Effective preparations for removing hair from a cat's stomach. Malt paste: an effective remedy for removing hair from the stomach of cats

Ingesting fur in cats is a fairly common occurrence. When grooming themselves, animals lick the fur with their prehensile tongue, which can cause fur to get inside. In most cases, the hairs successfully pass through the gastrointestinal tract and come out with the feces. But sometimes they linger in the stomach, forming dense lumps. Some cats are able to get rid of these growths on their own by vomiting, but this can be difficult for many long-haired pets.

To help such cats they use special methods treatment - diets to improve intestinal motility. Some owners replace pastes with more cheap analogue- Vaseline oil, however, such treatment can have a dubious effect. The most favorite method for animals and their owners is special pastes, which will be discussed in the article. Pastes gently relieve animals of stagnant hairballs, and also prevent gag reflexes (the most unpleasant thing for cat owners), removing waste through the intestines.

Types of pastes and their features

On at the moment Three pastes are popular - foreign Gimpet Malt-Soft and Malt-Soft-Extra, as well as Cliny from a domestic manufacturer. I think it's worth considering each of them in detail.

Gimpet Malt-Soft Paste

  • Manufacturer: Germany
  • Ingredients: malt extract, products plant origin, oils and fats, milk sugar derivative with TGOS.
  • Price: 290-500 rubles

This tool It is most popular among cat owners, although it is quite expensive and has a specific appearance and smell. It’s not so easy to get a pet to eat a jelly-like mass brown with an unpleasant odor, but you can resort to a trick - add the paste to your pet’s food. Subsequently, you can give the medicine separately when the cat gets used to it. If you do not overdo the dose, the result will not take long to arrive. This paste also has a beneficial effect on the whole digestive system.


  • Manufacturer: Russia
  • Ingredients: water with silver ions, whole milk powder, malt extract, vegetable fat, vegetable fiber.
  • Price: 203-460 rubles

This paste is much cheaper than its foreign counterpart and is not inferior in quality. The product has a slightly more pleasant smell and is translucent, which makes it more attractive. The main disadvantage is that the effect of using the paste occurs after a longer time (unlike Gimpet).


Hair removal paste can be given along with food or in its pure form (preferably before meals). No additional tools or procedures are required. The recommended dosage for adult cats weighing more than two kilograms is 2.5 g. (5 cm) paste. For kittens and cats weighing less than two kilograms - 2 cm from the paste. If necessary, the dose can be doubled. It is better to give the paste daily, but it can be given less often as a preventive measure. Particular attention should be paid to this during the molting period, when the risk of ingesting fur increases several times.

Side effects

The pastes are absolutely harmless to cats and do not cause allergic reactions. The smell and taste that are pleasant to the cat make these products look like some kind of treat that stimulates the pet’s digestion.

Problems with hairballs are caused by the hairs not being digested in the stomach. They are resistant to acid-base environments.

Most short-haired cats have almost no problems with removing clumps. Their furry relatives suffer: long-haired breeds and those with a thick undercoat. Their fur tends to accumulate in the stomach and form dense clumps. Because of this:

  1. The cat has a feeling of false satiety, because the stomach is full. This is fraught with exhaustion and weakening of the body.
  2. Wool obstructs intestinal passage, causing inflammatory processes, constipation, belching, vomiting. Sometimes surgery is required.
  3. In some cats, hairs grow into the mucous membrane. Especially if they get stuck in your teeth.

Exists large number malt paste for hair removal. Each manufacturer cares about its reputation and, of course, about animals and makes high-quality, safe and effective drugs.

Beaphar Malt Paste Omega 6

Used to remove hair from gastrointestinal tract.

Contains: malt extract, fats and oils, glycerin, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and some additives. All components contained in the composition help remove hair and already formed lumps from the body.

The peculiarity of this product is that in addition to its direct function, it also strengthens the immune system and improves the condition of the skin and coat. The product must be stored at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees, and after opening the package it is recommended to put the tube in the refrigerator (temperature from 2 to 8).

The price for 100 g varies from 200 to 450 rubles.

Manufacturer: Beafar, Netherlands.

Oil for internal use, for removing wool.

Ingredients: cellulose, malt extract, yeast, fats and oils. As additives: protein, fat, fiber. Quantity content harmful substances does not exceed the norms that are maximum permissible.

The product is feed additive and promotes the removal of not only wool, but also undigested food. Feature food additives Its feature is to eliminate cough caused by swallowed lumps.

The cost, depending on the volume, can be from 230 to 990 rubles.

Manufacturer: Jimpet, Germany.

Hair removal paste Cliny

Is the most budget option from the list presented, but this does not reduce its effectiveness.

The main ingredients are: malt extract, vegetable fat and fiber, whole milk powder and water containing silver ions.

The unique composition of the paste helps cats get rid of formed hair masses, and silver ions help disinfect the intestines. The use of the drug is possible for both adults and kittens.

The only disadvantage of this paste is that in some cats with high sensitivity to the components of the drug, the paste can cause an allergic reaction.

The cost for a 75 milliliter tube is about 300 rubles.

Manufacturer: Ecoprom, Russia.

Types and composition of pastes

All cat pastes on the market contain ballast substances, fiber and vegetable oils. One of the most versatile components is malt.

To remove wool, many manufacturers add TGOS. This is a so-called transgalactooligosaccharide, which additionally stimulates the digestive processes in cats and helps normalize microflora.

In addition to monofunctional products, the purpose of which is solely to remove dead hairs, there are pastes that provide the cat’s body with essential vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

How to get rid of hair

Cats that have a caring owner have nothing to fear. You should understand that you need to provide assistance to your pet and carry out hair removal procedures regularly. To do this, you can resort to some fairly popular methods.

Natural food

When living in a private house, the cat can freely walk around the yard. As noted, many pets are able to feel that regular hair removal will help them get rid of hair. green grass. After the animal eats it, vomiting will begin. And it is at this time that the hairs, along with mucus and grass, will come out of the cat’s body.

Purchasing special feed

Many companies specializing in the production of food for four-legged residents produce special lines. They help to establish the procedure for removing hair from the stomach. This is due to the fact that the feed is impregnated with a special vegetable fiber and oils. These substances help remove hairs in feces.

Such food should most often be given to pets during the molting period. You can choose products based on your cat’s taste preferences. It is worth understanding that it will be difficult to make a choice the first time, since not all products may appeal to your four-legged friend.


The procedure for removing hair from the stomach may be based on taking a special mineral complex. It includes plant extracts. They help cleanse the stomach of unnecessary hairs.

Among the extracted plants, the roots of licorice, plantain, and yarrow should be highlighted. The complex can also be made on the basis of violet and centaury. You cannot feed phytomines to an animal that is not yet 8 months old. For older pets, tablets should be given 2 times a week, 2 pieces.

Using the paste

Cliny paste can be used to remove hair. It contains vegetable oils. In addition, the pasta includes huge amount ballast elements. They have a pleasant smell and help improve digestion. Before feeding, the paste should be mixed with the usual food that you give to your for a pet give regularly.

It is best to give this hair remover during the shedding period. Basically, all cats without exception like Cliny paste. “Malt-paste” has also proven itself well.

Purchasing Special Herbs

Not only Cliny paste can be used to remove hair from the stomach. On modern stage Cleansing herbs are sold in specialized pharmacies. They just need to be sown in a pot and placed on the windowsill. You can choose a place where your cat likes to spend his time.

As soon as the sprouts hatch, the pet will begin to eat them. If he doesn’t pay attention to the plant, you can plant it next to the pot and show him the sprouts. After this, basically all pets begin to feast on cleaning products.

This kind of weed is natural product, with which the procedure for removing fur from the stomach does not require your personal intervention. Sprouted sprouts can be fed to your pet, regardless of the time of year outside.

It should also be noted that the cleansing herb, like the paste, is rich in amino acids, minerals and B vitamins.

The video will show how cats eat grass.

Buying treats

Cleansing sweets are simple sticks. There is paste inside them. The taste of sweets may vary. Therefore, when purchasing, you should be guided by your pet’s taste preferences. Treats cannot replace vitamins and minerals. They act as a quality supplement to the main diet. They can be fed to picky eating animals.

Vaseline oils

At home, the procedure for removing hair from a pet’s body can be based on the use of Vaseline oil. This remedy is mainly used when the cat cannot go to the toilet “in a big way.” But you should not use a product to remove hair from the stomach. It is better to additionally consult a veterinarian.

You can purchase the substance at a veterinary pharmacy. It has a laxative effect, coats the intestinal walls and helps get rid of hairballs. The oil looks like clear liquid odorless.

The product must be poured into the pet's mouth. This may require a syringe without a needle. A single dose includes 3-4 ml. Mainly cats similar procedure I’m not able to like the conclusion. For this reason, an assistant may be required to hold the animal firmly.

Instructions for use, dosage

Wool paste most often has a standard dosage. For adult cats and kittens, manufacturers recommend squeezing out 3–5 cm of the product and giving it daily. For kittens average rate less – 1–3 cm. Can be done before meals.

Cats willingly eat products that remove the effects of shedding. True, some reviews say that sometimes they have to be added to food. If necessary, it is recommended to double the dosage.

According to the instructions, the products do not cause any side effects and complications associated with their use, but if an allergic reaction or diarrhea occurs, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a veterinarian.

There are no contraindications for use since the paste is gentle, safe and effective. It can be used on an ongoing basis and as a preventive measure.

Side effects and contraindications

Most manufacturers insist that there are no contraindications or side effects when using wool paste. Provided that the dosage is followed. However, veterinarians and experienced breeders in reviews do not recommend giving the paste if the cat has gastrointestinal diseases, especially acute ones. First, diagnosis and treatment, and then removal of cat hair.

According to manufacturers, the pastes do not cause allergies and are generally absolutely harmless to cats. Moreover, they taste and smell pleasant, so they become a treat for pets, which also stimulates digestion.

However, experienced breeders and veterinarians advise not to trust such statements about the absence of side effects and contraindications. The paste (even if the dosage is observed) should not be given to pets with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should first be diagnosed, if necessary, treated, and only then get rid of hair.

Today, the pet products market offers many pastes for removing hair from cats. Consumer reviews show that only a few products can be recommended for purchase.

The price of a magical treat and where to buy it

Many people produce maltpaste famous brands, specializing in animal products. The choice of brand should be based on the animal’s preferences. Some pastes may not taste good, some may make your stool very weak. And of course, it all depends on the capabilities of the wallet.

Modern maltpaste for cats, the price of which can vary depending on the manufacturer, is sold in specialized pet stores.

A good alternative to imported brands would be Cliny cat hair removal paste.

It was made in Russia, but is in no way inferior to its Western counterparts. If there is only one cat in the house, a tube of paste will last a long time.

By purchasing just a tube of maltpaste, you can solve many problems, maintain your cat’s health, and relieve it from discomfort, improve the quality of wool and make the house cleaner!

Cats, being eternal clean people, constantly lick themselves. While grooming, they often swallow fur. Most pets get rid of it on their own. However, for some, this causes indigestion and constipation. In this case, a paste for removing hair from cats will come to the rescue. Let's look at how to give it and which brands customers like best.

Why remove hair from the body?

The fact is that the lumps formed from hairs are resistant to acidic and alkaline environments. Therefore, they are not digested by the cat's stomach. Short-haired pets practically do not have any difficulties with removing hair. But breeds with long fur often suffer from this. What problems might arise?

  • Intestinal patency becomes difficult, which causes constipation, vomiting, belching and inflammation.
  • When the stomach fills with fur, the cat develops a false sense of fullness. This is fraught with weakening and exhaustion of the mustachioed pet’s body.
  • Sometimes hairs can grow into the mucous membranes, especially if they are stuck between the teeth.

At all advanced cases without surgical intervention there's simply no way around it. Therefore, the animal needs to be provided with timely assistance.

What are pastes made from?

Pastes for removing hair from a cat’s stomach, which are on the market today, contain vegetable oils, fiber and ballast substances. A universal component that manufacturers like to add is malt. Often the product is enriched with TGOS, the so-called transgalactooligosaccharide. It additionally normalizes the microflora and helps stimulate the cat’s digestive processes.

In addition to monofunctional pastes, there are products that not only remove dead hair, but also provide the pet with the necessary amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

Action of the paste

Contrary to the misconceptions of many people, such a product is not capable of dissolving hairs. It is needed exclusively for removing hair from cats. The paste contains oils, fiber and fats, which are the active ingredients. Under their influence, the product lubricates the intestinal walls, envelops lumps of hair and removes them through digestive tract from the body.

Thus, the paste improves the animal’s intestinal motility and gets rid of hair along with feces. The product prevents constipation and regurgitation, especially during shedding. In addition to prevention, due to stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract, the paste has restorative effect.

How to give hair removal paste to a cat?

Hairball removal paste can be given alone or along with food. But veterinarians It is recommended to do this before eating. None additional procedures or no tools required. As a rule, cats willingly eat similar drugs. But practice shows that some animals are picky and take medicine only with food.

Usually the product has a standard dosage. Adult pets that weigh more than two kilograms require about 2.5 grams of paste. This is a strip of extruded product approximately five centimeters long. Cats and kittens weighing less than two kilograms are given only one gram of paste. This is approximately two centimeters. If necessary, the dosage is doubled.

Many people are interested in how often a paste can be given to remove hair from cats. How do veterinarians recommend doing this? It is best to feed the product to your pet once a day, every day. Particular attention should be paid to this process during shedding, when the risk of ingesting fur increases several times. If the drug is given as a preventive measure, it can be given less frequently.

Side effects and contraindications

According to manufacturers, the pastes do not cause allergies and are generally absolutely harmless to cats. Moreover, they taste and smell pleasant, so they become a treat for pets, which also stimulates digestion.

However, experienced breeders and veterinarians advise not to trust such statements about the absence of side effects and contraindications. The paste (even if the dosage is observed) should not be given to pets with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should first be diagnosed, if necessary, treated, and only then get rid of hair.

Today, the pet products market offers many pastes for removing hair from cats. Consumer reviews show that only a few products can be recommended for purchase.

Malt paste “Gimpet”

This product is the most popular among cat owners. It is produced in Germany by the Jimborn company and is quite expensive compared to by similar means. For a one-hundred-gram tube you will have to pay about. Although you can find a paste on sale in a smaller volume (fifty grams), the price for it usually does not exceed three hundred rubles.

The composition of the product inspires confidence. It is made from plant products, fats and oils, and a milk sugar derivative with transgalactooligosaccharide.

In appearance, it is a brown jelly-like mass that has a specific bad smell. Therefore, in some cases, the cat does not eat the Gympet hair removal paste. Then the owners recommend resorting to a trick - squeezing the product directly into the food. After this the problem is solved. After some time, the animal gets used to the drug and eats it separately as a treat. Consumers also note that this product has a good effect on the pet's digestive system.

Pasta "Dzhimket"

This product is produced by the same German manufacturer. On sale you can find packaging of twenty, fifty, one hundred and two hundred grams. Such tubes cost on average from two hundred to five hundred rubles. In principle, the composition of the paste is the same, but cats eat it much more readily, as consumers note in their reviews. This product tastes and smells more pleasant. Therefore, almost all pets willingly eat the product directly from the tube.

The effect of the product is not long in coming; the paste does an excellent job of removing hair. IN in rare cases after eating it, the animal has problems with stool. But cat owners still recommend this drug for purchase.

Pasta "Klini"

This product produces Russian company Ecoprom, which has been on the veterinary market for fifteen years. Brand“Kleenie” was the first pet care series containing water with silver ions. In addition to this component, the composition contains vegetable fats, fiber, malt extract and whole milk powder.

Cliny cat hair removal paste is translucent in appearance and has a more pleasant smell. This makes the product much more attractive to the animal. Therefore, pets eat it with pleasure.

The manufacturer produces tubes of thirty and seventy-five milliliters. Accordingly, they cost about one hundred and fifty and three hundred rubles. The price is significantly lower than foreign analogues, but the result is no worse. Some buyers note the only drawback. The effect of the paste does not occur immediately, but after a long time.

Malt paste from "Beafar"

This product is produced by the leading Dutch company Beafar, which has been producing products for animals for more than seventy years. The composition of the paste for hair removal in cats includes oils and fats, malt extract, yeast and dairy products. Available in a tube of one hundred milliliters. Average price for the product - five hundred rubles.

Surprisingly, the product has two layers. This is malt paste dark brown and caramel conditioner. Therefore, the product has a double effect: it removes hairballs and promotes normal bowel function. Pets enjoy eating it thanks to its caramel flavor.

Buyers note that after eating this paste, the cat’s constipation, vomiting, and appetite appear. In addition, the hairline is strengthened, which makes the wool more beautiful and of higher quality. In reviews, people say that regular and timely use of the paste helps to avoid the formation of hairballs and health problems for the pet.

It's always good to have a magical remedy on hand in the form of a paste for removing hair from cats. However, it will never replace full combing. Therefore, pet your pet periodically with wet hands. This will help significantly reduce the amount of dead hair.

Eternally clean cats, they constantly lick themselves. Everything would be fine, but the hairs end up in the stomach. For some, this provokes indigestion and constipation. In advanced cases, more is possible serious problems. Paste for removing hair from cats helps prevent gastrointestinal diseases. This is especially important for long-haired pets, as well as those who do not have free range.

Problems with hairballs are caused by the hairs not being digested in the stomach. They are resistant to acid-base environments.

Most short-haired cats have almost no problems with removing clumps. Their furry relatives suffer: long-haired breeds and those with a thick undercoat. Their fur tends to accumulate in the stomach and form dense clumps. Because of this:

  1. The cat has a feeling of false satiety, because the stomach is full. This is fraught with exhaustion and weakening of the body.
  2. Wool impedes intestinal patency, causes inflammation, constipation, belching, and vomiting. Sometimes surgery is required.
  3. In some cats, hairs grow into the mucous membrane. Especially if they get stuck in your teeth.

Types and composition of pastes

All cat pastes on the market contain ballast substances, fiber and vegetable oils. One of the most versatile components is malt.

To remove wool, many manufacturers add TGOS. This is a so-called transgalactooligosaccharide, which additionally stimulates the digestive processes in cats and helps normalize microflora.

In addition to monofunctional products, the purpose of which is solely to remove dead hair, there are pastes that provide the cat’s body with the necessary vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

How does the paste work?

Under the influence active ingredients(thanks to oils and fiber), hairballs are enveloped in paste and, lubricating the intestinal walls, are removed from the body through the digestive tract.

Contrary to misconceptions, the products do not dissolve, but remove hair only along with feces: oils, fats and fiber stimulate intestinal motility.

This prevents the problem of regurgitation and constipation, especially during shedding. In addition to preventing the formation of hairballs, paste for cats has a general strengthening effect on the body due to stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Instructions for use, dosage

Wool paste most often has a standard dosage. For adult cats and kittens, manufacturers recommend squeezing out 3–5 cm of the product and giving it daily. For kittens, the average norm is less - 1–3 cm. Can be done before meals.

Cats willingly eat products that remove the effects of shedding. True, some reviews say that sometimes they have to be added to food. If necessary, it is recommended to double the dosage.

Contraindications and side effects

Most manufacturers insist that there are no contraindications or side effects when using wool paste. Provided that the dosage is followed. However, veterinarians and experienced breeders in reviews do not recommend giving the paste if the cat has gastrointestinal diseases, especially acute ones. First, diagnosis and treatment, and then removal of cat hair.

The most popular hair removal pastes

Hair removal products are produced by many major players in the medicinal and nutritional supplements market:

  1. The Beaphar brand produces Duo Malt Paste or Malt Paste, which is popular among cat owners. The line includes special food for hair removal and crunchy treats with paste.
  2. The GimCat brand is the undisputed leader in the production of pastes. Including fortified ones. For hair removal, the owners chose Malt-Soft Paste Extra.

Pastes for cats are available in the following lines:

  • Hartz;
  • Gimborn;
  • Nutri-Vet;
  • Karlie-Flamingo;
  • Sentry;
  • Clini.

Often, cat owners are faced with such a nuisance as hairballs getting stuck in their pet’s stomach. This problem is often quickly solved without the use of auxiliary means. However, in some cases, special medications are needed to quickly and effectively remove hairballs from the cat’s body. Such a product is malt paste.

Symptoms of the presence of hairballs in a cat's stomach

Cats often lick themselves, causing the hairs to life cycle which have ended, cling to the animal’s tongue and enter the gastrointestinal tract. In most cases, this does not pose a risk to the pet's health. Wool often passes spontaneously through the intestines along with feces.

However, sometimes dense lumps form that can get stuck in one of the sections of the gastrointestinal tract. Long-haired cats often face this problem. Moreover, females suffer from such trouble more often than males, since the former are more clean and lick themselves more thoroughly.

Symptoms that occur when fur accumulates in the stomach:

  • loss of appetite;
  • the wool loses its shine;
  • gagging;
  • loss of activity;
  • constipation or lack of stool.

When hair accumulates in the stomach, the cat becomes lethargic and refuses to eat.

This problem is fraught with danger, because the lump can be quite large and cannot pass through the gastrointestinal tract. This is dangerous due to the hair getting stuck in the stomach or intestines, which will cause obstruction - mechanical obstruction. IN in this case food will not be able to move through all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. If you don't find it in time this problem, then the animal may die.

Attention! If you suspect an accumulation of fur in your pet's stomach, you should contact a veterinarian who will ultrasound diagnostics. It is not recommended to try to remove the lump yourself if the cat’s temperature rises and uncontrollable vomiting occurs, as this can cause death.

Malt paste: a preparation for removing hair from the gastrointestinal tract

The drug is safe and does not cause negative reactions from the animal's body. Malt paste can not only remove accumulated hair from the gastrointestinal tract, but also improve digestion processes. This product has a positive effect on your pet’s health. The paste acts on lumps, softening them and promoting natural evacuation along with feces. The process of removing hair using this drug is painless and does not cause discomfort to the cat.

Malt paste - effective remedy, which helps soften and remove hairballs from the gastrointestinal tract

Attention! This remedy is not a panacea. It is also important to regularly comb your pet using a special furminator. This will prevent the problem from occurring again. The longer the animal's hair, the more often the procedure should be performed.

What is the drug for - video

Types, composition and features of drugs - table

NameCountry of originCompoundPeculiaritiesPrice
  • fats;
  • malt;
  • fiber;
  • potassium;
  • yeast;
  • ash;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.
A dual-action drug is also sold, which contains prebiotics and taurine, which improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.From 230 rub.
GermanyOptions available with different tastes for the treatment of kittens. A paste is also sold that additionally contains vitamins and minerals that enhance the animal’s immunity.From 380 rub.
NetherlandsIt has a pleasant taste and, in addition to the main ingredients, contains vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect.From 180 rub.
RussiaAdditionally, it contains silver ions, improves the cat’s immunity, and helps regulate the gastrointestinal tract.From 140 rub.
Malt Paste (Dr. Alders)GermanyAdditionally contains glucose and taurine, which improves the functioning of the immune system.From 250 rub.

Types of drugs - photo gallery

Malt Paste (Sanal) also contains vitamin E
Malt-Soft Paste (GimGat) contains vitamins and minerals
Malt paste (beaphar) contains prebiotics
Malt hair removal paste (Cliny) contains silver ions

How to use the paste

The drug can be used for both treatment and prevention. The paste is intended for oral administration. It can be fed to the animal by squeezing it out of a tube or mixing it with food. 3 cm of paste per day is enough. The drug must be given daily for a week. It is important to ensure that the cat always has access to clean water.

This product is not only healthy, but also tasty, so there is no need to force your pet to swallow the drug. The medicine is developed specifically for cats and has a pleasant smell.

Cats enjoy eating malt paste

During active molting, the dose of the drug should be increased to 5 cm of paste per day. If the hair does not come out, and the pet suffers from constipation, then the medicine can be given in strips of up to 7 cm per day.


The paste is completely safe for cats of any age. This drug has no contraindications, is not teratogenic (that is, does not cause developmental defects in animals) and toxic effect on the body, since almost all components of the medicine are natural.

Features of use in pregnant cats and kittens

The drug can be used to treat pregnant females and kittens. In the second case, the paste should be given in an amount of 1 cm. For pregnant cats, the dose of the product does not need to be reduced. Since the animal’s body is especially susceptible to medications during this period, you need to monitor your pet’s stool. If a pregnant cat develops diarrhea during treatment, the dose should be reduced.

Malt paste is allowed for pregnant cats

The paste can be given to the animal regardless of feeding. The drug does not lose its effectiveness when mixed with food.

Drug interactions

There is no data on the interaction of the paste components with other medications, but to avoid side effects, you should not give your cat laxatives during treatment. During the period of removing hair from the pet’s body, therapy with any drugs can be carried out in parallel. However, it should be borne in mind that the presence of a lump in the gastrointestinal tract may affect the rate of absorption of the active components. Therefore, before carrying out vitamin therapy or treatment with other drugs, it is recommended to first rid the animal’s stomach of the accumulation of hair.

Conditions and shelf life

The drug can be stored for two years at room temperature. After opening the tube, it is recommended to keep the medicine in the refrigerator. In this case, the shelf life does not change.

All malt pastes have similar composition, the only difference is in the additional ingredients, so you can purchase any drug that is available. If your pet has common problems with digestion, then you should give preference to a product from Beaphar, which contains prebiotics. If you have problems with immune system It is recommended to purchase a paste with vitamins and minerals from GimGat.

During treatment, it is necessary to comb the cat.

If the animal is inactive and often suffers from constipation, then preference should be given to a preparation with vitamin E from Sanal. If you have dull and often falling out fur, it is recommended to buy malt paste. Russian production(Cliny) with silver ions.

When purchasing paste, you need to check the expiration date and integrity of the packaging. If the tube is opened, the product cannot be used to treat the animal.

If your pet is prone to allergic reactions, then it is best to buy pasta German made, where there are the fewest preservatives. Before purchasing one or another option, it is recommended to read the composition on the label, taking into account the auxiliary components.

Other hairball removers

To remove hair from the stomach, you can use dry food for special purposes. Such products are often available in pads. The smell and color are no different from regular dry food. However, it includes not only standard additives, which improve digestion, but also prebiotics, flax seeds, fiber and plantain, which promote hair loss.

The most popular types: Hairball Control, Royal Canin Hairball and others. These types of dry food are given to the animal daily, the portion depends on the weight of the pet. As a rule, within a month the amount of hair lost is reduced and digestion processes and stools are normalized.

Royal Canin Hairball Care - dry food that helps remove hair from the stomach

To eliminate the problem, you can purchase a special supplement called Phytomins from Veda. Phytocomplex contains extracts medicinal plants, as well as vitamins and minerals, lecithin and taurine, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system.

The supplement is available in tablet form and prevents not only the accumulation of hair in the gastrointestinal tract, but also its excessive loss. The medicine can be added to the animal's food. The course of treatment is individual. Unlike pastes, such tablets remove hair gradually.

Phytomines for wool removal are well tolerated and do not cause side effects

As an aid, you can give your cat vitamins from Pet Naturals of Vermont, which contain psyllium and fatty acids, improving digestion and preventing stagnation. The drug is available in the form of fish with a pleasant taste and smell, so pets eat them with pleasure. In addition to these components, the composition includes a number of vitamins, antioxidant complexes and minerals necessary for the health of the animal.

Pet Naturals of Vermont - vitamins that help rid a cat's gastrointestinal tract of hair

Many cat owners eliminate the problem with the help of petroleum jelly, which promotes the movement of hairballs throughout all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. This remedy is effective and safe, helps eliminate constipation and quickly empty the animal’s intestines. For kittens, 1 tsp is enough. oils For adults, the dose is doubled.

It is advisable to give this medicine on an empty stomach so that the pet does not vomit. Then you need to monitor the cat's stool and pay attention to the presence of fragments of fur in the feces. If the oil does not work within 1-2 days, the procedure must be repeated.

Vaseline oil relieves constipation in cats

An additional remedy is grass. Seeds should be purchased at a pet store and planted in regular soil. The grass will grow very soon and there will be an excellent remedy to prevent the accumulation of hair in the cat's stomach. In addition, with regular use, your pet’s general well-being, appetite and stool will improve.

The grass contains not only fiber, which is necessary for complete digestion, but also a number of amino acids. In addition to removing lumps from the gastrointestinal tract, you can also notice an improvement in the health and condition of the coat. This type of grass only requires regular watering; there is no need to replant it. Often seeds are sold already in the ground.

Grass for cats is a healthy treat that helps support the immune system.

For those who do not want to bother with grass, we can recommend malt paste in special Beaphar Bits Mix pads. Any cat will love this treat. In addition to the standard paste ingredients, the pads contain catnip, which is an excellent prophylactic reoccurrence problems. This product also contains a complex of vitamins and minerals that support the animal’s digestive system. The pads can be given to both adults and kittens, as well as pregnant females.

Beaphar Bits Mix acts gently, promoting the removal of fur from the gastrointestinal tract

The Nutri Vet mixture is also used for gradual hair removal. This product can be added to food or given as a separate product, several pads per day. Nutri Vet contains fats and oils, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 acids that improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The pads are used for treatment and prevention. They have a pleasant aroma and taste, pets eat them with great pleasure.

Nutri Vet for cats - a remedy for treatment and prevention

Some tips for owners:

  1. To prevent the accumulation of hair in your pet’s gastrointestinal tract, during the period of active shedding, the animal should be combed every day.
  2. To prevent this problem from occurring, it is important to balance your cat’s diet. Vegetable fiber must be present in the menu.
  3. If your pet is constantly shedding and itching, you should take it to the vet.
  4. At constant constipation It is recommended to diversify your pet's menu. The animal should not be allowed to eat only dry food.

Attention! To prevent dangerous consequences, it is important to ensure that your pet always has clean water in his bowl. It is not advisable to use filtered. For animals, such liquid is useless. It is best to use boiled water.

My cat long wool, which he always carefully licked, which periodically caused vomiting and other troubles. I recommend that all owners of such breeds not neglect combing, because the animal’s body does not always cope with the resulting lumps. I also advise you to use a simple trick that will help relieve your pet of constipation and will help cleanse its gastrointestinal tract of hair. It will take 1 tsp. olive oil, which needs to be mixed with food and given to the cat. This remedy acts as a mild laxative. It is absolutely safe and effective. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, there will be no harm. The only caveat is that you will have to tinker with the cat litter.