Neurasthenia symptoms treatment. Neurasthenia: how to overcome a state of neuropsychic weakness? Correcting the condition at home

Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis) is a pathological condition of the human nervous system that occurs as a result of its exhaustion during prolonged mental or physical overload. The appearance of pathology may be preceded by long-term chronic diseases or exposure to toxic substances. The pathology can be treated depending on the type of disease.

What is neurasthenia

Neurasthenia is a neurosis characterized by a combination of increased excitability with irritable weakness, increased exhaustion, and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Neurasthenia develops as a result of prolonged exposure to physical overload (for example, stressful work), frequent stressful situations, protracted conflicts or personal tragedies. You can also identify factors that may favor the occurrence of neurasthenia - these are somatic diseases and chronic intoxication.

Asthenic neurosis is registered in students, businessmen, programmers and other people whose activities are associated with active brain function.

Who is a neurasthenic

A neurasthenic is a person suffering from neurasthenia. It comes in two types:

  1. The first to suffer are mainly the working-age population in the age range from 20 to 45-50 years. This type of neurasthenics “appears” due to excessive fatigue at work (both mental and physical). Professionals call this condition “exhaustion neurosis.”
  2. The second type of neurasthenia is reactive. The reason for its occurrence is some kind of trauma: the death of a relative, the dissolution of a love relationship, the divorce of parents, etc. Both a child and an adult can become neurasthenic in this situation.


In the emergence of neurasthenic disorders, a whole list of reasons of all kinds is of great importance. Among them, for example, exposure to toxic substances, vitamin deficiency, immune disorders, oncological processes, etc.

Often the disease occurs against the background of metabolic disorders. However, the main reasons are hidden in the incorrect placement and overestimation of the capabilities of the human psyche.

Neurasthenia is a fairly common pathology, the disease occurs in 1.2-5% of people.

With neurasthenia, a person pays for the rhythm of modern life and the demands of society. A person’s psyche is influenced by the lifestyle he leads, his work, and communication with others. And vice versa, how a person will exist in the world around him largely depends on the psyche.

Most often, this disorder affects women, as well as young people starting an independent life. Untrained people who do not tolerate stress well are predisposed to the occurrence of this disease. And also persons with an asthenic constitution - thin people with a poorly developed muscular system, thin bones and a narrow chest.

Forms and stages of development of the disease

There are a number of successive stages of development, according to which three clinical forms of neurasthenia are distinguished.

Hypersthenic form It appears at the very beginning of the disease and is quite rarely regarded as a pathology: most often the symptoms are attributed to ordinary fatigue or character traits. In this phase, the most common signs of neurasthenia are agitation, irritability, and sleep disturbances. A person in this state can be driven out of patience by literally every little thing: too loud sounds or speech, bright colors, people’s desire to communicate with him, the need to do some kind of work, etc.
Irritable weakness The main symptom of this phase of neurasthenia is irritable weakness, which manifests itself in people with a choleric temperament, as well as in those who have a strong and fairly balanced type of nervous system, but have not been cured at the hypersthenic stage, as a result of which the pathogenic situation is preserved. In this case, the patient with great effort forces himself to start this or that task, he manages to concentrate on the task at hand, but at the same time he gets tired extremely quickly, which is manifested not only by the inability to think logically, but also by an increase in headache. Result: a feeling of nervous weakness and, as a rule, cessation of work.
Hyposthenic form The hypersthenic form of neurasthenia is characterized by increased irritability, tearfulness, increased sensitivity to small stimuli, impatience, incontinence, impaired attention, etc. The reverse form of neurasthenia - hyposthenic (or asthenic) - is distinguished by a more pronounced component of asthenia itself, both mental and physical. Efficiency and interest in the environment decrease, a feeling of staleness, lethargy, fatigue, and sometimes drowsiness appears.

Symptoms of neurasthenia

The clinical picture of neurasthenia is characterized by general neurotic disorders, headaches, and various vegetative-visceral signs.

The main symptoms and signs of neurasthenia:

  1. Characteristic is the feeling pressure on the head, as if squeezing the head with a heavy helmet (“neurasthenic helmet”).
  2. The second complaint of patients with neurasthenia is dizziness, which consists of a feeling of rotation in the head, but is not accompanied by a feeling of rotation of surrounding objects. Most often it occurs during severe anxiety, physical exertion, weather changes, etc.
  3. Characteristic symptoms associated with cardiovascular disorders: increased heart rate (tachycardia), palpitations, pressing or stabbing pain in the heart area, redness or paleness of the skin. They can appear at the slightest excitement of the patient, even during a lively conversation.
  4. The most important sign of neurasthenia– decreased performance. Typically, during work, patients quickly develop a feeling of fatigue, weakness, and decreased attention, and therefore productivity decreases.
  5. Sleep disturbance is one of the main symptoms of neurasthenia: the patient has difficulty falling asleep, often wakes up, and sleep is short. After sleep, the patient does not feel rested and feels exhausted. Increased drowsiness is possible. Due to absent-mindedness and instability of attention, the memorization process becomes difficult, and patients often complain of weakened memory.
  6. Anxiety, fears - the soul is tormented by various fears, doubts, anxiety at the slightest reason.
  7. Low self-esteem– a person perceives himself as a loser, a nonentity, a weak personality... Often he finds himself with a lot of physical diseases and endlessly undergoes examinations from general practitioners.
  8. Impatience - all ability to wait and restrain oneself is lost.

Neurasthenia should be considered as a psychogenic disease, which is characterized by various variations in its course. It can occur in the form of a neurotic reaction and last for several months, or in a protracted form, often lasting for many years.

The duration of the disease in each individual case is determined by the relationship of several factors, such as features of the clinical picture, characteristic personality traits, concomitant physical diseases, features of the pathogenic situation, etc.

What are the signs of neurasthenia in women?

Neurasthenia in women is a fairly common phenomenon today. Sexual neurasthenia, the symptoms of which are loss of mental and physical performance, irritability, is also characterized by problems in the intimate sphere. In women, as a rule, this is a decrease or complete loss of libido, low self-esteem and other changes in the nervous system.

It is worth noting that the signs of neurasthenia in women are not uniform, and therefore it is quite difficult to identify the main ones. If we consider the symptoms of the disease, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is the person’s mental state. Often in this case it is observed:

  • quick change of mood,
  • lack of joy,
  • women with neurasthenia always don’t like something,
  • everything is indifferent
  • I don't want to do anything.

Signs of neurasthenia in men that you should pay attention to

In men, the signs of neurasthenia are more associated not with the psychological, but with the functional aspect. These include increased irritability, weakness and constant aching pain in the muscle area. According to medical statistics, it is men who often develop the second form of the disease, which is chronic in nature. Cholerics and those who actively engage in sports are more susceptible to this.

In men, the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • inability to concentrate on something for more than 5-10 minutes;
  • increased physical and psychological fatigue;
  • frequent and prolonged headaches;
  • signs of nervous weakness;
  • the man experiences difficulties with the simplest, at first glance, logical operations.

How is the disease diagnosed?

Diagnosis does not cause any difficulties. The diagnosis is based on the main symptoms. However, before making a diagnosis of neurasthenia, a neuropathologist must exclude organic disease of the central nervous system. There is a tendency towards a chronic course, but this is the most prognostically favorable disease.

Treatment of people with neurasthenia

It is difficult to describe how to treat neurasthenia, since the disease manifests itself individually in each patient. Today, various methods can be used, such as medications, traditional recipes, water treatments, yoga, acupuncture, etc. However, they relieve symptoms only for a short period of time.

First of all, you need to find out the reason that caused the neurosis and, if possible, neutralize it. An important condition for a favorable cure for neurasthenia is a change in lifestyle, which consists of eliminating the unfavorable factors that cause or provoke neurasthenia. Such factors, for example, include:

  1. nervous work
  2. chronic lack of sleep,
  3. excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Often it is precisely because people are unwilling to change their lifestyle that neurasthenia cannot be cured. And this result will not depend on the chosen treatment method.

For all forms of neurasthenia, Sonapax can be prescribed. In small doses, it acts as an antidepressant and has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, therefore it is used in the hyposthenic form. In large doses it exhibits a sedative effect, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of the hypersthenic form.

In practice, former neurasthenic patients note that changing traditional behavior and giving up bad habits helps to get rid of asthenic neurosis. Pay attention to nervous work, alcohol use and chronic lack of sleep. Eliminate negative factors to alleviate the condition.

Try to look at life not with your eyes, but with your mind. If you carefully understand the reasons for the occurrence of certain negative reactions, you can get rid of the disease yourself.

By the way, you shouldn’t be shy about a psychotherapist. Neurasthenia is a reality of modern life. At school and institutes they are not taught to live in conditions of increased mental and physical activity. The rhythm of life is constantly accelerating and you need to react calmly to it.


Complications of neurasthenic syndrome can occur in the absence of treatment, or in cases where treatment is carried out, but the cause that provoked the disease remains.

  • Loss of the ability to adapt socially - a persistent internal feeling of discomfort blocks the establishment of social connections; a person loses the need to communicate with other people.
  • Depressive state is a gradually developing extreme degree of decreased emotional mood.

The main point of preventive measures can be considered adherence to a well-thought-out daily routine, with a clear delineation of time for work, rest and sleep. Any potential patient must determine for himself the most suitable relaxation techniques that he can use in case of nervous or physical stress - this could be swimming, massage and relaxation procedures, yoga or breathing exercises, etc.

Under no circumstances use alcohol or other harmful substances as relaxation.

In conclusion, we will describe some important principles that a person must follow in order to get rid of neurasthenia:

  1. Avoid overexertion;
  2. Observe the work and rest schedule;
  3. A change of activity should completely “disconnect” from work;
  4. Rest and be outdoors more often.

This is all about neurasthenia in women and men: what kind of disease it is, what are its causes, signs and symptoms, methods of treatment, is treatment possible at home. Be healthy!

Neurasthenia is characterized by excessive excitability against a background of weakness and impairment of the autonomic functions of the nervous system. Men under the age of 45 are more susceptible to the disease, however, the pathology also occurs in women.

Cerebral neurasthenia belongs to the group of mental disorders or neuroses. The pathology of the mental state develops as a result of exhaustion of the nervous system due to excessive physical or psycho-emotional stress.

The causes of neurasthenia are as follows:

  • emotional stress;
  • strenuous physical work;
  • the effect of stress;
  • long-term conflicts;
  • somatic disorders;
  • intoxication of the body.

Neurasthenia often occurs in people whose work involves increased intellectual activity and responsibility. Prolonged brain overstrain can cause the development of mental disorders.

The risk group consists of people with increased intellectual activity - doctors, scientists, students, lawyers, etc. Disturbed brain activity, a state of constant lack of time and the inability to escape from professional problems - all this is typical for neurasthenics.

Neurasthenia develops under the influence of a person’s lifestyle. Constantly visiting nightclubs has a negative impact on the psyche and provokes the development of neurosis. The same is true for people who are promiscuous, abuse alcohol and other toxic substances. All this overloads the brain and leads to neurasthenia.

Neurasthenia can be caused by the following diseases:

  • infectious diseases;
  • injuries;
  • chronic diseases;
  • chronic digestive disorders.

The disease develops due to infectious diseases affecting the nervous system. People with long-term chronic disorders of eating behavior and gastrointestinal tract often become neurasthenics. A separate risk group consists of patients with bulimia and anorexia.

Neurosis in women can also be caused by a difficult pregnancy and hormonal imbalance.

Symptoms and types of disease

Signs of neurasthenia largely depend on the form of the disease. The following types of pathology are distinguished:

  • irritable weakness;
  • hypersthenic neurasthenia;
  • hyposthenic type of disease.

The first symptom common to all types of neurasthenia is headache. As a rule, discomfort occurs at the end of the day, due to overexertion. The headache is characterized by pressure on the head in a circle, like a squeezing helmet.

Patients often complain of sudden dizziness. At this time, a feeling of rotation appears only in the head, while the surrounding objects are static. Dizziness occurs in the following cases:

  • weather change;
  • patient experiences;
  • physical stress;
  • emotional upsurge.

Dizziness can occur suddenly, for example, during an important conversation or precise work that requires maximum concentration.

On the side of the cardiovascular system, neurasthenics note the following symptoms and signs:

  • increased heart rate;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • increase or decrease in pressure;
  • aching pain in the left side of the chest;
  • rush of blood to the face.

These symptoms also occur spontaneously, during times of psycho-emotional stress or excitement.

On the side of the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion, diarrhea, weakness and nausea are possible. Some neurasthenics note a frequent urge to urinate during experiences and excitement. In men, decreased libido and premature ejaculation are possible as signs of neurosis.

Patients often experience muscle weakness or muscle hypertonicity. Asthenic neurosis results in the body not relaxing during sleep. As a result, patients feel exhausted in the morning and may experience muscle pain.

With neurasthenia, symptoms and treatment largely depend on the characteristics of the development of the pathology.

Hypersthenic neurasthenia

The hypersthenic form of the disease is characterized by increased aggressiveness of the patient. Patients react strongly to external stimuli, they are easily excitable and emotionally unstable.

A characteristic feature of this form of neurasthenia is increased irritability. The patient may react aggressively to the sound of footsteps, someone else's cough, or a crowd. Patients tend to lash out easily at others. A striking example of a hypersthenic neurasthenic is an irritable boss who often lashes out at his subordinates.

This form of the disease is characterized by a desire to shout, insult or humiliate others. The patient is unable to control his aggression, so he often gets into conflicts with other people.

This form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • pathological fatigue;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • emotional instability;
  • sleep disorders.

Due to emotional instability, the patient cannot concentrate on the work at hand, so his ability to work decreases significantly. Patients may have difficulty falling asleep. The amount of sleep increases, but when the patient wakes up, he does not feel rested. Pathological fatigue accumulates and is manifested by an increased reaction to stimuli. Neurosthenics often complain of evening headaches and a constant feeling of weakness and heaviness in the head.

The hypersthenic form of neurasthenia requires treatment. Otherwise, it goes into the stage of irritable weakness.

Irritable weakness

This form appears in two cases - with untreated hypersthenic neurasthenia or in patients with choleric temperament.

This form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms and signs:

  • increased irritability;
  • mental exhaustion;
  • feeling of powerlessness;
  • tearfulness;
  • nervous weakness;
  • inability to concentrate.

Patients react sharply to external stimuli, starting to scream and display aggression. However, this is the first reaction, which is soon replaced by a feeling of devastation and lack of strength. This can lead to tearfulness. Patients note their own powerlessness to change anything.

The patient's ability to work deteriorates significantly. He cannot concentrate on the work at hand, which leads to aggravation of the condition and dissatisfaction with himself. After some time, the patient begins to become irritated by his own powerlessness. Irritation is again replaced by tearfulness and resentment, which further depletes the nervous system.

Against the background of weakness, there is constant fatigue. Sleep problems get worse, as do evening headaches. Often, in an attempt to change something, patients drive themselves to exhaustion.

This form of the disease occurs in people with a stable psyche and choleric people. It can also become a continuation of neurasthenia, its second stage, if the hypersthenic form has not been cured.

Hyposthenic stage of the disease

Hyposthenic neurasthenia is observed in patients with a weak psyche, prone to increased anxiety and phobias. Also, this type of disease can develop due to untreated neurasthenia of the first two types.

The following symptoms of neurosis in women and men are characteristic of hyposthenic disorder:

  • lethargy;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • feeling of devastation;
  • lack of strength;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • tearfulness;
  • feeling depressed.

Hyposthenic asthenic neurosis makes a person lethargic, passive, and anxious. Patients are unable to change anything in their lives. Performance is almost completely absent; it is extremely difficult to concentrate on anything other than one’s own condition. The patient feels constant weakness. Trying to deal with this, he focuses on his condition and falls even deeper into hypochondria. With asthenic neurosis, the symptoms are the same in both women and men.

Sometimes patients experience the development of imaginary pain in the internal organs and the heart area.

Diagnosis of the disease

To make a diagnosis, you must consult a neurologist. The diagnosis is made based on an analysis of the patient's complaints.

Neuroses in men can be a complication of infectious and oncological diseases affecting the brain. To exclude these conditions, a comprehensive examination is prescribed, which includes:

  • MRI of the brain;
  • consultation with a therapist;
  • consultation with a cardiologist;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • assessment of cerebral circulation.

If any disease is discovered that provokes the development of neurasthenia, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive treatment of the cause.

Treatment methods

Treatment of neurasthenia begins with changing the lifestyle of a modern person. Patients must normalize their own regimen.

For neurasthenia, treatment includes eliminating the factors that provoked nervous tension and exhaustion. Often this factor is nervous and stressful work. The best solution would be to change the type of activity, otherwise the neurasthenia will return.

If the disease is provoked by any pathological processes occurring in the body, the cause must be treated.

Drug treatment is aimed at restoring the patient’s nervous systems. For this purpose, antidepressants, nootropic drugs, sedatives or tranquilizers are used. Medicines are prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the degree of exhaustion of the nervous system.

In the treatment of neurasthenia in women, tranquilizers are often used. The disadvantage of this method is that the drugs become addictive, so they should be taken with caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor. Drugs in this group have a number of contraindications, which should be familiarized with before starting therapy.

In some cases, it is enough to adjust your lifestyle and supplement treatment with mild sedatives to get rid of neurasthenia. Sedative medications help normalize sleep.

An important stage of treatment is the restoration of cerebral circulation. For this purpose, special medications are used, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. Self-medication can lead to negative consequences.

Patients are advised to take vitamin complexes to strengthen the nervous system. As a rule, these are B vitamins and preparations containing magnesium.

Traditional methods, physiotherapy and psychotherapy

Along with drug treatment, traditional medicine methods effectively complement therapy. It is recommended to take soothing and relaxing teas and tinctures.

Tea with lemon balm and chamomile has a good effect. It calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep, so it is better to drink it before bed.

Many patients note the effectiveness of motherwort tincture. This medicine should be taken with caution, the dosage should be determined only by the attending physician.

The patient's diet should be reconsidered. Nutrition must be balanced. Meals should be regular, at the same time. Patients also need a full night's rest, at least eight hours a day.

Acupuncture, relaxing massage and physical exercise can achieve good results. Patients are recommended to enjoy water sports and swimming in the pool. All this has a positive effect on the nervous system. Physiotherapy methods are often used, the most effective being electrosleep.


Treatment of neurasthenia will be effective if you reconsider your own habits and lifestyle. Doctors often recommend taking a long break from work if possible and devoting this time to changing your own lifestyle. Along with drug treatment, a good effect is achieved when treated in a sanatorium.

You can get rid of neurasthenia, but only by changing your own life. If the factor that provokes psycho-emotional exhaustion is not eliminated, the disease will return again and again.

The borderline state between pathology and adequacy, accompanied by disturbances in the emotional background, is qualified as cerebral neurasthenia. Therapy is carried out by a psychologist-therapist or psychiatrist. The disease occurs instantly, occurs in an acute form, and without treatment quickly becomes chronic. Neurosis caused by disruptions in brain activity can have serious consequences. Diagnosis of pathology at an early stage is an important component of quality treatment.

ICD-10 classification

Astheno-neurotic disorder received code F48.0. The types of signs of pathology are associated with the cultural, spiritual level of patients and their mental development. The disease manifests itself in 2 forms.

  1. Increased fatigue - the main manifestations are observed during periods of short-term mental or physical activity. Attention weakens, muscle discomfort appears, and concentration decreases.
  2. Sleep disorder - predominant symptoms: insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day. Violations provoke changes in appetite: a sudden strong feeling of hunger is replaced by complete indifference to food. The disorder is accompanied by panic attacks, phobias, and anxiety.

Signs and symptoms of neurasthenia manifest themselves in different ways. The disorder begins to manifest itself suddenly in a healthy person. Changes begin in emotional reactions to certain events, behavioral deviations that cannot be kept under control.

Chronic fatigue and weakness due to neurosis are called asthenia. This symptom accompanies any form of neurasthenia.

Etiology of the problem

The reasons for the development of neurasthenia lie in interpersonal conflict. The psychophysiological capabilities of the body are lower than the requirements imposed by society. The nervous system tries to adapt the body to stress factors. If the adaptation is successful, the person functions normally and asserts himself in society, working in the required mode, otherwise the body cannot cope with increased loads and aggressively perceives irritating factors at an organic level.

Neurasthenia can occur against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The syndrome appears due to increased irritability of the nervous system. VSD, complicated by astheno-neurotic syndrome, is manifested by exacerbations, followed by periods of remission. Without corrective treatment, chronic neurasthenia appears.

Main causes of nervous disorder:

  • Brain overloaded with information flows.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Increased responsibility.
  • Physical fatigue.
  • Extreme conditions.
  • Conflict situations.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

There are hypersthenic and hyposthenic forms of neurasthenia. The first is characterized by emotional instability, hot temper, and pathological unresponsiveness to criticism. Patients are irritated by sounds. Externally, the symptoms of astheno-neurotic syndrome manifest themselves as hyperactivity. The patients have active facial expressions and active gestures. They often cannot find a place for themselves and try to do several things at once. Their movements are chaotic. In the evening they cannot sleep for a long time. During the day they suffer from psychosomatic disorders.

The hypotonic form of neurasthenia is accompanied by lethargy and indifference to what is happening. Patients suffer from depression and phobias. Self-absorbed, closed. It's difficult to stir them up. They spend most of their time at home, always citing poor health.

There are several other forms of neurasthenia, but they are less common. Irritable weakness appears in choleric patients. It is difficult for them to respond adequately to communication with others. They start doing the work very actively, and then give up what they started. They do not hide their irritability towards others. They perceive their mistakes loyally, always finding an excuse.

Against the background of structural changes in the nervous tissue, a residual syndrome may appear. It is a non-progressive neurological deficit. Symptoms may be subtle or manifest as overt neurological impairment.

Intimate neurasthenia often manifests itself in a hidden form. Characterized by prolonged depression. Patients lose interest in life: they do not need positive emotions or connection with a sexual partner. There is persistent sleep disturbance. The threshold of excitation decreases, nerve receptors become insensitive.

Neurasthenia does not always manifest itself as mental disorders.

Symptoms in adults are often disguised as chronic diseases and manifest as physical dysfunctions:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders: upset stool, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite.
  • Heart pain, blood pressure surges.
  • Shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of coordination.

Manifestations in women

Symptoms and signs of neurasthenia in women are more pronounced:

  • Tremor of the limbs, chin in a critical situation.
  • Lack of desire to communicate with friends, take care of yourself.
  • Loss of interest in home improvement.

Women have a more flexible psyche than men. Neurotic disorders are accompanied by fears and phobias. When overtired, auditory and visual hallucinations may occur, which go away after full sleep and mental relaxation.

Patients with neurasthenia acutely perceive external stimuli: they cry or show aggression when they find themselves in a stalemate.

Manifestations in men

Neurasthenia occurs in men in a less pronounced form. Their emotional background is outwardly stable, but internal experiences that have no outlet more strongly affect the nervous system. Symptoms and treatment of neurasthenia in men require a more careful approach. Signs of the disease are difficult to detect.

Manifestations of asthenic neurosis in men:

  • Decreased endurance and performance.
  • Lack of confidence in yourself and your sexual abilities.
  • Changes in emotional reactions.
  • Decreased concentration.

Therapy for the disorder

How astheno-neurotic syndrome will be treated depends on the stage of the disease and the intensity of the manifestations. The primary task is to identify the main irritating factors and relieve them. There are several treatment methods.

  • Drug therapy.
  • Physiotherapeutic techniques.
  • Psychocorrection.

Each case requires an individual approach. Comprehensive treatment gives good results.

Drug therapy

Treatment of astheno-neurotic syndrome with medications is designed to stop the main manifestations, which helps stop the destruction of nerve cells and the harmful effects of this process on internal organs and systems.

Antidepressants are considered to be the most effective drugs in the fight against neurotic disorders. The tablets have a direct effect on the psycho-emotional state of the individual. Eliminate anxiety, improve mood, relieve vegetative manifestations. The duration of treatment depends on the symptomatic picture. Many of them have serious contraindications and side effects. The main thing is quick addiction. After a course of antidepressants, withdrawal syndrome is often observed. The most effective drugs in this series: “Fluoxetine”, “Befol”, “Amitriptyline”, “Humoril”.

Drug treatment can be carried out using tranquilizers. They are prescribed to relax the nerve centers and improve sleep. They have a strong depressant effect on the brain and have a hypnotic effect. Available only by prescription. They are used for serious complications such as increased aggression, prolonged insomnia, and hallucinations. The most effective drugs: Phenazepam and its analogues, Mebutumat, Hydroxyzine.

Nootropics provide a positive effect in the initial stages and for preventive purposes. They help restore neurotransmitter connections and are not addictive. The substances included in the preparations have the ability to remove toxins from the body. Nootropic drugs for the treatment of neurasthenia: “Glycine”, “Vinpocetine”, “Pantogam”, “Phesam”, “Cinarizine”.

In combination with nootropics, sedatives of plant origin have a positive effect: valerian extract, hawthorn, motherwort, Persen, Fitosed, etc.


Astheno-neurotic syndrome is relieved with physiotherapy. The technique is used in conjunction with drug treatment. Hardware and non-hardware methods have a good effect:

  • Relaxing massage.
  • Tonic salt and herbal baths.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Darsonvalization.
  • Electrosleep.

Physiotherapy allows you to restore blood circulation in the brain and eliminate vegetative symptoms.


It is customary to treat neurasthenia with the help of psychocorrection. This technique can be used independently in the initial stages. Astheno-neurotic syndrome can be effectively treated with the help of cognitive behavioral therapy and meditative techniques. The first allows you to quickly find out the causes of the disorder and form a new stable chain of reactions. Meditation is based on self-hypnosis. The patient will be able to practice it independently and correct his emotional state.

Cognitive therapy

Cognitive therapy can be carried out individually or in groups of 3-7 people with the same symptoms and behavioral reactions. First, there is a process of getting to know each other and establishing a trusting relationship. The patient talks about his feelings in certain life situations: what scares him, angers him, worries him, upsets him. At first, all this is simply spoken out, but not discussed or corrected. Then the patient and the doctor look for the cause.

In future classes, patients are asked to live through a situation that causes negative feelings, to model their behavior and the body’s reaction. When the adaptation process is completed, patients are given homework. The patient needs to stop avoiding difficulties and live the situation in real life, applying his skills in practice. During the session, successes or failures are discussed, analyzed, and adjustments are made.


Meditation practices are carried out regularly even after the relief of the main symptoms. First, the practice is mastered with the help of a psychologist, then the patient meditates independently at home every day for 20–30 minutes, then 2–3 times a week.

Meditation allows you to effectively relax the nervous system and muscle tissue, and eliminate the flow of obsessive thoughts. By exercising regularly, the patient will be able to quickly relax in a stressful situation, being surrounded by people.

Find a comfortable position. Alternately tense and relax the muscles of the whole body, starting with the upper shoulder girdle and collar area. Concentrate on your breathing. Don't think about anything. When you achieve complete relaxation, reproduce a picture that will calm you down and allow you to relax even more. Then mentally pronounce the desired setting. Program yourself for a positive result.

An equally effective self-hypnosis technique is affirmations. These are short, resonant phrases that contain a useful belief. For example: “Today I go to work and enjoy everything I do; people around me don’t annoy me.” Say them mentally, morning and evening before bed. At first, the result may not be noticeable, but over time the brain will begin to perceive the setting as an incentive to take active action and model a new behavioral reaction.

Asthenic neurosis, which is better known under the term neurasthenia, is a pathological condition of the central nervous system that arose against the background of prolonged stress of a mental nature. Often this disease occurs against the background of long-term chronic diseases or exposure to toxic substances on the body. Depending on the form of manifestation of asthenic neurosis, treatment methods and duration of therapy differ. In this article, we will look at how to treat neurasthenia and the causes of asthenic neurosis.

Neurasthenia is a pathological condition of the nervous system that occurs as a result of its exhaustion during prolonged mental or physical overload.

The conversation about who a neurasthenic is should begin with a description of the pathology itself. The asthenic form of neurosis manifests itself as a combination of irritable weakness with increased excitation of the nervous system. The presence of this disease leads to a rapid decrease in performance and disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nerve system. The main cause of the disease is associated with prolonged exposure to physical activity arising under the pressure of stress factors. Personal tragedies and protracted conflicts often contribute to the development of neurasthenia.

Experts note that there are certain favorable conditions for the development of the disease. These include chronic poisoning of the body with toxins and diseases of a somatic nature. Most often, this disease is observed in people who spend most of their time doing hard “mental” work.

Types of neurasthenia

Neurosthenics are people suffering from asthenic neurosis, which is divided into two types:

  1. The first type of neurasthenia manifests itself against the background of increased stress associated with performing professional duties. This form of the disease appears between the ages of twenty and forty-five years. In medical language, the term “exhaustion neurosis” is used to refer to this type of disease.
  2. The second form of the disease is reactive. In most cases, the causes that trigger the development of the disease are strong emotional shocks. Such reasons include: the death of loved ones, separation from loved ones or divorce of relatives. Most often, this form of the disease manifests itself in childhood and adolescence.

Causes of the disease

The causes of the development of neurasthenic disorders of the nervous system can be of various types.. In addition to vivid emotional shocks and stress, symptoms characteristic of the disease in question can appear under the influence of poisonous toxins on the body, with a decrease in the quality of the immune system and a deficiency of vitamins. Quite often, asthenic neurosis develops against the background of metabolic disorders. But it is important to note that the main reason for the development of this form of neurosis is an overestimation of the capabilities of one’s own psyche and incorrect setting of life priorities.

Often, signs of the development of the disease are observed in women seeking to build their own careers. Often, a mild form of asthenic neurosis manifests itself in young people who are beginning to independently organize their lives. The risk group susceptible to various neuroses includes people who do not tolerate both physical and psychological stress.

The most common symptom of neurasthenia is headache

Stages of development of asthenic neurosis

Experts identify three main phases in the development of this pathology, which have their own characteristic differences. The initial stage of the disease has a hypersthenic form, in which the symptoms of neurosis are perceived as ordinary fatigue. It is at this stage of the disease that problems such as increased irritability and sleep problems appear. Attacks of aggression can be triggered by various little things, including a loud sound, speech, or an attempt by people around to start a conversation on a sensitive topic for the patient.

The second stage of the disease is characterized as irritable weakness. People with choleric temperament are more susceptible to this form of the disease. Being at this stage of neurosis, patients have to make a lot of effort to complete their professional tasks. The situation is complicated by increased fatigue and problems with concentration. Often, prolonged brain activity leads to migraines and poor health, which forces a person to give up work for some time.

The third phase of the development of the disease is the hypersthenic form of the disorder, which manifests itself in the form of increased sensitivity to irritating factors. This form of the disease is characterized by changes in behavioral patterns such as incontinence and lack of patience. In the reverse form of hypersthenic disorder, mental asthenia is more pronounced. Against the backdrop of the development of neurasthenia, the level of interest in events occurring in life decreases, chronic fatigue, constant drowsiness and lack of desire to work are observed.

Clinical picture

Cerebral neurasthenia manifests itself as neurotic disorders in the form of migraine attacks and sleep problems. In addition, the disease is characterized by various vegetative-visceral symptoms.

The neurasthenic helmet is one of the main symptoms of the disease, which manifests itself in the form of a feeling of increased pressure in the head. In addition, many patients suffer from attacks of dizziness, which manifests itself as a feeling of spinning in the head. This symptom occurs during prolonged physical exertion, when the weather changes, and also during strong excitement. Anesthetic neurosis is also characterized by cardiovascular problems, which manifest themselves in the form of acute pain syndrome, arterial hypertension and tachycardia. Patients experience a change in the color of the skin in the facial area towards purple or pale shades.

Neurasthenia is a neurosis characterized by a combination of increased excitability with irritable weakness

One of the important signs of the development of neurasthenia is a gradual decrease in performance. Chronic fatigue, drowsiness and problems with concentration lead to a decrease in work productivity. Insomnia contributes to such disorders. Even if the patient manages to fall asleep, in the morning he feels exhausted and sleep-deprived. In situations with more severe forms of the disease, the patient develops increased anxiety and various phobias. Personal and career failures lead to decreased self-esteem.

The duration of the disease depends on the presence of certain factors and characteristics of the course of asthenic disorder. In addition, characteristic personality traits, the presence of chronic diseases and the patient’s living conditions should be taken into account.

How does asthenic neurosis manifest in women?

Women, unlike men, are more susceptible to this nervous disorder. The fair half of humanity most often manifests a sexual form of the disorder, which manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the level of performance, increased irritability and problems in intimate life. Often the appearance of neurasthenia leads to a decrease in libido, the emergence of a categorical perception of one’s own appearance and other changes in the functioning of the nervous system.

Signs of neurasthenia in women appear under the influence of various factors, which significantly complicates the classification of symptoms. To diagnose the disorder, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the patient's mental health status. Among the symptoms characteristic of “female” neurasthenia are frequent changes in mood, indifference, and lack of desires and aspirations. The presence of illness can be determined by the lack of joy and increased pickiness.

How does neurasthenia manifest in men?

Let's look at what neurasthenia in men is and how it manifests itself. According to experts, in this case, neurasthenia is closely related to functional activity. The disease manifests itself in the form of causeless irritability, as well as muscle weakness, which can, at a certain stage in the development of the pathology, lead to pain.

Based on statistical data published annually by WHO, we can say that the stronger sex is more likely to have a chronic form of asthenic psychosis. Most often, symptoms characteristic of the disease appear in men who are actively involved in sports and people with a choleric temperament. The following symptoms are characteristic of this form of pathology:

  • problems with concentration;
  • nervous weakness;
  • migraine attacks are frequent and have a long duration;
  • rapid decline in physical and psychological performance.

Chronic neurasthenia at a certain stage of development leads to the patient’s inability to cope with the simplest logical tasks.

Neurasthenia is the most common form of neuroses

Diagnostic methods

In order to make a correct diagnosis, it is enough for an experienced specialist to identify the presence of the main symptoms characteristic of asthenic neurosis. However, before prescribing treatment, the possibility of organic damage to the central nervous system should be excluded.

Most neuroses tend to transform into a chronic form, however, according to experts, this condition can be corrected.

Treatment methods

The choice of treatment method is made by the doctor based on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. Today, specialists use both traditional medicinal methods and physiotherapy. In addition to conservative treatment, the patient is recommended to spend as much time as possible relaxing, doing yoga, attending massage and acupuncture sessions. But it should be mentioned that such methods do not always achieve lasting results.

The main goal of therapy is to identify the cause that caused the development of neurasthenia and its neutralization. Many experts recommend that their patients radically change their lifestyle in order to eliminate factors that negatively affect the state of the nervous system. Among these factors, chronic insomnia, frequent alcohol consumption and stressful situations associated with work duties should be highlighted. Unwillingness to change your own life greatly complicates the treatment of the disease. You can achieve lasting results only by following all the recommendations of a specialist.

Considering the drug treatment of asthenic neurosis, it should be noted the effectiveness of Sonapax. Using this drug in a small dosage allows you to stimulate the nervous system. An increased dosage of this drug has a sedative effect on the body, which helps get rid of insomnia. Many experts recommend that their patients completely give up bad habits and stick to a proper daily routine. It is chronic lack of sleep and exposure to ethyl alcohol on the body that leads to dysfunction of the nervous system.

Experts say that many patients cope remarkably well with neurasthenia on their own. You can avoid mental and physical exhaustion only through a sober analysis of your own abilities. The disease in question is quite common in the modern world, but only a few people know how to cope with stressful situations. In order to avoid neurasthenia, you need to learn to abstract yourself and react correctly to the acceleration of the rhythm of life.

The clinical picture of neurasthenia is characterized by general neurotic disorders

Possible complications

In conclusion to the topic of what neurasthenia is, symptoms and treatment of a nervous disorder, possible complications of asthenic psychosis should be considered. Timely lack of therapy can lead to loss of ability to socially adapt. In this condition, the patient begins to experience discomfort when communicating with other people and tries to avoid others.

In addition, problems with identifying an irritating factor can lead to depressive syndrome. In this case, patients experience a gradual development of a decrease in emotional mood.