An experienced bathhouse attendant will always distinguish good broom from bad.

To attract as many regular customers as possible, you will have to study the characteristics of each tree, as well as familiarize yourself with the basic rules for collecting and drying branches. Baths need brooms all year round, but they can only be prepared during a certain period. Therefore, anyone who decides to seriously engage in such a business will have to work hard in the summer months. Then all that remains is to create conditions for drying and maintaining the goods in the “correct” condition.

In the first months, most of the work is aimed at finding clients. You can organize a point of sale, or you can negotiate directly with the organizations that decide how to open a bathhouse. In the second case, the entrepreneur has a better chance of receiving a stable income. Here we simply need entrepreneurial skills, good advertising or a competent manager.

Is it worth registering such activities? It all depends on the scale. If this is an activity “for the soul”, and the profit is small or one-time, then registering a business is not at all necessary. If the plans are more ambitious, then opening an individual entrepreneur provides a number of advantages: obtaining a quarantine certificate, permission for forestry and even the possibility of selling goods abroad.

Worth reading: .