Home birth: what do you need to know to give birth at home? A frank story about home birth. Contraindications for home birth.

Home birth in modern world- a special and controversial fashion. What do expectant mothers worry and care about more when choosing to give birth at home – the safety of the baby, or their own comfort? One way or another, home birth has its pros and cons - with the help of an expert, we will tell you about them. Whether you end up giving birth at home or going to a maternity hospital under the supervision of a team of experienced professionals is up to you to decide!

Of course, giving birth at home is both calmer and more convenient. It’s not for nothing that they say that even the walls of a home help... But is it possible to provide maximum professional medical care to the baby and mother during a home birth if something suddenly goes wrong?..

The main concern of every pregnant woman is to give birth. healthy baby. Therefore, expectant mothers carefully monitor their health, attend special courses and, of course, think about where the most important event in their lives should take place: in the maternity hospital or in own apartment. the site learned the main arguments of supporters and opponents of home birth. And also asked their obstetrician-gynecologist to comment highest category Zhigalova Yulia Evgenievna.

Home birth: arguments “FOR”

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    In most maternity hospitals, childbirth is carried out “on stream”. In such a “working” environment, a woman does not feel involved and cared for. The environment in them resembles an operating room and has a very intimidating effect on the expectant mother. Whereas at home the baby is delivered by a professional, caring midwife, expectant mother much less nervous, truly feeling that with the birth of a child a holiday comes to the house. The state of happiness that the whole family feels is simply impossible to experience in the maternity hospital. In addition, at home the woman in labor is not disturbed by outside medical personnel.

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    A qualified midwife at the slightest doubt successful outcome will convince the woman in advance to refuse home birth. She will only “tackle” healthy woman, who follows all instructions for preparing for childbirth and trusts her. In addition, a conscientious midwife, preparing for childbirth at home, will definitely do a lot of preliminary work: she will collect all the information about the course of pregnancy, tests and results of examinations done in antenatal clinic, carefully prepare the place of birth, talk with all members of the household who will be present during the birth.

    Expert opinion: Practice shows that such conscientious midwives are, alas, quite rare. Most often, for commercial interests, personnel are hired without the appropriate experience and knowledge.

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    A midwife teaches a woman how to use non-drug methods to help ease pregnancy and the birth process itself. For example, proper breathing. In addition, the midwife determines the position of the woman during home birth: it is rare that women give birth at home lying on their back (as in the maternity hospital). More common cases are water birth, or vertical birth. Whatever type the expectant mother chooses, in any case, the midwife will “rehearse with her,” explaining all the nuances.

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    During home birth there is no need to maintain sterility. Of course, some general cleaning needs to be done. It is impossible to destroy all microbes, but home microflora is not harmful to either a woman or a child. Many microbes are opportunistic; they can only cause disease in a child with a weakened immune system. The baby will be protected from them if the mother improves her immunity during pregnancy under the guidance of an experienced midwife.

    Expert opinion: Even if the expectant mother increases her immunity shortly before giving birth at home, this does not at all guarantee that the newborn baby’s body will be able to resist infections.

The most common home birth scenario is a water birth. Sometimes a home bath is used for this (however, in this case the midwife cannot fully move around the woman in labor, controlling the birth process), but most often - a special inflatable pool that is installed in the room.

In the vast majority of developed countries, it has long been common practice government system home birth support. In the case when a woman chooses a home birth, a specially equipped resuscitation vehicle or helicopter is on duty, which will deliver the woman and the newborn with complications to the leading specialized clinic literally in a few minutes. But in Russia there is no such practice at the state level.

Childbirth at home: arguments “AGAINST”

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    Any sane woman, even if pregnant, should understand that giving birth at home is dangerous! Not even the most qualified and experienced doctor, much less a midwife, can replace the team of doctors and special equipment available in the maternity hospital. At a minimum, a complex birth should be attended by an obstetrician-gynecologist, midwife, anesthesiologist, neonatologist or pediatrician, as well as an operating nurse.

    Expert opinion: As an obstetrician-gynecologist with more than 15 years of experience, I am categorically against home birth. During the birth process, any accident can occur. Nowadays, only 30% of pregnancies proceed without complications. In addition, according to statistics, maternal mortality in 90% of cases is completely unpredictable. Often minutes decide whether mother and child will survive during childbirth. It is possible that it will be urgently needed, but it is almost impossible to do it in a home birth.

According to the UN, about 530,000 women die during childbirth every year worldwide. 4 million babies are stillborn, 4 million die after birth. The main reasons for this are the lack of qualified assistance during childbirth. It is impossible to get such help during a home birth!

Perhaps hospital conditions will not seem at all “hygge” compared to the environment of your own home, where every little thing is pleasing to the eye. But in the event of unforeseen complications, it is in the maternity hospital that both mother and baby will be able to provide immediate professional assistance, and often save lives.

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    The most terrible development of events for the health of a woman in labor is severe blood loss immediately after childbirth. In such cases, an urgent operation and a transfusion of several liters of blood, which is always available in the maternity hospital, are often required.

    The woman may feel weak labor activity. In this case, thoughtful stimulation using drugs is necessary.

    During vigorous labor, it is also impossible to do without the intervention of qualified personnel. In almost all maternity hospitals, the fetal heartbeat is monitored every second using cardiac monitors. If something changes, the necessary measures are taken immediately. For very short time Before the baby is born, anything can happen to him. Placental abruption causes intrauterine oxygen starvation in the fetus. And if help is not immediately provided to the newborn, this will lead to brain hypoxia. If a child inhales amniotic fluid, this is almost one hundred percent pneumonia. Make this diagnosis without x-ray examination not possible at home.

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    Staff at the maternity hospital are regularly screened for infection. A doctor or midwife who delivers a baby at home, as well as close relatives of the woman in labor, may be carriers of an infection dangerous to the newborn baby, without even knowing it.

Currently, many hospitals allow relatives to be present during childbirth and create good, almost “homey” conditions for women. Some maternity hospitals practice vertical birth and water birth. Therefore, in our time there is no need to take risks by giving birth at home. It is better to choose a suitable maternity hospital in advance and go through a school for expectant mothers.

Home births are those that take place outside the walls of a medical facility. Their management is usually carried out by so-called “spiritual midwives”. These people call themselves this beautiful name because, when offering their services, they do not announce the main aspect of the birth act physical condition, but the correct spiritual mood of the woman in labor, which determines the course of labor. Thus, if complications arise during childbirth, everything can be explained quite logically: it means that the woman herself is to blame - she was in the wrong mood for childbirth, did not really want the child, etc.

It may happen that expectant mothers who go to classes to prepare for childbirth find themselves in classes where it is very gradually, in a veiled form, that home birth is the only correct method. At the same time, “spiritual midwives” gradually exert powerful pressure on the psyche of pregnant women, taking into account the characteristics of their neuropsychic state, which can change significantly under the influence of hormonal changes: expectant mothers can acquire such qualities as suspiciousness, suggestibility, emotional lability, etc. As a result of such “preparation”, sometimes quite sane people, without realizing the danger of the situation, as if under hypnosis, become ardent supporters of home birth.

What arguments do supporters of home birth give and what point of view does official medicine adhere to in this regard?

Psychological comfort

Proponents of home birth are, as a rule, ardent opponents of traditional obstetrics, and they are intransigent and aggressive, telling blood-chilling stories about the horrors of childbirth in a hospital. One of the most compelling arguments is the psychological comfort of the woman in labor and the child, who is born not in a government environment, but within their own walls, in the presence of loved ones.

The process of childbirth is always a stressful situation for both the pregnant woman and the fetus, since it little man transitions into a fundamentally different way of its existence, where literally everything - breathing, nutrition, environmental conditions - is strikingly different from the conditions of intrauterine existence. Therefore, no matter whether the baby is born at home by candlelight in a warm bath or in the delivery room, he will still experience stressful situation. This stress is extremely necessary for him in order to successfully rebuild life support processes and move into qualitatively new living conditions outside the mother’s body.

As for a woman’s psychological comfort, modern maternity hospitals have individual single-occupancy maternity wards with transformable beds. No one is surprised by being present at a birth for a long time now loved one- husband, mother or girlfriend, and the environment in the maternity unit is close to home - you just need to take care of choosing a maternity hospital in advance.

Baby-mother contact

According to people who promote home birth, at home, immediately after birth, a child falls into the tender hands of the mother, is attached to the breast, thereby establishing close contact between the mother and the baby.

Without a doubt, the presence of the mother is extremely important for the child’s comfort, but in a modern maternity hospital, for a long time, neither the contact of the newborn with the mother immediately after birth, nor breastfeeding, unless there are medical contraindications for this, are limited.

Free behavior of a woman in labor

It is believed that when giving birth at home, a woman can take any comfortable position, breathe correctly, walk, lie in the bath, sing, massage and even eat food whenever she wants.

But even in maternity hospitals, no one needs to be convinced for a long time that the free active behavior of the woman in labor contributes to a smoother course of the period of cervical dilatation and a decrease in pain due to distracting actions. In many maternity rooms there are special large balls - fitballs, on which women can sit, lie, lean their backs, etc., showers and bathrooms for taking water procedures, which have an excellent analgesic and relaxing effect, and active behavior during childbirth - walking, taking comfortable positions to relieve the pain of contractions, using various massage techniques, etc. - welcome.

No drug aggression

One of the most important arguments in favor of home birth, its supporters include the so-called “soft” management of childbirth without outside interventions, without opening the membranes, pain relief and stimulation of labor.

But when women talk with undisguised pride about how they gave birth at home for 3 days, but not a single injection was given, then we are not talking about any “soft” childbirth. In these cases, childbirth ended successfully for mother and child not thanks to, but in spite of such methods of management.

All interventions, starting from the use medicines and ending with various manipulations during childbirth, they have clearly defined indications, which are substantiated and recorded in writing in the history of childbirth, therefore, during the management of childbirth in the maternity hospital, not a single appointment is made. For example, in some cases, such as flat amniotic sac due to not large quantity amniotic fluid or, conversely, an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) means that the fetal bladder during childbirth will not only not be able to perform its functions inherent in nature, but will also interfere with the normal course of labor until it is opened. Pain relief during childbirth is not always carried out only at the request of the woman - for this there are also medical indications, such as high blood pressure, premature birth etc. And even more so, in the case of an absolutely normal course of labor, labor stimulation is never carried out without indications. According to modern legislation, all medical manipulations can only be carried out with the consent of the patient.

No surgical intervention

Women who passionately want to give birth on their own often decide to give birth at home, despite the fact that they are recommended to deliver by cesarean section according to relative indications. Such indications include situations in which a woman, in principle, can give birth on her own, but to one degree or another there is a danger of complications, most often for the condition of the fetus. In cases where surgical delivery is recommended for relative indications, and not for absolute ones, which arise in life-threatening conditions for the mother, written consent for the operation is always taken from the woman. Thus, if an expectant mother wants to give birth on her own, no one has the right to prohibit her from doing so, but you should not expose yourself and your unborn baby to unjustified risk– it is better to take care of choosing a doctor who will be sympathetic to the patient’s wishes and will take full responsibility for the management of childbirth.

The advantages of home birth include the absence of perineal incisions, which they allegedly “love” to do in the maternity hospital. This procedure is performed in two cases: when it is necessary to speed up the birth of a baby, for example, when signs of oxygen starvation appear - hypoxia during the expulsion of the fetus, or when there are signs of a threatening perineal rupture. In any of these situations, timely incision will improve the prognosis for either the fetus or the mother. In addition, a neat surgical incision is much easier to reconcile and close than to allow a rupture, which will have jagged edges and will not heal as well.

Native environment

Another argument put forward in favor of home birth is the contact of the newborn with the microflora of the mother and father, which is natural and familiar to this particular family.

But don't forget about high probability the presence of pathogenic microflora in the house that causes various diseases. The required degree of disinfection can only be achieved in a maternity hospital, where cleaning is carried out regularly using special disinfectants, instruments are properly sterilized and the hands of medical staff and linen are treated, and the air in the premises is disinfected by quartzing. All this is done under careful control over the quality of the disinfection measures carried out - with the collection of crops, washes, air samples, etc. All these measures have important, since due to various reasons expectant mother and the child are especially defenseless against infections, and after childbirth the uterine cavity is a vast wound surface, which, if not observed necessary measures asepsis and antiseptics can be infected.

Emergency situations

Why do obstetricians have such a negative attitude towards home births? The fact is that childbirth is a process, at any stage of which complications may develop that require very rapid medical care, and in some situations it is the time factor that is of paramount importance for the effectiveness of the activities carried out. It is also important to remember this because it is very difficult to predict these emergency situations: even with an absolutely smooth pregnancy, no one is immune from complications during childbirth.

Let's list just a few of them:

  • Anomalies of labor, which may manifest themselves in various options– from weakness of labor forces to excessively vigorous labor activity. Emergence this complication requires, firstly, treatment, and secondly, careful monitoring of the condition of the fetus. In the absence of adequate assistance, the child may experience intrauterine hypoxia - oxygen deficiency, and the mother, due to impaired contractility uterus - bleeding after the birth of the fetus.
  • Clinically narrow pelvis– a condition when the fetal head, due to various reasons, such as an anatomically narrow pelvis, large size of the fetus, incorrect insertion of the fetal head, post-term pregnancy, etc., is larger than the mother’s pelvis and cannot be born through the natural birth canal. The diagnosis of a clinically narrow pelvis can be made at the end of the period of opening of the uterine pharynx, when contractions turn into pushing, or during the period of expulsion. This situation requires emergency surgical delivery. In the absence of qualified medical care, uterine rupture may occur with profuse intra-abdominal bleeding and intrauterine fetal death. A woman’s life in this situation will also be at risk.
  • Umbilical cord prolapse is a situation in which an emergency caesarean section will save the baby’s life. With this complication, more often with incomplete opening of the cervix, a section of the umbilical cord falls out at the moment of rupture of amniotic fluid. After this, the fetus’s head is pressed against the walls of the pelvis and oxygen stops flowing to the baby. It is clear that the number of minutes that will pass from the prolapse of the umbilical cord to the extraction of the fetus is a matter of the child’s life.
  • Bleeding is one of the most dangerous complications childbirth It can occur both during the period of opening and expulsion of the fetus, and after the birth of the child - in the afterbirth or early postpartum period. Bleeding represents real danger for the life of the mother and fetus, since they arise suddenly and are massive, i.e. rapid increase in blood loss in a matter of minutes, and therefore require assistance emergency care to eliminate the source of bleeding, avoid complications and replenish blood loss.

During labor, bleeding may occur due to premature detachment placenta, when its separation from the wall of the uterus occurs before the birth of the fetus. In unexamined women who did not have an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, profuse bleeding often begins due to placenta previa - pathological condition when the placenta attaches to the lower segment of the uterus and blocks the cervical canal, preventing the birth of the fetus. In both of these cases, an emergency caesarean section is necessary. In these situations, the speed of providing qualified assistance can save the life of both mother and child.

After the baby is born, bleeding may begin in the third stage of labor, which is associated with processes of disruption of the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall. In this case, to stop the bleeding, you need to quickly remove the placenta from the uterine cavity, which requires surgery manual separation and discharge of the placenta, performed under anesthesia.

After childbirth, bleeding may occur due to decreased contractility of the uterus (hypotony) or rupture of the birth canal, such as the cervix. To quickly stop such bleeding, quick coordinated actions of the obstetric team using surgical interventions. At the same time, we must not forget about the need for sterile instruments and suture material, the possibility of good pain relief, the availability of means to replenish blood loss and resuscitate a newborn, which, of course, is only possible in a maternity hospital.

In this article:

A woman who is preparing to become a mother constantly asks questions about how childbirth will go. If this is a home birth, then the expectant mother will have many more questions. In order to successfully give birth at home, you need to know a number of features, such as signs of the onset of labor, when it is necessary to go into the water and how to recognize this moment, how to tie the umbilical cord and others technical features childbirth

All these points must be learned in advance so that the home birth goes well, and the birth assistant must also be taught them. If you prepare well, childbirth at home will be quick and easy.

Determining the onset of labor

Home births usually begin with contractions. The woman feels pulling and squeezing spasms in the lower back and lower abdomen. If these sensations are regular and repeat every 10-20 minutes with the same duration, then labor has begun. Gradually, contractions will intensify, and the intervals between them will begin to shorten. During this period, the cervix actively opens so that the fetus can pass through the birth canal.

Contractions can last 8-20 hours or even longer, but there are also emergency births, when everything happens much faster, within 3-4 hours. When giving birth at home, the dilation of the uterus should be checked by an assistant by touch. For the fetus to pass through, an opening of 8 fingers is necessary. Typically, before pushing, when contractions occur at intervals of 1-1.5 minutes, the cervix is ​​dilated by about 4 fingers.

Attempts, the most difficult period

Childbirth at home moves into the second stage, contractions intensified and became more frequent and the woman began to feel a fullness of the abdomen and strong desire contract your diaphragm and abdominal muscles to push the baby down. When contractions occur at intervals of a minute, you need to get into the water. This must be done before pushing begins. The water temperature should be 37 degrees - this is the most best option. When a woman gets into the water, she feels noticeable relief. It’s easier to give birth at home, in water. However, contractions may calm down. In this case, the water must be made 1-2 degrees cooler and the mother’s nipples must be stimulated so that labor does not stop.

During pushing, a woman should push with each contraction. When the contraction begins you need to do deep breath and holding your breath, push hard. You need to tense the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen, and press on the uterus. You need to push so that all your strength goes down, not up. Otherwise, you will be trying in vain, and the blood vessels in your eyes may burst. Giving birth at home in the bathroom, in a sitting position, allows the woman to place her fists under the base of her buttocks, thereby creating support, which will help her push better.

Also, a woman who gives birth at home can squat across the bathtub and hold onto the edge with her hands. If while you are pushing, you run out of breath, but you are still pushing, you need to take a quick breath and continue pushing. When the contraction has stopped, you should rest. If you continue to push without a contraction there will be no result, you will simply waste your energy.

If home birth takes place in a pool or on land, the most comfortable position is all fours or squatting. Some women prefer to stand leaning forward throughout labor. A comfortable position depends on the structure of the genital organs and pelvis. Therefore, if giving birth at home, a woman should rely on her feelings and choose the correct position for childbirth. According to the sensations during pushing and contractions, a woman can select a comfortable position. This must be done carefully, without fuss or sudden movements.

Any position your body asks for will help you have an easier birth, so if you're having a home birth, be sure to listen to your body. When giving birth in a hospital, a woman is often stimulated, using forceps, Caesarean section, incisions, squeezing with a towel, etc., so that she gives birth faster. However, when a woman gives birth at home, in order for the process to move from the “dead point”, she simply needs to change her position. Therefore, childbirth at home is easier.

Birth of a baby

With each push, the baby's head becomes more visible. During contractions, she appears and then disappears again. This moment is the most painful. However, a woman should try to relax her genitals as much as possible and constantly push. Childbirth at home, as a rule, takes place without ruptures, so a woman should not be afraid or strain her perineum. If labor begins to weaken, it is necessary to stimulate it, as with pushing.

Before the baby comes out, a little blood is released. When birthing at home and in water, the assistant should always keep their hands close to the emerging head, as the water may lose its clarity. However, if the baby comes out on his own, he will immediately float up with his back up. Usually the baby is born in one, two or three attempts. It happens that the baby is entwined with the umbilical cord. In this case, home birth is no different from hospital birth and the umbilical cord should be carefully unwound, without sudden movements. The newborn should be wrapped in a clean diaper, as he is slippery. Then you need to get out of the water and lie down on the prepared bed or sheet.

The newborn baby begins to scream and gradually turns from blue to pink. However, if necessary, you can clear your child's nose by suctioning out the mucus to help him breathe faster. If the child does not begin to breathe, he should be turned upside down and tapped on the heels. If he doesn't start breathing, he needs to do something artificial respiration and using your index and middle fingers make indirect massage hearts and lungs by pressing. You can also pour the baby cold water and rub his arms and legs. You have to fight to the last, no matter how long it lasts.

Delivery of the placenta and cutting of the umbilical cord

When the placenta is born, up to two glasses of water may be released. When the woman lies down on the bed, it is important to place the baby in her chest. He may not suck milk, but at least touch the nipple with his lips - this will stimulate the release of the placenta. The birth of the placenta begins after a small contraction, its release is not very painful. Before and after her birth, small pieces that look like liver may come out - this is normal. On average, the placenta comes out 20-40 minutes after the baby is born.

The umbilical cord is cut after the pulse has stopped. This usually occurs 20 minutes after the baby arrives. To cut it, you need to bandage it in two places and cut it off, retreating about 2 cm from the child’s body and about 20 cm from the first knot. The baby's umbilical cord must be treated with a disinfectant.

Video in Dr. Komarovsky's program

Home birth is one of the popular areas of obstetric care today. At the same time, many copies have already been broken regarding this event, it has been written huge amount scientific works, there was a large number of publications in the press. Many modern women in labor become adherents of natural childbirth from the beginning of pregnancy.

At the same time, they do not take into account that naturally you can give birth in a hospital. Today, the saying is more popular than ever: “Our grandmothers generally gave birth in the field.” In addition, interest in the process is developing against the backdrop of a large number of obstetric services that promise an ideal birth in a familiar environment. Doctors do not share such optimism and believe that giving birth at home is extremely dangerous. It is worth studying the topic of home birth very carefully in order to make the right and informed decision.

What is home birth?

The name of the process speaks for itself - such births take place at home. The main idea is the birth of the baby within the walls familiar to the mother, so that there is no hospital atmosphere and flora, and the presence of strangers is excluded. After all, the first faces that a baby should see when he is born should be the closest ones to him - mom and dad.

Many people undergoing such a procedure are confident that everything will be fine, because ideally a midwife should be present with them, who has an idea of ​​how the process should go, what stages the woman in labor goes through, how her condition can be alleviated and help the baby as much as possible gently emerge into the world.

It is believed that it is easier for a woman in labor to endure difficult contractions in her usual environment - houses and walls help. This option is psychologically good for ladies who are too impressionable. Also among the bonuses is the absence of various types of intervention, which, for example, may be beyond the interests of the mother, refusal of medications, which contributes to the maximum naturalness of the process. Also, home birth serves to prevent the development of birth stress in the child and postpartum depression at the mother's. After all, often an unfamiliar environment, especially if it is not very favorable, becomes the cause of shock in a woman in labor. And this immediately negatively affects the outcome of childbirth as a whole.

Birthing at home usually takes place in a bathtub. It is believed that this is the most familiar environment for the baby, who emerges from the mother’s womb into the outside world, because he has spent the last 9 months in water. In addition, it is believed that warm water helps a woman relax and endure contractions much easier - so that even very painful ones become softer and almost unnoticeable. Moreover, in the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​dilating, a woman can behave in the way that is convenient for her - walking, using a fitball to ease contractions, lying down. It’s easier for her husband to massage her at home and carry out various encouraging procedures. The couple creates comfortable conditions for themselves and prepares to welcome the baby.

At the same time, it is worth understanding that it is not worth making a decision that there will be a home birth just because we want it that way. It must be balanced and clear, well thought out. A woman must understand all the risks and dangers that such a procedure entails. This is necessary so that there are no surprises or unexpected negative surprises later. After all, according to statistics, the mortality rate of childbirth at home is noticeably higher than that recorded in a hospital setting.

Why do couples choose this option?

Naturally, it is important to understand that couples who decide to give birth at home have a number of specific reasons for this. Doctors even identified a whole list of such provoking factors. Among them:

  • Poor-quality level of medical care in maternity hospitals in the region: for example, if a maternity hospital is blown by all the winds, it has not been renovated for a long time, it is not equipped with the necessary equipment, and the staff only knows that they are rude, no one would want to give birth in such a place (it is important to understand that reviews about this or that maternity ward can always be found on the Internet)
  • Feeling of psychological discomfort from staying in a government institution: maternity hospital- this is in any case a hospital with its own schedule, conditions, food system, etc. Today, society is ready to treat the needs of a woman in labor with great desire and interest, and therefore does not refuse her such a stay.
  • Dismissive attitude from the groans of the hospital staff: for many health workers, such an intimate process is an ordinary container, plus, it is no secret that there are some medical workers who do not have tender feelings for women in labor
  • The high price of childbirth - although they are free according to compulsory medical insurance, there are a number of traditions that require financial investments, at least many people retain such beliefs

Naturally, many people want to protect themselves from all this, and also to be a full part of the process, which for some happens only once in their life. Therefore, the choice falls on.

What are the advantages of such obstetric care?

There are many benefits to giving birth at home. Those who encourage women to give birth at home operate with them. So, first of all, they call positive thing familiar surroundings. After all, it is at home that a woman can behave as she pleases - scream when she wants, choose those body positions in which it will be more convenient for her to give birth. Also, a woman has the opportunity to choose convenient places for childbirth.

It is believed that a child is born at home in less pain. After all, from the child’s point of view, childbirth is a colossal stress and no less serious overload. After all, the child quite suddenly finds himself from his usual aquatic environment into a room with bright light and suddenly air coming out of nowhere. For him it is stress and shock. As a result, he experiences pain from such a change from one environment to another. At home, it is possible to create an ideal environment - it is allowed to darken, provide dim lighting, turn on music. Also, the woman has the opportunity to give birth in a familiar and comfortable environment for the child - in water.

The hands that are the first to take the baby will be their own, family for him - it is believed that energetically the child receives a lot of information in the first seconds of life7 Therefore, it is very important that he immediately meets his parents, and not the staff maternity ward. In this case, the father can take the child first and then place it on the mother's chest. This creates a very strong bond between all family members.

Another undoubted advantage of such births is the opportunity to allow the umbilical cord to pulsate. It is believed that blood flows through the umbilical cord during childbirth and even after it. Therefore, in order to ensure a normal start for the baby, you should allow the umbilical cord to pulsate, dispersing all the blood as expected.

Lack of intervention from health workers. Modern women in labor do not want various manipulations to be used during the birth of their baby, which either speed up the process or slow it down, but at the same time deprive it of its naturalness. Therefore, those who do not want anesthesia, bladder punctures, or oxytocin drips also choose to give birth at home.

Of course, the fact that the child will be with his mother from the very first breath will also be a plus. The lady can immediately apply it to her breast, which perfectly stimulates lactation. From now on, he will also be with her constantly. There is, however, an alternative point of view, according to which a woman will not have time to come to her senses in this situation - after all, she will have to immediately take care of the child.

What are the disadvantages of home birth?

Be sure to take everything into account negative aspects of this process to do right choice. First of all, you need to understand that childbirth is an extremely unpredictable process. And anything can happen in them - for example, even the doctors themselves do not know how this or that pregnancy will end. There were many cases when it was completely good current process and the absence of pathologies led to pathological childbirth. As a rule, childbirth develops very quickly, and there are many situations when you need to make a decision instantly, and also have all the necessary equipment on hand. If a woman begins to bleed, the cost is a few minutes. You can stop it at the hospital pathological process including blood transfusions. It will be impossible to do this at home.

According to existing laws medical workers do not have the right to deliver births anywhere outside of maternity hospitals. The exception is an emergency birth that began outside the hospital and risks ending at home. Many couples believe that having a midwife with them will ensure a safe process. But here it is important to take into account that the midwife usually does not have all the necessary knowledge, and in the event of a critical situation it will be completely powerless. If it develops pathological course childbirth requires the help of surgeons, resuscitators, anesthesiologists and, of course, pediatricians. It is also important to remember that officially the midwife will not bear any responsibility if something goes wrong.

Doctors say that today many conditions are created in maternity hospitals that help a woman give birth at home. These could be family rooms, or special items to help the lady, such as mats, fitballs, swimming pools, etc. But here all the necessary equipment is always at hand.

Among the disadvantages is the inability to provide a good and sterile site for childbirth. After all, it is not always possible to prepare even a bathtub so that it is suitable as a place for the birth of a person. Quite often, homes are home to many microorganisms that are dangerous to mothers and children, for example, black mold - it is extremely toxic and poisonous.

Instructions on how to make childbirth safer

Doctors and specialists offer a number of recommendations with which you can help ensure childbirth at home. So, first of all, you should clearly answer the question: why is this option being chosen? And if there is no answer, or it is clearly unconvincing, then you should abandon this idea.

Also, older ladies and those who are primiparous should not experiment. In order to move harmoniously and safely, both members of the couple must be committed to this option of obstetric care - only in this case will the father be able to help the mother and support her in everything. If he insists that he was against it, quarrels will begin, which are considered unnecessary in the case of the birth of a baby.

It is very important to choose the right midwife. This must be a responsible person who will not abandon the couple in difficult times. Despite the fact that she is not responsible before the law for a failed birth in the event of death or disability of the mother or child, she should be a lady who will have a high degree of personal responsibility. Then she will do her best to make the process go well and smoothly. Ideally, she should have medical education and solid experience working in maternity hospitals.

Good quality preparation for home birth is also required - without this you can’t go anywhere. Only in the process of studying the theory can you understand how truly suitable it is for a couple. Today there are many special courses that will allow you to master the entire array of information on this issue. You need to listen to almost every word. It is also worth discussing all the nuances and details with those who have already gone through all this in practice. Then it will be easier to imagine what, what and how should follow in this process.

You should discuss everything with the midwife in advance and prepare a first aid kit. After all, during childbirth, at a minimum, antiseptics, pads, diapers and salsa are required, suture material etc. It is advisable to agree in advance with the maternity hospital, which is located as close as possible to the house, so that in case emergency situation, it was possible to quickly get there. It is important to remember that if something starts to go wrong, the minutes count.

All medications must be purchased in advance - if something goes wrong, there will be no time and no one to run around and sort things out in pharmacies. It’s also worth preparing your bag for the maternity hospital in advance, just in case.

To prepare for childbirth, you should purchase and put in advance clean sheets, oilcloth, a set of towels, sterile wipes, gauze, cotton wool, shoe covers and sterile clothing. Today, many of these are offered in regular pharmacies.

What are the contraindications for giving birth at home?

No matter how much a lady would like to give birth at home, no matter how much the midwife persuades her, no matter how the future father insists, there are a number of points that are absolute contraindications for this kind of experimentation. And they must be followed so as not to get sad outcome birth at home.

The list of complications and pathologies with which you should not give birth:

  • A narrow pelvis, which is called clinical, in combination with a large fetus
  • Presence of diabetes mellitus
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system
  • Problems with the endocrine system
  • Problems in the nervous system
  • Malfunctions of the urinary system
  • Complicated pregnancy
  • Signs of late gestosis
  • Problems with the placenta of various kinds - from placenta previa to abruption
  • Incorrect position of the baby, for example, if he is in a breech position
  • The presence of several fruits
  • Indications for caesarean section– in this case, even in a hospital it will not be possible to give birth naturally and on your own

It is worth considering that in such a situation you should not even think about giving birth on your own. After all, in this case it is guaranteed either death mother and fetus, or fetus alone, or disability. In such a situation, even childbirth in a maternity hospital can end in problems. But there is a greater chance of saving both mother and child.

What is preparation for childbirth at home?

Everyone loudly says that you should prepare very carefully for childbirth at home. And without this, there is no way to go for such an experiment. It is important to understand that preparation must be comprehensive. For example, you definitely need to learn the basics breathing exercises– it is she who will help to breathe correctly during the birth of the baby and alleviate the lady’s condition. You should also take a collection of relaxation exercises - this will relieve tension and muscle spasms. It is worth understanding that during childbirth, muscle spasm is a serious obstacle to a harmonious and easy birth.

One of the points of responsible preparation is the collection of a special first aid kit - all drugs and supplies must comply with the expiration date. This first aid kit is usually standard, but it is better to consult with your midwife in advance in order to optimally supplement it.

You definitely need to prepare all the documents in case you have to go to the maternity hospital. Of course, we should not forget about preparing the house for such important event- must be carried out general cleaning and at least cosmetic repairs have been carried out.

What are the types of home births?

As experts on the topic assure, you can give birth at home in different ways. Among the most common options:

  • Water birth
  • Vertical birth
  • Solo births

Childbirth in water: what are the features?

Birth of a child in aquatic environment It is considered one of the usual options and the best for the baby. For the mother, a number of factors in this case are an undoubted advantage. Firstly, water smoothes out the painful sensations, and the woman in labor does not experience such discomfort. In addition, water relaxes your back muscles, which helps you avoid excruciating back pain when you need to concentrate on other things. Also, in water it is usually easier for ladies to maintain their chosen position.

Here it is worth understanding that those who give birth directly into the water are desperate people. After all, despite the fact that this environment is familiar to the baby, from the womb he ends up in a bathtub filled with water and may well choke. Respiratory distress and convulsions are frequent accompaniments of this ill-conceived delivery option.

In addition, the danger of such childbirth is that in water it is difficult to notice in time the bleeding that has begun. And we must also remember that tap water is not at all sterile, so there remains a risk of infection of a woman and child with various microorganisms.

Choice – vertical: how it differs

Today, more and more young mothers are leaning towards vertical birth. These are considered the most the best option– the most natural, faster and better from all points of view. During the entire period of childbirth, the woman walks, jumps and hangs on horizontal bars. Due to the impact of the heavy fetus on the cervix, the process of opening it is much faster and smoother. Moreover, all this is quite natural and does not disrupt the course of events.

When pushing begins, the woman in labor can squat or stand on all fours - as experts note, it is in this position that optimal coordination of the pelvic muscles is observed to expel the fetus. Also, the abdominal muscles work well in this position.

The only disadvantage of this type of delivery is the fact that it is inconvenient to monitor the process of uterine dilatation and you can miss the onset of complications, if any.

Giving birth on our own: how to solo

A type of home birth called solo is one of the riskiest. After all, in in this case the process of childbirth proceeds without any help at all. Only her partner is with the woman in labor at this moment. And here it is worth understanding that preparation for such events should be more serious.

In a situation where a couple practices solo childbirth, it must be taken into account that the responsibility will rest only with them. And it is they themselves who must worry about security measures. At the same time, mom needs to be clearly confident that dad won’t faint from the sight of blood at the most crucial moment.

When to urgently seek help

It is important to explore in advance the options for when to urgently seek help. Doctors highlight a whole list pathological problems, which require dialing 103 on your phone. So, among them:

  • Prolonged labor: if your waters broke about 10 hours ago and the baby is still not born, you need to go to the hospital. This condition is fraught oxygen starvation at the baby's. Doctors say that in similar situations it is necessary to resort to stimulation, and in some cases to surgical intervention
  • The child is stuck in the mother's pelvic bones due to their inconsistency in size. In this case, you should contact specialists as soon as possible. And although this indicator is a contraindication for home birth, it is important to consider that it is not always possible to calculate the size of the fetus in advance - ultrasound machines are often mistaken

Home birth is a highly discussed and quite controversial topic. As with any issue, there will be ardent opponents and the same recipients of home birth. It's about not about accidental birth baby at home, but about a conscious decision to give birth in one’s own home, as is often said “ naturally", without medical interventions and outside the uncomfortable medical walls.

It seems to me that childbirth is such an individual process that it is impossible to convince or dissuade a pregnant woman of this. where and how best for her to give birth. The instinct of self-preservation is so great during pregnancy that a woman sometimes senses every danger in her gut, despite the fact that frequent changes in mood and well-being confuse both those around her and the woman herself.

For example, try to convince a woman to give birth to a child at home in the bathtub. Do you think it's easy? Nothing of the kind! Find her a million arguments in favor of home birth, but she, having studied all the details in detail, even agreeing to such a step, last minute will refuse, sensing an inexplicable danger in the subconscious. I agree, this doesn’t always work, but generally adequate women confidently know what they want. In the same way, you will not convince an ardent “herald” of home birth to go to the hospital. If a woman decided to give birth at home not because Cindy Crawford did so, then she will not even get into an ambulance in a dangerous moment.

Home birth is a manifestation of a certain lifestyle and thinking. You know what they say: not of this world. Perhaps this is what “home” mothers look like in the eyes of “maternity hospital” mothers.

But let's put aside the lyrics and look at this situation with a sober look. We can talk endlessly about the benefits and romance of home birth: gentle music, close people, candles, family walls... I personally (a young mother of two children) didn’t care what kind of music was playing in the background, or what kind of tulle was hanging on the window. Main task at the time of birth: it is right to help your baby be born. Perhaps I am a complete pessimist or a “crazy” optimist, but during childbirth I trusted only doctors (and the first and second time I did not negotiate the birth, I gave birth “with a bang” to the doctors on duty).

If we analyze all the reviews about home births, a rather interesting picture emerges: on the one hand, everything is so romantic and beautiful (even to the point of nausea, sorry), and on the other, everything is so terrible and dangerous, like in the scariest films. Research and loud statements about the mortality of mothers and their children, as well as favorable situation V European countries, where home births have long been legal. And again, we are assured in every possible way that domestic views on life are far from foreign views, and our realities differ many times from their realities. And what do we really care about what percentage of women in Germany gave birth at home and which midwife helped them. We have to give birth here and all the responsibility is on us in any case.

And now, after a long introduction, we move on to the birth itself. There are two types of families who decide to have a home birth. Some can be called “hermits”, others – “extreme people”. The first ones not only don’t want to give birth in a maternity hospital, they don’t even think about ultrasound, biopsy and tests for TORCH infections during the entire pregnancy. Just like our ancestors. True hermits - many say. But they don’t consider themselves that way. They become pregnant, bear fruit, give birth. Sometimes it’s successful, sometimes not so much, but they never complain or boast. They live in their own small, huge world, misunderstood, condemned, but always happy. Such families do not need literature about home births at all. They rely in everything either on themselves or on forces from above.

Another subgroup of families choose to have a home birth for other reasons. Most often, those who give birth at home are those who have heard about terrible maternity hospitals, incompetent doctors, the impossibility of the right to choose and other troubles during childbirth in medical institution. In other words, it is fear that causes the decision in favor of home birth. And in this situation there is the greatest controversy. For example, Natalya had to beg the doctor to inject her with an anesthetic, and Ira was not even warned that she was being prepared for a caesarean section. And these are perhaps the most harmless situations. There are stories much more “interesting”, after them it’s cozy home environment and a personal midwife is a vital necessity. At the same time, another patient, who gave birth in the same “horrible” maternity hospital, can enthusiastically talk about the untold help of the attentive staff. Yes and maternity rooms are no longer designed for ten women in labor, but for a maximum of three; and postpartum wards are furnished like home; and practice everything. In modern good maternity hospital, everything is like at home, but much safer with medical point vision. And the price of such pleasure? - many will ask. The answer is not always pleasant.

But let's leave all the reasoning: it's too difficult to understand. The only sensible result: how many people - so many opinions, but the choice is still yours.

So, if you decide to give birth at home, then you should prepare for this event in advance and with the whole family:

  • Be sure to visit, where they will tell you about everything in detail and objectively.
  • Prepare all family members for home birth. They should not be observers, but participants in your birth.
  • Find a qualified midwife. Without it, giving birth at home is very dangerous. It is advisable that she be the one who monitors you throughout your pregnancy, so that a trusting relationship will be established between you, and this is the main condition for a successful birth.
  • Just in case, be on the safe side: agree in a good maternity hospital that, if necessary, they will accept you and help you give birth.
  • Buy everything in advance necessary medications. It is advisable to prepare a separate bag for the maternity hospital so that right moment everything was at hand.
  • Remember to keep your home perfectly clean. Often home births take place in a bathtub, which should also “shine.”
  • Take care of necessary things for yourself, your loved ones and naturally for your baby.
  • You will definitely need clean sheets, oilcloth, towels, sterile wipes, gauze, cotton wool, sterile clothing and shoe covers. You can find out a complete list of necessary things at home birth preparation courses, or directly from your midwife.

Well, remember that your confidence in own strength and a good emotional state are simply necessary for a successful delivery.

We knowingly miss all sorts of complications that can arise during childbirth. The only thing we would like to remind you about is the strict contraindications under which you absolutely cannot give birth at home:

  • clinically narrow pelvis and;
  • serious illnesses cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, urinary systems;
  • difficult pregnancy;
  • pathologies of the placenta;
  • incorrect position of the baby;
  • direct indications for caesarean section.

ABOUT possible complications During labor, it is almost impossible to guess in advance. Sometimes “unwritten laws” come into play: normal pregnancy ends with a complicated birth, and a difficult one ends with an easy birth of a healthy baby.

So think for yourself, decide for yourself where and how to give birth! Good luck!

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy