The cat has constant constipation. Constipation in cats and methods to combat it at home

Constipation is a term that explains the difficulty of defecation (defecation is the process of bowel movement) or the absence of spontaneous bowel movement for a certain period of time.

Constipation is the most common pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to poisoning of the body with toxic products of the breakdown of feces.

There is no clear definition of the number of bowel movements, but on average 1-2 times is considered within the normal range.

Deviations from this average can occur in an animal at any age, but most often middle-aged and elderly cats are susceptible to it. Frequent violations Regular bowel movements contribute to chronic constipation - regularly repeated defecation delays, which are accompanied by severe straining - obtipation. In this case, the colon stretches and loses the ability to contract and push feces towards the rectum. This condition is called megacolon (hypertrophy of the entire colon), which ultimately leads to complete obstruction.

Many various factors may cause or contribute to constipation in cats.

Behavior and lifestyle as a cause of constipation in cats

Cats may be reluctant to defecate if:

  • The litter in the tray is dirty.
  • There is competition (with other cats) when using the same litter box.
  • The cat, the cat does not like the type of litter box used.
  • The litter box is in a noisy or unpleasant location.
  • Eating foods low in fiber and consuming foods containing hair and bones can lead to constipation and obstruction.

Pain and painful skin conditions as a cause of constipation in cats

Old cats and cats with joint problems (osteoarthritis) and suffering from pain and discomfort experience pain when taking a defecation position and therefore try to go to the litter box less often.

In some cases, the pain is localized in the colon/rectum, as a result of nutritional errors; the bones can cause trauma to the mucous membrane when food and waste pass through them.

Abscesses and other painful skin conditions around the anus cause reluctance to have a bowel movement.

Metabolic disorders as a cause of constipation in cats and kittens

Some metabolic disorders, such as: low hormone concentrations thyroid gland(hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus), low levels of potassium and calcium in the blood affect the functioning of the colon.

Dehydration as a cause of constipation in cats

If the animal does not receive sufficient quantity fluids necessary for the health and functioning of all internal organs, the body begins to extract fluid in the colon from the feces, causing them to become dry and hard, making them difficult to push into the rectum and anus.

Chronic illness kidney ( characteristic disease older cats) leads to an increase in urine production, thereby dehydrating the animal’s body.

Colon obstruction as a cause of constipation in cats

Deformations of the pelvic bones (for example, a healed pelvic fracture after injury) can cause a narrowing of the pelvic canal. This can cause the colon to shrink in the pelvis and feces to accumulate in the narrowed area. Narrowing of the colon can also occur with cancer, tumors, congestion foreign bodies a (wool, bones). With prolonged and severe constipation and obstruction, megacolon may develop (see below).

Idiopathic megacolon as a cause of constipation in cats and kittens

Frequent, recurring constipation impairs the functioning of the colon, stretching it and disrupting the tissue's musculature, thereby preventing the passage of feces into the rectum and anus.


However, megacolon can also occur in cats as an underlying condition without obvious reasons– this is called idiopathic megacolon. This disease causes problems with the muscles in the wall of the colon, leading to progressive muscle degeneration.

Symptoms of constipation in cats and kittens

Signs of constipation in cats are usually easy to notice. This:

  • Frequent, unproductive sitting of the animal on the tray.
  • The animal screams or cries (meows) in pain when it tries to go to the toilet.
  • Small, dry, hard stool possibly covered in mucus or blood.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Lethargy.
  • Vomit.
  • Manifestations of abdominal discomfort.
  • The animal stops licking itself.

To diagnose constipation and its severity, when examined by a veterinarian, great value have data on the animal’s nutrition, habits, and behavior.

Your pet is examined for abdominal discomfort, with mandatory listening to the heartbeat. An x-ray is taken abdominal cavity and small pelvis to determine the presence of foreign objects, and, if the object is detected, determine its size.

Conduct laboratory tests blood, urine to detect systemic disorders, such as kidney disease and diabetes, which cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

If cancer is suspected, endoscopy and biopsy are performed.

Infrequent cases of constipation that occur without accompanying symptoms problems such as vomiting and depression can be treated at home in consultation with a veterinarian.

Conservative treatment of constipation in cats

The first thing to do when treating constipation in a cat is to change the diet.

Proper diet for cats and cats:

  • Diet with high content fiber.
  • Adding fiber to your pet's diet (canned pumpkin, grain bran).
  • Increased water consumption.
  • Increasing the amount of physical exercise.

Drug treatment of constipation in cats and kittens

Drug treatment of constipation in cats is carried out using the following drugs.


Great variety laxatives allows you to choose exactly the one that will be effective in your case.

Laxatives are divided into:

  • Lubricant laxatives – These are designed to lubricate the colon and facilitate the passage of feces.
  • Emollient laxatives are medications that are designed to help retain water in feces, thereby making the feces softer. Their effect is enhanced in combination with other drugs.
  • Osmotic laxatives - "lactulose" or non-absorbable sugar added to an animal's drink and food helps retain water in the feces. Can be used in combination with other laxatives.
  • Stimulant laxatives—some medications stimulate muscle contraction in the wall of the colon to help move feces toward anus. These drugs work in different ways, and some are only safe for short-term use.

Prokinetic drugs– They are similar to stimulant laxatives in that they help control contractions in the colon. A typical example of a drug that is widely used to treat constipation in cats is cisapride (however, its availability is currently limited). It can be used for frequent and long-term violations defecation in combination with other methods (for example, lactulose and diets).

If conservative and drug treatment(with the help of drugs) is not successful, and the animal is in a state of prolonged constipation, the only treatment is subtotal colectomy (removal of part of the colon).

And although this is a very serious operation and, as a consequence, the animal experiences diarrhea, the long-term results and prognosis are generally positive. The cat adapts and the diarrhea goes away quite quickly.

Chronic constipation – quite common problem, especially in older cats. Milder cases can often be successfully treated with medication and dietary nutrition. But in cases of long-term constipation in cats, in which the large intestine stretches and dystrophy of the muscles of the walls occurs, over time they may need surgery.

Unfortunately, cats are susceptible to many diseases common to humans. Often owners are faced with the issue of constipation in cats. This is a dangerous condition because prolonged absence of bowel movements can lead to poisoning of the cat's body. Treatment at home can only be done once, but if such a problem occurs regularly, then consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Constipation in a cat can occur for various reasons:

  • In older animals, contractions of the intestinal muscles become weak, which is why they retain stool.
  • Improperly balanced animal feed can lead to a similar problem: overeating bones, low water intake, reduced protein intake, dry food.
  • Stressful state of the pet.
  • Psychological problems: competition with other animals for the litter box, the litter box is in a crowded place, dirty cat litter.
  • Pain that occurs during bowel movements. This may be associated with abdominal trauma, inflammation around the anus, or disturbances in the intestines.
  • Kidney disease, after which dehydration occurs, as a result of which water is absorbed into the body, and the stool becomes quite hard and dry.
  • Licking fur can cause it to become balled up in the intestines, requiring surgical treatment pet.
  • The presence of helminths in the body.

Symptoms of the disease

The following symptoms can help identify constipation in cats:

  • The pet has no activity, he becomes lethargic and apathetic.
  • The animal suffers from decreased appetite, sometimes there is a complete lack of desire to eat.
  • The appearance of nausea and vomiting.
  • The cat is constantly lying down.
  • No fecal matter is observed in the tray.
  • In the most dangerous conditions there is an increase in the pet's temperature.
  • If a cat’s abdomen becomes voluminous and slightly swollen, then this is a sign of obstruction of feces through the intestines.

Normally, an adult pet should go to the toilet “in a big way” once every 1-2 days, but when there is no bowel movement during this time, then you need to pay attention to this fact.

Helping your cat at home

Many owners wonder what to do if their cat is constipated? Firstly, you need to monitor your pet's diet. It is advisable for the cat to take more fluids. Often such problems arise within a month after sterilization. The fact is that before the operation the cat does not eat for about 12 hours. When a pet wakes up after sterilization, it may want to drink or eat, but the animal’s body has not yet woken up and is not ready for the process of digesting food.

Retention of stool after sterilization is dangerous for the animal, because if the cat begins to strain, this process may cause the stitches to bleed or even come apart. To avoid such problems after the operation, she does not need to be given products that have a fixing effect, namely:

  • Rich meat broths, chicken broth is especially not recommended.
  • Boiled liver will not be at all useful for the postoperative period.
  • Cheese, sour cream, whole milk, stale fermented milk products.
  • Eggs.

Food for a cat that has undergone sterilization should have a laxative effect:

  • It is necessary to give liquid food in small portions. There is no need to follow the animal’s lead, even if it seems to you that the cat really wants to eat.
  • Fresh fermented milk products will have a mild laxative effect.
  • Vegetables.
  • You can give your pet a drop Vaseline oil, purchased at a pharmacy. This is a good laxative for a kitten.

There is no need to give your cat vegetable oil, because it does not have a laxative effect and leads to a negative effect on the liver. Should not be consumed castor oil because it leads to intestinal upset.

What to do if a cat is constipated after castration?

What to do if a cat has constipation, especially when this trouble happened after castration? In cats after undergoing this unpleasant procedure Symptoms of stool retention may be observed within a month. In order for the animal to go to the toilet more easily, it needs to be given a little raw liver; beef or chicken may be suitable for this purpose. At home, after each meal, so that there are no problems in postoperative period, the pet needs to pour literally a few drops of Vaseline oil into the pet’s mouth.

IN extreme cases, especially if the cat eats dry food, you can give him medicinal product Duphalac. You need to be careful with it; before use, you need to consult a veterinarian, and give it according to the dosage strictly specified in the instructions. Otherwise, diarrhea may occur.

Constipation in kittens

Constipation in young kittens is not uncommon. A similar problem can arise in a kitten if a young mother cat refuses to care for her baby or does not pay him due attention. Of course, nature has provided for everything, but sometimes such cases occur. Cats regularly lick the kitten's tummy, thereby stimulating intestinal function. During licking, the kitten's blood flow to the intestines improves, which leads to the removal of formed gases and stimulates the passage of not only feces, but also urine.

If the mother cat refuses to carry out this procedure, then the owner must do it himself. Massage should be done pre-moistened soft cloth or cotton wool. Movements should be light from the head to the tail of the kitten, and movements should be made from all sides of the tummy. To help the cat, you should not press on abdominal area pet.

How to treat constipation at home

Treating constipation in a kitten at home needs to be done very carefully; you need to be completely sure that it is stool retention and not intestinal obstruction. To do this:

  1. You can treat a kitten at home using Vaseline oil. He doesn't provide negative influence to the liver and is not absorbed into large intestine kitten Vaseline oil does not have bad taste and, as a rule, it does not cause disgust in the pet.
  2. When a kitten develops symptoms of stool retention, it can be helped with the drug Lactunas. It not only has a mild laxative effect, but also restores damaged intestinal microflora and protects the body from the effects of toxic substances.

Treating constipation in kittens at home can only be done after consulting a veterinarian, since stool retention can easily be confused with intestinal obstruction. Intestinal obstruction in a cat can be suspected by the discharge unpleasant odor from the mouth.


To prevent constipation in cats from tormenting your pet throughout life, you need to follow preventive measures which, as a rule, is as follows:

  • Long-haired cats need to have their fur brushed from time to time. Otherwise, the fur gets stuck in a lump and ends up in the pet’s intestines.
  • To avoid treating your kitten for constipation in the future, you can buy phytomines at a pet store - these are products that help expel fur from your pet’s body. Phytomines contain lecithin and herbal extracts that help treat inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • An excellent laxative is pumpkin. A tablespoon of boiled pumpkin added to your cat's food will help cope with stool retention.
  • If the cat eats dry food, then it is necessary to provide free access to clean water.
  • Regular medical examinations with a veterinarian will help avoid health problems for your kitten.
  • Physical activity of the animal helps in preventing constipation. If your pet never goes outside, then he needs to take several toys to ensure physical activity.

With such unpleasant problem constipation in kittens can be easily managed if the owner watches the cat and pays him due attention. Having the necessary knowledge, you can protect your pet from various kinds troubles, and the mustache will respond to its owner with love and attention.

Constipation, meaning difficulty defecating, is relatively common in cats. Home remedies, such as switching to a high-protein diet, will often help resolve this problem for your cat's health.

Vegetable oil is a natural laxative that can help treat constipation in cats. Usage: Just add a tablespoon of sunflower or olive oil for your cat's food.

When your cat has difficulty defecating, it may indicate constipation. In cases of constipation, the stool becomes hard and causes the cat to strain during the process. Before looking for a prescription treatment for your pet, you can always try some simple home remedies that can help treat constipation in cats.

High fiber diet

Diet has crucial to control and prevent constipation in cats. The animal's straining while passing stool is an indicator of a lack of fiber in the diet. Fibers attract water gastrointestinal tract, which makes the stool softer and more voluminous. As a result, stool will pass through the intestines more easily. Therefore, fiber-rich foods in your cat's diet are key to restoring normal bowel movements.

What to feed your cat to avoid constipation?

One of the best ways: Including pumpkin in the diet. You can use canned pumpkin as it is a puree that can easily be added to your cat's food. You can simply combine the puree with cat food to increase your fiber intake. Dry plantain and flax-seed are also good sources of fiber. Add small quantity these products into the animal's diet to regulate intestinal movement. You can also include wheat or oat bran into the diet as it adds bulk to the stool.


Insufficient water intake may be the second reason why your cat is unable to urinate properly. Make sure your cat drinks enough water throughout the day. Also, feed your cat “wet” canned food rather than dry food to increase the moisture content of her diet.

Milk. Treatment of constipation in cats

Although the milk is not best option, as a remedy for constipation, this can be a temporary help so that the animal does not suffer. Pour in a little milk twice a day and you will soon notice that your pet can poop without straining.


Vaseline, which we use to moisturize the skin externally, can actually help treat constipation. Oral Vaseline is completely safe for cats when given in moderation. Daily dose Vaseline for treating constipation in cats ranges from 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon. Just don't give it with food. Vaseline is very effective in relieving constipation, but should not be used for long, only a few days if you are concerned about the animal's health. Consuming Vaseline interferes with absorption nutrients in the intestines and relieves the animal from useful vitamins and minerals, which will lead to more serious problems.


Just like people, cats need physical activity. It has long been noted that sedentary cats are prone to a wide range of health problems, including constipation. Keeping your pet active will help relieve and prevent constipation. Play with the animal and give it more attention.

If none of the home remedies help, you should contact your veterinarian for further treatment. Your veterinarian may prescribe certain probiotic supplements that have been specifically formulated for cats to improve digestion and treat constipation. In general, finding out the cause of constipation is already half the treatment. Constipation is often caused by hair and other foreign substances entering the stomach, which can clog the stomach and cause difficulty in bowel movements. Animals can cleanse their intestines themselves, just help them. The cat should have fresh grass, which helps with the digestion process and vomiting.

The information presented in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice from a veterinarian.

Don't get sick!

Constipation is the inability of a cat to empty its intestines, as a result of which unpleasant processes can occur inside the body. Feces should ideally be excreted, otherwise they poison the animal’s body with decay products. Because of this, the liver, kidneys, heart may suffer and may even deteriorate appearance animal. There have been cases when a cat died if it was not helped in time.

Symptoms and causes of constipation

If the cat cannot do its business in the toilet, then it begins to feel nausea or vomiting, it becomes lethargic, indifferent, it loses its appetite, and its stomach swells. Sitting in the tray, the cat begins to scream restlessly.

Constipation may be caused by various diseases. For example, renal failure, inflammation of the anus or rectum, diseases of the large intestine, orthopedic problems (impossibility to sit down comfortably), hernias, tumors, cysts in cats. But most often it appears due to improper feeding, especially natural food; accumulation of licked hair in the intestines or swallowed foreign body. Constipation occurs more often in cats than in cats; in sedentary or aging animals.

Treatment of constipation

If you notice symptoms of constipation in your cat, give her Vaseline. It is sold everywhere in any pharmacy. This oil is not digested by the cat and is not absorbed in the intestines. It coats the intestinal walls and softens the stool. Vaseline oil is given orally to the cat 2-3 times a day, 5 ml. Do not give your cat other oils (castor or vegetable). Firstly, they are perfectly absorbed by the cat’s body; and secondly, they can harm your pet if given in such large quantities.

The most common way to combat constipation in cats is a mixture of water and condensed milk. This sweet mixture softens the stool in your cat's intestines so that she can easily pass stool.

For persistent constipation, your veterinarian may recommend the use of medicinal laxatives. This could be Duphalac or Sodium Picosulfate. They not only soften the contents of the intestines, but also normalize its functioning.

If constipation cannot be cured at home, then it is worth taking the animal to the clinic where she will be given an enema. Also in the clinic it is worth having the animal examined by a doctor, undergoing tests and having an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to identify the cause of constant constipation.

Preventing constipation

If your cat is often constipated, then it is worth reviewing its diet and, if possible, changing it. The diet should contain all useful microelements and a decent amount of plant fiber.

Do not feed the animal from the table. Buy her dry food good quality or cook separately. In addition to meat, add vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower, beans) and steamed bran to the porridge.

To prevent a cat from swallowing a lot of its fur, it is worth combing it more often and giving preventive pastes to remove hair from the intestines.

For good intestinal function, the cat must move a lot. Buy her balls or mice, climbing machines, and take her outside for a walk more often. An active lifestyle has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.


  • Constipation in cats

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In cats, this is a fairly common phenomenon that is associated with poor nutrition, not drinking enough fluids or swallowing fur. Sometimes difficult bowel movements may indicate the presence of a serious illness. If this problem occurs in your pet, you should start immediate treatment.

Causes of constipation in cats

One of the main causes is the accumulation of hairballs in the intestines or stomach, which make defecation difficult. In some cases it may even be necessary surgery. Decide this problem This can be done by brushing the fur regularly. To remove hair from the intestines, special ones are used, which are sold in pet stores.

To avoid complications, you should seek help from a veterinarian, who will help identify the cause of constipation and prescribe the correct treatment.

Dysbacteriosis and malnutrition are the next common occurrence of constipation in our little brothers. This is due to the use of dry or low-quality food and systematic overfeeding. It may be difficult for foreign bodies to enter the intestines. For this purpose, purifying phytomines are used, sold in pet stores.

Treatment of constipation in cats

Most often, to treat constipation, agents are used that help soften stool (vaseline oil, Duphalac, Lizalak, Lactusan). Start adding small amounts to your cat's food. vegetable oil. Food should be liquid and contain cereals and vegetables. Reduce the serving size for a while and include it in your pet’s diet. Eating protein foods and overeating lead to constipation.

Give the cat orally Vaseline oil 1.5 milliliters per kilogram of weight (two to three times a day) daily until the stool returns to normal. If necessary, you can increase the dose. Vaseline oil coats the intestinal walls well, softens stool, and prevents constipation. It is absolutely harmless to the animal’s body; the oil is not absorbed into the intestines.

The drug "Duphalac" should be given to the pet twice a day, 0.5 milliliters per kilogram of the cat's weight. Its effect is somewhat similar to


The most common cause of constipation in cats is hairballs matted in the stomach or intestines, formed during the process of licking. Difficulties in defecation can be caused by poor diet, tumors in the intestines or chronic diseases and even massive helminthic infestations. This problem is especially relevant for those cats that have thick hair. long hair, lead a sedentary lifestyle and those of them who are already many years old.

The inability to empty the intestines on time leads to the accumulation and hardening of feces in it, not only causing pain and inconvenience to the animal, but also causing intoxication of the body. The owner should be attentive to all changes in the cat's behavior. A symptom of constipation may be obvious discomfort experienced by the animal, obvious painful sensations when pressing on the stomach. IN advanced cases The cat may begin vomiting and nausea, it may completely refuse to eat, swelling may appear around or on both sides of the anus, and pieces of fur and blades of grass may stick out from the anus. In all these cases, you should show the animal to the veterinarian so that he can prescribe a laxative, but if this is not possible, immediately exclude laxatives that are intended for humans and try proven ones folk remedies.

good and in a safe way To alleviate the animal's suffering is Vaseline oil, which is not absorbed into the walls of the stomach and intestines, but only coats them, ensuring softening and passage of feces. This oil, a few drops at a time, can simply be added to cat food. Condensed milk diluted in raw, unboiled water also has a good effect on cats. If your cat refuses to drink it on her own, simply fill a plastic syringe with liquid and inject it by inserting the plastic tip of the syringe between her teeth. You can inject the liquid onto the root of the tongue by opening and holding the animal's mouth with your fingers.

The easiest way is to introduce the cat into anal hole a special suppository, for example, Bisacodyl, but you probably won’t be able to do an enema yourself; for this it is better to contact a veterinarian. To improve bowel movements, you can give your cat special food, for example, Hill's Prescription Diet Feline, which contains a lot of indigestible plant fibers, facilitating this process. To prevent the accumulation of rolled hairballs in the intestines, cats are given the drug Kittymal orally; it can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

Useful advice

If your animal suffers from constipation, the best remedy will become balanced diet. Your cat's food should be supplemented with fermented milk products and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil for every 5 kg of its weight.