The influence of cervical erosion on the process of conception. Is it possible to get pregnant with erosion: real and imaginary dangers? Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion?

Women preparing for motherhood must take responsibility for their health. Any disease, hereditary or organic, may have undesirable consequences For reproductive function body. Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion - this is not an idle interest or a purely hypothetical question. With any deviation from the norm, you need to weigh the pros and cons in order to properly plan your pregnancy. But what to do if conception has already happened? This disease has its own characteristics that you need to know about.

Diagnosis of “cervical erosion”, what is it?

Young girls and nulliparous mature women are sometimes diagnosed with cervical erosion. But this is still somehow clear, but when gynecologists recommend “cauterizing” it, the word itself comes as a shock. Many questions immediately arise, for example, why did this happen, what to do with the disease, does erosion prevent you from getting pregnant?

A woman is alarmed by any gynecological disease, which are revealed when visiting your “favorite doctor.” Despite the fact that this diagnosis is quite common, our women are distinguished by their ignorance. This has given rise to a number of myths and “scarecrows” that lead representatives of the fair half of humanity away from the direct path to the women’s office.

The “horror” of the upcoming “assault” on the gynecological chair leads to forums with questions like “is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion?” But there are also a lot of equally ignorant ladies there who, not being doctors or experts, are in a hurry to get involved in any topic. They most often begin to answer with “...and I heard that...” And then they write outright nonsense, such as “... this is how uterine cancer starts”, that “you won’t be able to conceive” or something like that.

Doctors tend to call “erosion” a minor damage to the surface of the tissue or small wound, which does not heal immediately. This minor damage to the epithelium on the cervix can be the result of microtrauma caused by the penetration of a foreign object into the vagina, due to infection or a series of hasty sexual intercourse (without sufficient natural hydration). Each case has its own reasons, and often infertility has nothing to do with this diagnosis, but such questions arise from time to time. And forum topics like “who got pregnant after cauterizing erosion?” young girls are even more intimidated.

This disease is classified as mild. Gynecologists also call such phenomena “ectopia” of the cervix or also diagnose “pseudo-erosion”. During the examination, it is better to clarify everything directly with antenatal clinic, including your worries about cervical erosion - is it possible to get pregnant?

Development of the disease

Knowledge of anatomy will bring clarity, but it is better to see how erosion looks in the photo.

Uterus – internal organ, but it comes out with its narrow end into the vagina. This is the external os or cervix, and sperm penetrate into the reproductive system female body cervical canal, covered with specific epithelium. It is he who takes upon himself all the destructive power various stimuli, causing erosion.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion? Any disease can enter chronic stage, then it is less treatable. Of course, this epithelium needs to be restored. And it doesn’t matter whether this deviation from the norm appeared physiological reasons or due to irritation of sensitive tissues by barrier contraceptives. The diagnosis can be made during pregnancy and during infertility treatment hormonal drugs.

It looks like an inflamed spot around the cervical canal, which is noticed by the gynecologist during examination. But there is nothing wrong with erosion; the woman does not even feel any deviations from the norm. Doctors often state that the cervical epithelium will recover without cauterization, on its own. However, any self-respecting doctor will find the right words so that the patient does not leave the office without assistance in treating cervical erosion in order to soon become safely pregnant.

Important: The only complication is the possibility of scar formation after cauterization (and other emergency measures in the treatment of a disease). There may be difficulty dilating the cervix during childbirth.

Still, it is better to treat erosion than to leave room for infection. Obstetrics via caesarean section does not affect this small organ in any way. Any inflammation has a negative impact on reproductive organs. Infections can lead to adhesions, swelling, swelling or obstruction fallopian tubes and cervical canal. The cervix may be deformed or displaced. With developed infertility (due to organic changes) will it be too late to wonder when you can get pregnant after cauterization of erosion? Mild diseases in advanced form lead to serious pathologies.

How long after cauterization of erosion can you get pregnant?

Adhesions and scars are the main threat to the possibility of normal pregnancy. After conception has occurred, with erosion of the cervix, the fetus is already developing, having embedded itself in the uterine mucosa. The doctor, having completed the course of treatment after cauterization of the erosion, will answer how many months or weeks later a particular patient can become pregnant.

Inflammatory process an ulceration forms on the cervix, which neglected form may bleed, which becomes a favorable environment for pathological microflora. Of course, it’s better not to let this happen and get treatment for “unexplained discharge.”

Erosion can also be congenital; it often goes away after childbirth without treatment. According to statistics, doctors detect this disease in 20% of women of fertile age. According to WHO, every second woman consults a doctor at least once in her life with these manifestations.

Acquired pseudo-erosion develops when the epithelium around the cervical canal is damaged various reasons:

  • early entry into sex life;
  • a series of abortions before birth;
  • attempts to provoke excitement foreign objects in the vagina;
  • several rough sexual acts (without prior arousal);
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs from unprotected PAs;
  • stress that causes hormonal imbalance;
  • fungal and viral diseases;
  • immunodeficiency states.
So how long after cauterization of erosion can you get pregnant? Of course, it’s better not to rush into this until full recovery, which will be confirmed by the doctor. If you don’t change anything in your lifestyle and don’t take care of personal hygiene, then a relapse of the disease is possible.

Is it possible to give birth with cervical erosion?

Erosion is not just redness of the cervix and some psychological discomfort (awareness of oneself as a regular client gynecological office). A disease that has already been successfully cauterized or “healed” in some other way may appear after some time. Is it possible to give birth after cauterization of erosion? Of course, it is even necessary, but it is better in the interval between relapses of the disease, if it recurs periodically.

At chronic form and at acute form During the treatment stage, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity. This can worsen the quality of life, provoke an inferiority complex, leading to depression and nervous disorders.

Important: Most doctors agree that erosion does not affect conception. When the process is started, it can affect the gestation of the fetus.

Depending on the degree and area of ​​dystrophic lesions of the cervical epithelium, examination and therapy may be prescribed. Most often, cauterization is prescribed (it is unpleasant, but painless). Erosion is treated with electrical impulses and liquid nitrogen, radio waves and a medical laser. IN in rare cases surgical intervention is indicated. In sanatoriums, such patients are sometimes prescribed vaginal irrigation or douching.

Only a gynecologist can determine the extent of epithelial damage around the cervical canal and prescribe effective and gentle therapy. Therefore, it is better not to think about whether it is possible to give birth with cervical erosion, but to decide on this step under the supervision of the attending physician.

Let girls not be embarrassed if a minor erosive process (due to hormonal disorders or infections) requires medical supervision. This is necessary to avoid the development of pathologies. Get treatment, get pregnant and give birth to healthy children, experience the happiness of motherhood!


Usually a woman finds out about her pregnancy during an examination with a gynecologist. But sometimes at the same time the doctor diagnoses the presence various pathologies, which can be dangerous for the development of the fetus. Cervical erosion during pregnancy usually does not affect the pregnancy and birth of the baby. However, the disease cannot be treated during pregnancy, so it can progress during this period.

So doctors recommend that before planning the birth of a baby, you undergo a thorough examination to exclude serious pathologies. How does cervical erosion affect conception? Not all women can become pregnant under its influence naturally. Although cervical erosion and pregnancy planning are compatible. All this is discussed in the article.

Pregnancy with erosion

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion? Yes, you can. However, not all women succeed the first time. What does pathology affect? Because of it, not only conception, but also pregnancy and childbirth are more difficult.

But in the initial stages of development, the disease will not affect the process of gestation in any way. However, it must be taken into account that different types of disease may cause special complications:

In some cases, when the above diseases are only in the initial stages of development, they can heal themselves during pregnancy. The fact is that during this period the hormonal background women, which has a positive effect on the outcome of the disease. However, sometimes due to hormonal imbalance, the pathology progresses even more. That is why during pregnancy with erosion it is necessary to check with a gynecologist weekly.

Danger during childbirth with untreated erosion

Untreated erosion is usually a contraindication to vaginal childbirth. Therefore, in this case, the baby is born through C-section. Due to the disease, the cervix may not dilate enough, so childbirth will be very difficult. In addition, the affected atypical cells can enter the newborn’s mouth, which will lead to disruption of the functions of his respiratory tract.

Should moxibustion be performed before pregnancy?

Is it worth cauterizing erosion before pregnancy? It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. On the one hand, the disease negatively affects conception, gestation and birth of a baby. However, after any method of cauterization - cryodestruction, radio wave treatment, laser vaporization, electrocoagulation, chemical coagulation, a rather dense scar may appear on the surface of the organ.

As a result, the diameter of the cervix decreases and its patency decreases. How to get pregnant in this case? Usually it is not possible to conceive a child on your own, so women decide on IVF - artificial insemination.

Planning pregnancy after treatment

How to get pregnant after treatment for erosion? In any case, you should first consult your doctor. You definitely need to wait certain time to end recovery period diseases. This usually takes 6-12 months. Cervical erosion and pregnancy planning are two compatible phenomena. However, it is not recommended to try to conceive a baby before the recovery period is over. This can lead to bleeding, miscarriage and other serious complications.

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Cervical erosion is a common gynecological disease. How does it manifest itself and does this disease interfere with the possibility of conception? And if pregnancy has already taken place, is it necessary to begin treatment for erosion or should it be postponed until the postpartum period? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Symptoms of erosion and ectopia

The internal canal of the cervix is ​​lined with a thin layer of epithelium. On the outside, the epithelium is multilayered. At the border of these protective covers, wounds and other damage may appear, which is called erosion. When figuring out how compatible cervical erosion and pregnancy are, you should first define the basic terms, first of all, the features different manifestations this disease.

A distinction is made between true cervical erosion and pseudo-erosion, the latter is also referred to as ectopia. This is the growth of epithelium on the surface of the cervix at the age of puberty and in the subsequent period - up to 25 years. It is associated with changes in the girl’s hormonal background and is physiological in nature, without requiring medical intervention. After a few years, everything returns to normal on its own.

But often these phenomena are complicated by the intervention of infections, and then the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with erosion becomes relevant. Then doctors talk about the presence of true erosion, the question of the need for treatment of which is decided individually, depending on the cause of the dysfunction and the degree of its severity. Most common reasons erosion development are:

  • mechanical damage to the epithelium;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • sexual infections;
  • inflammatory processes.

How to understand what this problem present? Such obvious manifestations of the onset of the disease as leucorrhoea or spotting, accompanied painful sensations in the lower abdomen. These symptoms will not go away on their own.

Treatment of dysplasia and the ability to become pregnant with cervical erosion

But what should you do: start treatment immediately or abstain and wait until the baby is born? Cervical erosion and pregnancy are quite compatible, most doctors believe. But only if this final diagnosis, and no real danger transformation into cancer. To understand the intricacies of a woman’s condition, it is necessary to do an analysis of epithelial secretions once a year: a special smear. It helps to identify atypical cells, indicating that dysplasia (a benign change in the structure of the epithelium) is developing into a malignant neoplasm.

The initial stages of dysplasia are also visible when visual inspection see a gynecologist, but in order to exclude oncology, you will need not only a smear for cytological analysis, but also a biopsy - examination of a small piece of tissue. Is it possible to get pregnant with erosion - we have already decided on this: the answer is affirmative. And if we find out that there is no malignant pathology, then there is no particular cause for concern. More likely, initial stages dysplasia is the result of old inflammation.

And here a dilemma arises: if the source of infection is left, it can harm the child’s health. Another danger: possible cervical ruptures at the site of erosive damage during childbirth. And yet, most often, if the disease has not become serious, doctors recommend refraining from treating erosion during pregnancy. Of course, even after cauterizing the erosion, you can get pregnant, but such an effect itself does not go away without a trace; after treatment, scars may remain, and they disrupt the elasticity of the cervix and make it difficult for the baby to be born. And they threaten with even greater ruptures than with untreated erosion. This is such a vicious circle, the way out of which is individual in each specific case.

Is pregnancy dangerous after cauterization of erosion?

Before we finally draw conclusions, let us recall the main methods of treating erosion.

  • diathermocoagulation, or simply cauterization;
  • cryodestruction - freezing;
  • use of a surgical laser.

Pregnancy after cauterization of erosion often results in difficult childbirth. Application liquid nitrogen And laser procedure are less traumatic, after which tissue healing occurs more quickly. But the danger of infections remains, so hygiene in the period after treatment must be especially careful.

Pregnancy for many representatives of the fairer sex is a long-awaited and happiest period. However, things don’t always work out the way you want. Most women visit a gynecologist and undergo some tests before conceiving. So, during the next visit, damage to the vagina may be detected. Women immediately wonder whether it is possible to become pregnant with cervical erosion. This is exactly what this article will answer. You will find out the opinions of experts on this matter. It is also worth saying what to do if inflammation of cervical erosion is detected.

The essence of pathology and its causes

Cervical erosion most often appears in childbearing age. The cause of the wound may be a hormonal imbalance, mechanical damage mucous membrane and so on.

Doctors can often confuse true erosion and pseudo-formation. To clarify the diagnosis, colposcopy is prescribed. Only after this can we talk about the need for treatment.

Is it possible to get pregnant with erosion?

There are different opinions on this matter. Most doctors and experienced specialists say that it is possible to get pregnant. However, this is quite dangerous. Also, some representatives of the fairer sex are sure that it is almost impossible to conceive a child with this pathology. How is it really going? Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion?

Women's opinion (wrong)

As everyone knows, fertilization is necessary for conception. The male cell fuses with the female gamete. After this, continuous division and growth of the embryonic part begins. Then it descends into the uterine cavity and there it is securely attached to the endometrium.

It bleeds quite often. At the same time, women think that the next menstruation is beginning, and getting pregnant during this period is completely unrealistic. However, this opinion is erroneous. Many representatives of the fairer sex who adhered to this point of view soon became new mothers.

Opinion of doctors and specialists

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion? Absolutely yes. Gynecologists say that there is no connection between the onset of conception and the formation of a wound on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal.

The release of hormones when erosion occurs remains at the same level. The ovaries are working as expected. As a result, the ovulation process is not disrupted. Conception can occur through unprotected sexual intercourse.

Exception or special cases

It also happens that pregnancy does not occur with cervical erosion. However, the reason for the lack of conception is not the wound itself, but concomitant diseases which caused it.

Yes, when hormonal imbalance and the formation of erosion, there may be no pregnancy. If the pathology of the mucous membrane has inflammatory or infectious causes, then conception may also not occur.

Is it necessary to treat erosion before pregnancy?

Many women who hear similar diagnosis in the doctor's office, they ask whether any correction is worth making? Doctors do not recommend treating pathology in the usual way (cauterization or freezing). However, douching for erosion using medicinal herbs. This effect allows the wound to heal on its own.

Why can’t pathology be treated before conception? Cervical erosion, like any other wound, can leave scars. During the birth of the baby, it expands to its maximum, and the exit from it is completely smoothed out. As a result of this process, the cervix is ​​fully dilated. If there are scars on it, they may simply rupture. This will lead to the need surgical intervention. Doctors say that it is advisable to treat erosion using conventional methods only if the woman does not plan to have children in the next five years.

How dangerous is erosion for the expectant mother and her child?

So, you know that with this pathology you can get pregnant. However, is it safe? There is no threat to a woman from the formation of a wound on the mucous membrane. However future baby may be endangered.

Cervical erosion is a direct entry point for infection. Any inflammation immediately enters the cervical canal and penetrates the uterus. This can be very dangerous for the baby in the first trimester of pregnancy.

During childbirth, cervical erosion sometimes behaves in completely unexpected ways. In a damaged area, the mucous membrane may simply separate or not open at all. Also, many expectant mothers face isthmic-cervical insufficiency. At the same time we're talking about about premature divergence of mucous membranes. Timely detection of pathologies allows you to maintain the baby’s health. However expectant mother should be under special supervision from doctors.

Summing up

If you are diagnosed with cervical erosion, then you need to find out the cause of its appearance, and only then try to get pregnant. If inflammation or infection is detected, correction must be carried out. If the wound has formed due to hormonal imbalance, then it is necessary to put the body’s functioning in order. Only in this case can you protect yourself and your baby from possible complications. Be healthy!

– violation of the integrity of the cervix in the vaginal area or damage to the epithelium.

By medical statistics half of women experience this disease, but do not even suspect it until they are examined by a gynecologist.

The disease is determined using mirrors - in fact, these are bright red areas that can most often be observed in the area of ​​​​the external pharynx of the cervix.

Currently, the term “erosion” is considered somewhat outdated; experts are increasingly using the more correct term – ectopia.

What is erosion

Not so long ago, ectopia was considered very serious illness, almost a harbinger cancerous tumor . However, ongoing research has proven this judgment to be incorrect.

Erosion is not a precancerous condition, and oncological diseases capable of provoking only in special cases.

Erosion looks like a red spot that formed on the mucous membrane as a result of the active growth of cylindrical epithelial cells in the vagina, normally these cells should be found only in the cervical canal.

In some cases, doctors consider this phenomenon to be the norm and does not require specific treatment. In the case of a true erosive ulcer that bleeds when touched, treatment must be carried out, since this is a gateway for infection.

Doctors do not yet have an exact answer to the question of the causes of the disease.. The disease can be diagnosed in both girls and adolescence, and in women of reproductive age.

You can get pregnant with erosion, but it is better to cure the disease first.

After finishing treatment, it is better to plan conception in a year, or even more, so that the cervix is ​​fully restored.

If erosion is caused hormonal imbalance, for pregnancy to occur, it is necessary to normalize hormonal levels.

Does it interfere with getting pregnant?

Erosion as such does not affect the process of conception in any way; pregnancy may not occur due to an accompanying problem that needs to be solved.

However, it happens that pregnancy does not occur with erosion. Such cases are observed with hormonal imbalance, as well as with infectious or inflammatory lesions.

Once these problems are resolved, conception will occur.

What is the probability of conception

The likelihood of conception in the absence of inflammation and hormonal disorder 100% .

During erosion, hormones are synthesized at the same level, the disease does not affect the functioning of the ovaries, therefore, the ovulation process is in no way disrupted. Bottom line: conception with erosion is quite possible.

How does it interfere with pregnancy?

Experts say with all confidence that erosion does not have any effect on the development of the embryo, but there is certainly a danger. In inflammatory and infectious processes, erosion can cause miscarriage.


Pregnancy must be planned, and even before conception, the woman must undergo examination and eliminate existing diseases.

In some cases, erosion can somewhat complicate the process of conception, since the functionality of the cervix is ​​impaired, and in addition, the ciliated epithelium is affected, which impairs the passage of seminal fluid to the uterine cavity.

How to increase your chances of conceiving?

In order for the chances of conception to increase in the presence of erosion, it is necessary to normalize hormonal levels and eliminate inflammatory and infectious processes. In addition, a woman is recommended to reduce the amount stressful situations, which often arise during the diagnosis and treatment of erosion, and can affect the likelihood of conception.

Normal erosion does not prevent conception, however precancerous condition negatively affects pregnancy. It is important to eliminate the risk of cancer. Planning conception for dysplasia and HPV is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

Is it possible to become a mother after cauterization of erosion?

Do they do IVF?

If a smear for oncocytology does not show signs of atypical cells, erosion is not a contraindication for the IVF program.